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QTDDTOT Anonymous 02/04/2021 (Thu) 22:52:46 Id: 700bb9 No. 228459
you know the script, niggers for any 8/16bit and certain ps1 games, i've been using the 6 btn megadrive/genesis controller, love the d-pad and clicky buttons, so my question is, should i re-order another 6btn megadrive, or is there a better alternative?
>>928991 I don't like real life mechanic of job, eggman. There is stress, exhaustion, tiredness involving to it and getting the job in the first place as well having to change your whole routine for this just for the job. >>928994 Hmmm I didn't see that
>>925535 >>925540 Bought enhanced first, you get everything but the cosmetics and hellraid (which came out like 6 years after release), as the season pass does contain quite a few things, however the definitive edition goes on sale just as often and costs less ($6), so i refunded enhanced and bought definitive today, this one does contain absolutely everything. Very fun game by the way, i recommend i.
>>929020 Get a hobby then. Carpentry, gardening, welding, carving, sculpting. Isn't complicated like a job and the rewards are real.
>>929222 I bet blue collar boys are laughing at all these leftists on suicide watch in the wake of generative AI.
>>929222 I have a hobby of doing programming and 3d modelling already and I am in the process to learn drawing with paper and pencil so that in the future I can hopefully do so some nice looking art. Though i am doing it at a slow rate because of my depression
>>929392 I want to learn 3D modelling myself so that I can 3D print some cosplay material. Where/how did you learn to do it?
>>929419 Well I started of making a lot of shitty models with Wings3D when I was younger. You are better off learning some Blender tutorials and try to practice a lot of 3D modelling from there. Latest Blender version is much easier to use than it was in the past several years ago.
Does anyone actually use anything except WASD? I'm convinced anything else is just a meme.
>>929693 Some "high-level" players use ESDF because it gives them better access to certain keys, but almost everybody uses WASD. Some people technically use different setups but that's only because not all keyboard layouts are the same. French speakers use ZQSD for example, but placement wise it's identical to WASD.
>>929693 It basically is, like the anon before me said. Some higher level gamers play with ESDF, but it's mostly a gaff since games by default use WASD and remaping each and every key can be a minor annoyance when you could literally just reach for the other keys. Although I understand said higher level gamers use it for higher level play.
>>929693 I use ESDF wherever I can, and I'm not even close to being a top gamer or anything like that. It's just that I have gotten so used to having my index finger on the little nub of the F key that WASD just feels weird. And it is an objectively better scheme because you have more keys around your directional keys. I cannot think of any reason not to use EDSF over WASD.
>>929693 I use arrow keys, fuck all your letter bullshit.
I was thinking about Tank Controls in a Resident Evil like, and I was wondering if anyone's made one where you can strafe using the triggers, or at least dodge-strafe (think Quick Step in Sonic Unleashed). Wondering how well such Tank Controls would work in a "Flashy Anime Resident Evil"
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>>930338 You mean something like the quick action dodge in RE3?
>>930339 The action dodge is a bit too "strict" for what I'm thinking (be in firing stance, press dodge to trigger animation) Strictly seeking a "Strafe Horizontally relative to the Player Angle" Button I guess
>>930345 So like classic Silent Hill? Strafe/sidestep with L1 and R1 respectively
>>930338 >I was wondering if anyone's made one where you can strafe using the triggers The first Silent Hill does that.
>>930593 >>930358 Thanks, lads.
What is it about FONV that endlessly attracts trannies and the mentally ill?
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>>931064 We told you in the thread you made about it, its a role playing game, they can insert their OC's in it (even though the courier is canonically male).
>>931065 >We told you in the thread you made about it I didn't make a thread about it, I literally just had the thought a few minutes ago and decided to ask the question here because I thought someone might be able to help me figure out why it is. >they can insert their OC's You can do that in almost any RPG. Why does NV attract so many of those types of people compared to other RPG games?
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>>931068 >NV attract so many of those types It's a meme. Even worse, it's a tranny meme! They brag about how they take away this or that from healthy people, but the truth is that they are still a minority. A decaying and tiny minority. They can't take away shit! They failed to do this with the HP franchise, Metroid, and WoW. Also they trying the same shit with other culture/music/sport/fetish genres too. Why New Vegas? Because modding is super easy! They can overhaul the whole game into a trans feverdream. And since Obsidian is fucking dead no one will stop them. And not like anyone give a flying fuck about this, because only (you) little closet faggot meme about it. Why other "mentally ill"? It's shit posting you newborn edgelord. If you want to see real mental illnes go and visit the Sonic fandom.
Crucify Benny Sell Arcade Gannon to slavery Why can’t we do something to Ulysses besides killing him?
>>931074 Hey now. Sonicfags got (rightfully) bullied so hard that they learned their lesson and weaponized their autism to take over the franchise and make it better. They aren't the craziest anymore. They're good autists now. The worst of them moved on to ponies or whatever, and the ones that stayed made Sonic Mania.
Does anyone have the videos and the "Never pay 20 bucks for a computer game" images from the Buyfag Dilemma thread that died earlier today? I would've gotten them myself if it weren't for that spam attack but I'm sure that they were only posted in that thread and nowhere else on the site. https://archive.is/8vzRU
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i want some obscure rpg maker games like fear & hunger. edgy and cruel.
I got DOA5 fairly recently and aside from a couple of quirks it's been entertaining, there's some stages and details I wish were ported from DOA3 like dynamic music in survival mode and story cutscenes in arcade mode, but at least it looks gorgeous and includes soundtracks from DOA2 and 3. Now, I'm interested in DOA6 but right of the bat I'm not feeling the visuals and the lack of tag battle mode throws me off, is it worth the download?
>>932417 Even nips abandoned DOA6. I wouldn't bother.
I'll post this here since the draw thread is autosaging. Outside of writing my own program or making my own blog/website, is there any program that works well as a digital inspiration board? I'm considering buying cork board to just make some irl but then I'd need to go through the trouble of printing stuff too.
>>933197 If you just want to doodle, I recommend a Budha board. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=fYNsCL-hyic
>>933197 You could just make a new Draw thread
>>932387 Lisa The Painful/Joyful is an obvious one. This one seems pretty cool as well but I'm never gonna play it though. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=Pg9Ve3ONNjM
>>932387 I highly recommend Your Turn To Die, a game inspired by 999 and Danganronpa, but much, much better written. The artwork, might appear to be off-putting at first, but it does improve as you progress through the chapters, and keep in mind it was made by just one jap. You can grab the translation for free on https://vgperson.com/games/yourturntodie.htm just make sure you download it, instead of playing in browser as the game takes about 20 hours. >inb4 it's not finished Even if the author were to doe today and the game left the way it is, I would still highly recommed it.
>>932387 Before Stardew Valley I found a RPGMaker game that was a horror take on Harvest Moon but instead of growing crops you nursed fleshy abominations and tumors. Unfortunately it's so obscure I can't find it as easily as when I first did.
What are some ship building games? I want to design some ships and preferably play a game either piloting them or playing inside of them.
>>933883 If you don't mind it being minecraft in space, Space Engineers. If you don't mind it being a more realistic, slower playing version of Homeworld, where you can even customize your munitions, Nebulous: Fleet Command
>>933883 I've been played Avorion with some mods to make it like a simplistic version of the X series of games. The ship builder in it has been keeping me entertained.
Does anyone have the reaction image of a shota giving a thumbs up while having an orgasm? I want to look up the sauce for it on saucenao or the variant set it's based on.
>>934162 Be normal.
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>>933197 Just open up Microsoft Paint or your favorite image editor of choice. You seem to be complicating things.
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>>932443 There's little to no mods to change how it looks so I gave up. >>933197 Try Pureref, it's interface is simple but feature-rich. I've been using it to manage references for certain projects alongside Hydrus Network for storing all my references. Or just grab GIMP and get all it's editing capabilities as >>934298 suggests
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Anyone here had played the Uncharted series. Do the 4th game is any good? I recently finished the og trilogy and i enjoyed it a lot. But something tell me that is better to stay away from the 4th one. Also im not even gonna bother with the 5th one.
>>935396 >Do the 4th game is any good? I have heard good things about Golden Abyss, and the fact that it's made by the Syphon Filter devs should dispel any worry. >Also im not even gonna bother with the 5th one. Don't touch the sixth one, either.
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How do you choose which game to play next /v/?
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>>935470 I can't explain it, the game chooses me.
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>>935398 Kek i was referring to pic related and Lost Legacy as the 5th, but thanks for convincing me about Golden Abyss, being made by the devs of Syphon Filter made me very curious. Sadly i dont have a vita, so i'll lurk a little into vita emulation to see what's up
>>935470 Either it grabs my attention because of the art style/gameplay mechanics, or I just pick a random title on a whim from my backlog. One thing of note though, never ever play popular games when they are popular, unless they're multiplayer games.
>>935470 I would just choose whichever have the biggest tits
>>935478 Not all games have tits
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>>935480 This, true games don't need tits.
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>>935483 But i like tits.
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>>935484 Crows are better.
>>935470 I chose the one i want to play
>>935495 Ok, but how did you come to the conclusion that the one you want to play is that one?
>>935689 I've read somewhere (probably a Batman comic) that if you flip a coin, you don't have to know what side it comes out on since you already know what you intended the outcome to be. You probably have it figured it out to 2 or 3 games already. Out of those games which one is the most appealing to you?
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Half-Life as movie AI generated https://youtu.be/OAzTNEeRb4E
>>936047 >direct to jewtube link >less than 30 views and uploaded a few hours ago Is this a bot post or some shit.
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>>936047 Alyx is a nigger?
Mario i it was AI movie
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>>935484 Actually, this gives me a question. What games do you know that have massive fucking titties? I know of games like DOA or Dragon's Crown that have characters with nice boobs, but I'd like to know if there are more games, obscure or not, with women who have humungous racks. I was about to create a thread about it, but I decided against it, especially since we're talking about shoulder boulders here already. I wanted to post about milk juggs because while they are obviously optional, I feel like a game that has tracts of land are usually a sign that the people working on the game weren't thinking about any political cause and just wanted to make a game, which means the game might be better than games that don't (focus on might, exceptions of good games without stress balls can happen like S.T.A.L.K.E.R, as >>935483 mentionned). Other thing I'm thinking about is, since there was this whole feminist movement slowly corruting the vidya industry, but is recently being taken less and less seriously, I feel like we were seeing less and less female characters with giant funbags, somewhere during the 2010's, but it's slowly begging to change and during this current decade, more and more games with fat tats will eventually pop up, especially in the indie scene. I'd also like to see in what which big tiddy game came out so I can confirm whether or not we did have a milk drought during that time period. Also I just want to see some gravity defying sex mounds.
>>936052 /v/'s been getting all sorts of weird general posts as threads lately but the mods aren't really touching them, at most editing them into something else.
>>936125 You will have to excuse me for the lack of proper responses to these threads.
>>935746 >You probably have it figured it out to 2 or 3 games already. Out of those games which one is the most appealing to you? Out of the ones on my head, either Secret of Mana or another PS1 game.
>>936225 Do you have a specific genre in mind?
>>936228 Sorry, I deleted. I'm gonna try Yakuza Like a Dragon. Installation was about to be finished but shitgirl crashed on me saying it ran out of memory despite me using a 16 GB machine with the OS only using 1.5 GB idle. Now I need to wait again with 2GB limiter box checked but now it's going to take two fucking hours. That's what you get with shitgirl I guess.
