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/pol/'s News Thread II Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 17:43:29 Id: ac4fe6 No. 20559
Previous thread >>10568 Archive: https://archive.ph/D1r26 This thread is for sharing news of all kinds that /pol/ users find relevant. The purpose of this is to encourage activity on the board by creating a source of constant topics that can be discussed and new threads created if they are "big" enough, as well as serving as a place where less "important" news can be shared without fear of "wasting" a thread on them. As with the rest of the board, it is a requirement to include an archive of the news article in question. Social media screenshots of "literal who" are discouraged unless they are a part of a major event. It is recommended that topics that have generated a lot of discussion in the thread have separate threads, in order to avoid derailing this thread.
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https://archive()org/details/jews-are-mentally-sick/mode/2up >It is NOT posted on the Internet. It's from Psychiatric News, published by the American Psychiatric Association. Date of publication: Oct. 25, 1972. >Evidence that Jews are carriers of schizophrenia is disclosed in a paper prepared for the American Journal of Psychiatry by Dr. Arnold A. Hutschnecker, the New York psychiatrist who once treated President Nixon. >In a study entitled "Mental Illness: The Jewish Disease" Dr. Hutschnecker said that although all Jews are not mentally ill, mental illness is highly contagious and Jews are the principal sources of infection. >Dr. Hutschnecker stated that every Jew is born with the seeds of schizophrenia and it is this fact that accounts for the world-wide persecution of Jews. Or, see >>20556 >‘The world would be more compassionate toward the Jews if it was generally realized that Jews are not responsible for their condition." Dr. Hutschnecker said. "Schizophrenia is the fact that creates in Jews a compulsive desire for persecution." >Dr. Hutschnecker pointed out that mental illness peculiar to Jews is manifested by their inability to differentiate between right and wrong. He said that, although Jewish canonical law recognizes the virtues of patience, humility and integrity, Jews are aggressive, vindictive and dishonest. >‘While Jews attack non-Jewish Americans for racism, Israel is the most racist country in the world," Dr. Hutschnecker said. >Jews, according to Dr. Hutschnecker, display their mental illness through their paranoia. >He explained that the paranoiac not only imagines that he is being persecuted but deliberately creates situations which will make persecution a reality. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. >Dr. Hutschnecker said that all a person need do to see Jewish paranoia in action is to ride on the New York subway. Nine times out of ten, he said, the one who pushes you out of the way will be a Jew. >“The Jew hopes you will retaliate in kind and when you do he can tell himself you are anti-Semitic." >During World War II, Dr. Hutschnecker said, Jewish leaders in England and the United States knew about the terrible massacre of the Jews by the Nazis. >But, he stated, when State Department officials wanted to speak out against the massacre, they were silenced by organized Jewry. Organized Jewry, he said, wanted the massacre to continue in order to arouse the world's sympathy. It never happened: https://holocausthandbooks()com/ >Dr. Hutschnecker likened the Jewish need to be persecuted to the kind of insanity where the afflicted person mutilates himself. >He said that those who mutilate themselves do so because they want sympathy for themselves. >But, he added, such persons reveal their insanity by disfiguring themselves in such a way as to arouse revulsion rather than sympathy. >Dr. Hutschnecker noted that the incidence of mental illness has increased in the United States in direct proportion to the increase in the Jewish population. >"The great Jewish migration to the United States began at the end of the nineteenth century,” Dr. Hutschnecker said. >"In 1900 there were 1,058,135 Jews in the United States; in 1970 there were 5,868,555; an increase of 454.8%. >"In 1900 there were 62,112 persons confined in public mental hospitals in the United States; in 1970 there were 339,027, in increase of 445.7%. >"In the same period the U.S. population rose from 76,212,368 to 203,211,926, an increase of 166.6%. >"Prior to the influx of Jews from Europe the United States was a mentally healthy nation. But this is no longer true." >Dr. Hutschnecker substantiated his claim that the United States was no longer a mentally healthy nation by quoting Dr. David Rosenthal, chief of the laboratory of psychology at the National Institute of Mental Health, who recently estimated that more than 60,000,000 people in the United States suffer from some form of "schizophrenic spectrum disorder." >Noting that Dr. Rosenthal is Jewish, Dr. Hutschnecker said that Jews seem to take a perverse pride in the spread of mental illness. >Dr. Hutschnecker said that the word "schizophrenia" was given to mental disease by dr. Eugen Blueler, a Swiss psychiatrist, in 1911. >Prior to that time it had been known as "dementia praecox," the name used by its discoverer, Dr. Emil Kraepelin. Later, according to Dr. Hutschnecker, the same disease was given the name "neurosis" by Dr. Sigmund Freud. >"The symptoms of schizophrenia were recognized almost simultaneously by Bleuler, Kraepelin and Freud at a time when Jews were moving into the affluent middle class," Dr. Hutschnecker said. >“Previously they had been ignored as a social and racial entity by the physicians of that era. They became clinically important when they began to intermingle with non-Jews." >Dr. Hutschnecker said that research by Dr. Jacques S. Gottlieb of Wayne State University indicates that schizophrenia is caused by deformity in the alpha-two-globulin protein, which in schizophrenics is corkscrew-shaped. >The deformed protein is apparently caused by a virus which, Dr. Hutschnecker believes, Jews transmit to non-Jews with whom they come in contact. >He said that because those descended from Western European peoples have not built up an immunity to the virus they are particularly vulnerable to the disease. >“There is no doubt in my mind," Dr. Hutschnecker said, "that Jews have infected the American people with schizophrenia. Jews are carriers of the disease and it will reach epidemic proportions unless science develops a vaccine to counteract it."
