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Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/ Anonymous 12/28/2020 (Mon) 09:59:00 Id: 15e119 No. 191653
Touch the Cow Edition Crews 1.Infinity - 692908 2.Kihou - 740471 3.Sky Lords - 733000 4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216 5.Heaven&Hel (Dead) - 933194 Guides and info https://gbf.wiki/ >How do I even play this shit? You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/ >I'm not going to use google botnet to play this. You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome. Relink http://relink.granbluefantasy.jp/ Versus https://versus.granbluefantasy.jp/
New flash gala NIGGERS
>tfw no cow short stack gf
Cowy is coming after the 31rst, right?
You already have a gatchashit thread. Please go back to you home.
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Yandere Lily in the latest Granblue TV Channel
How is she still not playable?
>>192105 Oh hey, I remember you. You used to complain about your waifu not being playable years ago back on 8ch too. I don't even play this game, but I'll give this thread a bump because I'm glad to see an anon I remember from 8ch here. Anyway, I'll try to contribute some discussion too. Any news about that Platinum developed Ganblue action game?
>>192214 We got some new footage during the year-end stream, but they still don't dare to give a release date. The game has stagnated somewhat in terms of grid weapons to upgrade. I really expected a baha/ultima weapon uncap by this point. Instead we get gimmicky RNG AX skills to grind for. Oh well. At least the events are still fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz-gwzyJEPo&ab_channel=GiaHuyTr%E1%BA%A7n
>>192105 >How is she still not playable Because you are a fag and the devs hate you.
>>192105 >>192227 Now that I think about it, Edgy Faggot Angel opens the door to a whole host of normally unplayable characters that can be added to the gacha Fenrir NEVER EVER though
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Official Caundhula detail art
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>>192238 >Caundhula That doesn't seem to be her EN name. They normally go for sanskrit derivatives for the EN names but it seems a little different this time. According to that image, it's Catura. Not that it matters, she'll always be Shatora to me. Anyway, I still mostly like her design. I didn't notice some details initially like her hoof-shaped sleeves, her double stockings and their 'cow print'-effect and the fact that she's wearing a thong. The tweet and the text in the image reveal some extra info we didn't know yet. Her little cow buddy is named 'Moo-chan', her bike 'Milk-chan' and she was born and raised on a ranch though they don't say which side of the fence. Her outfit, expression and the names she gave to her companions makes me think she's aloof, eccentric and probably a bit of an air-head/ditzy. Since she has a tail, that probably means she also has a strong lineage like Yuel, Anchira,etc. At first, I thought she would be somewhat of a delinquent, due to the bike, and that she would rebel against her heritage as a shrine maiden with her outfit being somewhat ironic. Now though, I think her outfit is something she would wear 100% unironically. Some of the sillier aspects, like the hat and the transparent coat, are probably things she genuinely likes to wear. Whatever the case may be, I look forward to rolling/sparking draph Renge.
>>192238 >>192300 >>191653 Nice, can't wait for the NTR oneshots.
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Pulled Sturm (fire), Grimnir (wind), and Anne (water) SSR's just now.
>Still no Rayearth collab >Still no SSR Almeida why the fuck do i play this?
>>192227 But I help keep them afloat
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>>192615 That is why they hate you anon. You keep the nightmare going.
>>192615 Fenrir will get in the game soon, but it will be revealed she has a dick.
>>192214 Well, for starters, they dropped platinum from the development team. The game is being made solely in-house from what I've heard, and the gameplay has definitely suffered from it. It's not a complete abortion of a game, but it's definitely not to the level of a platinum game. In addition, it isn't releasing until 2022, which makes 6 entire years since it was announced, if I remember correctly.
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Best girls. The order is now set in stone.
Honestly I feel like gaming has regressed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TERA_(video_game) Released in 2011. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_%26_Soul Released 2012 Why is there no GBF MMORPG? They have an audience more than large enough.
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Naru reclaiming the title of top cow
2021 will be the year of Levi-chan! I can feel it!
Is it me or is Sandalphon a fag?
>>194761 Everyone in this thread is a fag so it's probably just you
>>194635 >They have an audience more than large enough. Do they? They like to flaunt the 27 million players number but that is just the number of registered accounts, most of which are dead, used as alts, or one of those 10-20 accounts someone made when first starting to get some good rolls. If you look at the number of participants in Guild Wars, or the amount of shrimps that were gotten during the latest global event, I don't think there are more than 1-1.5 million active players, most of which are just casual players, and not hardcore players(probably bellow 500k). Of course I have no way of verifying these numbers, but I don't think they actually have the numbers for an MMORPG, supposing that the same people who play the gatch will just switch to an mmo.
>>195278 It doesn't help that MMOs are pretty much a legacy genre at this point. Making and maintaining one takes way too much effort.
How did everyone's roulette go now that all that's left is the 200 rolls on some normal 3% banner? I got a few grands (Grand Jeanne, Lucio, Shiva, Pholia and Rackam), but none of the new characters unfortunately. The summons I got were mostly worthless except for the (not) snake. Hoping we get the same Legfest discount like last year during March so I can fill in more of the Zodiac bingo. >>192105 Fenrir (Another) soon bro. Probably won't be any good for waifu stuff though since, like Sandalphon (Another), she probably won't be canon and won't have any seasonal lines.
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Shatora's mother
>>195541 mine were pretty shit Got entire rolls filled with R and SR stuff Got enough to spark Cow. From the rolls got Red armor Gawain, his sister, ice dragon girl, the Wolf and the idol girl team...and a ton of SSR reapeted weapons.
>>195572 Made to tenderly NTR
>>195603 I will NTR & ruin everything you love.
>>194696 If only this was a full-body image.
>>195655 My only love is NTR
Grimnir is built for BWC
>>195541 I got a pretty good haul overall, but I'll wait for tomorrow before I post it. >>195603 >implying you can NTR her away from the BDC
I drew Filene guys :)
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I managed to spark twice during the free draws. Wish I had a higher SSR rate and more summons, but I'll get what I can get, especially since I drew Shatora for free. The final 200 draws were just a gold moon mine. Didn't even get any summons. At least I'm ready when Forte and her weapon get an uncap
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>>196374 I got a good haul
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My bubs dark setup. Unfortunately, the only 2 real choices for MH are the Qilin bow and the Diabow, unless you spend moons.
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Forgot the summons. Death is used exclusively to kill off Nier T1 and maybe to kill off Rat if you think she's not going to survive the turn.
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News https://granbluefantasy.jp/pages/?p=34633 Tower of Babyl on the 3rd, which will add the 7th and 8th floors. Dread Barrage on the 10th. It's earth favoured. There will be in-crew leaderboards like GW. There will now be GW pots, clear herbs and revive tinctures like GW. No time limit on the harder fights. You can now disable special backup and just call normal backup for the crew Last time there were rewards up to 600 badges. Now the rewards go up to 1000. V.Shalem skin on the 14th Spagheti Syndrome rerun on the 18th in preparation for the anniversary society event on the 26th. 6*s for Sarasa and Quatre this month. FLBs for a bunch of character gacha weapons. Permanent home screen character will be added. Some changes to the character section in Lyria's journal. Something about farming weapon shards or silver relics, so expect more of that in the future 6* uncaps. Versus will get more story chapters at the end of february. Anniversary Livestream with be on Sunday the 7th at 6pm JST.
February 2021 schedule 1/29 - 2/6 = A Tale of Kindled Bonds 2/3 - 2/9 = Tower of Babyl 2/10 - 2/17 = Dread Barrage (Water bosses) 2/14 - 2/28 = Valentine Campaign 2/18 - 2/26 = Spaghetti Syndrome 2/26 - 3/22 = 7th Anniversary Story Event The Anniversary event will be split into four parts. The 4th token draw box will have a gold brick in it. The second part will expand the honors rewards, and include an Evolite.
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This isn't the first time I've felt challenged by a lack of *certain character* or *certain tool*, but this is the first time I'll admit I can't do it. At least the reward wasn't crystals or tickets. Anyone else struggling with these?
>>228010 You cleared one of them??? I can't clear 20-1 and -2 either.
>>228010 One strat is warlock choke the first wave and then ougi the second. S.Mim helps with ougiing the second. The other strat is main Haunglong and use cry double ougi on the first wave with the haung call on the second turn, then ougi the next wave again. With the amount of hp the secon dguy has you're kind of stuck in doing ougi damage. As a tip, remove all echo as it wastes the hits.
>>194757 i really want my SSR Levi character, even if it is another of "imaginary" characters like Katapillah or Freezy
>>228101 28-1 is actually fairly easy, the trick being to use Gachapin because he is the 11th Eternal. >>228673 Yeah, I spent hours on this shit but I can't get it to work with what I have. Guess I'll give it another go next round.
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I caved, but wew what a spark.
March 2021 Schedule 2/26 - 3/22 = Home Sweet Moon 3/14 - 3/29 = White Day Scenes 3/16 - 3/22 = Xeno Cocytus 3/22 - 3/29 = Rise of the Beasts 3/29 - 4/6 = Story Event
I still have my mobage account from back in the day because of you fags, really considering jumping back in.
