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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
>>955902 British "cuisine"
>>955902 >Industrial mayonnaise >on a plastic bottle >cooking on teflon enjoy being a tranoid
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>>955123 >>955124 You just need to control yourself. The few times I've had episodes like this in my life, I was always perfectly capable of both managing the retardation that was going on in my inner mind, and maintain control over my external actions.
>>955882 The game works for me. You probably just gotta update atmosphere and your sigpatches anon. You can get them both here https://sigmapatches.su/ Or use AIO switch updater to update them instead, thats what I use
You know what really surprises me? The fact that TF2 and Darkest Dungeon never had a major crossover. TF2 was even still cross-promoting with a bunch of random games around the time Darkest Dungeon got popular. I can see it in my mind already: a mini campaign where each of the classes takes on parts of each DD hero's role, the Medic would be a mix between Cleric/Arbalest, the Spy would be a stand-in for the Highwayman/Bounty Hunter, the Heavy for the Man-at-Arms/Crusader, the Pyro for the Abomination/Plague Doctor and so on. You guide a party of them through a dungeon modeled after one of the classic TF2 maps, all while fighting the opposite team (or robots) while The Administrator voices lines inspired by DD's Ancestor. Cosmetic alternatives to items you can find in the base game would be your reward, along with a little shrine in the Hamlet to replay the mini campaign. I may have been a little bit high when I wrote this but you can't tell me it's not a cool idea.
>>955975 i'll do this, thank you.
>>955978 Can't be any worse or out of place than the Dungeon Defenders crossover.
>>955982 Oh yeah also keep in mind I ONLY updated atmosphere and muh patches, I completely neglected to update my firmware and it still works. For context I'm still on 16.0.3|AMS 1.6.2|E from the summer of last year, the "E" means I'm on Emunand.
>>955986 where can i get the firmware? i used to know a site and forgot it in a purge. When i check my switch firmware it just says "update ready where it used to say something like "1.6.2|E".
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>>955986 >>955995 nevermind i found it https://darthsternie.net/switch-firmwares/ For some reason PST didn't install even when the new atmosphere. i'll try with a new firmware....and it still dosen't work, i don't know what it is, i'll try it by installing through the tinfoil...OKAY IT WORKS NOW! I CAN BE THE LITTLE GIRL NOW! thanks for the help!
Do you think the Vtuber craze will ever die off, or are they just an unsightly blemish upon the world we have to live with until the end of days?
>>956141 Unfortunately it isn't some copyrighted movement but simply a new way for ugly people with no personality to stream to millions of foolish simps who are easily parted with their cash - this means that it is unlikely to ever go away any more than bog-standard camwhore streaming is ever likely to go away. As much as I'd like to say range banning certain third world countries from the internet would rid the world of Vtubers, I'm embarrassed to admit that the first world is guilty of feeding into this trend just as much. It could potentially lose steam if the original vtubers who are really big end up retiring, and hypothetically, it is possible that the whole vtuber trend will slow down if some popular vtuber gets doxxed/killed as a result of revealing they have a boyfriend or husband or something. As you may well know, vtuber culture and idol culture go hand in hand, and it wouldn't be the first time an idol's life was in jeopardy because some super fan was deluded into thinking that idol would remain a kissless virgin just for them. That's merely hypothetical, though.
>>956141 Everything ends anon these are just trends
>>956141 I assume, like with disco, it'll fade but never truly disappear. Maybe it'll become so ubiquitous that it turns into the standard, like in ten years they'll have electronic avatars for television news reporters or some shit.
>>956141 I've been waiting for the "content creator" bubble to burst but they are still around. Same thing with kikebook, shitter, chink tok or goystagram.
>>955506 Demons can also talk to you through people even without schizophrenia, they make references to past trauma i've had even while my medication is active. Any sin foothold comes from demons.
>>956141 Vtubers are the natural evolution of Let's Plays. Even Zone is now a Vtuber. Snuffy4lyfe.
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In three weeks we'll be on the first anniversary for Redfall. Remember when the footage for it was finally coming out, and Arkane and Xbox fanboys were desperately trying to pretend this gameplay didn't look like straight ass?
>>956705 I forgot it even existed. Is that really gameplay footage? I don't even know what the fuck I'm looking at.
>>956705 Remember Deathloop?
>>956705 >Xbox fanboys were desperately trying to pretend this gameplay didn't look like straight ass It was nothing more than ammo for console wars, I doubt many thought Redfall didn't look like shit. >>956722 The game beloved by critics but generally underwhelmed players? I wouldn't say Deathloop was bad, unlike Redfall, just not very "engaging". It so very desperately wants to be one of those late 90s/early 2000s immsims but refuses to accept the potential lack of accessibility that would entail, so you're left with a game that feels like it's cosplaying as an immersive sim.
>>956705 >Xbox fanboys were desperately trying to pretend this gameplay didn't look like straight ass? I remember all the xboxfags I knew shit on it relentlessly because of the disappointment. Then again that is pretty much how they are with most sexbox game releases. Never underestimate MS's ability to turn even cool ideas into bland mediocre shit that no one will remember. Though that particular game was doomed back before MS even got a hold of them. Zenimax was the one pushing the cancer on them so they could sell out for more money later. >>956722 (checked) No one does. Also >>956951 is right.
>>956722 Remember Remember me?
>>956981 I remember that game only due to people making that joke randomly a few times a year.
>>956722 I don't even remember where I am.
>>957063 I was talking about the Robert Pattinson summer blockbuster from 2010
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>>957141 You may remember Remember Me, but do you remember "Remember Me?"
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>>955128 >Something jizzed on my face once and i could feel the non-existent jizz dripping from my face. They fucking marked you anon, they're letting the other schizophrenia demons know you belong to them. What did you do for some legion to desire you as their fuckboy? This may offer some protection against malicious presences, such forces don't like their property being tampered with.
>>957306 I hated that sketch, doesn't depict well just how bad tap water is.
Just finished the Ace Attorney movie. I enjoyed it for the most part. The beginning was way too rushed, but later once it slows down and focuses for a bit it gets a lot better. I have a bunch of other small nitpicks but nothing that stopped me from enjoying it. Not bad for a vidya game adaption.
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>>958081 Yeah it was definitely a good one.
>>958081 >>958082 Any link to a dub?
>>958093 >dub? I just watched with subtitles. Not sure if it even has a dub.
>>958093 No, but I can provide some tips on how to fucking kill yourself.
Oh thank fuck the stream can continue again as normal, albeit with a different jewtube channel: https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1
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Has anyone else here played the Wii port of Samba De Amigo? If you have, is the motion detection really that bad or is it that I'm extremely uncoordinated?
Going to sit down and play the switch tonight. I have to get the ball rolling on apartments and I've been trying to figure out some series to download because Jujutsu Kaisen is finished and season 3 doesn't happen for awhile.
>>958442 use 2 wii-motes. nunchuck is ass. played the fuck outta this, even the "super hard" sets as a kid
<First vid is what you think you look like when playing seventh gen games <Second is what you really look like I think I finally understand why people hated motion controls in a lot of vidya. It's much less to do how justified they are or how well they're implimented, and much more to do with the fact that you're standing there looking like an idiot regardless.
>>958812 >Caring about what you look like while playing games by yourself >Not playing VR games in the nude with your dick flopping around You're far too deep into the normalfag mindset. What are you even doing here?
Pokemon go recently did their tranny update which current year'd all the player models. Most of their communities are currently losing it over their avatars now looking androgynous, having fucked up skin colors, or just being fugly. Part of me feels bad for them, but on the other hand its pokemon go.
>>959537 Is was downgrade all around. Both male and female models lost tons of detail, allegedly in the name of allowing "customization", but the nature of some of those changes makes that claim obvious bullshit. They outsourced to chinks and/or pajeets who proceeded to half ass it. No agenda this time, just outright shekel shaving and incompetence.
>>959597 >No agenda They also now adjust their avatar body by adjusting Chest, Hip, and Shoulder ratios on an androgynous base. Boobs and butts got nerfed as well. This reeks of DEI type cancer. That they also did an incompetent job at it is just the cherry on top of this crap.
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>>959774 o im laffin
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>>959774 And those creatures wonder why even normalfags are getting tired of their shit. >>959537 >but on the other hand its pokemon go. I agree to an extent but brushing things like this just tell them it's okay to continue to mangle media in general. Sure it's Pokémon Go but Pokémon is still a big IP. In cozier news I just found out that Skygunner got a fan made sequel. It's in rails but it's not bad, feels a bit like starfox with some afterburner segments. 7/10, not bad. Still miss open air combat though.
>>959774 How sad. >obvious trans woman
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I'm thinking of biting the bullet and buying Black Ops 3 for 20 bucks just for zombies Workshop support. It's probably the only thing that has gotten my interest in COD after 14 years. Any of you fags think it's worth it?
I'm asking because this caught my eye, the amount of effort put into this is unreal.
>>960544 >>960541 This is the worst part of steam workshop. It's just mods locked behind the same drm that needs to phone home every once in a while. I thought there was a way to just download the steam workshop files through a 3rd party but even then, I wouldn't know if steam has to act as a middleman between the mod and game. You could poke around that Russian steam forum, they would probably know more how the steam workshop works. That said, the trailer sold me. The mod looks rad as fuck.
>>960541 Is there a particular mod you're interested in?
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>>960549 >I wouldn't know if steam has to act as a middleman between the mod and game. Doubt it as long as you have the files. It's just convenient due to compatibility issues with different pirated versions of the game. >>960575 see >>960544
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>>955506 >>955644 i just "almost" had sex with one, it kept changing and moving it's body parts and sex talking to me and telling me that it could ruin my life and kill me, and i could kind of feel it's body. I didn't ejaculate. It said it was male but wanted to play a female. I went with a pastor friend and God arrived and he sent the demon to hell, and i had to confess a bunch of sins and God said he still loved me. It showed me what it looks like, it was like a reflection on my eyes, (previously they showed themselves on my LCD screen and they looked like a constantly changing black cathulu) it looked like black blades constantly moving and rotating. After God sent it to hell, it was gone from my mind, it came back but i told it to fuck off and called a bunch of friends and they casted it out a few times. I played Princess peach show time with it and it tried to appeal to my pride. >>955576 I tried preaching the gospel to it and reading the Bible and it hated it, they wouldn't go away though. I suddenly just stopped talking to it. They kept trying to tell that it was ridiculous that a demon would listen to a Christian. It's completely gone now.
>>960688 The sex was strange, it would sentiently interact with me with characters in my mind, and i would "see" it in the room with my mind's eye. It would have sex with the back of my eye and i'd feel a dull pain there for a while, still do. It would argue with me about Christianity and God, it really didn't like that i was Christian. When i went to my pastor's house he binded it and silenced in the name of Jesus and it would try to communicate with me by signs like a cartoon.
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So I decided that, rather than stricly sticking to posting content only on here, I would be productive in trying to help people's tastes in gaming and providing some reviews of the games I played. So firing up my old GameFaqs account, I posted 12 reviews of games that I had most recently beaten. Only four were approved, and two of those I had to fight with the site admins to get posted. The rest were rejected because of "spoilers". Out of those eight rejects, only one contained me actually detailing the game's final act. The rest didn't explain anything beyond vague insinuations, my personal feelings, and material that is even listed on the damn box. And there's no guidelines listed anywhere on the site detailing what you can(not) have in a review. These weren't even new games either. The most recent of them was from 2011. To be quite honest, I don't know what I was expecting. Is there any other all-in-one games database aside from MobyGames?
