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(170.59 KB 600x360 End of E3gelion.png)

Squilliam compilation thread – The End of E3gelion Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 03:39:45 Id: ed8325 No. 978559
> -1085 days until E3 Since it's summertime and E3 is officially dead and buried, I'm making one final Squilliam compilation video. Any Squilliam ideas you've been sitting on, this is your chance to get them in. Let's take a moment to remember the time every studio used to gather in one place to present their latest and greatest, before everyone started holding their own little conference no one cares about. If you have any memorable moments of past E3s, good or bad, post them in this thread. For old time's sake and so I can put some of it into the video. >I'm a newfag and what is this? It's been an 8chan tradition to make OC from a template based on Squilliam from Spongebob getting a heart attack. Download a template, open it in your favorite drawing/editing software and go nuts. When you're done, post it here (in a reply to the right anchor post to help me keep track of it). >How long do I have? I'm aiming for Sunday the 23rd of June as submission deadline, the video will be released sometime after that. >Can [board] on the webring participate? Of course! Whether it's a video game board, or just a hangout board interested in making OC. All I ask is that you help me find it by cross-posting your stuff here and linking it to the proper anchors. Feel free to share in your post what board you're representing. >What song are you going to use? Walk Away by Dokken >Is there gonna be a mosaic? Yes, see the later post. Try to make your squares E3-related if you can, this is about the death of E3, after all. >Are we never gonna see another compilation again? You probably will, I hope to make another one with a new template next year. I'm not making any promises, however.
(6.12 KB 640x640 squilliam_base.png)

(6.16 KB 640x640 squilliam_base_girl.png)

(13.24 KB 640x640 squilliam flat 1.png)

Squilliam anchor Reply to this when you're posting a new Squilliam.
(34.87 KB 643x643 MosaicGuide.png)

Mosaic anchor Claim your tile before you work on it so no one else accidentally picks the same one. Remember to mention the name of your tile in both claim and delivery, so people can Ctrl+f to find it. Try to keep it E3 related.
(715.00 B 160x160 A1.png)

(669.00 B 160x160 A2.png)

(1.07 KB 160x160 A3.png)

(1.04 KB 160x160 A4.png)

(1.56 KB 160x160 B1.png)

(955.00 B 160x160 B2.png)

(1.76 KB 160x160 B3.png)

(1.30 KB 160x160 B4.png)

(669.00 B 160x160 C1.png)

(889.00 B 160x160 C2.png)

(1.86 KB 160x160 C3.png)

(786.00 B 160x160 C4.png)

(1010.00 B 160x160 D1.png)

(1.08 KB 160x160 D2.png)

(1.02 KB 160x160 D3.png)

(1.06 KB 160x160 D4.png)

(588.88 KB 640x640 here lies e3.png)

E3 moments anchor This is the grave of E3, do something funny with it.
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(12.42 KB 640x640 SexTemplate2.png)

(3.39 KB 640x640 stage.png)

And lastly, some more templates
>>978568 The front page looks pretty funny right now.
Madman I'll contribute for sure
(2.66 KB 640x640 glasses template.png)

(3.63 KB 263x263 tiny squilliam female.png)

(3.62 KB 263x263 tiny squilliam male.png)

>>978569 Oh I've got some more too.
(43.16 KB 640x640 sam.png)

>>978560 Deliveran
(2.96 MB 640x360 1587526160666.gif)

>>978559 >I'm not making any promises, however. you WILL make the promise and you WILL be happy
>>978559 How many images do you need?
>>978732 Ideally somewhere between 150 and 200, not counting the mosaic tiles. Note that this is still a rough estimate subject to change. The second verse and chorus are cut, to keep the song at a more manageable length. The duration of the soundtrack clocks in at 3:52 right now. I can also slow down the pacing in some parts, and I will throw in some E3 clips in place of some pictures, so I can still work if the number turns out a bit lower. >>978699 Start up the OC factory, then we'll talk.
>>978964 Honest, I don't really see it happening come the 23rd considering how the site never really gained traction. Although you're more than welcome to give it a go.
(442.94 KB 640x640 AI moonlight squilliam 1.png)

(390.44 KB 640x640 AI moonlight squilliam 2.png)

I did a couple of these quick ones back in 2022 when AI was still special. Either are there if you need filler. >>979036 I usually do multiple ones anyway. So if anons do at least a couple then we should make it.
I'm pretty sure I have 2 or 3 more that I made up since the last compilation and I may have some saved that other anons did afterwards too.
>>979081 Was a Columbine Squilliam made yet?
>>979097 Someone should make a Mr. Domino Squilliam.
>>978569 Another template.
>>978559 I'll do a couple this weekend when I have the time. I need to think up some decent ones.
>>978559 Hard to believe the ride is coming to its finish. End of an era, huh? Kinda hurts that I've wanted to attend the E3 since I was a kid but couldn't due to financial reasons, and now I never will.
(15.65 MB 480x360 E3 2004.webm)

>>979297 You weren't missing much post 2012
>>979300 Now you've got me thinking about anon happy about finally joining E3, only to end up stuck in an overly long and awkward Just Dance ad show.
(383.13 KB 640x640 nos.png)

(93.02 KB 640x640 ara anon squilliam.png)

(379.64 KB 640x640 MUST KILL CHAOS.png)

(491.54 KB 640x640 ColeSquillam_GG.png)