>>249708 Anniversary is soon, so you might as well. And the Anniversary event has a Gold Brick in the store and once the story ends at Part 4, you'll get a free brand new Row IV Job.
i got Threo to lvl100, the trascendence requisites are some fukken bullshit
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>>249708 Do it, fagget.
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>summer boar >and summer monkey >only have 60 draws
>>254821 what? WHEN?
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>>255049 Announced on the stream this morning.
>>254821 We just got 50 draws for free from the stream, so there's that at least. If you luck out in the roulette you'll be able to spark. >>255056 How the fuck is this legal, god damn. You can SEE THROUGH the swimsuit, except when it goes down to her hips where it mysteriously becomes opaque.
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0641DC for luciHL, 4/6
>unlucky again today
What do you think about the Timelessness of GBF? Do you like it? Gran never ages. He is permanently the hopeful teen full of potential. I wonder how many people have played this for the last 7 years even if just for the events?
>>256332 I personally dislike it. If they really wanted to make him a perma teen, they could have said something like "since he is soul linked to Lyria, and she doesn't age, he won't age either" and make it into a plot point, however at least make the other characters age. I am not asking for anything major, just make it so that if a character was 23 when he was first introduced, and they make a new version of him 2 years later, make him 25, and not just 23 again. It's a small detail, but it would reflect how the character had grown over the course of the journey and became stronger, especially if it was an R who became an SR and later SSR,
>>256349 en mobile gachas decline and this game dies we will get a sequel where you team up with all of Gran and his bitches daughters. And double D older Lyria will be the villian.
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>>256349 This is a good idea. Personally, I think the gatcha system would be better if you had to first get the youngest/least powerful character version first. Once you have that one, you can roll for the others one tier above. I feel like the chronology is the most messed up thing about GBF. If I was to design a gatcha, I'd want to establish a loose chronology, where a year passes in the game after a year IRL.This would require more focus on the core storyline. I also feel like many of the side stories should have been integrated into the main story as well.
>>257769 Some characters would only be available for rolling for after certain quests would be completed.
>>254821 >>255056 >they'll be added on the 31st after roulette rolls are over So fucking Jewish. They have always added the March Summer characters during the anniversary roulette.
>>257772 >Some characters would only be available for rolling for after certain quests would be completed. Not necessarily, you could still have it the way it works right now, in that you get the character, but if you want to do the Fate Episode, it says, you should first play X Event or reach Y mission in the Main Storyline, so you don't get spoilers. I don't really mind getting characters our of order, or playing events out of order, but at least pretend that time actually passes, and not just when you have the summer events, which canonically have been an yearly event, proven by the last summer event with the shark girl that got PTSD from all the summer adventures.
>>258094 Aging up all characters every year would be insanely confusing to new players, and would cost a significant amount of resources that I'm not sure would be worth it.
>>258195 >would cost a significant amount of resources Almost all adult characters wouldn't change all that much after 10 years, all I am saying is that when they release a new version of a character(which already means a new design), acknowledge the fact that time has passed. The only character who might need drastic changes would be Funf, but considering she is a Harvin, she would probably still look the same as a 17 year old, as opposed to a 7 year old. The bare minimum change would in their Bio, which is just some text for the character description, I am not saying they need to grow a grey beard or have their hair turn white. Something like Thelonim would work, if they ever decide to free him from the R prison, make his new version, much older to show that he has grown in experience after traveling with the crew for years. >would be insanely confusing to new players I don't see how it be any more confusing than getting characters out of order(say getting Dark Jeanne first, then getting SR Jeanne, then regular SSR Jeanne), or playing an event with characters you don't have.
>>258203 >I don't see how it be any more confusing than getting characters out of order(say getting Dark Jeanne first, then getting SR Jeanne, then regular SSR Jeanne), or playing an event with characters you don't have It's already confusing enough as it is. I can't even imagine new players playing this anniversary event and keeping up with what the fuck is going on. It would also be tough to keep up with spoilers, like characters that are cursed or something getting uncursed and so-on. 5* uncaps are a way better way of addressing the issue, rather than light Sara for example.
4D5815 for luciH.
>>258030 Yeah, it's really lame. If we don't get any surprise Grands/summons, the flashfests are going to be limp too. 2 non-limited SSRs and nothing else would be a pretty poor celebratory banner. At least the other stuff that's releasing tomorrow will soften the blow a little.
>>260366 I'll put money on water Bea. She has gotten new armour in the anniversary artwork and we still haven't seen it yet.
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>>260372 They already revealed the 2 units I was talking about. They're water Isaac and earth Bea.
>>260373 Oh right, I forgot about that. Well, maybe we'll get a surprise Yatima or Gywnn or something.
34AC1C LuciH
>>260366 >2 non-limited SSRs and nothing else would be a pretty poor celebratory banner Well, unless they plan to introduce some new Grand in part 2 of the flashfest looks like just 2 new ticketables is exactly what they're doing.
>mobile games
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Cygames pls
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>>269373 Higher quality pic of the second one
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Fantastic spark to end the free draw period, and really nice free draws as a whole this time. I've even managed to hold onto 70 draws to try and fish for the new summer zodiacs.
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2 spots in Infinity
>>270241 Very nice. Who is the artist?
>>291735 minaba hideo
4/29 - 5/7 = False Heroes 5/8 - 5/14 = Xeno Diablo Clash (Rerun. 5* for the Xeno Katana) 5/13 - 5/20 = Rise of the Beasts (one new Gold Brick) 5/21 - 5/28 = The Other Side of the Sky rerun 5/28 - 6/5 = Story Event Grand Eugen will be this month's 5* uncap.
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26 spots in Infinity's Uma Musume Circle
F666D1 for luciH
>>302127 80AB22
June 2021 Schedule 5/28 - 6/5 = Showtime: Legend of the Blue Yonder 6/6 - 6/12 = Xeno Vohu Manah Clash (Rerun. New to this, and future Xenos, is that all Xeno weapons dropped by bosses will have AX skills) 6/8 - 6/14 = Tower of Babyl 6/13 - 6/21 = Seeds of Redemption (If you got a free Eternal from this event's original run, you'll get 50 Crystals instead.) 6/22 - 6/29 = Dread Barrage (Fire Favored) 6/29 - 7/7 = Story Event Athena will be this month's 5* Uncap. Siete and Okto will get their 6* Uncap. Belial's new ride will go live on the 16th. His loot will give new skills to Dark Opus weapons that are separate from the Pendulums you can use. QoL: some weapons and summons will be uncappable and upgradable while still equipped or locked. This will apply to weapons in the Weapon Series section of the shop, and Arcarum summons. Update to V2 fights to make it easier to see how close you are to breaking an Omen. The Daily Point shop will get a new Zeta skin based off her Dark version. She uses the Sunspot Spear instead of Arvess.
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Got my Karteira SSR when valentines in the mail. These things are really nice, embossed and all that fancy stuff. I don't recommend paying extra for a forwarding service for these, but if you live in JP it's a nice thing to have.
Arcsys/Cygames must be smoking crack with the price for GBVS. Selling this shit at $60 with 2 character passes at $35 (Pass 1 having 4 new characters instead of 5) on top of having a fucking $8 battlepass is a straight up scam. It's a damn shame too because game is definitely fun & well put together compared to the shitshow that is STRIVE but the price for everything makes me think they're actively sabotaging they're own game. With RAGE finals coming up hopefully they'll have a decent sale but if they announce sandy a character pass 3 is definitely not happening and they're likely done with the game.
>>346328 When are they gonna add Sandalphon? He's like the most popular Granblue character. I think this shit is overpriced because they're using the money to continue developing Re:Link, whenever the fuck that's coming out.
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>>346347 He definitely making it in at some point but not sure when. Could be the final character of character pass 2 or 3 if it happens. Grand finals for the RAGE tourney is july 10th so we aren't gonna get a character announcement till then. >I think this shit is overpriced because they're using the money to continue developing Re:Link Hope that's the case but I think it's likely because of the chink flu and EVO imploding the same year the game launched that really fucked it over.
Speaking of VS: >Six is the next DLC character and final character of Season 2 >Next character reveal in August
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>Most Cygames titles are down Maybe I'm free from this mgacha hell.
>>346347 >He's like the most popular Granblue character Maybe amongst the minority female base.
>>359365 If you don't think he's the most popular then who is? And don't say Percival.
>>269373 The third pic doesn't look like a mistake, maybe it's just bad perspective. >>346328 >Selling this shit at $60 with 2 character passes at $35 (Pass 1 having 4 new characters instead of 5) on top of having a fucking $8 battlepass is a straight up scam That's modern fighting games for ya, I hate what the genre has become. Every new fighting game wants you to pay more money than older fighting games but for less singleplayer content, less characters, less stages, less multiplayer modes, shitty netcode and even shittier gameplay, they also have a fuckton of DLC, most of which are just low effort palette swaps and paywalled content from previous games that used to be free. >It's a damn shame too because game is definitely fun & well put together compared to the shitshow that is STRIVE GBFVS is pretty shit in its own right, it's a very simple game and was clearly designed for retarded casuals, it also has some shit gameplay mechanics like your special moves having cooldowns and super moves having their own separate meter which gradually fills and when your health gets low enough you get a second, more powerful super move.