>>961309 Gamefaqs got acquired by Fandom 2 years ago and it's been an absolute shitshow since. I will unironically recommend you to use NeoGaf to post your reviews. It's an actual community now instead of Tumblr lite filled with shills. Tyler might be a Gen X queermo ex Goon, but he still fully owns the website with little to no corporate bullshit outside of ads.
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>>961315 >>961309 Yeah neogaf now is as much as a regular forum. It has users, it has somewhat thick skinned users, more importantly there are almost 0 zealous mods that delete and ban your shit for minor stuff. Community is somewhat centre too.
>>961339 like?
>>961309 >Is there any other all-in-one games database aside from MobyGames? There's the Internet Game Database, I believe that's what sites like Twitch use for game categories, it's not a review site though. The site is annoying to use but they have an absolutely massive archive. They list Yedoma Globula, I game I have never literally never seen or heard about outside of a screenshot thread here. I just checked and they list an incredibly obscure g-scalie eroge I once saw, so it sounds like they'll list anything. >>961339 > thinskinned cunts with radical beliefs that no rational person would share /pol/acks? They're not in every thread you know, even if you do see them sperg out a lot over black people and homos.
Then fuck off to NeoGAF instead of being an assmad samefag. Clearly you don't fit in here if you're crying people and mods don't like your worthless posts. There's a million other boards where you can slop your cock in some navel-gazing bitch blog about how euphoric you are to be enlightened by your own centrism.
>>961352 Oh, you're a pedophile. I see. My fault for assuming somebody had good faith criticism of 8chan I guess. Real irony in saying others have radical beliefs.
>>961353 LCP loves hopping bypasses to start shit and thinskinned's his new catchphrase. If criticism is bad faith, ignore or ridicule.
go follow silvia and your 'friends' with screencaps lol
>>961339 All the insane zealots ane paid shills moved to ResetEra, I swear these kind of fuckwits just gravitate towards each other in the web. They're the same shits with you see in Twitter echochambers filled with bots and insecurities up their neck.
>>961360 lol, mutthurt
Huh, Youtube has some games you can play now. I'm sure they're mostly intended for the mobile app, but they have "tallman run" one of those fucking games you always see in fuck ads where they're playing shitty on purpose to piss you off into playing the game. Maybe they're all rip-offs of this one or something. Either way, had to scratch that brain itch and actually play this junk.
>>962066 Google used to have some games you could play in their logos, like pac-man https://www.google.com/logos/2010/pacman10-i.html Nice change from pretending black chicks invented everything
>>962066 (checked) >one of those fucking games you always see in fuck ads where they're playing shitty on purpose to piss you off into playing the game Of all the tricks they try to pull, that one still bothers me.
There's not better place to talk about this so I'm venting here. I am so absolutely sick and disgusted by normalfag opinions and the single worst thing to have ever happened to videogames is for them to have become mainstream. God, I fucking hate normalfags. All these shitty fucking TV shows and casualized sequels and remakes make my piss boil and how eagerly retards gobble it all up like pigs eating shit makes me queasy. What a fucking shitshow everything is. God, I'm so angry I could shit.
>>962629 I also got angry whenever I witnessed a normalfag opinion or statement, so I did the best thing one like you and I could do and just cut myself off from normalfags. No social media, no jewtube comment browsing, no fraternising at parties or clubs or some shit like that. Improved my mental health so much.
>>962629 >All these shitty fucking TV shows and casualized sequels and remakes make my piss boil and how eagerly retards gobble it all up like pigs eating shit makes me queasy Worst part about this for me is how I have to hide or severely temper my actual opinions on shit because most people are conditioned to get all kinds of pissy when you shit on whatever cancer they are currently consuming. You have to wait for the honeymoon period to be over before you are allowed to criticize anything. >>962708 I just shut off the part of my brain that gives a shit when people start going on about some trash they love. At least for friends/family. I wouldn't subject myself to that for random niggers.
>>962735 >Worst part about this for me is how I have to hide or severely temper my actual opinions on shit because most people are conditioned to get all kinds of pissy when you shit on whatever cancer they are currently consuming. I find that the best course of action is to not even discuss it. Just talk about the shit YOU are playing/reading/watching. Or at least try to recommend "better" material that satisfies the same urge they say they're craving for.
https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1 Jackbox is about to start. Get in while you can within 20 minutes
Anyone here actually play Hi-Fi Rush. I kept hearing about how good it was, but I can't get over my gut feelings about how safe, lame, and "quirky" these character designs look.
>>963814 Just play No Straight Roads. Similar concept that came out a few years prior to Hi-Fi Rush and have seen nothing but praise for regarding Anons discussing it.
>>963815 I don't like that look of that aesthetic too much either, I guess it's just not my style. They both have this "family safe rock and roll" look, like they're designed to be as inoffensive as possible.
>>963814 >>963817 Could you articulate yourself a bit better? Because I have no idea what you mean. Could you post an example of something "not-safe"?
>>963818 It's hard to describe, I'd explain it like the difference between the PS2 Rachet and Clank games, and the current ones. There was a some grittiness to early ratchet games, where the world storyline is still interesting to me as an adult, but modern ratchet doesn't interest me at all, since it looks like all the grittiness of that world was removed, Like the original, Ratchet is smirking, but he also looks like he's determined and down for a fight, and there is just something off to me about modern ratchet. He looks too clean, where the original looks scrappy. Like I said, it's just a gut feeling.
>>963814 The game is great but the character designs are really bad. It's basically similar to how Nero plays in the Devil May Cry series, but with an added twist of having to time your combos to the rhythm for bonus damage and points. It's really a lot of fun and I would argue is a much better game than what >>963815 said. I've played both Hi-Fi Rush and No Straight Roads, and I can say with 100% certainty that Hi-Fi Rush is a much better game with a better combat system after you play through the third chapter and actively unlocking moves and shit. That being said the story and characters DO have a lot to be desired. The protagonist is basically Fry from Futurama, but the other characters are your stereotypical archetypes, where you have the cute hacker girl that ran away from her responsibilities, the black bro, the strong stuck up white girl, and the evil CEO. I would not put too much into the story and characters, as I doubt the devs gave a shit about them considering they're as deep as Super Mario Bros on the NES. They basically work as a plot device to give your characters new abilities. Think of it as a spin on DmC's color coded enemies, but instead of having to change weapons, you basically have to use a certain character to break a certain type of shield and then unleash a combo of musically timed attacks. I'd ask you to pirate it and see if you like it, but sadly denuvo makes that impossible due to the cracking scene filled with trannys without a solidified focus. That being said, the game is fairly cheap and you can probably get it for 20 bucks at the next major sale, which I think is 100% worth it as the game really is a ton of fun despite its flaws. I'd argue that it's worth the full 30 dollars, but the game gets REALLY good around three hours in once you unlock the grapple arm and parry since those are really core mechanics to the game, and you won't have a good understanding without unlocking those mechanics. In general I think it's worth it considering that Hi-Fi Rush despite its flaws is a very fun game. I wouldn't go in expecting to fall in love with the characters, story or even the music since its kinda generic radio rock, although the game makes up for it bringing a lot of interesting gimmicks to the stylish action genre for a decent price. Basically my recommendation is to just have a cheap lunch and use the money you saved to buy the game since you can't pirate it and get a feel for it. That and Steam is usually better than piracy since it offers services like Cloud Saves and easy Linux support where you can play most games with Proton and have it work decently well, unless you have a game using some fucked up anti-cheat of course. Although I understand games are too expensive these days, and your time is just as valuable. Personally I think Hi-Fi Rush is more worth than the Investment than No Straight Roads which doesn't have a nearly as good combat system and the story of NSR take itself somewhat more seriously with long story bits instead of Hi-Fi Rush where you get a single cutscene telling you "Here's your character, here's your mechanics, here's your motivation, have fun". The story of Hi-Fi Rush is basically about Chai gets an iPod stuck in his heart when getting a new robotic arm since he lost his previous arm in an unknown accident, thus leading to the CEO of Microsoft trying to kill Chai because he's basically a "defect" and you team up with Hackergal in order to kill the CEO for lack of a better term restore the founder of the company to the previous position held by the CEO. Where as No Straight Roads i about the tired old trope about being a rockstar combating the evils of electronic music and EDM, and it's just tiresome bullshit about anti-corporate propaganda and how rock music will never die. Regardless Hi-Fi Rush is more engaging than No Straight Roads for being faster with its story than anything else. tl:dr: Get Hi-Fi Rush and ignore anyone who recommends No Straight Roads since they're very different games when it comes to gameplay and combat mechanics.
>>963820 Modern Ratchet looks airbrushed and finely manicured, like he's been designed by committee to appeal to women and children with no real edge. He looks less like he's a little alien animal man looking for a scrap and more like an environmentally friendly millennial who just spotted a great deal on tofu dogs at Trader Joe's. Fuck, they even made Clank look like a pussy faggot.
>>963831 Thanks, if it's just the character designs not being too great, then I think I can deal with it, if the actual game is good. I just wanted to know if their personalities or whatever were annoying, but if they are bearable, I'll give it a shot at some point.
>>963871 It's bareable, kinda like one of those shows from Nickelodeon like Ben 10 or Avatar. If you're really worried about it then just get it during the next summer sale.
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>>965378 *straight shota FTFY
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>>965378 Make a thread on /vb/ if you want to talk about vidya boys you pervert. I mean I'm a pervert too, just not in that way.
>>965420 Imagine having that sort of close familial bond.
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Happy Cinco de Mayo, amigos!
>>965729 It's such a difference to how they actually are in game.
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A game I'm interested in called Akimbot was just announced. It's a Ratchet & Clank clone, but with robots instead of furries and seemingly much more annoying VA work and writing. I've always wanted something like this, I'm kind of shocked no other developer has done their take on R&C the way devs did for DMC and Demon's Souls. I've literally daydreamed about making my own R&C clone to a somewhat embarrassing degree. From the gameplay it looks like they're aiming for the newer R&C games, I'd prefer the older ones but action platformers aren't that popular anymore I guess.
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Sorry for doubleposting but they really went out of their way to make not-Ratchet look like Ratchet, he has an almost identical silhouette. He looks like Ratchet whenever he's wearing a full bodysuit. I wonder if this was originally pitched as a R&C game but Sony rejected it?
https://archive.is/Oowt2 Would you have preferred Peace Walker to have been given the title of MGSV?
>>966793 I know of one R&C clone(I don't remember the name, but it was really cheap and was made in unity) but it was a bit shit. That one french loli game is apparently a ratchet clone but I'm not playing it until it exits early access.
I want to post articles and articles translations I've written online, about video games and other things. I've thought about Medium, or blogspot, but >google. How would you do it? Anyone has any experience posting longer-form articles online? I also remember a zine a few anons were making some time ago, what happened to it?
>>966793 >I'm kind of shocked no other developer has done their take on R&C the way devs did for DMC and Demon's Souls. There was Ruff Trigger.
>>935876 >can I get a photo of just Trent, please? This is so fucking funny >>967011 Never heard of it, might give it a try. Please, feel free to drop any others you may know of.
>>967019 I feel Metal Arms has a similar vibe to Ratchet and Clank.
Where did the Linux gaming thread go? There used to be one.