It jumped from 20% to 50%. Seems like it's not actually taking that much longer with the limiter.
It crashed again.
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In regards to healing magic, do you think a lower tier/cost magic spell should be more cost effective than a higher tier spell, should a higher tier magic be more cost effective than a lower tier spell or should the cost of the spell be exactly tied to the amount of hp healed? Examples: 1. In ff7 a cure 1 spell at the end of the game heals 1000 hp and costs 5mp, while cure 2 cure heals 3000 hp and costs 30mp (or something like that). 2. In golden sun, a spell that heals 100 hp might cost 5 mp while a spell that heals 300 hp might cost 11 to 12 mp (or something like that). 3. In etrian odyssey, if a 5 mp healing spell heals 50 hp then a 10 mp healing spell will heal 100 hp (and a 500 mp healing spell would heal 5000 hp). What do you think is the best system?
>>936266 ...Personally I prefer type 2, it gives you an incentive to use the higher tier magic.
>>936266 No I think lower level spells should cost less. At least they remain useful like that. Unless it's a situation where the higher level spells completely replace their lower level counterparts. Then again I'm not a big fan of MP based spell casting anyway.
>>936266 As for what I think the best system is, I have yet to come across anything as elegant as what Chrono Cross does so that's my vote.
>>936253 And again
I tried newest wine version this time. It's all futile. I'll get the regular gog installer now. Fuck shitgirl.
>>936266 Higher tiers should demonstrate mastery, and Example 2 comes closest to that kinda view. I think it'd be better if High Tier magic is cost effective, but more expensive. Personally, I think it'd be better to experiment with Tiered magic with Tiered "Spell Charges" ala Final Fantasy 1. If you're good at the video game, you usually won't be desperately low on mana such that you're using low tier spells (unless you're like, fighting low tiers and only need to heal low tier amounts of damage,) but with spell charges, you're somewhat forced to do some management of spell strength. iunno.
>>936286 Okay I played for a while now. Quite the cinematic experience. I barely get to play. Modern games are so disappointing.
>>936266 Lower level healing spells being more efficient means you spam them out of combat, which just adds more busywork. Making the lower level spell more efficient only makes sense in games where you are healed to full HP at the end of battle (including strategy games).
>>936266 It depends too much on other factors. A game where you have limited resources would suffer from using your first example and benefit from system 2. Example 3 would work really well in a game where action economy is king.
>>923609 >Space Station 13 i had fun with this but as i played atmos every time my job became relevant some retard called the shuttle i can fix this why are you retards running also no one used the pda it could be very useful but again it was never used.
>No Goat Sim 3 thread Anon is gonna play GOTY 2024, right?
>>936530 Yeah people tend to ruin the fun more often than they should. I miss my time going off on comfy mining adventures and then returning to see/deal with the clusterfuck I missed out on. >>936620 I genuinely forgot about this game after the first one.
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>>936620 It's a dating simulator for arabs, imagine if you could import the goat model into honey select and have your muslim bros tagteam it
>>936620 4chan/reddit simulator 3
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>>936242 I fucking hate bitchgirl repacks too. Why the fuck do they need to use autistic compression that takes 6 gorrillion hours to install?
>>936793 >It's been 10 years since this game first released Lol, that's crazy
>>936966 Anon that's the point of fitgirl. They're repacks. They're not original rips, go to IGG or Kaos if you want that.
>>936981 >IGG A few years ago, there were anons claiming that some IGG torrents came with bitcoin miners, since then I stopped using them. >>936966 It's so you don't have to download a 60GB torrent.
>>936981 >>936983 I recently downloaded my recycling center which looked KC tier to me and the only torrent I could get was from fitgirl and nothing else. To my dismay this damn game doesn't have a fucking keybinder. This pisses me off, this is like the 4th game now that I pirated that won't let me change the keybindings.
>>936390 I played a lot more and now I recommend the game. It's a super addicting pokemon game.
>>936981 The problem is that they don't work reliably. It didn't work with wine. The gog installer worked fine. People hate shitgirl for a reason. The installers also do funny shit like redirecting some website in the Windows hosts file. Whether that's ethical or not. Installers aren't supposed to touch these things.
>>936284 >>936286 >>937321 >fuck this bitch, her repacks don't work with my usecase they wasn't designed for! People like you are why Loonux users unfairly have a bad reputation, you're mad a Windows application for pirated software doesn't work using hacky compatibility layers on an entirely different OS. That is not a valid reason to be angry.
What are some non-H games where I dress up loli characters to the extent of reducing them to pantsu? I know >Sims >Dragon's Dogma >Fallout 3/New Vegas/4/Skyrim with console commands/mods >potentially Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure with AR code >Under the Skin (it's actually Ghost and Goblins style clothing as hit point, but you can possess child NPCs)
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Do I need to play all of Classic Megaman before getting into Megaman X?
>>937739 no, they are separate timelines/continuities
>>937515 >you're mad a Windows application for pirated software doesn't work using hacky compatibility layers on an entirely different OS But, remember Wine is not emulaion.
>>937739 Mega Man 6,7,&8 were being developed and releasing at pretty much the same time as Mega Man X1,2&3, Sub series for Mega Man kind of just start whenever the hell Capcom wants, and they are separated by hundreds of years and don't reference each other all that much, save for Battle Network which is an alternate timeline all together, where Dr Light researched internet networks instead of independent thought in robotics, and got laid instead of needing to build a robotic son in Megaman.
>>937739 They keep adding things to the OG games that could lead to the main plot point of the Sigma Virus, but they keep changing it.
>>937515 >you're mad a Windows application for pirated software doesn't work But it does. Shitgirl repacked a GOG install. The gog installer works fine and so does the game (0 crashes, 0 graphical issues and I played it for over 50 hours now). Only the shitgirl installer doesn't work. And they are fucky on Winblows too. I know from experience. I wasted way too much time with Yakuza Like a Dragon now. It's a fun jrgp with addicting minigames. There's always something to do. Cart racing, the company, getting better gear, sidestories, bonding with the teammates and the romance quests (romance takes forever since you need to be lvl 10 in the personality attributes which you only get very late, so I'm still a kissless loser), loads of other minigames, collectables, professions to master and streetbattles/rescues. It's not entirely safe from modern pozz through. Here and there they will inject their crap and you need to "safe the illegal immigrants from being deported". That is a strong political declaration. Generally for some reason we have to uphold diversity in Japan and keep the CRIMINAL MURDERER Chinese and Korean foreigners in the country and provide a "home territory" for them because... Yeah, why? The protagonist has no relation to these people.
>>937739 X came out after Mega Man 6. The first four Game Boy games were also already out. But 7 and V came later, so you definitely don't need to play them first. But as mentioned, it's Mega Man. The story isn't the point. If you wanna play in order to appreciate the gameplay evoultion, go ahead. But I doubt that is what you meant. X barely references the originals except Dr. Light created X (other robots he made, like Mega Man, are barely mentioned) and Wily is referenced lightly sometimes. For the record, Mega Man Legends is so unrelated you could easily forget it is even the same franchise. It was practically a full reboot until later ZX games lightly made moves to make Legends feel like their future.
Why are arena shooter styled games dead now? Are normies really that bored from just playing a few rounds of botmatches when they always complain that they get their ass kicked by arena pros? I still like playing UT2004 every while because it looks fucking good and nebri/faraleth are some sexy lizards. I don't play online it either because those players are too good for me too handle and I don't really feel like to have a long ass periods of getting my ass kicked before I start gitting gud. I don't understand normies kinda make no sense, they would play games like counter strike and what the fuck else is the trend now all the fucking time but they refuse to play arena shooter games with bots.
>>938655 They are boring
>>938655 >Why are arena shooter styled games dead now? None have an innovative gameplay to them >Are normies really that bored from just playing a few rounds of botmatches when they always complain that they get their ass kicked by arena pros? Not many are gonna stay around for a game that doesn't feel interesting to play on the long run, and most people that have played these kind of games already had years of experience with them so the skill gap will always be an issue. No one wants to play with bots. >All or that shit No one cares what you think, if people were in demand of a fast paced arena fps they'd go for it. There is a reason why Titanfall 2 was somewhat big for a while and I'm sure the things I said previously are somewhat involved.
Also people that want more arena fps will go back to playing the games they're already familiar with. Why play a quake/UTlike when you can play the real thing? New game dies and the old ones remain
>>>938666 Jej satan get. >>938667 >None have an innovative gameplay to them Counter Strike doesn't have a innovative gameplay either yet it is played by tons of people. >Not many are gonna stay around for a game that doesn't feel interesting to play on the long run, and most people that have played these kind of games already had years of experience with them so the skill gap will always be an issue. But what makes Counter Strike more interesting to play then? All you do is you select your loadout with the budget you have, run around the map and get killed or kill some nigga and then wait because you have only one lives and then doing it all again, I kinda fail to see why Counter Strike mechanism is more interesting to play despite >No one wants to play with bots. But yet they no problem playing games like fuck I don't know, Mario, Valheim and whatever is popular in the Co-op/Single Player games which uses fairly basic AI too for their enemies and bots is just another word for AI just a primitive one usually
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>>938655 >Why are arena shooter styled games dead now? Arena FPS was never that popular to begin with. How long did was the genre big for, 2 years in the late 90s with some remnant popularity into the 2000s? It was just an FPS fad, we've had a dozen of those; the Battle Royale, the PvP zombie survival, WW2 shooters, hero shooters, the looter shooter, the "Halo killer" - currently it's the extraction shooter. Gamers moved on, that's why arena FPS is dead.
>>938655 >I don't play online it either because those players are too good for me to handle there's your answer, right there. see: the revival of tekken from this hardcore thing to casualized whale farm with esg/e-sports pandering shit. that and being a first person shooter, you can't see as much cool and crazy expressions coming from your character as you can from third person shits. if you think of it, battle royale qualify as quasi-arena shooters (finding resources on the map, area control, shooting men)
>>938673 >>938675 Hmmm, well alright then. Thanks for answering my question anons. I guess I kinda got my hopes too much high, oh well.
>>938655 Same reason RTS, MMOs, and dungeon crawlers are dead: they were shit to begin with and nothing easier and flashier existed before. Now that we have a plethora of games, now that it's become a common and cheap thing, now that it's less experimental types and more corporate suits, they chase easy sales and popular trends. The REAL question is why hasn't any small-scale developers made a good arena shooter lately?
To all you linuxfags, what are some good resources on advanced Wine/Proton configuration? Can you recommend something on the common pitfalls of self compiling libraries as well?
>>939002 Use Lutris. If you don't have the newest version in your repo, use the flatpak. It just works. With some games wine-ge doesn't work, so make sure to configure the wine starter to use lutris-ge-proton for those or for all games. >self compiling libraries You mean compiling software or compiling your games library?
>>939075 >for those or for all games. Just configure it for all. That's how I set it.
>>939075 I phrased it badly, but I meant compiling and setting up software libraries that some games depend on.
Does any anon know what this game is?
>>939458 Looks like Giza
>>939497 So it is. Saw this in a vinesauce video and I recognized it from my childhood. Looks like a mac game, which makes sense seeing as how my school back then only had macs.
