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PC Hardware & News Thread: CPU Edition Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 01:08:07 Id: 9d4be8 No. 977640
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >Ryzen 9000 series out next month >Snapdragon elite X chips use 65% less battery then AMD and Intel chips >Intel runs hot Last thread >>870915
>>977640 How is x86 emulation coming along anyway? I'd like to see a phone+ barebone controller replace the need for x86 devices
>>977645 From what I'm understanding it's been coming along pretty nice and Snapdragon chips are running DaVinci: Resolve and some other software natively.
>>977640 Good I might snag the new ryzen series later towards the fall.
Windows recall killed any hype I had for the snapdragon X elite selling well enough to have a strong second generation offering by system integrators. Even if microsoft makes it opt-in as they announced, most people clocked out of that news cycle, especially as the adobe thing blew up at the same time.
>>978207 >the adobe thing I missed that one. What new jewry did they pull this time?
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>>978504 Adobe can steal your content at any time, for any reason, and use it however they like, including to ban you from the software for which you're paying because they don't like the political content you're creating.
>>977640 I'm still using a 5600x and will probably never build another rig given how kike'd gaming has become.
These are the builds I'm comparing at the moment. AMD https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/CYKKrv Intel https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/wTTpcH Intel ITX motherboards are generally much better for a similar price. More m.2 slots, higher end chipset. Basically the only reason to go AMD is for the ability to upgrade multiple generations down the line since they have confirmed AM5 support beyond 2027. But then the question is can this cheaper AMD motherboard handle an upgrade. I don't know much about motherboards and basically all the information on the differences between them is just that different chipsets provide more IO, which is basically irrelevant on an ITX board.
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https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MgTbrv Threw this together about a year ago, my old 1060 6gb STILL inside and no idea what new card to get. >4070 super for big mone, gaytracing and great efficiency >7800 xt or 7900 great famine edition for no gaytracing, more raster and less money (should probably undervolt them Don't think I'll be going 1440p any time soon, so I got half a mind to just buy a 4060 and go back to not-giving-a-shit about any of this.
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>>980050 >>979957 >>979970 >>979926 The boot light, graphics card, and fans come on, but nothing else. I fell for the liquid cooling meme for my first PC and it probably crunched my CPU with a shitty alternative contact frame. Should I buy a new CPU and cooler? Just try to loosen up the contact frame? If I do, do I need to reapply the thermal paste? That little bit of thermal paste on the contact frame isn't an issue, right? Yes, the little triangles are where they're supposed to be Here's the build https://pcpartpicker.com/list/9426HG
>>980081 >>979907 >I have no idea how little time I had before it dries Thermal paste isn't glue or cement, it isn't supposed to dry. It should stay relatively "wet" for months, or years. When it dries out it becomes less effective. >If I do, do I need to reapply the thermal paste? Probably not. >That little bit of thermal paste on the contact frame isn't an issue, right? Thermal paste is non-conductive. It doesn't matter where it ends up. >but nothing else. What does "nothing else" mean? You don't get the POST screen on your monitor? Is it plugged into the GPU or the motherboard?
>>980081 >>980090 >BOOT - indicates the booting device is not detected or fail Green light in the manual says it isn't detecting a "booting device". The CPU light isn't on so it's probably detecting a CPU fine. I'll assume "booting device" means it isn't finding a bootable drive, but I'm not certain. If that was the case it should still show the POST/Bios screen.
>>980090 >You don't get the POST screen on your monitor? Is it plugged into the GPU or the motherboard? Monitor gets no signal. Thanks for the info on thermal paste. I'm going to try something else first. I think I mixed up the CPU fan and the radiator fan. The headers are labeled CPU_FAN and SYS_FAN1, but the wires are labeled FAN and VRM. I didn't realize the fan directly on the CPU was also called the VRM and had it in SYS_FAN1 with FAN in CPU_FAN. Already rewired and going to try again. >>980091 I'll check the manual again if my next attempt fails. The manuals haven't been too useful to me compared to online tutorials so far, with the exception of telling me which screws to use where.
>>980092 >I think I mixed up the CPU fan and the radiator fan. The headers are labeled CPU_FAN and SYS_FAN1, but the wires are labeled FAN and VRM. I didn't realize the fan directly on the CPU was also called the VRM and had it in SYS_FAN1 with FAN in CPU_FAN. Already rewired and going to try again. That's not going to make a difference for whether or not it will get to the POST screen. Even with shitty contact with the cooler you should still see probably at least get to the POST screen before it throttles and shuts itself off. >I'll check the manual again if my next attempt fails. I already checked the manual, green light means can't detect a booting device. Is your display cable plugged into the motherboard or the GPU?
>>980094 >Is your display cable plugged into the motherboard or the GPU? Sorry, forgot to answer this. Motherboard. I assume the GPU won't work for that until I get some drivers. >at least get to the POST screen before it throttles and shuts itself off. Doesn't seem to shut off on it's own.
>>980095 >>980094 Also it's HDMI. Gonna try DP instead.
>>980095 Swap between DP/HDMI, and swap between the GPU and the motherboard. Might need to reboot between swapping the cable around.
>>980097 Oh lmfao, I just realized you have a KF CPU. Yeah, it's because you were plugged into the MB and not the GPU. KF CPU's don't have an iGPU built into them.
>>980100 That was it. Using the the GPU after a reboot and I have visuals. Hopefully I can figure out the rest from here. Thanks anon.
