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Election 2024: Trump VS Harris Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 00:01:17 Id: 16dd99 No. 3
ABC News is hosting the second presidential debate on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. It will be the first time Harris and Trump debate each other. We will be having a stream for the event, but encourage users to post here and share their thoughts amongst each other. I would also like to remain politically neutral as possible, but sadly it seems Kamala will try and shut us down if she wins office. Please vote for Trump in 2024 so we can continue to have a somewhat free country. Stream: TBA
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I still think it's impossible to foresee how this will go. Honestly both Trump and Harris, and their respective entourage, have some serious issues. Both with voter perception and actual fucking issues. Then there's the two ongoing wars issues. Both Ukraine and Poland really want to start WWIII with Russia and with just the right sort of escalation Russia might give it to them. There is no way in hell that either The Donald or Kamala are going to be able to avoid stepping right in it when fielding questions about Gaza (and now the West Bank too). So both of them are going to lose voters on that issue. I'm not sure where that will come out in the balance. Netanyahu for his part knows his goose is cooked if there's a ceasefire so he's going to keep going hard. He's facing both escalating attacks from the surrounding Arabs and domestic protests given that it's becoming clear that he doesn't care anymore about the Israeli hostages than he does the Palestinians and is using both as an excuse to force policy and just to stay out of jail. There's a non zero and growing chance that he'll either either be couped, assassinated, or just plain KIA and if that happens the whole sandbox is going to be blown wide open. I don't think that either Trump or Kamala can control that situation. My suggestion for the future: Consider looking into fallout shelters. My understanding is that there are some innovative DIY designs. I'm personally fond of the under the patio design. I'd swap out the planter box for a grill though and make a post apocalyptic pit boy design though.
>>27 Is your intention to make us laugh or to try to demoralize us, because you're making us laugh
>>3 >Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time What time is it now in burgerland?
>>47 We got another hour
I can't wait!
>>49 This should be fun
Oh shit niggers here we go!
What's happening? Post commentary for non-burgers.
>>53 They're both accusing each other of being liars.
>>53 Harris indirectly blaming trumo for the modern state of airline seating during the abortion section.
>>55 >airline abortions Well that gets round any state bans.
Trump is being Trump but Kamala looks like a complete mong silently grinning and laughing and mugging for the camera.
She brought up Trumps criminal trials. That was a big misstep.
>"I'm talking now." "Does that sound farmiliar." Wew.
>>62 >Which one of you can dicksuck israel harder???
Kamala just pissed off both Jews and Palestinians with her response.
Turmp's solution to bring peace to the middle east is apparently a time machine.
Kamala is trying to suck that Israel dick but that's just going to lose her votes.
>"LOVE LETTERS WITH KIM JONG UN!" Kamala just said Trump is on the downlow with a Gook.
>they went to commercial even though it was suppose to be with no interruptions It's jover Kammy.
>>65 >>67 >time machine + gook love letters 2 things I was not expecting to hear from a presidential debate.
>>65 Let's see his answer
Trump is channeling his inner guido.
>Kamala >"We need to keep this Ukraine war going forever."
>"Quiet please" He's shushed her twice.
>Kamala >the endless war in Afghanistan was bad >the endless war in Ukraine is good
All Kamala has is woman emotions. That's her entire platform.
She sounds like she's half about to cry. She actually little flustered.
>Kamala accidentally throwing Joe under the bus lel
The moderators have completely lost control.
>>75 >>76 Is there enough for the MSM to spin it as 'Kamala win the debate'? Though they might do that anyway.
>>57 She has to have the lights shining in her nigger eyes to show signs of life.
>>79 I think they'll just spin it as "Trump raped Kamala live on air".
>>81 Prosecutor harris will never let you take her badge and gun.
>muh insulin What about ozempic, diabetics need it so you should prevent rich fatfucks from using it :^)
Please don't talk about electric boats and sharks.
Oh thank God they called for closing arguments before he had a chance.
The ads on bloomberg are full "wtf i love the military-industrial complex" in regards to ukraine and nato treaties lol
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To be completely fair everyone who starts a war in Afghanistan ends up giving weapons to the Afghans. I hope they trick out all our tanks and helicopters like how they turned English guns into jezails. Could you imagine?
>>79 That's what they're doing in the postmortem
>>79 Unless something major happened (like Biden absolutely floundering during the first debate), they don't actually need any evidence to show that Kamala "won" the debate. If anyone asks why Kamala came out on top, MSM will just point to Trump and start personally attacking him. And by explaining how horrible Trump is, they'll therefore demonstrate why Kamala is better.
>>79 Kamala "won" by not losing. Trump had several opportunities for killshots that he didn't capitalize on. It also doesn't help that he was basically debating the moderators as well. For all intents and purposes, this helped the Harris campaign more than it hurt it, as far as I'm concerned.
>>91 Yeah, I'm not a fan of him rambling and refusing to answer yes/or now questions by changing the subject
Kamala didn't do particularly well imo but that definitely did not go well for Trump. Anytime he had something going he flubbed it, he could have had a really great angle with Springfield, Ohio but he didn't at all explain what he was talking about and interspersed it with his schizoposting about illegal prison sex change operations and baby executions, making it also sound like Bidenesque rambling. His outright refusal to answer questions will not win moderate and undecided voters, whom he needs. Harris didn't clearly answer questions either but she did it in that usual politician "talk a lot and say nothing" way that your median voter won't notice, Trump was ignoring questions and it was very obvious. And the all lying, what is with the obvious lying? His best moments were telling Harris to be quiet, but I don't think that'll impress people who aren't already Republicans.
Kamala was soulless and sterile and made stupid faces while Trump was rude and rambled but felt more genuine and energetic and neither of them said anything of value or went for the kill; basically a big fat nothingburger all around.
>>94 >neither of them said anything of value or went for the kill That's a huge point. Trump didn't capitalize on border record or her significant policy changes that well, just throwing out talking points and rhetoric. He just regulated that forced "border czar" meme again then said something absurd like 15 million illegals are entering the country each month which is obviously not true. And on the other hand, he's lucky Kamala didn't make a succinct rebuke of his Afghanistan complaints. Had she responded like "I completely agree, Mr. Trump. Your plan to pullout of Afghanistan turned out to be a disaster and it's very retrospective of you to admit that!" I'm not sure he could have made a convincing rebuttal -- he made Afghanistan a major point towards the end of his term. The Afghanistan pullout was going to be a disaster no matter what but it needed to be done. Harris tried to call him out on this but it was unclear and had no punch, preferring to focus on his POW trade with the Taliban over him actually initiating the pullout in the first place. I agree with the other anon who said Kamala didn't "lose" solely because of Trump lack of victory.
Considering that I've seen both Democrat and Republican pundits both claim the debate as a win I'm going to just officially call it a draw.
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>>95 Gee, I wonder why.
>>92 That's what I thought as well. It wasn't a good look. Fortunately, that's not what people are going to remember moving forward. My immediate thought at the end of the debate was that Harris narrowly won. But as time's gone on, it seems like it was a draw, if not a narrow Trump win. His more outrageous claims have some semblance of teeth to them, and bringing attention to them on such a widely-viewed stage has worked in his favor in the longer term. Whether that was intentional or merely incidental, I can't tell. Keep in mind, I'm pretty biased on the matter. I'm almost certainly voting for Trump, and absolutely not voting for Harris.

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