>>359807 Third pic her thumb is on the wrong side of her hand. Try to hold on object like she is, see which side your thumb is on.
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Will Cygames redeem itself with this power move? Granted, the new Catura skin is already a step in the right direction.
When the fuck is ReLink coming out?
>>359919 What are you talking about anon? One hand is palm down, the other is palm up, so both thumbs should be on the same side.
>>373387 Hold your left hand palm up. Your thumb is on the outside (your left). Hers is the opposite, it's on the inside (her right).
>>373389 Her hand is turned 180, with the back of her hand to the front, which would again reverse it. Hold your left hand up so you can see the back of your hand, the thumb's on the right. Hold your right hand up so you can see your palm, and your thumb is on the right.
>>373389 It's hard to see, but her thumb is actually visible on the correct side, it's just mostly occluded by the katana. The issue is more like they drew the katana impossible deep into her hand, or like her thumb is just kinda long.
>>373399 >The issue is more like they drew the katana impossible deep into her hand Looking at it again, that's probably it. Her thumb isn't connected quite where it should be because the katana is in the way, so it looks like it must be on the other side.
>>373399 The issue with that is that it appears that her little finger is larger than her Index finger on that hand, which shouldn't even be being caused by perspective in this image.
>>191653 Are the crews in OP still alive?
>>373471 Wait, whos dante's baby?
>>373471 Yes. You can find out by pasting the crew number onto the end of http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/
>>373384 I am getting increasingly sick of the fagpandering in this game.
3/6 for luciHL, come get your tickies.
>>378458 29AD35
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>>378459 AF96BF
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>>378536 AE71A0
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>>379264 >no seraphic Anon what are you doing?
>>379301 sucking really badly at killing luciHL to the point im thinking of selling my account?
>>379308 We'll try again tomorrow. Crew 3, if you're reading this, same time, same place. >>379308 I absolutely won't give up on you, so don't you dare cop out now.
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>>379308 >sucking really badly at killing luciHL Faafaggot doesn't exist. Endgame is still UBHL. I won't try again, it's bullshit and it's bullshit.
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Could've been better, could've been worse. Unfortunately, I'm still 1-2 off from any connect 4 that would've been useful.
>>379332 I'm honestly content with faasan prayer crutch. Is there any benefit on doing luci without the crutch?
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>>379449 You get to skip a bunch of grind, since you need halos for the prayer. Best to just suffer with us. FA3782
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>>379907 3386FF
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4948D0 LuciHL
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New story update just dropped PLAYABLE FUCKING WHEN
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I'm never going to draw an SSR ever again
Anyoboy else having problems with the game right now? All the in-battle graphics went to shit and became a glitchy mess. After reloading many times now the characters, enemies and healthbars dont appear. you can proceed with the battle but those items wont load. Logging out and trying to log back in and now the mobage log-in page goes to shit every time i try to use it.
I'm feeling good about my summer fortune cards bros >>386417 No I haven't had that problem. You're not a mobilefag are you? I can't think of anyone having that problem unless they're playing on a dated phone or a real shitty toaster.
>>386417 WOMM. You can try deleting cache and trying again.
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Is this enough to spark when the flash gala comes?
>>388225 A spark is 300 rolls, anon. F
>>388233 Fuck it I'll still dump it on the flash gala
>>388640 just wait til december so you can roll it all up for this year new Zodiac grill
>>388640 Yeah, there's no point in playing this stupid shit if you don't gamble for jpgs every now and then. Sparking is for gays.
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>>388749 I pulled the best girl in a free 10 roll draw a few days ago
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I love this boy
So did anyone actually get anything from the lottery tickets? Seeing lots of people that just got a few tier 4 prizes and that's it.
>>390283 Got one Tier III and one Tier II. Will wait until the end of summer(when I will spark) to decide what to get.
>>390283 Personally I got one tier 2 prize. The 100k crystals obviously makes the most sense, but not having to wait until next year to get Vikala is tempting...
>>390283 I got two tier IV
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>>390283 Yeah and a surprsie right after with a premium ticket.
How rare are class distinctions and champion weapon drops from co-op missions? Shit feels like forever to farm. Does the item drop rate boost from journey drops even effect them?
>>390311 Good to see I wasn't the only one assraped because I was given the wrong numbers. Who the fuck saw the Tier 4 list and thought "Yep, this looks fair!"
>>391010 There are better uses of your time, just buy them with pendants. Do you need a crew? Pretty sure all the anon crews have slots open.
>>391016 Yea I'm not in a crew yet. How do I search for a /v/ crew?
>>391019 You can paste the crew ID from the OP onto the end of http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/ or just paste your profile ID into the thread and ask to be scouted. Crew 1 are the GW autismchads, Crew 2 is the casuals, and I don't know what Crew 3 is, probably safe to say casual.
>>391021 Alright. I'm more of a casual player so I sent an application to Kihou.
>>390283 Apparently the complaints were so bad that they just gave out a free T3 ticket to everyone.
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>>391578 What do you get with that?
>>391582 You can get an SSR character of your choosing. Pretty nice.
>>391637 Like the Sierokarte pick-ticket?
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>>391693 Not like, it is a free sierotix (or a gold moon weapon).
>>391832 A gold moon weapon is a lot more valuable than a Sieroticket in terms of value, but a Sieroticket will let you get a character you can't otherwise easily get (like fire Vira and light sword Zoi). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NvTBb7s7iU
>>391884 They're pretty comparable. Ticket is 150 moons and a 100 moon weapon is, well, 100 moons. Three dama bars to uncap it, so 3*20=60 moons if buying the bars with moons. Really, the best prize in the pool was tier 2's 100k crystals, unless you feel that you really need to ticket some promo character.
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Would you?
>>391892 He's pretty cute so probably yeah. I didn't really bother reading through that event though since I find the fox chicks annoying.
What are the best weapons to buy with the daily points? Mainly for Light/Dark grid.
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>>392686 Pick up all the ones that don't restock monthly. Then nothing's really worth it for light as you want chev swords, but getting a mainhand dagger and bow is worth it. For dark get 2 flb abyss spines.
>>392686 That depends on how new you are and which jpgs you use. The M2 weapons require you to host the raid they drop in to 4*. Light spear and dark harp are the hardest to drop, but the harp won't do you much good if you use enmity characters, while it'll be difficult to reach 100% crit rate with the spear and a 3* Lummy summon+5* Luci summon. Safest bet, if you're <rank 150 and don't have them, is probably to grab the xeno weapons first.
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>>392694 >>392696 Actually how are these grids for a rank 80 player?
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>>392706 Both grids need a seraphic weapon and an EX weapon. The other anon is right that you should pick up the Xenos as they will give some EX. A simple grid combination is 1 Baha, 1 Seraphic, 2 EX (later when you get an astral, you can just run that alone), and later on 1 opus.
>>392707 And I forgot to mention the rest of the grid would be magna weapons
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>>392706 They lack EX and seraphic mods, which is important because the damage formula is multiplicative, so a character's attack is (manga mod+1)*(normal mod+1)*(EX mod+1), which then gets multiplied by the character's (attack+grid attack). This is the basic version, you can toss in stamina and enmity, but it turns into a fucking nightmare to properly calculate. Seraphic is important because it boosts the damage after magna*normal*EX while ignoring the damage cap. If you want a comparison this was my dork grid at around the same rank, minus 4/5*s, light and dark didn't have seraphics at the time. Also, for light if you have any free SL 10 guns in the crate swap out harps with them. Guns have a higher attack than harps, and are even better than <4* Lummy swords. Please tell me you didn't brick the dork sword
>>392712 Note that that was a double Baha and BahaXCele grid.
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>>392706 Apart from what the other guys said, you should also take a look at Cosmo weapons. It's not really applicable at your level, but in the long term you'll really want them, especially for light magna since it lacks damage cap up.
>>392712 For the Seraphic weapon how far into forging it does it become a real grind? I don't remember using a brick but what should I use them on?
>>392722 The SRs are pretty easy since they upped the angel anima drop rate, your largest issue will probably be fragments. SSRing it and the upgrade after that are somewhat painful, but you don't need to worry about that yet. Just shit out as many SR upgrades as you can for now. You should also do the same for the non-HP arcar summons, since they provide a seraphic boost too.
>>392722 >I don't remember using a brick but what should I use them on? Forgot this. Mostly grands, when in doubt don't do it and ask you crew or the thread for advice.
How important is G. Naru to wind in general? Is her damage that broken to not have any sort of replacements? For example on earth I went Eugen + Alliah to dish out damage and I feel like I can work with that and skip C. Naru for now. Also any S. Cag replacements on water? Can I work with Troue for the Keen buff upkeep instead?
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>>397096 >How important is G. Naru to wind in general? I go with a skill damage setup, so for me G. Naru is useless. She is mostly good for her guaranteed triple attack for Lucha memes and other shit like that. >Also any S. Cag replacements on water? Can't answer that, since I am using an ougi setup for water, though looking at the skills, I guess Troue is a decent replacement, but nowhere near as good as S. Cag in a crest team, since she needs those crests for her S1.