>MSi CLICK BIOS 5 >Mouse works in the fucking BIOS screen Sugoi.
>>980101 In the future things like CPU coolers usually have compatible motherboard listings on their site, as well as sometimes listing compatible ram since they can sometimes hang over top of the ram. https://support.arctic.de/lf3-compatibility Their site says it is compatible with your motherboard. Though it was hidden under the "manual" button on the cooler page for some reason.
What’s the cheapest setup that can still handle all your gaming needs? If that’s not specific enough then let’s say being able to run last gen games with maximum fps without turning the settings down.
>>980108 5800X3D / 13600k + 4070S
>>980108 Were you asking for anyone specifically or just anybody. Myself I don't need much (7th gen is generally the highest end I'll go) so I'd just maximize power efficiency over everything. I lost my PC recently though so I'd have to scrape together something from scratch. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/n8DQJy Something like this would be more than enough for me.
>>980016 That cooler is already gonna struggle with a 7600, a 12700k isn't coolable with that A 12700k is strictly worse than a 13600k Don't get a non Z mobo with a K CPU or a K CPU wiith a non Z mobo
>>980118 >A 12700k is strictly worse than a 13600k More cores to dedicate for virtual machines. >Don't get a non Z mobo with a K CPU or a K CPU wiith a non Z mobo The 12700K is cheaper than the non K variant at the moment.
>>980124 >More cores to dedicate for virtual machines. 13600k has 14, the 12700k has 12 >cheaper than the non K fair enough.
>>980126 Those are E-cores, not P-cores. 12700k has 2 more P-cores.
>>980127 So? for VMs it not gonna matter unless you're doing something stupid Not like you can really choose which the VM is using either because intel is very smart
>>980129 You can pin the P cores to a VM.
>>980132 Has that gotten reliable and easy to do? Granted this might not be an issue on Linux but on windows it's painful to do last I checked
>>980133 CPU pinning is standard practice in KVM as far as I'm aware. I don't use windows so I wouldn't know. I'll probably go with AMD anyways just for a better upgrade path.
>>980127 Actually why the fuck is a 7600 an option at all if that is something you care about?
>>980135 A 7600 will work fine in a gaming VM too. I don't care particularly about min-maxing VM's, I was just making the case for a 12700k for $30 cheaper than a 13600k in terms of value. With a 7600 I lose 2 cores while gaining probably 2 more generations of CPU's to upgrade to.
>>978207 >Windows killed any hope for the snapdragon X elite selling well Fixed.
>>980016 >Basically the only reason to go AMD is for the ability to upgrade multiple generations down the line since they have confirmed AM5 support beyond 2027. The other reason is if you don't upgrade that frequently and plan to use the PC in the 2030s for AAA gaming because some games will start requiring the AVX-512 instruction set, which will be part of the PS6-era (2028) AMD CPU. For example Uncharted (2022), Dying Light 2 (2022) and Alan Wake 2 (2023) require AVX2 which was introduced in Intel Haswell / Core 4000 (2013) and AMD Zen / Ryzen (2017), even though those games could easily run on an i7-3770K if they got a programmer to do a couple days of work to add a AVX code path fallback. >>980090 >Thermal paste is non-conductive. It doesn't matter where it ends up. This isn't exactly true. Common brands of thermal paste can conduct small amounts of electricity at bursts at sufficiently high enough enough temperatures (>30C). You do not want paste/compound dripping over the CPU heatspreader because it may reach certain contacts such as the little gold circles just off the sides offIntel CPU heatspreaders to short-circuit, enough to cause random crashing. This issue doesn't happen on AMD CPUs though since they don't have those little gold circle contacts on the front.
>>980148 >This isn't exactly true. Common brands of thermal paste can conduct small amounts of electricity at bursts at sufficiently high enough enough temperatures (>30C). You do not want paste/compound dripping over the CPU heatspreader because it may reach certain contacts such as the little gold circles just off the sides offIntel CPU heatspreaders to short-circuit, enough to cause random crashing. This issue doesn't happen on AMD CPUs though since they don't have those little gold circle contacts on the front. So I should power down and find something to wipe these bits off immediately?
>>980163 If it's just on the cooler it's fine. It would have to be thermal paste with some sort of conductive mineral it, then the mineral would have to set in some way that it landed on something conductive over time. Just wipe it off with some isopropyl alcohol if it's making you nervous, with the machine turned off.
>>980137 I'm still not getting what kind of usecase with VMs would be better on a 12700k vs a 13600k but still be fine on a 7600, unless you misunderstand what kind of performance levels teach option would get you? P cores only the 13600k is slightly behind in MT vs the 12700k, but 30% faster in ST (and usually much faster in games), once you add E cores the 13600k smokes the 12700k in MT as well, both of those destroy the 7600 in both ST and MT, I'd understand comparing those to a 7800X3D (much better in games, worse with ST and MT in anything non cache sensitive)
>>980217 I mostly just remember being told the 12700k was better from VFIO nerds a year back. I could be wrong. It's also generally been cheaper than the 13600k every time I've looked, maybe slightly less so now. The 13600k was usually $100 more expensive, and even now it's $50 more expensive. A 7600 will be worse but in 8 years there will probably be some second hand 3D vcache option to do a super charged upgrade on the last generation of AM5, whereas with intel 14th gen is a massive meme. It's also $50 cheaper than the 12700k, and there was a sale that I just missed a few days ago that had it at $100 cheaper than the 12700k, and $150 cheaper than the 13600k. It's just a value analysis.