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>>967011 I'm trying this out and wow, this is shameless. Possibly more shameless than Akimbot; boxes with money and ammo, the same balls of health, even the UI looks the same. It also plays really weirdly, it doesn't have great feedback and the animations are off.
Considering space skyrim bombed, Todd must be pretty happy about how well this show has been going. <‘Fallout’ Blasts To Top Of Nielsen Streaming Charts In Debut Weekend, Becoming Amazon’s Most Successful Title To Date >Amazon‘s video game adaptation stormed onto Nielsen‘s streaming list in its debut weekend, racking up a whopping 2.9B minutes viewed in its first five days on the platform >It’s also Amazon’s most successful title to date, according to Nielsen, considering it surpassed Reacher’s best week by over a billion minutes as well >Nielsen reports the audience for Fallout in its premiere weekend was 63% male, and 75% of viewers were under 50. About 70% of viewing was concentrated in the first four episodes, which likely indicates some more big weeks for Fallout ahead https://archive.is/JQZAm
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>>967407 You like the videos I posted on /vb/, I see? The funny thing about bees is they're actually quite clumsy, always bumping into each other and hitting into things. They just move too fast for us to notice.
>>967411 (hecked) Yeah bees are adorable. >tfw suffering on earth with no bee gf
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>>967472 This game's entire OST is surprisingly great, you don't hear many games with UK garage as their soundtrack. The game itself is decent, too. A fun flight-based third-person shooter, if a little repetitive. Same developer behind Star Fox actually.
>>967472 I don't remember jack about the game, but the theme still stays with me.
>>967475 Bee (evil) I am now 100% bee pilled. Changed all my pfp to bees and set my wallpapers to bees
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>>967506 I have no idea why the American media started calling the giant northern hornet "MURDER HORNETS" it's so embarrassing. It is true they kill dozens a year, but I wouldn't call them a "human killer". The giant silkworm kills more people, they just don't look "scary". Mosquitos have an annual deathtoll equivalent to that of a major war.
>>967509 Because being stung and dying from a fever is not as flashy as being covered in hornets and slowly being stung to death.
>>967506 Wasps and hornets are the niggers of the bee world and I'm tired of pretending they are not!!!
>>967524 >>967525 I saw that, faggot. I wish wasps and hornets ate the niggers.
>>967525 Figs are pollinated by wasps. Often times the wasps will get trapped in the fig while doing so. The fig will dissolve the wasp so you don't have to worry about biting into a fig and finding a wasp. IIRC Evolutionary speaking the relationships between wasps, bees, hornet and ant are: Hornets are omnivores that eat both plants and meat. What they crave depends on where the reproductive cycle of the hive is. Hornets are wasps that evolved to only eat meat. Bees are wasps that evolved to only eat pollen. Ants are wasps that evolved to live on land and not fly (excluding the queen).
>>967534 >Hornets are omnivores that eat both plants and meat. What they crave depends on where the reproductive cycle of the hive is. Fuck, Wasps are omnivores
>>967525 There are a lot of different kinds of wasps, you probably dislike hornets. Plenty of wasps are harmless, if I remember correctly the entire Agaonidae family are herbivorous
>>967169 >/vb/ - /b/ but with video games >Just like 4chan's /v/ :^) Or like 8chan's /v/ :^)
>>967051 >>967169 Anyway, I was looking for the dedicated Linux gaming thread that used to exist, not open source games.
>>967578 You don't visit /b/ very often do you?
>>967582 I don't visit Markchan very often. It's ruined by Mark. On OG 8chan he was kept in check by other boards, the strong community, site administration and not wanting his board to decline in rank. You can't just talk about video games and only video games forever without being literally retarded. Good games just aren't abundant and eventually you've talked about them enough.
>>967580 I think it pruned, try making another one maybe?
>>967588 Maybe it pruned because there's no one left to make them? No why pipo left in town.
>>967586 most of the discussions here aren't about video games like the one about trannies in the meta thread thats been going on for days. if you stopped saying things they don't like you'd find all those bans and post deletions for "not video games" miraculously go away and you're able to talk about whatever off topic shit you want in whatever thread you want.
>>967586 >Markchan stopped reading there, go back to (((Alogs))) or (((tvch))) you fucking nigger who knows nothing about the site and only cares about dramafaggotry.
>>967594 You're not allowed to make threads about politics but but you're allowed to make shitty lol threads. >>967597 You gonna tell me this board is the same as on good old 8ch.net?
>>967538 Red bull me on wasps
>>967719 Look at this cool blue wasp
>>967746 Hot dang, a baby Cazador!
>>967758 This is not fine.
>>967760 Put some on that
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>>967768 I've got a better alternative
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Have some vidya-based fanfic.Which vidya? As many as would fit in there, and some other stuff too.
Come on in for jackbox: https://cytu.be/r/jackbox1
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>>967746 is it human friendly? Not games related but nobody posts on /fur/ inb4 I should post there too, I did but what I am supposed to do when nobody else responds back I've been kinda pondering to visit a furry convention here in my states (germany) but the thing is I am quite socially awkward and shy, so is it even going to be worth it going there? I have no idea how I am supposed to talk to people there and eventually make new friends and then I need to convince my family or my sisters to drive me over there that is if they are not too rejective of my idea visiting a furcon but the thing is there is a high chance they will say no. I am a NEET and I don't have much opportunity to socialize so it might be for me a chance to talk to people where we share some interest.
>>967895 A. That's what the internet is for. B. Some people wear full body costumes tog et over their stage freight. C. If there's enough kraut furrys to have a convention, you can probably find someone local to pick you up and take you, assuming you aren't so fuckass broke to not take a taxi or maybe even that lovely german train system i hear so much about. D. Enjoy your AIDS.
>>967895 There are about a billion less retarded excuses to socialize than meeting up with fucking retarded furfags. Literally any other kind of convention would be less degenerate and absurd. You should not want to interact with people that publicly disclose their furfag proclivity to the point where they go to a fucking convention where people are running around in diapers and sweating in disgusting dog costumes. Join DnD/board game groups, or do literally anything else. The entire world is now absolutely filled with nerd hobbies and groups of people local to you that are interested in doing them. There's probably even groups that do it online but are local to your country so you can get familiar online before meeting with them in person. It's ridiculous that your first instinct to approach socialization as a NEET is to go to a furry convention. Stop being fucking weird.
>>967898 So I would just be better off not going to a furcon and just find a german/english furry internet community instead? >B. Some people wear full body costumes tog et over their stage freight. I don't have any >C. If there's enough kraut furrys to have a convention, you can probably find someone local to pick you up and take you, assuming you aren't so fuckass broke to not take a taxi or maybe even that lovely german train system i hear so much about. I will see if I can save up some money for that. Though I don't know any furrys that live in my city. >D. Enjoy your AIDS. Thanks. >>967902 I went to the daycare before but I dunno what I should do there except constantly doing shitty drawings because I don't spend enough time to draw more and I get bored off here so I have hard time to stay motivated enough and just draw some shit there. Besides I was asking for other fur anons here man, so no going to the furcon was not my very first idea to socialize with people. >or do literally anything else I sit at home all the time and when I am in the mood I am just modding shit for GZDoom and Minetest by making code and 3D models. I don't know what the hell I need to search for to find other people who does something with games and modding or whatever in my city.
>>967907 I, for one, am exceptionally antisocial, so even though i like video games and anime, i'd never want to go to a convention for such. So my advice, at least, would be to skip it all entirely, yeah. Maybe someone who isn't an emotionally stunted, untrusting freak of nature would tell you to go for it, but that ain't me. >I don't have any And you call yourself a furry.
>>967913 >I, for one, am exceptionally antisocial, so even though i like video games and anime, i'd never want to go to a convention for such. So my advice, at least, would be to skip it all entirely, yeah. Maybe someone who isn't an emotionally stunted, untrusting freak of nature would tell you to go for it, but that ain't me. I guess fair enough, well then I will dump this idea then. >And you call yourself a furry. but I use furry skins in games and make furry mods
>>967907 >I went to the daycare A daycare is a place for school children. You're mistranslating something. >Besides I was asking for other fur anons here There are none. And the ones that may exist would give you the same advice. Going to a furry convention is the equivalent of going to a lolicon convention. Just because you're into something does not mean you should be willing to participate in it as a social endeavor. Furfaggotry is inherently depraved.
>in the mood for some xcom, but want something new >remember Phoenix Point exists and I never tried it I'm playing this game now. On paper, it has a lot going for it. Lots of shit I like. The execution of it is so rough and lacking polish though. Going to finish it (probably), but I'm not enjoying it as much as I initially hoped. About a 6 out of 10 score so far unless things improve later. A big overhaul mod Terror from the Void came out for it in April. Seems to address or at least try to get the game in a better state, and the devs of the actual game are promoting it as well. Now I'm debating if it is worth starting over to try it, as I'm not sure I am willing to play more than single playthrough of this.
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In the most recent version, she actually sings when growing mallorn trees. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=GyW1-TZAJII >>967965 I'm gonna give that a look at. I've never quite gotten into PP so maybe an overhaul mod will work for it.
>>968333 (checked) >maybe an overhaul mod will work for it I've been trying the mod and it definitely is an improvement from the base game. It is not going to be fixing any foundational issues with it (a mod can only do so much there), but the game feels a hell of a lot better than it did before.
>>968422 Biggest problem I had with versions 6 & 7 was the Towers being too OP. I remember trying to clear a base with a full Gondor force, powers included and only cleared a 1/3rd of a standard AI's base cause they built so many towers. Thankfully 8.3.1 seems in a more balanced place. Should give Edain a try too, as the BfoME 1 build plots encourage map control in a way BofME 2 doesn't with freebuild.
>>968491 I was actually talking about the mod for Phoenix Point. I should have been more clear. I definitely do need to give the mod you showed off a look though. I haven't played that game (or even watched/read LOTR stuff) in years. >Should give Edain a try too I'll add it to the list. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Well my Steam account got hacked, and all my valuable Counter Strike Items I had got stolen. It all would have added up to a few hundred bucks. Someone on my friends list sent me a suspicious link, and like an idiot I clicked it, that resulted in them getting access to my trading, and I had no idea a trade was even happening until the cut off point was already over. Then when I took a nap, I woke up and saw someone sent the same fucking messages that got me hacked to 5 other people. I changed my password and made sure everything was secure now, and I was able to warn 4/5 of them, but for all I know the 5th guy got hacked too. I'm not heart broken over losing some Steam Items, I should have sold them forever ago, and I never would have actually ended up doing it, since I kept forgetting I even had them, but this shit sucks. Playing Counter Strike is straight up a detriment to the security of your steam account. Those fucking Russians with Anime waifu pictures have been trying to add me as a friend and steal my shit for years, and they finally got me.
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>>968664 Insult monke and their """special military operations" next time with mobniks getting drone striked.
>>968664 I nearly did that too, years ago, but i noticed the webpage they linked me too wasn't the official steam page. Ultimately it's your fault for trying to vote for teams or whatever shit they used to zap you.
>>968664 A guy on my friends list had this happen to him recently. He started hitting me with spambot style posts (with fake steam links) so that thankfully gave it away pretty quickly. You gotta be careful these days.