[Expand Post]See also: Rabbi Fears Genetic Studies Will Show That ‘Jews Carry Genes That Are Polluting The World’ https://christiansfortruth()com/rabbi-fears-genetic-studies-will-show-that-jews-carry-genes-that-are-polluting-the-world/ https://archive.is/S5qxt See also studies that have been done on this: https://imgur()com/a/OGEenD0
https://www.bitchute()com/video/mKrdrwCozQCg/ https://wired_me/gear/microsofts-copilot-pcs-will-screenshot-virtual-activity/ https://arstechnica_com/gadgets/2024/05/microsofts-new-recall-feature-will-record-everything-you-do-on-your-pc/ Basically MS's Copilot takes screenshots of what you're doing every few seconds, and then uses it for its' "AI" >Perhaps, the most peculiar of all features is the AI assistant’s “photographic memory,” which allows the AI software titled “recall,” to keep a record of an individual’s virtual activity. >This is possible through constant screenshots by Windows which are then processed through the generative AI model that is available on the device to make it searchable, which even works on pictures on the device. >Not only can the AI assistant remember all your activities, but it can also suggest what to do next. “We’re entering this new era where computers not only understand us but actually anticipate what we want and our intent,” states Satya Nadella CEO of Microsoft. Your computer already monitors all of your keystrokes, even if you delete them and don't send them. Old stuff, nothing new except the "AI" https://www.bitchute()com/video/UgOWVMLkgC8c/
Teens warned they could lose driving licences and bank accounts for refusing national service https://www.netmums()com/life/teens-warned-they-could-lose-driving-licences-and-bank-accounts-for-refusing-national-service https://www.netmums()com/life/national-service-5-things-prime-minister-rishi-sunak-wants-parents-to-know >[UK Prime Minister] Rishi Sunak has said that young people could face sanctions if they snub the planned compulsory national service. >All 18-year-olds will have to take part in national service, if the Conservatives win the general election on 4 July. >Teens will have to take part in either mandatory volunteering in their community, or military training. >Community volunteering would see teens spend one weekend per month volunteering in their local community for 12 months. Opportunities could range from delivering prescriptions to older people or volunteering with a charity. I wouldn't want the 'vibrant' non-White youths of the UK working with the mostly-White elderly people. >The second option is military training. This would see 18-year-olds apply for one of up to 30,000 'selective' military placements reserved for teenagers deemed the 'brightest and the best' in areas like logistics, cyber security, procurement or civil response operations over a year-long period. Just in time to send the last White English youths off to die in the Ukraine or the Middle East for Tikkun Olam. >Sunak said the plan would be paid for by 'clamping down on tax avoidance and through funding previously used for the Shared Prosperity Fund.' Also another excuse to increase tax on the native English. >Speaking on BBC's Question Time election special on Thursday 20 June, the Prime Minster revealed teens could 'lose access to finance' and have their driving licences removed under sanctions for not taking part. Another step towards a Chinese-style 'social credit' system, i.e. techno-communism. I'm pretty sure eventually "hate crimes" or not taking the latest jew-jab will likewise lead to being off from your bank account.
https://www.thepublica()_com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/ https://archive.ph/slODN 23 June 2024 >A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. >The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists. https://apollo-news()net/wegen-hasskommentaren-gegen-vergewaltiger-junge-frau-muss-in-haft/ https://archive.ph/pml7h >The horrific assault took place in 2020, and involved multiple groups of migrant men independently attacking a 14-year-old girl in Hamburg’s Stadtpark over the course of one night. >The park had become a popular hang-out spot for youth during the covid lockdowns, and the girl had been there drinking with her friends. But they became scattered after police swept the park and broke up groups while enforcing social distancing measures. >Confused and alone, the girl was defenceless against the first mob of four predators. >The men took turns on the girl, repeatedly raping her over an extended period of time. >They robbed her of her wallet and cellphone before leaving her. Traumatized and disoriented from the first attack, and having no method of calling for help, the girl was assaulted a second time by two more men who took advantage of her vulnerable state. >Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses. >The child was attacked a third time by a single man, and then a fourth time by three more men, who dragged her into a bush and sexually assaulted her. >Finally, the child managed to break away and ran, though pursued by her rapists. >Eventually, she came across people who recognized her traumatized state and immediately called the police. >A total of 11 men were initially charged, but two were acquitted quickly due to a lack of DNA evidence. >The sperm of nine of the men, however, had been successfully recovered from the girl’s body. >Five of the men were in possession of German passports, while the remainder were not citizens of Germany. >Among those charged, none were of German heritage. The rapists were identified as a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin. >The men had a team of 20 defense attorneys arguing their innocence. >Videos of the first and third rapes had been recorded and shared by the assailants to contacts through WhatsApp, but the videos were deleted before the case could be heard in court. >Witnesses who did see the footage before its deletion did testify that it depicted clear sexual assault, with one noting that the girl had been holding her hands over her head in a protective position. >During the trial, the victim, who now suffers from PTSD as a result of the night of abuse, was called upon to speak about what happened to her. >While she recounted her horrific ordeal, the men showed “no signs of remorse” and at least one is said to have almost fallen asleep during proceedings. >However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. >The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole. >The case caused outrage in Germany, both for the brutality of the rape itself and the lenient sentences given to the rapists. As a result, one of the men had his identity and phone number circulated on Snapchat by furious sleuths. >Angered by the news of the case, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg messaged the number through WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called him a “dishonourable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.” She added: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?” >The targeted rapist then reported the woman to police, and she was charged with sending him insulting messages. >The woman has now been convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison for her remarks — meaning that she will have spent more time in jail than 8 of the 9 rapists. > In court, the woman apologized for her remarks, saying she acted out of a “reflex” upon hearing the sickening details of the case. >But, according to the Hamburger Abendblatt, this woman is not the only person who could be facing a conviction for insulting the rapists. >Authorities in Hamburg are reportedly investigating 140 people for offenses related to issuing “insult, threats, or other detriment” towards the Stadtpark predators. Remember goyim, it's the secret nazi White supremacists that secretly won WWII that are doing all this to all the White countries. So secret was their victory, that all the jews you see everywhere in government, the media, big business, the banks, academia, NGOs, etc., are very craftily providing cover for unnameable and invisible nazis somewhere who actually run the world, who we all know fought in WWII for the destruction of the White race. I know this because Alex Jones and James Corbett told me so. https://odysee()com/@Carljung:d/The-ultimate-red-pill-remaster---the-realm-story-of-adolf-hitler-:5
