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Emulation Megathread Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 12:47:26 Id: 712182 No. 919281
Dead of Winter edition (previous thread: https://archive.fo/oAqCK) What are you guys emulating right now, and on what platforms? What's the best emulators and romsites? Any good romhacks you would recommend? Emulation wiki https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Main_Page In other news... The pedofurs at romhacking.net have finally fucked up badly enough to convince the guy who runs CDromance to shit out his own. Their latest crimes include closing the homebrew section to new submissions and disabling all downloads for a week because of "scraping". Please remember to submit all of your own romhacks and mods to https://baddesthacks.net/ https://archive.fo/NjzO2 https://gbatemp.net/threads/new-romhack-website-romhacks-org-is-now-open-for-public-hack-submissions.642988/
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Why do so many still insist PS3 emulation doesn't work right? Are they stupid?
>>919284 Yes anon, normalfags are retarded, they are closed mind and have a very static mind and cannot believe the world moves forward, even without them.
>>919284 I still don't entirely believe we have PS4 emulation, even though I'd read it's coming along OK.
>>919284 It doesn't work for many games, it's in a worse state currently than PS2 emulation was when everyone called it garbage and not worth using. Not to mention for it to run adequately you do still need a fairly recent high end PC for a good bunch of games.
>>919284 Here's what's happening anon. >somebody checks in on PS3 emulation circa 2014, 2015 >see it's jank as hell and practically unusable >carries that same info with them for the next ten years and never mentally updates it This was the same thing happened with PS2 emulation that >>919294 mentions. I remember seeing anons as late as 2018 saying PCSX2 was shit. The other factor could unironically be them having a shit PC and simply not acknowledging that. <durr my shitbox can play my PS1 and SNES games fine, it's RPCS3's fault I can't run anything hurr
>>919751 >This was the same thing happened with PS2 emulation I was mostly thinking about the 2014 era when the OpenGL renderer actually became worth using, PCSX2 was in fact shit at that point, it could play most game but most games would have noticeable issues as well and SW mode was not alwys an option (though HEDT users were basically fine with that) RPCS3 is currently in a worse state, current hardware is a bit too little to play everything well, a good deal of games have noticeable issues and a good deal simply aren't playable yet. As a point of comparison, PCSX2 back when it was "shit" had 95-98% of games in "playable" status RPCS3 currently has 68%.
>>919765 >As a point of comparison, PCSX2 back when it was "shit" had 95-98% of games in "playable" status RPCS3 currently has 68%. RPCS3 also has a strict criteria for "playable". Speaking from experience, plenty of "ingame" rated titles are perfectly playable from start to finish. The PS3 Armored Core entries work just fine yet they've been classed as only being ingame for years. I've played certified playable titles with more issues than ones rated as only ingame, a game can be rated as ingame solely because it doesn't run well on modest hardware. The issue is the RPCS3 team not differentiating between games that have a buggy, slow or otherwise suboptimal experience from games that are literally unplayable or for some reason can't be beaten, there should be a rating below ingame called "unplayable". The realistic number for games that just don't work is probably closer to 6% or 7%, possibly less than that. It's at least 2.8% which is the number of games that don't boot past the intro.
>>919281 >closing the homebrew section to new submissions Why? What's the point of a romhacking site where you can't share romhacks?
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>>919284 Sonic Unleashed doesn't run at a locked 120fps therefore it's bad I'm not being ironic
Does anyone else switch on the retroachievements stuff in retroarch? It sounds like the most autistic thing you can possibly do, but it has made replaying some older games way more fun. In particular I've been replaying RE1 for the Saturn in very stupid ways for some of their challenges (like killing every enemy (or not killing every enemy)). Actually led to me discovering two zombies appear in one room after you're done with said room, was pretty neat. What wasn't neat was having to kill 8 crows since RE1's hit detection is dogshit with them, and it is especially painful when you lack auto aim. I'm absolute dogshit when it comes to knife only against the tyrant, and I was playing Chris so I ended up being absolutely fucked against him. Wasn't saving either, so ended up losing all of my progress. Still fun though.
>>919284 abunch of normie retards
>>919293 The great thing about a PS4/BloodBorne emulator is the fact it does not require a high end CPU.
>>920815 I made a threat about RA a few months ago since it's still a fairly obscure thing in the emulation scene and I think it's neat how it's entirely community built, and the only ones making the achievement lists are going to be fans of the games who know them inside and out, I mostly got shit on for making the threat, and shilling the website, which wasn't unexpected. But yeah I like RA it's a nice excuse to replay allot of old favorites.
>>920815 > It sounds like the most autistic thing you can possibly do, It is, achievements usually are tracking that's useful for developers (that's why most are stuff you'll naturally or at-least the dev think you will naturally acquire during a regular playthrough, also why there's "start the game" cheevos) Retroachievements are what people who've played the game in every possible way consider achievements and they almost always go way over the line of what anyone should consider a reasonable use of their time.
>>920922 >I think it's neat how it's entirely community built Honestly, the one disappointing aspect is that you can tell the vast majority of the people working on it are Nintendo fans. There's 30 odd games with achievement sets for the virtual boy and nearly the entire N64 library, but only 70 or so Saturn games with achievement sets (and not even that much beyond the biggest names, no Deep Fear for example). A shame, but I guess naturally these sets require someone to both be technically knowledgeable and good at the game in question, in addition to being massively autistic. Still appreciate the effort though (especially appreciate the dedicated Resident Evil guys who has done achievement sets for pretty much every release of the games possible). >>920974 >they almost always go way over the line of what anyone should consider a reasonable use of their time. If you're one of those dedicated achievement hunters, sure, but I find challenge runs of games enthralling. With my RE1 example, I have the game boiled down to a science at this point, I can clear it in under two hours easily. RA is like reigniting your sex life with BDSM or roleplay when coming off of that.
>>920985 I mean i can't judge universally as it's a community effort but in quite a few games I've skimmed through there's always a few achievements that requires one of the following >stupid cheese / exploit that's no fun >RNG hell >Mandatory NG+, several loop of NG+ sometimes >have to plan the whole playthrough against the one achievement or it's basically not doable Parasite Eve 2 has all of those for example and that's just not very fun There's usually a lot fewer that are hard in an interesting way, though Ace Combat 3 and Armored Core 2 do fit the bill (though AC2 is uninspired since it's just hard no H+ 100%)
>>921010 Guess I haven't encountered many like that yet. I recall Mario having a "no coin" achievement which is asinine but ultimately simple enough. I decided to go through a few games I have logged and see what the hardest are, and a lot seem fair. >Ratchet and Clank Kill 60 enemies with the gold mine glove in a single session. Genuine time waster, but basic enough, nothing too asinine, just arbitrary. >Dragon Quest 1 & 2 Defeat Hargon, the Evil Priest, without the Prince of SUmaltria on your team. This one is actually a really basic bit in DQ2, it leads to an alternate ending where the prince is upset he was left out of the big final battle. >Resident Evil (Saturn) Finish Battle Mode without taking damage, and Battle Mode is an optional 10 or so minute jaunt. The hardest achievement in the main game is clearing a knife only run essentially, which RE1 is famous for and they are easily doable if you have no qualms about healing a lot. Hardest part is pretty much the tyrant fight at the end. Below those are don't kill any enemies except mandatory ones, also simple. No healing, an RE staple now. Everything past that becomes incredibly basic, like the Alt Credits or visiting every room. >Resident Evil 2 (Dreamcast) Finish Tofu Survivor, unsurprisingly the most difficult mode in the game has the lowest amount of achievers. Below that are stuff related to Extreme Battle or Survivor scenarios, and the first main game achievements are not saving on Nightmare Difficulty, and clearing the scenarios on Nightmare Difficulty. All basic. I did find some really dumb challenge stuff in there too though. >Jak and Daxter "Complete the game with 25 Precursor Orbs collected or fewer", which requires a second playthrough and is fucking dumb. It' pretty funny that every other achievement seems to be really basic, only 5 rare ones that aren't part of the 100% stuff it seems. >Silent Hill 10 star rank makes sense as an achievement, but genuinely fuck off. It's absurd in every SH game that has it. SH probably has the worst achievements in this regard. SH2 also has some dumb shit in it.