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>>397096 >Also any S. Cag replacements on water? It depends on your setup and other characters. His crit supplemental doesn't stack with S.Kolulu's. Is it an ougi+crit focused grid? If so you're probably better off with Izmir's 60% keen uptime and her 3% boost to crit damcap support skill. Without decent DATA or other charge sources Troue's keen uptime will probably be similar to Izmir's 60%, ougiing every other turn with Doggo memery works, but keen is kind of smothered here as keen works best with high TA and lots of echos. tldr: Twink for setups with ougis every 3-4 turns, Icy Draph Tats otherwise. This is my high TA+echo setup for reference.
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>>397096 >How important is G. Naru to wind in general? Gnaru is so painfully broken it's ridiculous. Her + her weapon singlehandedly catapulted my weakass grid into space. She's a fine spark target for any occasion. That said, wind is full of all sorts of broken shit so if you're missing her you can easily make do. >Also any S. Cag replacements on water? The short answer is no, but there's a specific setup that does very well with pic related, in that Katalina and Romeo can protect Izmir so her shield can stay up while she provides buffs for them. It's a very well-rounded party.
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>>397098 >skill damage setup Guess I could try that since I have the characters for it. Just need to farm my wind dragon swords. >>397112 >It depends on your setup and other characters >Is it an ougi+crit focused grid? My water setup is very incomplete both with the grid and characters. I don't have, aside from S. Cag, Lily or water Zeta to properly use it on most of the game's content. I started this highlander grid a long time ago along with my titan and hades grids as a sort of budget setups since back then levi grids were just for CA with Bonito and Kengo for a long time. Both hades and titan are doing very well with 2-3 grand weapons each, while my varuna has been sleeping in mediocrity. I wanna try and salvage it in some way with a grid I saw on gamewith, modifying it with some compromising equivalents like Izmir's weapon that I rolled 4 times instead of S. Cag's mainhand, and auberon instead of europa's weapon. I have a spark ready for summer characters but I'm not sure if I need anyone. A setup I was thinking for my party that wouldn't need much change from what I have is Vajra, S. Andira and S. Lucio, but that's just a theoretical team comp for medium-long battles with ougi focus. >>397115 Interesting party setup, looks like what I once planned for my water team to go someday as some sort of ultima sword team comp after Izmir's uncap. Maybe get Maria too since she's sword proficiency.
>>397126 Water has never really been a highlander element. Before the 6 dragons ougi setups were king and after wham spears just became better than 10% damcap. Consider the 50k crit supplemental, without echos that's an 11.1% of an auto's 449k cap while being +2.9% ougi's 1.65m cap. That might sound worse than HL, but assume you do 7 autos per ougi it becomes: (449+50=499*7)=3,493,000+(1,650,000+50,000=1,700,000)=5,193,000 HL looks like: ((449*1.1)=493.9*7)=3,457,300+(1,650,000*1.1=1,815,000)=5,272,300 But, wait, we can do HL and wam spear for: (493.9+50)=(543.9*7)=3,807,300+(1,815,00+50,000=1,865,000)=5,672,300 But what if we get sick of HL and decide to do double spear?: (449+100=549*7)=3,843,000+(1,650,000+100,000=1,750,000)=5,593,000+(100,000*7*# of echos) All it takes is a single echo for double spear to beat HL+spear, when you start stacking echos and other sources of supplemental it gets insane. Farm your spears, pick up another Aub and drop the Scales. For a frontline try Shura, Sandals, and Societte
>>397126 This is what my current crit setup looks like with Highlander. I would suggest getting that Opus 5*'d as soon as possible as that's a boost in damage. Water primal is also a pretty grand heavy reliant grid along with Fire and Light, with wind primal beating being the highest one. It's just that unlike the other elements, magna water is kinda shitty.
>>397410 Water Magna is now objectively better than Primal when it comes to ougi comps, though.
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>>402279 If she's not playable then there will be blood.
>>402279 >Black nails >Tall woman meme she's shit, and you're an emasculated fag.
>>402279 >>402286 Honestly doubt she'll get a unit this soon. Pretty sure the next banner will have another Naoise or something. Maybe we'll get a Six Dragons event in the future with playable Fediel, and this is just a teaser. Then again... Cygames has designed plenty of sexy women only to never give them units.
September 2021 Schedule 8/29 - 9/7 = The Dragonblood War 9/8 - 9/15 = Unite and Fight (Fire Favored) 9/16 - 9/25 = SIEGFRIED (Rerun) 9/21 - 9/26 = Tower of Babyl 9/27 - 10/6 = Story Event Cerberus will be this month's 5* Uncap. The Sub Aura slots will be up at some date after GW. Charlotta will get a new costume in the Daily Points store. On the 24th, you can fight the White Knight as the new Pride of the Ascendant boss.
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Remember to get yourself vacc'd and checked for GW! #stopthespreadofBrank
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>>410321 Anon, what the fuck is this??
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What a brilliant start, 10/10 networking.
>>410321 What is GW?
>>410331 Crew captain, wants to make sure that the next GW, everybody will attend, so he wants everyone to get vaccinated, because he thinks this will stop them from getting sick. Why does he care that they might be sick? Because if they are too sick to grind in this week, then his crew won't be in the top 1000 or something, anymore, and that's bad for his ego. >>410335 GW stands for Guild Wars(also called Unite and Fight), it's the only PvP content in the game(though it's still mostly PvE) and some people take it VERY seriously, because it's how they measure their edicks.
>>410321 >get jabbed and have the right to grind away in a shit event for a dead game >no jab and skip GW The choice may seem simple, but I know there will be idiots who still make the wrong one.
>>410337 That is fucking pathetic. How's the backlash, if any?
>>410339 Not part of that crew, so I can't say.
>>410344 I hope the others fucking riot.
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Geo's power is too strong and crashed my GIMP as I was making le ebin 9/11 meme
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Show of hands, who sparked for Lich?
>>417079 have 92K crystal but i am saving em for ths year sky general. Also, it says Lich is a from the Grand character series?
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>>417079 I am seriously considering it. Those 200 draws were awful for me, the worst luck I've ever had in this game though.
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>>417260 Squeezed out the spark. Only 1 new character and 2 summons.
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>>417079 I got her on the way to sparking. Still considering who to spend my spark on. Probably Orchid, but there's a non-zero chance I'll get a second Lich weapon since it seems broken as fuck.
>>417860 Keep in mind that while you can slot one P&S into your grid without uncapping, an additional one may not be feasible without uncapping at least one of them for cap up, otherwise you may run the risk of shorting yourself on grid space and/or cap up.
October 2021 Schedule 9/27 - 10/6 = The Strength to Wield 10/7 - 10/14 = Proving Grounds (Fire Favored. A new harp will be added.) 10/15 - 10/28 = Collaboration Event (Some are speculating it could be Lupin III due to the fact it's the 50th anniversary of the series) 10/29 - 11/6 = Story Event (Lunalu will get a 5* Uncap in this event) 10/31 - 11/15 = Trick or Treat At some point this month they will add the Job level 30 to all Classes.
>>430816 >At some point this month they will add the Job level 30 to all Classes. It would be hilarious if they put level 30 to rank I-III classes, and give trophies to completing them, as you would briefly see rank 250+ player in Tier I classes.
>>430876 that sounds like some sort of nightmare. >10/15 - 10/28 = Collaboration Event Fuck, Rayearth collab never ever
>>430885 It was Gintama all along. I'll take it but I'd rather have cute girls to counteract all the gay shit from last month.
Ready for the upcoming GW? You have G.Naru right?
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>>455504 I do, and I almost wish I didn't. She's just so fucking broken and auto slots in to so many things that I'm sick of it. Diversity wasn't worth the powercreep, damnit. Looking forward to Rosetta FLB buffs making her even more ridiculous
>>455583 >primal wind You poor thing
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I hate this grind so much.
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>>475155 If you want a Chinese release you basically have to go through Tencent. CN versions of games are often different and ran by different people than the international versions e.g. Warframe, Dota, WoW.
>>475180 Granblue has attempted and backtracked on censorship before. I wouldn't be surprised if censorship from the CN version leaks over to the JP side. This has happened before for other games.
Super Baha is on the 3rd alongside the 5* Uncaps of Baha and Ultima Weapons. Doraemon Collab is on the 8th.
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Tomorrow is the day, boys. I can feel it. She'll get a stealth release.
>>479633 >Doraemon collab >Still no Rayearth collab well anon, fuck
>11th weapon slot is locked behind Super Baha clear >Mega whales are considering a full Qilin Summon Grid+respective Dragon summon is the only viable option as far as Summons go with minmaxed Primal Grid >Super Baha has a lot of the things you hate about LuciHL and all other endgame bosses while adding shit like 60-hit Omens or dealing 50M damage KMR should be happy Granblue Fest is online only or else he'd have people out to get him.