>>968671 >>968672 The trickiest part about this is that I never "Lost" my account. They were just logged in at the same time. My internet went down for like half a day today, and they pulled this shit when I had a nap. Only after this I figure out how to use steam guard to log out of all computers logged into an account, and changed my password. It is totally my own fault for falling for the scam, but they're clever bastards. The message you get sent is Essentially someone asking you to do them a favor and vote for their Universities Counter Strike team so they can win a whatever chance and compete in a whatever, and "they only need a few more votes left" I never get scam messages like this, so I thought it was legit, but yeah I'm dumb, but as you can see from pic related this one wasn't me, it was someone else who fell for it the exact same way I did.
>>968676 I had a similar problem last week with my Gmail since my internet was down and my IP's changed so I couldn't access it since all the information I had in my account is over a decade old.
>>968664 >>968692 In my case I lost my over a decade old youtube channel. Dozens of videos I made when I was a teenager over the Elon Musk shitcoins scam. It was a cookie grabber in my case, so after that I got a webbrowser that doesn't save passwords, moved to Loonix and stopped running pirated Software (I miss the days when the worst stuff you could get from piratebay was adware). The worst part is that I had 2FA enabled, that didn't do shit to protect my account, so that was moslty an issue on Google's part. >>968676 I got this too, but in my case it was one guy saying "I accidentally mass reported your account, please contact this user to resolve your issue". But the guy sending the message haven't talked to me for almost two years so that raised several red flags. I just blocked him and moved on, but yeah, if that were a close friend I would probably fall for it.
>>968664 Take note anons, this is why you shouldn't ever click links from random messages. Copy the URL, and open it in your browser, preferably with Javashit disabled, and you can already avoid quite a few threats.
>>968676 >>968804 How is clicking a link resulting in your steam account session being hijacked? Why would a random website be able to snipe a session cookie from a different site on an updated modern browser?
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>>968840 >>968900 It wasn't just clicking the link, the website it takes you to looks legit based on the story they give you, but when you click to vote it prompts you to sign into your steam profile in order to vote, and that's where I was retarded and actually did it. My Steam Guard and Email immediately clued me in something Sketchy just happened with that log in, that someone tried to change my accounts email, and shit, and I thought I cleared everything up the day it happened, and it wasn't until later when I realized they were still logged into my account and just waiting for the opportunity to strike, that I figure out how to deauthorize all devices using Steam Guard.
>>968910 That's what I thought. A site being able to steal cookies just based on the act of clicking it alone would be very alarming.
>>968900 At the time I was reinstalling software on my machine, so I probably got the cookie grabber from there; however, it is possible to session hijack someone just by clicking a link, it even bypasses 2FA as I pointed out before. https://youtu.be/gqhPkeXMeh0
>>968910 Having Steam's 2FA enabled from the getgo would have immobilized the hackers entirely, would it not? Not like they could separately hack into your phone.
>>968947 I mean the guy says just clicking a link can have your session cookies stolen, but doesn't actually explain how. I'm sure it's technically been possible in the past, but on a modern updated browser in 2024 I'd assume hijacking session cookies from just clicking a link is likely mostly mitigated. >>968952 Not necessarily. If you're hijacking a session cookie you're bypassing 2FA entirely by basically cloning the entire browser login session. It's how Linus Tech Tips had their channel taken over. But they were compromised by downloading some file and executing it on their machine, not simply clicking a link. Obviously you should still avoid clicking sketchy links, but it's usually more involved than just clicking a link and bam you're instantly pwned.
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Is it even possible to earn money through patreon donations and making mods for doom and minetest? My patreon account is several months old by now and I am still not earning a single cent from it.
>>969236 If you have a decently popular release and a small community behind you. Don't expect money just by making content.
>>969237 >popular release and a small community ah hell, I have no idea how I am supposed to get a small community going on
>>969236 You either have to shill or get/hope for someone to shill whatever it is you are doing. For the latter to happen you need to have something worth sharing. For the former you have to go networking/communicating and sharing your shit wherever it is appropriate so people can become aware you exist.
>>969239 Make lewd mods. Fetishes would be best. Make all monsters female and add a weight gain or a feet mechanic.
>>969242 >doing shilling and making content that is worth sharing with Hmmm, I guess I could try shill some places then, I just need to find a place where I can do that. As for the latter I think I am not skilled enough to make high quality assets. >>969243 oh yeah brown bricks porn, minetest edition. I'm too retarded for that
>>969245 If you ask for money without having some decent content or content that panders heavily to a niche, you're not going to get, might even piss off some people.
>>969243 He doesn’t even need to do that. All he needs to do is make something that will attract internet autists. Something like sonic, or undertale. Or, for a more contemporary example, Friday Night Funkin.
>>969246 So if my models doesn't look to good I piss off people then? fuck
>>969250 Depends on the community and/or how insistent your shilling is.
>>969249 Looks like there are doom mods for FNF, but I haven't seen FNF wads for doom. Some potential for him there?
Protip with Tsushima, turn off AMD's FSR rendering. it's causing driver issues and will eventually crash the game after 30 minutes.
>>969249 >>969351 >Just make content based upon FNA Sonic and Undertale bro Oh god... Well if it requires me to cater to those autismos and whatever the fuck existing brand of autism exist then I guess I just give up on my patreon idea. Meh this sucks because I could use some additional bucks. Welfare from Germany sucks dick and I am not even allowed to have a mini job or a part time job to get some additional bucks due to some bullshit regulation regarding social agency that I am on. Well anyway, does any of you guys got some pictures of cool or awesome looking anime guys? No I am not gay, I want to use those as a profile pictures on some place.
>>969701 I am a croat but that doesn't matter, it's because I'm on social welfare department now and not on job center dole. Job Center fucking sucked dick even more since they wasted a lot of my time forcing me to do shit for several months on some stupid measurement plans where I had to get a job but they didn't gave a single fuck that I don't even have a main school qualification (Hauptschuleabschluss), and the time I went there on their stupid measurement plans it went nowhere for me but I had to do a lot of bullshit task back then.
>>967965 Played some more, and I have to say that the flier DLC is an active detriment to the game. It is not often that I say new content is downright harmful to my enjoyment of the game. I genuinely despise how shit it is. What the fuck were the devs thinking by leaving it like that.
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I'm playing Magicka for the first time. The magic system is really cool and fun, I enjoy dicking around with it, but oh my lord the game is quite repetitive. I'm a third of the way through and so far it's been nothing but killing waves of enemies. The enemies are weirdly spongy, too. This game was obviously designed around 4 people so soloing it is a bit of a slog, I'm surprised they don't have adaptive difficulty like most other 4-player coop games (Borderlands and L4D come to mind). The combat is also kind of awkward, I swear my attacks don't connect half the time and all the beam-based spells have this weight behind them making it difficult to aim after you've already started casting. I wish there were some way to hotkey spells, typing out D-Q-R-Q-R-Q-R-Q-R and Q-F-Q-F-S-A-A over and over is a bit tiresome. The comedy is VERY 2011, one of the game's classes is literally the Reddit mascot. It gets grating fast, the only joke that landed was some lady who looks like a questgiver but says "I wonder how I'm going to rid of this question mark above my head"? There's a great robust magic system but not very much built around it, I saw the game referred to as an RPG but it's really not, it's as much of an RPG as Contra is. Probably fun with friends but it's a bit lackluster on your own.
>>969793 I got sick of that game in a couple days. The most broken stuff at the time was spraying enemies with fog/steam and hitting them with chain lightning. A lot of stupid fucking typing while you're trying to avoid enemies, so if you want to play, set up some sort of macro program to autodial that bullshit.
>>969793 You don't need to play it with friends, I soloed the game and had a blast. The game even has a revive mechanic for single player. >floaty That's just the game telling you to explore your options. You have a huge load of offensive and defensive options. Magic has a bunch of possible effects, and combos using debuffs have massive damage potential. Even the shield element can be used offensively. Don't underestimate the active abilities of your gear either. I'm not sure anymore, but some enemies have elemental defenses and weaknesses if I remember correctly. Also, you can actually fuck with enemy spellcasters, for example making them wet so they can't use lightning. You should also learn the teleport and haste casts by heart. >beam Well, yeah. The beam is accurate, slow and long range, while spray is spread, quick, and shorter range. >I wish there were some way to hotkey spells Dialing your spells is pretty much a core part of how the game is balanced. Sure, ice and steam do good damage, but that nine button combo isn't going to save your butt when you get bumrushed. It's why keeping your elements around without casting slows you down. The key is adaptability. >>969803 After beating it, I read that the most broken combo is triple steam, lightning, beam. I tested it out and it shreds through health.
Killing Floor 2 is on sale for like a dollar.
>>970127 Not even if they paid me to play it.
>>970127 First one was better.
>>970163 >2017 I wonder if and how it's changed since.
>>970163 I don't think that's the only factor, it's also that government wasn't running constant divide and conquer psy-op campaigns to make people hate everyone as much as they did after 2011 when Occupy Wall Streett ended. Now young people are taught to hate themselves and everyone around them.
>>970173 Yeah they made society as miserable as possible. Of course emotionally impaired teens are going to be even more fugged up by it.
>>970248 Public school enjoys making people as miserable as possible by high school, if it's not the teachers or the school faculty it's gossip.
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Nintendo has fallen.
>>970593 Check the japanese version.
>>970593 nintendo was fucked years ago you retarded nigger, this is just expected now >>970596 since hes reposting from the GG thread i may as well too
>>970597 >bullied for mentally illness Trannies aint gonna like this!
>>970593 I find most shit Nintendo gets is disingenuous, but this screenshot is actually fucked. >>970607 Trannies are celebrating this.
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>>970593 >>970596 >>970597 >>970607 >>970623 Every game developer and celebrity you know is either a homosexual or a tranny, closeted or otherwise. All of them have been taking at least ten (unique) dicks up their asses daily and have been contemplating gender reassignment surgery or sterilization. Some have already gone through with it.
>>970625 Just like /v/, in fact!
>>956142 >third world vtubers they exist?
Have any of you neolithic retards ever tried a digital detox? I ask because I seriously think I need to do something similar, barring completely wiping my PC and starting with a new blank slate. I've got a hoard of files, thumbnails, webpages, images, folders and programs clogging up my computer from the past decade and it's probably some extension of my obsessive tendencies but has really been hindering my ability to work on stuff and focus. Should I even bother working small, organizing things and tossing stuff out bit by bit or just rip the bandaid off like a hoarder and delete all this shit I haven't touched for years and years? I'm conflicted because a ton of it is shit, just me saving or bookmarking something to look at later that I never will, but some stuff is legitimately useful, like tutorials or references or even old 4chan/8chan stuff. At the very least I'll dump anything that might actually be useful or of importance before trashing it.
>>970663 Make a backup/move all those files to an external drive and start over, I say. BUT hold onto those old files and sort through them in your spare time. At least get them organized and let them serve as an archive. You'd be surprised how much shit is just gone from the internet to never come back, or gets locked behind sites requiring accounts, especially porn. Hell, here's an example of such an image from back during that one Asscreed release.
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>>970667 also this, but me calling you retarded for contemplating deleting your stuff; fifty years ago people use to take photographs to remember their lives, and your bullshit meme folder is the closest thing you have to that now
>>970663 If the file size isn't particularly large then there's no reason to delete it. Just put it aside somewhere in a folder.
>>970671 Happy Nigra Over 9000 Milhouse (is not a meme) Mudkip Duckroll'd divided by zero fgsfds
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>>970625 >>970626 Holy mother of newfag!