>>921040 >"Complete the game with 25 Precursor Orbs collected or fewer", which requires a second playthrough and is fucking dumb Oh yeah, the >just do the speedrun route Achievements are kind of meh as well depending on how ridiculous the tricks are.
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What consoles can I emulate on my Android Smartphone? >model: Xiaomi Redmi A2 >32 Bit operating system >Android version: 13GO The rest of the specifications are in the other images
>>921535 >13GO The specs are garbage, I doubt you'll be able to emulate anything past the 5th gen.
>>921540 I have the Playstation Portable emulator (the ppsspp with low-end configuration) and that hasn't given me any problems. What consoles can I emulate correctly on my Android without problem?
>>921541 I'd assume it'll be all low end stuff like PSX, N64, GBA, DS, PSP, etc. Basically everything you could on a regular 200 dollar handled
The emulation thread is THAT way: >>>/v/919281
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What consoles can I emulate on my Android Smartphone? >model: Xiaomi Redmi A2 >32 Bit operating system >Android version: 13GO The rest of the specifications are on the images https://8chan.moe/v/res/921535.html
>>921551 You should probably ask yourself "what I want to play on the go" and then "is it really worth it" A lot of platformers suffer the lack of push buttons a lot, but RPGs and some niche GPS games work fine
>>921551 Big problem with smartphones is that even with relatively strong hardware, it will eventually overheat and downclock hard to compensate. Albiet, you should be able to play a lot of the Dreamcast and PSP libraries
Anytime I see people talk about the 7th gen it's usually in relation to the 360, but whenever I see discussion about 7th emulation it's near exclusively RPCS3 and Dolphin despite Xemu being in a good state for a few years now. What's that about?
>>922619 It has to do with the fact that there's only a handful of games that remained exclusive to the 360 and cannot be played elsewhere. And even then, M$' BC program for the Xbone and SexBox whittled things down even further to where only ultra-niche titles, like Operation Darkness and the very first Idolm@ster, are the only games you're missing out on.
>>922631 >>922619 Oh yeah, that reminds me that AC6 now plays rather fine.
>>922631 The Xbox Live Arcade had a lot of great exclusives that would be worth playing, unfortunately as far as I'm aware XBLA isn't supported on emulator yet. Hopefully someday they'll get it working, there's a lot of indie game history worth experiencing that's simply impossible to access right now. I've also noticed that some games which were ported outside XBLA are simply inferior on Steam due to being shit PC ports. For example, the Steam version of Geometry Wars Retro Evolved has noticeably worse graphics for some reason. Heavy Weapon on Steam has no controller support for some reason, which is bizarre because it was clearly designed for controller on XBLA. So even in the case of games which can be found elsewhere, you might be getting a worse version than the console original. I could start a whole thread about all the 2000s-era console games with terrible PC ports.
>>922635 Isn't a large portion of the XBLA unrecoverable since it went offline? Or am I confusing that with the XBLIG Arcade?
>>922638 I don't know about that. Hopefully preservationists have archived the game files, and it's just a matter of developing emulator support. It would be tragic if it became fully lost media.
>>922635 Heavy weapon works fine on a steam controller. Better than most games with no mouse support.
>>919281 >What are you guys emulating right now, and on what platforms? I've had to restart since a normie kind of set me up with game ROMs and the actual files I suppose got lost. I have >pokemon Red, Yellow, and Blue versions for GB >Metroid Zero and Fusion then since Nintendo announced for NSO the Golden Sun games for GBA >Symphony of the night Castlevania for PS I'm still building up the emulator at the moment but perhaps some anons could recommend some good games that wouldn't be on easy access for popular games.
What's the consensus on FPGA emulators like MiSTer or the upcoming MARS FPGA or Analogue products? Are they legitimately the most accurate option there is? I am seriously considering just getting one of these machines and then I would have enough video games to last me a lifetime. I just want something hassle-free I can hook up to the TV and turn it on like console instead of jumping through hoops. And since my taste has shifted to more arcadey games this old stuff is right up my alley. The hardware is expensive, but what are the alternatives? A good PC costs pretty much the same, and modding original hardware to work well with modern TVs can easily get even more expensive.
>>930684 I mean i just bought a Raspberry pi 5 to have behind the TV to emulate PS2 games. Turns out the AetherSX2 is no longer being developed. Either i have to spend time to get into it, or use a PC laying about to play uncompatible games. Been looking into Bizhawk instead of ePSXe for ps1 games.
>>930684 >Are they legitimately the most accurate option there is? Nah, they trick you into thinking it is but FPGAs only have the potential to be more accurate with different downsides, if there's no one to reverse engineer the system they're just doing the same thing as software emulators at best. Worse is that currently FPGA emulators take shortcuts on stuff because the FPGAs that can do the upper tier consoles really accurately (5th gen and up) actually need to be the $2-5k+ boards no one will ever buy, Also similar, any flashcart that does carts with special chips, especially SNES, is straight up just fucking lying to you when it comes to accuracy, you're just not doing SA-1 / SuperFX accurately on your potato $50 FPGA
>>919281 >What are you guys emulating right now, and on what platforms? I have BOF3 and 4 that's my newest collection. I forgot how fun BOF3 is for PS emulator. I have Teepo and Ryu at level 5 but still trying to grind away until a closer level to 10. >What's the best emulators and romsites? I'm liking the Classicboy emulator since it plays alot of old systems.
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RPCS3 devs are getting online play up and running. Full compat list: https://wiki.rpcs3.net/index.php?title=RPCN_Compatibility_List Some notable titles with functioning coop/multiplayer Demon's Souls works Armored Core: Verdict Day kind of works Most of the Call of Duty games work, but require custom servers JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven works Journey works Killzone 2 requires a lot of configuration, but works All LittleBigPlanets work Metal Gear Solid HD Collection works, therefor Peace Walker's online also works And the one that really surprised me, the port of Ratchet: Deadlocked works Is there anything you're hoping they get running in the future?
>>930684 Snake oil for normalfags who don't keep up with emulator development. I know a guy who bought an Analogue Pocket and he's convinced a CRT filter on a mobile LCD panel is the same as the real thing. >>932676 >dragon's crown might finally be working YEAHHHHHHHHH
>>919284 Not so much stupid, more clueless. Casuals aren't really into emulation and generally associate it with retro consoles. >>919293 I'm honestly surprised there are multiple active PS4 emulation projects. That system doesn't have many games worth playing when you get down to brass tax. What is there, Infamous Second Son, The Last Guardian, and Bloodborne? The system has about 50-60 exclusives but most of those are solid 6/10s like Knack and Killzone Shadow Fall.
>>933408 Don't forget Gravity Rush 2. And Gravity Rush Remastered is better than the Vita version. Also I really like Tearaway: Unfolded. And I suppose some people might wanna play Ratchet & Clank, even though half the game is old levels from the first game, and the other half of the game is levels that aren't as good as the levels from the first game that they left out of this game.