>>980065 I have a 3060 Ti and so far it's been a champ for 1080p gayman. I haven't noticed any problems from only having 8GB of VRAM and I get 90+ FPS in CP2077 @ 1080p ultra with gaytracing off. I'm planning on my next upgrade being somewhere near the end of the decade because at this point literally the only AAA game I'm planning on buying is MH Wilds and I'll be amazed if my rig can't crush it at 1080p ultra.
>>980081 >Haven't even play any games yet >Open Hydrus >Largest video file now plays instantly and I can jump to any point in the video without delay >Can zoom in on and drag around even the largest animated file while it still plays smoothly Before when I did this even on smaller animations Hydrus would lag and practically freeze. This is amazing.
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Why the fuck can't I find monitors by height? I need something 15.5 inches or smaller to fit under my upper monitor, and also 1920x1080 & 16:9 to match it. The closest I can get to regularly finding height, including the damned stand, is using the AI search on Amazon to pull info from customer reviews, and half the time that just gives me the diagonal screen size anyways. Is the customer base with limited space so damned small that something as basic as fucking product dimensions is considered a waste of time by all retailers?
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>>980430 Also, monitor stands are for some reason on average much taller than TV stands. Might just get a small TV instead.
>>980430 >>980432 Nevermind. Finally found something useful. displayspecifications.com
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>Small TVs that are actually available are only 720p >The very few monitors that fit under 15" tall and are at or above 24" diagonally and are actually available cost as much as, or much more than, the larger much higher quality monitor I already have
>>980489 16" tall*
>>977640 Repeating my request from last thread. I need a new network adapter but don't know what's compatible or what's a good price range. If anyone could help, I'd much appreciate it. Might also need suggestions for new speakers too. The headphone jack port on mine started acting funny about a week or two ago. I can only use it if I don't plug the cable all the way in.
>>980495 Get an M.2 A/E key to pcie 1x adapter like this: https://www.amazon.com/GLOTRENDS-Wireless-Adapter-Network-Antenna/dp/B09ZDPP43X?th=1 https://www.amazon.com/GLOTRENDS-Wireless-Adapter-Network-Antenna/dp/B09ZDPP43X?th=1 And then get any Intel AX210 m.2 card to stick on it. Used to be a lot more wi-fi vendors a few years ago, but it seems all that's left is Intel (excellent/great) Qualcomm Atheros (ok) and Realtek (hit and miss) (in terms of Linux support)
If I point a large fan at my computer, will that have any tangible effect on cooling, or will it just accelerate dust buildup?
Thanks anons. >>980584
>>977640 Anons tell me your reccomendations for a cheap gaming pc and yes I need a dvd/cd drive slot.
>>980613 How cheap?
>>980616 I dunno 700 to 900 euros max
>>980626 Thanks
>>980630 Please actually research your shit instead of just buying a computer some random anon threw together for you. There's thousands of jewtube resources on this shit already designed for beginners.
>>980626 I'd say grab at least a 6700 XT since the 6600 is way too old, but looks like Euro prices for the 6700 XT and 7600 XT are way higher than the performance gain. In US it's 150% performance boost for 150% cost increase, and 6700 XT hits some critical breakpoints (especially with 1440p) of maintaining over 60FPS average. Euro electricity prices are supposed to be pretty absurd though. More modern GPUs will be more efficient and make up the difference in daily use.
>>980635 Thank you too
>>980648 I guess it depends on who you'll try to buy from
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>>980626 Ryzen 7600 and that Asrock A620 motherboard seem like a good combo tbh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpB1c5YlO5M&t=692s
>>980648 There's too much of a budget limit for that, though >>980657 >>980630 Made a couple mistakes here https://fr.pcpartpicker.com/list/m66dRK I genuinely mixed up two mobo names, you do not want the A620M HDV/M.2 whereas the B650M HDV/M.2 is great and solid overall even with a 7950X.
>>980769 >I genuinely mixed up two mobo names, you do not want the A620M HDV/M.2 whereas the B650M HDV/M.2 is great and solid overall even with a 7950X. I'd rather have something like this instead. https://fr.pcpartpicker.com/list/LLcvJy By the time upgrading a 7600 becomes relevant, DDR6 platforms will be available.
>>980909 >DDR6 platforms will be available. I don't think Zen 6 will have it since it's AM5 for now, and probably not even whatever comes after. And to me going form a low tier Zen4 to something like a 10800X3D (if it's called that) is a significant upgrade.
>>980909 >>980769 I know this might be autistic but do these configs support win 7?
>>980939 Not really I've tried having a Zen3 build with 7 and I couldn't stop it from BSODing once a week, I can't imagine it's any better with Zen4, on Intel's side I think it's less bad but the E cores will fuck your performance into the ground on pre CPU scheduler changes Win10 (1909 I think) Honestly just consider Linux or 10 at this point (or both if you want)
Users on different forums report success with Zen 3 which shouldn't BSOD unless misconfigured. You might need to slipstream updates into your installation media. Here's an example report: >Holy crap it worked!! Thank you so much!!! <Hey, how the performance in games and such? I also want to ditch windows 10. >Well it may be different on different hardware, but it's been great. Minecraft runs at 120 fps with sildurs extreme volumetric lighting shader pack. Beam. N. G runs smooth at the highest graphics settings. I haven't tested my other games yet but it runs amazingly so far, possibly better than 10. >It may also depend on your graphics card. I have a Radeon RX580 that would bog down when spawning in multiple vehicles in Beam. N. G on windows 10, but on windows 7 I can spawn multiple cars with ease. Chrome opens a tad bit slower, which is expected, but overall I've had no problems with it.