https://en()sputniknews()africa/20240407/world-health-day-gabonese-doctor-working-in-russia-talks-on-benefits-of-russian-medicine-1065945698.html >Russia "has become a second home for me," Gouandegno Ngongwè Suzy Naomie, a Gabonese princess who came to Moscow to study medicine and stayed in Russia to work, told Sputnik Africa. >She came to Moscow in 2008 to study medicine at Sechenov University, and now she has settled in the south of the country, working as an endocrinologist at a private clinic in Sochi. >"I can say that Russia has become a second home for me. I came to Russia when I was 20, I got married here, I had my first child here, so I also have a great history with Russia. So I am a Gabonese with Russian citizenship," Gouandegno Ngongwè Suzy Naomie explained. >She chose Russia to study medicine because tuition is cheaper than in Western countries and the registration process is easier. >In addition to medicine, the young woman built her career in the beauty world. Her debut took place during her stay in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk. >"I participated in my first beauty contest, then in the second. And that was the end of it. And I started getting more and more contracts for photo shoots with different couturiers, designers from different boutiques. Even though I'm in the fashion business, I still work in medicine," she remarked. https://en()sputniknews()africa/20240325/more--more-young-malians-prefer-to-come-to-russia-to-study-in-universities-malian-minister-says-1065762574.html >Recently, Putin announced that Russia intends to raise the number of African students studying at Russian universities. >According to the Russian humanitarian cooperation agency Rossotrudnichestvo, around 30,000 people from African countries come to Russia every year to study at universities. https://gab()com/TheBelgianOne/posts/112673511584944102 >A young black doctor from Sudan came to the Moscow region to provide medical care to local residents. >Abdelmalik Abdalla, a specialist from Africa, quickly found work in Lytkarino, as local personnel prefer to work in the capital. >"I diligently studied Russian for six months. Lived in a hostel. When it was time to leave, civil war broke out in Sudan. And Abdelmalik decided to stay in Russia to help fight the shortage of therapists. He chose Lytkarinsky clinic No.2" says an article. >From 1 January 2023, Russia has significantly simplified the process of hiring foreign doctors, it is enough to confirm compliance with foreign education. 25 days are allotted for this. >For specialists in short supply, such as paediatricians and dentists, even this is not required. >There is no special exam for the knowledge of the Russian language, proficiency in it is 'checked automatically' upon hiring.
https://karlradl14()substack()com/p/harvey-weinstein-and-the-rape-of https://archive.ph/mxGtq References in original. Edited for length. >Jewish Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has been in the news a lot in recent years after the New Yorker printed a superb piece of investigative journalism by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey. >They detailed how Weinstein had long abused his position as the founder and head of the Weinstein Company as well as formerly Miramax to sexually abuse and molest female employees and starlets. >This should be no particular surprise since jews have long had quite the problem with rape and sexual molestation within the ranks of their tribe. >What hasn’t been mentioned in the multitude of media coverage - and I’d almost say deliberately played down and ignored – is that Weinstein and his defenders are almost without exception jewish and his victims non-jewish. >Take for example his former principal attorney and public advocate Lisa Bloom – daughter of jewish actress Gloria Allred (nee Bloom) – and staunch public defender of Weinstein’s ‘integrity’, jewish fashion mogul Donna Karan – founder of the famous brand DKNY - who suggested that the non-jewish women were simply ‘asking for it’. >While jewish groups that have been supported by Weinstein – such as the famous Simon Wiesenthal Centre which awarded him its second ‘Truth to Power Award’ in 2015 for ‘humanitarian work’ with ‘Shoah survivors’ – have not only not condemned Weinstein, but actually refused to rescind their awards. >Compare that to his known victims, which have included: >Laura Madden in 1991 >Rosanna Arquette in the early 1990s >Miro Sorvino in 1995 >Asia Argento in 1997 >Ashley Judd in 1997 >Rose McGowan in 1997 >Zelda Perkins in 1998 >Lucia Evans (nee Stoller) in 2004 >Lauren Sivan in 2007 >Emma de Caunes in 2010 >Jessica Barth in 2011 >Emily Nestor in 2014 >Ambra Battilana Gutierrez in 2015 >Lauren O’Connor in 2015 >Notice a trend? >Well that’s because none of the women that we know that Weinstein sexually assaulted, molested and raped were jewish. >They are all non-jewish and even more specifically: of European origin or extraction. >Evidently this is a distinct preference on Weinstein’s part since both of his wives – the first former Mrs Weinstein Eve Chilton and the second former Mrs Weinstein Georgina Chapman – have both been non-jews of European origin or extraction. >We also know for a fact that Weinstein’s jewishness is also a factor in his sexual exploitation and rape of these non-jewish women. >Since as Kantor and Twohey wrote in their article in the New Yorker: <Mr. Weinstein was a volcanic personality, though, given to fits of rage and personal lashings of male and female employees alike. When a female guest of his had to wait for a hotel room upgrade, he yelled that Ms. O’Connor would be better off marrying a “fat, rich Jewish” man because she was probably just good for “being a wife” and “making babies,” she wrote in her memo. (He added some expletives, she said.) His treatment of women was sometimes written off as just another form of toxicity, according to multiple former employees. >In other words; non-jewish women should have sex with – and preferably marry – ‘fat, rich jewish men’ because that is all they as non-jews – and probably shiksas (literally ‘non-jewish whores who secretly crave sex with jewish men’ according to jewish culture as well as Judaism itself) – are capable of doing. >Thus Weinstein feels entitled to their ‘sexual labour’, because he is a jew, and they are a sub-human vessel that should feel honoured to be raped and sexually humiliated by a jewish man. >The idea that his jewishness is incidental to his conduct is put to bed by the fact that he specifically states that the ‘fat, rich man’ should be ‘jewish’ when he had no need to do so and dismisses the claim that it was just a ‘power’ or ‘class’ thing. >Why mention jewishness if it isn’t a factor and why aren’t there any jewish victims? >That isn’t likely to be a coincidence no matter which way you wish to slice the evidence. >The fact that he has only now been ousted from his own creation – the Weinstein Company – is actually evidence of this, because his brother, Ben, and his own fellow jewish directors and executives knew exactly what Weinstein was up to, but refused to do anything about it. >After all; the victims were just non-jewish women. Who cares about them: right?