>>933408 >>933474 There's also FotNS: Lost Paradise and Shadow of the Beast.
Here's a list of recommendations I found.
>>933474 > might wanna play Ratchet & Clank No you don't
I Finally have a box fast enough to emulate PS2 Games well. Any recommendations (aside from Tekken, Katamari Damacy, or anything that has a good/equivalent PC port)?
>>934546 Can't go wrong with Ape Escape 2/ Or Ace Combat 4/5/0 for that matter Fatal Frame might also be up your alley Timesplitters is pretty cool though you might wanna skip the first and you definitely do not want to emulate the PS2 versions of 2&3 (Dolphin runs way better and looks way better in that case, not to mention mouse injection)
>>934549 Ah, Ape Escape. I had that series in the back of my mind for a long time. Thanks.
>>934562 Did you know those games had two completely different English translations with unique VAs? One for America and one for Europe. The European one is very British. All the monkeys have different names and different descriptions. Odd they'd go through all that effort.
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>>934564 I've heard the same happen with Spy Fox (from Humongous Entertainment) and Gex.
cdromance is dead.
Just finished Tekken 1 on the PS1. It's a decent game. I can see why people enjoyed it despite T1 lacking some vital things like a proper practice mode. Heard it's the worst mainline game though, so it can only go up from here. >>932676 Oh hell yeah, PS3 emulation's finally going to reach its peak. >>935078 I just checked and it's still up.
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>>935152 >>935078 No, wait, nevermind. I see it now. What the fuck happened?
>>935078 >>935154 >this site doesn't host any files Please no. Losing Nicoblog was bad enough, I can't go through this shit again.
>>935154 now you gotta "join their discord server"
>>935157 >join their discord server >JOIN THEIR DISCORD SERVER Fuck, they were my #1 site for pre-patched ROMs and undubs. I can only hope they double back on this decision.
>>935160 >Fuck, they were my #1 site for pre-patched ROMs and undubs. I can only hope they double back on this decision. They won't because it's out of their control, some faggot snitched to the ad provider, which is why the ROMs can't be hosted on the same site as the one displaying the ads. However the absolutely 100% not affiliated cdromance.org might have what you're looking for.
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>>935161 >some faggot snitched to the ad provider Fucking hell, it always has to be some "No Fun Allowed" faggot screwing things up for everyone. I hope this guy, whoever he is, stubs his toe twice on a daily basis and his pillow forever warm from this point onwards.
>>935160 What is it with anons being too autistic to just use TOR/VPNs + temp mails to connect to discucks and download the stuff they have on their servers?
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>>935166 >>935161 Here let me spoonfeed you.
>>935200 thank you anon
>>935200 Thanks
>>935200 Thanks, man.
>>932676 >PS3 finally has games in 2024 Fucking wild.
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What consoles can I emulate perfectly with my very old laptop without errors and without failures? my specs >operating system: Windows 10 home single language >64-bit operating system with x64-based processor >Processor: AMD E1-2100 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics >1.00GHz >Installed RAM: 2.00 GB (1.47 Available) >My Windows (C:) 405 GB available out of 439 My problem is that when emulating Playstation 1 (with the ePSXe 2.0.5 emulator) some games freeze just a few minutes after playing and several of the ones that work well slow down at the beginning or after several hours of playing the emulator and the game stops working for me . That's why I'm looking for retro consoles that I can emulate perfectly with my limited specifications.
>>938789 Why not just try them? N64 and below should be fine So should sega and NAME Just go try them out and see how it goes little guy, nothing bad will happen. I promise :)
>>938795 my current emulators are >VisualboyAdvance M 2.1.6 >Kega fusion >ePSXe 2.0.5 I'm not interested in Retroarch Could you please give me a list of retro consoles and emulators that would work perfectly and without errors on my laptop?
>>938802 Are you a bot? Go try them out yourself.
>>938802 Are you not able to use duckstation instead of ePSXe? Should also be able to transfer memcard saves from ePSXe to duckstation. PPSSPP might be able to run too, so you can play my favorite version of FFIV.
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>>938789 >What consoles can I emulate perfectly with my very old laptop without errors and without failures? Anything from the fourth gen and prior, PS1, and any handheld up to and including the GBA. N64, Saturn, Dreamcast, NDS, and PSP are more dependent on the settings you have for the emulator and/or the game you're trying to run. No hope for anything else. >My problem is that when emulating Playstation 1 (with the ePSXe 2.0.5 emulator) Use Xebra: https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/XEBRA >>938802 >NES <puNES >Snes <bsnes/ares/BizHawk or Snes9x >Nintendo 64 <Ares or Project64 (If you want your games to look and play like shit) >Sega cartrdidge systems (And CD) <Kega Fusion >Saturn <SSF or Mednafen/BizHawk >PCE(CD) <Ootake >GB(A/C) <mGBA >NDS <melonDS or DeSmuME X432R >PSP <PPSSPP This list is derived for the purposes of someone who actually wants to emulate games and play them properly. Everything else is just autists being autists. Need look no further than how they will endless refer to shitty plug-in PS1 emulators like Duckstation and PCSXR when they all lack the features, functionality, and coolness of PSXeven.
>>938789 This fucker has been posting this exact shit on /emugen/ on cuckchan for over half a decade.
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>>939154 He's the most consistent poorfag of all time, an anon should get him a new PC.
>>939170 He's just been waiting for someone to tell him to use the KING OF EMULATORS.
>>919284 a lot of reasons >doesn't play all games >a lot of games don't run perfectly >graphical glitches out of the ass in some games >requires a computer more expensive that a ps3 to run properly >it isn't as retard proof as the earlier gen emulators as simple as that. emulatorfags having generally lower standards, defending errors and not seeing issues is also another reason, but isn't relevant to this in specific.
>>939568 You only briefly touched on it, but RPCS3 not being "retard proof" is definitely a big reason casuals don't really touch PS3 emulation. For other emulators a problem might solved with a "just switch to software mode", with RPCS3 a configuration can be "make sure you implement the bespoke canary patches in the yml file and set the SPU's decoder to the ASMJIT recompiler with a relaxed SPU XFloat accuracy". None of that is difficult to actually do, but it's not intuitive and casuals expect/demand a frictionless 'plug-'n-play' experience with emulation, which is not what RPCS3 provides. More casual users often refuse to read documentation and want to be handheld through everything. It's very frustrating if you're actually in the community with how frequently clueless people blame the software for their lack of ability to use it, despite there being a huge catalog of documentation and an entire wiki designed to be as easy to follow as possible.
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>>939174 Absolute fucking autism. Why doesn't he just subscribe to Mr. Sujano? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=7zG8fydLh2E >>938789 Hey autist, subscribe to mr sujano https://youtu.be/7zG8fydLh2E
>>939572 But ares wont run on his hyper toaster! He'll have to use ultra hle.
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>>919281 Trying the new bsnes and surprisingly you can choose NES (there was an accessory that could let you switch between SNES or NES) and both Gameboy and GBColor (reference to the Super Gameboy) However, it requires to a modern decent computer at least with capacity of 64-bits, the oversized gameboy advance from the government are limited to Snes9x. It's been a while since I dumped games that I never got the privilege to play.
>>939656 >oversized gameboy advance from the government What? Tell me more.
has anyone been able to use cheats with Yuzu on Android? I want to change some stuff in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX like you can in the other ones the I have no idea how to apply the action replay codes to the BID
>>919284 Was able to complete the Uncharted games and God of War 3 on it but there were a lot of technical issues and frequent crashing and I almost got stuck at the end of Uncharted 2 because an explosive node I had to shoot couldn't be shot on the emulator and I had to throw a grenade instead.