>game is 8 yrs old >Nothing but Gacha and Grind Grind Grind >Even if you like the characters they are just glorified jpgs with a limited voice track How do you keep on going? Just waiting to pick this years new General girl and then probably fucking off
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>>483240 unlike other gacha games, this one feels more like an mmo with the guild system and group raids. It's the same reason why people keep playing mmos after many years
>>483240 You stop giving a shit about the game and pop in to shitpost with crew now and then. Basically >>483432
>decide to come back after a few years >forget old account on random email >have to start over >get Lady Grey as signup SSR so off to a good start >collect free items >they fucking give one of each omega weapon at max level and skill for fucking free now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Why wasn't this a thing years ago??? Guess they had to do something to keep new players hooked, this gacha is 8 years old and kicking already completed the Stars event, why the fuck were there no battles, also did they speed up the combat I remember it being slower but now I can join a raid and get a hit in when before I couldn't Good to be back, lets see if I actually stay this time
Tell me the truth, I can handle it. A whole lot less people play GBF compared to a few years ago, I'm watching a raidfinder and that shit takes forever now, before it filled up quickly with no end, did people find a way to share raids without alerting raid finders or am I using outdated shit?
>>484327 People are getting tired with the grind, guild wars, and some of the bullshit that has happened, like the BINGO. I heard that this GW participation is the lowest it's been since 2017. It is an old game, and being a new player is probably hell, even with all the free gibs, and graphically some new gatchas have appeared on the market. Personally after 3 or so years, I got tired myself, and just left the crew(who already got burned down, and said they would not be doing GW anymore) and now wasting my time with other gatcha that isn't chinese.
>>484339 Dam Guess my itch to come back was for not, I'll keep playing for now but I won't invest too much time into it like I used to Thank You for the honesty
>>484327 People stopped caring because cygames only releases new content for end endgame players while at the same time releasing what new content there is in drip form because some nips complained when M2 was released.
>>484304 Yeah, a few years back they switched philosophies in event design to not need a fight every chapter. Now you get 1 midway for the first boss, 1 at the end for the second boss, and sometimes a scripted character battle near the end.
>>483240 I don't even really play anymore. I just check the wiki for new character releases, and if the game has given me enough free crystals and I like the character I'll spark.
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I'm not giving up on the game until I get what I fucking want
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Uohhhhhhhhh! 😭
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Here are the new units announced. Not pictured: Grand Lancelot I think that's all the units announced on stream.
Your yearly relink news.
>>490435 You forgot Christmas Altair but it's okay.
>>490435 >Fediel They really wanna draw players back to the game, don't they We're also getting an Uma Musume collab (wow I'm shocked) in February Special Week, Silence Suzuka, and Tokai Teio will be playable while Goldship and Mejiro Mcqueen will be a summon
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>>490628 Forgot to upload pics
>>490429 new General is a double tiger loli? i just wanted a brown tiger tomboy, not fair
>>490646 >Falling for the meme
>twitter.com/granblue_en/status/1473275928365215750 >every player is getting the exact same results for roulette now (probably because the lotto disaster) announced some hours prior to each reset And I didn't think this shitty mobile game could get more soulless. What is even the point of having the roulette wheel anymore?
>>496622 roulette was never a problem. The effects of the lotto just keep worsening the game
>>496623 This could all have been solved if some faggot at Cygames sat down with all the prizes from the lotto and thought "You know what'd be better than Gold Moons for the best Tier IV prize? 5 character weapons from the 5 most used permanent characters per element during the last GW." But here we are. At least Gachapin and Mukku are more involved this year.
>>496623 >>496915 The whole Bingo fiasco was an unintentional, but nonetheless interesting experiment in human behavior. From a detached point of view, which is probably what CyaGames was thinking, is that players were too entitled in that they complained about not getting as many free goodies as others. Now this is not what I am arguing, and yes I know that Tier IV rewards were shit compared to Tier III and up that contained a lite Siero Ticket. The obvious conclusion to draw from what happened, is that if you want to give players people free stuff, either give them all the same amount(everyone who logins today gets 200 crystals or 10 draws), or at about the same value(The Christmas and Anniversary Roulette) or give them a choice between a few prizes, bu everyone gets to pick from the same prize pool(everyone gets to pick one gala character from the same pool of gala characters). Still there is something that I do not understand about what happened. I understand that people got frustrated that they got shit, while others got gold, and I can understand things like "envy" or "salt", but I don't really understand why it applied to this scenario. Here's another scenario, that did actually happen with the game, a year or two ago. There was a lottery in japan(think you had to register you JP phone number), and only one person got the prize, something like 10 million moba coins, so he could spark as many times as he wanted, buy all the gold weapons and make Primal grids on all elements, while the rest got nothing. the disparity is even greater in this example, yet nobody really complained and whales didn't delete their accounts, because they didn't get the 10 million moba coins. So why did people complain with the Bingo? Was it because it "taunted" you by showing what rewards you didn't win? if that was hidden, would the salt have been less? Was it because a certain amount of people got Tier II and Tier I rewards? If it were just one person that got Tier I and only 5 that got Tier II would the salt have been less? Or maybe if more people got the Tier I and II rewards, then it would have been better? but then, if even more people got Tier I and II rewards, and a whale got Tier IV, then his salt could have been even greater. Why do people complain about getting shit during one type of lottery, and be perfectly fine with another type, especially when in both cases, you pay almost nothing(in the Bingo, you had to login at least once during the period to get a Bingo ticket, whereas with the loto you had to register a phone number, none of these things required grinding a boss, or doing X amounts of missions)? Sadly I don't have an answer, but it has been some food for thought for me. Maybe some other anon knows the answer. And before anyone asks, maybe I am this indifferent, because I had a Tier II and Tier III reward, plus the pity one after the backlash, so maybe this is why I am so indifferent, but even if that is true, I still think it's worth analyzing, as human behavior is a fascinating thing for me.
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Gonna put up a luciH room in an hour or so. Keep an eye on the thread if you're interested.
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Bit of a long shot but I'm gonna try a run right now. FBDBA3
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>>498267 Alright, same time as >>497717 tomorrow if you want to catch the next batch of runs.
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>>498290 Cerberus asserting her dominance by being in the game
They need to fucking STOP with the 'Help out 5 raids' shit. At this point I just do the ticket missions and stop there since it's nearly impossible with the amount of power creep in this game in the last 2 years.
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Where are the lewds you addicted faggots?
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>new years eve >roll a fucking 10 roll Happy new year I guess fuckers. I'm planning to try more luciH runs on Sunday at the usual time, by the way. Keep an eye out if you want in.
>>501726 207028
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>>502073 0E4890
https://twitter.com/TamamoMamefu/status/1477100173335871492 Guy pulled 2250 times (that's over 7 sparks) and didn't get a single Beelzebub summon.
>>503720 7A6FFB
Fuck this piece of shit game. I hope KMR and FKHR get stabbed.
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>>504453 Pretty miserable spark this time, for a pretty miserable roulette overall. At least I finished my Unheil. Good luck to all on tomorrow's 200.
>>505136 Fuck that. I really can't wait to see how they're going to make anniversary miserable for everyone.
Sparked again on the 3% banner for the floof. Really lucked out on Satyr too, and got a pretty high SSR rate even though most of them are garbo. This lack of generosity looks like it's going to be a trend for a while, mainly because the nips aren't angry enough to raze twitter over it, and everyone that would have been angry already quit due to the lotto fiasco. Dark days ahead.
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Magisa has been dethroned as biggest bust holder. All hail big titty dragon Fediel. Which is odd since she's mostly bone.
>>508837 Isn't it kinda cheating since she is fuck-huge?
>>508837 Justice for Daetta when?
>>508837 Wanna know a little detail about Fediel that kinda ruins her?
>>509039 Wow, into the trash Fediel goes.
>>509039 >>509044 >robots are other >but robomi is still female I reject this inconsistent logic and follow my heart (dick) on these matters.
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>>509044 >letting localizers decide what your dick likes Into the trash you go.
>>509039 Anon, shes a huge skeleton dragon, what are her pronouns, Bonerself?
>>509047 I mean, she was a pregnant woman before.
>>508862 That's an extremely relevant question that's largely ignored when talking about breasts. Does a person, when just looking at a character drawing, compare the size of a character's breasts relative to some absolute standard metric, or does he subconsciously compare them to some arbitrary standard based on her non-breast features ("wow, because of her proportions, her big breasts look even bigger than they would on a shorter/bigger/thinner/fatter/etc. character!"), and does the technique change when another character with breasts is nearby? Cup size and bust measurements are reasonable things to use for saying who has the largest breasts in an absolute sense, but, for instance, a shortstack-ish character with breasts larger than her head is very likely to be more attractive to a breast-size enthusiast than a giantess with breasts smaller than her head but which, in an absolute sense, are actually larger--especially if the two characters are NOT shown next to one another. Questions like these can almost get into "that's not REAL big" territory and is probably why smart breast size tags use the fairly proportionally standard head as a metric for comparison (e.g. "big" becomes "huge" once they're larger than the girl's head).
Anyone else having slow animations? since yesterday all the battle animations are fuking slow. Already tried fixing my chromium shit and the monitor refresh rate. All other sites act normal.