[Expand Post]>No matter how desperate the jewish media is to reclaim the narrative as a feminist cause celebre and ‘proof of rape culture’; the fact remains that Weinstein sexually assaulted and raped non-jewish women of European origin and/or extraction not Mexicans, Chinese or Indians. >That is no accident.
https://gab()com/Patriootti/posts/111688130064573507 2 Jan.2024 >(((Who))) really owns Tik Tok? Not the Chinese. >I had to get all this info myself but with a little digging its easy as most of the stuff is readily available on even mainstream sites like wikipedia. >Tik Tok was founded by ByteDance https://www.entrepreneur()com/science-technology/who-owns-tiktok-updated-2023/444823 https://en()wikipedia()org/wiki/ByteDance >ByteDance was funded by Arthur Dantchik who is an jewish billionaire. He currently sits on the board of directors of ByteDance who owns Tik Tok. https://en()wikipedia()org/wiki/Arthur_Dantchik >ByteDance is also funded and owned by Jeff Yass who is also an jewish billionaire https://en()wikipedia()org/wiki/Jeff_Yass >The other funders of ByteDance include: >Susquehanna International Group: owned by the 2 aforementioned jewish billionaires. >Kohlberg Kravis Roberts: founded by Jerome Kohlberg Jr. who is jewish, Henry Kravis who is jewish and George R. Roberts who isn't jewish on Wikipedia but is claimed jewish by Jerusalem Post here: https://www.jpost()com/Jewish-World/Jewish-Features/The-worlds-50-Richest-Jews-41-50 >And claimed jewish also here: https://www.nndb()com/people/577/000164085/ >Sequoia Capital: lists "key people" on their Wikipedia page Michael Moritz who is jewish, Douglas Leone the first non-jew, Jim Goetz who also appears to be not jewish and Roelof Botha who also is not jewish. >General Atlantic: has an office in Tel Aviv https://www.timesofisrael()com/leading-us-investment-firm-general-atlantic-opens-tel-aviv-office/ >CEO Bill Ford who appears not to be jewish but he is chair of the board of the Rockefeller university board (Rockefeller's have interbred with the Rothschild's making them an jewish family thus making him an shabbos goy) https://www.rockefeller()edu/news/22807-william-e-ford-elected-chair-rockefeller-university-board/ Actually the Rockefellers were always jews: http://whale()to/b/rockefeller9()html >Co-president: Anton Levy who isn't listed as jewish but has an jewish name and is 100% jewish judging by his pictures >Co-president: Martín Escobari who appears to be non-jewish >Hillhouse Capital: founded by Zhang Lei who is non-jewish. >So of the actual owners of ByteDance who owns Tik Tok there are 7/12 jews making Tik Tok 58.3% jewish owned and only 8,3% Chinese owned. That should be, at least 58.3%, as it's not known if the others are crypto-jews.
>>20701 Question! If the Kikes are the ones who own Tik Tok, does that mean that Congress is filled with skinheads when they passed the law requiring Bytedance to either sell the platform or shut it down?
President of the New South Wales Rabbinical Council, Yossi Feldman. has publicly stated that he wants Australian law to be amended to give leniency to religious Jews discovered to have committed sex crimes with children. https://www.bitchute()com/video/DrVaXoTWW2er
https://gab()com/ButISayUntoYou/posts/112427917838463260 >"It is no accident that the Soviet Union was among the initiators and supporters of the creation of the state of Israel." -Vladimir Putin, June 25th 2012, in a meeting with Israeli president Shimon Peres. >"I am a Bolshevik." -First Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion after a visit to the Soviet Union, 1923. >"For many years the joke was that Israel had become the 51st state of the US. Instead we have become just another Soviet republic. It's quite a twist in the story." -Lily Galili, Israeli journalist >"Geographically, Israel is just off center. Why then is it treated with such respect, especially by the likes of Russia and China?" -The Jerusalem Post >"Putin is a great believer in Israel, he's a huge fan of Bibi." -Trump >Many people on the right claim Putin is some sort of a savior of western values, due to any variety of reasons ranging from Christianity to being mixed raced Eurasianist (groypers). >In a series of posts I will be highlighting Moscow's undeniable allegiance to Israel and their objective threat to the 14 words. >Most people assume Israel and Russia are not on good terms, because Israel's ally is America and Russia's ally is Iran. And so consequently assume that Russia supports Islam's fight against Israel. Both of these are far from the truth. >"What has russia done for the Arabs? The cease fire with Israel must end and the battle must begin. Why doesn't the battle begin? Because the Russians prefer [...] the present state of no-peace, no war. The Russians talk of all the weapons they are giving us, but it is propaganda." -Muammar Qaddafi. >Putin allowed Israel to bomb Syria over 200 times and refused to provide Syria with offensive weapons during their war with Israel. Russia has repeatedly betrayed its Arabic allies for Israel. >When asked whether Russia and Iran were still allies in Syria in 2019, Russia's Deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov claimed that "allies" was not the proper term to use, and that "Israel is a priority." And further added: "We in no way underestimate the importance of measures that would ensure very strong security of the state of Israel. This is one of the top priorities of Russia." -Haaretz >WikiLeaks documents show that in 2008, Israel provided Russia with Codes for UAVs it sold to Georgia in exchange for Iranian aerial system defense codes. The document suggests that the deal was signed right before the Russian-Georgia war of August 2008. >In 2019, Iran suggested that Russia had given Israel codes for the S-300 aerial defense systems, which enabled Israel's multirole F-35 combat aircraft to stealthily penetrate Iran's airspace, reports the Qatari news agency Al Jarida. >We all know how Israel [jews] was responsible for 9/11 right? >Putin called George Bush two days before 9/11 to warn him that "something big" was "coming out of Afghanistan". >Benjamin Netanyahu also said in 1995 that if the US does not react appropriately against Islamic terror, "the next thing we'll see is Islamic terrorists bringing down the World Trade Center." >Before the invasion of Iraq, to further Netanyahu's interests, Putin told George Bush that Saddam Hussain's regime (Iraq), his own "ally", was "planning terrorist attacks inside the United States and outside of it against US military and American interests abroad." -CBC News >Benjamin Netanyahu is also on record pressuring the US to invade Iran on the basis Hussain having a short temper and nuclear weapons. >The Mitrokhin documents, leaked in 1992 by KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin, prove that Israel has been a Kremlin asset since its very inception. >According to section 3, the alleged Golda Meir - Stalin/Kaganovich Pact: "The Soviets would absolutely guarantee the security of Israel. Both the Soviet Union and Israel would exchange intelligence reports." Jack Bernstein, an American jew living in racist marxist Israel, page 23.
