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PC Hardware & News Thread: dystopia Edition Anonymous 08/11/2023 (Fri) 18:45:51 Id: 6abb7d No. 870915
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News RTX 4060 Ti 16GB launches July 18 amid desperate price cuts and What’s Up With The Missing NVIDIA DLSS Support In AMD Sponsored FSR Titles? https://archive.ph/JlKXS#selection-1997.3-1997.62 https://archive.ph/yN4Yy#selection-441.0-441.75 Previous Thread >>854898
Why do people say that the 4080 isn't a 4k card? i can run every current windows 10 game maxed out with RT on 4k.
>>870919 Normalfags think max is every setting turned to max without thinking about optimization. That means downslamping 8x while running at 4K
>>870919 The 1080ti is a 4k card depending on the game you're playing and your perspective. People probably are critical of the 4080 because the 4090 is a better value for extreme high end gaming. At least from what I vaguely recall hearing.
>>870924 What games can the 4090 max out that the 4080 can't?
>>870926 I don't know, I've never looked very much into that class of card because it's stupid. I can try to research it for a bit.
>>870919 How common are 4k monitors? I figured that 1920x1080 was still the most common.
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>>871001 61% of steam users play at 1920x1080 and only 3.42 of steam users play in 4k.
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Why are there no good high-refresh rate portable monitors with a resolution above 1080p when there are plenty of laptop screens which meet that criteria?
>>871001 1440p is becoming more and more common also.
>>870919 >Why do people say that the 4080 isn't a 4k card? Don't listen to framemaxers, those people want 100+ FPS at 4K with Ultra graphics and raytracing. The 4080 is more than enough for any game, in fact you shouldn't even buy it because it's a waste of money. By the time games actually require cards like that, they'll be much cheaper.
>>871088 This. Anon is a retard for buying a 4080, especially with a 512-bit bus 5090 coming in less than 6 months.
>>871092 Windows 10 support is almost over, my 4080 should last me till the end of windows 10 then i'll build a new PC for windows 11 exclusives (using w11 AME), and then i'll get a 5090 card. I really didn't want to get another power supply for a 4090 card.
When the 5000 series comes you'll be kicking yourself.
>>871142 Yeah, because as we all know each generation has been offering massive uplifts in value propositions. They definitely haven't stagnated or in some cases regressed in dollar per frame. Just buy what meets your demands in that moment. Waiting for the next generation is like waiting for the housing market to crash.
>>871168 The 4000 series has been a total fucking disaster, I thought I was retarded for buying a 3070ti. But I dodged a fucking bullet due how fucking full on kike team green went, AMD wasn't much better this current gen of GPU either. This is one time I'll recommend waiting unless you absolutely have to get a card.
Whose dick do I have to suck to get a free 4090?
>>871267 The pics don't show an m.2 slot, but it lists it on the spec sheet. There might be one under the PCI-E slots since it looks like a standoff where one would go, but I wouldn't trust it on that alone.
>>871291 >The pics don't show an m.2 slot, Yes they do. It's right about the top PCIe bracket, with the 4 screw holes for various sized m.2's. >>871267 These they are compatible. PCIe is backwards and forwards compatible. But that is a gen 4 slot and a gen 4 ssd.
>>871267 Yes, it's compatible. The specs sheet on the Asus websites says that the bottom one is always Gen 4, and the top one is Gen 4 assuming you don't have a G-suffix CPU, so both slots can utilize that SSD's full speeds. >>871291 >>871302 There are two. One is above the main PCIe x16 slot (you can see the line of standoffs) and a second under the heatsink below the second PCIe x16 slot.
I just installed my new 4tb m.2 ssd, i didn't even check to make sure it was compatible with my motherboard until after i got it, but thankfully it was compatible. While i was screwing in the ssd, one of the two screws for it bounced away and it completely disappeared. I turned the case over and shacked it but it didn't come out. I have no idea where it went but it's not in a fan or something or else i would have heard it. That same night i had a dream i was cleaning a random PC and found a bunch of screws at the bottom of the case.
Is it true that the dreamcast was more advanced/ had better graphics than PC gaming was at the time? If not has there ever been a time where consoles had more advanced tech than the PC?
>>871376 While I don't know about the specs of the Dreamcast compared to PC. The late 90s and early 00s was the turning point where the PC was starting to surpass consoles. the exception of the Amiga computer, which was $1000+ in 80s and 90s money, consoles were the superior option.
>>871376 If we are talking about the price then yes cucksole was better, but spec wise PC was much better. I'd say around 2015 was when I saw a massive influx new PC gamers, now you saw an influx during 2011-2012, but 2015 was when PC gaming truly went hardcore mainstream.
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What was your first few PCs before you got better at building PC? My first "PC" was one those colorful iMacs in the 90s, i remember playing Starcraft online and typing cheat codes in the messages. I had that Mac for too long and watched a lot of porn on it into the early 2005s and eventually it got malware and porn pictures start appearing at start up on the desktop. I remember i had to configure the mac to upgrade the ram from 32mb to 64mb to play Diablo 2:lod, and it was like some kind of machine puzzle. When i was a teen at around 2008 i got a strange school computer that looked liked the 2nd picture, except it would fold open. I'm amazed i could play portal on it. I had no idea how to pirate games or build PCs, so i would just play random free ware games. Later i joined a video game forum and they showed me how to build a PC and i built this ugly neon blue see through case and got made fun of on the forum lol, i didn't look up the parts i just followed the guide and eventually had to upgrade to a better CPU and GPU. I also bought a better case that looked better and had better airflow.
>>871451 Full colored acrylic looks sick.
inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=FGW3TPytTjc Steve from Gamers Nexus mercilessly shit on LTT and their review/testing processes for 44 minutes.
>>871267 I always go to here to check whether or not the parts I get are compatible. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ I only had to do it once though and even then I had to downright JAM my new ram sticks into their slots, they made a loud as fuck pop as well, but who cares as long as they still werk.
>>872201 >I only had to do it once though and even then I had to downright JAM my new ram sticks into their slots, they made a loud as fuck pop as well, but who cares as long as they still werk. That's just how installing RAM is. It's supposed to click into place.
>>872169 >tested a prototype waterblock on the wrong fucking GPU, while being complete retards about the installation because they didn't read the instructions >then proceeded to literally steal the prototype and illegally auction it off for profit, likely torpedoing the manufacturer in the process Christ. The only content of theirs I've ever seen was a decade ago when Linus was in useless 30-second segments that played in theatres before the movie, but I was only refusing because I thought their content was incompetent slop for normalfags. I had no idea it was this bad.
>>871018 i play cs and tf2 at 1080 res even doe im on a 1440 monitor so not supa accurtae :3
>>871168 >Waiting for the next generation is like waiting for the housing market to crash. Not really. Nvidia 4000 series had kikery written all over it before launch and it didn't disappoint. Easily their worst series ever. Plus the price of the 6800 xt, 6950 xt, and 7900 xt declined soon after 4000 launch, and that was it for Nvidia. You would have won that housing market bet. >>871142 5000 should have more vram given how 4000 series was rightly shitcanned, but that's it. It will still be a $2,000 gpu for gayming. Nvidia is very high on their own supply because of the AI bandwagon.
>>872273 Those hardware surveys don't work like that. You volunteer to have your specs scraped by valve, it's not gathered from the games you play.
>>872169 Yeah, saw that video. Never watched LTT because they always came off as tech TMZ but never realized how nigger tier and jewed they are. He literally has a sweatshop companies for jewtube shekels but people are supposed to take him seriously? Also saw an article somewhere that apparently Embracer tried selling out to the Saudis and got cucked and apparently are now closing down. Which if true more than likely means the chinks are gonna buy them out now and all of gaming will be run by zipperhead subhumans and NWO kikes
>>872299 >Embracer Welcome to two months ago, dumbass.
>>871138 Are you really going to be retarded enough to use windows 11 in any regard?
>>871376 Wrong, but it wasn't that far off from a mid tier gaming PC. It had a budget but still very powerful gpu, an alright cpu, but suffered greatly from its lack of ram and storage size.
>>872307 Why not, he's already gone full retard by using using W10.
>>871451 Mine was some shitty gateway PC my dad was tricked into buying in 2003 that ran windows 98 and a 5-6 year old celeron and no gpu or sound card. He paid $600+ for that mess alone, but hey he got free macaffe with it which is the greatest anti virus to ever exist of all time. I mostly played old 90s games I found at thrift stores at the time on it since anything else would make the thing nuke itself. It eventually died in around 06 and my mother threw it away along with our high end crt monitor we got for free from some relative.
I had a shitbox with an i5 and AMD 6950 with 8GB of RAM, it was a shitbox but it was my shitbox.
>>872265 I think it might even be worse than that, only speculation but i figure they might've damaged it in hte review, and since looking scummy isn't as bad as being scummy and incompetent they "disposed" of it
>>872169 he and steve used to be in quite friendly terms years ago, back when they used to go to computex together. But now that he's the big boss of tech youtube he's going all out, defends his every single action and instead of correcting the video, he deletes it. Watch as he digs a bigger hole rather than simply acknowledging and correcting them
>>872301 Nah, the Saudi thing was just published 15 hours from my post.
>LTT site is down Guess someone couldn't handle getting shat on in the forums.
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>>872387 https://archive.ph/c7IaS Kiwis have been archiving every page up until 35 if you want to see the shitshow yourself, tranny dick snip jannies are probably cleaning (censoring) their forum as we speak. Just change the page number in the url and punch it into the archive, it's already there.
>>872389 >>872387 Why is this on /v/ and why should I care. Do they review games or gaming rigs?
>>872391 They do gayman PC stuff, but they're shit at it, now they're under fire for being shit at it, hence why we're laughing at them.
>>871138 >then i'll build a new PC for windows 11
>>872393 Are you suggesting i use Linux and buy all my games, because my pirated games don't work on Linux. Besides it will be Ameliorated Windows 11, so it will have as much spyware removed as possible.
>>872409 Proton just has the advantage of auto setup. It's entire possible to run non-Steam games through it.
>>872307 Is there any new problems that windows 11 brings in that windows 10 doesn't have? Besides i've done a lot with window 10 AME and it's been fine, or else i'd find algorithms trying to sell me stuff based on my browsing habits or files. I haven't been seized by the police despite browsing image boards with all sorts of extremism. >>872311 There is a big difference between W10 and W10 AME.
Is there any way to tell if my frames go beyond my monitor's refresh rate? I don't suppose there is a program that tells that?
>>872416 Well you have plenty of things that add an FPS counter (RTSS, Steam, FRAPS, Dxtory, SpecialK, various Mobo / GPU overlay program, capframex), you just have to know the max refresh rate for your monitor and then you compare the two
>>872409 They work, you just don't know how to make them work. >>872391 <why is the single largest PC hardware reviewer and testing company being talked about in the PC hardware thread
>>872265 >LTT's official response is, quote: "we didn't 'sell' it, we auctioned it"
>>872313 >my mother threw it away along with our high end crt monitor we got for free from some relative. Same thing happened to my good CRT. Fucking retarded cunts.
>>872409 Slap them in Lutris, thats where I had all my luck >>872412 and the windows 11 removed a ton of features and added retarded shit to it, the UI is beyond ugly, you cant see known file extensions as the option is removed and that is just breaking the surface.
>>872471 Big problem with my mother and most people I meet is that they think the monitor is the computer and no amount of explaining generally gets it through their heads. Worst part was that monitor was a 1600x1200 85hz display
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We should have sex with each others mothers, that way they'll all be sexually satisfied and never throw out our stuff again!
Rtx 3080 ti gaming pro palit Cpu ryzen 7 5800x Motherboard msi x570 tomahawk wifi Bluetooth Ram xpg 16 gb 3600 mhz M.2 1000 gb team group M.2 500 gb team group Hdd 2000 gb Psu 850 deep cool gold fully modular Custem cables white Cooler deep cool ak 640 Case o11 air mini Mouse logitech gpro Headset logitech gpro Keyboard customised white royal keyboard 70% Mousepad logitech G640 1-Display asus tuf gaming 27 inch 165 hz 1920×1080 VG27V 2-Display lenovo 24 ips 75 hz T2424pA 1920×1080 dual display holder UBS FARBER online 1kv 1750$ is this worth getting over a 3060 build for amateur 3d modelling? 700$ difference & I get a free UPS pretty much. also the seller had a lower build & was offered for the same price so is it a scam or what's the catch exactly? 3rd world shithole if the typos didnt give it away. the other offer: Cpu:5600x Gpu:3080 10Gb AORUS EXTREME Cooler:X360 WATERFORCE 6fans sandwich M.b:B550 AORUS PRO PSU:750w Fully moudler Ram:8x3 AORUS 3200mhz Case:C500 AORUS GLASS ST:m.2 1T Gigabyte AORUS CV27Q-SA gaming monitor Features & details 27 Inch 2560x1440 Curved VA Panel HDR Immersive 1500R Curvature Silky Smooth 165 Hz Refresh Rate Cinematic Grade 90% DCI-P3 Color Accuracy Ultra Fast 1 ms Response Time (MPRT) High Bit Rate 3 Ready! (HBR3) FreeSync Premium Pro Support AORUS Exclusive Active Noise Cancellation, OSD Sidekick Ergonomic Stand Design with adjustable swivel, tilt, and height
>>872265 >>872442 >we didn't 'sell' it, we auctioned it
>>872208 >It's supposed to click into place. Dude that shit absolutely was not a "click". That struggle to put it in was way too scary.
>>872530 Well it's impossible know if someone is legitimately doing something wrong and what their perception of a "scary" amount of force is. You only know the amount of force something can take if you've done it a lot before.
>>872506 Wait, get the PC from the first build and the monitor from the second build, great combo, will last you years.
>Linus is contacting every single bidding winner >he can't find the guy who won the copper block <"its for our tax purposes" Uh-huh lol.
>>872536 I bet the retard inserted the RAM with the clasps in the lock position.
>>872579 Speaking of (((LTT))). Gamers Nexus is tearing their recent reviews to shreds due to how poor they are from a technical perspective. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=FGW3TPytTjc
>>872598 Yeah, that's what the post you're responding to is talking about.
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>>872714 Also worth mentioning that a few hours before this "apology" video got released, a former LTT employee released a series of tweets talking about how much she got harassed working there. Apparently they have been deleting all comments mentioning her from this video, so that's not a good sign. Here is her series of tweets in question: https://archive.ph/EEtSV https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html Now, why should you trust a woman? The answer isn't that (You) should trust her, it's that Linus and LTT are the type of guys/company who talk about "Believe all women" and "Blizzard/Activision was bad for how they dealt with their female employees", and now they are getting the same type of allegations. They live by the feminist sword, they die by it. I wonder how long it will take, before a mod swiss cheeses this thread, because people have been talking too much about LTT, again.
>>872576 Well that's the gayest pic on this entire site.
>>872579 >2nd video How can you take someone like that seriously when the computer parts are constantly being slammed, not working or falling out of place. I lose a piece by accident and I lose my damn mind until I find it. >>872719 Hard to say if i believe or not, if i can see receipts im all on board Shes obviously playing this smart by waiting for a controversy and jumping in while the fire is hot. Thats why said evidence would be the smoking gun. Not having any of it casts a shadow on everything.