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>>919284 I mean I'll give 3D Dot Game Heroes a shot again now that it's been over 200 days since I last got an update... and now it's crashing even worse then before, I was at least able to get into gameplay before, now it crashes as soon I skip the opening cutscene. It's certainly impressive depending on the game, but some shit just doesn't work.
An exploit was found in Project 64 which allows people to insert machine code via the ROM. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=zqUYNYWPlpQ
>>941463 Wasn't Project64 almost spyware tier already anyhow?
>>941463 >not already having a complete romset
>>920815 One thing neat about the Retro Achievements is that you can see other players progress. When you're emulating an old game it's easy to assume "Oh I'v got to be the only person in the world who's playing this game right now" But you can see for a fact, that's actually not true. I just beat Blood Omen 1, and I can see i'm not alone and there is people playing the game every day. I'm "vaevictous" is going to beat it.
>>942582 I'm 'sure' vaevictous is going to beat it
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friendly reminder PS2 pcsx2 nightly is fucking awesome at this point. most games run at 100% including AceCombat4
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>>944855 >Can hear Burnout but cannot see Burnout Most frustrating thing I have ever experienced
>>944855 If people are behind the times on PS3 emulation then they're downright neolithic on PS2 emulation. Maybe I haven't tried enough games but I find PCSX2 to be roughly on par with SNES emulation. From what people say about PCSX2 you'd think only 2% of the library works. >>944857 Probably an incorrectly formatted video, FFMPEG makes it very easy to render videos that won't display properly in a browser.
>>944863 people have to understand that PS3 hardware and architecture was WAAAY harder to develop for than PS2 HW. and the same thing carries for emulation, so the argument >As a point of comparison, PCSX2 back when it was "shit" had 95-98% of games in "playable" status RPCS3 currently has 68%. is completely understandable since sony decided to develop a confusing CPU from the ground up just so they can put it in ps3 and never use in anything else ever again.
>>944870 >was WAAAY harder to develop for than PS2 HW No, absolutely not PS2 was some arcane bullshit straight from hell that not even SONY truly understands PS3 has a few reasons why it was a disaster on the dev side SONY massively overpromised on what the console could do so everything the devs had prepared to be able to do wasn't possible, having to massively scale down a project in months is painful Nvidia fucked SONY in the ass by overpromising what it's own hardware could do, so after having to downscale from the first fiasco they had to adjust again on even tighter deadlines, it also means the hardware is completely unbalanced as the CPU is absolutely more powerful than x360 and legitimately had a claim towards even beating PCs of the era (though SONY is at fault here too since more RAM would have done wonders) Multiprocessing is hard and while you already had to do that on PS2 (EE + 2 VUs) there was differences that could've been hard to deal with and 3 specialized cores is a lot easier than 7 less specialized ones. The x360 was just better not exactly all around better but still better designed and balanced, easier and more successful, so you get less resources to do the PS3 port leading to it being worse and harder to make. But more importantly as to why you're straight up wrong with the idea of PS3 being harder to make an emulator for is that is was better standardized than the PS2 PS2 has a lot of games doing some very singular things that aren't documented anywhere in the PS2 docs and SONY didn't care so long as it didn't break for the user. On PS3 you can't stray too far from the way SONY has laid out for you >CPU from the ground up just so they can put it in ps3 and never use in anything else ever again. There's CELL and equivalent in a few things, though mostly enterprise shit, consumer stuff only had that one encoding accelerator that was actually really good for the time but driven to pointlessness when CUDA popped up.
>>944880 look into SPUs
also i just looked at my mega drive and saw ArmoredCoreFA in there for the ps3 if you wanna try it go ahead https://mega.nz/file/6g80RRRS#YIRJkvFxfdl6Q5txtsH637FnFYTdUqlbIkGi970iNbw as far as i know this game works on the RPCS3 quite smooth.
>>944985 Look into VUs Tell me how programming with a fucking excel spreadsheet isn't hard.
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I just wanted to post this since I didn't realize that Jr. had a Finland shirt.
Made a custom Trophy sound for RPCS3
>>953955 Is that game Dead Rising?
>>953956 It's the PS3's >"We have Dead Rising at home" Worst selling game in the Yakuza series since it released right in the middle of the Zombie games trend, but it's fun once you get used to the controls.
Anyone else tried out ares' new shaders? They seem to be busted for me.
>>953956 HAHA it works! It has for a while I just didn't put up with figure out how to fix the character models until now Xenia Canary make sure to go into the Xenia-Canary-Config and set. >[GPU] >clear_memory_page_state = true It apprently needs a patch file to get past chapter 12, I still need to look into that.
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How's the X360 emu nowadays? And PS2 emu, too Can i get it to run somewhat well the PS2 emu with an i3 3rd gen or a i5 4th gen? I'm looking for low budget refurbished rigs for my brother, and playing some games before i migrate, that's mostly why i am looking specifically to those rigs cause budget and shit, so i just wanna now how well those can run games and such with 8 gigs of RAM
>>954176 >Can i get it to run somewhat well the PS2 emu with an i3 3rd gen or a i5 4th gen? With a bit of an overclock you're fine most of the time
>>954178 Should have specified, with a 4th gen i5/i7, 3rd gen is way slower on emulators in general.
>>953955 lol, thought it was from the game itself at first
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DOSBox Staging 0.81 https://dosbox-staging.github.io/releases/release-notes/0.81.0/ It has been almost two months, but no one has mentioned it, so I might as well do it. What's so special about this release? It has built-in 3DFX Voodoo emulation, which lets you run some DOS games with hardware-accelerated graphics. There aren't that many games that do support Voodoo, but for those that do it's a nice upgrade. > Archimedean Dynasty > Battle Arena Toshinden > Blood > Carmageddon > Descent II > EF2000 > Extreme Assault > Fatal Racing > Jet Fighter III > Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny > NASCAR Racing 2 > Screamer 2 > Screamer Rally > Shadow Warrior > Starfighter 3000 > Tomb Raider > UEFA Champions League 96/97 > VR Soccer 96 > Whiplash > X-Car: Experimental Racing
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Did try to play Xenosaga. I loved Xenogears back in the day and had been looking to play Xenosaga, however was unable to do so due to various reasons until recently. It kinda felt like playing a sci-fi anime, however the problem was the playing part. I enjoyed the story, however, the gameplay left a lot to be desired, both the general movement and the combat felt slow and boring (it didn't help that I'd also been playing "bravely default" where you can setup auto attack chains and there is a fast forward option for combat). Also it is really weird how under most conditions there is NO music at all, just the sound of your footsteps as you walk through various areas.
>>954293 xenosaga episode I was kinda rushed, so they didn't have time to make enough music for the game that's why theres only 2 battle songs for the entire game the 2nd game's music is better though
Messed up the recording and had no audio, but anyway I tried WiiU emulation with CEMU, it works pretty well for the most part although Arkham City crashed a bunch on the main menu it crashed less in OpenGL mode. I was curious about the Armored mode that's really just the Electric mode from Arkham Origins, but god They Really forced the WiiU tablet into this game, It controls perfect fine in other versions, but this version all the menus are more cumbersome to force the need to use the Tablet. No option for Pro Controller.
Damn I compiled librashader into ares but this shit just doesn't want to work for me. Fucking rust man.
Got shaders to work on ares. I now finally don't have any reason to ever use retroarch on my computer ever again. Thank fuck.
