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Early Childhood PC Games Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 13:58:24 Id: 4b3676 No. 956074
What games did you play during your early childhood? I'm talking mainly from ages 1-5 or maybe a tad older. I'm going to assume you were kept on some sort of a leash as I was and could only really play a certain genre of 'educational' or 'beginner' games like pics related. Personally, besides my gameboy, I had a family PC I could use and I played whatever games my parents happened to bring home to me, or whatever I could rent from the local video store or library. Most of my family had Macintosh but I do remember my old man having a crusty Windows 98 or 95 computer. If I was really lucky, I could pick out a game from the Apple store (yes, back when they carried PC games, curiously not just for Macintosh operating systems). I'm curious if anybody else here had a similar early gaming experience. Those I SPY games were fucking RAD as hell, I think I had all of them.
I played the Spongebob game from start to finish, but I was more of a console gamer growing up. >2024 >He still hasn't played CLAW
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ribbit mon
>>956077 Still have Claw installed, I hope to finally finish it one day. I could never get through the final stages as a kid.
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We had that dude in Frogland. I just learned he also had a PS2 game on top of it. Compared to many other edutainment characters, that motherfucker went far.
>PC childhood games I played the Red Baron games with my dad's flight stick. There was this encyclopedia(?) game where it played like a maze/dungeon crawler but instead of battles, you answered random questions (no idea what it was called though). After that I remember the Spiderman Movie Maker I played at my great grandparents house, and my dad's Deer Hunter and a Deer Avengers games. Also Elf Bowling and Hotwheels Crash/Stunt Track Driver. >>956074 >I SPY game I had the books, but I had no idea there was a game.
>>956099 >maze/dungeon crawler but instead of battles, you answered random questions (no idea what it was called though) You couldn't possibly be referring to I.M. MEEN, could you? It did have a dungeon crawler/Wolfenstein style to it with combat but it had educational questions/problems scattered throughout the levels
>>956103 Shit, yeah I did play that one. I completely forgot about that game, but to answer your question, no I was thinking of something else. After looking around a bit, I found it. Encarta Encyclopedia - Mind Maze.
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While the first game my family owned was battle arena toshinden; the games that defined my childhood was jumping flash and cool boarders 3. Also, although we were a PlayStation household, the amount of smash bros I played at friends houses is quite substantial.
Flash cartoon tie-in games.
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Mario Forever. My retarded six year old ass used to think this was THE Mario guy. Honestly, even today I prefer playing this over any of the NES or the SNES games on an emulator. Never had either growing up.
>>956905 I wonder how popular was this game really. I remember being in public elementary school for a short while and one of the kids that bullied me knew about the game and even told me how to get to the secret world with polish internet nerds
>>956905 I remember when this piece of shit came packed with every single softonic software. It was borderline malware, but in retrospective it wasn't that bad, I remember playing it until the pipes maze level, getting lost and forgetting about it, I should re-play it again some day. >>956952 >public elementary school You just reminded me, my school computer lab didn't have Mario Forever, but they had the DOS game installed.
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>>956954 Apparently it has an active modding community and multiple engine reimplementations and remakes have been made for it. https://en.wiki.marioforever.net/wiki/Main_Page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJp_ZP15AcE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3zLOewZ86c Though the original developer's site looks like a (real) malware magnet now. I remember it looking somewhat better than it is currently: https://www.softendo.com/ Don't really remember the game itself ever triggering my antivirus Is it something to do with the later versions that had ads?
Mario Forever was ported to SMW too. romhacking.net/hacks/6058/ ROMhacking.net is tranny pedofurs and I regret giving them traffic, but it's where the porter beasteye89 uploads so they always have the latest patch with no adware or viruses.
>>956954 I remember playing the copy of that knockoff, it was in french but half-assed in so many aspects.
>>957028 Played it. It's a surprisingly faithful port. Really nice to see that they managed to squeeze down a lot of the good tracks into a single megabyte of the patch.
>>957285 They're chiptunes, the same ones you'd listen in a YTP. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=IdvLYe2gksc So it's not that hard as long the fake samples plugins can recreate them.
>>957565 Yeah I knew those were tracker MOD files, but the wav samples they use in those probably would have gone in the 1-50 kilobyte range each depending on the quality and length so I thought it wouldn't have been a very comfortable fit in the available memory.