>>872714 >>872719 The followup/apology shit is boring and corporate. The only entertaining part was GN fucking his shit up.
>>872736 >Hard to say if i believe or not, if i can see receipts im all on board The problem is that even if it's 100% true, she probably has no way of proving it, because the harassment was either verbal(and nobody secretly records conversations) or or through company email/messenger which she doesn't have access to, as she is no longer employed nor would LTT release them if they were damning. You are right that she is smart by waiting for the proper moment to drop the bomb, and the only thing that kinda proves her claims, is that in the apology video, they allegedly deleted the top 3 comments that mentioned her, so they are trying to bury this case, instead of simply denying it. There are some things in there that seem way too far fetched, like injuring her leg to go to the ER as that was the only way she could get a day off, then again that might be the type of irrational behavior a woman would do. The most likely scenario is that some of the stuff there is true, while other stuff are embellished for shock value. If more employees or ex-employees start speaking up, that might give more credence to her accusations.
>>872416 >>872420 does screen tearing look so bad that it becomes a necessity to limit your game's FPS? I always let my games run above 60 fps, it doesn't bother me
>>872741 If this was 20 or 30 years ago when smart phones and recorders weren't a thing. Well I can understand why it would be difficult But we live in an age where these things are so small and concealable as well as readily available, Hell you could have your pc microphone record audio, all she would have to do is sit on her desk and just wait till someone comes along and says something. >and nobody secretly records conversations Do you people not? Does it not cross peoples mind at all? I record my neighbor stomping around because my apartment over laps with another guy and hes convinces its me that stomps around like an asshole when all I do is work on the computer and cook, it was the only way he would get off my back. >, they allegedly deleted the top 3 comments that mentioned her, Its probably the most damning evidence but thats not going to hold up in a court of law, just once i want to support a simple and shut case where I can tear someone a new asshole instead of playing sherlock to see who's lying. >If more employees or ex-employees start speaking up, that might give more credence to her accusations. Yep, if she can get those people to speak up it could be signs of an endemic problem.
>>872749 Not once in my life have I ever noticed screen tearing in games.
>>872506 >27inch 165hz 1080p monitor did you fall esports high refresh rate meme? 1080p looks terrible in a 27inch screen. 1440p is the most useful upgrade you should have >>872751 See I have noticed it, but it never bothered me. And its only when I spin my mouse around
>>872753 >did you fall esports high refresh rate meme? 1080p looks terrible in a 27inch screen. 1440p is the most useful upgrade you should have Sounds like that's just the bundle the dude is selling.
>>872749 Sometimes it gets worse than others, there's very little reason to render more frames than your screen can display, Some really shitty games do benefit from having double your refresh rate as the framerate so you can absorb frametime spikes to a degree.
>>872431 Looking at RTratings it seems like a decent pick. That said it depends what you're getting it for. Do you want it solely for 144hz? Don't bother, 1440p monitors are cheaper and do that job half the price. Do you want it 144hz but bigger than 32 inches? That also does 4k? *lets not kid ourselves your GPU isn't going to reach 144 fps and 4k.* That tv does seem to be the cheapest legit option.
>>872801 >Sometimes it gets worse than others, there's very little reason to render more frames than your screen can display, It's pretty important in anything competitive. The more frames you're rendering the more up to do date the frame you see in that second will be. Pointless for any casual gaming though.
>>872750 >Do you people not? Does it not cross peoples mind at all? Most people don't actually do that, unless they plan beforehand to incriminate someone. That's mostly stuff CIA, FBI, investigative reporters do.
>>872832 I don't know, In college i had recorder to record everything my professors were saying to help refresh my memory. I'd video tape them if the laptop cameras was a thing at the time. No malicious intent at all.
>>872719 Why does no one just go to the police? Why do they go to the internet expecting Justice?
>>872893 Nigger what? What the fuck do you think the police are going to do about workplace verbal insults? Police don't even bother to process rape kits properly half the time. Women might be overwhelmingly lying whiny children, but there is no world in which the police ever do anything abut any crime that isn't straight up murder. Public exposure has a bigger impact than the cops or courts will ever have. It's the only logical recourse.
>>872809 I can run a lot of games to 144fps or over, but yeah not all. I wasn't going to get the tv anyways because it has voice remote and google tv stuff, and i don't want to deal with it. Hopefully in the future i'll have a 6090 and a 144hz 4k 55' monitor or tv without telemetry or spying voice assistants by then. Is 144hz even that good compared to all the stuff you need to buy to make it happen in 4k?
>>872801 Arguable, I've had better experiences with having a baseline predictable latency (which is what you get with a cap + ultra low latency or SpecialK and all the latency stuff turned up) than lower latency with spikes (which is what you get with uncapped. As always, whenever latency is brought up in competitive settings you have to remember that TGM3 exists and has 4 frames of latency. >>872900 At 4k you're better off sacrificing framerate a bit and going for 120, the visual and latency difference is minimal, that way you can do 120fps if it's light or 60 if it's not and 30 if you're desperate. 144hz is only good if you need something that divides down to bluray framerate.
>>872897 >implying men never go to jail over false accusations from women It happens all the time, nigger.
>>873709 That is not what that post is implying. Go ahead and try again retard.
>>873725 It's exactly what that post is implying. That post also makes separate paragraphs out of things that shouldn't be separate paragraphs. Further evidence that the person that wrote it isn't a person at all, but a woman.
>>873742 >It's exactly what that post is implying It definitely isn't. Are you perhaps illiterate and/or a nigger?
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>>873745 I don't think anyone here is related to you, man.
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Friendly reminder that Linus tech pricks was against the peaceful Canadian truckers convoy protest, that same protest brought to an end with the (Emergency Powers Act) a law meant to be used in war times, Linus also supports disarming his fellow leaflanders of their legally owned Chinese SKS rifles because he's a busybody who hates self defense and recreational hunting. Fuck this guy. Granted he did do one good thing in life buy support the Framework startup, I'll give him that. Even if his goals were simply further self enrichment. Like maybe stop buying so much useless VR shit and goofy ass Tesla cars? >>872579 >>872598 Coreteks just anally animated Linux tech pricks and Nexus as well. TL;DR he calls them out out for their fake 'reviews'/Intel and Nivdia shilling conflict of interest. You should watch it on both Odysee and YT. =No one is talking about the REAL issue - Gamers Nexus and Linus Tech Tips https://odysee.com/@coreteks:5/no-one-is-talking-about-the-real-issue:7 >>872719 Honestly I 99% believe her and most of her claims, we're talking about self proclaimed 'male feminist allies'. Normal men don't need an ideology and lecturing on why sexual harassment is bad, male feminists are modern day televangelists basically so of course they're hypocritical creeps. Also I'd quit too if I was told making ShitToc videos was now part of my job, the Only Fans allegation is funny too, granted not everything there is pornographic from what I understand, there's plenty of SFW stuff there since they're trying to broaden their horizons but honestly if failed miserably, they'll always been known as a gooning site.
>>873934 Nexus is better but in the end he is an Nvidia shill.
Also forgot SAMTIME made a vid too. The REAL Linus Tech Tips Apology https://odysee.com/@samtime:1/the-real-linus-tech-tips-apology-2:a >>873971 >Nexus is better but in the end he is an Nvidia shill. I mean at that point we're arguing who among the gutter is the the least dirty, but yeah....
>>873971 >an Nvidia shill. He's shat on Nivida super hard.
>>873934 >Coreteks Him, Adorn and not an apple fan tend to make excuses for AMD's bullshit. For whatever reason/tech/ fags will suck either red or green cock.
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>>873971 What the fuck, really now? Well, SAUCE THEM CLAIMS MY NIGGA.
Hey, I just wanted to ask are there any good sound bars for PCs? I am looking to upgrade from my Creative Peeble speakers but so far everything seems either a downgrade or a stupid overkill(I have no use for a TV soundbar when I am sitting right at the computer).
>>873994 There was some nonsense years ago claiming that GN was shilling for $companyA because there were boxes for their products on the shelves in the background while reviewing things from $companyB, and there was definitely no way they were just decorating the background with products the channel had covered.
>>874452 Hey shit stirrer! Still banned from cuckchan?
>>873934 >Friendly reminder that Linus tech pricks was against the peaceful Canadian truckers convoy protest He was? Funny given those are the people delivering his over priced hardware to his doorstep or warehouse with very few if even any breaks in between, one of the few things NEETs have in common with a trucker is they're both well versed in the use of piss bottles. Not to mention these people often times have a family to feed, cloth, and send to school or the doctor I guess truckers don't matter much because they weren't interested in taking experimental drugs and don't like having a former drama teacher WEF agent for a president, does he even know what they were protesting? Because I agree being burdened with mountains of paper work and dozens of checkpoints just to move some fucking products around does sound like a hassle. But I guess to Linus Tech Pricks catchy btw, I'm borrowing that one anon if you don't mind truckers are just faceless wage slaves meant to serve him, after all Linus has his lot in life cozy, barely working as a mediocre PC building Eceleb and living it up in a fucking mansion in a good town with a good school for his kids too, why give a fuck about the common man? Yeah what a prick indeed, I'm glad he finally revealed his true self to the world and that their shit company is going under, good riddance. Linux tech pricks is a fantastic phrase, quite appropriate indeed.
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I really don't like the motherboard of my old windows 7 PC, i want to upgrade it. there is no real problem with it beside having to dremel off a part of the 2060 off so the hdd cords fit. Some day i'd like to get a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti someday, they're pretty cheap now ( only 300-400) dollars. Is my CPU good? or is my card bad for 4k windows 7 games? The only real problem i have is my heat sink doesn't work very well, the CPU gets 90 degrees C in a few seconds from stress testing.
>>875290 What the fuck are you doing nigger? This board looks like LGA1155 for 2nd and 3rd gen of Intel CPUs. > having to dremel a part of 2060 PCB to fit hdd cords Stop being a dumbfuck and get one of chinese Xeon v3 boards with CPU and DDR4 RAM included for a mere 100$. I recommend something with 6-8 cores and 3+ GHz clock. Yes, that shit runs win7 just fine, in either case read external reviews. If you want to use NVMe don't forget to get a special driver that might not be included with the installation image, otherwise you won't see it. You can also get angle connectors for your SATA cords. If you're feeling extremely uneasy about it, get a PCIe SATA board for 2 or 4 SATA slots. What's taking first slot on the second board of yours anyway? > 4k windows 7 games? microshit is a well known company that can't do shit properly. Take a look at their recent DX11 vs DX12 comparison videos. Imbeciles their lot are. Don't expect 4K gaymes on DX9/11, had an experience with the same machine running same hardware and having 2 installations of windows 7+10. Unsurprisingly on a bloated piece of shit win10 gaymes run smoother and with less lags, sometimes FPS was double of that on win7. On a seconds thought that might be related to NoVidia drivers. > my heat sink doesn't work very well > CPU gets 90 degrees C from stress testing Chink's 50$ snowman's should deal with hot single cpus in your area just fine. The cooler in your pic is either overpriced or an overkill. I blame your CPU being a 3rd gen with a crusty old ass thermopaste. If you're willing, you may try "deliding" and updating its thermal interface. ~2nd gen started to add internal voltage stabilizers inside of the chip, so an extra heat is a given. Unlike you i had problems with same motherboard manufacturer where chips started to reach 100'C under a heavy/gayming load. And when power delievery circuits started to reach 100'C, CPU was literally throttled, because not enough power was delievered to it. But the board served me for almost 8 years, so no biggie. oh shit, just noticed your speccy picture. Your CPU is an obvious bottleneck. Get MOAR CORZ or more recent chipset. Xeon is not a bad recommendation, not bad at all, trust these slav guys. DDR3-1600 is too slow to saturate a modern GPU. How come it's only 2GBs? My grandpa has 4GBs on his shaky Radeon. Most gaymes utilize higher rez textures and higher polygon count models, so bigger VRAM is a must, aim for 8GBs at least. Get OpenHardwareMonitor to get temps from each part of your gaymer setup in real time with cool ass graphs. 10TB hard drive is a liability. Get 2x4TB and RAID1 them (or simply copy and paste data manually, which is a simpler solution). 128GB Intel SSD must have 10s, if not 100s of TBs written on it right now. Get a cheap smugsnag 1TB M2 SSD for 50$. The less data is written on it and the more space is freed constantly, the better. M2 are known to be generally faster, if your CPUs have enough PCI lanes to support it. Go for at least 32GBs of RAM if you want to get 11GB of VRAM GPU. The minimum RAM is twice that of VRAM.
>>875294 Especially ram overclocking, with all those OS corruptions, but man, is the turnaround worth it, games are as smooth as a babys boypussy.
>>875290 If you bought that heatsink and got tht kind of thermals on a 3570, you're either retarded or got scammed, shit should not even reach 70°C, hell even the stock shit heatsink shouldn't reach 90°C >>875319 >Stop being a dumbfuck and get one of chinese Xeon v3 boards with CPU and DDR4 RAM included for a mere 100$. Most of the premade kit are shit, you want a 1660v3 and a QD4mobo, anything else is a headache or not worth it.
>>875319 >Xeon is not a bad recommendation, not bad at all, trust these slav guys. Which Xeon do i get, would any Xeon do? I found a motherboard bunder for an Xeon E5 2650 V3 and DDR4. Is Xeon E5 good enough at 2.60hz?
>>871451 >What was your first few PCs before you got better at building PC? My first desktop was a 2006 Dell that I got from my grandmother when she switched to mac. Kept it creaking along with scrap (upgraded the RAM a few times, replaced MOBO components when they blew, bought a broken tower from a junk store to salvage the PSU and GPU, etc.) until about 2018 when I got a laptop and then last year I finally spent ~$1800 to roll my own for the first time.
>>875375 I didn't buy that heat sink, my current heatsink maybe needs to change the thermal paste or something because it's not working, but here it is.
>>875484 Yeah there's something real fucked here, a tower cooler like that should have 0 issues with that CPU, either the paste is fucked or the heatsink came loose a little.
The 1TB SSD should fit on my Z370-A PRO motherboard as I got a 2280 m2 slot and the form factor for that SSD is M.2-2280. These prices are absolutely nuts, I fucking love technology, white people and moores law for having this shit able to exist in my lifetime.
>>876143 Make sure you have some sort of heatsink or the 4.0 drives will melt themselves into death.
>>876182 Yeah I didn't really know about SSDs needing heatsinks until I saw some dudes asking about them in the replies to that post. I was curious about that so I did some quick research via youtube video, learned a bit and then bought that anyways to avoid any risks in the future. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GNJQ37N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Gotta take care of my baby as much as possible, especially when its being used by a terminally online gamer like myself.
>>876198 A lot of motherboards come with their own heatsinks these days. But for those that don't any cheap heatsink will prevent it from death.
>>876212 Yes anon. I already know that. Thank you for confirming it.
>>876182 My m.2 SSDs sare at 54 °C and my Motherboard is at 48 °C in a stress test and i don't have a heat sink, if they went 90 °C then i would get a heatsink.