>>980951 >Users on different forums report success with Zen 3 which shouldn't BSOD unless misconfigured I mean it seems to depend on chipset, mobo manufacturer and whether your CPU is multi CCD / CCX or not, I was trying with a 5900X on an X570 Asrock mobo Having PS/2 ports does help a lot in making it painless though. You do automatically lose 15-20% performance on multi CCD / CCX CPUs thanks to trash CPU scheduler so meh. There's also the graphics driver issue, and that's a whole lot more of an issue sicne I don't think 7 got 30 series / RDNA2 drivers
You made Zen 3 work with a 5900X on an X570 Asrock mobo so could debug occasional BSODs as you're 99% of the way to a working system. BSOD logs should be in Event Viewer to post on computer forums though integrating updates might fix it. A couple users reported better gaming performance on similar systems, suggesting downsides besides CPU scheduling may downgrade performance on 10 or 11, for example there was a VBS and HVCI issue that reduced gaming performance by 10-15% on Zen+, Zen 2, and Zen 3 on Windows 11, with functional latency increased 3X. That's an example, not the cause, the big picture probably has 10s of overhead bugs with modern Microsoft bloat. For graphics drivers some builds posted online that report running flawlessly use RTX 30 series Nvidia GPUs.
>>980909 >DDR6 platforms will be available So? DDR5 barely outperformed DDR4 for a long time. And in terms of price to performance DDR4 still shits on it as far as I'm aware. And the price to performance for being able to carry your existing DDR5 forward 4 years is massive. >>980951 >>980962 >>980973 All this autism to run windows 7 bare metal is hilarious. You could put a fraction of the effort into just learning how to pass a GPU through to a windows VM.
>>980980 >put up with Windows 10/11 in the first place Your premise is unacceptable.
>>980984 I'd imagine you can run a windows 7 VM as well, but I've never tried.
>>980980 There's often more autistic tinkering to get just one game runnning on Linux than an entire 7 install. While 10 and 11 are simplest, the conversation started when someone wanted to set up 7 so that's what it's about, it doesn't need to get derailed by more platform clannishness the same way someone asking for Christian books doesn't need to have The God Delusion shitposted at them.
If I want a pc that's optimized for ryujinx, rpcs3, and (eventually) ps4 emulation, what parts should i buy? No budget limit except "don't waste money" i don't want a part that does 100% if a part that does 90% is half price.
>>980989 >There's often more autistic tinkering to get just one game runnning on Linux than an entire 7 install. There definitely isn't in 95% of cases. So "often" is misleading. Those 5% are usually particularly annoying, though. >While 10 and 11 are simplest, the conversation started when someone wanted to set up 7 so that's what it's about The point wasn't that running games on Linux is easier than windows. Your reading comprehension is shit. The point was that running windows virtualized is easier than running it on bare metal. Perhaps try reading the posts you're responding to.
>>980992 >If I want a pc that's optimized for ryujinx, rpcs3, and (eventually) ps4 emulation, what parts should i buy? No budget limit except "don't waste money" i don't want a part that does 100% if a part that does 90% is half price. Ask communities of these emulators or contact the developers for benchmarks. Processor should be the most important. >>980998 >There definitely isn't in 95% of cases. So "often" is misleading. Those 5% are usually particularly annoying, though. It's definitely often, which isn't misleading, and definitely not 95% of cases, so "95%" is misleading. protondb's dashboard reports 5 of the top 10 Steam games don't work at all. Making one of those 50% work is possible but harder than an entire install when you'd be first to do it. From popular games that work, 43% are Tier 3 or below for tinkering, with Tier 1 being hassle-free, and 23% are Tier 4 or below. I've sat at Linux machines spending hours to make games work myself, said fuck it, and returned to 10 LTSC. Hiding this clusterfuck with fake statistics and derailing threads by calling harmless questions hilariously autistic when it's well-known Linux gaming is Autismus Maximus shit is the derailing clannishness I'm talking about.
Gaming in a VM can be more secure than gaming bare metal, though virtualization overhead introduces latency so games will be more sluggish. This can be unacceptable to many for cases like competition. Even with passthrough you won't get bare metal performance metrics and to get close takes more time than bare metal installation, though it can be faster than bare metal installation if you don't get bogged down in tweaks to minimize latency and maximize performance.
>>981001 >Hiding this clusterfuck with fake statistics Which is the exact thing you're doing right now. The top 10 games don't represent anything besides a bunch of games with invasive anti-cheat. Of the top 1000 games on steam 90% of them run. Ironically Chivalry 2 wouldn't run on windows and started bitching about EAC on Windows 7. On Linux I clicked install on the heroic launcher and it ran fine. The vast majority of games will run perfectly fine on Linux. It will be significantly more cancerous if you're trying to work with cracked games instead of GOG shit. Nothing I said is misleading. It doesn't matter if 95% of games run fine if the 5% you're trying to run require you to fiddle and fuck with shit to play them. But most anons aren't going to be playing the 5% of games that don't work to begin with. There's also been massive strides in the last 2 years. Plenty of games that always had some shit wrong with them for years can now run flawlessly. Nioh being an example of this. It's "silver" rank because it used to have broken cutscenes and such, but it actually runs essentially flawlessly with recent proton versions and has for the past 6 months. A lot of the protondb data is outdated in that regard.