https://news-pravda()com/world/2024/06/28/602003.html >Perhaps the only federal official [in Russia, Bastrykin] who calls a spade a spade. At the St. Petersburg legal forum, the head of the Investigative Committee announced figures that speak eloquently about the overripe problem of migration legislation. >So️ today there are about 14 million (!) migrants in Russia >1 million 200 thousand migrants arrived in Moscow in 4 months of this year, in the Moscow region - 880 thousand, in St. Petersburg - 860 thousand. >Over the past year among migrants there has been an increase in the number of sexual crimes (+7.6%), economic crimes (+9.6%), in the field of drug trafficking (+ 27.6%) and of an extremist nature (+147.2%). >The last figure is not just a crime. This is an explosive increase in crimes of an ideological nature. This is not just “blowing out the candles in the church” and getting 282. This includes terrorist activity. Look at the FSB reports, dozens of prevented terrorist attacks that were prepared by visitors from Central Asia. >Of course, not all 14 million migrants become extremists. But even 1% of potential radicals is a monstrous figure. >And the uncontrolled import continues. The lion's share of migrants (and this is millions) remains in the gray zone, forming a ghetto with a closed social, economic, legal and ideological structure. >“I believe the most important thing is to change Russia’s migration policy, precisely justify the need, and maybe even do so in order to solve its political, economic, national and other problems with internal resources,” Bastrykin said in St. Petersburg. >If someone wants to come to work with us, then these are strict targeted labour contracts for a certain time, after which the person returns home. >Tightening immigration legislation is not only about the migrants themselves, it is also about the responsibility of the employer. Otherwise, in the DPR, dozens of illegal immigrants are caught, but how they got there through control points and how they found employment is a mystery. And so throughout the country. >And, of course, we need common bases with neighbors, a ban on entry for those with previous convictions. And no more amnesties. Otherwise, the authorities work on those same potential extremists, catch them, expel them, and they return. You can see for yourself these immigrants are from Muslim Central Asian countries. This video is from the Krasnoyarsk region: https://gab()com/JohnAlpine/posts/112684245820350262
Comment below article: https://www.renegadetribune()com/pedowood-hollywood-and-its-jewish-child-molester-problem/ “We want assimilation to be replaced by a new law: the declaration of belonging to the Jewish nation and the Jewish race. A state built upon the principle of the purity of nation and race can only be honored and respected by a jew who*declares his belonging to his kind . . . No subterfuge can save us now. In place of assimilation we desire a new concept: recognition of the jewish nation and jewish race!”— Rabbi Joachim Prinz, American Jewish Congress, 1930 ”There are 112 hereditary diseases within the Jewish race.”—Goodman, Richard, Genetic Diseases Among The Jewish People. “It is always found that Jews suffer from acute fever, pestilence, and hemorrhoids more than any other nation.” —Rabbi Isaac Abarbanel, 15th century “They are generally sedentary … they are usually
in fear and anxiety and therefore the melancholy blood becomes increased.” — Bernard de Gordon, 14th century
https://www.worldjewishcongress()org/en/news/swedish-parliament-proposes-resolutions-to-outlaw-holocaust-denial-and-distortion 22 May 2024 >Sweden’s parliament has unanimously approved a series of amendments to the country’s hate speech regulations which will make Holocaust denial and distortion illegal. >The vote, which resulted in updates to the Freedom of the Press Act was adopted will, “explicitly criminalize the denial of the Holocaust and certain other international crimes." >The proposals also ensure that individuals in protected groups are given protection, victim status, and the right to compensation,” according to a translated parliamentary statement dated 22 May. >The amendments to the penal code will be enacted on 1 July, 2024, while the amendments to the Freedom of the Press Act will become active on January 1, 2027. >The new legislation covers the following: >--Specifically criminalize the denial of the Holocaust and other recognized international crimes. >--Clarify the inclusion of incitement to violence within the legislation, and >--Provide individuals within protected groups with recognized victim status and the right to compensation. >Along with the Holocaust denial proposal, the government is presenting these actions as a concentrated effort to de-escalate Jewish hate crimes, a goal that the WJC has long been advocating for. >In response to the initial government proposal in February, WJC’s Petra Kahn Nord stated, “In the wake of October 7, the Jewish community applauds the Swedish parliament's efforts to eradicate sentiments such as hate speech and Holocaust denial. We are eager to work with lawmakers to guarantee sufficient participation in the much-awaited national strategy plans aimed at promoting Jewish life and battling antisemitism.” The Hamas attack is turning out to be ever so profitable for the jews; who woulda thunk? >Since the October 7th attacks, the World Jewish Congress’ Nordic Office, located in Stockholm, has pushed for the Swedish government to increase security efforts for its Jewish communities, as incidents of hate and Holocaust denial and distortion rhetoric have risen drastically in recent months. >Nord together with head of WJC Strategy & Programs, Daniel Radomski, recently met with the Swedish Prime Minister to discuss the rise of antisemitism from the WJC’s global perspective. >The office in Stockholm has also been collaborating with the Jewish community of Sweden to create and implement a National Strategy to Strengthen Jewish Life in Sweden, 2025–2034. https://www.riksdagen()se/sv/dokument-och-lagar/dokument/proposition/en-tydligare-bestammelse-om-hets-mot-folkgrupp_hb0393/html/ >The strategy plan highlights the importance of preserving Jewish traditions and practices in the region while also extending a display of solidarity through recent efforts, such as Sweden’s endorsement of the IHRA's working definition of antisemitism. Remember, goy, jews have no power whatsoever, they're just a tiny, persecuted minority who dindu nuffin ever, and it's all White Supremacists doing this.