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>>970593 everyone knew that this would happen
>>970762 Holy shit, thanks for reminding me!
>>970593 >>970763 Oh, Nostradamus, enlighten us with your profound wisdom—what groundbreaking visions do you have for the future of video games?
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And here's the cocksucker who did it https://archive.is/7ASdr >>970765 >Xbox is going platform and their next platform will be a locked down PC >Sony is going fully into PC and try to make a PSN store while slowly phasing out hardware, though you'll likely still see 2 generations of their consoles >Nintendo will invest on more third party exclusives and the Switch 2 will have heavy amounts of copy protection to stop emulation >Ubisoft will go bankrupt or be sold and gaped to the highest bidder in 5 years time >EA will move exclusively to mobile in 10 years >Microsoft will close Bethesda and Activision due to shit management >Gabe Newell will die or get sick in the next 10 years and his son and other investors will fuck the Steam service somehow until most people leave and they desperately make a hastily made Half Life 3 in a pathetic bid to save the company like Square Enix and Activision did by Remaking their biggest titles >There will be a sweet spot in time where the activity will be just between Valve, Switch and Mobile with plenty of middle sized companies seeing growth while AAAshit declines and dies off I can make another post detailing smaller releases and decisions if you want!
>>970767 Forgot to add >locked down PC As in, it will literally just be an Xbox branded PC prebuilt running Windows instead of a closed garden,
>>970663 DUMP IT ON AN ARCHIVE SITE MOTHERFUCKER, For all we know you could've struck gold that nobody will ever see or hear about, give others the chance to judge whether or not your content is shit and let the good bits reproduce naturally in internet discourse rather than killing it for potentially good. >>970667 >You'd be surprised how much shit is just gone from the internet to never come back THIS, I just checked in on a youtuber I liked recently and he got turbo cancelled on shitter so hard he deleted ALL of his online presence, and I'm pissed that nobody likely archived his content. Incidents like that ignite a passionate fire in me that I thought was dead. I've become so radically pro-archival over the past decade, the first thing I do when I get filthy rich is build my own data center and a few hundred terabyte hard drives to stash in a warehouse.
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>>970767 Niko's a shitty hoaxer proven to have edited his enby name into Zelda credits. Not that it matters now, Transvian still happened.
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Reminder trannies are narcissists who'll do anything for clout.
>>970852 >Narcissa
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meh I want to fucking die now, there is nothing to live for anymore. The only reason I am not looking up how to suicide is because I don't want the fucking nigger of a demiurge and his fucking archons stealing my soul with his white light trap so that I get memory holed and reincarnated again this shithole of a planet.
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>>970859 Sometimes my thoughts stray towards this but I'd be pissed if I died a virgin. I'd like to touch huge boobs before I die too.
>>970869 That means our only hope is that big tiddy sex robots becomes real so that at least we can shank some robot pussy first.
>>970873 I hope they'll also have wombs so that I can touch a pregnant belly too.
>>970756 >>970757 i wasn't trying to samefag I was adding on to the previous post i could've deleted and reposted it but everyone would have pointed it out and laughed at me
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I just don't know what the fuck I am doing wrong. I post screenshots of my recent models and nobody says anything. When I say something on other sites like twatter, shitcord and what else trying to get a small conversation going then nobody says to me either. This is getting really annoying. Why even bother having messaging programs on my computer in the first place if nobody wants to talk to me.
>>970934 Do some exercise, you need endorphins
>>970934 Happens to me all the time tbh. You have to gather a bit of clout and familiarity first before trying to show stuff and get comments from them on a regular basis. Try striking up a conversation or commenting on other people's stuff to get them to talk to you. Sometimes posting your work itself triggers the conversation, but if not then you have to resort to alternative means like this. It's called networking. All successful people are successful because of networking. I fucking hate having forced conversations with other people. Having irl friends helps somewhat, I guess
>>970937 I don't have any fun going outside. >>970940 So I just need to try talking more with other people in order to get people aware of me? I don't have any IRL friends left so the stupid internet is my only place to have "interaction" with people. I guess I need to look up somewhere how to start a small talk then or some shit. I don't really have any clout outside of imageboards so I would have to build up that too but it's been a struggle for me. Maybe I only have hard time talking to people because of my asperger conditions or due to my schizophrenia I dunno man.
>>970943 Yeah, the more familiar someone is with you the more compelled they would feel to comment on your stuff, since ignoring you now comes with the consequence of possibly souring a relationship, no matter how small it may be. Of course, it depends on the person if they consider the relationship worth enough to do so. There will be a lot of people to that may give you bad advice or push you in the wrong direction, so take everything they say with a grain of salt.
>>970943 You haven't tried it yet Go to a park, catch some sun and start running, you'll feel better, I promise.
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>>970943 First, if you're making something purely for attention and you're not getting any, that's a sign you should either make something else, or shill it to a different crowd. Sounds cruel, but that's how it is on this bitch of an earth. Still no feedback on my github months later, it be like that sometimes Second, keep in mind you don't get to pick whats going to be popular out of what you make. You could spend months on a project, and the shitpost you spend 30 secs to add to it could be the most popular part of it. Third, and this is the big one: You shouldn't be creating purely for social approval. Feedback is a nice boost of energy, but you should have motivation/discipline/spirit enough to continue without it. If you're burning out because of a lack of feedback, you might need to double check why you started in the first place. Best advice I can give (Besides going outside and exercising, very fucking important. Don't skip that) is to figure out WHY you make things. For me, it's giving back to communities I care about and a love for making cool shit. With the right purpose, I don't have to worry at least not as much about how well what I make will be received. If you feel like shit, just remember: It's not supposed to be fucking easy.
>>970945 So it's because I am way too silent then? I guess then it's my fault for not being more talkative then, hmmm I just have difficulties reading conversation from other people and trying to continue it or asking question that doesn't sound too retarded. >>970950 I guess I could go for some 15-20 minute walk in the park then after I popped in some painkiller pills because I have backpain issues, I can't do a 30 minute walk yet due to my poor stamina. And yeah I haven't been outside for ages again despite I've been told before I should do some 30 minutes walk before. >>970955 I made code and content for several years but I am just mostly posting on the local agdg thread here whenever I made a bit of progress, I just posted my stuff there and then when I felt like it I made a bit more content or just procrastinated till I have more energy to do more. I didn't posted there for attention, though only I do so now recently on twatter and on shitcord is to get some patrons but I gave up on this idea since anons told me I need to do tons of shilling, catering to people and what else in order to gain money from that, so basically becoming a sell out. So now I am just making content for in this case so that my mods becomes more rich in content, well obviously not that many since I am just a solo developer. >spend months on a project I already see that. I spend several months on my DWM mod and since I made a ZDoom thread there I didn't got any attention from it asides from just one guy asking me to add a 3D renamon model. I don't do any "shitposting" on public platforms since I would be limited to the types that is not offensive to people sensitivity. I do have a bit enough discipline to continue making progress despite lack of comments and feedback so that is not really that much of a issue asides that I have a nasty habit of sleeping a lot or just procrastinating because of my shitty mood. >excercise see my post above.
>>970958 Don't just walk, run, even if for 10 minutes Then stop and do it again for 30 minutes, you'll feel much better just doing that.
>>970959 But how can I run when I don't have good stamina to begin with? I need to build it up first before I can start running.
>>970967 By running? I smoke, I'm chubby and eat shit all the time and I can do it anon. Just think of it as a challenge to overcome, something to do for yourself, instead of a chore and giving up. You got low self esteem, likely depressed, doing a slight jog helps a lot more than you think Shit, just going for a drive helps me out.
>>970968 Hmm alright I will try doing some jogging/running next time I am outside. Hmm I need to think of something that reminds me that I should go outside regularly, I have a note keeping program where I keep note of some stuff, I guess I just write it down here and see if it helps. >You got low self esteem, likely depressed, Yes I am depressed, I am taking meds for this shit and I don't feel still much better from it. It is difficult finding new doc in my city since a lot of people are moving out of that, like recently I tried going to a dentist due to tooth ache and I didn't got appointment because they are full. So I have only my old psychologist and no one else when it comes to my health.
>>970934 Now you know why so many NEETs become trannies. Free (You)'s >>970959 >you'll feel much better just doing that. It's always funny seeing people tell atrophied retards they'll feel better after a workout. They will physically feel like shit, probably extremely nauseous. They might feel mentally accomplished or fulfilled, but that isn't a given for people that are chronically apathetic and depressed. Obviously you should still workout regardless, but if your motivation is that working out is some magic pill that will make you feel any different then you're setting up a lot of people for disappointment. I feel no different drinking water and doing full body compound movements and running an hour a day than I did when I ate like shit and played WoW for 12 hours a day. In fact I probably felt better being a retarded sloth. The only true motivator for exercise and a good diet is self-hatred and spite. >>970967 You just run. 3 times a week. You don't need to run long, or fast, and you don't even need to improve. You just go out at the same time every day and run for the allotted amount of time or distance. You'll probably get shin splints and be in pain constantly for the first year. Then you just keep doing that until you die someday.
>>970973 >but that isn't a given for people that are chronically apathetic and depressed. Worked for me
>>970969 >Yes I am depressed, I am taking meds for this shit and I don't feel still much better from it. Exercising is a better anti-depressant anon. https://archive.ph/UQtxc
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This is the twitter of the new meme comic guy that made picrel https://nitter.poast.org/fallenchungus Scrolling through his twitter feed he constantly seems to have one drama going on or the other. Guy seems like he spends his entire time inside of his room, is on at least one psychiatric medication and has a less than stellar relationship with his parents. Kind of like all zoomers right now I guess, but he's still popular because a few of his comics happened to take off. The current fame he has isn't doing anything good to his psyche, and it's going to get worse for him as he fades into irrelevance again in about a year.
>>970985 archive link isn't loading for me under librewolf and on firefox. >>970973 >Now you know why so many NEETs become trannies. Free (You)'s Fuck no I don't want to become a tranny, I want to fuck girls with huge tits and smashing their pussies. >Excercise Ehh I just went outside for a bit like 20 minutes I think I didn't counted and when I came back home I did feel a bit better, not much but better than nothing. So I guess it makes more sense for me to take daily walks at least. I will go for a walk first for the first few weeks and when my stamina improves I will see if I can push myself for jogging/running instead. At least the pain killers I took did removed my backpain for a while so less excuses for me not going outside.
>>970991 >LOL - us diaper fetish folk also think SML is epic. My amazingly witty partner was changing my nappy the other day and she - with zero hesitation - said "Whew! Did Jeffy wear this fricken diaper or what?" I laughed until I cried. Absolutely epic.
>>970991 >he/him bi autist 17 Oh he's a faggot too
>>971010 Just read the first article, sounds pretty explanatory. Hmmm then I just need to get myself into a walking habit.
>>971014 >>970991 Kids should never be allowed on the internet
>>971049 But anon, you're a kid now.
>>971080 I shouldn't be allowed on the internet.
>>971081 No, but here we are.
>>971080 No, he's a squid now.
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>>971012 Copypasta
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>halfchan I know, but you know what they say about broken clocks. I found this screencap recently, maybe you'll find it interesting. The context was games (more specifically AAA) taking longer but getting worse Most of you will have noticed these points individually yourselves before, but never saw anybody so accurately connect and articulate it. The closest I've seen is Fallout creator Tim Cain talk about the lack of ability to generalize among younger devs.