>>980608 Yup, that should do it.
>>981009 No, the top 10 games represent the games people most likely play. ProtonDB Click Play, which is generally right regardless of cherrypicked outliers, rates half of those 1000 games at Tier 3 or below, which run after a shitload of tinkering because Linux gaming requires a clusterfuck of concentrated autism to get half the games to run. The autistic tinkering behind Linux gaming is easily the number one shortcoming of Linux.
>>981016 >No, the top 10 games represent the games people most likely play People are not anons. I would never tell some random normalnigger that the majority of the games they play will work fine on Linux, because they won't. I don't know why you're being so disingenuous. >rates half of those 1000 games at Tier 3 or below Already explained that a lot of that data is ancient. >The autistic tinkering behind Linux gaming is easily the number one shortcoming of Linux. Most of what people consider "autistic tinkering" is just learning how to use the operating system. Which is a massive barrier to entry, but not really a shortcoming. Yes it's extremely annoying when games don't run properly and require you to filter through some niche forum post to get a solution. But pretending like that is the case more often than not is simply an outdated experience. It'll happen more often then it will on windows, but it will not be the case with the majority of the kinds of games anons tend to play. And even for the games that do require "tinkering", a lot of it is just something you learn once and carries forward to other games. People are usually getting stumped with things that are more problems with learning the operating system, such as figuring out where wine puts the configuration files for a game.
>>981017 >People are not anons. I would never tell some random normalnigger that the majority of the games they play will work fine on Linux, because they won't. I don't know why you're being so disingenuous. It's more disingenuous to pretend random anons don't play popular games, and more disingenuous for a Linux game to derail a discussion about Windows PC hardware in the PC Hardware & News Thread to call the discussers autistic when and the clusterfuck of tinkering involved with Linux gaming is maximum autism. >Already explained that a lot of that data is ancient. No, you cherrypicked one game where it's ancient because the data isn't ancient, it's generally right. >Most of what people consider "autistic tinkering" is just learning how to use the operating system. Which is a massive barrier to entry, but not really a shortcoming. This is "It's not a bug, it's a feature" coping. Even Linus or RMS himself would take hours to get many games to work. >But pretending like that is the case more often than not More often than not? Maybe not, the numbers say half. Even at 40%, 30%, or 20% it would be extremely autistic and bad enough. Linux shouldn't be a religion and doesn't need street preachers who derail Windows discussions and conceal its shortcomings to a cultish degree. I don't do it for 10 LTSC.
>>981024 >game to derail a discussion Gamer, not game.
>>981010 Only thing holding me back is that the same seller for both is located in China but it seems like the storefronts, based on reviews, are legitimate.
>>981024 >It's more disingenuous to pretend random anons don't play popular games It's not disingenuous to assume anons don't play fucking PUBG and ASSFAGGOTS retard. >and more disingenuous for a Linux game to derail a discussion about Windows PC hardware in the PC Hardware & News Thread You're literally the one who brought up linux gaming. You responded to my post about playing games under virtualized windows with "well actually WINE is a lot of work", something my post had absolutely fucking nothing to do with. Are you legitimately fucking retarded? >No, you cherrypicked one game where it's ancient because the data isn't ancient, it's generally right. That's not what cherrypicked means. An anecdote isn't cherry picking. It's evidence of the data not accounting for recent proton updates, which applies universally to every entry dating back many years. >This is "It's not a bug, it's a feature" coping. Even Linus or RMS himself would take hours to get many games to work. I don't even know what this means. Are file systems supposed to be bugs? >Even at 40%, 30%, or 20% it would be extremely autistic and bad enough. I said even at 5% it's extremely obnoxious. I already agreed that even in the best of cases most people aren't going to stomach it over just running windows. >Linux shouldn't be a religion and doesn't need street preachers who derail Windows discussions and conceal its shortcomings to a cultish degree. Nothing about my posts were evangelically defending Linux. The disagreement was about you pretending that the majority of games today require tinkering to get running on Linux. This is false.
>>980992 >ryujinx, rpcs3 See https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d/16.html >and (eventually) ps4 emulation Due to lack of exclusives the incentive is too low for anyone to ever make a functional emulator for that system. PS3 (RPSC3) and Xbox 360 (xenia) are in the last generation you will see functional emulators, not including for Nintendo obviously. Instead you should be looking forward for Switch 2 emulation, which will probably need at least a 7800X3D (I'd wait for 9800X3D), 32GB DDR5 RAM, any 8GB GDDR6 VRAM GPU (e.g. RX 6600), any SSD ideally with DRAM cache.