>>876294 Are they pcie gen 4? If so your case probably just has good airflow over them which can be enough. But sometimes the layout of the motherboard and airflow creates little pockets of heat around them and they end up being choked and getting too hot. That's why it's generally recommended to use a heatsink to cover your bases.
>>876314 They're PCIe 4x.
>>876329 That isnt at all what he asked. He's asking for the generation, not the number of lanes its using
Anons, I just realized that I have both 32 and 64 bit versions of java installed. Do I need the 32 bit version?
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These plastic screw things are so badly made, i had to replace two of them because the plastic would break really easily, then it would difficult to get them to go through the motherboard all the way and i even shaved a tiny part of my motherboard off. I replaced the thermal past and got the heat sink to fit as well as possible and it's still going up to 61 °C idle, when i stress test it it goes to 101°C in a few secounds. The Heatsink just lose, there is no way weak plastic can hold such a big piece of metal along with two fans. Thankfully there are heatsink versions with metal screws instead of plastic ones on ebay.
Okay I finally got and installed my new SSD but my dumbass didn't realize on the amazon page that it actually came with a heat sink, albeit a tiny one but as long as it still works it's all good. I can't wait to start playing games on it! Or maybe I should transfer my entire windows installation from my old shitty 1TB HDD onto it as well? To be fair it's really been starting to slow down and chug a bit here and there nowadays. >>876582 Anon you don't need a 32 bit version of anything in 2023.
>>877006 >Anon you don't need a 32 bit version of anything in 2023. Cool. Just wanted to make sure so that when I uninstall it I don't break anything.
>>877006 >Or maybe I should transfer my entire windows installation from my old shitty 1TB HDD onto it as well? To be fair it's really been starting to slow down and chug a bit here and there nowadays. The entire point of an SSD is installing your OS on it so everything functions faster.
>>877123 This. Install your OS on an Enterprise U.2 drive for the lowest latency possible.
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They're selling this Windows 98 PC with the school Dell case of the first PC i had that would run Windows XP. If i had the space i would totally buy it to experience Windows 98 and to play a few games that don't run well on Windows 7 like Sims 2 and AoE1.
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I read online that the 4080 has 16 GB GDDR6 memory, yet on speccy it says mine only has 4087 MB of physical memory and 4088 MB of virtual memory? Or is physical and virtual memory not related to GDDR6?
Is it true that mac introduced the graphical interface for Computers?
>>878088 The issue is speccy, it craps out on anything more than 4 gigs. It's been like that for years
>>878088 Speccy has been retarded for some time nowl. Get GPU-Z
Can you play old games online while running on windows 98, or would you get hacked?
>>878088 Use hwinfo or gpu-z retard, speccy is shit.
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>>878113 GPU-Z is better but why does it always list my current temp as 84.0°C on the advance tab when it's 38°C on the sensors tab? Is it bugged as well?
>>878215 84°C is the temperature limit, as indicated by the bold text reading "Temperature Limit".
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>>878215 Seems like your GPU is having a schizo moment, use a fan to keep cool.
>>878216 >>878218 Holy shit, sorry for being a retard.
>>878216 Is the temperature limit the limit of the Hot Spot or the GPU temperature?
>>878248 GPU Hotspot is generally 100-105°C
To anybody who bought one of those new OLED gaming monitors: how bad is the subpixel layout on them? Reading text with the fringing doesn't look like it's worth having a nice contrast.
>>878215 GPU-Z (and CPU-Z) is only for the GPU (or CPU), if you want to see other details of the pc hwinfo lets you see more things, there is also hwmonitor that monitors the temperature of various components of the computer
>>878394 I'm too worried about burn in to buy one.
>>876182 >>876198 I thought that depended on how fast the SSD was, else a lot of new laptops would have melted already too.
>>878977 >I thought that depended on how fast the SSD was Yes, and PCIe gen 4 SSD's are very fast. >else a lot of new laptops would have melted already too. Laptops likely use the chassis, which is usually a giant piece of metal, as a heatsink.
I have so much buyers remorse, a 13900k dosen't even cost that much when compared to the 5800x3d, but they're so close in terms of video game frames https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5Jo8R4JYGYA. I also could have gotten a 4090 instead of a 4080, they were only a few hundred dollars more but i just didn't want to buy another power supply and the power draw was another thing to keep in mind. It's like eventually the hardware will always be obsolete.
>>880109 That's life. Either sell your hardware and buy what you think will fill the void and definitely won't, or accept your sub optimal purchasing decision and just play some video games and stop thinking about shit so much.
Two part question: Do you use headphones or speakers when playing vidya on PC? What would be a good, compact set of speakers for a desktop? I've used cheap Skullcandy earbuds for pretty much my entire life and they sound fine, but since I'm going to be moving stuff/maybe building a new PC I'm considering getting speakers again. Problem is I still want a lot of desk space and I don't know if you really get a good sound for the money when it comes to speakers. That said I've also only ever used the cheap speakers that come packed in like a family PC set so there's obviously had to have been some improvement since like 2007 technology.
>>880109 I bought a 6950 xt Sapphire for $680 earlier this year but if I waited a few more months I could have gotten an AS Rock Phantom 6950 xt for $570. Shit happens. You have a 4080. You're fine.
steelseries.com/gaming-keyboards/apex-pro-mini There's now a second analog hall effect keyboard to compete with the wooting. Unfortunately it's a steel series keyboard which are notorious for razer tier bloatware. But at least it seems to be like the trend is catching on. Hopefully it becomes the standard within 5 years.
>>880622 Get a cheap stereo amplifier that fits on a desk. Plenty of choices. Then get regular bookshelf speakers of good quality. Most find in a 2nd hand store like Goodwill work well enough.
>the 7800XT actually performs worse than its last-gen counterpart 6800XT in many games >yet it still completely trounces the 4070 in price-tp-performance
>>882319 Seems like those clearance deals on the 6000's cards just got a lot more value.
I just got my new heat sink for my old Windows 7 PC and when i turn it on, it turns on and then off over and over without booting into anything. I think my CPU is failing or overheating somehow. I had this same problem before with my bad heat sink and as a result the CPU would overheat but that eventually resolved itself and it booted into windows with a bunch of other overheating problems. This new heat sink should fix that, but it doesn't boot into anything it just turns on and off and on and off, it's been resetting itself for an hour now. I have no idea if that's bad for it to reset so much? What should i do? it won't turn on, should i get one of those $100 cpu+motherboard+ram combos, should i get a new version of the same CPU? It's not a very enthusiast style system, i just use it for running old games and windows 7 stuff.
>>883577 >I have no idea if that's bad for it to reset so much? No, it's good. The more times it consecutively forces a reset, the better.
>>883577 Re-seat the CPU, cooler, and ram dumbfuck.
>>883577 Did you check the copper slab of your heat sink? Some will have a very thin piece of clear plastic you are supposed to remove. Guess how I know they have that kind of film.
>>883600 >>883673 I took everything a part and put everything back together and it works now. I have no idea what i did wrong, but it works now.
>>883705 You don't have to do anything wrong for a computer not to boot. Sometimes the cooler can be slightly too tight which will fuck with the ram and not let it boot. Sometimes a pin is just not making contact properly for whatever reason. Which is why when shit won't post you just build it again from scratch and hope it works.
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>>883706 You have to be firm and correct your rebellious PC. What would your other devices think?
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>>882319 I can see why the 7800XT is marketed as a 1440p GPU. It's odd seeing system requirements for 4K gaming changing, even with upscaling tech applied. Maybe it'll perform fine in 4K with the settings lowered or for older games.
>>888309 4K gaming is a meme and has been for years, the monkeys coding at these companies can't even optimize for 1080p. Upscaling and DLSS just really drives the point home.
>>888319 This, if a 1080ti can't handle it, it's not worth buying. Stinky shitskin pajeets just keep getting lazier and lazier with lack of optimizations and QoL.
How great is DLSS?
>>890969 It's A.I upscaling
>>890969 Great if you have an older rig.
>>890969 It's shit since devs now use it as an excuse to bother even less to optimize their games
>>891005 >feature that is only supported on RTX GPU's <great if you have an old system Oxymoron
>>891013 I thought it was on older GPUs?
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>>891022 That's FSR, but still, someone out there is probably using a 2070 with a 4990K or something
>>891022 No, DLSS 2.0 and below only work on RTX 20 and 30 GPU's. DLSS 3.0 and onward only work on RTX 40 GPU's. NVIDIA artificially limits the feature that is most useful to older GPU's to their newest lineup of GPU's.
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>>891029 Jesus fucking Christ! That's unbelievably Jewish.
>>890969 It's actually pretty alright, but only because unoptimized garbage these days somehow still struggles to run properly at a resolution that was deemed standard 10 years ago. I have it on the "quality" mode in games that support it, because I think it looks better than running at native with no antialiasing and could use a few extra frames. But not worth the tax of buying NVIDIA in my opinion.
>>891082 AMD and Nvidia are both fucking kikes these days.
>Nvidia Linked to Dawn Raid by French Competition Regulators https://archive.ph/ME85R
How many of you have a 90s series card?
>>893905 Like an 7900XTX?
>>893905 Do you mean xx90 or 9xx
>>893908 He could be talking AMD
>>893908 There was one retard who bought a 4090, and another one who bought a 3090 for less than $500 iirc, then another anon who bought a 4080
>>890969 I heard its decent if you need some extra frames, but it absolutely fucks up texture quality
>>893905 I had a gtx 690 before
>>890969 maybe it was just the game i tried it with but i didn't notice a difference in cyberpunk 2077.
>>870915 Arch or Fedora?
>>894949 It depends
>>894954 I'm running Arch right now, but for some reason I get errors on occasion after a few months due to a software bug or something. I was hoping to get a somewhat more stable OS since I know Arch has had issues with GRUB in the past. The issue in question is fixed by using linux-zen, but it's still annoying none the less.
>>894962 If you're relatively familiar with Linux then Nobara is a good choice.
>>894964 I didn't like Nobara for some reason, maybe because I couldn't install COPR on it. I'm interested in Fedora because of COPR, although it could be because I fucked up the install or something. I dunno.
The i7-12700k is on sale for the cheapest I've seen to date. Any reason not to buy one?
>>895119 Besides the intel management engine, probably not. I did see some shit about e-cores glitching for some game in the news but I'm AMD so I ignored.
>>895121 Well I'm on Linux and I haven't heard anything particularly bad about e-cores as long as you've using a modern kernel. AMD has virtually no ITX motherboards that aren't prohibitively expensive so I can't even really consider them as an option.
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>>895119 >Intel
>>895124 Only AMD ITX motherboard I see that isn't overpriced only has a single m.2 slot in it. Not my fault AMD motherboard selection is absolutely fucking trash.
>>895125 At least I don't have to swap out my entire MOBO whenever I wanna upgrade lmao.
>>895127 13th gen and I think even 14th gen are both compatible with the same socket. Anyways I'm looking for meaningful input, not reddit tier brand war shit-posting.
>>895125 ASRock B650M PG Riptide is $169 on amazon and claims to have 2, gen5x4 and gen4x4 m.2 slots. But I consider anything under $200 not overpriced, and you probably have other reasons for picking intel.
>>895130 Are they? If so then it's a good deal. I'd still recommend AMD over Intel when it comes to future support though.
>>895131 That's mATX, not ITX. Though at the moment all the intel motherboards are pretty fucking terrible in price too. 50% of the time there's a decent deal when I check, and right now it's all ass. I priced out a comparable AMD build and it would be slightly cheaper, but I would miss the extra m.2 slot. Which is annoying. I have no particular reason for going intel. I recall them being slightly better for emulation, but I think the difference is rather negligible with all modern hardware. Also the 7600 only has 6 cores versus the 12700k having 8. Which is bothersome for virtual machine plans I have. The 7700 is $100 more expensive than the 12700k. Saving $40 for 1 less m.2 slot and 2 less cores does not seem like a good value. Intel https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/WsqscH AMD https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/bt9fvj >>895132 13th gen is, 14th gen is rumored to be. Generally speaking I don't really bank on or care about "upgradability". CPU's are not something that die often, if ever. I'm not going to be cycling out a CPU more than once every 7-10 years.
>>895135 Ah my bad, didn't catch the size difference. Yeah, I wish stacked m.2 like the framework laptop 16 has would be more common in small mobos. Also I pity you for being canadian if the prices in your links are USD for me.
>>895137 The prices are CAD. But yes, the purchasing power of the Canadian dollar is abysmal. I could wait for black friday and christmas sales since the 7700X has had sales in the past. But there isn't anything especially enticing about AMD shit to care enough to actively go out of my way for it.
>>895139 Fair enough tbh fam
>>895151 >tbh fam
>wanted to buy a flightstick for AceCombat7:TomCruiseEdition & Everspace2 [s]maybe EliteDangerous[/s]. Looked around jewtube and decided on Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS HOTAS. Any one have recomendations? I know that all the budget sticks are flimsy quality but I really don't want to spent 400€+ on VIRPIL/VKB. Plus I count on Thrustmaster going on sale around November.
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>>896808 I have a Logitech 3D Extreme Pro. I don't know if it has all you need, but my modest needs are met perfectly well. I have played Descent, Overload, Wing Commander and Archimedean Dynasty with it. I like Logitech because their products are right in the sweet spot above cheap junk but still below obnoxious gamer shit. Just be wary when you buy wireless because they tend to have peripherals that only work wireless, the USB cable is just for charging.
>>896808 Just find the cheapest thing that uses hall effects and you're golden
Soon to be first time internet owner, would it be best to buy my own modem instead of renting one from a service provider? Additionally, is there any actual significant difference between a slower connection and faster one aside from data limits? I've read that you only end up using a small portion of your connection anyway but I've no idea how true that is.
>>897344 Buy that modem, if you use wifi as well then set up a home network with a separate wired router and decidated access points (APs) by either Ruckus Wireless or Ubiquiti, but you can cheap out on 802.11ac cisco or others routers of your choosing to as well. I like ruckus because of their proprietary signal reception, it's like having a physical ethernet router hooked up to your wireless machine, good stuff.
>>897344 Buy. The one they will rent out to you will be inferior quality and you'll probably have paid enough in rental fees to have bought your own anyway by your 6th bill. If you can't afford to buy your own tyen you probably shouldn't be signing up for an internet contract. Also I don't know if it's still how it was back when I was bouncing back and forth between Comcast/Verizon but you may need to carefully check if whatever you're buying is compatible with your service because Comcast in particular used to be a huge pain in the ass about that. Maybe it's not like that anymore, I broke free of those monopolies when I moved years ago.
>>897344 >Additionally, is there any actual significant difference between a slower connection and faster one aside from data limits? I've read that you only end up using a small portion of your connection anyway but I've no idea how true that is. Depends on the load. Gaming uses essentially no bandwidth, streaming video feeds will use a decent amount. If you start torrenting a game or show without capping your download speed in the software it will throttle everyone on the network. Which doesn't really matter if you just cap your speed a few MB below the bandwidth cap, so the only difference is how fast you can download things while not throttling your network. But this assumes you have access to reasonable plans. If you're operating below 5MB/s it's possible you could throttle yourself with just streaming video content alone. In terms of latency it shouldn't make any difference, as long as you aren't hitting the bandwidth cap, in which case your latency will proceed to shit itself.