I'm not sure these were ever used or not. I think they were made after the last compilation by various anons.
>>979505 CHAOS
>>979969 I hurt myself today
>>979991 to see if I still feel
>>980226 Turns out I still do. Ow.
I'm going to try to do some this weekend. I've not had ANY time all week.
>>980236 I also have a couple ideas ready to go.
>>980316 Me three, I can't make any promises on delivery though if I get distracted by the womenfolk.
>>980236 >>980316 >>980398 Looking forward to it. If you're strapped for time, you can also pick a mosaic square to do some edits on.
I hate EEE dying, I don't so much look forward to the announcements, but I hate missing seeing people call them niggers live.
(103.06 KB 640x640 THE ENDO (of E3).jpg)

There was an attempt. Made me break out an old animation software for this joke.
I'll get this started. >>978566 Claiming C1.
(27.72 KB 160x160 C1 WIP.png)

>>980878 Consider this to be a WIP until more squares are delivered.
(429.46 KB 213x201 angry dome.gif)

>>980900 >500.99 instead of 599
>>980905 FUCK. I'll fix it in the next update.
(39.43 KB 160x160 C1 complete.png)

(9.42 KB 225x225 Benissimo.jpg)

(44.80 KB 160x160 C1 complete.png)

>>980921 I actually meant to post this version.
>>980922 Groovy, I love the aesthetic.
(417.59 KB 640x640 Sensei Squiliam.png)

>>978560 Mosaic coming up as well
>>978564 A3 delivery
>>981131 Nice anon. I'll do another mosaic piece or so once there's a few more deliveries.
(108.15 KB 640x640 hor.jpg)

>>978560 am i doing this right?
>>981673 Milk please, yes
>>981673 You done good anon.
>>981673 bueno
>>981673 Absolutely right
(499.20 KB 640x640 Renamon Squilliam b.png)

>>982228 Glad to see you got it done anon.
(33.03 KB 643x643 MosaicStatus.png)

Some great contributions in here. I believe there'll be even more OC over the weekend, but I think it's safe to say the project could benefit from having a bit more production time. This lets you make more Squilliams and gives you time to finish the mosaic without having to rush. As I mentioned earlier, I'll be busy for the next 5-7 weeks, and I won't be able to tend to the project for that period. I'll try to check in, and keep track of mosaic tiles when I can. In other words the deadline will be extended to the end of July or the beginning of August. I'll announce when I'm back for good, and you'll have at least a week after that to finish your work.
(253.49 KB 640x640 Rhyme squilliam.png)

>>978560 This has early game spoilers for TWEWY, so I'm using the spoiler function. Made my first one in GIMP, installed it just for this. This is the first time I participated in something like this. It was fun, it helped open up a potential interest in drawing for me, and I hope to redraw this in the future with improved skills. Sorry if I'm not quite up to par in terms of artistic talent.
(317.08 KB 640x640 squilliam_tonk.png)

I will make another tonk squilliam. t. tonk anon
(74.20 KB 331x301 lazy lazy.png)

>>982491 >deadline will be extended these words, in any context, are like crack cocaine for my soul
>>982491 Despite having more users now than a few years ago, we seem to have less oc. Very strange.
>>982577 Draw a kawaii bradley.
>>982491 Glad to hear. I'm sure we'll complete it by then. I even have a partially finished Squilliam from a few years ago that I'm going to try and complete in the next few days.
(103.98 KB 454x453 1423673527179-0.jpg)

>>982605 >Kawaii bradley >Kawaii Nigga you for real?
>>982614 it is certainly more specific than "Cute bradley"
>>982710 Kawaii is literally the japanese word for cute though.
>>982726 That's why it means the japanese version of cute.
>>982805 Interesting. So you're telling me that kawaii means cute? That cute = kawaii, but in Japanese. That the Japanese word kawaii is what an English speaker would use in place of cute to describe something, in that it's kawaii (cute)? Is that what kawaii means?
>>982930 Interesting bait but a bit too obvious
>>982946 Bait? He's obviously making fun of him.
Come on gays, let's go
(506.83 KB 640x640 Renamon Squilliam fix.png)

>>982228 >>978560 Minor update
>>983242 Gays don't go, they come
(177.49 KB 682x576 Maria WIP.jpg)

>>983242 I've been working on one but it's a slow go because it's a million degrees and I'm fighting sinus bullshit. I'm in no position to try and draw her hair tonight.
Glad to see this underway. I got nothing to share other than a possible song to use for next time. >Why the song choice? Because it's about a dude wanting to see the show on his computer but shit is always going wrong.
>>984780 Anons are too lazy to edit a 640x640 png template.
>>984780 >WHERE ARE THE SQUILLIAMS???? Have a Nep.
>>984780 I've got some planned but I've not had time yet. Also I was waiting for other anons because I didn't want all mine to be clustered together in a dump.
>>984848 Thank yee
>>984780 I have been both too busy and depressed.
My personal difficulty in making Squilliams is figuring out what exactly to draw. Perhaps it'd help the few anons who still intend to draw if some ideas got tossed around? I can hardly remember what games were released in the past year, let alone what happened.
>>985224 I just pick female video game characters with huge breasts. And if they don't have huge breasts I add them.
>>985230 Nice, great idea. Maybe I'll do a Vibri one tonight.
>>984848 I think I could make this Nep better and that's what I did. >>985224 I suggest Yae (third pic) from the Goemon series. She deserves more love.
>>985243 >vibreasts I highly encourage you to do so. Heck, even without breasts.
>>985243 Going to try and get this done tonight, and additionally I'm claiming D3. I've got a couple ideas that should work well. >>978567
(176.08 KB 708x653 virbri google search.png)

I also found some, uh, interesting results when looking for reference.
(21.01 KB 640x640 vibri squilliam complete.png)

(22.12 KB 640x640 vibri squilliam lewd.png)

Vibri complete. I would have been done sooner but I kept trying to make her ass bigger and bigger and I forgot to clean something up on the original image.
(1.22 MB 320x320 qE90EA.gif)

>>985422 10/10

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