>>970985 Completely brain dead "study". "Depression" already has a wildly open definition, obviously depression medication is going to present as ineffective in many cases, because the patients literally don't suffer from the same condition. They're just blanketed as clinically depressed because it loosely described their symptoms. Not because they are suffering from the same underlying condition. Interpreting scientific data requires an immense understanding of the nuance behind the numbers. It's the same retarded shit as when people say placebos are more effective than anti-depressants. Niggercattle will just take that information at face value without ever questioning that maybe the people benefiting from the placebo are just not experiencing the same ailment. Because it's a soft-science where people are diagnosed based on retarded self-reporting of feelings.
>>970780 Here anon, a channel I hold dear to my heart, got most of the AVGN stuff downloaded but I don't want to be the only one to remember https://m.youtube.com/@daggerrun/videos
I have whacked it to hentai doujins more times than I've ever actually read any manga or watched anime. What does this mean?
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No (((LCP))), this still isn't going to bring back (((/hebe/))).
>>971124 That's not all of it though. Tools and engine software have become much easier to use, and the need for optimization simply doesn't exist anymore, so any retard can be hired to do gamedev. This lead to companies paying like shit, and getting away with poor workplace conditions which made smart devs leave the industry in droves. Meanwhile, marketing departments started dictating a big chunk of game design. Misusing focus tests to blindly sand off edges based on a few words of feedback (that came from less than an hour of playtime), building games around a monetization model, adding shitty, half baked mechanics because they're popular in the industry at that time; all that can be attributed to marketing. And to be fair, that led to objective profit increases in the medium term, but combined with the brain drain in the industry, the administrative and personnel bloat, and the lack of people who truly understand game design, it's another feature in the stagnant quagmire of AAA gamedev. Wanna know another reason nugames suck? Unlike any other aspect of game development, there's no real process for doing game design as a team. That means either designing the game falls into the hands of one or a handful of people that can pretty much make or break the entire game, or there's a bunch of floundering around between people and dev teams, with no overarching vision. That's one of the reasons AAA devs shit out endless sequels, so they can use an established design and only have to do iterative tweaks and improvements.
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Apparently the /erp/ threads on 4chan are getting sick of the spam and thinking about moving here. If you look up at the topbar you'll see their board. Our cult grows.
>>971974 I just want a comfy /int/ I miss 8chan /int/ so fucking bad
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>>971992 Bring back spurdo posting :--------DDDDD ES is best and good xDDDD t. jonnes
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>>971993 lil dude looks like biff tannen >>971995 >fugman fugg :D
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>>972018 bob gale's a jew who made him bad trump on purpose
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>>972021 >Bob Gale a jew He looks like a typical murrican boomer?
>>972018 Trump was a Democrat back then and the media generally liked him. But he was the epitome of 80s businessman stereotypes. He's real life Gordon gecko. Parodies of that type of character are not the same as modern trump parodies.
>>971974 >sick of the spam Spam on cuckchan requires you to literally pay for a cuckchan gold pass. If someone wanted to spam this site the barrier to entry is significantly lower, especially since all the useful tools to prevent spam are in the hands of like 3 site admins instead of the board owners that can respond in a timely manner.
>>971049 Yeah, the net needs constant age verification to protect them from the net and the rest of the world from zoomer cancer.
>>971974 Their board is now one of the most active on the site. They're posting a bunch on /vb/ too because somebody linked it there. >>971992 You could try to start one, we have a lot of international users, though I don't know if they'd care because they all have their own boards.
He's gonna take you back to the past...
>>972308 >1984 >2004 >2024
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>been playing that The First Descendent streess test all weekend >had fun with it despite it being the most generic Korean "totally not Destiny" grindfest Nexon is about to shit in the next month or so >When there's better shit to play in my backlog, like Gravity Rush I lost to the "numbers going up" dopamine rush.
>>972308 I still laugh about his old knockoff the Irate Gamer whenever I check on him. That dude is now a Ghost "Behaviorist"/Doctor (with a ghost hunting show), and claimed to have talked to the spirit of George Floyd among other insane things like saying schizos can talk to the dead and that he makes/made use of this ability. >>972433 I understand your pain dubsman. I had to detox myself from that shit a while back when I realized it.
>>972438 What on earth is a Higher Realm Helper ghost
>>972450 knowing absolutely fuckall about ghosts and spirituality, i assume its a benevolent spirit that exists on a plane either above or greater than this mundane one, perhaps like one of the angels that only carries gods throne around and say how great he is or some shit
>>972450 Have some video of him explaining it. Have a bonus one about the internet lawyer who got busted for drugs recently. I need to go find the one where George Floyd's spirit told him he still can't breathe even in death.
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>>972459 >George Floyd's spirit told him he still can't breathe even in death.
Derek Chauvins knee technique is so fucking good, Floyd still can't breathe beyond the grave.
>>972438 >other insane things like saying schizos can talk to the dead Not as unlikely as you might think >>955506 just that they are parasitic entities that feeds off humans, rather than friendly ghosts of dead relatives.
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I made a >>>/comfy/ board, pls come visit it.
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>>972685 Complaining about lolis on a loli site. Are you retarded?
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I like small flat-chested lolis and big tiddy thicc women. What now, faggots?
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>It was PsychoJosh Color me fucking surprised.
>>972694 I wish he'd fuck off honestly speaking.
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>>972697 >You're the least fuckable person on the planet Mark it's no wonder you like loli so much
>>972696 I really don't like saying it because he's a longtime drawfag, but he's so prone to sperging and making threads about himself. >>972698 Gahoole with the AVGN hairline
>>972700 >I really don't like saying it because he's a longtime drawfag, but he's so prone to sperging and making threads about himself. I don't try to be but there's always some 500 lb fleabitten neckbeard who gets a hair up his ass about the things I post and it's really fucking annoying. The other day some faggot had a schizo meltdown in agdg thread over me finally posting some GigaMaidens progress and it was all about how my girls are "feminist delusion" because they happen to be thicker girls with muscles. I try not to be too autistic (and fail a lot of the time) but I just wish people would realize that not everyone shares their shit taste in fucking everything.
>>972703 >GigaMaidens >"feminist delusion" lol, lmao even Now that's what I call real autism. That's up there with the guy that said downloading a freeware game with no woke content is contributing to the liberal infestation just because the dev years later said some dumbass thing or another.
>>972706 t. Josh on TOR
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>>972682 I have added banners and custom CSS, please enjoy your stay.
>>972682 >>972728 Hamburgers aren't comfy, you lied to me >:(
>>972736 >Hamburgers aren't comfy Because of the Burger war, McDonalds vs Burger King?
>>972740 Because I can't get White Castle.
>>972740 Home-made, fuck slop.
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>>972740 Burger King
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>>972774 That's sad >>972780 Based cook >>972791 Burger King dabs on niggers
I am willing to accept flags for my board. Flag max size is 32KB (exactly) and resolution shouldn't be bigger than 128x128, it's a 8chan imposed limit.
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>See a really cool diorama of 2 vidya characters, sold separately but you can snap them together in a cool way >sold at an affordable price <oh shit, i wanna get this! >one of the pair is locked behind a subscription "premium" account, so you can only get one half of the diorama without paying them extra moneyfor their "premium" Fucking jews.
>>973438 >Jack frost I've heard that women sallivate over this guy. Is it true?
>>973447 yeah women would have sex with anyone else except having sex with you.
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>>973497 why must you remind me of the truth I was having so much fun stroking my cock to pictures of naked 2d women
>>973503 Because you didn't bought Fallout 4
>>973503 >webm I don't know how a meme from a far-right incel got picked up by left-wing ironic Twitter shitposters.
>>973513 Because it fits their aesthetic of hating white people. White women are the misogynist loophole for both right wing and left wingers, because leftist have made white people to be objectively evil entities. So you can say whatever you want about women as long as you frame it as somehow being racially unique to white women. And the white women themselves are self-hating dumbfucks so they don't even bother to contest it or they risk exposing themselves as trying to appeal to the white racist patriarchy or some shit.
>>973513 >far-right incel >rusty cage he's an edgy libertarian at best
>>973825 You mean a lolbertartian.
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I want sex with an edgy librarian.
>Looking for talent and see a promising concept artist on a gamedev dicksword >Hit him up and offer him some work on a gamedev project I'm working on because I feel we could work well together >He hears the concept and says he's VERY interested, we chat for a brief period and seem to be establishing a friendship >He says he's busy and will get back to me in a few >Tell him to take his time >"Hey I'm back, but before we continue I just want to ask you something and I genuinely don't mean it out of malice, just curiosity" <Me: jesus fucking christ the next words out of him better not be 'how do you feel about trans rights' or something >him: "what's with the "no (trans flag)" in your socials? >I politely break shit off with him immediately Not on my game, motherfucker.
>>974208 Its discuck, you shouldn't be surprised
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>>974209 Actually it hasn't been that bad, met some surprisingly chill unpozzed people who either don't care that much or are professional enough to be quiet about it. Still though I'm fucking tired of this shit and I hate modern culture that reduced everything to us vs. them tribalism. All because I think transgenderism is just a fetish with social capital. Not even a mental illness.
>>974208 >>974211 I mean, you're basically asking for that conversation to happen if you have that in your bio, especially on Discord of all places. I guess it acts as a good filtering litmus test for you.
>>974214 Honestly, that's exactly why I have it there. It's working as intended.
>>974208 >make a point of virtue signalling your position on a topic <oy vey people are investigating the advertised divisive political positions of their potential business partners Autism
>>974216 Exactly. Nobody does this except activists. The vast majority of people don't give a shit.
>>974218 If someone I'm going into a public facing business operation with is publicly disclosing political positions I'm literally always going to bring that up before working with the person. I don't think you understand that you are the activist in this encounter. The political position itself is irrelevant. The act of publicly disclosing any political position makes you an inherent liability. The reason people don't care is because they lack the foresight to make competent business decisions. Which is likely why they're finding work on discord to begin with.
>>974219 >If someone I'm going into a public facing business operation with is publicly disclosing political positions I'm literally always going to bring that up before working with the person. The problem is you, then. If you have a problem with me stating that 2 + 2 = 4 then I don't want to work with you. That's perfectly fine.
>>974219 >politely breaks shit off >NO, you are the activist in this encounter
>>974225 Correct. The person going out of their way to actively make their political positions known is the activist.
>>974219 >>974225 >>974227 In this scenario I am an employer seeking an employee. I'm overseeing the design of a product and that means I am free to decide what kind of employees I don't want to be associated with. Observing that pro-trans people with pronouns in their bio often raise a stink about trivial shit doesn't make me an activist, it makes me someone with a functioning brain who can recognize patterns. Many employers around the country are doing the same thing, because it is a sound and logical practice to weed out people who are mentally ill.
>>974227 He's not going to hire you bro!
>>974229 Your reading comprehension is abysmal if you think anything I wrote disagrees with what you just aid.
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>>974316 Fo shizzle my nizzle!
Chivalry 2 is free on (((EGS))) at the moment. You can get it through the heroic games launcher on linux.
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>hours of off-topic OS shitflinging going on in the news thread >nothing being done about it after hours of this going on >a bunch of fucking cuckchan wojak memes in the mix as well
>>974863 >hours of off-topic OS shitflinging going on More than hours, been going on since the 29th
>>974863 Reading those two autists' slapfight, and the third (probably) just making fun of Loonix was hilarious.