>>509039 >>509044 >Fediel is unknown but Lich is female Why?
Wow this banner is laughably bad.
>>533782 Cassius is only really worth it if you have Grand Lancelot's weapon, Maria Theresa, and Cupitan to help with Skill Damage.
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>Vallentine banner >two men and one girl, but it's Vira Glad I dropped this gatcha a few months ago, but like to keep checking what the new banners are.
>>533906 VVira's hot and all but I think I'll save for the anni powercreep. Can't spark yet anyhow.
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>>533906 What happened to Almeida? is her VA ded or something? shit even Pengy got a SSR
>>534056 Vira's VA always seems to be hanging around the studio or maybe she's fucking someone in corpo so she was probably an easy answer at the time. I still want SSRs of other SRs too, like my favourite jewchant Karteira, but it is what it is. Kind of odd picks for Vday if they were looking for cash though. The characters are only reasonably strong, plus Ladiva is not bait for 99% of the playerbase.
>they added a new Sephira Evolite stone to the Arcaram Store Hooray! >You have to complete the first 4 maps of Replicant Sandbox. well fuck you too Cygames
>>540245 I'm just glad that the new region contains the closest thing they can do to fix Magna Fire.
Event preview's up >Ai Kayano voices the new character >Lyria 5* after you clear the epilogue >Completing the first part gives you an item to exchange for any Dark Opus weapon or 3 Dama Crystals >Complete the story to get an item to exchange for a Dark Opus uncap set (both 4* or 5*, see the ones from GW) or the items to uncap a 4* Dark Opus to 5* 3 Dama Crystals being treated the same as a free Opus kinda feels like an insult.
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>another Naru
>>548540 I want to impregnate Medusa so bad.
When will the make a GBF genshin impact knock off? Like really, the world and characters deserve the 3D MMO gatcha treatment
>>550312 They are too busy wasting time on project awakening, which is a shame because both RoB and GBF's setting would have put genshin to shame.
>>551307 Seems like Korea and China are surpassing Japan in innovative video gaming.
>>551359 >innovative video gaming There's nothing innovating about Gatchas.
>>551359 The chinese gaming industry has no future if they can't release new games due to the CCP's seemly indefinite hold approvals.
Are any of the 8/v/ guilds still kicking? I kinda wanna drop my current guild, most of our members don't even login anymore and we can't rank during GW with our current active users.
>>551636 Yeah, Infinity is still active but every GW we're slipping lower and lower due to higher honour caps and burnout. But if you just want an active crew, post your ID and we'll drop an invite.
>>551406 Gatchas, if done right, can be a way to finance games without charging for access.
>>552312 How would you define a gatcha that "does it right"? One that has absolutely no form of PVP or leader boards or farming, and it's just about pulling waifus to date and give gifts to them, oh and the game showering you with premium currency?
>>551697 Just left the other crew, so It'll be around 24 hours before I can join another one, but my ID is 9951986
(216.96 KB 1470x1040 FMNAGZfaQAABJad.jpg)

It's that time of the year again. Gonna host LuciH in 12hrs and 40min from the time of this post. Look out for it.
>>552731 6CB94B
>>552518 >>551697 Ok, able to join crews now. Sent in an application.
>>553034 h-hot potato
(1.46 MB 1138x1518 ClipboardImage.png)

Really terrible anniversary. The entire event was a non-starter and we only got a random free Grand plus no significant new content. I really wonder why they don't put their A-team for these anni events. They HAVE done good stories before, and they HAVE done good anniversary arcs before, so why do they just fucking drop the ball sometimes?
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>>553034 01ADAA
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While blue doggo has the best ass (among other things), it's fair to say that Medusa has one of the best asses in all of vidya.
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>Last 100 pull >Get Kanata and Medusa swimsuit Nice.
>>558194 I actually think her VA is shit and does her a huge disservice, but I like her character a lot. Plus points for being one of the few people who cried when Dancho died in the anni event.
>>558292 I actually like her VA, she voices a lot of really good waifus
Another luciH room going up in 40min.
>>558842 43BBC3
>>558869 How can real women even compete against this
>>558870 by being real
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Sparked with a good SSR rate, got a PnS Dupe and a Harmonia dupe as well. Overall really happy with this spark and roulette since it let me complete certain weapons and summons that I had 3 off.
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I think I sort of like the roulette selection, got 3 gachapin spin so far and 12 new characters Didn't spark anything.
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Sparked You. Almost have a full Laguna spear from it.
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I forgot about the maintenance.
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I caved and was forced to spark for Elea, but damnit look at those legs. It's helpful that I got some pretty nice stuff along the way as well.
(1.30 MB 1101x1545 FHtRGlCaQAE1paq.jpg)

Did you get her?
>>627041 On my first 10 roll. She's good but my earth is shit.
>>612640 Why would you spark a character that you'll be able to suptix?
>>627548 I've been playing for so long that I don't even care about the meta any more. I just draw for whatever I want whenever I want. >spending money on gachashit
(1.28 MB 449x1713 spark summer2022.png)

I wanted both of the summer zodiacs and all it costs me as only getting 9SSRs from 300 rolls. Hope you all have actual nice rolls this summer.
>>633278 Hey, quality over quantity. Those are pretty good rolls if you needed a bow.
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Where are the summer gibs?
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>>661270 congratulations, how much money was wasted?
>>661270 I would accuse you of shooping, but actually doing it is sadder so we'll stick with that.
>>661273 This game doesn't need money, they're very generous about crystals. You'd know this if you weren't just trying to shit up the thread.
>>661270 6-14 billion slimes were genocided to make this possible
>another bad water grand why?
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Trying for LuciH for the summer cheevos, E8C772. It's almost free with Paladin, so don't worry too much.
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Fantastic end of summer spark this time, absolutely no regrets.
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EVERYTHING IS DOWN inb4 GW gets extended
I want to see how many normalfags are here, ready to simp for Jessica's new stronk hairstyle. She couldn't have had her character development without looking like some post-wall Japanese woman, after all.
Anyone having this problem now? Website says I must use either Google Chrome or Safari (normally go trough with Iridium)
>>699295 I use Chromium and my ping is horrendous after the maintenence. Apparently it has something to do with them forcing https? Not sure how I can even do Guild War with this ping. If they don't fix it I'm probably just going to quit.
>>699295 Yeah, I did. Copy this link https://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#authenticate paste, re-sign in to your account and you'll be back in.
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Did my Yuel post get deleted?
why is genshin popular with mexicos?
>>725388 Free 3d mmo i guess (even if its a 3d gacha with no real "mmo" to it). Most popular at the moment. Lineage 2 of today. Is there any other reason its popular at all?
>>725390 I see many girls really into it. Its either this or pubg for fags here. And being free is basically a requirement for any mobile game to succeed. >Is there any other reason its popular at all titties, I guess
>>694835 >>688560 Is it back up?
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Hidden ticket code from the new island
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>>390315 Poo In The Loo
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Here is the rabbit reveal from the stream.
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>>757129 Here are the other new releases announced >SSR Erin >Grand Michael >Grand Charlotta Additionally, Shiva is getting an uncap and the paypig skins this New Years' are Cassius, Fediel and Satyr
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>>757502 cont. This year's potentially broken summon is Yatima. Tigers are getting another free skin or something? Baha summon is getting another uncap...
(289.85 KB 445x614 Fl8r-FAakAEQX2_.png)

Good thing I didn't play GW today
>>764022 Out of curiosity how is Guild Wars nowadays? I dropped the game about 12 months ago, out of disgust with GW, and because the guild was too tired with doing it anymore. I also heard that other guilds were suffering from this, so I am curios if they changed anything ,or if it's still a secondary job one has to take and commit to. And I don't want to be convinced to go back to, I have some other gatcha, where I only need to do one battle per day, between 3-10 minutes, to get the same rewards as the whales, as a F2P, so you can't beat that, I simply just curios.
>>390315 >his what a shit game
Day 1 of Granbluefes just ended and shared news of their actual games starting with RELINK New gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYZAPvJhc30 https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=JYZAPvJhc30
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New playable characters and 2 types of assist mode literal game journalist mode
GBVSR Now with rollback and crossplay
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Expanded story, new mechanics, new characters and stages
It also comes with its own version of fall guys
>>770533 I hope it does well, it looks pretty nice. Gives me Xenoblade Chronicles and Atelier vibes though for its sake I hope it's better than both.
>>770538 How much you wanna bet the fall guys mode becomes more popular than the fighting aspect
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>players are down from last year, what should we do? >release more homosexual content for Valentines >this will surely bring in players Honestly I'm shocked they even bothered to include a female at all.
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>>770536 >>770538 I don't play any Granblue games, but I feel like not having a racing spinoff is a missed opportunity. We could call it Gran-blue Turismo.
>>770875 Goddamn Sandalphon is such a faggot I just want to beat the fuck out of him
>>191653 >3 years I applaud the autism of the guy who keeps bumping this thread
>all the grandblue fags went to genshin impact or similar games for the next popular pussy. The community fled from one thirst trap to the next. Because that's what matters the most.