>>954293 Namco and it's financial troubles really scuffed Xenosaga
Are there any 60fps patches available for DOAX3 Scarlet on Switch (ryujinx)? Glossing over EmulationWiki it seems no one has done it yet, but I'm asking just in case any of you has found a solution, UI and gameplay feels somewhat choppy capped at 30fps. I offer these amateurish pictures as a down payment.
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>>954293 Xenosaga is a terrible game series but the writing and the direction of the cutscenes in the first game is entertaining enough, it's just that the game itself is a slog. The newer versions of PCSX2 optimized the first game so you can speed through it with the appropriate hotkey if you don't mind using ganoo slash loonix or Winkike slash pajeet 10. Xenosaga 2's battle system is preset button combos you can just follow a guide for but the game itself is still more involving than 1 or 3, it's just that they made kos-mos uglier for some reason and gave everyone sausage hands. 3 is ok but it just grinds down how a lot of the series just feels like asspulls chained around character drama like a badly drawn out manga with an incoherent ending combined with New Testament references like kos-mos being a biblical slut. Xenosaga 1 and Pied Piper are probably the better written games in the series but I think that's just because they thought they could pad it out longer than they did once they got a greenlight from Namco.
>>956095 I liked it better compared to the other 'multi-game' series that were coming out of Japan like the .hack games during the early 2000's but it feels like they were just doing a commission past the first game for Namco when Monolith Soft picked out newer employees for the direction roles for 2 and 3. Half of the the cutscenes in 2 got badly padded and boring and they added some badly directed anime kung fu shit with Jin and Margulis that got better in 3 but the scenes in the first game still feel better directed.
Are there any 3DS emulators yet that are literally completed applications? That is: I download it, I open it, I load a ROM, it works. I don't want to dump files from a physical console. I don't want to compile it myself. I just want a fucking emulator.
>>956105 Sorry man modern emulators require a modicum of effort.
>>956139 The emulation wiki tends to have easy access to any files you need for an emulator. https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Emulator_files#Nintendo_3DS
The Simpsons game seems to run really well on Xenia-canary. only odd thing is starting the game character models don't load, but quickly jumping in the chocolate river and re-spawning loads them in properly right away. The Simpsons 360/PS3 version of The Simpsons game was one I always wanted to play but never ended up getting or renting, I only played the DS version until now.
>>956333 I'm surprised the game holds up this much. I hope that the mexican autist who is remaking Hit and Run to use the actual cartoon look will take inspiration from it. The humor from that game isn't even that bad for being right around the peak of zombie Simpsons, especially the cutscenes.
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>>956688 Hit & Run really does hold up well for Season 14-era Simpsons, it has that vibe of late classic Simpsons. The Simpsons Game, while I enjoy nowhere near as much, also isn't as bad as you'd guess for launching around Season 19. You're well into trash-era Simspons by that point.
>>956333 I tried playing this game after playing it on the wee when I was a wii lad and it just didn't make it for me. The writing is shit and the gameplay is boring.
>>956833 It's an extremely standard 3D action platformer, one of the last from that era now that I think of it. There were tons of those kinds of games during the 5th and 6th gens, they followed on a little into the 7th gen before abruptly stopping. Did you know Visceral made it? Yes, the Dead Space studio. They also made Future Cop: LAPD, a game you might know if you're a mecha fan. That's a fucking weird set of games for the same studio.
>>956947 Visceral made plenty of playable shovelware people like to applaud, Dead Space comes off exactly like what you'd expect from a company like it making an RE4 clone, including the diversity inserts.
>>956701 Did people at the time realize just how bad Simpsons had gotten or was it just considered a slump and decline? Homer to the Max (middle of season 10) or Behind the Laughter (Season 11) are the most frequent end-points for classic Simpsons I've heard.
>>956947 It's almost like game studios are comprised of people that come and go and want to try different thing. I'm pretty sure no one knows the name of any important lead designers at the time at X or Y company, they just say "Company" as if it's a living thing with its own line of thought
I need some help getting Ryujinx working. >downloaded latest version of Ryujinx >downloaded 17.0.1 prod.keys and put them in the systems folder as instructed, Ryujinx now loads without the missing prod.keys error >download 17.0.1 firmware and install, restart Ryujinx and it now shows v17.0.1 in the bottom right >put .nsp file in a folder, add that folder to Ryujinx' Game Directories >games aren't detected, I can't load them with the Load Application from File option either Tried a few troubleshooting solutions, but nothing's worked. Any help is welcome.
>>958464 What game is it? Did you get title keys?
>>958479 I tried Super Mario Odyssey and Unicorn Overlord. The 17.0.1 version of the prod keys I got didn't have title.keys with it, but the 18 version did. I just tried the 18 version, put the prod and title keys in the system directory, and installed the 18 firmware. Same results: game won't load on the Ryujinx UI and won't load directly.
>>958490 Not enough for us to help. Nuke all Ryujinx folders then follow an instructional video on YouTube for your reinstall.
Does anyone have IDmacX or the stuff you need for emulating Taito NesicaxLive games? I refuse to join a discord to get that shit.
>>958490 Ryujinx needs a shitload of ram to start and run games, at least 16gb, you have to force page-ram on the OS if you don't have enough.
>>961560 >shitload >16GB How can you not have that already?
>>961568 TotK kept on crashing on me so I was trying to figure out what the problem was, it needed like 32gb back like last year when it was leaked.
>>961560 >shitload >16GB nigga you poor, that's $30-40 devs say 8GB >System Requirements >In order to use Ryujinx your computer will need: >At least 8GB RAM Switch's 4GB + VRAM emulation + texture compression
>>961635 I know I'm talking to a retarded bot but I'm just adding my input.
>>961660 You act like a retard yourself, the other retard talks like a hood nigger but he provided evidence from Ryujinx developers while you simple-mindedly blamed all your crashes on RAM.
>>961670 >system requirements Anon, those are literally bare minimum numbers, nobody with a brain uses those for real-world performance metrics. Unless you think that "at least" suddenly means "all you need"
>>961675 >performance metrics Anon, the discussion's literally about the game crashing. Nobody with a brain confuses being able to play the game with optimizing its performance metrics.
Let's not forget the start either: >Ryujinx needs a shitload of ram to start and run games, at least 16gb. It's just wrong. Goalpost-moving aside, obviously better hardware = better performance.
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Don't use Ryujinx without 512 GBs of RAM, a 2 petabyte data warehouse, and four prototype 5090s SLI bridged directly to the penis of Linus Sebastian or it will melt your CPU and set your house on fire.
>>961676 >>961677 Are you just retarded or something? This isn't even >works on my machine level of obtuseness, its >b-but the website says it should work Anyone naive enough to take system requirements as gospel is probably unfit to be doing anything with their computer besides the most basic of tasks. Anon already explained how he was able to get it running on his machine, and for a specific game too no less, and how he solved the issue he was having, but that doesn't mean there wasn't an issue.
>>961687 >so desperate to justify his retardation he digs through endless GitHub issue reports to... equate a memory leaks to a RAM requirement Holy fuck, anon, you're actually retarded. How do you know this little about computers? Are you a zoomer? You can get fucked by memory leaks no matter how much RAM you have. Also that's talking about the GPU's VRAM, not your RAM. It has nothing to do with anything. You thought VRAM and RAM were the same thing because you're actually fucking retarded. Even if it was regular RAM he has 32GB of that so it's obviously not the problem. The problem is developers need time to fix emulator bugs like memory leaks for new games. Please do us a favor and never post about technological topics again.