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On a similar note, what is your first video game experience? I seem to have a very vague memory of I am pretty sure was RC pro-am. I am not sure, it was almost 30 years ago and I was only watching some other kids play.
>>957895 I believe my first video game ever was Super Mario 64 on my aunt's console. I was probably 2 years old at the time.
>>957895 My earliest memory was that of a DOS Arkanoid/Breakout clone that I don't remember the name of. Definitely wasn't DXBall though. About 5-7 years ago I had found it again on some site and apparently the author of it was unknown. I've since lost that copy. I tried checking the listings on the current abandonware sites but its none of them. The most vivid thing that I remember about it is that on the start-up screen there were dozens of tiny 2-3 pixel balls bouncing around quickly behind the menu/title.
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Some of my earliest memories are being a dumb kid and struggling to beat King DeDeDe in Kirby's Adventure to eventually being able to beat Nightmare without being hit. I remember how the original Game Boy did not have screen lights and struggling to beat games on car trips. I also remember outgrowing the Track and Field pad for the NES so I could not play against my brother and sister at the same time. >>956366 I felt so bad about letting Tom die when Lockdown happened but Tom 2 was cool. I had fun with the Cartoon Network Summer Resort games and it seems DingDongVG is reworking the games. In that same vein, Newgrounds flash games and Neopets were very popular when I was still in middle school. I forced myself as a kid to git gud so I could finish Pico's School and Madness Combat.
>ages 1-5 or maybe a tad older. I'm going to assume you were kept on some sort of a leash as I was Nope, plus my dad was pretty cool and who got me into most this shit.
I remember playing a point and click arthur game with a halloween them, I think, or it was one based around some childhood hedgehog character from some book series >>956120 the only change I got to play jumping flash was on a demo disc that came in a playstation magazine, I couldn't understand what the objective was so I got bored of it quickly another couple fun games were based on the movie Small Soldiers, one that I think was on playstation that was like a third person shooter, and a pc game that was like red alert I think I don't remember much else about them
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Single player offline games were the freakin staple of my childhood, and they all had so much character back then.
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I played that spongebob one too
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I need to replay this games at some point I remember zap had this fun game where you had a grid and you could place lasers of different colors on it and you could also put mirrors on the grid I have this memory where I tried making something cool with it and I showed it to my babysitter I also remember that dr. brain had a game where you had to be a traffic controller
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Bodyland and Amazon Trail 3rd edition were also very good
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I got THPS2 and Starsky and Hutch for free from a fucking Golden Grahams cereal box. My dad would give me some fucking car sims games that were given for free on Car hobbyist magazines.
>>960948 >traffic controller for trains? that would have been The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain the brain, when drained, is really quite insane
>>960957 Speaking of Sonic, Triple Trouble was so good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcWrovC-pXg
>>961291 I liked The Fighters and R Both are memed to death for being spinoffs, but they're solid games, R just has an initial difficulty curve due to how the physics work and the stage layout. The stages look fantasticc and are really great to navigate once you come to grips with their layout and the games physics though.