>>779009 I personally quit, because I couldn't stand doing Guild Wars anymore and so was my guild. I will admit that the game has a lot of depth, but it really becomes a second job if you try to be competitive and you get no payment in return.
>>779009 I am still stuck with Fate Grand Order and that only started a year or so after GBF, iirc. The pain train is real.
>>779009 Why doesn't cygames pirate genshin and release a Granblue MMO clone?
If you're pro-Liberty and pro-White, and always play as the girl, send me your ID and I'll send you an invite.
>>770875 Women strikingly spend more on everything including gatcha
This thread has somehow survived since 2020 by getting like 5 posts a month
>>784413 Allegedly this V.Day was the least profitable Granblue V.Day since 2018 or something, so pandering to the "female audience" is not working.
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Happy 9th Anniversary
>>796841 Stopped playing since the end of December (rolled Bunny and got out of there) Cannot care about this anymore
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Did you get her?
>>797016 The fact you cared about it at all is shameful
>>813996 Anon, i am sure people here dont pay for this, they mostly use free rolls and events like that
>>787970 It helps that both units are bad from a meta standpoint.
>>814003 It doesn't matter how you play, this is how these games are designed. Even playing them means you've fallen for their weird psychological shit. Quite frankly threads for gacha should be banned, we wouldn't allow threads for slot machines.
>>814537 Present GBF ID and I'll invite you to my harem~
>>813996 >tfw I spent over $15,000 in gacha shit Feels good man
>>816221 At least I never did that I invested in crypto schemes instead.
>>816289 A fellow /biz/nessman. Happy to see it, I hope you're deep in the green.
>>816289 I lost 200k in crypto
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so this happened.
Charlotta doing Lily's new pose.
>>833636 I need more Lily pose.
>>819244 The beginning of the end, the USSA is cancer la~
>>819244 Didnt Cygames just shut down Priconne in the US like last month?
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>>843254 Is it really a loli if she has C-cups?
>>843266 loli coded.
>>843266 Loli-oppai.
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A little late with this news, but GBF:ReLink was shown off at Anime Expo recently with a demo, and said gameplay demo thing came with this small set of instructions for each character so people would know what they were doing with the limited time playing the thing. Here's the English instructions stolen from some twitter post. Also some videos: >Charlotta VS Griffin https://yewtu.be/watch?v=vaMSLzRPQNg >Rackam VS Griffin https://yewtu.be/watch?v=XuC4rcj2d7w >Lancelot VS Griffin https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CKKlEcNmlHs In other news, GBFVS is on sale for $2 again, and the DLC is cheaper this time around too, if you want any of that still for one reason or another. Do keep in mind the remake/sequel thing is coming out soon though, with a PS5 open beta scheduled for late July/early August.
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Hope everyone else enjoyed their dupefest
>>855116 Is any of the DLC require or highly recommended? I have the game in my library though I don't remember how it got there.
>>874159 As someone who plays it somewhat regularly. No, none of the DLC is essential unless you're obsessed with always playing "top tier" characters (Belial is considered the second best char in the game), which doesn't matter that much in this game since most chars are close together in effectiveness. Only get a character's DLC if you really want to play that character for one reason or another. Most of the DLC chars already have their archetype covered by the base roster as well, the only ones bringing something completely new are Avatar Belial (loses own HP on attacks), Vira (whole gameplay is based around getting your install up), and Narmaya (Stance-based character with two movesets she swaps between). Some people are also very crabby about Djeeta being a DLC character but, eh. None of the DLC characters are required for getting all the achievements either, last I checked.
>>874893 This series deserves a proper MMORPG, to bad we'll not see one anytime soon.
>>880397 I think someone already discussed such earlier in the thread, but I don't think such is happening as long as the main gatcha continues to go strong. Maybe if the gatcha starts dying out compared to the other Granblue media they might consider making an MMO, but it's such a money sink and dev time sink that I don't think Cygames will find it worthwhile. You also forget that such an audience would possibly compete with the gatcha's audience. At least we're getting a proper JRPG of sorts with ReLink, which should bring more attention to the series. Speaking of that, They put out a """new""" trailer at gamescom. It's actually just that previous trailer but with a set-in-stone release date tacked on at the end. February 1, 2024. A few days earlier for PS5 users though as some kind of strange exclusivity deal. There's also a collector's edition with a fancy Bahamut statue but I don't think there's a steam key or PC version of the collector's edition. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=t3JEEhNEXHc There's also no pre-order available for the steam version but at least it seems like it's going to be DRM-free and doesn't require an internet connection to run.
>>880397 Unless they got the resource and time, I could see a potential Genshit/Honshit competition. But they got a good enough gig with just the mobile gacha and some spinoffs from time to time.
>>880870 They could do a Genshin clone, just need to 'acquire' the source code and do some upgrades.
>>880860 >main gatcha continues to go strong I heard the game wasn't doing that well.
>>881047 The competition in gatcha now is stiff and GBF is obsolete.
>>881822 true The masses have been flocking to Ass-Gun and Loli-Gun gacha games
>>881047 >>881822 >>881927 Huh, didn't know that. Sure it still has a decent profit margin for them though, considering how cheap it has to be to run. Also probably explains the director's massively retarded stance on the equalizing of motion and simple inputs in GBVS:Rising as well, where he basically told all the people calling the change pointless or saying that motion inputs were fine as-is (slightly more damage and faster CD for motion input over simple input) to, in a very fancy PR-laden way, "get fucked, this is not for you, this is to bring in new players to replace you, here's an option to disable your preferred play method entirely.", and also explains the game journalist difficulty option in ReLink, trying to cast the widest nets possible to bring in the audience more attached to the Gacha as well as the more casual audiences of their respective genres. It would be really funny if these games did so well that Granblue went from being a browser game to being a series consisting of mostly proper games. Makes for a funny inverse of the mobile game dungeon / gatcha hell you see a lot of series get banished to. OH, and here's the picture of the collector's edition I forgot to attach to the other post.
>>881927 Whichever has the least cuckoldry tends to be the best choice for gacha though not necessarily the most successful. GBF has a lot of cuckoldry and is thus unpopular; however, Genshit Impact has a lot of cuckoldry and is the most popular at the moment. Blue Archive has zero cuckoldry and is doing moderately well in app sales but is shooting for the fucking stars in doujin sales
>>882051 What? Do you mean canon NTRshit, doujin scenes with a lot of NTR, "characters are in relationships other than with the protag or have no interest in the protag at all" kind of shit, or are you talking about shitty design decisions of some kind and calling it cuckoldry for some reason? Also what canon NTRshit is there in Granblue anyway? My only experience is with the fighting game and some adjacent lore that a friend of mine elaborated on when I asked... so all that comes to mind is Lowain and Vira both competing for Katalina's affection, but that's not NTR unless you count Vira's delusions as a relationship. I don't even think Belial makes any remarks or attempted advancements in that vein in the RPG mode and that seems like something he'd do.
>>882058 Cuckoldry as in female characters (who aren't already married) who have shown interest in some capacity with the protagonist/(You) also showing interest in some capacity with other non-player characters. You see this in FGO a lot sadly but nowhere is it more apparent, more egregious, than Genshit Impact.
>>882076 So, characters being flirtatious with multiple people and you misinterpreting it due to your autism? Or something beyond this with characters that aren't flirty or seductress types. I can think of a few examples from the latter from just secondhand knowledge of Genshit, like Sucrose with her relations to Albedo and also being waifu bait for the player. Can you give me some Granblue-specific examples so I can understand this point better though and make sure I'm following it right? Preferably with explanations.
What is the appeal of these games?
>>882727 Watching numbers get higher. Shitposting in crew chat. Punching mythology in the ass. Bullying trannies during GW.
>>882663 (same anon, different IP most likely) It's not just characters being flirty. It's characters who show a clear romantic interest in (You) yet end up scoring with someone else, or showing romantic interest in someone else. With the flirty characters, you can still have moments where you see their "true" feelings, so to speak. I can't really use a GBF example anymore since I haven't read any of the story for fuckin years, so I will use an example from Fate/Grand Order which is a similar mobage. The character Shuten is a flirty little lolibaba, but you can tell when she's actually flustered or in love. For instance she reacts this way to the protagonist a few times. But then you also have moments where she acts this exact same way with Kintoki (a male servant you can summon). A character who could have been only for (You) turns out to have another man she's interested in romantically, possibly moreso than (You) considering the amount of dialogue they get together and how frequently they appear together. This is cuckshit. For Genshit Chinkpact, I only played a little bit of it but it's a particular offender of this rule according to what I've read of the story. One case that springs to mind is for Nahida (iirc) who is initially in love with (You)/Aether but in the story, you get hurt or attacked by an antagonist and Nahida somehow falls in love with that antagonist. You can't make this shit up. That's complete cuckshit. I'll give another example, this one is once more for FGO. The character Meltylillith (or Meltryllis) is, unlike her incarnation from Fate/Extra CCC, totally in love with the player character. This is shown in her signature event as well as in later material; however, she has some lines from a somewhat recent event/servant release where she shows romantic interest (even blushes!) for another male character. That's another instance of cuckshit. I could go on and on but at the risk of rambling, I'll stop it here. This is why games with no men besides (You) are appealing, such as Blue Archive. There's nobody around who could possibly cuck you. This is also the reason Love Live and IM@S are mostly ideal, it's just you the producer and the girls. Speaking of idols...remember that Love Live collab? Remember how you were forced to use Djeeta for it? Yeah, because the idea of the pure Love Live girls with any ESTABLISHED male, even if it is technically (You) in Gran's case, cannot stand.