>It's not disingenuous to assume anons don't play fucking PUBG and ASSFAGGOTS retard. Nice cherrypicking retard. >You're literally the one who brought up linux gaming. You derailed the thread by calling a couple people discussing Windows hardware autistic when you're a Linux gamer and the clusterfuck of tinkering involved with Linux gaming is maximum autism. I called out the motive for your attack and I was right because it's Linux street preachers who pull these stunts every time. >That's not what cherrypicked means. An anecdote isn't cherry picking. It's cherrypicking. You cherrypicked one game not covered right by ProtonDB out of thousands covered right by ProtonDB to say ProtonDB is wrong about the clusterfuck of tinkering involved with Linux gaming. Games in ProtonDB are generally covered right. >I don't even know what this means. It means the fault for poor compatibility is Linux's, not the user's. >I said even at 5% it's extremely obnoxious. You said 5% was annoying, not even at 5% it's extremely obnoxious, when your own top 1000 numbers show half the games are a clusterfuck of tinkering. >Nothing about my posts were evangelically defending Linux You derailed the hardware thread by calling a couple people discussing Windows hardware autistic when you're a Linux gamer and the clusterfuck of tinkering involved with Linux gaming is maximum autism, then you disingenuously concealed shortcomings of Linux for hours, because doing this is very important to you. >you pretending that the majority of games today require tinkering to get running on Linux <More often than not? Maybe not, the numbers say half. Even at 40%, 30%, or 20% it would be extremely autistic and bad enough. Linux shouldn't be a religion and doesn't need street preachers who derail Windows discussions and conceal its shortcomings to a cultish degree. I don't do it for 10 LTSC.
>>981034 >Nice cherrypicking retard. Yeah I'm not reading the rest of this. You're clearly acting in bad faith, so I'll stop enabling your derail spergout.
>>981031 >Due to lack of exclusives the incentive is too low for anyone to ever make a functional emulator for that system Aren't the current PS4 "emulators" actually just doing api translation since the PS4 is basically just a modern computer?
>>981031 Thanks but if switch 2 emulation is ever good i'll do a new pc by then, it's so far away. What about ryzen 7800 is better and how's ddr5 and dram cache help for emulation?
>>981039 SSD's without a dram cache are a miserable experience unless they're just a secondary drive. As a main OS drive you really want it to have a DRAM cache, it's worth paying the premium. SSD's without it can slug hardcore when you're downloading shit to them, sometimes to a point where they become slower than an HDD.
>>981040 I'm asking about rpcs3 and ryujinx emulation though, does ssd iops really matter for that?
>>981038 The PS4 emulator Orbital by AlexAltea uses hardware-accelerated virtualization more than emulation, but only boots the firmware, and doesn't play commercial games.
>>981039 >What about ryzen 7800 is better The closest single-thread performance equivalents to 7800X3D by Intel are i7-13700k, i9-13900k, i7-14700k and i9-14900k, but their performance is roughly the same in emulation while the Intel CPUs cost more and use more power. And if you decide to play AAA PC games the 7800X3D is a clear leader over the i9-14900k while again costing less and using less power. >and how's ddr5 Socket AM5 only supports DDR5. >dram cache help for emulation It's just my easy way of ruling out garbage SSDs as the OS drive. SSDs with DRAM are going to be high (enough) quality. Just make sure to install the latest firmware if available as soon as possible, especially with Samsung SSDs which occasionally still ship with outdated firmwares with serious premature death problems (you should still expect any SSD to die any day regardless and therefore always backup important data elsewhere like on a flash drive). Also DRAM cache is said to write-cycle longevity but it's too early to say due to lack of testing.
>>981056 >backup important data elsewhere like on a flash drive Flash drives will randomly fail more than any SSD. Backup on a secondary medium like an HDD or DVD.
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I have a laptop that I'm currently turning into a NAS, it has one sata port one m.2 slot and one miniPCie which is currently populated with the wifi card. I've put a 1tb 2.5'' drive on the sata port and already filled it so I'm looking for alternatives how to upgrade the storage, I'm considering replacing the wifi card with picrel with provides two more sata sockets, but then I have no idea how to power of wire the extra drives. What do you think?
My tower came with a fan to go on the back, but the plug has three slots, and there are no headers with only 3 pins in a row on the motherboard. All the ones labeled "fan" have 4 pins. Do I need it? I haven't tried pushing the system yet, but have had not temperature issues running PCSX2 on 3x resolution and 2x speed for extended periods. There's a small fan directly on the CPU, two fans on the radiator for water cooling, and two fans on the GPU.
>>981706 invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=sVOetGYD17U
>>981723 Thank you. With this man's encouraging words, I was not intimidated.
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>>981169 USB to SATA power adapters exist, you just need to stick with 2.5" drives which work off 5v alone. I'd honestly stick with USB to SATA data and power, as long as it's USB3 and get a miniPCIe to 2.5G ethernet card for faster data transfers.
I recently got a Vader 3 Pro for about $70 for its 6 extra buttons. What's are the best controllers with extra buttons for binding hotkeys to?
>>980108 A better question would be what is the cheapest setup that can run current gen vidya at 60fps. Even if you have no interest in that, if it can run current gen, it can run everything before.
>>982783 >current gen vidya >being optimized well enough to run on current hardware >not being coded by diversity hires so incompetent it would choke on Frontier TDS
>>982783 Not really complicated. Whatever the highest fps/$ config there is. So a 6700 XT with a 12400f or some shit. Probably 16GB of ram, cheapest mb, low wattage psu, basically making a computer that will be difficult to upgrade down the line. An AM4 system is also probably very cheap and capable right now.
Can someone explain how uneven ram breaks things?
>>980108 Get an Xeon CPU and then whatever cheap GPU you want. With software advances the only real limitation now is the resolution you want to run your games at. Still, it's a moot question because you are going to have shit devs that not only make games 300GB but also make them run like crap. You can find a lot of benchmark videos from turd worlders if you enter in the CPU and GPU you want to benchmark. Passmark is your friend. https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_value.html#all-time-value https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_value_alltime.html
>>982858 A lot of those benchmark videos are just completely fake. I wouldn't depend on anything besides benchmarks from reputable sources.