>>974896 Yep, was a good laugh
I have NEVER seen something like this. First, I played Duke 3D 20th anniversary World Tour, being a Gearbox published game of course there was gonna be something retarded about it, the game doesn't have borderless windowed mode, and I couldn't force it with Boarderless gaming. So I just played in windowed mode. Then after playing that. I started playing Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition, which came out a year later. Also published by Gearbox. It also does not support Borderless windowed mode, I also can not force it. So I used it's janky fullscreen mode, but as I alt-tabbed from the game I noticed my PC Fan going insane, and that shouldn't be the case. This version of the game is from 2017, and the game itself is from 2011, it should be trivial to run. Well turns out this is some cursed janky ass piece of shit, because when I change windows while it's set to full-screen mode my fucking GPU speed shoots up to 90 fucking % for no reason if the game isn't in focus. How does Randy Pitcford and his godforsaken company make any money with quality like this.
>>974955 Oh yeah, I nearly forgot for a second that Randy is a blatant con artist
>>974959 >2nd pic What's that about a flash drive? How did he not get in trouble for that one?
>>974959 >Literially Who devs. They were Timegate and they had just made Section 8 for PC. They were a small studio who used their own money in the 8 months of crunch they went through and went bankrupt because Randy.
>>975077 He lost a flash drive, it was apparently "Barely Legal" porn. She was 18 but it's still not a great look, to leave a Porn on your USB at Medieval Times Randy went on this long story about it saying he was studying it because "She's a Magician" https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/01/gearbox-ceo-allegedly-kept-underage-porn-on-usb-stick-new-lawsuit-alleges/
>>975153 I only skimmed the article and didn't see a specific mention of it but wasn't it also porn saved to company property, hence why it was returned to Gearbox in exchange for "swag?"
>>975160 Yes there was a bunch of Company files, and the guy who found the USB could have leaked a bunch of secret unannounced games. The single porn video was the only thing on the flash drive. As retarded as the story is, if it's true then Randy would be honest about thinking this porn star is a Magician because he doesn't understand that some girls squirt when they cum. As stated in the Article, when the guy brought the USB to Gearbox Randy wasn't there, so everyone at the office looked at the USB and saw there was the porn video on it.
>>975087 Don't forget the amazing work that is F.E.AR Extracrion Point
>Trying to get a keyboard 4 gaymin >PCPartPicker doesn't list if keyboards are NKRO or how much KRO they have >Amazon will let you search for NKRO, but everything has gay rainbow lighting and you can only filter to include it, not exclude it There are some cheap NKRO gay rainbow keyboards on Amazon. Is it safe to assume that whatever I pick, I can turn off those obnoxious fucking lights?
>>975552 >Is it safe to assume that whatever I pick, I can turn off those obnoxious fucking lights? A video review of the product will usually show how to disable the lights. And yes, almost all of them you just press FN+Arrow keys or something to turn off the lighting.
>>970991 >The current fame he has isn't doing anything good to his psyche, and it's going to get worse for him as he fades into irrelevance again in about a year. ding-ding! it hasn't been a week and he is depressed & suicidal. https://nitter.poast.org/fallenchungus
>>975675 His first mistake was caring at all what """"people""" on Twitter say.
>>975675 Wow, he literally matches the description in >>970991 word for word.
Nigger rights on MINECRAFT
>>975893 >You can skip this, George Floyd couldn't wew
>>976243 This looks like really shitty version of battle operations.
>>976280 >looks like really shitty version of battle operations And considering that wasn't much of a looker to begin with, that says a lot.
is /erp/ dead? did the refugees go back?
>>976345 Well I'm not seeing it on the top bar anymore. Must have really low PPH then. how the FUCK do /abdl/, /vore1/ and /zoo/ have consistently high pph
>>976357 They have simply delisted themselves from the public board view to avoid spam. They could have the highest PPH of all boards and you still would not be able to see them, you can only access their board by directly typing their board in the URL. I warned them, that such a move could kill their board, and the BO was fine with that as well, hopefully they manage to live the same way /2434/ did.
>>976357 Because their communities are highly dedicated and autistic with enough active people to sustain consistent activity.
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I fucking hate shitxus so much, fucking piece of shit faggot site run by a chinese greedy kike. I fucking hope that fucker rots in hell.
>>976357 >how do porn boards where 95% of the content is just treating the board like an image host have more activity than boards where the majority of the content is active discussion We may never know.
>>976473 The exact reverse scenario was the case on 8chan prime. Porn boards are slow because there's better places to go for dumps of images, namely boorus and hentai manga/doujin sites sites. If porn boards are above discussion boards, then those boards are essentially dead.
>>976956 Because activity begets activity when it comes to conversation. There were thousands of active users back then, now there are a few dozen. It's more easier to generate activity with porn spam in a low population environment.
>>977008 Yes. When the rest of the site is practically dead except a handful of boards, it's very easy for one or two autists to porn spam a porn board into the top boards. The discussion boards those boards are above are still practically dead.
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Who's this in this banner, and what game?
Life is good. That is all.
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Do people have high exceptions for the quality of a mod? It seems mods that have high quality content (texture, models etc) seems to be more popular then mods that have a simpler looking content. I am wondering this, not that I would bother with that anyway since I don't feel like spending ungodly amount of hours just to make a high polygon model. My doom mod models look fairly simple and have grug tier texturing so it's nothing special to look at but at least I can finish those in a few hours so I could actually do 2-3 models in a day which is really good in quantity stand of viewpoint which I am going for, but due to my depression I usually don't do multiple models + animations for it in a day.
>>977710 Depends on the competition, but as long as you're filling a unique niche, people will appreciate it.
>>977714 I am not even sure if I am filling a niche with my doom mod, well I guess for people who likes to have many guns as possible. Though I don't know how well my mod is received since there was only person commenting on my forum thread and nobody else, kinda wondering why. Apparently people don't comment because I didn't made any videos and the screenshots are in a link instead of being embedded, I could fix it but I need to make new materials first.
Alright. Should I mod OpenMW and make a autistic weapon and craftic mod or should I try to get Fallout 4 tools working instead and use this game as a base? OpenMW has the advance of well being open source so it's a massive plus but Fallout 4 has in my opinion pretty good combat and weapon customization so I am kinda split up.
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>Fallout 3 >Need to install a mod to be able to join the Enclave >Fallout 4 >Need to install a mod in order to being able to fight against the raiders in Nuka World What the fuck is wrong with Bethesda? Why the fuck do I need to install a fucking mod if I want to fight against the Raiders instead of helping them? Well to my own fault I did the stupid Raider Nuka World quest but I wasn't aware either that the nigger Shank wants me to attack my own fucking settlement which was a fucking pain in the ass in order to build various stuff for defense and food, like what the fuck is this for a fuck tarded logic?
>>975893 never had this happen to me, but then again everything in is in magyar or romanian, I can't remember what I set my minecraft language on Nu-mi pasă ce spune cineva
>>978477 Fallout 4 >built-in support for gunz, possibly better grafix <have to deal with bethesda shit OpenMW >open sores, more extensible <fewer modding resources, probably I'd prefer OpenMW because I've never picked up Toddout4 and don't intend to, but the choice is yours.
>>979279 Yeah just what I thought. I am tired of dealing with Fallout 4 bullshit too. And I forget to mention OpenMW supports LUA now so that means I can code in all the stuff I want to add without being burdened with whatever baby language Morrowind had. I am already familiar with modding OpenMW so I just need to get back to it. Sure Morrowind is not as pretty and fancy like Fallout 4 is with graphics and guns but OpenMW modding capabilities would make it possible to make it just as good as Fallout 4 ones so yeah. I just wanted to have a second opinion, so thanks for that.
>>979282 >Fallout 4 >Prettier and fancier than MW Yeah, no, Fallout 4 looks like absolute ass in terms of art design, texture quality and lighting and the guns all look and sound like shit, also perform like shit due to level scaling. All Fallout 4 has going for it over Morrowind is nice animations, that's about it.
>>975675 Apparently he got sent to the psych ward and doxed by the sharty. What does a psych ward do anyway? Force feed you sedatives and anti psychotics? I've been increasingly hearing about them over the years.
>>979326 >he got sent to the psych ward Why? Over dumb memes?
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>>979330 For being a depressed whiny faggot who acted like he was a celebrity because it became a meme and couldn't take the attention.
>>979337 Jesus Christ, Imagine getting sent to the psych ward over a fucking meme.
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>>970991 I must have some form of dementia because I swear this meme comic has been around a lot longer than this past year. >>971124 As much as there are occasional bouts of lucidity over there, it mostly amounts to 85 IQs taking way too long to notice shit until it coats their entire bodies, much like it took almost a decade and Muttmerica becoming a communist state for real for the retarded normalfags to realize "oh shit, I don't want to die for globohomo after all." >>972433 The only reason I delude myself into playing those shitfest is to fuck around with the Engine.ini file and make the shitty graphics look good. >>972703 >>972706 I'm pretty sure this insane fucking world (Muttmerica giving way to a multipolar globe and the WEF chimping out as they lose power and relevance) has broken a shitload of people's minds, like people who claim to support le Drumpf but spend all of their time bitching about $INSERT_"POTUS." >>979326 Be sanitoriums without the old "sanitorium" stigma. In the hellhole of North America you can basically claim anybody is mentally ill without any proof and get them sent there, much like how everybody is nonbinary and autistic now.
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Here are a few screensavers that came with the following Saturn games: https://files.catbox.moe/ztv0p9.zip >Langrisser IV >Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2 >Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon Testing these on my Windows 7 machine and they still work.
>>979286 >Fallout 4 graphics is literally worse than Morrowind Bullshit. it's Morrowind which looks like fucking ass, which is why I am so hesitant making content for OpenMW
>>977685 hunting around id say ti looks like nanahikari rami from keio flying squadron; pic marginally related
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Okay so i found out that i have multiple personality syndrome instead of schizophrenia and i every personality is a person i want to have sex with and i can touch and feel them through tactile hallucinations and mental visions. They tell me that soon i'll be able to see them in real life. To make this video game related, i ordered the systems that i lost when the demons told me to throw them away, and they're already modded so i don't have to bother them with.
>>979468 >found out that he's an attention seeking teenage girl who spends too much time on tiktok I wish you a fast recovery anon, a truly horrible affliction.
>>979380 Cool shit, thanks for sharing anon I'll convert them to PNG tomorrow
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>>979468 You can´t recover if you keep focusing on that shit. Especially on sex. Stop getting off to all that. Because otherwise you'll be blamed that you actually enjoy larping as "mentally ill", and that's a point on pretending. Milking cow is only good when its wishing to be milked. Resisting lolcow won't be. After all demons are by their default believable stereotype making fun of humans. Its like spiritual kiwifarms. It may seem like you're seeking attention from parallel world instead of fighting it off. >They tell me that soon i'll be able to see them in real life. Yeah, right, you'll see people who act like your inner "demons", that is as far as it'l go. Like in the days when you got fucked over by hearing people converse about stuff you like. Legit apparitions usually happen when mind is half asleep anyway, which allows mirror to dock onto illusion caused by being inbetween dream and still seeing reality as a background. Pretty much works like sleep paralysis, except without paralysis. >i ordered the systems that i lost when the demons told me to throw them away Well, that's one good thing. Not gonna engage in this discussion again, so don't expect a reply, what's important was already said.