>>897344 >would it be best to buy my own modem instead of renting one from a service provider? I don't understand why people pay for WiFi? Buy once, own forever. Problem for most people is you have to know how to configure these devices. My recommendation would be to buy two devices: a dedicated modem and a (wifi-)router. Reason being you can upgrade your connection or move or ect. and keep your local network. If you buy a All-In-One (modem+router+wifi) you always have the problem that once you upgrade your connection or need better wifi you end up needing to buy a better device. And price-wise the All-In-One is more expensive, normally costing $200+ while a modem usually costs $50 and a good router $70. Again you have to know how to configure these devices, which is why most people just end up paying monthly for wifi. Also i would recomend MicroTik: https://mikrotik.com/product/RB952Ui-5ac2nD-TC
14th gen intel chips aren't being shown much love.
>>897523 13th gen refresh, they are a meme product.
>>897534 Next we have core ultra or some shit?
>>897344 Buying is designed by the ISP to be a terrible deal. $10 per month to rent, or $250 to buy with a 24 month warranty? You do the math on what the ISP designed the modem to do once the warranty runs out.
>>897540 Don't worry you can just build your own with old hardware that some jewtuber claims is $50 on ebay but is actually over $300 on ebay.
>>897357 >Problem for most people is you have to know how to configure these devices. You really don't though. It's so easy to do. You'd honestly have to be a retard to fail at it.
>>891116 >$2,000 gpu then there is the 4070 which can't outperform the 6000 series flagships. Nvidia sucks hard.
>>897728 They're finally gonna justify the price with a 512-bit bus, lord.
Surprised threadripper is back.
Is a Ryzen 7 good for 1440p gaming?
>>899395 Easily.
>>899410 *buys a 1700*
>>897344 >would it be best to buy my own modem instead of renting one from a service provider? It's gonna 100% depends on several things >are some function locked behind using the ISP router >how much is the rent >how much is it to buy the ISP router outright (and is it even an option) >how much would any decent 3rd party router be In my case i couldn't use a 3rd party thing without losing the VoIP landline and TV stuff, buying the ISP stuff was 60€ with a 2 year warranty and renting was 3€/month, thing lasted 10 years even if it was an overheating piece of shit got a full refund when I sent it back for the optic fiber upgrade, and buying outright wasn't an option anymore. >Soon to be first time internet owner My personal advice is plan for ethernet cables to anything you want internet on reliably, you can rationalize it however you want WiFi is trash and will never even be anywhere near an actual cable in terms of reliability, not to mention issues brought on by having an open connection to any faggot near enough to catch your wireless signal. > I've read that you only end up using a small portion of your connection anyway but I've no idea how true that is. Really depends, I've hit 5TB+ just using streaming stuff as background noise, thankfully unmetered connection so I don't really give a shit. >>898314 Well intel was starting to be somewhat competitive in some cases (AVX512, RAM bandwidth limited tasks) so AMD had to shit all over their hopes and dreams., It's genuinely funny that you can beat the top of the line intel Xeon on LN² drawing almost 2k watts, with an air-cooled 7995WX drawing about 500-600W server socket so yes you can aircool that because heat density isn't shitting all over you >>899395 Which Ryzen 7? Shit goes from R7 1700 to R7 78000X3D.
>>899417 >>899395 >>899442 lol Ok, if you are broke and you want a good AMD cpu, don't settle less than Zen 3. If you go Zen 3 just get a 5950x. Your GPU should be at least a 6900 xt, no weaker. Build around that. If you want to go AM5, that is up to you. When I did my build at the beginning of the year I went AM4 with a 5950x. It is a beast of a cpu. I went AM4 because I don't see much of a future for gaming and DDR4 era was cheap as hell. I got a good condition 5950X for $330 lol.
>>899395 Ignore >>899535, the 5950X would be a complete waste. The 5800X3D is significantly superior for gaming, and at 2/3 the price. The only reason to buy a 5950X would be moar cores for productivity. For gaming, the 5800X3D runs circles around it.
>>899582 The 5950X will only be good for emulation, but at that point you're better off with a 12400f or 12700k because you'll have to disable SMT and probably half the cores of the 5950X. Yeah, get the 5800X3D if Sonic Unleashed at above 60fps isn't a priority.
>>899583 > because you'll have to disable SMT and probably half the cores of the 5950X. You don't really gain that much by doing that on AMD iirc, unlike on intel >12400f Unless that 12400 has AVX512 and is running on an OC capable mobo it's not gonna be all that great even eagainst Zen3, the 12700k however definitely will since only AVX512 is a potential issue and even without you just need to run it HT OFF with a 5Ghz OC with tuned RAM to completely remove Zen3 from being competitive in anything gaming, including the X3D. I'd personally say Zen3 and 12th gen are shit unless you get under 250 since the 13600k exist and runs on a Z690 Pro A or whatever the entry level LGA1700 DDR4 mobo from MSI is called.
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Nvidia and AMD are apparently going to start shitting out ARM based CPUs. Production should start in 2 years.
Already picked up my equipment which I've made sure the services I'm looking at work with. Just need to decide on a data plan and which service to go with. >>899442 >My personal advice is plan for ethernet cables to anything you want internet on reliably, you can rationalize it however you want WiFi is trash and will never even be anywhere near an actual cable in terms of reliability Hmm. I don't really mind Wi-Fi for getting my computer connected since that's what I've used since forever, plus I'd rather not run a cable through half my apartment. >not to mention issues brought on by having an open connection to any faggot near enough to catch your wireless signal. Isn't that exactly what a password is for? I'm also not in a terrible area so I'm not too worried about something like that. >I've hit 5TB+ just using streaming stuff as background noise Damn, really? I usually just listen to stuff in the background too but I doubt I'd ever reach that much without being on my computer 24/7.
>>899703 >Hmm. I don't really mind Wi-Fi for getting my computer connected since that's what I've used since forever, plus I'd rather not run a cable through half my apartment. Online gaming is completely unplayable over wifi. So unless you aren't doing any online gaming, figure out an ethernet solution. >Isn't that exactly what a password is for? Yes. >Damn, really? I usually just listen to stuff in the background too but I doubt I'd ever reach that much without being on my computer 24/7. 5TB is pretty absurd. I'm at a few hundred gigs right now and watch hours of podcasts often. I usually only ever go above 1TB when I've had to torrent multiple seasons of a TV show or many video games in a short period of time. Regardless data caps are a nigger tier bullshit scam.
>>899703 >Hmm. I don't really mind Wi-Fi for getting my computer connected since that's what I've used since forever I mean if it doesn't bother you there's no issue but I wouldn't ever go back to WiFi personally. >Isn't that exactly what a password is for? Passwords are crackable (not much of an issue if using modern standards iirc but last I checked it's still no universally default, but there are also schemes that involve guessing the way ISPs create default passwords to find out the password) and it doesn't stop the "ISP thinks they have the right to turn your router into a free hotspot for everyone around" issue. >Damn, really? I usually just listen to stuff in the background too but I doubt I'd ever reach that much without being on my computer 24/7. Streaming high quality stuff straight from the "family" server helps, if you're just doing youtube and shit you probably won't pass 1TB unless 24/7 or multiple streams at once.
>>899753 >Passwords are crackable Passwords with enough entropy are not crackable by any realistic definition of the word. And even assuming one has a low entropy password, the number of people that would be in range to attempt to brute force a router, assuming it doesn't have any throttling built in, is likely less than a dozen. The odds someone would brute force into your local wifi with a 16 character password are astronomical. >and it doesn't stop the "ISP thinks they have the right to turn your router into a free hotspot for everyone around" issue. Has this ever actually happened?
>>899767 >Has this ever actually happened? Yeah, any ISPs that offers the option to connect as a guest on any router owned by people who use the same ISP most definitely will use your router as a hotspot without your explicit consent if you happen to have WiFi on, and since passwords sharing communities exist that means niggers leeching off your connection >Passwords with enough entropy are not crackable Not if you can attack the protocol directly, there's also still idiots running around with WEP support turned on. Even then the default passwords for one of the ISPs where I live is only numbers and 8 char long, so that's another thing
>>899679 I thought NVIDIA quit the ARMs race
>>899795 They quit trying to buy the whole company, they still were/are making ARM based solutions seeing as neither intel or AMD will lend them their x86 tech. Intel did actually quit however because "muh Atom".
>>899703 I received my self install kit on Friday and set everything up with little issue. Try to activate my modem with the ISP and I get sent to the activation page for a different company. Disconnected the router and tried with an Ethernet cable through my laptop, same thing. Reset the modem, tried both again, no change. This is some stupid bullshit I need to call them about, isn't it? This fucking month has sucked, man, I just want to get my shit in order already.
>>901265 >This is some stupid bullshit I need to call them about, isn't it? Sounds like it
Any recommendations for headphone cables that aren't stiff as fuck or make noise rubbing on clothing?
>>902102 A 5 bucks aux cable
>>880622 Good amp + good speakers is the way. Both could cost you less than $100 total for a boost in the range of different sounds you hear. My ears pop a friggin' boner every time.
>>902102 Find hte one with the appropriate plugs in that style, they're the ones that usually avoid those issues https://aliexpress.com/item/1005005585291535.html Those ones are a lot cheaper but are more microphonic (they conduct more noise rubbing on stuff) but aren't stiff in any way (think paracord) and unlike regular rubberized shit will never get stiff. https://aliexpress.com/item/1005004654091553.html >>902120 Not relevant to most headphones.
>>901265 Problem solved, boyos. It was just me being a fucking idiot and not realizing there was a second coax outlet behind the shelf I set my modem on top of. Me and the tech had a good laugh about it, and now I've got internet.
>>902431 Not relevant my foot. Just go get some aux jack -> headphone plug if it doesn't fit.
>>902487 >3 whole days without internet Start pirating 400GB of stuff to get back all that lost time anon.
>>902493 Said adapters don't exist or cost more than an actual cable to get. So unless your headphone side plug is a regular single 3.5mm or a regular single 2.5mm (as in not the deeper ones or the Sennheiser style ones)an aux cord is not relevant (not that they would solve the initial problem since aux cord always are the trashiest plastic that hardens within months and is extremely microphonic)
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Show me what kind of ram kit, mobo and frequency you're using and I'll give you advice on the best timings to use. t. Ram Toooner
>>905566 Honestly anon there should be a RAM tuning guide.
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>>905566 Sure why not
>>905813 Oh and yeah dual rank Micron E-Die, X570 Taichi (old RAM layout), 3733 doesn't work.
>>870915 Need an upgrade to my computer. Think most important I need a new cpu cooler. I have a AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti currently. Motherboard is an ASUS PRIME A320M-K. If I could have recommendations for the cpu cooler & maybe a graphics card, I'd appreciate it.
>>906918 Probably a 3060 ti or a 6700 xt. 4060's are at the same price as the 3060 ti now it seems, and the 4060 has DLSS 3 magic, but your motherboard is PCIe gen 3, which can bottleneck the performance of a 4060 because nvidia jewed it with less PCIe lanes. Same problem with the RX 7600. 3060 ti has DLSS 2.0, RX 6700 XT has more vram. They cost about the same and perform similarly. The 3060 ti can sort of barely do ray tracing sometimes, but not really.
>>906918 You can't upgrade that CPU without changing mobo, not because it theoretically wouldn't support them but anything that draws more power would be a fire hazard / throttle to hell and back. Either look for a cheap B550 mobo and a 5700X/5800X3D or a cheap Z690 mobo and a 12600k/12700k for it I you absolutely do not want to upgrade the mobo then a 5600X / 5600X3D is about as good as you can fit without risking anything, but make sure they're supported because they might not be. CPU cooler would be the Thermalright peerless assassin, hard to beat when it's a D15 for a third or even quarter of the price.
>>907067 >>907093 Any sites recommended for looking for these or just amazon will do?
>>907151 pcpartpicker, or ebay
>>907067 >>907093 If I just get the 3060 ti & the thermalight peerless assassin then they should fit on my motherboard currently right? If not then I'll have to go with the suggestion to get a new one too.
>>907162 They should
>>907151 https://pcpartpicker.com/ >>907162 Your GPU would only be limited by your power supply, but the 3060 ti is very low power so I doubt it's an issue. You can put your specs into pcpartpicker by finding the same parts and checking compatibility issues. See https://pcpartpicker.com/list/D9vFXk
>>907151 Also amazon is generally your best bet, even if something is slightly cheaper elsewhere, as they have very good return policies. You want to buy from reputable stores, bestbuy, amazon, microcenter, places known to have good warranty/return policies.
>>907171 I tried that but it didn't specify if there were any specific compatibility problems. Not even as far as size goes.
>>907175 Because there likely aren't any. A GPU is going to fit into virtually any motherboard, case compatibility is the only realistic size constraint, and that's also very unlikely with a 3060 ti since it's an entry level card and thus smaller than the gigantic high end cards.
>>907171 >but the 3060 ti is very low power >235W >spiky as fuck since Ampere and potentially G6X >very low power Anon please
>>907177 Then the question still remains on the thermalight peerless assassin. While the other is which 3060ti specifically. I guess in my case it'd be the one for Asus, right?
>>907190 >Then the question still remains on the thermalight peerless assassin. The only two things that could make it an issue is RAM sticks being too high or too close or VRM s being too high or too close, your mobo has no radiators on the VRM so that's not gonna be an issue and the RAM slots should be fine so long as they're not sporting RAM sticks with extra high radiators.
>>907206 Should be good there then at least. This is the right one right? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LGY38L4
>>907211 Yeah that's the one, still can't believe that thing is only $35
Jesus Christ Some games are eating 5GB of VRAM. what the hell is even going on?
>>907732 The entry level cards all have 8GB of VRAM minimum.
>>907744 Things really have changed.
>>907732 Situation 1. The entire tech industry is filled with retards that have zero idea what they are doing or Indians (i.e. an entire race of retards hired in and kept on because Indians only hire other Indians) Situation 2. the hardware has a lot of extra power built into it by default Combine those 2 things and you have the answer to this problem and why it will not be solved
>>907825 Those cards are mocked for only have 8GB as well and considered a cost cutting measure.
>>907732 5gb is nothing nowadays, triple gayyy shit eats up to 20! YES, 20.
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Is any real difference between different kits of 2x16gb DDR4 3600 RAM?
>>908098 Timings, latency.
I sorta want to grab a 8TB m.2 drive as I do have the money but I kinda don't.
Which of these (or any other recomendations) should I get for a 5800x3d based machine that still has old ram in it? https://www.newegg.com/neo-forza-32gb-288-pin-ddr4-sdram/p/0RN-0097-00068 https://www.newegg.com/team-32gb-288-pin-ddr4-sdram/p/N82E16820331544 >>908132 They're all 18-22-22-42 too.
>>907732 I'm glad I still play mostly Doom .wads I only upgraded to play Mount and Blade Bannerlord and EDF 5
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Okay so I got & installed the thermalight peerless assassin today. Took a while to make sure I got the wired connections on the motherboard right. May have fucked up on the USB connections. I think at least on the big one, a pin or two may have snapped. But 4 out of the 3 front USBs work. I'll check again later tonight or tomorrow to see if I messed up connecting elsewhere. I also definitely need a longer case. I had to detach the hard drive holder connection to get the cooler to fit.