>>981841 >and get a miniPCIe to 2.5G ethernet card for faster data transfers. Most of my client devices have gigabit ethernet, so that's not really needed. I'm also considering just getting a Direct Attached Storage and connect it to one of the USB 3.0 ports of the machine. These machines seem interesting since they are cheap compared to other alternatives: >Syba SY-ENC50104 (first pic) >Mediasonic PROBOX (second pic) They are sold for 105$ on amazon and they are non-raid, which; from my understanding they won't show as one single drive, but rather as individual units in my machine and then I can set them up with software RAID on Linux. Nevertheless, a lot of people point out the USB 3.0 connection gets faulty eventually, so I'm not sure, are USB 3.0 connections for drives reliable in the long term?. Also, there are some mixed opinions in regards of SMART, some people got it to work but some of them are getting trouble reading the data from the drives.
>>982845 Same way a car with an uneven camshaft breaks things.
>>982866 The only reliable way to hook up hard drives are ports on your motherboard (or added by your brand-name system integrator and likely has drivers) and SAS cards which can split off into sata. USB's best use case is only as a backup drive that you use once a week or month.
Reading the reply chain, since you're kind of doing a budget build its probably good enough as long as you have redundancy in software though.
>>982874 I see so do you suggest me either build a proper NAS from scratch or buy a machine from a NAS from a known vendor such as Qnap or terramaster? I also forgot to ask, a UPS would be needed to avoid data corruption on the DAS in case of a power outage? >>982875 Yeah, the laptop works just fine and it already solves all my NAS related issues aside from the storage, so I think it would be better to keep working on it rather than buying/building a dedicated device.I also think it's a fun project to see what else can be done with outdated or disused devices. >its probably good enough as long as you have redundancy in software though. I want something that could work as a place to store all my series and movies and as a torrent server. I don't really have a lot of important stuff there, but it would be a pain in the ass to rebuild my collection from scratch, so I'm planning to start with two 4TB drives and set them in RAID 1.
>>982845 Different RAM ICs (and also rank setups) have different setting they can handle / like running at, when you only have one type of ICs it's usually easy for the mobo to auto set some settings for it, when you don't it gets very confused as does your MC Most systems are now designed to run best with one or two sticks of RAM, usually people with uneven RAM have all 4 slots populated making it way worse (though two unmatched sticks can already be fairly bad.
>>982878 If you don't already have some spare desktop components to build it's probably best to look into how those vendor ones handle hdds and migrations, synology uses a proprietary filesystem which can only migrate to other systems by them, but I think can add drives with redundancy one at a time instead of a fixed number of drives at a time like zfs, for example. From there it's just figuring out how any storage upgrades would be handled, one mirrored pair to another or one pool of 4 to another pool of 4, or one device to another entirely, whatever you think you need or can afford. If you want to manage the nas os maybe a used dell r730xd with 8 3.5" drive bays can be of interest for around $500 or less, but it might be noisy, bulky, and power inefficient in comparison. Building your own out of desktop components would be about on par unless you start looking at specific parts for power efficiency. It comes down to if you want to start bothering with servers and virtual machines too or just network storage and possibly user-submitted torrent software for vendor NASs, since managing the OS yourself can be a headache. As for the UPS it's worthwhile to get one since it can maybe power your router/modem too, some rack hardware can have a battery for the write controller too but it'd consider it less reliable.
>>982761 What case did you buy?
>>982796 >Basically making a computer that will be difficult to upgrade down the line. Which would make things more expensive down the line.
>>983050 Sure, except you explicitly asked for the cheapest computer than can run existing games, not future ones. You get cheap computers by cutting corners and limiting your options. You get good computers by spending more money. If you want cheap hardware with no compromise then you hunt for sales during black friday and christmas.
>>983050 >>982796 >>983054 You can sorta make a decent compromise with current gen stuff, If you're going for a 12100 / 12400 / 7500f / 7600 / 85400f / 8500G as a base you can just put an extra 20-50 bucks on a mobo that will handle anything on the socket just fine and have a decent upgrade path With intel it's slightly less of a good compromise because there's gonna be less difference from that cheap CPU to the last flagship (14900KS) but on AMD provided you're starting from the 8400F you're going from a very meh 2+4 cores to whatever the Zen6 flagship is gonna be.
Does anyone know what the best streaming client PC would be that isn't some chink mini PC? I'm very cautious about the mini PC's flooding the market right now as they are all made by very chinky companies and some have been shipping with malware out of the box. I've heard mixed things about the new raspberry pi's. Then there's the nvidia shield devices, but those are proprietary software with microphones built into them which is annoying.
>>984486 >I'm very cautious about the mini PC's flooding the market right now as they are all made by very chinky companies and some have been shipping with malware out of the box. Just bring your own drive and install everything by yourself. I'm turning an AMD laptop into a streaming box, my OS is mint. I have a samba server and kodi configured already, only a decent YT client that could work from the TV is missing.
>>984496 >Just bring your own drive and install everything by yourself. I'm paranoid to the point where I imagine them having compromised motherboard firmware. But after doing some more research it seems like the raspberry pi 5 can handle 4K 30FPS streaming. It's just a problem of not being a licensed device for streaming from major platforms, but I don't really care about that since most of the streaming will be done from jellyfin.