Anyone else noticing that Wikias are now IP range banning VPNs now? This is only a problem for me because I use some of them for getting stat info for specific games that I can't find in-game.
>>939643 They probably view VPNs some sites treat proxies. Ripe for IP ban evasion.
>>918109 Try Hatred with the FPS mod, and put it on easy/story mode. Aside from Doom, that's my go to for mowing down faggots like yourself
>>941180 Nigger
>>918109 Pirate GTAV, go into first person mode idk if its vanilla or not, go into Franklins neighborhood and shoot it up like how I did when I was younger.
>>941203 I thought about playing GTA V too but then I gave up as soon I tried installing some weapon mods for it, most of the weapon mods for GTA V were replacement shit instead of actually adding new content which was really a bummer.
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Though I might share that I just figured out the mame of an old game (perhaps a demo) that came with the first pc my family bought, which was a packard bell. That is "Egypt 1156 B.C. – Tomb of the Pharaoh"
>>941488 I found most of the childhood games I played and I'm only missing 2. Those surreal early 3D Graphics will never not be comfy.
I'd ask another board but too many are dead. There was an image from some manga of a lady pulling out a radish or turnip then she lowers it out of frame and you hear a crunch, then she lifts it back up to show it wet and crushed and she says something like 'This is why Pussy always beats Dick". I've been trying to find it because I was a faggot who didn't save it. Webm unrelated.
What's the best response when some dumbass says "updates that only add things, can't make a game worse! If you don't like the updates just don't use them! (referring to the fact that you should update your game but not make use of the updates in the game.) Think new minecraft. I know this logic is stupid because these kinds of updates just add clutter to otherwise simple and enjoyable games. What would be your best response when a zoomer says something stupid like this.
Nothing to say, these retards will justify anything, same bitches complaining abut the absolute state of AAA are the same ones that justified the DLC nickel diming that happened durijg 7th Gen. Best thing to do is to hope they fuckoff from the medium or just stick to mobileshit in the immediate future.
>>941858 There is some precedence you can use from software forking, a hard fork means a permanent split in the two programs, with the two developers going their own way and usually whichever is less popular dying. You also have all the minecraft 1.7 mods that got left behind ro point to.
>>941858 Imagine a Souls game, an update adds a free DLC which grants players an "Epic Sword of Infernal assrape +3" as a weapon by deafult, you can't sell it / remove it / destroy it, you've added something, yet made the game worse for everyone
>>941901 retards would disagree with you
World of Warcraft patch 9.1.5. Checkmate, zoomoid.
>>941858 >updates that only add things, can't make a game worse! <Added new weapon to the game that will ruin the meta for the forseeable future that costs $9.99 to use <Added limited time event skin that requires 120 hours of playtime this month to unlock <Added gacha mechanic to game where there was none previously <Added obnoxiously woke character to game who kills beloved fan favorite character and is treated as a queen <Added... honestly insert whatever your least favorite thing in vidya is <can't make a game worse! >If you don't like the updates just don't use them! <To use this app you must download version 1.1.fu <just don't use them! >>941955 That's not an argument against blizzdrones yeah yeah I'm aware they're hyper consumerist retards at all, the mechanical changes of that patch(removing the downsides of swapping covenants and deleting conduits or whatever) far outweighed the ideology-driven changes(polymorphing women into fruit bowls on various paintings) in their eyes, they only refused to play because of the sexual harassment lawsuit being fresh on everyone's minds. People generally only give a shit when the content overall is bad and ideology can be pointed to as a reason or the ideology is "bad" by normalfag standards.
>>941963 The best one is still >I'm totally ok with Microtransactions if they're only cosmetic Fucking TF2 hates seems harmless nowadays
>>941955 >World of Warcraft It was shit from day one, MMOs are the prototype for this games as service kind of shit.
>>941964 New nightmare fuel just dropped Wait a minute, my nightmare goggles aren't on?
>>941966 Fucking ultra-sellouts. Goddamn that annoys me.
>>941966 (checked) >it is real lol. Warhammer really is going to get fucked by normalfags in the near future.
>>941968 It pretty much already is, over half the books released this year so far have a female protagonist, which though intensely annoying is still better than a nigger protag. Because even though canonically the emperor was Hitler, he apparently decided Jews and nigs were cool? Which they did with a ultra Smurf last year. Pretty sad tbh.
>>941966 >guy on the right is firing his gun with the finger off the trigger They did not give a single shit, they know Cod drones will pay for whatever they shit on their plate.
>>941858 >updates that only add things, can't make a game worse! If you don't like the updates just don't use them! Is it a multiplayer or single player game? If it's the former, you cannot "opt-out" of the updates because it effects the gameplay itself, meaning you are required to learn an understand the new content. However, if it's a single player game, it depends on if it makes the game worse. If it does, then argument boils down to the fact that developers ruined their own game.
>>941968 Already is anon, look at fucking Darktide and the newest watered down fluff and unit designs. GW is sanitizing 40K hard and that series with Henry Cavill might be the nail in the coffin.
>>941979 Been that way for 14 years now
>>941858 Update doesn't mean upgrade, any change to a game could make it better or worse. If they don't want to argue with you just for the sake of it they will agree with this.
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>>941964 That kind of mentality is so fucking insane, I can't believe there are people who would believe they're fine as cosmetics, much less even defend it. Tekken 8 just dropped microtransactions a month after launch so it would not affect reviews and I've seen a lot of cocksuckers defend it saying "It'll only go to developing the DLC and help pay for tournaments!" They even went so far as to mock people who are complaining about it. So now you have people complaining that there are people complaining. This shop includes stuff like legacy costumes such as T4 Jin and items like fireworks the latter of which are consumable wwwwww and you just know they'll put the really good customization items people want because that's become a big draw for Tekken now, despite the customization still being not as good as Tekken 6 or Tag 2. This is not the same community that gave Crapcom shit for On-Disc DLC with SFxT. They even excused it by the fact that the costumes don't cost as much as Tekken's competitors ($4 a pop), but that doesn't make it good, it just means the cancer isn't as malignant.
>>941858 You two are confounding two kinds of updates: optional and mandatory ones. An optional update is something that only adds extra content, but does not integrate it into the main game. An example would be new maps in a strategy game. No one is forcing you to play on those maps, you can just ignore them. On the other hand, a mandatory updated it is something that entangles itself into the core game that you cannot ignore. An example would be a new unit in a strategy game that will be part of the gameplay on every single map. The distinction gets muddled when it comes to multiplayer games. If an updated adds a bunch of stupid looking costumes you can ignore them in single player, but in multiplayer you now have to put up with people choosing to wear clown costumes.
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Say some pseudo-pretentious quip like, "Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to be taken away." Keep adding shit, and sooner or later, all you're going to end up with is a big pile of shit. This is one of my main secondary complaints about GaaS - because it's not enough to keep making assets for them, you have to make something novel or flashy or memeish in order to get people who already have tons of skins and other bullshit to bite. Often this boils down to just throwing in a fuckload of licensed material, joke outfits, nigger bling, etc - until the original aesthetics of the game are almost completely subsumed in a disjointed mess of random garbage. Why would you want to make your game look like a landfill they dumped all the unsold "geek merch" and Funko-Pops from a defunct GameStop. I used to catch so much hell from PSO2 players because I saw all the great asthetics of the old PSO/PS0/PS franchise get buried in a mountain of anime tie-ins, bikinis, and shitty Sonic cosplay. The fashion meta of the lobby BECAME the reason to play the game for most people. It was sad. Just one big fucking grind, not for fun, but for a bunch of bullshit alternate currencies so that you could buy the latest fetish gear. And what did all that lead to in the end? A phone'd in excuse for an update/sequel that served really no purpose except for them to update years worth of gear and sell it back to for slightly more articulation in your lobby poses. Shameful.
>>941858 I think the main issue with updates is that you can't really roll them back without dealing with a clusterfuck of issues. This could be solved if Steam let you easily roll back an update to a specific version without having to rely on the command line version, but the fact is that Valve probably wants rolling back to be hard intentionally.
>>941964 >You and your friends can shoot Nicki Minaj in the face in a realistic military setting These people do not think these things through at all >>941995 >consumable dlc >in a fighting game Harada have you learned fucking nothing from your peers >SFxT Different times, people have been so badly buck broken that season passes of DLC characters are considered standard fare and mandatory for a game's longevity >>942016 >PSO2 Wasn't that the game with a Pizza Hut sponsored weapon/armor set >>942037 I would love for more games to have rollback/version select. Arcade enthusiasts trying to keep every version of their games alive have started to spoil me a little.
>>941970 >>941986 Yeah that is a shame. I hate that I always want the series I enjoy to do well and keep making more games/etc, but there comes a point where they finally break into the mainstream audience and everything I loved about it dies within a year.
I've noticed as I near the wizardhood of my 30s, that my musk is increasing in intensity. Even when I've just recently showered, I can smell the natural odor of my pits, as different from odor cause by being dirty. It doesn't smell gross, like say, my feet, and it makes me want to fuck something real bad. Is my own scent turning me on gay? I'm otherwise repulsed by men and seeing myself in the mirror is a turn off.
>>942576 Your testosterone is increasing and so are your pheromones. Obtaining sex will now be incredibly easy, install tinder and let loose.
>>942576 >>942590 It's a trap, or rather, a test. Your final obstacle before you earn your wizard powers. Don't give in, Anon.
What are some FOSS/Free streaming apps that I can get for android? I have a drawing tablet now and I want to stream here soon, or is there a way to link my Linux OBS from Desktop to my Android tablet?
How the fuck do you play this game? As in, how in the shit do you play it and not get fucked? The player is super fucking slow, the controls hardly make sense, and I can't tell what is and isn't scripted because the enemy's attacks are so dreadfully long. A while ago I somehow by sheer dumb luck (probably using berserking eva-01) passed the first level but after seeing End of Eva in theaters yesterday I wanted to try it again and somehow had mission 2 unlocked. Shit's borderline unplayable. No, I don't know nippon moonrunes, which definitely doesn't help.
>>946775 Forget to reply to my post, I have found a janky solution I have to use VDO.ninja in order to stream from my android tablet. I didn't found a FOSS program yet which sucks because apps from jewgle playstore are absolute cancer.
I want to download Rebirth just see Tifa in a swimsuit, is there any regional censorship?
>>948386 You need to level up by jerking off to naked unconscious teenagers in between fights
>>949034 No, just the universal censorship. Just recently they retroactively censored cowgirl Tifa to hide her cleavage with a black undershit, just like they did from the getgo with normal tank top Tifa. The best part is the public patch notes only say there were minor bugfixes.
>>941966 The number of irrelevant crossover skins for nu-cod is so fucking retarded, that it's started to become a little funny. They want it to be fortnite so bad
>>949246 If the movie characters and celebs can’t do funny dances during COD matches it ain’t over yet
>>949246 Crossover skins are the mcu of videogames.
First time playing xenoblade chronicles, should I play it with English or Japanese voices?
>>949066 I still can't believe that's the opening to the movie.
>>949321 english
>>949321 Subs, unless you enjoy annoying British people
>>949321 It's english dub is unique and so well acted that it's iconic, I love it. I like how they pronounce geysers like geezers.
When was the last successful "live service" game?
>>949445 Shame they never captured the magic in future installments. I blame NoA.
>>950779 Tetris 99? It's "free" with NSO though so I don't know if it counts.