(1.25 MB 640x480 Sweden.webm)

https://www.dailydot()com/news/mechanic-officially-been-locked-out-of-computer-systems/ https://archive.ph/A8AHq 27 June 2024. >A mechanic went viral when he posted a TikTok about technicians being locked out of computer systems in a new Dodge Ram. >TikTok user Shorty of Shorty’s Speed Shop (@shortysspeedshop) showed viewers what mechanics had to do to be able to repair newer car models. >“It has officially happened. 2024 Ram 3500, authorization denied,” Shorty said as he showed viewers the computer screen. “Cannot get into anything on this except generic OBD2 Software.” >Shorty went on to explain that this update made his “manufacturer software 100% irrelevant.” >Then, Shorty showed viewers the Vehicle Security Professional (VSP) Registry on the National Automaker Service Task Force (NASTF) website. >According to NASTF, automakers require mechanics to become credentialed VSPs if they want to purchase key and immobilizer codes, PIN numbers, and special tool access from Automaker websites. A VSP is required to “verify proof of ownership/authority prior to performing any security operation.” >“It’s all part of the NASTF Security Professional Registery,” Shorty explained. >Shorty believes that this rule allows manufacturers to lock mechanics out of anything they “deem security sensitive.” >Shorty then broke down the “requirements to gain VSP access.” According to him, these include a $325 fee “every two years” and a $100 fee for every subsequent two-year license renewal. >He says mechanics also need “commercial liability insurance of $1 million” and a “fidelity or employee dishonesty bond of $100,000.” >The VSP application page on NASTF’s website confirms that there is a $100 Application Fee that covers a “Two Year Renewal” and a $325 Primary Account fee that covers a “Two Year License.” It also confirms his claims about the required commercial liability insurance and fidelity or employee dishonesty bond. >“There’s a lot of people that don’t know that this is going on, and it’s going to affect everybody getting their cars fixed,” Shorty remarked. >Viewers were furious with this newest hurdle that kept mechanics locked out of computer systems. >“Right to repair legislation is a necessary thing,” a commenter stated. >Shorty replied with an explanation about how “right to repair covers generic OBD data,” which he already has access to. >Right to repair advocates are a group who insist that manufacturers make parts, diagnostic tools, and diagrams available for third-party mechanic. >Ever since vehicles became closer to computers than cars of yore, they have advocated for the right of small shops and owners to repair vehicles. >According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 33 states and Puerto Rico considered right to repair legislation in 2023. As of 2024, the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) reports that 33 states have some form of right to repair laws. >However, many of these laws revolve around the right to repair farm equipment, not the right to repair passenger cars. >One mechanic coined the term “planned obsolescence” when he described how companies are forcing owners to take cars to their dealerships for repairs instead of independent mechanics. >According to an NBC article, the argument at the heart of the right to repair debate is that mechanics can’t afford new tools for every update a company does; and manufacturers claim that giving mechanics access would give away their intellectual property. https://www.nbcnews()com/id/wbna34601258 >Another of Shorty’s viewers wrote, “The car companies want to put small guy out of business.” >“Wow you need a license to access diagnostics. That’s insane,” a third agreed. >“Shop rates are gonna continue going higher $. These additional costs just get passed down like everything else!” another commented. >Others claimed that these new systems will drive consumers to purchase older vehicles. >“All we got to do is stop buying those cars for a short time. We can live on an older car for a little while,” a viewer advised. That's why they want to phase out fuel-powered vehicles with emissions limits. >“Yeah will be buying an older car!! Those were more fun anyways!” a second agreed. >“I went shopping for a new truck, they sold me on just rebuilding my 60 year old one,” another shared. >Some argued that the new requirements were to protect cars from theft. >“It’s because people are coding keys to steal vehicles. But I agree we should be able to access everything!” a viewer said. >“I’m sure it has nothing to do with people stealing cars,” another quipped. It's all part of having a larger and larger part of your nation in the hands of fewer and fewer people, so they can control you easily with the techno-judaism they have planned that will make 1984 seem pleasant.
https://www.ocregister()com/2024/06/28/tractor-supply-ditches-dei-climate-goals-after-online-attacks/ https://archive.ph/ptEnP 28 June 2024 >Tractor Supply Co., the US retailer focused on rural lifestyle products, is scrapping its climate targets and diversity, equity and inclusion goals after weeks of online attacks. >The Tennessee-based company has been hit with criticism over its policies on social media, including from right-wing activist Robby Starbuck. >“We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them,” Tractor Supply said in a statement posted to its website. “We have taken this feedback to heart.” >The company will eliminate DEI programs and remove related positions, halt sponsorship of activities including Pride festivals and withdraw its carbon emissions goals, according to the statement. Instead, Tractor Supply will focus on issues including animal welfare, veteran causes and water conservation. How many trannies are driving tractors for a living? There's a question for all the clowns who tell you DEI is just about profit. >Tractor Supply’s shares have fallen almost 8% after touching a record earlier this month. >A growing number of US companies are revising diversity targets, or reviewing previous support for LGBTQ-related events as conservative activists step up efforts to oppose corporate engagement in social issues, a backlash that’s been amplified by billionaires including Elon Musk and Bill Ackman. >More than 50 firms, including Best Buy Co., Chipotle Mexican Grill and Johnson & Johnson, have this year removed or de-emphasized DEI when setting executive pay, according to Farient Advisors, a consulting firm. >Tractor Supply, which operates more than 2,200 stores — many in rural communities including the Inland Empire — selling garden products to tools and pet food, needs to maintain consumer confidence as it seeks to lift sales this year, according to Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Lindsay Dutch. >The firm’s “loyal and growing customer base is a key strength supporting sales growth and operating margin this year,” Dutch said in an April note.