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Instead of tardwrangling online, I just Ryujinxed some Zelda with under 16 GBs of RAM :^)
>>961560 >>961692 “POORS could be here,” he thought, “I’ve never been in a diverse neighborhood before. There could be POORS anywhere.” The cool wind felt good against his tailor-made William Fioravanti suit. “I HATE POORS,” he thought. His investment podcast reverberated his high-end sports car, making it pulsate even as the $9,000 luxury wine circulated through his rich eugenic veins and washed away his (merited) fear of POORS after dark. “With a colorful Bugatti, you can go anywhere you want” he said to himself, out loud.
>>961694 You can buy 32gb of RAM for around 50 bucks. It's not even poverty, I think it's pure laziness to not upgrade at this point.
>>961758 In the third world, even if you might have the money, if you can't really justify buying something very well, you aren't going to convinvce people to buy it. This is because people have had low amounts of disposable income historically speaking and haven't been conditioned to get rid of their penny pinching behavior just yet, or haven't become comfortable with the idea that big investments may lead to larger returns in the future. If an 8 gig windows 10 laptop off amazon can do your spreadsheets and run a web browser you'd be very hard pressed to convince your family or even your own mind to buy an extra stick of RAM.
>>961689 >>961687 Pretty sure it' not memory leaking but due to the way textures are handled in emu, they keep a copy of the PC usable texture in RAM at all times, meaning over time it gets a bit crazy >>961758 >>961814 aliexpress.com/item/33026669567.html
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>>956333 (checked) I fucking hated that game not only was it a step down from Hit and Run outside of better visuals, but it also sucked ass as a 3D platformer.
>>961680 But sli doesn't exist anymore?
>>961830 >Pretty sure it' not memory leaking but due to the way textures are handled in emu, they keep a copy of the PC usable texture in RAM at all times That counts, hsialin who issue reported used the right term, quoting wikipedia >memory which is no longer needed is not released. Map textures no longer needed were not released >they keep a copy of the PC usable texture in RAM vram not ram, someone said it already but more info from randomgituser321 on the issue page >8gb GPU, but it eventually ran out of vram and crashed. To clarify, it was filling vram and not regular ram He proves it using an rtss overlay showing vram per process, buying ram wouldn't help, infinite ram = crash, was a graphics card issue Anyway this is the important part from randomgituser321, that it barely affected anyone >pretty obscure bug because most people aren't going to spend whole minutes zooming fully in and out over and over again across the entire map. Most users would likely never run into an issue with this And the issue was 11 days after totk, we're 30 times farther now, it's probably patched
>decide to practice my japanese with legend of dragoon >the jp version depends heavily on the pocketstation to get gold and items >duckstation doesn't support pocketstation Is there any way to get Pocketstation connected to Playstation emulation right now? The MAME core seems to be functional but there's no way to transfer the data back to a Playstation emulator.
>>962162 PocketStation comparability is one of the last big hurdles with PS1 emulation. So far I believe only one emulator really supports it - XEBRA, and that requires you plug in a separate emulator specifically for the PocketStation called PK201. XEBRA is closed source (Japanese project, FLOSS isn't a big thing over there) and kind of buggy, but it's your only "real" option outside of actual hardware.
>>962171 NO$PSX also does emulate pocketstation to a degree Shame rustation basically never went too far because that was one of the main goals and it had some decent progress last time I've heard anything about it
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here's Ace Combat: Infinity 10th anniversary update from RPCS3
Planning on Lego Racers on Project 64 after >>>/v/964872
>>968537 I wonder if this will make fan translations easier by providing an alternate way to put text in. Not sure what N64 games has enough text to need one and is a game people actually care about beside Custom Robo 2 and Robopon 64.
>>968537 Oh thank fucking god, N64 emulators are all terrible. The emulation side is usually fine, but I don't think I've come across a console where the emulators themselves are so consistently awkward to use. They all compromise on something in my experience. >>968540 Do you mean English fanslations or ones to other languages? I'm not sure there even are many Japan-only N64 games worth translating, they're mostly sports games. The only one I can think of you already mentioned, Custom Robo.
>>968537 >>968558 >Oh thank fucking god, N64 emulators are all terrible. Ditto this. The only one I've found that actually works and does what I want it to do is Ares, but even THAT craters in performance when I attempt to play Goldeneye or just crashes if I leave it untouched for 10 secnds when I load Animal Crossing. >I'm not sure there even are many Japan-only N64 games worth translating From what I remember, there's a huge interest in Wonder Project J2 because of the robot loli.
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>playing n64 games in widescreen
>>968569 i know right?, true gaymers play them in portrait
>>968609 >>968569 I know right. I put my head between my thighs and use a projector to play it on the wall in 128x64 so it also looks like it's comingf out of my ass.
>>968612 sounds rare
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>>919281 Vimm's Lair has removed 717 games and images from their site by request of Nintendo of America All though it may be a DMCA troll https://vimm.net/bbs/?p=viewPost&Post=33298 https://vimm.net/bbs/?p=viewPost&Post=33310
>>968768 This is why I never talked about this site anywhere. Too many goddamn narcs online. Thankfully I have ROMsets, but what white knight for Nintendo is doing this?
>>968769 Some people speculate its the same guy who DMCA'd Gmod, but who knows maybe twitter fags just need to shut up about emulation
>>968771 >maybe twitter fags just need to shut up about emulation but how else are they supposed to signal to their fellow niggercattle how in-the-know they are?
>>968569 >>968609 >playing N64 games in widescreen >playing N64 games in 4:3 >playing N64 games in 10:7 >playing N64 games in 10:7 at native resolution with the entire RDP pipeline emulated in LLE accompanied by CRT-Royale >playing N64 games through an old GPU running CRTEmudriver hooked up to a Eurotrash CRT via a VGA-SCART adapter, with optional composite filters >playing N64 games on an N64 hooked up to a CRT
>>968771 >>968768 Considering apple fags are now going to loudly publicize sites like these following emulators being made available on their phones, expect more to follow.
Unless other romsites delist around the same time, could be someone with an axe to grind against vimm himself. vimm.net message board replies. Posted by Lumanare >Vimm, this is likely a false DMCA. if it were indeed legit, why would they target those games, and completely skip out on Smash Bros. Melee, Wind Waker, and pretty much anything Gamecube forward? >On top of that, they would of gone after Super Metroid as well, which they didn't. this is likely a troll. Posted by Regale >Drawn to Life for the DS in English is not down, but the Japanese version is down seemingly because it contains the word "marionette" which contains Mario, which makes it seems they just looked up smthn like "Mario" or "Zelda" for each vault, which Nintendo probably wouldn't do. Posted by Vimm <It seems this may be the work of DMCA trolls filing fake notices. In the meantime the media will remain offline for now. Posted by NintenGunner >As said by many before, it's mostly just Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon titles being taken down, which is frankly funny considering Drawn to Life: Kamisama no Marionette is also taken down, despite it being a game Nintendo has had zero control over. >Seems to me like they just looked up "Mario" and copy-pasted the list into whatever email they sent. They barely even tried. Posted by NoahFuel >It's definitely a Troll If it really was Nintendo, they would have requested that ALL Nintendo ROMs get taken down. >Only, NES, SNES and N64 ROMS have gotten taken down. >GameCube, DS and Wii are Still Up. Including TTYD, Smash Melee, some Pokemon ROMS and most Zelda ROMS as of right now Posted by LendriMujina >Wait. TTYD of all things is still up? A game that has a remake about to be released that they're trying to hype up? Posted by Blockman05 >I feel like it's gotta be a troll. I'm sure everyone here has noticed it by now but whoever took down those games picked and chose. Most of NES, SNES, and N64 are gone, but not Gamecube. Metroid, Star Fox, and DK are (as of writing this) untouched. Mainly Mario and Zelda. The Smash Bros games are still up as well; I thought those would be a high priority for the troll, same with Wii Sports. >This is one of the strangest cases of a troll takedown I've ever seen.