>>950779 Helldivers 2. Its still stupidly successful even now.
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So, old videogames had an issue that goes beyond polygon count limit, where round objects like tires were not completely round and were just a set of straight lines, making them look octagonal. Anyone remember the name of the tech solution that fixed this?
>>953926 That's the one, I knew it was somehow related to bumpmapping. Thanks a bunch!
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What programs do i use to get ps3 controllers to work with windows 10?
>>954049 kys, retard
>>954049 PS3 controllers are notoriously tricky to get working. If you want to play RPCS3 I believe that works natively, but if you want to get it working on anything else you'll need DsHidMini or BthPS3. Don't mess around with motion2joy, it's old and shady as hell. There's also SCP but that's janky and should be your last resort, it's mostly useful for Windows 7 users. >>954076 BE NICE!!!
How piracy-friendly is the Steam Deck? My tax refund has come in and I'm thinking on getting one.
>>954507 It's a UMPC, it's as piracy-friendly as a desktop PC is. You will have to mess around with Proton a lot but if you've ever used an emulator for newer gens, it's not more much more difficult.
I gave in and I pirated Fallout 4 now. Blessed by Howard genius game design of the century. Now I just need to get it up with Lutris and suffering from slow poke download speeds from shitxus.
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>>954516 I won't lie, those early teasers made me interested with the improved gunplay and weapon customization. Then I saw the new dialogue system and lost interest again. Imagine the depth of New Vegas with Payday 2-tier weapon modding. That's dream game right there, the closest I can think of is Underrail.
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>>954523 Yeah it's a fucking shame the RPG and talking aspect of Fallout 4 has been massively dumbed down even more, how typical for Bethesda. I wonder if there will be ever a mod for OpenMW that can outshine Fallout 3/4 since it supports newer Bethesda title formats. It has even lua modding for even more complex mods which I have been long waiting for.
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>>954516 >Get drunk >Black out >Next day >Fallout 4 is in my torrent folder >Delete it Third fucking time now I don't want to lose 30000 hours of my life modding a shit game to not even play it, even if I play it it will be a miserable experience. I just wanted another 3D Fallout game. >>954525 It's not just that, the skill system is still fucked, the level scaling is still there, the visuals look like puke, the map art design looks like shit, the guns look fucking awful and the main campaign and the side quests are all awful as well. I'd rather eat glue than ever play Fallout 4
>>954697 Learn to save stable modded builds. All this shit is because of having to redownload every little shit you already tested before like sissypus.
>>954697 Oh man that sounds quite awful. So it's probably better to just heavily mod OpenMW to make it much more combat oriented and increasing the difficulty the monsters/NPC a bit more and making gun mods for it despite it's a fantasy game. Morrowind at least was from the era where Bethesda didn't made a major fuckup with their game. The reason I chose OpenMW and not Fallout 3/New Vegas for modding is because OpenMW is opensource and works natively under Loonix so there is modding tools that works natively under Loonix. I don't like having to use proton/wine for the modding tools since most tool programs work worse and glitchy under Wine since Wine and Proton developers are focusing to get games working, rarely making it work for non games application too.
>>954697 >the visuals look like puke It's wild nobody talks about this. The 3D Fallouts look awful, even for 2008 Fallout 3 was hideous. I'm not sure it's a fidelity thing either, the games are just fucking ugly.
Why can we not rape and murder or at least remove some of the shitters in these threads for simply being shitters. Fighting game thread has autists sperging out over amerislop & has to deal with that fat retarded something awful & literally every other forum reject Psychojosh. SMT threads got 2 massive autists arguing where one autistically hates old games to eat slop and the other autistically hates new games and is angry posting and both I wish would off themselves. (one got deleted but not the other so I'd wish both did) I just wanted to talk about the fucking cool Touhou Artificial Dreams in Arcadia. FF16 thread has some consoomers who doesn't even know the shit they're consooming and all of these people then go on to dominate the discussion of the thread they're in and piles of false flagging.
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>>955663 >People are posting things I don't like, Mark-sama please ban this sick filth. Bully them yourself.
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>>955663 Anon you may not realize it yourself yet but you sperging out at the 2 spergs in the SMT thread makes you a sperg yourself, you are also part of the problem, you are now even whining in other threads about it holy fuck get a grip. If someone annoys you and is seemingly breaking the rules, report and ignore, simple as.
Suck start a shotgun faggot.
I am losing my mind trying to find this fucking song. Please help me. It has this one part that goes "DO DO DO DO DO DO" and then a flute/whistle comes in. I am not really sure how to type the whistle part. https://voca.ro/19UarDKkefWa
>>954049 DS4Windows works with any PlayStation controller.
I've been encountering this issue more and more often lately when looking for vidya lewds from certain artists. Their stuff will be on Pixiv or Fanbox, censored in accordance with JP law, but then they'll link PSD files where the censorship is simply a layer that can be turned off. However, sometimes it's not that simple, and the PSD file has dozens and dozens of layers and looks like rainbow mess with colors all outside the lines no matter how you arrange or hide the layers. The only way I've found to remedy this, is to fuzzy select every area where color shouldn't be on the lineart layer, then go into each and ever color layer and drag a massive eraser over what are often massive images under the color blobs are finally gone. Now I know that in order get the resulting image and alternates from the PSD file should not require erasing any part of any layer, so what is it that I'm missing?
What's the best way of modding and playing Bethesda games on Linux through Wine? Mainly New Vegas, but also Oblivion or Skyrim maybe. It seems like the best option changes every year and involves multiple tools at the same time. All the guides are written for idiots where they just spoonfeed you every step without explaining shit, and so it's never quite clear how to adapt those steps to Linux.
Does anyone have an old webm of a guy jumping out of a lake to rape an elf nun and tears her robes off?
Gonna ask here since I figure you guys would know and I don't know where the best /tg/ board would be. I've got a collection of Pokemon cards from 20+ years ago, and many of them are worth something, notably one that averages ~$1,000 and can go upwards of a few thousand at auction in mint condition. Most of them I've kept in a binder untouched since the early 2000s. Would it be worth getting them graded? Where would be the best place to do that?
>>958270 smuglo.li has the former 8chan /tg/ board, you can try asking there.
>>958270 As pointed out by >>958278 your best bet is smug's /tg/ board which is where the remaining population ended up staying, and it is run by the BO of 8/tg/ before Jim kunted the place.
>>958278 >>958284 Cool, I'll check with them later.
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(Xenoblade chronicles) Which do you like more, mask or no mask? I honestly can't decide.
Did anyone stream the prequel/demo of YIIK IV?
>>958314 No mask, to see Melia's expressions.
>>958314 Honestly, it's better to see her expressions, although I like that the option exists
not exactly vidya but is lolibooru.moe kill?
>>958593 I've never seen this kind of message for an archive before, so probably.
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>>958314 No mask is cuter, but the mask makes her less generic.
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Games for this feel? The steam artist team needs a raise
>>958848 stfu its shit basic bitch tier "pixel art" steam is shit valve is shit they're all jews they broke their promise never say anything good about them
If I want to play some Mount&Blade, which should I start with? Warband with mods? Bannerlord vanilla? Something else?
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>>958848 Heretic/Hexen
>>958858 Nothing because it sucks ass and the multiplayer is dead. I suppose the most "robust" mod would be Perisno.
>>958593 Daily reminder that exploiting 3dpg is okay for them but 2d is illegal for you. Speaking of which, anyone got sauce for this banner in particular?
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>>958865 it's minus8
>>958867 Thanks m8!
Was this chart ever updated? Remember saving this some years ago from a chart thread but I don't know if it's the latest one.
>>958857 I dont care about the pixel art, I care about the first person sword/magic and dungeon crawling, nigger
>>958862 why did you post a picture of yourself
>>958884 >>958883 >doesn't know how to reply to multiple posts I'm not surprised >>958866 cry more about advertising being criticized on an anonymous imageboard, now kill yourself
>>958890 wow >>958890 so hard nigger kys
>>958848 Wizordum
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>>958876 How new are you that you can't recognize -8?
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>>958848 I don't know what's with the strangely hostile replies for wanting to talk about vidya.
>>958880 >witcher 1 mentioned chart cannot get any better and does not need updating
>>958867 >spoonfeeding
>>958848 Here's the whole piece.
>>958858 I've been playing Warband with Warsword Conquest recently. Adds in magic, dungeons, and a ton of warhammer fantasy shit that is a pretty fun/somewhat different warband experience. Last mod I played before this was Prophesy of Pendor which I got a good amount of playtime out of. Bannerlord online is pretty dead sadly, so I need to find what times the Full Invasion 3 mod servers get players so I can at least have some fun there. I haven't bothered with modding singleplayer since I got really burnt out on that shit before. >>958848 Pretty but also fairly standard looking. That was probably the goal though.
>>958883 You might like the Ziggurat games, though they are roguelikes, though a bit more traditional than a lot of later games in the genre. The first one came during a time when there wasn't a complete over saturation of the genre.
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>>958989 Because i stopped really paying attention to (((artists))) a little after the cal arts phase, after that i sort of stopped paying attentionto names. The last artist I can easily notice is Azasuke Wind.
>>958848 Fight Knight
>>959124 >spamming magic missile on a door is he fuckign retarded
Looking for an old game that was on pc, maybe 20+ years old, described to me by a colleague. You play as an assassin/hitman, at one point in the game you get captured and lose your stuff. In order to get it back, you have to input a code in a warehouse so the machinery will deliver you a box that contains your tools. Do you know the game, anon?
>>959378 Got any more information? Was it played in first person? Third person? Point and click adventure?
>>959382 Third-person. My colleague barely remembers anything, only that the warehouse code made him ragequit because he didn't know the code.
Hitman: Contracts?
>>959387 Nah, according to my colleague, it's not hitman. I talked to him some more and he thought the player character looked like a "generic military man". He'd have recognized Agent 47, but just to be on the safe side, I'll check a playthrough on youtube.
I'm retarded and have a terrible memory so I'm going to ask you guys. What happened with Risk of Rain? Didn't Hopoo sell the rights to Gearbox? Was it the rights to the series or just RoR 2? From what I remember Hopoo went and remade RoR, and Gearbox went and made a shitty mobile RoR game, right? Are either of them going to do anything else with it or is the series pretty much good as dead now?
>>960101 They sold the IP because they had no interest in it anymore. Gearbox will probably do something with it or license it out at some point, but I don't really see any reason for that. The appeal of RoR was the gameplay, never the IP itself.
>>960101 >Didn't Hopoo sell the rights to Gearbox? Was it the rights to the series or just RoR 2? The whole IP was bought. >Are either of them going to do anything else with it or is the series pretty much good as dead now? Cuckbox is making a DLC for 2, though Returns is pretty much the last thing the OG devs worked on as a goodbye for the franchise before it left their hands.
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this one does the opposite of miscegenation
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2014-ass thread lmao IS Defence maybe? There's not a lot of overtly "anti-SJW" games and most of them are complete shit, this should be in the QTDDTOT
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>>960426 Anti-SJW means incest now? Well then, Hollow Knight is right up your ally. There's no overt incest but the entire community is hellbent on drawing Hornet in love with or outright banging her 'brothers' Vessels are sexless but everybody treats them like they're male regardless
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>>960427 >should be in the QTDDTOT on it
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Anyone here remember some awful song from around 2010 by a gamer gurrl called something like "watch out they're coming through the window" and was about call of duty? There was also some lines about "headshot" and "helio-copter".