https://www.jpost()com/blogs/the-jewish-problem---from-anti-judaism-to-anti-semitism/from-anti-judaism-to-antisemitism-the-enlightenment-365181 8 Nov. 2012. >In the mid-eighteenth century “the Jews” represented a “question” for Western philosophers; a “problem” for the national groupings emerging as culturally distinct nation-states. >In France the population was almost entirely Francophone and Christian, its population generally shared a common history and culture. This pattern applied throughout Europe. So what to make of the Jews who generally shared language and history, but were scattered among most of the emerging states. How did this “nation apart” fit in? The put "nation apart" in scare quotes, as though it's anti-semitic to suggest jews are a seperate group, when actually it's simply a quote from the Old Testament. Leviticus ch.20 v.26: "for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine." Numbers ch.23 v.9: "Lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations." >Antisemitism, fed by theologically-inspired mediaeval stereotypes, was absorbed almost without awareness into emergent Christian-secular culture. >Over time Western philosophy and “science” sought a response, sought to “classify” Jewry. Proto-anthropology and linguistics concluded that the Jews were a Semitic people. Because they are...??? >By the late 19thcentury, American eugenicists married Darwinian evolution with Mendelian genetics to arrive at a more definitive classification of Jews: they were now a “race,” alongside Orientals and Southern Europeans. >At the top of the racial pyramid were “Aryan” northern Europeans, American Eugenics goal for the United States. >Under National Socialism Germany followed the American model of racial purity through selective breeding and took eugenics to the next level. If the Aryan was at the top, the Master Race, then the Jew was at the bottom and, as eugenics achieved an epiphany, Jews are classified outside genus homo sapiens. >When precisely German eugenicists, under the tutelage and encouragement of their enthusiastic American teachers, concluded that the Jews were a non-human pathogen, parasites, may not be known precisely. (see Stefan Kühl, The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism) >What is certain is that eugenics combined with 20th century technology to transform an already lethal form of traditional antisemitism into a well-designed engine of industrial mass murder and disposal capable of finally achieving the solution to the West’s Jewish Problem, once and for all. If only, kike. https://holocausthandbooks()com/index.php >The Philosophes: Diderot, principal contributor and editor of the famous Encyclopédie (1765) wrote that Jews are “an ignorant and superstitious nation,” while Voltaire, in his Treatise on Toleration, 1763, wrote that the Jews are, “the most detestable [nation] ever to have sullied the earth...” And again, in his Dictionary he wrote that the Jews are: <“the most imbecile people on the face of the earth, enemies of mankind, most obtuse, cruel absurd... In short, we find in them only an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated and enriched.” >In his Letter of Memmius to Cicero, (1771) Voltaire wrote, <"They [the Jews] are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race." >The year after writing his Memius Letter Voltaire wrote, <"You [Jews] have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny." >One hundred and sixty years before Germany elected Adolph Hitler chancellor, Voltaire had already concluded that the Jews are, “deadly to the human race.” >His conclusion that the Jews, “deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny” is taken nearly verbatim from Augustine who, in turn, was referring directly to the Matthew gospel. >Some modern philosophers would rescue Voltaire-as-antisemite by pointing out that his attack on the Jews was part of a more general assault on Christianity. >And perhaps, had he limited his critique to Judaism-as-religion the argument might be somewhat credible. But Voltaire singled out “the Jews,” the “nation.” >Nor are such antisemitic attacks limited to Voltaire. The Jews appear with regularity in the writings of the Philosophes, and Jews and Judaism occupy more than twenty-five percent of Voltaire’s Dictionary. >Voltaire and Diderot and most of the Philosophes, Europe’s intellectual avant-garde dedicated to liberating the continent from superstition and prejudice, from intolerance and what they perceived as the darkness of religion; how could they have unreflectively imported 1700 years of anti-Jewish prejudice into their “rational” and secular model for modern society? Because they were smarter that you, kike.
>>20716 >>At the top of the racial pyramid were “Aryan” northern Europeans, American Eugenics goal for the United States. >>Under National Socialism Germany followed the American model of racial purity through selective breeding and took eugenics to the next level. If the Aryan was at the top, the Master Race, then the Jew was at the bottom and, as eugenics achieved an epiphany, Jews are classified outside genus homo sapiens. But that's wrong. ALL versions of Socialism, not just Nazism, advocate for or eventually arrive at practicing eugenics. Even then, eugenics has always been an intellectuals theory without any basis in reality or fact. It was just an idea rooted in the belief that they found themselves to be so "smart" that they should be allowed to control the future evolution of man.
>>20718 "Eugenics" is just a fancy word that means "breeding". Humans have been breeding animals and plants for thousands of years going back into pre-history, and we still do so today. Breeding was even practised on humans too, just not explicitly; we know that in ancient times the Germanics and Greeks exposed their new-borns, for example. You've been duped by some kosher "intellectual" about what Eugenics is. You probably don't understand what "socialism" is either. In this jew-run world, countries are practising dysgenics, not eugenics, by promoting the scum of lower-class Whites and non-Whites like rappers, monkey athletes, freaks like Lizzo and "Rachel" Levine, etc.. You also have things like a tax system that penalizes responsible middle- and upper- class Whites, and funds niggers and spics and jews. Universities that severely restrict the enrolment of White males, and admit more jews that are under-qualified. And so on and so on. The result is the deterioration of the gene pool, i.e. dysgenics, and not Eugenics. If you're interested, here's a list of books you can read: https://third-reich-books()com/ Some of these are available on the Internet Archive https://archive()org/
https://gab()com/Unakceptabke_views/posts/112702876848368652 >Britain drafted the declaration of war against Germany a full week before the German invasion of Poland. >"ADOLF HITLER sent the armed forces of Great Germany into Poland on 1 September 1939. Thereupon Britain and France declared war on Germany." >Simplistic history says that it was Hitler’s fault that Britain and France declared war on Germany, since it was he who made the decision to violate Polish territory. >The people who say this show little knowledge of the circumstances that impelled Hitler to make this decision. >The fact is that Britain was trying to start a war with Germany. From the German perspective, Britain was engaged in saber-rattling against Germany throughout 1939, with a belligerent Poland, encouraged by Britain, posing the threat of a two-front war. >The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 was a response to a menace deliberately created by Britain. The fact that Hitler had not wanted war with Britain and France is evident in his peace-offer following the conquest of Poland, which included the proposal to restore a reduced Polish state. >Britain and France undertook that war expecting that Germany could easily be contained on land and starved with a naval blockade. >Because they did not expect to have to wage a real war, the decision was made lightly. There was even talk of how the war would help with unemployment in Britain. >Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said to U.S. ambassador Joseph Kennedy that the reason why he had made war against Germany was that “America and the World Jews” had pressured him. >Kennedy later told this to Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, who