>>956074 >Childhood PC games To be fair, i've only had a shitty Toshiba laptop that struggled to run Win XP Properly in fucking 2005-2007 IIRC, and because of that, in that years, the games i played in PC were mostly flash games in the popular pages of yesterday and obviously gore games, or the ocasional Vice City/San Andreas that were already installed in nearly every PC from every Cyber cafe, so i was mostly a console child, with a PS1 well until the... 2008-2009 more or less, i don't remember well, and mostly played it (without a Memory Card because i didn't even know what the hell that was until i went to the house of a cousin that had Gran Turismo 2 OG with both discs and learned that the PS1 needed MC... This was in 2011-2012 IIRC), and had to pass all the games in one sit like My father when he was a child and had a NES i didn't even know this until i went to the house of my aunt, in which he was living for the moment like... 2 or 3 years ago, and to My surprise, there was a mint condition NES with some games like Robocop, Super Mario 1, Duck Hunt, and fucking Fester quest and even the Three Stooges for some reason, he had the trackpad too. Playing it in a nearly dying and color fucked CRT in risk of making some sparks was a blast. But honestly, for the most part, some of the games i cherish and remember the most were the ones i played in the OG Xbox of my uncle he was only 15-16 at the time, while he chatted with his gf in Microsoft Messenger (god i miss it), and well, the ones i remember the most, are pic related yes, even the final pic, and some honorable mentions to: >Godzilla: Save the Earth (Introduced me to kaiju-tism, and Made me love Godzilla ever since) >MK Deception >NFS Underground 2 >Some Xmen game that was a Beat em up >Black >That Xbox exclusive MK Rip-off John Tobias made which i liked because it let you break the bones of your adversaries >Demolition Racer (one of my first loves) >GT2 >Ace Combat 2 >Destruction Derby RAW (nearly killed my PS1 completing it in one sit, played it like 6-8 hours that day) >Contra >Super Mario Bros 1 >Super Mario Bros 3 >RE3 Director Cut (Never played it, disc was fucked for some reason, but the cover terrified me) >Bugs Lost In Time (Loved it) >Tenchu >Bloody Roar 2 and Xtreme >Crash Bash >San Andreas >Super Mario World >Some random Game i don't even remember the name that was kind like Wipeout, and Wipeout too, which was mostly whacky rally, and one of the cars was a flat car with Big tyres in which you could run upside down and normal Maybe there are more but that are the ones i remember Right now... But >I'm talking mainly from ages 1-5 or maybe a tad older The ones who fits this criteria... Are honestly Demolition Racer, Toy Story 2 (i nearly even finished but the airport level was some obstuse shit i didn't understand), and the aforementioned Wipeout-like game i don't remember his name... And seeing my father playing raft wars and bragging about how good he was, and afterwards i played... Pacman too, and... Some arcades in the mall like that one boat Racing game that i don't remember his name Right now but i think it was Made by Sega, Crazy Taxi, The House Of The Dead (Yeah, because i didn't like to be called a pussy by my cousins but was terrified), Terminator 2 i think, and MK4
First game I ever played was Ghouls N' Ghosts on my old man's C64. Other than that, we had a NES and SNES with all the greats, Mario, Zelda, DK, etc and then I got a PS1 in 98' for my 8th birthday which the old man only got because he wanted to play Gran Turismo. My old man is the sole reason I got into gaming now that I think about it. Thanks, Dad.
>>961449 C64 was mostly kusoge but Ghouls N' Ghosts was great.
>>961723 your mother's a kusoge
>>960948 >Kid Pix FUCK YEAR I remember playing the first one at school, they had a computer in my kindergarten class with this bad boy loaded on it. Later on, they put the Kid Pix sequel on a bunch of power macs in the library, and that counted as computer class somehow. Fucking amazing times I had with those. <Oh no
>>960948 I was just looking at Thinkin' Things earlier and I remarked that these games have really fun artstyles.
>>961770 Thinkin' Things? Oh I'm thinking things alright, thinking this games a complete PIECE OF FUCKING DOGSHIT
>>961806 What were they thinking?
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I FUCKING LOVE MATH! Though this game got me into computers in general and made me almost autisticly into math because the buzzer sound when you die scared me as a dumb baby.
>>956099 I forgot about Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego which I played at school (I think, maybe). >>961866 (checked) >the buzzer Shit that noise triggered some memories.
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Not the best thread to do this but I'm going to do it anyway. I was looking for a game I got from around 1998-2000, a 2D adventure game where you play a little boy that gets told a bedtime story by his grandmother, kid wakes up in a forest and gets chased by a wolf, meets a bear he can ride, and ends up at a house full of sheep. It's a really short game, likely from the UK, kid looked like Christopher Robin from Poo. Here's one of my favorite shareware games made by some Aussie and Jap collab. http://www.saitogames.com/troy2000/index.htm Be sure to search around if you're curious about older stuff or want some heavy dose of nostalgia, plenty of other shareware websites and archives on the site as well.
It's funny to think about how edutainment games basically don't exist in the same way for kids anymore, although games on the whole are different, I guess. Still, are there even educational games on smartphones or anything that's equivalent to the stuff we had as kids?
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i played the hell out of this game, is it playable on modern pc?
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>>964862 Shit I forgot about that game and Lego Island. I also remember wanting to play Rock Raiders after I saw it in this Lego magazine I used to get. Never got around to it though because my dad's PC refused to work with it.

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