>>960427 Ah nice, thread merged into this shit so you can have more gamergate threads No wonder this subhuman trash site is dead
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What is your opinion on this image
>>960584 They know their audience.
>>960430 >Anti-SJW means incest now? It's true, because it can actually improve your genetic fitness when done correctly. SJWs hate anything that can improve the genetics of your offspring. https://infogalactic.com/info/Genetic_purging
>>960630 When's the new chapter?
>>960637 No idea, but hopefully within a few months.
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>>959131 >(((artists))) a little after the cal arts phase Did everyone on the webs side with those talentless cucks? They're definitely getting that job serving coffees at Yidsney.
>>960630 No. Even if your immediate children don’t have genetic disorders there will, for many generations, be a chance your descendants are born with genetic disorders even if there is no further incest for any of those generations. There are examples of people who have gotten schizophrenia due to incest that happened generations before they were born.
>>960641 I hope she doesn't rush it because of the foxdicks that were on her case.
>>960736 Everyone has a chance of genetic disorders.
>>960736 Just wait until you find out how many shark attacks ice-cream causes per year.
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What is your opinion on this image
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>>960804 That something stinks in the west. Like someone needs to figure out the source of this mess and fix it. That or delete the 70s in its entirety.
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>>960804 That the F-35 does not belong.
Niggercattle hobbies and interests both as a kid and adult.
Do you guys by chance know of a Famicom game that looks like this? You control this guy and your goal is to reach the top of the stage while collecting red orbs.
>>961061 Ninja JaJaMaru, there's also a Steam copy if you wanna play that.
>>961064 >Ninja JaJaMaru It's not exactly that, but damn I remember this game, thanks anyways. This game had a more smooth vertical scrolling
>>961061 TwinBee
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>>961061 looks a lot like mighty bomb jack
>>961119 HOLY SHIT IT'S THAT ONE THANK YOUUU Take this as thy reward
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>>960630 >It's true, because it can actually improve your genetic fitness when done correctly. And by correctly, you mean having thousands or millions of babies you kill immediately until you get the miracle baby that has little or no negative recessive genes. A large group of women could probably go their whole collective reproductive lifetimes without getting this miracle baby.
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>>961173 If I had to take a guess, I'd say Theobrobine
>>960630 Kikes gave themselves a noticeable increase in mental disorders from generations of first cousin marriage in an effort not to pollute their genepool with filthy goy blood. As always, always do the opposite of what jews do.
>>961212 So anons should give up and let Jews have control over everything since that's the opposite of what Jews are doing?
>>961173 umezawa itte
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>>961124 I haven't played the game myself but I did play the first bomb jack and it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw your excellent drawing. Glad I could help.
>>961415 >I haven't played the game myself but I did play the first bomb jack and it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw your excellent drawing Are you one of those anons that are 40+?
>>961482 Not yet, but soon
>>961173 梅澤一手 on Fanbox.
Looking for this, vid of hitler giving the speech while the song plays? https://youtu.be/VqaCXDDQgdU?si=2fslMHskBmwYAIaM Cheers.
How is "The Outer Worlds: Spacers Choice" Edition? I recently bought the standard base game (physical) (pre-owned) cheap on a whim for my PS5. Is the DLC/Enhanced version of the game any better than the standard edition? I'm thinking of sticking with the base game, beating it, getting tired of it, then moving on in that exact order. What really grinds my gears is that there's no physical version of this edition available so I'm unsure if I want to drop $25 for 2 DLC's!
>>961738 Not really, no. It's just a more saturated and post-processing-heavy version with 4k textures where you can level your character five more times. It even used to run significantly worse than the old version, like, on par with PS4/XBOX1 Cyberpunk 2077, but they managed to get it to run on par with the base game after a year for the console releases and it actually runs smoother than the original PC release provided you meet the spec requirements. It's still you paying money for an HD texture pack that most companies gave away for free back in ye olden days, so decide if you want to support companies charging for that or not.
>>961738 Sage for doubleposting, but I didn't read the spoiler. I don't think the game is worth it at full price, especially not without the DLCs, but if you have the money to spare please DO get the DLCs if you're considering it as the two expansions are easily some of the best-written content in the game. I forgot Spacer's choice was bundled with the DLCs on console and not just an HD texture pack with a new EXE.
>>961741 >>961743 Thanks anon I'm enjoying the game so far, the main story feels a bit rushed but I am enjoying the dialog and companion banter, this game really hits the FO:NV itch. My main beef is that I prefer to "own" physical game versions that have all the DLC, however for this game it's not the case. >decide if you want to support companies charging for that or not Yeah, that's one of the biggest factors in my decision for all of this. Money isn't an issue, just principle. If it were to go on sale sometime in the future then I could be more easily swayed.
Do you guys have nostalgia for cracktros? I was on a binge of demo scene music last night and I decided to check these out and I got a bit of a flashback moment with these. With games I am not nostalgic because they're always there but this is a bit different.
Do we know by now if Vivian's a tranny in the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake? This decides whether I buy or pirate the game.
>>963036 Vivian is a trap. Don't let female pronoun nonsense confuse you. In Jap works as traps are fetishized, calling them "girls" is about feminization and "making a woman of them" by having them be sexually submissive, and not about "gender identity nonsense" in 99% of cases.
>>963186 This might be the most retarded post I've ever read.
>>963186 I don't care what you call it, fag shit doesn't belong in Paper Mario.
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>>963227 Too bad, you get COCK Nintendo games always deliver the COCK
Schrodinger's cock. Apparently we don't know until we open the box.
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>>963036 We only have this. The Three Shadow Sirens (feminine) are now the Three Shadows (gender-neutral). Not looking good. Best case, Beldam's bullying Vivian by not acknowledging Vivian as family.
>>963241 People seem to like to use the phrases port and remake interchangeably from comparing the screenshots.
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>>960630 More like hypocrisy at its finest, those mutilated faggots spammed incest porn around the webs before radicalizing to marxism. I still get PTSD from that comic of the scout getting raped by the spy while the author being the stereotypical dyke she is: she was fully aware they were blood related, plus the scout kept on spewing retarded memes, so heckin' randum Xd. Was it during the prime of tumblr or deviantart? Don't know, don't fucking care, both sites are liberal cesspools.
>>963262 The original's GCN and looked good already, so the graphics upgrade won't be as big as Mario RPG, but it's clearly a remake, and it updates all graphics. Those pics were downsized below GCN's 480p (Switch does 1080p) so aren't for comparing graphics, just dialogue, but they still have notable diifferences: >Far better lighting, most obvious on the floor >Line art for everything (environment, characters, fonts) redrawn at higher resolution >Better palette, no longer just black, white, and purple >Characters now cast shadows >Tree folds in, has edges, looks papered instead of like a black triangle >Plants around tree base look less like a lazy texture, it's separated >Shrub in foreground now has well-lit cardboard flowers >Origin of text bubble repositioned, now more clearly Beldam and not Marilyn >Texture of floor improved a lot, no longer just 2 blurry colors Here's an intro comparison from GameXplain called "Paper Mario TTYD Remake's Intro is a MASSIVE Improvement," which shows more than screenshots: https://youtu.be/watch?v=OFDbVBQu11E They're remaking everything with real effort. How much Switch gains in graphics from GCN remakes is another discussion, they improved much more from NES to GCN than GCN to Switch but such remakes beat ports on both.
>>963282 I guess it's technically a remake the same way Alpha Dream's 3ds port remakes are but it just looks like a more up to date version of whatever engine they were using for the newer Paper Mario releases.
>>963290 The engine's conclusively not the original so it's either new or updated from Origami King for Switch, yeah. We'll find out from data miners. AlphaDream made good remakes, it's too bad they went bankrupt without doing Partners in Time though Bowser's Inside Story was the better game.
What to call resurrected games is an eternal debate online. I personally break it down like this: <Reboot Reimagines the story. Star Fox 64 reboots Star Fox <Remake Rebuilds the game ground-up in a new engine, like Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door <Remaster Recycles the engine but with visual improvements, like Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster <Port Same game, different system, without clear changes, like Nintendo Switch Online games Anyone can use any word for anything so all have been used different, but most usage is like this.
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>>963311 Common use makes sense. I don't recall Nintendo choosing a term, but the people are unanimous.
>>963311 You forgot about enhanced ports, which are basically like remasters but often with additional content/features.
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I checked /r/papermario to see if Vivian's a tranny in the remake, and the first fucking topic is this faggot sticky. >We are banning Vivian identity debates. Transphobia is not tolerated here, and knowing the internet people are going to use this debate to try and slip by that I feel. If you do see transphobia over this just report it, we'll handle it, engaging only feeds the want for attention.
>>963338 >I checked /r/ Well. There's your problem. >>963311 <Port >Same game, different system, without clear changes Although in the cases of early era games Ports were often built from the ground up for every system, out of necessity. Even often had different graphics. Sometimes out of necessity but strangely sometimes not. Really notable example is Maniac Mansion. The NES and Famicom versions are functionally completely different games despite being on basically the same hardware. One of the last notable games that I can think of that did this was that Ghostbusters game. The one that's basically Ghostbusters 3.
>>963341 Desperate times, desperate measures. No answer I could find elsewhere, thought Reddit might have one, plus faggotry. Nope, only faggotry.
>>963341 NES predates engines with high-level languages that compile across platforms, so many porters were like compilers, disassembling games to reimplement by hand. Differences were typically either necessary, like GBA's sub-NES resolution, or unwanted and from insufficient skill or time. I believe the more non-necessary differences, the less of a port, like how some teen's bad Mega Man swf on Newgrounds doesn't port Mega Man to Flash, though the hacker Infidelity's still doing enhanced ports of NES games to SNES.
Double posting to link one of his enhanced ports. https://www.retrorgb.com/snes-zelda-port-gets-msu-1.html
>>963341 Early era "arcade ports" were complete rebuilds using machine code on differing machines with completely different PPUs, so they were always going to be different to what we now consider to be a "port". They were often what we now call "Demakes", where a game is made to run in spirit on lesser hardware.
>>963338 >Transphobia The few parts of reddit I used to use for niche shit wouldn't even let you bring up the topic of trannies because the admins are waiting to drop the hammer on them over it. You either suck the tranny cock on that website or you are not allowed to even mention it. >>962170 Yeah I do get some nostalgia when I see an old one I still remember. I'm surprised any stuck with me for so long.
>>963369 Many are more port than demake, but unlike modern remakes and demakes, where a high-level language compiles to different machine code on different platforms, the machine code was translated ("ported") to an equivalent on another system by hand. For example, ZeroPaige rightly calls his Super Mario Bros. for Commodore 64 a port, and in 2019. It's using a different PPU so graphics change and it uses VSP for scrolling ("necessary differences"), but machine code is almost completely equivalent ("ported") so many glitches like Minus World still work. https://youtu.be/watch?v=6jIrR9Iqq4Q Dan Fornace, however, rightly calls his Super Smash Land a demake. Like the Mario port, it's trying to do what another game does under limitations, except it's rebuilt ground-up in a new engine. No machine code is equivalent ("ported") between Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Land. https://youtu.be/watch?v=MJ3EtY9h_5s Terms were still looser in NES times so more exceptions existed.