>>909405 Front USB is the most nigger connector in all of nigger connectors. It's pretty easy to fuck it up.
>>909423 I'm upset but at least I somehow got the monitor to connect again. I'll have to make sure the usb cords are plugged to the right spots once more. Otherwise the issue is just unfixable without a new motherboard entirely. Which I will have to upgrade eventually anyway.
>>909456 I don't know why you have or need 7 front USB ports. That's very odd.
>>909479 It's only 4. Now 3.
>>909405 Shit I just realized I said 4 out of 3. Reverse that.
Thoughts on the new threadrippers?
>>907177 >and that's also very unlikely with a 3060 ti since it's an entry level card Depends on how much cooling you get, though. A three-fan 3060 ti is a pretty goddamn big card and unless you have a full-sized board and case you can easily end up cramping something. t. speaking from experience
>>910134 I don't see the potential uses for Threadripper in general besides heavy computing, compiling, and other similar work that isn't gaming. I'm curious if anybody here has bought a new or old one.
>>908765 CL16?
>>910134 Great if you need a new workstation >>908765 >18-22-22-42 Trash at the very least go for 16-19-19-39 ideally would be 14-14-14-34 but that likely gonna be far too expensive to be worth the small perf bump you'll get if you don't OC on top.
Is this keyboard any good? My old one is pretty old and would like to replace it soon. https://www.newegg.com/p/23-201-121
Is rapid trigger a meme for keyboards or is it actually good?
>>910294 If you play competitive shooters are fighters I'd say it's completely mandatory.
>>908098 >>908765 Get better timings. Frequency is only part of it, since the timings tell you how many cycles it takes to actually do anything. To first order, 3600 CL16 is essentially the same as 3200 CL16, because 3200/16 = 3600/18.
>>910328 >3600 CL16 Should say 3600 CL18, obviously
>>910328 >To first order, 3600 CL18 is essentially the same as 3200 CL16, because 3200/16 = 3600/18. That would be relevant if only primary timings mattered and memory clock was unsynced from others clocks But it's not therefore 3600CL18>3200CL16
>>910359 >That would be relevant if only primary timings mattered and memory clock was unsynced from others clocks Hence "to first order".
Anything to keep in mind when monitor shoping besides filtering by what I want (1440p, at least 120hz, 32+inch) and sorting by price?
>>910632 A lot, panel tech, implementation of that tech, warranty information, etc. This channel should be your guide. https://vid.priv.au/channel/UCDKLZBNM9XZ7pHPZF9D8xDQ
>>910639 Since none of the recomended come with sound, any good options for mounting speakers to the display or its mounting? I've got an existing mount where it will go and while there's clearance, there's no way I'm going to be able to mount speakers onto the wall.
>>910652 No idea, sounds niche and complicated. amazon.com/VIVO-Monitor-Devices-Speakers-MOUNT-SF01M/dp/B09MSWPMF7/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=monitor+mount+speakers Monitor speakers will all be very bad.
>>910661 That does give me the right term: Vesa side speaker mount gives me results that should work. Now the question is finding speakers of decent price that are mountable.
>>910679 I know nothing about audio, but Micca COVO-S Mini are the only ones I recall that might make sense. But I don't use or own speakers, I just did a small bit of research for compact ones awhile back.
>>910682 Actually those are passive, so unless you want a little amp on your desk probably avoid them. Active speakers are less hassle.
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What graphics card is worth buying these days at a mid-high range? Preferably something that would let me emulate PS3, but I can aim lower if the price gets absurd. I'm building a new PC to make my father feel useful and I already have everything else ready or coming by mail.
>>911108 RX 6700 XT or RTX 3060
Recommendations for a clip on monitor soundbar? My display lives on a mount to give a bit of extra distance from my head
>>911108 Yeah 6700xt is probably good. Look at some benchmarks.
>>915605 What the fuck is even going on?
Any keyboards with good key rollover?
Anyone got any opinions on the best NAS drive brand/series? By default I usually go with Seagate Ironwolf but I haven't enough experience to say for sure. Around 4TB would be a good size.
>>917308 Anything you can get for a decent price without SMR is great, I would avoid the high capacity non helium Toshiba
>>917121 Any decent mechanical will have NKRO.
I'm really sick of both Nvidia and AMD's bullshit at this point.
I bought a 3-pack of fans last week and they arrived today, i was going to put them in the front of the case so they could push air to the cpu cooler and graphics card (the case doesn't have a mesh front), but the back fan crapped out on me yesterday and i replaced it with one of the new fans. Because i am autistic and thus hate asymmetry even the fans are all the exact same model, sickleflow argb, i decided i will install the remaining two on top instead, question is should they be pushing air or sucking it out? The top of the case does have holes and a mesh cover, so they can do either. Pic related is how my cooler and back fan are set up.
>>921654 if I were you I would make the top fans inflow, since your other fans are outflow. personally i use the rear fan as an intake with the top fans as exhaust.
What are my best options for purchasing a newer version of Windows? Which version would be best? Is 10 even worth installing if its support is also going to end in like a year's time?
>>922306 >purchasing windows lol, lmao 10 LTSC IoT is the only version of 10 worth installing, and it can't be activated with a normal key or even a KMS tool. Microshaft is killing 11 next year iirc, but we still don't know if a 10 key will work on 12 (you can buy a legit key for 10 and use that to upgrade to 11, or just activate it on a fresh 11 install). I wouldn't buy one "just in case" though, since they are always available for cheap on the usual sites.
>>922497 >Microshaft is killing 11 next year iirc Well Jesus, what the hell's the point in upgrading then? I'd try giving Linux a chance but I'm retarded and have zero faith I could get it working properly but maybe this is the time to learn how.
>>922574 Linux has gotten better over the years, just keep a backup on hand. I recommend Deja Dup
>>922574 Loonux being hard is a meme that's carried over from years ago, the worst part these days is installing it. Try out a live boot version of Mint, it's genuinely not difficult to use. I'd argue some distros of Linux are easier than Windows to operate, but Windows is so ingrained most people are used to it and confuse that familiarity with usability. If you've used Windows for long enough, you've probably seen and felt the "enshittification" of it. How Vista was worse than XP, or how 10 was worse than 7, the OS getting more bloated, locked down and awkward to use with each new version. I once saw somebody putting it something to the effect of "Linux has improved while Windows has gotten even more Windows". Just avoid Ubuntu, it was good at one point and that point is precisely "not now".
>>922497 Do you mean they're killing 10 next year or are they giving up on 11 entirely and going straight to developing 12 since people really don't like 11.
>>922582 Linux still has some issues but some distros are hell of a lot less bloated.
>>922582 Windows 2000, Windows XP was just fisher price bloat and dumbed down applications for coomsumers plebeians. All Windows 2000 needed is a new batch of applications.
>>922574 You can already fiddle with Linux inside a VM, try installing and configuring stuff and if you have questions I think there's a thread for Linux somewhere around.
>>922574 10 IoT LTSC is good until 2032, but it's not a bad idea to give linux a try, more so if you have an AMD card. Try dual booting first, preferably with your linux install in another drive (grab a $10 A400 from amazon). >>922639 Giving up on 11, they're now calling it a beta for 12.
my very first inexpensive PC build CPU: Ryzen 5 5600X GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 3050 8GB Motherboard :MSI B550 Pro-VC Wifi Cooler: DeepCool AK400 Storage: SP Silicon Power P34A60 512Gb monitor :Acer Nitro Xv272U V3 27 Inch IPS Ram: Corsair Vengeance 8gb ddr4 3200mhz Case,keyboard,mouse cheapest available
>>922830 Unless you got that 3050 for absurdly cheap that thing is poor value even if it's cheaper than most other Nvidia cards.
>>922830 I've never seen a Silicon Power SSD last very long, good luck
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I can't believe so many people actually use Windows 10. I have to use it at work and that's enough to frustrate me. Hell, I can't believe people ever used Windows 8 either. It's my own fault for waiting so long to figure out an option here but god damn do my options suck. >>922582 >>922757 Going to pick up a drive in the new year and give Linux a try, but due to my inexperience I'll probably end up getting Windows 10 and dual booting just so I have the option.
>>923026 I ended up getting stuck with 10 years ago because my old rig fucking choked, but I immediately grabbed shutup 10 and disabled all the extra shit that I could, so my system has not updated since I got it in 2017.
>>922930 What would be a good value upgrade for 3050 ?
>>923040 Depends on if you're iwlling to get secondhand. Secondhand has a good bunch of super cheap 2080ti for near $300 which isn't bad, cheap 3090s but those have a risk of being duds more often and have fairly high PSU reqs, brand new I'd wait for the 4070 / 4070Ti SUPER, if they're in fact at the price range everyone keeps referring to (550 / 750) they're rather good value for what you get but if you want something right now there's 4070s going all the way down to 480 which is not too bad either), if AMD ain't an issue 6900XT / 7800XT around 500 are a decent deal as well
>>872315 >I had What happened, did it kick the bucket? I'm sorry to hear that, RIP gaming potato. >>873934 >friendly reminder that Canadians are humongous faggots Thanks captain obvious.
>>922830 That's a decent rig, you could have saved some money by getting a 5600 instead, it's only marginally slower than a 5600X yet it costs like $50 less, if you don't mind second hand stuff you could have gone with a 3600 for like $60, that thing is a godsend for budget builds. >>923040 Literally anything would be an upgrade, the 2060, 3050, 6400 and 6500 XT are scams, they're so weak that a 1050 Ti trades blows with all of them and that thing is a budget card from 2016. If you still can, return your card and buy a second hand RX 6600 for $100.
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>>923108 >they're so weak that a 1050 Ti trades blows with all of them No, not in that reality anyways.
>>923113 >tfw GTX 745
>>922757 >10 IoT LTSC Where can I get that and also why that version specifically?
>>923113 Who the fuck still runs games at 1920x1080? That'll get any cunt a decent framerate, 4k benchmarks are the only ones that matter now.
>>923026 >can't believe This mentality is prevalent in people who've not upgraded in a while or don't play anything new. I doubt most 10 users are happy with it but when you combine newer hardware and software requirements it's virtually unavoidable, I mean yeah they could do all manner of fixes and workarounds to get CPUs and gaymes to play ball but most people are not going to bother.
>>923114 Damn dude, how old is your PC?
>>923245 I do, 4k is pointless since it runs at potato framerates unless you upscale from 1080p with vaseline and/or fakeframes™. >That'll get any cunt a decent framerate You'd be surprised, a few modern games need a 4080 to get 1080p/60 without sacrificing the visual quality noticeably.
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>>924206 Emergency prebuilt from 2017 when all the parts of my 970 build ended up having died in their boxes because I waited until my old computer with a 550 died to put it together.
>>924309 Honestly I feel like I'm nearly at that point myself. All of my budget computer's components are at the tail end of modern benchmark surveys and after the better part of a decade of service combined with the terrible maintenance I provide, it's a little surprising my computer hasn't taken a dump yet.
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>>924314 A couple months ago I actually took my GPU apart for the first time in its life after the fan stopped working as well, and my temps were often capping out at 97C before choking, brushed a ton of dust out of the heatsink and off of the fan, replaced the crusty thermal paste with new stuff, and it has worked almost good as new. I'm still looking at building a whole new rig and stuffing the current HDD into it so I don't have to acquire a new OS.
If anyone is interested, I've been working on a retarded unscientific list for gaming on an UHD 630, probably would also help anyone with a weak gpu or similar specs
>>924344 huh, thanks anon.
>>924455 You're welcome, I'm going to continue working on this retarded chart, dunno when I'll ever finish it
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This is software news rather than hardware, but still interesting. Statcounter's figures show Linux hits 4% global desktop marketshare. https://archive.is/ccF7a This comes during a relative explosion of Linux popularity over the last 4 years, Linux having hit 2% in 2020 and 3% in 2023.
>>925569 Do you think it's going to continue to climb, or was it just because Steam finally ended support for older versions of Windows?
>>925569 Microsoft have made Windows so inconvenient some people don't have a reason not to use Linux anymore. The entire compromise of Windows was trading efficiency and control for a reliable, easy to use OS. Now Windows is moderately unstable and basic functions are so buried they require a Google search to find them. Linux can still be a pain, but hell, you might as well have an awkward OS you can can actually use opposed to an awkward OS full of adware and telemetry.
>>923040 get a 6900 xt.
Well the super series is confirmed.
>>925571 I think the numbers are inflated due to the steam deck, it uses a linux OS after all. They sold at least a million in 2022 and it's speculated it's now at 3 million sales now. That said, if more steam deck clones pop up using linux I expect that share to increase. Unless, apple manages to increase it's share thanks to the "game porting kit" which is being developed by CodeWeavers, the steam proton devs. Unlikely but thanks to brand loyalty it's a possibility.
>>924344 Version 2, I'm taking a break from this for a bit, Should be 175 games listed
>>925569 Linux install base in the monthly hardware survey fluctuates pretty consistently with the percent of respondents that have Chinese selected as language. If they suddenly allowed filtering results by language/region, I would not be surprised if Linux was deep into 4% among NA/English users
>>925684 >I think the numbers are inflated due to the steam deck I doubt it, statcounter uses the traditional pageview way of tracking OS share, so I doubt tons of steamdeck users are going on the web on the deck. I think the increase is genuine desktop Linux, since there is starting to be a small cottage industry of pc builders that ship linux out of the box, like framework, system76, pine64, the raspberry pi etc. plus I think a non-insignificant number are people taking shitty old chromebooks that don't get updates anymore and installing a linux distro on it, since it's relatively easy to do and they're borderline useless if you don't do this. Plus, linux is doing very well in non-western countries, to boot, since governments in russia, china, korea etc. are all transitioning away from windows.
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>>926012 A doubt I recently got is just this. Why won't more computers ship with Linux since it'd be much cheaper than paying a Windows license? Just because M$ "just werks" doesn't mean Linux is less efficient than that. In fact many applications run much better on loonix nowadays and only exceptions to the norm would be absolute privacy rape like Anti-cheats and some other propietary software that only works there due to the architecture of it.
>>926016 This may be less of a problem nowadays, but in the past, M$ was brutal in its treatment of OEMs and used whatever strategy they could to prevent them from selling computers with anything other than windows. If they did, M$ would threaten to withhold all windows licenses all together or only sell them at dramatically inflated prices. Plus M$ doesn't doesn't actually charge a huge amount for windows licensee to OEMs so it's financially not usually worth it to pre-install linux. I think for large ones like Dell, HP etc, it's around $10-25 per unit which is fairly modest for everything apart from ultra cheap low-end laptops. Honestly, I think the way to get linux into more hands is to more or less copy what Apple does. Form a company that has complete top down control over both software and hardware, and create a desirable brand that people are willing to pay for. Consumers are willing to tolerate a lot when it comes to software not being compatible or lacking functionality if they desire some specific kind of computing experience. (Just think of how bad Macs were 10 years ago and still are in terms of cost/performance and software compatibility and how people just put up with it because they liked how stylish, cool and aesthetically pleasing Macs were). Which is essentially why the steam deck worked so well, since it was cool, powerful, inexpensive, and practical, (since windows sucks fat dick at the handheld computing experience and Valve could customise Arch linux to actually suit the form factor)
>>926012 The hardware survey shows which version of Linux respondents had. SteamOS is 40.53%
>>926020 That's for the *steam* hardware survey though, not statcounter. Statcounter doesn't break down linux by distro.