>>882830 >Remember how you were forced to use Djeeta for it? I thought it was because part of the story involved (You), and two other girls from your crew becoming idol girls as well, and boys can't be idol girls.
>>882897 >and boys can't be idol girls(male)
>>882830 Technically, if (you) in F/GO fluster a Sakura/Rin servant, is that technically cucking Shirou, because it's their body being possessed by a servant?
Grimnir Gameplay Trailer for Granblue Fantasy VS: Rising just got uploaded. Don't really feel anything about this guy or know anything about him, but he seems neat to play at least. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cKQ-zuT_FQQ
Whoever approved of Halloween Dante in general deserves the rope.
Kill KMR and behead his corpse using a Siete Sword for being a bastard about nerfing it.
Ok, so, there's been quite a bit of news on the upcoming fighting game, Granblue Fantasy VS Rising, that I meant to post about earlier but forgot. News ended up being spread out across two streams and they JUST announced a delay on the release date, so I guess procrastinating paid off lol. The two streams themselves are kind of boring and only the second one has a showcase of any value when it comes to actual fucking fightan gameplay, so won't bother linking them here. So here's the news for it. >Game's current release schedule is for December 14, pushed back to such date from November 29 since devs want to polish it some more. >Beta for PS5 and Steam ver on November 11-14 across varying hours. Beta can still be launched in offline mode once it's over for training mode shit only. Will not have Nier or Grimnir as playable characters unlike full release. >Characters now get alternate outfits alongside recolors. Only Gran, Djeeta, and Seigfried (Helmet alt) have one right now but this probably means several characters will get alt outfits, probably based on their "Grand" alts. >New character important to the story mode named Rein, not much info given about her but she's a childhood friend of Gran/Djeeta and will be important to the new RPG mode chapters somehow, doesn't seem to be playable. >"Grand Bruise Legends" mode that's basically a fall guys knockoff that the devs are shilling super hard for some reason. >"F2P" version of the game that's more like an extended demo. lets you choose between Gran and 3 rotating characters, also lets you play the fall guys knockoff mode freely. >Photo/Diorama mode added, very in-depth too. >Frame data viewable in training mode. Alongside a ton of other convenient features for training mode and load time improvements. >Metric assload of changes based on feedback from the PS5 beta. There's a LOT of changes and I can list them if someone wants to but I put the most notable ones in the OP via screenshots of the stream. >Notable change not mentioned in any image was the MASSIVE increase to meter gain to encourage more usage of unique skills over just spamming raging strike. >Director went back on his stupid "leveling the playing field" bullshit with gutting motion inputs. Motion inputs now do 10% more damage in neutral but have no difference mid-combo. >Light DPs no longer have I-frames on them. >New lobby for online multiplayer that has some minigame shit to do in it. That's about it for the notable things, I think? A lot of the issues from the first beta got fixed so I don't really have that much to bitch about, but with the very BP-focused combat now I'll have to mess around with it, seems like it'll be more fun now at least.
>>902463 Not OP for that one line there, sorry. Tired from a bunch of schoolwork last night and forgot I wasn't making a new thread for this shit. Time for bulli I guess.
>>902463 >>Director went back on his stupid "leveling the playing field" bullshit with gutting motion inputs. Motion inputs now do 10% more damage in neutral but have no difference mid-combo. That part had me on edge reading it. Istead of just that he could've just focused more on single player content if he wanted more casuals to get into it. Simplifying inputs and mechanics doesn't get casuals to stay and learn if strive is anything to go by. Even Street fighter six has complains about being broken to shit in terms of gameplay balance due to this.
OK it seems I was a little mistaken on the beta times for Granblue VS Rising. The beta will have two dates. November 9 @ 9PM EST to November 10 @ 8PM EST, and November 12 @ 2AM EST to November 13 @ 2AM EST. So basically Thursday Night through Friday, and the entirety of Sunday this weekend. It has a steam version for the beta this time. For some reason the damn thing has its own community hub too rather than being ran through the normal community hub. Bizarre feature but maybe this makes feedback easier to gather or something?
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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising comes out in 2 days unless you're a sonygger that got the Deluxe edition.
>>918268 Was just about to post regarding that, myself. Also realizing I forgot to post something during the beta. Guess I just dreamed I did, heh. So have some screenshots from the message book during that, which was an unmoderated free-for-all with very predictable and funny results. They also did a short stream a week or two ago regarding the game. Some things of note from that were. >New Minigames for Grand Bruise Legends mode, said new minigames will be added freely alongside the future DLC releases. >Grimnir and Nier were showcased, both seem to be interesting characters with varied mechanics rather than pseudo-clones of existing ones. >Nier didn't get shown off much because whoever was playing her got their ass beat royally, but she has only 13 uses of her puppet per round, unless there's a way to refresh these stacks that wasn't shown. >Lucilius is confirmed playable and is a boss in the new RPG mode content. He'll be the first DLC release and might work the same as Beelzebub did (DLC is just an early unlock), though it wasn't confirmed. <Battle pass system from before is coming back, though rewards from such can be gotten in-game through other means when they expire, supposedly. And here's some stuff that was mentioned out of that stream but is of note. >Figures for the diorama mode, titles, nameplates, and some weapon skins can be unlocked through a crane-game minigame found in the non-private lobbies. >Character art that is displayed during intros and on the char. select screen can be swapped, including new unlockable art gotten similar ways to other rewards. >Each character has an XP system of sorts that as it is progressed you unlock rewards related to that character, like weapon skins, titles, and such. I think that's it. Personally have high hopes after the second beta and think the game will do pretty well. Not Street Fighter/Tekken levels mind you but I think it'll have a solid long-term playerbase as well as a good amount of sales.
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Dragon zodiac design if anyone cares.
Alright, GBVS:R has been out for a week and I'd say... yeah it's pretty gud. Fights go pretty much the same as Beta 2. Lots of link-heavy combos. Grimnir and Nier are fun. Turns out Nier's 13 stacks do refresh but on a 30s timer once they run out, so that's fun. Game has a figure mode, which is neat, but has the stupid black void crap on most female characters, but not Charlotta for some reason, bloomer enjoyers rejoice? I guess? New secret boss in arcade mode with new ending screens. Tad bit annoying to trigger though as you have to end 6 rounds with a super or ssba and not lose a single round or your stack of 6 gets reset. Character XP rewards are nice. Mostly just alt weapons and alt color palettes, alongside profile shit like titles and all that, plus their stupid shop currency in plentiful amounts. Rewards softcap at 300 for most chars but if you get them to the max of 500 you get prismatic weapons that flashbang people with certain combos, so that's neat. Heard they botched the translation kind of hard in the new RPG mode chapter though, which isn't RPG mode anymore, it's just a story mode with a flow tree like Blazblue for some reason. Overall though, the fightan part is good, so yeah I'd recommend it. >>921261 She a cute, would hug.
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Good haul for this year end gibs. See you on the anni spark.
>>191653 Wait, the marriage with Catura is actually canon? i just finished her 5 star event.
How does anyone have the ability to enjoy this literal brain rot excuse of a game? How are there multiple gachashit threads on this board? You should all be bullied into financial responsibility and out of shit taste.
>>936311 It's called "a crippling gambling addiction", anon.
>>936311 >he doesn't have a crew to sit down and shitpost with while discussing the esoteric, bitcoins, and how much their captain is a faggot (very) while playing not-Final Fantasy which is still more FF than anything made in the last two decades >>936326 >spending real money on this shit There's enough reliable free gibs that if you're spending actual cash on it, you suffer from extreme homosexuality.
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>>936311 >Why do people enjoy things I don't personally enjoy?
>>936424 You're asking for someone to post the reverse
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>>936311 I never pay for video games. You're complaining about a thread that has around one third of a post per day on here. It's just fun grindan.
How active are the crews on here?
>>937919 Crew 3 is still active, somehow. Daily. No idea about the other crews.
>>937920 Can I join? Played 8 years ago and I'm restarting on a fresh account.
>>938531 yeah man, just send an invite, i think that's how it works. haven't needed to send an invite in ages.
>>938531 Post your id that's above your HP in your profile page and we'll send you an invite. Crew 3 is still alive and kicking.
>>938590 aye 38324071
Infinity has 8 spots open I'll never escape this hell
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Happy 10th Anniversary
Quick question what is better a class V or a fully awaken class IV?
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So started recently again and this is all the characters I got during Anniversary. Sparked 3 times: Lich, Zeta and Vajra Rate/Hate
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Another one
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I heard you guys liked Korone
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Quick Reply