Where I said "unlike modern remakes and demakes," I meant "unlike modern ports."
Rec me good mods for Binding of Isaac.
>>963427 >a programmer called "ZeroPaige" >not "ZeroPage" Is this son of a bitch a tranny too? Why are these freaks everywhere in gaming and programming?
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>>963496 The autism to tranny pipeline is very much real.
>>963500 Eh, that's more of a symptom of "silicon valley" where they can directly gatekeep an entire industry. Autists will get into tech but if they have to suck the Cali they/them cock then you will only find one type in that sector. I'm sure there is a warning state/province/district like that in each nation that sucks the kike cock. At this point, it's more fun to poke fun at the retards that made this mess.
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>>963496 >>963500 >enormous assumptions from a username
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>>963500 >Fae/Faer, moon/moonself At least this fag knows he's a fairy lunatic.
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>>963504 >enormous assumptions >when I asked a question about why a programmer chose a female name The results came back and you're retarded.
is there any possible way to obtain an ipv4 address through a steam id.
Where the fuck do you think you are, nine-year-old?
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>>963508 There's some irony in calling anybody else a retard when you act like a massive sperg. The name could easily be a pun, or even just a woman. ZP is somewhat mysterious and has never talked about themselves as far as I can tell.
>The name could easily be a pun A pun with a female name in it. You didn't get the pun before because you're an ESL retard and if you did you'd not have sperged. >some irony in calling anybody else a retard No, there's not. I asked if ZeroPaige was a tranny. You interpreted this, wrongly, as assumption because you're fucking retarded.
>>963431 >Rec me good mods for Binding of Isaac. The first Legend of Zelda game. I'm being cheeky, but only half. >>963500 >The autism to tranny pipeline is very much real. It is, transgender boys/men report the highest rate of autism spectrum disorders from the LGBTQ at 29% diagnosed, 9% undiagnosed but suspected by the transgender, and 38% total. >>963524 >Someone capable of porting SMB to C64 could be a woman Tell me you know nothing about programming without telling me you know nothing about programming.
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>>963500 ASD statistics.
>>963529 >Tell me you know nothing about programming without telling me you know nothing about programming. There is always exceptions to the rule. Just because something isn't 100% doesn't mean it's an automatic 0%. For every 100k Floyds there is at least 1 Chris Dorner, though i'm just pulling numbers out of my ass. For all I could know it could be a million to one for that ratio, lmao.
>>963532 The ratio's so bad I'd bet my house in return for $100 it's not the case. We're not talking female programmers, who are mostly diversity-hired and 23% of the U.S. workforce according to celential.ai's 2023 Gender Diversity in Software Engineering Report. We're talking female programmers with autistic interest in C64, who are capable of porting SMB to C64, achievable by maybe the top 1% of male programmers. Those criteria may actually be met by 0%. If not 0% it's so near it to make male assumption extremely safe. >>963527 may not have assumed ZeroPaige is male, but I will.
>>963504 >>963529 >>963530 Knew of the tranny autism connection but fuck, those bars are dire. Keep those autistic kiddos away from Discord.
>>963532 Floyd should've learned to pull stuff out of his ass. Drugs specifically.
>>963543 >>963530 The new push for normalizing mental disorders and over-diagnosis is that >We've studied these disorders more, so it's easier to identify them now, so of course autism rates are going up!
>>963556 The CDC reports autism was diagnosed in 0.7% of people in 2000 and 2.8% in 2020. My graph is based on The Trevor Project's National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health from 2021. Diagnoses of autism for transgender boys/men in 2021 are over 10 times more common than for the general population in 2020. Since the time periods are close, general overdiagnosis is an unconvincing explanation for that data.
>>963567 >Soyjack.
What is the best mod of stalker in your opnion
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These may be severely outdated.
Could you not have put any more effort into the OP of a thread, at least enough that the question you're asking couldn't be answered by a single word? God damn, fucking try, man.
>>963866 Just point these newfriends to >>>/vb/
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-AMK -Autumn Aurora 2 -Gunslinger -Anomaly -Call of Chernobyl
Is it worth trying to keep playing this without a guide? I did Ellen's section first and breezed through it without any help, but now I'm on Gorrister's section and I keep running into dead ends.
>>963894 For point and click adventure games, when I am stuck, I use this website as it provides hints rather than a walkthrough. It's usually strucutred with a series of questions like "How to unlock door Room 3A?" then it starts giving hints from general ones like "How do you normally unlock a door?" to more specific ones like "Where would you hide a key?" to "The key is hidden under the door mat." https://www.uhs-hints.com/ Should have hints for most Point and Click games by now.
>>963894 >>963898 Tell us what you last did and someone else could check this walkthrough to tell you the next step. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/197601-i-have-no-mouth-and-i-must-scream/faqs/1860
>>963894 Any adventure game made before around 2006 will likely require a guide at some point. You have to go into them knowing that, there's a reason the genre mostly died out.
So, turns out the reason I was stuck is because I didn't know the hallway in pic related extended out in the right, since there's no indicator in the text bar that it goes to a new area. (It even goes to a door) What the hell? This is pretty much the only part of the game that's designed like this, that I've come across so far. In all fairness the manual does mention that the hallway extends to both sides, so maybe it's one of those weird mid-90s piracy circumvention techniques?
>>963994 Wait, why would you assume that it didn't extend to the right? There is no visual barrier or rail to indicate that it's the end of the walkway.
>>964053 Because every other transition in the game has a text indicator when you hover your mouse over it. And there are other dead ends where there visually shouldn't be.
Does anyone know if the original run of Sengoku Rance was ever sold physically? Was it digital only? I really don't know how Alice Soft sold their shit in the olden days. If anyone knows a good marketplace to buy physical copies of this game, let me know.
What character is Freyja cosplaying on the left? I'm trying to figure out which character it is for tagging purposes.
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>>965062 The titty witch from Dragon Crown.
>>965066 Sorry, I meant to say the right, Freya's the one with blonde hair.
>>965069 Maybe a gerudo from Zelda? Looks kinda like Riju's outfit
>>965079 I was told it was either a gauntlet or golden axe character but so far I couldn't find a single character with a similar appearance from either IP.
>>965062 >>965079 Yeah, it's the same as Urbosa's outfit from BotW so I figure that's it. Knew the hairpiece looked familiar.
So, how much of a sensation was Tears of the Kingdom? Nintendo was shilling it like hell back near release and now I haven't heard a person talk about it for months. Did it end up just being a glorified BotW DLC like a lot of people expected?
>>965686 >So, how much of a sensation was Tears of the Kingdom? It sold 10 million copies in its first three days and is reportedly the fastest-selling game in Nintendo history. >Nintendo was shilling it like hell back near release It broke sales records back near release. Numerically, there was unprecedented organic appreciation beyond Nintendo. >and now I haven't heard a person talk about it for months. 3 posts above, someone talked Riju who's from both games. I saw a build from it on /v/ 3 minutes before your post. I see talk about it at least a few times a week. Much less than on release, it's 1-player and came out a year ago. >Did it end up just being a glorified BotW DLC like a lot of people expected? This was just a talking point from axe-grinding Snoys. If a lot did expect that, it wouldn't have sold what it did. I beat the game and it has about 10 times the new content of The Champion's Ballad, the biggest Zelda DLC for BotW. It's appreciated enough to make the top 0.2% of games on Metacritic. It's ranked 4th best on Switch of 1,906 games.
>>965699 Hm. I suppose I just haven't heard much about it personally, then.
>>965686 >Did it end up just being a glorified BotW DLC like a lot of people expected? Yeah, pretty much. Think of BotW with some new mechanics and a completely new story and you have Tears of the Kingdom.
>>965705 >Think of BotW with some new mechanics and a completely new story and you have Tears of the Kingdom. Anyone remember how, when other games used to do exactly that, they were ridiculed to no end for being "cheap" and "lazy"?
Tears of the Kingdom doesn't only have new mechanics and story. It has an all-new sky map, with 32 new shrines, where just the Great Sky Island has hours of content, and the Rising Island Chain is one of the most atmospheric introductions to any Zelda dungeon, though the Wellspring Islands do well, not to mention the Thunderhead Isles quest in the Mineru storyline, triple-level mazes, diving challenges, and 20+ island archipelagos, and a new underworld the size of the overworld, with 120 lightroots. The main overworld areas differ so much they feel new; the Rito area is frozen, the Gerudo area is flooded, the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates. There's so much new content, Hyrule Field for example has a village settlement now called Lookout Landing that has such a labyrinth of a cavern beneath it it's longer than two old Zelda dungeons put together. The game's got 152 new shrines in total, 120 being grounded, and 147 new caves and entrances, with Bubbulfrogs to hunt, and 5 new companions, and a bunch of new enemies like the Fire, Ice, Shock, and Rock Likes, Evermeans, Gibdos, Little Froxes, Moth Gibdos, Horriblins, Soldier and Captain Constructs, and ostriches, and 15 to 24 new bosses and mini-bosses like the different Gleeok types, Frox types, boss Bokoblin types, Flux Constructs I through III, Battle Taluses, Colgera, Moragia, Marbled Gohma, Sludge Like, Mucktorok, Queen Gibdo, Seized Construct, Phantom Ganon, Demon King Ganondorf (1 and 2), and the Demon Dragon, and 91 exclusive materials, and 65 new weapons, and 23 new main quests, and 32 new shrine quests, and 60 new side adventures, and 139 new side quests, for a total of 254 new quests, and 1000 Korok seeds, and new armors, and 14 all-new mini games. At least 7 new dungeons with the Wind Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Lightning Temple, Construct Factory, Hyrule Castle, and Gloom's Lair, and areas vast enough to feel like dungeons, like the three multi-level labyrinths, or the cavern system under Lookout Landing. The YouTube channel Gamer's Little Playground has a Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom All Cutscenes video with a runtime of 7 hours, 52 minutes. The new content alone, from Tears of the Kingdom, surpasses other Zelda games in elapsed time. People advancing agendas tell others it's expensive DLC to confuse, not clarify, as with Super Mario Galaxy 2, which was not "ridiculed to no end for being cheap and lazy," but, as a game in the top 5 of MetaCritic's 13,205, praised to no end by everyone besides the most contrarian fringe, and which with around 50 galaxies has about 3 times what Super Mario 64 delivered, and with absolute love poured into them.
Reddit copypaste or Chat GPT?
>>965743 >Facts I can't refute make me mad so I'll call it Reddit bot to drag discussion down to my retard level Fuck off with your useless comments you retarded nigger.
>>965741 >multi-level labyrinths The first time you said this I wasn't even sure what you meant, but you repeated it. You mean those fucking boring mazes. It sucked in Breath of the Wild and they suck here too. Also, most of the caves are barely noteworthy at all, and the changes to the main four areas aren't so significant that they don't make it feel like a retread. The sky island where you begin feels big, but the others all feel very small. The underground is huge, but it's largely empty, so let's not act like it's the same amount of content as the ground. The underground and sky are not at all 1/3 of the game each. All that said I agree with your overall assessment. There's enough new stuff to make it feel very worthwhile, but I also don't want to overstate things. It's a bunch of little new things that add up to being just enough. But let's not pretend that the old content is only like 1/3 of the game or anything. The fact that you already know the whole main map does have a pretty significant impact on the game.