>>926019 >Form a company that has complete top down control over both software and hardware, and create a desirable brand that people are willing to pay for. That's basically what Canonical has been trying to do all these years isn't it?
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I recently asked an AMDfag how AMD is any better then Nvidia in terms of prices and they gave me some mental gymnastics. >Well anon it's cheaper then Nvidia <But you're still paying 1200$ or more in some cases >But it's still cheaper then team green! <Nigger AMD's shit is still fucking expensive even on the midrange to the average person >Cheaper and faster <Nigger again the average person finds the prices of both Nvidia and AMD to be fucking expensive >Fanboy autism keeps going
>defending nvidia unironically
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>>926389 Nvidia has better compatibility with older games so I usually just go for their cards. Plus personal experience, the first AMD card I owned was on a desktop and lasted me 7 years, fucking great, 2nd was a laptop and it burned 3rd one I had, on a desktop, also burned 4th one, also on a desktop didn't burn, funnily enough a fucking launch card, that usually come with lots of kinks, but super high temps that throttled my gayman performance even after countless tweaking. 1st card I owned by Nvidia lasted me 7 years, 2nd I owned lasted me 6 3rd one, and the one I own today has yet to give me any issues. So there's my anecdote, Nvigoy shit just works, I'm a lazy retard and I want to play older stuff incompatible with AMD cards to I'm just going with Kikevidya shit. I like AMDs CPUs though, last me quite a while and don't go into a fucking meltdown. >>926400 >Shitting on both means defending one Nice bait
>>926389 >>926405 Don't forget how garbage FSR is compared to DLSS - I hate the trend too but as far as upscaling performance goes it isn't even close. I stumbled across some jewtube video where someone compared FSR 2.2 and DLSS 3.5 /w framegen in Todd's Latest Masterpiece™ at 4k and it was like a 40% performance increase while also improving visual fidelity over FSR 2.2 and even regular DLSS 3.5 was a marked improvement. Ray tracing too, if you care about that. AMD has nothing on Nvidia except price and if you're going buy once cry once with a high-end card that's basically a wash these days anyway; why the fuck would you buy a 7900 XTX when a 4800 Super is the same price for the same benchmarks but supports DLSS and completely smokes it for ray tracing? The best argument you could make is that the extra 4GB of RAM is future-proofing but Nvidia has such massive dominance in the PC arena that devs build around their specs anyway. >>926400 AYO >overheats and dies SO YOU BE SAYIN >game crashes because of a driver issue WE WUZ COMPETITORS AN SHEEIT? >Raises prices I'm not defending shit; Nvidia is a bunch of shekel-grubbing anti-consumer gigakikes and the fact that they actively gimp their products to keep paypigs upgrading every generation while also constantly nudging prices up makes me grind my teeth. Unfortunately that hasn't stopped them from skinning AMD alive, mostly because AMD is too busy raking in money from console chipsets to actually bother competing in the PC market.
>>926514 > /w framegen Framegen is only good starting from 120fps base, 60 to 120 feels like shit regardless of which framegen you use. And considering most games supporting that cannot even do 1080p/120fps on a fucking 4090 framegen is fucking useless mot of the time. > mostly because AMD is too busy raking in money from console chipsets to actually bother competing in the PC market. Not actually that much money in consoles, lots of units but low margin, server / enterprise / AI is where you make fucktons of money.
>>926514 >nvidiakike kys
>>926389 AMD works on Linux, Nvidia does not.
>>926671 And that somehow changes their bullshit?
>>924344 >>925965 I had a shitty dual core celeron (HD 3000) laptop for the longest time, your UHD 600 came out in 2017 so it oughta be at least 20% faster, let me add some games to your list. Mind you that i never dropped the resolution to 800x600 or lower, either it ran at my laptop's native resolution (720p) or i refused to play it. >Dead Space 1 to 3 All ran fine on max settings, even with v-sync off you won't get more than 35fps, so it's better to lock it at 30. >Resident Evil 4 The very first port runs on fucking anything, don't even bother downloading UHD though, it won't even boot. >Resident Evil 5 Actually runs great, max settings 30fps locked. >Batman Arkham Asylum Another game that runs on max settings at 30fps locked. >Condemned Criminal Origins Runs at 30fps on low settings, and by low i mean the absolute lowest. >Just Cause 2 Runs alright on the lowest settings also, it does drop to ~25fps if there's a lot of explosions going off at once, but this isn't JC3 where throwing C4 and rockets at everything instantly conquers strongholds. >Gurumin Max settings 60fps (iirc that's the cap). >Darksiders Runs at 30fps on medium settings, warmastered doesn't look any different but it's a slideshow even on the lowest settings, luckily you get the original if you purchase the remaster, at least on PC. There's a few 2D platformers that also ran great, but those games will run on just about any potato. >Touhou Luna Nights >Umihara Kawase/Shun/Sayonara >Guacamelee Gold >Ender Lilies >Metal Slug/3/X >The Vagrant >Wuppo
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What's a good price for a 4070ti Super? I think 650$ would be good, but I'll stretch it and get it for 700$ if it's ever available for that much. Then again, I might just wait for the 5000 series since it seems 20gb of vram might be pushed into the lower tiers during the launch of the next generation. I'm not paying 800$ for 16gb when the 7800XT exists.
>>928487 Just go 7800xt. If you're not at 4k then 16gb will likely last through the next gen.
>>928487 Relative to the rest? 15-20% under the 4080 super or 4080 But it seems like getting it under 700 isn't a pipe dream and for that price it's gonna be a very solid card, overall I have a 4080 myself and that thing is just great, the 4070ti super isn't too far from it.
I bought my first mechanical keyboard today, a kumara K552. I got it for $15, almost 70% off because i grabbed it from a bargain bin at a computer store. It's brand new, either someone failed to steal it, just stole the sticker and replacement switches, or they returned it after finding out it was the rainbow version instead of the RGB one. It's louder AND heavier than my old G213. Typing on it feels weird, the keys feel like they have no resistance whatsoever, yet they do, i can't explain it. I unironically miss how shitty my membrane keyboard sounded. I don't care about the lack of numpad, i don't think i've EVER used it, but the lack of wrist rest hurts (literally). The cable isn't braided even though it's advertised as a gaming keyboard, it's not detachable either, though i want to try my hand at modding this in (and also on my cheap fightstick). Was it a good purchase? Fuck no, my old keyboard is still functional, but at least now i know not to buy mechanical shit, it's a meme. All i need is a TKL configuration, a specific QWERTY layout, bluetooth and zero fucking LEDs, but sadly the keyboard equivalent of the basilisk X hyperspeed still doesn't exist.
>>928900 Red Dragon arent known for making anything worth owning, anon. It'll make a fine spare keyboard that you never use though. >>926671 This is really the heart of the debate. AMD is unusable garbage on windows with their faggy steam-interface tier driver, but fantastic on linux. And nvidia on linux works (last i checked), but youre basically strong armed out of any of the gay features you should probably never use anyway. >>924302 >>923245 It's insane to me how common features that upscale the resolution are used in benchmarks. i've noticed a trend where not only are the upscaling from 1080p, but some are upscaling from 1440p like the xbox one and ps5 do, which doesnt even maintain integer scaling.
>>921686 Top intake might not be the best idea necessarily. There's a question of dust, but also there's the natrual law that heat rises. Then again, I myself has a pressurized rear exhaust while my top fans are exhaust too.
>>910152 Even then, a proper Ryzen x950 chip can still edge by in that type of work.
>>928900 You don't get to make the assertation that mechanical is a meme based on a keeb with Outemu switches that you can't even identify. Based on your description of them, I'm guessing it has Reds, and in that case I would agree, I see absolutely no reason for linear mech switches. I like the obnoxious experience of clicky switches, personally, but I'd like to try out some nice tactile switches someday too. If your board has the hot swap option, I'd say it's worth it to grab some decent switches and give it another shot with something better than Outemu Reds. t. fellow Redragon owner
Where is the best place to get a copy of Windows 10 LTSC? Is there any specific version that would be best compared to others?
>>928900 >I bought the cheapest crap keyboard with cheap crap linear switches >therefore all mechanical boards are a meme, no matter the build quality and no matter what other switches they use I have six different keyboards with six different kinds of switches, and they all feel different.
>>928973 >>928988 >>929029 Maybe i did judge mechanical keyboards too harshly and i did so basing my opinions on a cheap piece of shit, but i did a bit of research and from what i read the only difference between red, blue and brown switches were the noise (red is about as loud as a membrane keyboard, blue is loud like a typewriter, brown is silent) and feel (red is linear aka it's easy to accidentally double tap a key, blue and brown have switches halfway through so there are no accidental double taps and you definitely feel it when you press a key), and this doesn't change amongst brands (mine has outemu, but there's also cherry, akko, etc), however there are absolutely no benefits to a mechanical keyboard, it's not like going from a 60hz panel to a 144hz one where web scrolling or even just dragging icons on your desktop feels way smoother, a mechanical keyboard is more or less just a louder membrane keyboard. That's not to say i won't buy a better keyboard in the future so i can judge more accurately, i'm interested in the logitech pro X, as it has more or less everything i want in a keyboard (TKL, aluminum frame, brown switches, bluetooth, media buttons, internal memory so i can permanently disable RGB lighting and a fucking volume slider), but for now i'll stick to my trusty G213 with the K552 as a backup, like i said before i'm interested in modding it.
>>929106 Saying the "only" differences are noise and feel is absurdly reductive. That's a lot of room for difference, and it's significant for those things to be different for a user-interface device. Also, there's way more than red, brown, and blue. I like to collect switch samplers, and I currently have 179 different switches. Some of those are very similar to one another but there's also a huge range. Different switches have differences in actuation force, the travel distance, the specific plastic used for the different parts (which affects the sound and subtly the feel), the force profile (i.e. the shape of the bump for tactiles), the general build quality (e.g. smoothness, stem wobble, etc), and so on. Sure, clicky blues are the same flavour of shit across every brand I've tried. But there's a world of difference between an Outemu Brown versus a Wuque Studios Black, even though they're both classed as "tactile". The Outemu Brown, in common with most other Browns from other brands (Kailh, Gateron, Cherry) has a soft, rounded bump, with a fair bit of pre-travel. The Outemu Brown also has quite a bit of unpleasant-feeling stem wobble, as well as (at least in my example) the worst spring ping I've heard in a switch, and overall the thing just feels very sloppy and mushy. The WS Black is like a wall: zero pre-travel, then once it breaks past the bump it's so sharp that it's a challenge not to instantly bottom out, and it feels and sounds wonderful (but I'd never actually use it on a board, since a bump that sharp is only good for typing and not gaming in my opinion. I prefer switches like the Boba U4T or the Gateron Baby Kangaroo, which are saner than the WS Black but still much sharper than typical Browns). Admittedly the switches I praised are all more expensive than the Outemu Browns ($38 for 110 WS Blacks and $46 for the Baby Kangaroos, all the way up to $75 for the U4Ts, versus $15 for the same number of Outemu Browns) but there are also much better options even at a low price point—I recently got a sampler of MMD switches in, and their clone of the Holy Panda is miles better than the Outemu Brown (by first impression it's in the same league as the others I mentioned) despite only being slightly more expensive at $20 for 110. All prices from AliExpress except the WS Black.
>>929106 Red is a linear switch and is the most silent. There is no bump, its smooth from top to bottom. There are other linear switches that have different activation depths and levels of resistance. Brown has a "bump" that you can feel when it reaches the activation point. so you can depress the switch and feel the "bump" when it activates. Blue as an added "click" at the activation point in addition to the bump. There are a billion other types of switches that have different activation depths, different weight of resistence, but all generally are either linear, bump, or bump + click. I used to like brown switches but came to prefer linear switches even though i tend to have more typos with linear. Some people prefer a very high activation point because they want keys to be more responsive. I tend to slam keys all the way down, so thats not an issue for me. It's an upgrade because the last longer and the keycaps are better quality. some people like the sound and feel, but thats subjective, not why it's an upgrade.
>>929137 >>929142 Honestly, it's all wasted words on this little shit. Instead of focusing on the opportunity to be able to mod his new keeb, swap out some switches, and learn how to use it, he's going to huck it into a bin until he can buy DA FANTSY LAWJITEK. Too fucking stupid to RTFM and think he needs dedicated "media keys" when his board has them on a layer already. Effeminate consumerist.
>>929106 >red is linear aka it's easy to accidentally double tap a key >red is about as loud as a membrane keyboard, blue is loud like a typewriter, brown is silent what pajeet tier videos you're looking at? Even linus goes more indepth. If you wanna go for logitech go for better quality brown switches (tactile ones)
>>929142 >>929137 red has a "clack" sound once it hits the bottom plate, I've used o-rings and now its properly silent. I would like some reds with more weight tho, my fingers have adapted to outemu blues and its actuation. Browns feel the worst to me but recently I've seen that cherry browns have the worst feel of "bump" in any browns, can you suggest which one has a better feel? Trying not to bring keyboard autism here
>>929232 >I would like some reds with more weight tho Honestly as someone who had the same issue just learn to not bottom out, heavier switches will just tire your fingers faster long before they make you not bottom out. >I've seen that cherry browns have the worst feel of "bump" in any browns, Nah, cheapo outemu are worse, low profiles ones are probably even worse than that even. >can you suggest which one has a better feel? There's probably one in the kailh / akko lineup that has what you want without being priced too autistic.
>>929235 I have heard about husky having a better feel. I don't know the exactly problem I have with current gateron reds, I thought having o-rings will make me not bottom out. Honestly its not such a big problem that I'd outright change switches. Then there's the big problem of placebo and absurdly priced switches, that makes one scared to even entire the field of mech keyboards, and just go for whatever razer or logitech sells
>>929142 Blue switches are the comfiest shit to type on and no amount of noise can convince me otherwise.
>>929249 Well there's a ton of placebo switches, and there's also a ton of "unmarked" versions of those switches for near cost on chink sites, on aliexpres just search "type + force" switch and you'll get something., if the physical appearance matches (not necessarily the color but casing shape and stem shape) fair chance it's the same OEM / fabricator. Honestly the only thing I really ever found to be useful on the placebo end of thing is box switches, they do wobble less on average. Honestly if you aren't satisfied with common commercial stuff just stick to akko, gateron and kailh, you most likely will find what you want and the most you'll ever pay is like $75 for 120 switches (usually less)
>>929232 >I would like some reds with more weight tho In general (though it varies by company) the basic linears have weights that go black>yellow>red>white. Gateron Pro 3.0 switches are about $25 for 110 on Ali for either yellow or black, and you can also find the Milky Yellow for about the same. All three of those would be solid options without going overboard on price (e.g. the Gateron Oil Kings are another widely-liked linear, but they're more like $75 to outfit a board). Obviously though, all of this requires that you either have a hotswappable board or some skill with a soldering iron. >>929251 Blues feel too rattly. For clickies, Kailh Box Jades are the best I've tried, no competition.