recorded it in his diary; “neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington,” is how Forrestal summarized Kennedy’s recollection (The Forrestal Diaries, entry of 27 December 1945). >Below is a piece of documentation that Britain (under American and jewish pressure) had chosen war against Germany. This British declaration of war was composed one week before the invasion of Poland. >Already on this first page of King George’s draft for a declaration of war we see the two main points of Anglo-American war-propaganda: >(1) you cannot negotiate with Hitler (because he is an uncivilized moral nihilist who won’t keep his word); >(2) you cannot ignore Hitler (because he wants to conquer the entire world). >It is the general practice of governments that depend heavily on popular support to try to represent any decision to go to war as forced by the other side, and these two points constitute an effective argument to that end, if the public is simple-minded enough to believe it. >The same form of propaganda with slight adaptations has been used to motivate Americans to support Middle-East wars. >Dealing peacefully with Saddam Hussein was also pointless, we were told; he was “so-damned insane,” and bent on, perhaps not conquering the entire world (which was far from credible), but it was suggested to us that we could not ignore Saddam Hussein for other reasons: that he was poised to overrun Saudi Arabia in 1990 (which was a hoax arranged by the CIA), or, a decade later, that he might attack the United States with a nuclear weapon.” https://nationalvanguard()org/2019/09/britain-intended-war-before-hitler-invaded-poland/ >The Forrestal Diaries: The Inner History of the Cold War (1952, 544 pages) https://archive()org/details/theforrestaldiarieswaltermillised >Hitler made many peace offers before the outbreak of war, and these have been detailed in a book called What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace Offers, 1933- 1939 by Dr. Friedrich Stieve. https://archive()org/details/wtwrh >The author lists all of Hitler’s offers in detail, complete with quotes, starting with >• his first offer of May 17, 1933, >• his second offer of December 18, 1933, >• his third offer of May 21, 1935, >• his fourth offer of March 31, 1936, >• his fifth offer of September 30, 1938, >• his sixth offer of December 6, 1938, >• his seventh offer of late 1939 to Poland to settle the Danzig Corridor issue peacefully, and finally, >• his offer of world peace on October 6, 1939, just over a month after Britain and France had declared war on Germany for invading Poland on September 1 (but not on the Soviet Union, which also invaded Poland on September 17. >• The full text of Hitler’s “Appeal for Peace and Sanity” speech, made before the Reichstag on July 19, 1940, following the fall of France. In that speech, Hitler once again offered unconditional peace to Britain. >This speech was printed in English and dropped by the tens of thousands from German aircraft over Britain. >Although nearly half the British cabinet wanted to take up his offer, Churchill’s warmongering put an end to this final offer of peace.” >Always painted as the victim, Poland wanted war and was an aggressor in WW2. It should be noted, however, that jews had full rights in Poland beginning in 1264 AD, centuries prior to any other state. <"The minorities in Poland are supposed to disappear. The Polish policy makes sure that they don't only disappear on the paper. This policy is ruthlessly established and without any attention to the public opinion of the world, of international contracts or the League of Nations. The Ukraine turned to hell under Polish rule. One can say this about Belorussia with even more right. The purpose of the Polish policy is the disappearance of the national minorities on the paper and in reality."
[Expand Post]>~ Manchester Guardian (14th December 1931) <"East Prussia is unquestionable German territory. Since my childhood this is my opinon which didnt need the affirmation by a plebiscite. And that this is my opinion you may tell your East Prussians in a public gathering in Knigsberg for reassurance." >~ The president of the Polish state and Marshall Josef Pilsudski who mysteriously lost his life in the 1930s, to the German foreign minister Gustav Stresemann (10th December 1927) <"The Polish terror in the Ukraine today is worse than anything else in Europe. Ukraine became a country of desperation and destruction. The murderous deeds multiplied. The Germans have been tortured, mutilated, excruciated to death, their corpses were desecrated. Villages and palaces have been robbed, ignited, blown up. The depicted incidents in the official publication of the German government in 1921 exceed the worst actions one can imagine." >~ Prof. Dr. Ren Martel in his book, Les frontières orientales de l'Allemagne (Paris 1930) about the Polish raids in Upper Silesia in 1921. <"We know that the war between Poland and Germany can’t be prevented. We have to systematically and energetically prepare ourselves for this war. The present generation will see that a new victory at Grunwald will be written into history's pages. But we will battle out this Grunwald in the suburbs of Berlin. Our ideal is to chamfer Poland with borders along the Oder in the west and the Neie at Lausitz and to absorb Prussia from Pregel to the Spree. In this war no prisoners will be made, there will be no place for humanitarian feelings." >~ The censored, and closely to the Polish military dictatorship related newspaper Mosarstwowiecz (1930), three years before Hitler came to power. <"We are ready to make a contract with the devil if he helps us fighting against Hitler. Listen: against Germany not only against Hitler. The German blood will be spilled in a future war in such streams like it wasnt seen since the beginning of the world." >~ Warsaw newspaper Depesza (20.August 1939)
>>20722 Cont. <“Our ideal is to round Poland off with frontiers on the Oder in the West and the Neisse in Lausatia, and to reincorporate Prussia, from the Pregel to the Spree. In this war no prisoners will be taken, there will be no room for humanitarian feelings. We shall surprise the whole world in our war with Germany.” >Polish newspaper Mosarstwowiecz (1930), three years before Hitler’s rise to power. <“On May 2, broke the withdrawn from Korfanty third uprising in Upper Silesia. It started a terrible reign of terror. The killings multiplied. The Germans were tortured, mutilated, tortured to death, their bodies desecrated. Villages and castles were robbed, burned, blown up in the air. In the image in the official publication of the German government exceed 1921 held incidents of cruelty the worst events that one can imagine. ” >~ Prof. Dr. René Martel in his book “Les frontiers de l’Allemagne Orientals”(Paris 1930) on the Polish raids in Upper Silesia in 1921 >The historical record, as represented by the German government at the time, on Bromberg “Bloody Sunday” and related incidents — 58,000 claimed dead or missing by Feb 1940. >The German invasion was Sep 1939, but it’s important to understand that many of the outrages had preceded the German invasion. This was proved by the amount of decomposition of the bodies. >Thus, these atrocities cannot be excused simply as reprisals for the German invasion (which would be wrong anyway). >They included 19 year-old girls with their faces smashed, amputations, disembowelments, shot through the eye, death-trauma births, you name it. >Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at least as early as April 1939, with smaller incidents stretching back to the close of WW I — you haven’t been told that by the Mass Media, or the fact that these atrocities were one of the main causes for the German invasion of Poland, something that was meant by the Germans to be a local solution to a local problem. >Germany had already done the “right thing” by protesting in writing to the League of Nations literally dozens of times. The League of Nations did nothing, yet the problem had to be solved.” https://forgottentruthhistory()wordpress()com/2017/12/31/poland-waanted-war-and-was-the-aggressor-in-ww2/ >Polish Atrocities Against The German Minority In Poland 1939 https://archive()org/details/PolishAtrocities_201904 >Poland (1983, 584 pages) https://archive()org/details/poland1983mich/

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