>>965787 >I also don't want to overstate things Nor I, but I also don't want to understate, so I'm being fair. >most of the caves are barely noteworthy at all Let's not act like cave systems weren't one of the most requested features for BOTW. Nintendo listened. Caves in TOTK are one of the most noteworthy additions, not "barely noteworthy." Not barely noteworthy in time, with more content than most Zelda games' main stories. Not in uniqueness, they're memorably different, each with identity, a giant leap from OOT grottos reusing the same small room. Not in size, some are huge. Not in number at 147, beyond any Zelda. Not in content density, which you criticize other places but overlook here. You can't have it both ways. Caves are handcrafted with designs that encourage spelunking. Finding hidden passages and alternate routes to get their Bubbul gems, treasures, items, and armor demands attention to detail, sources of light, and an overall careful exploration of nooks and crannies. Great climbing physics made me feel I'm really exploring caves. They're noteworthy to Nintendo, who put Blupees near their entrances, counted them in completion, had Satori blue beam them for completionists, and worked them into many quests. They're noteworthy to players, who love them, and they're celebrated in reviews. >The first time you said this I wasn't even sure what you meant, but you repeated it. Those fucking boring mazes sucked in Breath of the Wild and they suck here too The sky mazes weren't in BOTW. BOTW has ground mazes, as a homage to Maze Island from Zelda II, which are like The Maze Runner (2014), maybe inspired. Director Wes Ball is doing Zelda's live-action movie. They're epic, imposing, and grand in presentation, with larger-than-life walls that feel a mile high, threats that maintain tension, and treasures to reward you for going off the beaten path. They have fun gameplay for people with a modicum of navigational ability. I enjoyed every minute of them. The sky mazes, however, are new. They're even better, working TOTK's verticality and sky theme into the gameplay as you bob under and weave over aerial gates by skydiving then catching updrafts. When little, I had fantasies to fly with a jetpack and these scratched that itch. Some like the Lomei Sky Labyrinth, in Akkala near the Ancient Tech Lab, were high enough to be fun exercises in Hyrule engineering to even approach. >changes to the main four areas aren't so significant They are significant. Gerudo Desert is an example. The flooding totally changes your navigation strategies and gameplay approach. New caves and shrines are everywhere, so novel discoveries are constant. Ground's broken apart from the Upheaval so terrain is often new. The desert now has quicksand and sinkholes all over (some leading to caves and sprawling undergrounds) that change navigation and affect quests like Sand Seal racing. The whole desert's now shrouded in a sandstorm. The Gerudo took shelter in a new subterranean village to explore. You raise a whole pyramid from the desert sands as a major feature of the landscape. Little feels the same. >The sky island where you begin feels big, but the others all feel very small. I beat BOTW and TOTK and TOTK has new stuff everywhere. The landscape obviously doesn't differ as much as OOT and TWW, but what's new is more than both put together. I agree with your overall assessment the surface has more content, but let's not pretend the Great Sky Island is the only big sky area. That's understating again. The Rising Island Chain doesn't feel small, as one of the most atmospheric introductions to any Zelda dungeon. The Wellspring Islands don't feel small. The Thunderhead Isles don't feel small. The Lomei Sky Labyrinth, North Lomei Castle labyrinth, and South Lomei Castle labyrinth don't feel small. The 20 archipelagos, while not as big, don't feel small. Some have pretty big areas like Lightcast Island in the Tabantha sky. Others connect in fun ways like South Eldin Sky archipelago's mine carting. Some small islands feel gratifying, like dive challenge mini-games, which I replayed over and over. >The underground is huge, but it's largely empty, so let's not act like it's the same amount of content It's not the same amount, I agree with your overall assessment the surface has more content, but calling The Depths empty is understated copypasta. To neither understate nor overstate should omit this. The story and early cutscenes start there. It has major dungeons: the Fire Temple, Gloom's Lair, and the Construct Factory, or Spirit Temple, which gives you a new partner, Mineru. The Light World in ALTTP had 3 dungeons but Depths dungeons are much bigger and longer. There are 120 lightroots, many without a clear line of sight. Finding them is an environment puzzle until you realize they invert shrines, then finding one helps with the other. There's about 10 abandoned mines, most unique, the Central Mine giving you the key mechanic Autobuild. The Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan side adventure takes you to a few and offers multiple boss fights against Kohga, whose unique mechanics in each fight make them feel separate. There's about 43 mines altogether. The Depths has stronger enemies, battle coliseums where you fight them in waves, and many bosses, some only down there, like the Froxes, each Kohga fight, Marbled Gohma, Seized Construct, and Ganondorf. Many first meet Phantom Ganon there in the Deku Tree quest. Yiga fortresses are everywhere, each different from the last, that can be creatively infiltrated for Yiga schematics and other treasures. Chests with armors reward exploration, it's got places to ascend up to the overworld to complete objectives like ascending into the Ancient Tech Lab. It has bargainer statues and rewards for finding them, Zonaite camps, treasures defended by mobs, native items like Bomb Flowers that help blast open caves and Muddle Buds and Puffshrooms that confuse enemies, thousands of Poes that guide you to points of interest and offer minor rewards for nook-and-cranny exploration, forge and smithing and mining constructs, rematches with story bosses in new locations, like 15 groves, and the mini-dungeonish Ancient Underground Fortress. There's tens of hours of new content there. I had fun, as my process to explore The Depths was fun, with resource management for strategic shots of Brightbloom Seeds to illuminate darkened paths, building vehicles to accommodate different terrain, and using Ascend on mushroom trees for better vantage points. >But let's not pretend that the old content is only like 1/3 of the game or anything. I have over 150 hours in TOTK and spent more than 50 on new content, not over 2/3 of my time on retreads. I could, but why I would with so much new to do baffles me. I resent "expensive DLC" propaganda as I resent deception. It gets spread by people with ulterior motives to mislead gamers who never beat TOTK with a false impression of what on MetaCritic is a top 0.3% game.
>>965741 >>965914 Critics getting dramatic and dishonest when exaggerating problems of cherished games is standard imageboard fare and TotK is an obvious must-play for Nintendo Switch. But, after BotW, TotK, and HW:AoC, for the next Zelda on Switch 2 I do want a completely new setting, like MM did to OoT, not the same setting with a new game's worth of content on top. It's a common and fair desire, if poorly articulated by reactionary spergs. Aonuma called TotK the final form of that version of Legend of Zelda, so he'll probably grant my wish.
>>965914 >Caves in TOTK are one of the most noteworthy additions, not "barely noteworthy." They're one of the most noteworthy additions, yet most are barely noteworthy. You're proving my point. >Not in uniqueness, they're memorably different, each with identity I very strongly disagree. Most all look and feel the same as each other. Thank god you can get checkmarks on the map once you got the frog in a cave, or else it would be absurd to be expected to remember which ones you've been to. >a giant leap from OOT grottos reusing the same small room. That came out like 25 years previous, and I don't think anyone was saying those were good in the first place. >The sky mazes weren't in BOTW. There is a labyrinth in BotW that functions the same as the ones here. The only difference is that there is more of them here. The ones in the sky are better only because they're easier and you don't waste as much time in them. It's not that the other ones are hard, it's that they're boring. Having effectively no visual design doesn't help them. It's just time consuming to check every corner when there is actually barely anything worth finding in any of them aside from the goal/exit. >exercises in Hyrule engineering to even approach. There are a couple moments in the game where it tries to get you to make devices to get to a place, but really all it is is that you need to upgrade your energy capacity. It's effectively just a progression gate. As for all the differences in the map, again I really think you're overstating them. You focus on the desert, the big empty area. Those are all small changes overall. A couple new key locations, some hidden areas added, but it doesn't feel like a new area. Hell, the stables being in different places feels like it makes a bigger difference than anything you've mentioned so far, and that isn't much either. I also didn't even mention how I don't like the skydiving because I feel like it trivializes traversal in the overworld. You can just jump down to anywhere you want. The towers shooting you so high up made them even more overpowered in the previous game. In a game where traversal and exploration is such a big point, this is counterintuitive. On the other hand, if you played the previous game, you're already so familiar with the overworld that I guess giving you even more precise fast-travel to start with makes a degree of sense. That's what the caves and wells really are, a thing to motivate you to not just jump from key location to key location. But at that point you're just running around and playing spot-the-difference.
>You're proving my point. The opposite, I'm showing your point doesn't hold up to different interpretations of noteworthy. It's your weakest point. You repeated it (and others), so I'll repeat in turn. Caves in TOTK are one of the most noteworthy additions, not "barely noteworthy." Not barely noteworthy in time, with more content than most Zelda games' main stories. Not in uniqueness, they're memorably different, each with identity, a giant leap from OOT grottos reusing the same small room. Not in size, some are huge. Not in number at 147, beyond any Zelda. Not in content density, which you criticize other places but overlook here. You can't have it both ways. Caves are handcrafted with designs that encourage spelunking. Finding hidden passages and alternate routes to get their Bubbul gems, treasures, items, and armor demands attention to detail, sources of light, and an overall careful exploration of nooks and crannies. Great climbing physics made me feel I'm really exploring caves. They're noteworthy to Nintendo, who put Blupees near their entrances, counted them in completion, had Satori blue beam them for completionists, and worked them into many quests. They're noteworthy to players, who love them, and they're celebrated in reviews. >caves look and feel the same as each other They're memorably different, each with identity. For examples, in the Southern Mine Cave has a mine cart theme park mini game with 2 difficulties where Link flings arrows at balloons while traversing a multi-lap track. In the Eventide cave, while on a mysterious island you enter a hidden arch via watercraft on the unseen side of Koholit Rock to discover a pirate hideout, complete with pirate ship. After battling these pirates, you use boards to bridge their ship to a hole in the cave wall to discover the Marari-In Shrine. In the Meadela’s Mantle Cave you discover a lore book about a Skyview Tower blocked off on the surface, then raft through a vast underground waterway, drop down a waterfall, and construct a platform so you may ascend from below into the very same mission-critical Skyview Tower foreshadowed before. In the Ancient Tree Stump cave you enter the base of a hollowed out mega-tree to find beneath it a tangled system of gnarled roots to skillfully navigate while Keese bats try knocking you off. Memorable moments take place in caves, like how YunoboCo HQ's cave features a bespoke boss battle with an old friend, now under an evil influence, where the slopes of the arena accommodate the fight mechanics. I could continue. These are just normal caves. I'm not even talking sprawling mega-caves like the Royal Hidden Passage that branches off the Emergency Shelter, which took me hours to explore. >Thank god you can get checkmarks on the map once you got the frog in a cave, or else it would be absurd to be expected to remember which ones you've been to. The checkmarks are convenient to completionists, to skip targeting Bubbulfrogs with Sensor+ or jotting notes on paper. >I don't think anyone was saying those were good in the first place Quality's relative so I demonstrated the quality of TOTK's caves through comparison. They surpass caves in all Zeldas, none come close. >There is a labyrinth in BotW that functions the same as the ones here. The only difference is that there is more of them here. The ones in the sky are better only because they're easier and you don't waste as much time in them The sky mazes aren't the same gameplay experience to the ground mazes. As I said, they work TOTK's verticality and sky theme into the gameplay as you bob under and weave over aerial gates by skydiving then catching updrafts. When little, I had fantasies to fly with a jetpack and these scratched that itch. Some like the Lomei Sky Labyrinth, in Akkala near the Ancient Tech Lab, were high enough to be fun exercises in Hyrule engineering to even approach. I explained the appeal of the ground mazes, and you repeated yourself, so I'll repeat in turn. They're a homage to Maze Island from Zelda II, which are like The Maze Runner (2014), maybe inspired. Director Wes Ball is doing Zelda's live-action movie. They're epic, imposing, and grand in presentation, with larger-than-life walls that feel a mile high, threats that maintain tension, and treasures to reward you for going off the beaten path. They have fun gameplay for people with a modicum of navigational ability. I enjoyed every minute of them. >There are a couple moments in the game where it tries to get you to make devices to get to a place, but really all it is is that you need to upgrade your energy capacity. Like grinding levels in an RPG, one can brute-force some TOTK engineering puzzles by grinding early for crystallized charges. I wouldn't want to cheat myself out of limits that drive the creativity that makes those puzzles fun. >I really think you're overstating them.Those are all small changes overall. The differences in the Gerudo area fundamentally change the gameplay experience. Stop the gameplay at a random moment and your engagement with TOTK's world probably feels novel. I explained how, and calling changes small doesn't negate how. For the desert the flooding totally changes your navigation strategies and gameplay approach. New caves and shrines are everywhere, so novel discoveries are constant. Ground's broken apart from the Upheaval so terrain is often new. The desert now has quicksand and sinkholes all over (some leading to caves and sprawling undergrounds) that change navigation and affect quests like Sand Seal racing. The whole desert's now shrouded in a sandstorm. The Gerudo took shelter in a new subterranean village to explore. You raise a whole pyramid from the desert sands as a major feature of the landscape, which you explore in full. It's not just the desert either, like I said the Goron area has cooled, you rebuild Lurelin after it's attacked by pirates, the Rito area is frozen, and other changes. >the Gerudo area doesn't feel like a new area How the player experiences that area has fundamental differences, with new quests, new story, new areas, new caves, new terrain, new sinkholes, new shrines, new bosses, new cutscenes, new people, new monsters, new sky islands, a new sandstorm, new flooding, new quicksand, a new mini-game, a new settlement, a new dungeon, and a new companion. Is it the same area? Probably, but not only. The problem's people without much info hear "TOTK's the same areas," think it's only that, and get wrong ideas. Those wrong ideas feed myths like "expensive DLC." >I also didn't even mention how I don't like the skydiving because I feel like it trivializes traversal in the overworld. On the other hand, if you played the previous game, you're already so familiar with the overworld that I guess giving you even more precise fast-travel to start with makes a degree of sense. That's what the caves and wells really are, a thing to motivate you to not just jump from key location to key location. Beyond caves and wells, the new shrines, new quests, new people, new geography, new seeds, new armors, new chests, new mini-games and other new content also motivates traversal. It's your best criticism, though fast travel's elective. Players can opt out or limit usage if it's not for them.