>This autism I love keyboard autism and I'm grateful we have so many here.
How about case autism? Need a small case that can contain an ATX motherboard with enough space for a tall CPU heatsink. Silverstone XB EVO has been sold out for weeks and that was my best bet.
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>>928487 I found a cheap ass 4070ti for you, snatch it up nigger
>>929169 >...think he needs dedicated "media keys"... <hand automatically reaches media keys on shitty chingchong membrane keyboard and adjusts the music I won't tolerate dedicated media key denigration.
>>929251 Fellow blue fan, reporting in. I'm kind of sad to see the amount of autism dumped into tactile switches by companies like Akko, but nobody seems to care about making neato clicky switches. On that note, I'm looking to snag some Akkos, since I have an Outemu hot swap board and Akko CS are said to fit. Any standout recommendations? I don't really feel too inclined to dig through their product line of over 9000 different flavors of tactile switches, I just want one that's decent, slightly heavier than my blue, and clicky or close to it if possible.
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What's the most power efficient PC build you can use? I'm thinking of a 12400f (65w) + 4070 Super (200w) combo. I want a very quiet rig less than 400w, just because my current rig is loud as sin. I'm honestly surprised at how silent computers of today can be.
>>934263 >most efficient PC build you can use Use for what? If you just want something that can turn on, then you can grab a Pi Zero and disable half the board's extra functionality and the whole thing will only be a few watts. What about games? It should have no problem running Doom. Assuming you want to play something released within the last decade, you may be able to get away with onboard graphics. Both Intel and AMD have made major improvements on their latest onboard offerings and you can get away with it for most modern releases as long as you don't expect ultra settings or futureproofing. If the goal is maximum power at the lowest power budget, your best bet is probably a Ryzen CPU and a low-power GPU. There are Ryzen 7's with a 65W TDP (boost may go a little higher) and you can pick up a 1650 Super which has a 75W TDP for a 150 TDP total. If that's not enough power for you, then you could grab a Ryzen 7 or Ryzen 9 with a 120W/160W (base/turbo) TDP and that 4070 and you'd still be under your 400 Watt power budget. Be sure you have a slightly beefier PSU if you're using a newer nVidia card. They are known for power spikes. For silence, the most important thing you can do either water cooling or using Noctua fans on an air cooled build with tons of extra cooling capacity. That means either getting an all-in-one for your CPU and just letting the GPU fan run, making your own custom water cooling loop, or getting the biggest air cooler you can and a case with tons of space for it and strapping as many Noctua fans to it as possible, then tweaking your fan curve so most of them don't turn on unless things really heat up. If your rig is really loud now then maybe you should look into finding the exact cause. It could be dust accumulation. It could be a bad or squeaky fan bearing. It could be the parts you used are really loud because they're cheap. Open your case and listen to various components. Maybe instead of a new rig you just need to swap out a couple fans. Case fans are easy. CPU coolers aren't so bad. GPU fans may require a custom heatsink if you cannot source a quiet alternative. But if you're not using silent fans on your current rig then you might hit the same problem on the new one. Cooling needs to surpass your rig's heat output by enough of a factor that you can cool it without running fans at high speed, and the fans you do have need to be tuned for silence. Energy output is only half the equation and it's not even the easiest half to fix.
>>934263 You want a silent PC, because your current pc is loud and think power efficiency will generate less fan noise. Good this is you can use noctua and high grade coolers to lower temps and noise. You can increase power consumption
>>925965 Could you please provide this list as csv file instead? Also you could put it into github/gitlab/githud/bitbucket/what-have-you. Positives include ability to add("merge") other user's input. f.e.: I played DeusEx(2000) on stinkpad x220 with Intel HD Graphics 3000 on 768p Max settings (without some effects) with practically no hickups at all (unless it's NY), stable 60FPS. >>926012 People are getting tired of Billie and his indian cohort performing anal dactiloscopy on you. With the recent news that microshit will disable CPUs to user's who are searching for too much "non-mainstream media". "AI on the desktop", do you or anyone else in their right mind would ever want that? You either use win7 (the last good OS) and play good games or tweak proton in Linux. >>934263 > I want a quiet rig 400w That's not how it works. If your PSU is efficient enough and airflow is good you will start to hear new sounds, primarily a coil whine/ whistle. This fucking whistle gets on my nerves during the heavy load of GPU and/or CPU. Now that shit is much, much harder to deal with. The most sure way is to order several similar parts (f.e. GPUs) and check which have properly soldered and glued in coils. They "sing" because they mechanically move, but they should not. An another source of sounds could be an HDD read/write ops. Replacing it with SSD helps, but you will hear new SSD power whine sounds instead. My point is: there are other much more annoying sounds than a small fan pumping air. In my case I have used an increased airflow and an increased fan speed to suffocate that fucking coil in some power node. To limit the whine spread over the audio an external USB DAC was used. Intel 8x or 9x CPUs has had this annoying as fuck problem of constantly switching their power modes and PLL frequencies. That resulted in each operation that would change the power mode to freeze for like 2 seconds. Extremely annoying. 10x and 11x don't seem to have that problem. Don't pick "gamer" top of the line CPUs, take low to mid range offers that give better perfomance per watt. Prefer CPU with no internal GPU, switching is more hassle than it is worth. Make sure that the motherboard has enough power on CPU VRMs, these coils are the most annoying. Take 3060 as your GPU, because of that sweet 12GBs of VRAM and offline generated waifus.
>>934263 For CPU efficiency, AMD is vastly outpacing Intel. Ignoring the aspect of the post other anons have already mentioned, an Intel CPU is just not a good idea for an efficiency-focused build.
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>>934263 Power efficiency doesn't necessarily mean less noise. You should check case fans and PSU fans for that, most noise if not most noise comes from that outside of coil whining like >>934304 said. Hope you don't have an HDD either, those things are noisy as fuck too.
>>934304 Sure, I can provide it as .csv, but I don't know too much about github or its competitors, if you want you can provide my lists, I even added an HD 620 version from my laptop, nevermind about the .csv 8v wont let me upload that format
>>934335 >For CPU efficiency, AMD is vastly outpacing Intel Unless you spend a lot of time idle, since that's sub 5W on intel but closer to 20-30W on AMD This bench also implies full all core load, which isn't anywhere near real gaming loads where intel is a lot closer, though the X3D CPUs completely outpace everything else until you start seriously investing time in an undervolt (though you're still usually not beating the X3D but you can get close).
>>934437 >This bench also implies full all core load, which isn't anywhere near real gaming loads No, that is a gaming chart, from F1 2023.
>>934461 So GN finally fixed their shit I guess, never mind the first part then.
Are there any hardware reviews on the Framework 16 that aren't from shills with review models? I'm rather curious. >>934263 >I want a very quiet rig Dunno how power efficient these are but but the Compulab Airtop3 and other such variants seem pretty interesting on account that they're passively cooled via copper heat pipes and space magic I guess. But they're really heckin expensive and don't seem to offer any AMD graphic card options which I'd personally prefer but supposedly their discrete Nvidia cards work just fine with Troonix I suppose on account that they list Linux Mint as an officially supported OS and even sell configurations with Mint pre installed. Technically they aren't gaymer PC's but rather reasonably powerful IT PC's mostly sold to Science fags and or bulk order government contracts from what I understand but they can game with reasonable expectations from what I understand. ...That or you could just get any modern Ryzen CPU with decent integrated graphics like everyone else suggested, just don't expect to be doing anything in 4K without massive frame rate drops but honestly 1080p is just fine in my opinion, sometimes I go even lower because my rig is a potato. Of course non of that matters to me personally since I'm not in the market for a desktop and I always ear headphones anyway so I rarely hear the fan running. A good pair of noise cancelling headphones is a lot cheaper than a full fledged PC upgrade... Granted I don't use a mic so there's that too...
Are portable SSDs good for running games off them if I don't bother upgrading or installing a different internal one?
>>935503 So long as it's running off an adapter with UASP and USB 3.0 at the very least yeah, I run stuff off a Crucial BX500 with a Startech cable thing and it's quite fine, I also have a non UASP one and that doesn't run anywhere near as well (halved perf more or less and sometimes it locks up for a bit).
>>935699 >Someone's selling one of these at a reduced price: Actual portable SSD sometimes aren't good because they're capped to SATA speeds / USB 2.0 but if it's a proper one it's gonna be faster which is not necessarily useful even for games but if it's almost the same price as a SATA 2TB + adapter then why not, the one issue is if the adapter side dies you have a brick, whereas if you use an internal SSD+ adapter it's easy to replace it. >Would I need this if I purchase it for good speed?: I mean that's the one I used and it does give me great speeds, there's probably others, I've even seen people get good results from aliexpress stuff
>>935796 It'll be completely unusable if the adapter dies when using it, you mean even if getting a new one afterwards? I've yet to really open up my new computer since I received it last month. Apparently this is the motherboard and sttorage it came with: https://www.asus.com/motherboards-components/motherboards/prime/prime-b450m-a-ii/techspec/ https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/memory-storage/solid-state-drives/870-qvo-sata-iii-2-5--ssd-1tb-mz-77q1t0b-am/ Doesn't look like there's anything that can be used for an NVME type of SSD inside from a glance.
>>935803 >It'll be completely unusable if the adapter dies when using it, I mean the portable SSD, most are literally a single PCB nowadays and USB controller chips are surprisingly fragile. If you get an SSD and a separate adapter that won't happen. >Doesn't look like there's anything that can be used for an NVME type of SSD inside from a glance. Right above the PCIe 16x slot is where the NVMe slot is on that mobo.
>>935805 Thanks for pointing that out. Last question for now is if it would be hypothetically be simple to upgrade the cpu down the line to something like a 5900X?
>>935806 I mean as simple as upgrading the BIOS then popping the new CPU, but the issue here is that mobo is too shit to withstand the power usage of the upper tier CPUs, I'd be wary of using anything above a 5600X, it'll "work" but throttle like hell under load or worse.
>>935807 Alright then
Word of warning to you Anons, The Kingston SNV2S2000G is shit, it's a time bomb before it starts hitching and fucking up. Vid related explains the same thing that happened to me, but essentially it'll seem like it works fine at first, but the more you fill up the SSD worse it gets, I formatted it once already and that seemed to solve the problem but it was just a temporary solution, and now it happening again. In the video the guy mentions they didn't put a 2 year warranty on these things, so they fucking knew there was something wrong with them. At the very least I actually know what the problem is now, and can replace it. Any SSD recommendations? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=E-1nGLqN9rk
>>946337 >Kingston SSD is shit Literally the one singular always right opinion on the internet about SSDs is that kingston is always shit >Any SSD recommendations? Crucial, some of the lower tier no DRAM ones are mediocre but useable, everything else is not top tier perf but usually great reliability and decent efficiency and perf.
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>>946337 >check my m.2 SSD that my OS is installed on just to be sure >Samsung Thank fuck I hope.
>>946489 Depends on where you are. Samsung SSDs are supposed to be good overall but their warranty support ranges from "shit" to "literal fraud". For example, Samsung Canada will refuse to honour the warranty on any SSD that was not sold by an "authorized reseller". There are no authorized resellers, and there is no authorization program at all. Samsung places no restrictions on who can sell their SSDs. Every major electronics retailer in Canada sells them: Amazon, NewEgg, Best Buy, Memory Express, Canada Computers, etc. But Samsung will refuse to honour the warranty on ANY of them. Note that this refusal includes cases where the product would fall under minimum warranties of consumer protection law, separate from Samsung's X-year warranties, and they're legally required to honour it regardless of seller. In at least a few cases, after being told this Samsung Canada replied that Samsung doesn't actually make SSDs at all so the defective product must be counterfeit and thus not Samsung's responsibility.
>>946492 You got a link for that story?
>>946543 Not a specific link, but the discussion comes up a lot in deal-spotting forums for the Canadian market, like RedFlagDeals or the bapcSalesCanada subreddit A sale's a sale no matter where you learn about it, and all else aside, that place does have post volume.
>>946353 I'm considering this one then, I had two 2TB SSD's but that fills up fast with how bloated games are getting nowadays.
>>946575 >paying $400 for storage wew
>>946584 >4 terabytes at 5 gigabytes per second Seems a pretty reasonable price, particularly since storage sizes aren't increasing anymore.
>>946575 I'll grab a 4TB this summer.
>>946584 Oh, I'm a Leaf. So take off 100$ and you'll have the USD.
>>946599 >particularly since storage sizes aren't increasing anymore. They are, just not for consumer SSDs 30TB HDD are soon to be a thing in the consumer market (already are if you're willing to run enterprise first gen Seagate HAMR based dries, which I wouldn't recommend) >>946575 Not sure why you'd need a 4TB NVMe, but sure, just remember they're more prone to heat (though less of a concern for Crucial since they're not geared towards perf at any cost so you don't have to worry about it using 5W+ and shooting up to 90°C+ on sustained operations if you don't have active cooling.)
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>>946752 >30TB HDD are soon to be a thing in the consumer market For me a NAS set up would be mandatory at that size since I would would nervous as fuck about reliability. While they have considerably less capcity than HDDs at least SSDs have a longer lifespan than HDDs.
>>946993 >SSDs have a longer lifespan than HDDs. That's old tech boomer rumors, its not a thing in actuality. Any form of rewritable flash storage has severe reliability issues over time
>>946993 Yes the thing that's not been around for more than 13 years definitely has proven that it's more reliable than HDDs for which you can buy 20y/o ones and still have them working
>>947031 And do you have anything of substance to backup that claim? >>947105 The overwhelming majority of HDD's are known to fail at around 10 years. Why are you obfuscating known failure rates by pointing to exceptional cases? What do you stand to gain by misleading people by saying retarded shit like this?
>>948601 >What do you stand to gain by misleading people by saying retarded shit like this? What do you gain by claiming SSDs outlast HDDs in general when usable SSDs haven't even really been around long enough to really compare to what you claim is the general age HDDs fails unless you really wanna claim the 1st gen SSDs with 10-25% failure rates are reliable or comparable to current SSDs?
>>948611 I'm not making that claim. Asserting that modern SSD failure rates are still relatively unknown is fine. Claiming that they are knowable and that the known HDD failure rate is 20 years is retarded. Why can't you just communicate like someone who doesn't have a vagina?
>>948613 >I'm not making that claim >SSDs have a longer lifespan than HDDs. >I'm not making the claim that SSDs outlast HDDs I'm just making the claim they have a longer lifespan, which means they last longer than HDDs, which means they outlast them > Claiming that they are knowable and that the known HDD failure rate is 20 years is retarded. Claim which was only made in your mind. Saying you can find 20 y/o HDDs with no issue doesn't equate to saying they all can last that.
>>947031 SSDs have error correction for the nanites used in storage, as long as you power on your pc every few months it can prevent data corruption. The most common way SSDs fail is probably just going read-only, which beats the whole HDD dying. That said, you can usually see it coming if SMART tests and other diagnostics start acting up, and anyone caring about storing data likely has redundant drives regardless of the medium.