>>984486 Shame you really don't want chink mini PCs because an N100 based one is pretty much what you want One of the big names has one however, but that's over 2x the price. > It's just a problem of not being a licensed device for streaming from major platforms I think the N100 is fine on that front though I might be wrong.
>>984510 >I think the N100 is fine on that front though I might be wrong. Doesn't matter if the hardware is licensed if the software isn't. You need to be running windows, and using microsoft edge browser to get anything above 720p on netflix, and presumably most other streaming services. Even if you set them to 1080p it will just output 720p without telling you. So if I need a device to stream from the nigger sites for family I'll probably just get an nvidia shield as it seems like the least cancerous of the proprietary devices.
>>984512 Just get an Amazon Fire Stick or whatever for that type of thing, and consider it separate but complimentary to your video game device.
>>984515 Why would I get a fire stick over an nvidia shield?
>>984517 Because I must have misread your intentions due to being a retard.
>>984510 >>984512 There are a couple of motherboards that come with the N100 built in, if you are willing to do your own NAS/HTPC build. Asrock has two boards with 1 M.2 SSD slot, 2 SATA connectors and a 2 lane PCIE slot (you can drop a SATA card in here for more drives)
>>984522 There's just no logical reason to go with an N100 as a 4K streaming client if a raspberry pi 5 can do 4K 30fps HDR. The raspberry pi would be like a third of the total cost in a significantly smaller form factor. I already have a sever, all I need is a cheap means of displaying the content on the TV that is 4K capable. Of course the TV's already have capable computers built right into them, but they are infested with chink spyware so they simply never get access to the network to begin with. I have a bunch of old laptops lying around but they are old enough that their GPU's can't output 4K resolution. Otherwise I'd just use those.
>>984526 The thing with the Raspberry is that they are hard to find, sometimes are overpriced and you'll have to get a case, cooling solution and power source, so once you start adding up you'll end on miniPC ranges, also you'll be using ARM which is sometimes harder to get things working compared to x86.
>>984535 They are on Amazon right now for less than $100. I don't think they are hard to find anymore. >sometimes are overpriced and you'll have to get a case, cooling solution and power source, so once you start adding up you'll end on miniPC ranges It's about $150 with a fan and PSU. Still under the miniPC range and is a known open source secure system unlike the Mini PC's. >also you'll be using ARM which is sometimes harder to get things working compared to x86. Doesn't matter for basic tasks such as being a jellyfin client.
>>984535 rpilocator.com has it in stock everywhere
>>984541 >Still under the miniPC range Nope
>>984660 The only mini PC that reaches the raspberry pi price range are used HP/lenovo machines. And the mini PC's that come close to that price are all made by the sketchiest no name chink companies possible.
>>984541 A pi5 8 gigs w/ case, cooling & AC adapter is about $130 in yuroland
>>984791 I have seen that the Pi5 does 4K60, but what are my options for 4k120/144 w/ HDR via HDMI2.1? I ask because I am running Winders 11 and I would like to go Linux full-time, but I swap displays from my monitor to my TV for various tasks, and while I really couldn't give less of a shit about gaymin in HDR (what games worth giving a shit about even support HDR?) I DO give a shit about being able to use it for proper movies. And yes, while I know that most films are 24fps, being able to output at 120 helps a LOT with stutter. I already have multiple different compact PCs kicking around, but there's not really any cheap/easy options to get a GPU to output 2.1
>>984878 I've heard HDMI 2.0 doesn't work fully in Linux due to licensing issues, and same with HDMI 2.1
>>984879 And there's not any reliable HDR implementation anywhere in Linux from my understanding, I guess KDE Plasma kind of implements it via Wayland? This shit is why I stick to Winders, as much as I hate the OS.
>>984879 Most linux-oriented devices have a hardware converter for the port for physical hdmi to a kernel-presented displayport, but obviously that's added cost and pcb real estate. I would probably wager the raspi does that if the specs match up.
anyone here know how to deal with a WHEA logger 18 Machine Check Exception error? basically I'll be playing a game and suddenly my PC will black screen and restart. I tried various things, and although the crashes have stopped for now, I don't know if I solved the problem or if I'm just stricken with temporary luck. if you've experienced this problem before, got any advice?
>>984886 If you're running a RAM OC or a CPU OC it's too strong / not juiced with enough voltage. If you're not, you have a dud CPU
>>984886 As >>984893 says it seems like the best solution is to just RMA the CPU. But I would try reinstalling the CPU, undervolting, and changing ram speeds if you haven't already. Basically everything I read about the error is wildly different. Some people are saying it's some random ryzen utility software, some are saying it's their GPU drivers. You could try running linux to troubleshoot if it's a software issue, but I doubt it actually is. But the easiest and simplest is to cry to AMD and just get a replacement.
>>984879 I think it works on Nvidia funny enough, don't quote me on that though.
>>984964 Because nvidia's shit is proprietary and isn't in the kernel. You could probably get it working with proprietary AMD driver's as well, which do exist for linux I believe.
>>984969 Ah, that makes sense then
>>984893 >>984961 thanks guys. I did some investigation myself and came to the same conclusions. might just have to go with intel this time.
>>984996 Changing platforms will be ridiculously expensive. If you have a dud CPU it should get replaced by AMD.

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