>>969197 >Unless other romsites delist around the same time, could be someone with an axe to grind against vimm himself. vimm.net message board replies. Could just be twitter corpo dicksucker being retarded, it has happened and I don't see any reason to think it wouldn't again.
Are there any SNES emulators that are Retroachievement compatible and have working sound? The ones I have tried are not playing both the left and right audio for Mega Man X when in stereo mode.
>>969503 I'm sorry to tell you that retroachievements are gay.
>969625 Filtered by difficulty.
>>969503 Mesen-S?
>>969654 Worked like a charm. Thanks!
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Some guy made program so you can freecam on some horror games for PS2. https://github.com/moonlessformless/ps2_cam_acolyte
>>970486 Time to see just how many fully modeled vaginas are really out there
Some months ago I unintentionally started a fight between two anons about how much a gayming PC that can emulate games up to and including PS3/Switch would cost. I'm finally ready to build a PC, and I had bookmarked this list https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ykPVXk one of the anon's posted. I'm looking at all the individual parts and making sure they're well above the recommended requirements for both RPCS3 and Ryujinx, which they all seem to be, but I noticed the GPU is RTX. Isn't raytracing kind of unnecessary? I don't think somewhat more dynamic lighting, that 99% of games other than the highest end TriplegAAAy garbage aren't designed for, would really benefit from raytracing. I tried looking filtering to Asus GTX but it seems like mostly higher prices for similar clockspeeds and much less memory, which is the opposite of what I expected to see. Is there some other performance benefit games would get from having a raytracing capable GPU? Also saw pic related in the reviews for anon's recommended graphics card. I have no idea what he's talking about other than that rootkits are super AIDS. I've made several changes to anon's list. I swapped the 500GB SSD for a 2TB SSD, as they're not that expensive and I've filled a 1TB over the years before. Added a 2TB Western Digital external storage for regular back ups. I'm going to have to buy another TV/Monitor so I can continue using two screens at a time as I've grown accustomed to it. A keyboard, because I have none and I've been stuck on a craptop for nearly decade. Modern keyboards don't suffer from multi-key input overflow do they? I tried playing 2hoe on my craptop once upon a time only to discover I can't move diagonally and shoot at the same time because inputs are dropped when more than two keys are pressed on this godforsaken Acer piece of shit. I'm ultimately willing to shell out up to 2 grand for a PC I'm hoping will last me another 10 years and finally play all the older games on my backlog, and some newer ones that overheat my craptop.
>>975141 You would be better off with 32 gb of ram and using the leftover cash on your cpu or gpu.
>>975144 Yeah, seems like I can get 32GB G Skill Flare for less than half the price, and I'm pretty sure anything above 16 is more than enough. Thanks. Though I have little idea how better invest in the CPU/GPU if those selected aren't already more than good enough. I checked the graphics card more closely, and it only has 1 HDMI port. Switching to the 2 HDMI port version results in no available price, but one review says "500 bucks not worth it", so I guess I need to get an actual monitor and not just another TV so I can use a display port for dual screening.
>>975157 If you really are planning on having this machine last you 10 years then I would put the money into the cpu since while you can turn down graphics settings you cannot turn down physics/whatever settings that take up cpu cycles. Your gpu should have display ports so you should be fine. I don't think there's any gpu out there with only a single port on it.
>>975158 >Your gpu should have display ports so you should be fine. I don't think there's any gpu out there with only a single port on it. Yes. I'm just used to HDMI for everything, and since it includes 1 HDMI and 3 Display ports, while the version with more HDMI ports is more expensive, I had assumed HDMI was superior, but not really. The only real difference using a display port is going to have for me is that I need to buy a monitor instead of a TV.
>>975158 >I would put the money into the cpu since while you can turn down graphics settings you cannot turn down physics/whatever settings that take up cpu cycles The one there already has 14 cores. Won't most games only use 8 at most, maybe 12 on the very high end, leaving 2-6 cores for other background processes?
>>975162 10 years is a long time when it comes to computers. I know you said this is a computer mostly for emulation but think, in ten years you might want to play dragons dogma 2 and at that point you would probably appreciate a bit more raw horse power. And besides emulation can almost always benefit from more cpu power anyway. Even older system emulators if you want to use runahead. As an aside, I hope you know that there are some switch games that basically can't be emulated smoothly with any level of parts.
>>975166 >in ten years you might want to play dragons dogma 2 From what I've heard, I really wouldn't, but I get your point. However, I think graphics creep and the like are also beginning to level out on a sort of logarithmic growth rate, so a mid-to-high end PC built now will probably be good for most of the ever changing landscape of modern games for significantly longer than one built 10 years ago. >As an aside, I hope you know that there are some switch games that basically can't be emulated smoothly with any level of parts. I'm well aware neither RPCS3 nor Ryujinx have anywhere near a 100% compatibility list, though I'm still optimistic they'll eventually get everything that's exclusive and not shovelware to playable levels of compatibility.
>>975180 Honestly, if anything I actually think the graphics creep might get worse. It really did not take very long for games to become completely reliant on fsr/dlss to be playable. Of course again that's triple a crap but still. >optimistic they'll eventually get everything that's exclusive It might be a long while. I think they're having trouble with certain texture compression methods causing continuous stutters in big games like totk, metroid prime, astral chain, and a few others. Also games like luigi's mansion 3 use so many tricks to run smoothly on the switch that emulating all of those tricks fast enough to get the game to run smoothly is a far off dream. I don't know if I'm optimistic but I also hope for it.
I did it. I spent nearly $1700 grand on a computer + accessories. Which is actually less than I spent on my college laptop that I now hate. I think it was 2 grand, but back then I was under the impression that all of my college expenses were covered by several grants, only to later discover I was 6 grand short. >Some physical constraints are not checked, such as RAM clearance with CPU Coolers. I sure hope those fit.
>>975796 Which parts did you finally settle on?
>>975799 If I can get by on a craptop for nearly 10 years, albeit rather un-ideally, I think I could probably last another 10 with a decent mid-tier PC. Especially with emulation. And next time I upgrade won't be a full overhaul either, just swapping parts.
>>975803 Build is shit. Water cooling doesn't have clearance with the motherboard. You can just barely put it in crooked with only 3 of its 8 screws and pray it doesn't rattle apart. It also requires you to replace the piece securing the CPU, which could easily go wrong with an amateur install such as mine resulting in direct physical damage to the CPU or motherboard, and even if done properly it's said there could be memory issues with the CPU and there's no guarantee it isn't askew. It's too late to try turning it on tonight, but I'm getting the feeling that with how easy it is to potentially break expensive parts during an install, it's only cheaper than a similar pre-built if have you zero fuck-ups along the way. The contact plate was creaking when I screwed it down. Hope the CPU and motherboard weren't fucked by this fucking water cooling meme I fell for. It was terrible getting the damn thing to screw on right after applying the thermal paste and I have no idea how little time I had before it dries.
>>975803 You don't need liquid cooling for that CPU so just get a good air cooler and you won't ever have to worry about leaks.
>>979926 I mean, it's already all put together and I don't want to risk fucking with the CPU mounting again. I forgot to take off the fucking sticker before putting the cooler on the thermal paste and only caught myself halfway. This liquid cooler seems a like a closed system where you don't add the water yourself.