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>>979458 Thanks! I found the screenshot it was clipped from. https://retrogamesuperhyper.com/2018/03/11/for-the-love-of-sega-cd/
>>979495 >Stop getting off to all that. Yes, i have a problem with sex, my alters and Jesus tell me i do. >After all demons are by their default believable stereotype making fun of humans. Its like spiritual kiwifarms. It may seem like you're seeking attention from parallel world instead of fighting it off. They're not demons, Jesus would tell me if they are, i cast out demons all the time, and if they were demons they would be gone from me. They're like multiple personalities in my mind. I don't want attention from demon anymore. >Yeah, right, It's called imposition and you can do it with alters, as well as demon and demons pretending to be tulpas. >Well, that's one good thing. Not gonna engage in this discussion again, so don't expect a reply, what's important was already said. They're not demons, there is no need to worry, i'm not having sex with demons anymore. I just wanted to talk about this with someone.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=s7wSPJZPqas They are releasing and power rangers game that looks like TMNT shredder's revenge, it looks cool as hell too with the bike segments.
>>979956 I was not aware yewtube didnt work anymore.
>>979959 I want the Pink Ranger to ride me while the Yellow Ranger sits on my face. In costume. Thank you for reading.
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Just got a new laptop and having some problems with finding emulators for the damn thing. I'll have to use a local coffee shops wifi and download because I have a controller now.
>>979972 Stunning and brave, thank you for sharing that anon.
>>979988 Are you homeless?
>>979988 I can not decipher the meaning of this post.
>>980004 He's homeless and bought a chromebook.
All the anglophile japanese zoomers have pronouns in their twitter bios
That's great niggerpill, now chronicle your twitter findings to your discord tranny circlejerk, nonody here cares.
>>979988 >problems with finding emulators for the damn thing What do you mean dubsman? It takes a whole 2 seconds to find shit.
>>980688 (Heiled) Does anybody know what merge tools for Fallout 4 and Mod Organizer 2 works together good with Wine/Proton? I am trying to use zEdit before but that thing is awfully glitchy and Merge Plugins tool outright refuses to merge my collection of 90~ weapons into one merged esp file for some stupid reason because appearntly I overloaded the maximum plugins even though the point of merging them is to reduce to the amount of loaded plugins. Mod Organizer 2 itself works somewhat fine but glitchy and zEdit is downright broken on my end, it doesn't even load the plugins from Mod Organizer 2 virtual file system at all too.
>>980688 If he's homeless and bought a Chromebook it might lack certain emulators he wants, or maybe he's comparing emulators before deciding.
>>979972 what if the yellow ranger is a dude?
>>980958 That makes it even better.
>post about my Doom mod <where is the dedicated fart button? >post a model of AK-47 SA-85m <where are the tits? >plan to make a tonk squilliam <make a kawaii bradely What's wrong with you niggaz? What's wrong?
>>982620 ><where is the dedicated fart button? I can immediately tell you posted your Renamon mod
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>>982622 (checked) Is there some kind of a meme of Renamon and Farting that I have missed or what?
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>>982620 If you're going to be blatant about your fetish fuel, you better go all out. Probably more just Anons teasing you.
>>982620 Tanks can be cute too!
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>>982630 >Tanks can be cute too! <tanks can metal trap boxes Didn't the americans lose 23 tanks during the start of the Iraqi war?
>>982625 No, it's just furries being weird. You're probably a furry yourself so I imagine you understand. Or it's people making fun of furries, that's also possible.
>>982637 If I remember right and I am not mixing things up, the majority of tanks lost were due to friendly fire incidents. >>982620 >where are the tits? >make a kawaii bradely Not shocked. People have long enjoyed putting busty bitches and various faces on vehicles and aircraft. That fact this has devolved to random meme/anime shit for the internet age seems about par for the course. The rest is just as >>982627 's spoiler said.
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>>982653 There are also some really cute tank drivers
One day I will cut my self from the shithole called the internet and live a hermit live, but I have yet to prepare myself for it.
>>982683 Understandable. But there are so many things on the internet. It's a real drug.
>>982695 Tiktok is really just a microcosm of everything wrong with the internet
https://cytu.be/r/Jackbox1 The bi monthly Jackbox stream is about to start
>>982695 >>982730 You say this on the internet.
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>>982908 That’s not a rebuttal.
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>>983071 It's very hard for one person to hold two conflicting viewpoints as equally valid; there'll almost always be a preference or bias. But also i guess the dismissing of anybody being contrarian without offering a counterpoint of any serious merit, eg yourself with your guttersnipe hot takes.
>>983082 That’s not a rebuttal either. Or are you saying that no position can stand on its own merits and thus can only be argued for in opposition to a given ‘counterpoint’.
>>983097 What rebuttal is there to give? You just stated the obvious, that people are criticizing components of the internet on the internet. Yes? What's your point?
>>982630 They can be, till you get hit and your ammo starts cooking off.
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>>983186 >>982637 >all this hate on tanks Mecha faggots detected
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>>983189 Fuck off, that faggot is not one of us, we like tanks too. Tanks are mecha.
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>>983192 >Mecha fans like tanks too >Tanks are mecha too Since when? I thought you guys like robots and mecha only.
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>>983200 Have you never seen Getter 3?
>>983207 No I don't, I very rarely watch something.
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Has enough time passed that we can admit those AI upscaled "fan remasters" look dreadful?
>>983763 The only ones ive tolerated are the ones for the original resident evil trilogy, because i was tired of having to play it in 800x600 just to not see a blurry mess.
>>983763 Looks decent enough to me
>>983763 I've always thought they looked terrible. AI upscaling could be used to touch up the graphics a little bit but retards instead try and force high-res, 4K textures and it looks awful.
>>983763 AI upscaled stuff is always such a mixed bag. You'll have parts that look relatively fine, but then you get shit that is outright strange or bizarre looking. I wish more devs were willing to come in and manually fix those instead of just leaving it as is like many do.
Good morning gaymergays!
>>983835 Post your waifu
Is there a reason why Capcom remake Dead Rising?
>>983868 To make you forget the shit show DR4 was and probably also remove a bunch of the psychopaths for "modern sensibilities"
>>983868 Because remakes sell well?
>>983868 Retards love demakes.
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>>983868 I'm more pissed off by the fact that Dead Rising got a Remake before Dino Crisis.
>>983933 Do you even know what they will do to Regina?
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>>983950 >Manjawed Regina with no curves >That fucking troon Capcom USA hired for marketing will cosplay as her You're right, I don't want it anymore
>>983868 To revitalize interest in the series by utilizing nostalgia after they fucked it into the dirt. Remakes/remasters are easier than making something new + it is crapcom. Finally, add in that gaymers will happily eat shit remakes when given the opportunity, and they have no reason not to. >>983933 (checked) I'd rather it stay dead than turn into another TPS made for "modern sensibilities".
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>>983868 >Different voice Gross.
>>984202 Not only did they refuse to get T.J." Rotolo again, despite the fact they had him return to the roll in MvC Infinite. The tone of this trailer is entirely off, because it makes it sound like it's going to be all bombastic. Dead Rising 1 takes itself the most seriously out of every game in the series. The exact thing which killed the franchise in the first place, Continuously being more and more off the mark when it comes to what actually makes Dead Rising good. You can argue this never needed to be a franchise at all, Dead rising 1 is a great self-contained story. At the very least, the Original game is still easily available, so there is nothing keeping anyone from just playing the good version.
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>>984579 Is it a female? How big are her boobers?
>>984661 >How big are her boobers? Pretty small, if those glowing things are her nipples.
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>>984579 omg haiii missy!!!!!
>>984717 Who is this sexy wolf? What's this Missy from?
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>>984751 She's from a HMOFA human males on female anthros fic called "How about those spooky spindly shadowy sinister senoritas?" https://archiveofourown.org/works/28076361/chapters/68786811
>>984764 >57 chapters This person has made himself a world I am jealous of. Thanks anon, wouldn't have been able to find it myself.
>>984767 Be warned, it's still ongoing
>>983867 I like Prez
>>982683 No way dude. It's better to burn out than to fade away.
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>>984782 Is that a Highlander reference?
>>975893 Floyd overdosed on brown bricks.
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>>984782 My bitch of a sister already gave me a forced treatment of not having access to internet for almost 2 whole day. Fucking hell I absolutely cannot stand my sister at all, they constantly belitte me and are venting out their frustration on me. Just fuck my shit up.
>>984998 At least you didn't have zero internet for 2 weeks straight because of an ISP jerking you around while spending hours every day talking to pajeet subhumans only to have to change ISP's anyways to get functional internet.
>>985003 Not that anon but I may very well have to do that.
>>984998 Are you underage or something?
>>985093 My guess is he's either underage or severely autistic.
>>984998 You should steal one of her panties and jerk off with them
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Any of you niggers play Pokemon Unite? <tencent moba shit >just don't spend money on it Didn't know if it was worth its own thread. Anyone else looking forward to Ho-oh being added to the game? Honestly, this game mostly appeals to me simply because of the pokebranding and nostalgiabaiting, so the addition of the first legendary I ever caught actually has me excited. pls no bully
>>985354 If it worked offline I might have tried it, but I refuse to play any game requiring an internet connection
>>985354 I've wanted to try it also because Pokemon nostalgia, even though I've given up past gen 6 or 7... but MOBAs are just naturally cancerous. But if it's pokemon, it might be simple so kids can play it, so maybe I'll try it one day. I used to play a ton of Pokemon Masters, I appreciate that they kind of made an interesting combat system and had tons of gym leaders and other characters to recruit going all the way to Gen 1, and they added the Trainer Lodge mode so you could "date" your favorite trainer waifus. And also the art style was very good, not as weird as the newer gens but kind of a good medium and very faithful to, like, peak Pokemon style IMO. Unfortunately it gets ruined because nothing will un-fagify the more recent characters. And it's still a retarded gacha at the end of the day, so even though I never gave them any shekels, I was literally just sitting for hours grinding it and had to just get rid of it. If Game Freak were smart, they'd make a full single player game using something like that combat system, but oh well, guess we gotta be content with mainline games with the appeal of soggy cardboard...
>>985555 Jesus Christ be praised.
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>>985555 Impressive and oldfag pilled
>>985555 Well played Yugi.
>>985555 Oh yeah? Check my 0
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>>985555 (checked)
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>Become wageslave >No fucking patience to play vidya I fucking hate it, how the fuck do people play vidya with a wife and a kid on top of that?
>>985629 I'd wager most of us here have a wage or a family. I started gaming again when i could have 3 days off.
Just recently hear the UK is not giving out money in the UK. You okay UK bros? >>985629 Eventually I tried to go for it by force and realized I was always hung up on story and lore stuff when I had more fun ignoring it. So I just pick arcade-like games and have a good time.
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>>985629 >tfw tax money gets funneled directly into my wallet
>>985629 Never played when I was waging but since going on new parent leave I'm playing a lot when time allows. Gained a new appreciation for having a couple hours of free time.
>>985629 You have to hope and/or work toward a job that gives you enough time. If you have a kid, then play vidya with the kid.
>>983868 >>984202 Oh I get it now. One of the reasons they've replaced all the voice acting is to justify redesigning Larry Chiang, I can't even really blame them all that much this time, noway in hell anyone has the balls for such a blatantly racist stereotype nowadays.

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