>>948690 > That said, you can usually see it coming if SMART Of all the HDDs I've seen die none had any SMART issues, on the other hand I've had HDDs with clear SMART issues be fine for years, but yeah good practice is as soon as you see pending sectors empty that drive and long format it, then refill it if no pending sectors or uncorrectable pop up you're good to go.
>>948615 "with no issue" is not quantifiable. Do something better with your life than filling this thread with nonsensical drivel.
>>948722 >"with no issue" is not quantifiable No SMART warning, performance not significantly degraded and no major data corruption. Also has mentioned by >>948690 i forgot about he whole SSD being unplugged leading to data self destructing after a year or so >Do something better with your life than filling this thread with nonsensical drivel. Says the retard trying too hard to make it seem like SSDs have no faults.
>>948726 >Also has mentioned by >>948690 i forgot about he whole SSD being unplugged leading to data self destructing after a year or so Not really a reliability issue, just how flash memory works. >Says the retard trying too hard to make it seem like SSDs have no faults. Nope. You're the one making it seem like consumer HDD's can reliably last twice the typical lifespan they usually do. You can lay out the facts and use cases for both SSD's and HDD's without doing this weird contrarian propaganda. No one should use SSD's for cold storage. No one should be using an HDD as their system drive. Reliability is relative to the application.
>>948742 >Not really a reliability issue, just how flash memory works. I mean yes but data retention for a storage medium tends to be something you account for when gauging reliability. >Nope. You're the one making it seem like consumer HDD's can reliably last twice the typical lifespan they usually do. I mean I know it's anecdotal evidence but I've seen more HDDs be DOA and last well into 15-20 years than I've seen die after 10ish years, hell just the fact that currently if you buy an OG XBOX which has never been modified the HDD will very likely still work (and those crappy 8GB Seagate with the rubber thingy weren't exactly good at the time either) I personally have a feeling that this 10 year lifespan idea got a massive inflation from flood era HDDs and 20110-2012 era stuff being filled with utter trash tier "green" HDD which are definitely less reliable in general. >Nope. You're the one making it seem like consumer HDD's can reliably last twice the typical lifespan they usually do. And you're the one making the claim SSD can last longer than HDDs when it's not possible to actually verify that claim in any way currently. seeing as consumer SSDs are just barely getting over 10 years themselves.
>>948750 SSD's should theoretically last longer than HDD's, that is the claim being made by me. You're free to post reasons why you think flash memory is theoretically more prone to failure than consumer HDD's.
>>948753 Depends on how subdivided the nanites are, the earlier ones had less data per cell than the recent QLC and PLC versions, and were more stable.
>>948753 >SSD's should theoretically last longer I think SSDs have a lot more variance in terms of quality, a cheap SSD is significantly worse than any HDD, a good SSD probably could last 20-30 years provided you go easy on the writes Problem lies in, which parts are the good ones and which part are the bad ones., and judging from the state of the market there's more bad ones than good ones, and the good ones aren't always great either (see Samsung) >>948758 Yeah hopefully QLC doesn't turn out to be a complete crapshoot like some people claim it will, shit's gonna get bad if they turn out to die in 5 year or so.
>>948762 I've had one for about 5 years and it seems fine, but it's a model intended for write endurance. Got a PLC this black friday and it'll probably hold up the same.
What should I use for benchmarking a whole PC nowadays?
>>948778 SOTTR is about as good as purpose made benchmark get for general gaming usage.
>>948792 So Shadow of the Tomb Raider Demo, Bannerlord and (since I have it for some reason) Doom Eternal. What else to do?
>>948778 Teardown. It's a very heavy game.
>>948865 Games like this remind me how sad it is that more modern games don't have full environment destruction like Red Faction Guerilla
>>948900 I remember being able to drop nukes onto an entire city block in Mercenaries 2.
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>>948900 Or that no modern game has yet to beat a thirteen year old game when it comes to hair physics.
>>929974 Fuck that was such a good deal. If you could get it at that price and find someone to install 4gb vram extra to make it 16gb, then you'll have THE best GPU for the price. >>946337 FYI. The cheapest enterprise U.3/U.4 NVME drives objectively beat out any retail storage drives. Save this site, not many anons know of it. https://serverpartdeals.com/collections/all?_=pf&pf_t_type=type%3ASolid%20State%20Drives&pf_t_interface_type=interface%3APCIe%20Gen%203.1%20x4&pf_st_stock_status=true Gen 4 is also available, but I assume you want it cheap. I'm using a Micron 9200 on my ryzens main OS, it's rock fucking solid.
>>948966 It's actually barely tweaked PhysX sample objects, it's just that the visual style and content of the game works insanely well with near default PhysX stuff, the black goop is just right for the PhysX "water" goop effect, popcorn armor works beautifully with the game and the long strands of hair fit nicely with the default fabric / hair thing, the smoke you can displace by moving is quite nice as well but insanely heavy. >>948970 > I'm using a Micron 9200 on my ryzens main OS, it's rock fucking solid. Thing is you're sacrificing PCIe lanes to use that no?unless htere's some U3 to NVMe adapter somewhere (not gonna lie the drive itself look real appealing).
Any good mice recommendations?
>>948986 Wired Delux M800, the PMW3389 variant., it's cheap, it's light and it has all the meme shit without a cancerous bloated spyware of a control panel probably still spyware though, but very light and simple
>>948990 >130 CAD Yes Canuck. Whatever. Also this ain't cheap at all.
>>949000 That's likely the Ultra, which is overpriced as fuck. Try aliexpress.com/item/1005001999636994.html
>>948973 If good looking long hair was that easy to do in 2011 you'd think it'd be standard today instead of defaulting all hair to ponytails, barely animated long hair or short cuts. I want long flowing hair that moves naturally in strong winds even if it means cutting down on a few other particle effects or other nonsense.
>>949012 that's because there's this idea that on non stylized character you need many more strands for it to look good (look closely at Alice there's maybe a couple dozen strands at most that's not a lot, and if you do physics like that on more strands shit gets insanely expensive computation wise. Not sure it's actually true, you can very likely get away with less strands, some per object motion blur and somewhat simple haircuts There's also the potential that Nvidia is blocking the old simple way of using PhysX to do hair (which is basically just reusing the fabric physics on something with a lot of transparency) to force devs into using heir gay as fuck hairworks shit. > all hair to ponytails Hey now don't shit on ponytails you can do some already neat hair physics with that, which is funny because there's still games that can't even do ponytail physics as good as Classic Tomb Raider, from 25 years ago on the fucking PS1.
>>949023 Hair drill physics fucking WHEN?
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>>949001 >Shipping from China to Canada I've never bought anything off Aliexpress either. Supposedly this is on sale?
>>949187 >I've never bought anything off Aliexpress either. I've generally had good results. Keyboard switches and keycaps, electronics and microcontrollers, miscellaneous hardware bits like screws, bootleg Touhou goods, and so on. So far I haven't been scammed, and I've only had one part arrive broken (which I successfully got refunded, despite it possible being fixable). Also, never been hit with import duties into Canada. Not sure if they're supposed to have any (I think they are) but I've never had them, and sellers also tend to lowball the price on the import forms. >Supposedly this is on sale? Ali has a sale going on at the moment, yes. The original prices they claim are generally a crock of shit and it's nowhere near that price normally, but there is a real sale. For anything that's not too critical (in value or time), it's worth checking Ali. These days Amazon has gone downhill so much that most of the products you can find there are just drop-shippers selling the exact same things you can buy on Ali, for a massive markup due to fast delivery and Amazon's reputation. Basically any time you see a seller on Amazon with randomly-generated gibberish as a brand name, you can buy what they're selling on Ali for cheaper, if you're patient enough for two weeks' delivery time.
>>949208 Any time I've tried to buy this mouse it tells me the order doesn't go through. Their system cancels it on me. Might just be because shipping fees not applying properly/security check with my bank (Using debit) That said Paypal closed my account years ago and fuck them honestly Seriously wanting photo ID, my birth certificate & what not. Plus just screw them in the first place
>>951157 >>949208 Looking at what it tells me that's exactly what's occurring. Any other recommendations for a mouse since I seemingly can't get this one?
>>951157 What's your taste?
>>951161 As long as it does the job, is relatively durable (last's at least two & a half years). I like ambidextrous mice too. It's awkward to use it in game but I browse the web etc with both hands. I ain't loyal to any brand either. A good price would be great too.
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>>948973 >unless htere's some U3 to NVMe adapter somewhere Correct, look for an adapter cable.
>>951206 adapt ur mum
>>951206 I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I an only seem to find adapter for M2 SSDs on U3 port not the opposite, U2 to M2 are much easier to find as well.
>>951794 if you plug the drive into your dick i heard you can upload your cummies to the mainframe like tron
>>951794 Don't worry about U3 if you're not gonna use PCIe 4.0
>>952196 I mean I do have PCIe 4.0 so might as well. After looking more into I guess my best bet is, U.3 to Oculink + Oculink to M.2, it's not even that expensive. so long as I don't get stupid long cables.
Once I build a new PC, would it be best for an OS newbie to set it up with Windows 10, then install Linux afterward? Is it possible to do that? How would you go about setting up dual booting on a brand new PC?
>>953332 Do you mean versus doing Linux first then Windows, or are you debating whether to dual-boot at all? Personally I almost never boot into Windows; my install has actually been broken for nearly a year but I use it so infrequently that I just never bothered fixing it. But your mileage may vary, and it's probably good to have the option if you've never used Linux before. If you are planning on having both OSes, install Windows first. Windows wants you to only use Windows and will wreck the Linux boot partition. It's fixable but annoying. Linux is more willing to coexist so it's better to install it second. The installers should walk you through most things if they exist (depends what Linux distro you use, of course; I use Debian and its GUI installer makes it easy, but some distros would be installed through command line while referencing an external guide). The main thing to be wary of is making sure you install to the correct partitions and don't end up blowing away the wrong one.
>>953364 I'm debating whether to dual boot but I'd rather have the freedom afforded by Linux and avoid the horrendous design of modern Wangblows, only with it also installed for anything that might not work properly. >what Linux distro you use It would be my first time using it so likely Mint which I've heard is good for beginners or something very similar to Windows.
>>953366 I dunno if that trick still works but I would never dual boot the normal way, windows is completely autistic about it's bootloader so it's best to install it on a drive, unplug that drive, plug another drive install the other OS you want (even if it's another windows install, the bootloader is just that bad), then plug both and use the boot device selection key as your boot menu.
>>953332 If you want to dual boot, it's better to install Windows first, then whatever Linux distro you want. After that the computer will boot by default to Linux, so you will need to add a bootloader(GRUB, systemd or whatever the distro wants) so you can boot to both Linux and Windows. It's very easy, you just google how to, and copy and paste a few lines of code, plus it's much easier to do that from Linux than Windows, this is why I recommend installing Windows then Linux. You should also know, that by default you can access the Windows partitions from the Linux distro, but not vice versa(you need to install a separate program for that). >>953366 >Mint which I've heard is good for beginners or something very similar to Windows. Mint is very good and beginner friendly(my mom who barely knows english and is not tech savy can use it fine for basic stuff). Ubuntu is another good choice for beginners. Both of them also have a "marketplace" type of application, so if you don't want to install stuff from the command line, you open that application, type in the program you want and it will install it for you. Recently I installed Pop OS as I heard it was more "geared towards gaming", and while it does come bundled with the Nvidia drivers, it doesn't do anything special that you can't do on Mint or Ubuntu, by installing certain packages. With that said, it's good, and beginner friendly enough, though I had to ditch Gnome for KDE, because I really, want to have Desktop shortcuts, and I don't care what the Gnome team thinks about the Desktop. The only thing I wish Linux had, is an equivalent to the Fences application for Windows as it allows me to better manage shortcuts and even hide them with a double click if I want a "clean" Desktop. I am even tempted to write my own once KDS 6.0 is available on Pop Os.
I asked earlier any mice recommendations or a chart with info?
Speaking of Linux, it's worth mentioning the major security issue that recently got uncovered. The xz package, which is used for SSH, had a backdoor inserted by a contributor into the tarballs. Most distributions hadn't integrated them before it got discovered, but faster ones like Arch did. Look into rolling back if you're on a fast-updating system.
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This thread is coming to a close, so I would like to say the OP looks like a robot from the catalog and I'm fond of robots wearing clothes. That is all.
>>954470 Holy shit, it's not, is it? It's just some guy wearing a headset, that took me until now to realize.
>>954470 I never opened the image before, all this time I thought it was a 3D render. Discovering it's a photo of a guy wearing VR a bit of a mindfuck
>>953696 Too subjective/personal to make any sort of chart out of it. You would need to specify what you're looking for in a mouse, kinds of games you're playing, etc.
Anyone have experience with Intel Confidential (ES) CPU's from ebay? They're usually significantly cheaper, sometimes 50+%. But I've never seen many people recommend or advise using them before. I researched it a bit but there isn't a lot of information about their downsides, and the potential downsides are usually just things that might happen. So far the risks are that it may not run on your MB's bios, and it may not receive microcode updates. But they seem to imply at least the bios issue is unlikely since apparently most ES chips are just qualification samples that are basically retail chips in all but name.
>>961847 Well, its probably a minor problem, but the ES cpus often run a little hotter, use a bit more power, and get slightly worse clock speeds than the final product. I heard some can be overclocked, but most can't
>>961847 I really wouldn't for anything recent, 12th / 13th gen have disabled / downgraded AVX and some heavy restrictions on GPU PCIe lanes, anything older than that is a dubious buy at best Now the laptop CPUs to regular mobos that isn't too bad of an ide in some cases.
>>870915 Pretty sure I need a new network adapter. Current one is a ASUS PCE-AC68 802.11ac. Have this one since I got my custom PC 7-8 years ago at this point. If anyone knows a compatible upgrade I'd appreciate it.
If I'm not going to spend big bucks on speakers, should I just grab a cheap soundbar?
>>966779 I'm not very knowledgeable about audio but as I understand it soundbars are generally just an aesthetic choice. A pair of active bookshelf speakers I believe at basically all price points are more performant. Just depends on your setup. But as I said I'm very retarded when it comes to audio equipment and that's just information I've absorbed in the little research I've done on the matter.
>>966781 Those would work too, though mounting them might be a bigger pair (studs will naturally line up with studs the display is mounted on so I can mount a bar over the display. Can't go under due to monitor's power button access). Anyone have recommendations for speakers and mounting hardware?
>>966788 Soundbar over top a display sounds rather odd. I'd lean towards bookshelf speakers instead if an under TV bar is not possible. The speakers I was considering were stuff from edifier with a line out for a sub that you can add in the future. But obviously do your own research etc etc. amazon.com/Edifier-R1280DBs-Bluetooth-Bookshelf-Speakers/dp/B08869TSQ4/ >mounting hardware? Any generic shit I'd imagine is for for some speakers as long as they aren't too big and heavy. You could potentially even get away with dry wall anchors I'd guess, if the speaker is light enough and you use a copious amount of anchors to distribute the weight.
>>966779 >If I'm not going to spend big bucks on speakers how's fiddy bucks sound? <Microlab B77 Breddy gud budget speakers

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