>>979907 > it's said there could be memory issues with the CPU and there's no guarantee it isn't askew. There so of there's either too little or too much pressure, it's not too hard to gauge properly usually the mounting frame for the Artic AiO is rather well made and easy to deal with >You can just barely put it in crooked with only 3 of its 8 screws and pray it doesn't rattle apart That is most definitely not good and you should check your temps are actually where they should be once you do boot it up,
>>979970 <There so of there's eithe I'm not sure what I was trying to type here but yeah let's just pretend it's >That's only if there's too little or too much pressure.
>>979926 Would be good to have if you overclock it though.
>>979970 >That is most definitely not good and you should check your temps are actually where they should be once you do boot it up, I'm talking about the radiator+fans, by the way, not the part mounted to the CPU. 95% of the radiator is still visible through the perforations on the top of the tower, so I doubt there's any real loss in heat reduction performance. It was a struggle though to get the part that goes on top of the thermal paste to fucking screw in, but eventually it was secured. Fucking around with it so much got some thermal paste on that new contact plate, but I think that's a non-issue.
>>979970 >>980050 Looks like I fucked up. Taking this to the PC Hardware thread since it's finally a new thread instead of that old dead one from last year that's passed the bump limit. >>980081
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>Switch from my 10 year old craptop to the new PC here >>975803 >Run Digital Devil Saga >Shadows are fucky >Switch from PSCX2 1.5.xxxx (2018 or 2017) to the latest build, 1.7.xxxx >Run Digital Devil Saga >Shadows work >CPU and GPU usage are a fraction of what they were before >The game doesn't lag in the rain, even when 2x speed is turned on and 3D object rendering is set to 3x (1080p) >After running around in the rain at max speed for several minutes, GPU hit slowly reached 57C, then began dropping rapidly as I assume the fairly quiet fans kicked on, or sped up >Run Haunting Ground/Demento >The fucking door shadows no longer clip through the doors and walls like they did when I last played 6 or 7 years ago Amazing. 10 years of hardware progress+not using a craptop, and six years of emulation progress. Thanks to all the faggots that helped me in this and the PC threads. I can finally play the videogames. I just wanted to play videogames.
>>980584 What gayms will you be playing from which systems, anon?
>>980584 Test how good the X360 or PS3 emu goes pls
>>980587 There's so many. I think I'm going to start with games I began playing but couldn't finish. So Digital Devil Saga, followed by Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha. The latter one is going to be painful, because old saves and savestates don't seem to be compatible anymore, and I got pretty far in that one before the large number of people on main street fucked my shit up. When I do get around to PS3 games, Demon Souls is at the top of my list. I've heard the UI wasn't nearly as efficient as Dark Souls though. Is there a hack that fixes that? >>980589 Maybe after I finish a PS2 game or two. I haven't ever run the PS3 emulator and I don't yet know where to safely get games. Hell, I can't even remember where I got my PS2 games. Vimm's lair maybe? But it's been capitulating to takedown requests lately and takes ages to download larger games.
The ultimate stress test is Ryujinx, many games there make great systems work hard for stable fps.
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>>980593 Oh, and there's also some PC games I've been holding off on. Hollow Knight I could only run at the lowest possible graphics settings before and has had a ton of new content. Might actually buy it since the devs seem incredibly pro-consumer. Hopefully it's available outside Steam. Slay the Princess would overheat my laptop if I didn't turn off all the visual effects, which being a VN, make up a substantial part of its charm. Maitetsu (Train Loli) would overheat my laptop too, despite being a fucking VN with practically no special graphical effects. I also want to replay Wild Arms 3 for the 4th time because I love breaking that game too much and the style and soundtrack are amazing. There's so many options. I haven't felt this optimistic about playing games in general since I was a teenager and everything was new. Seems Vimm's Lair's download speed has increased substantially.
>>980597 I usually get decent framerates but its often kind of stuttery. Ryujinx doesn't seem to play well with my compositor on linux. Like if I turn off vsync my framerate will go over 60 but if I turn it on it does go to "60" but it feels really rough. Something's not lining up. I've tweaked my settings but I've never gotten it to feel as good as cemu.
>>980589 I've used both. What do you want to know?
>>980600 >Cemu Is there a way to get the Mii editor to work on Linux without resorting to running Windows builds through Wine?
>>980678 Not sure. Probably not though.
>Digital Devil Saga >Get to the miniboss fight with the Machas >After dying twice from them spamming zanma, I decide to go unlock void force to counter it >Use void force every single turn >They don't cast any wind spell at all for the whole fight, and it's really easy despite wasting a move every turn to cast void force Was this just luck, or is the AI reactive here?
Does a third party wii sensor bar work just as well as an official one with a wii remote?
>>980605 Do the Ratchet & Clank Future games run well on RPCS3?
>>980946 Third party sensor bars should work just as well as official ones since they're just an array of IR LED lights.
>>980947 They run reasonably well, but you'll need to install canary patches otherwise they'll crash every 40-60 minutes. I've never experienced glitches with any of them, which is a marked difference to emulating PS2 Ratchet games which can have all sorts of visual bugs.
What are the biggest problems with ryujinx and rpcs3 right now?
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>>980994 Can't speak for Ryujinx but for RPCS3 I'd say it's 4 things: >Relatively low compat compared to other emulators >Complex settings making it difficult to tinker with >Reliance on, and difficulty installing, canary patches >Demanding system requirements
>>980999 What's it most demanding for system requirements? Can you explain the canary patches thing more?
>>981048 You can be lax on the GPU, I've heard even GTX 900 series cards work fine, if you know nothing about graphics cards that's about eight generations ago. What it really needs is a decent CPU, at least a Ryzen 3000 or i5 12500. >Can you explain the canary patches thing more? Very simply, they're patches you have to manually add to the .yml, a kind of configuration file. You have to go out searching for them, then make sure you're getting the right one for the right game serial, then make sure you're formatting it correctly, then make sure you're putting it in the correct place inside the file. They're actually quite simple, here's an example of one, this is one of the Ratchet and Clank patches I was talking about in an earlier post. PPU-c4e26433d1eed9166eb0c67b6f66b2268f3704e2: "Freeze Fix": Games: "Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction": BCES00052: [ All ] Author: "Juhn" Notes: *rftod_freezeworkaround_notes Patch Version: 1.2 Patch: - [ be32, 0x005056f0, 0x409efff0 ] They just edit some values in the game, the patch itself is the [ be32, 0x005056f0, 0x409efff0 ] at the bottom. The difficulty comes from it not being an intuitive process, if you're a even remotely tech savvy person the process is trivial, but if you're mostly a smartphone type of person you may find it cumbersome and tricky.
>>980988 >which is a marked difference to emulating PS2 Ratchet games which can have all sorts of visual bugs. It's actually fairly close to a non issue now, I think the one persistent issue is that by default there's a setting that cause SPS on some models and a couple specific bloom post FX are misaligned in an obvious way.
When I played through all of Digital Devil Saga, I could run it at 2x speed without issue. I moved on to DDS2 and now it's capped at 117% speed, 70fps, even though it's barely using my GPU and CPU at all. Switched back to the first game and the issue persists. Reset my Nvidia 3D settings and no luck. I can't figure out what the hell happened. I haven't changed any settings.
>>984435 Nevermind, I fixed it. Changed renderer setting from Automatic to Direct3D 12.
>>984435 >>984436 >RTX 3060 >Intel >no NVME drives >MSI BOW DOWN BEFORE A TRUE WARRIOR
>>984441 I bought what was cheap that anons said could emulate PS3 games. I am completely tech illiterate.
>>984520 Ah, that's fair.

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