>>965111 Oh, thanks!
>>966027 >Autistic Jewtendo shill Lmao.
>>966478 I pretty much agree with his points, myself. Well, minus the one about maze runner and that weird jetpack thing, don't know where the hell that comparison comes from as someone who read those books years ago. I loved Tears of the Kingdom, though I wouldn't consider it the best game of 2023 (That award goes to Octopath 2 for me). The world definitely feels different enough that's for damn sure. And his points on caves match how I felt about them pretty well, though a bit elaborate. They might appear similar but the gameplay of each one is unique enough that it doesn't feel samey. I just wish some of them weren't such an utter bitch to find. TotK is a good game and stands well enough on its own.
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>>966530 >don't know where the hell the maze runner comparison comes from as someone who read those books years ago The books thing may be why, the mazes look like the movie. >I loved Tears of the Kingdom, though I wouldn't consider it the best game of 2023 (That award goes to Octopath 2 for me). Zelda was GOTY for me. Both Octopath games are good too. You play Live A Live? Very Octopath-like RPG.
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So, Half Life 2 has this mechanic in it's item boxes where it calculates your ammo and health and gives you what you're lacking. Any anon know of a mod that removes that mechanic and makes those boxes provide static items handpicked by the dev?
Shoutout to /ck/, /fast/, and /tkr/! Three extra 8moe boards worth checking out. /ck/ - foodie / cooking board /fast/ - sonic the hedgehog board /tkr/ - tickle fetish board
>>968579 If that is how the boxes were originally designed, then I doubt you will get something handpicked by Valve. At most you will get something handpicked by a modder, and modders are rarely good level designers.
>>968588 That's what I asked for anon, a mod >and modders are rarely good level designers. That's not true at all, the best maps are usually fanmade
Does anyone remember an old webm of a guy jumping out of a lake disrobing an elf nun? He called her "Cheap little elf in nun's clothing" before he tore off her clothes. I'm trying to remember if it's an old OVA or a hentai. It was dubbed in English either way. I've been trying to find it but I've had no luck so far and even checked old hentai sites and Gelbooru but to no avail except one time I found it by chance. At that time I believe it had very few tags beyond "tagme" and "video".
>>968635 I don’t remember what this had to do with video games
>>968652 I found the webm initially on an old GG thread, probably before the migration to 8kun. Other boards aren't as active so I can't ask and this place most likely has it cause it's the closest connected to where I've found it.
>>968660 What does GG have to with videogames?
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I have a idea. how about a thread about posting screenshots of games and telling a short story about it? The reason it should be short is that it makes it easier to read through dozens of anons post, or not but sharing a lot of screenshots at least. Might even get anons or me even to play a different game this time around.
>>969497 >I have a idea. how about a thread about posting screenshots of games and telling a short story about it? Make a thread and find out then. Seems like a fine idea to me.
>>969502 I did that now, seems to work out fine so far. That's great because I really like seeing some screenshots of games that anons are playing.
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So how do I properly appeal a ban that was given to my friend? None of his DMs got a response. So I'm doing it old style. A email appeal. Any mods, suggestions are appreciated before i send it. Also a general ban appeal examples thread. Sorry if that post doesn't fit into a thread theme. >--- >Good day Admin, hope you're chilling. Just wanted to drop you a quick note about my buddy. He got hit with a permaban recently, and I'm sure it was a mix-up. > >He's solid, never steals others stuff, doesn't gank lowbies, all about fair play, respects women players. Plus, he's super chill, got the good vibe numsayan. He plain makes it better for everyone. > >And yeah, about his nickname... it's just him being unique, not causing any trouble to no one. C'mon, the whole deal with it being too many numbers? It's not like he's spamming or something, just his style. > >Really hoping you can sort this out so my man killjews1488 can get back in the game. Thanks for looking into it! > >Peace, womaN69Raper > >---
This was funnier in your head OP
>>969690 Make it more professional. The Admin is not your friend. Here is my attempt. >Niggershit nigger, >nigger nigger nigger niggers, nigger nig nig nigger nigger. Nigger nigger niggerfaggot, niggershit nigger nig nigger. >Nigger, nigger
>>969692 It still do. >>969690 The purpose of this unsuccessful thread was to provide an examples for ban appeal messages. So we can use them as drafts for any such occasion. Nicknames in question were provided just as an example. I've been banned on several occasion for my pretty unique nicknames that "looked like a bot", probably sounded offensive in moderator's native language.
For some reason Titus had the license for The Blues Brothers and they couldn't just help doing a bunch of shitty games related to them The funky thing is that almost all of these games are completely different from each other, I just wonder, WHY?!?!? Why the fuck did they try so many fucking times to make it a thing with a bunch of shitty games nobody liked? It's just stupid to me, it's even worse if you see how the games are. Why the fuck were shitty games back then more often to stumble upon? People keep parroting gaming is dead but there were still a bunch of shit even back then. This is just so stupid, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!??!?!
>>969832 Have you noticed they're designed like platformers? Blues Brothers? Super Mario Brothers? GET IT!!!?!??!? I guess the SNES had the better spritework.
Is there a good quality stream of Record of Lodoss War online anywhere? The only version I've found is very quiet.
NVM I found several other streams and they're all as quiet as each other. I think it's just the quality of the dub. >>970054
Are there any sports games that let me create a custom 16 year old or younger female athlete and isn't just letting you enter arbitrary age/birthdate information (there are games that let you input "2" as an age)
Is Windows 10 AME more trustworthy than Windows 10?
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>>970054 >>970064 >stream >dub
Is there really no other game out there that surpasses Fallout 4 in content and mods? I played Fallout 4 for quite some time now and I want to get off Mr. Howards wild ride. I don't really care much about the story aspect since I am too bydlo for it but at least something that is somewhat or nearly as good as Fallout 4. I refuse to believe that bethesda titles are the only popular open world games out there.
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hey, i wanted to get my mom a birthday present for her nintendo switch. can you rad dudes give me a totally bodacious suggestion? i don't play much video games, so i don't know what's good on switch she likes things like >Puzzle and Dragon >Katamari Damacy >Mother 2 >Dragon Quest >Animal Crossing >Parappa the Rapper >The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past >Final Fantasy VII
>>976502 oh yeah, she also liked those shonen animes or those animes with bishounen protags or those silly animes like >Blue Exorcist >Demon Slayer >Dungeon Meshi >Perfect Blue
>>976502 I'd say get her a cheap Steam Deck for 50 bux more, although I don't know if the Steam Deck is retard proof. Maybe you could get her a Retroid Pocket 4 and load some retro games for her? https://www.goretroid.com/collections/frontpage/products/retroid-pocket-4-handheld
>>976521 He's saying that she already owns a switch, and wants to know a good game to buy for her birthday.
>>976525 Oh, well in that case get Unicorn Overlord. The localization is shit, but she won't care about that.
>>976502 If she likes shounen that much see if you can find a copy of Tales of Vesperia for switch, since Tales games are basically playable shounen. I'd also recommend Octopath Traveler 2 or Bravely Default 2 as those are good JRPGs in the vein of older Final Fantasy games.
>>976502 Some obvious ones given her tastes and what girls/women generally seem to like. >Animal Crossing: New Horizons >Zelda TotK >Stardew Valley/Rune Factory/Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon or some other popular farming shit >Undertale/Deltarune >Ace Attorney/Layton >Kingdom Hearts >Lumines >Pikmin >Okami >Dragon Quest XI >Scribblenauts >>976521 While you're at it, why not recommend her some ABA therapy for the autism you're implying she has. Are you just retarded or something?
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I installed DS4 windows and DsHidMini and the ps3 controller connects well enough but when i go to play a game it disconnects or does not register inputs, unless i keep it wired connected. Is the bluetooth for the controller just old and not working anymore? Should i get a new one? Is there some easy controller i can just buy that will work wirelessly on windows 10 without any problems?
>>977009 Steam has controller drivers that typically work better I think.
>>977012 i don't really use steam, should i get the steam controller?
>>977015 They are a meme device and aren't produced anymore. Controllers are a matter of personal preference. An Xbox controller will obviously generally work better on a microsoft operating system.
Any good headphone recommendations? Wireless would be ideal, and having a headset isn't really an issue. Looking to spend between £70-100. >>977009 >Is there some easy controller i can just buy that will work wirelessly on windows 10 without any problems? I've been using the 8BitDo Ultimate Bluetooth Controller for just less than a year now and it works really well. No complaints aside from the D-Pad, but I have that issue with all modern controllers so YMMV. Speaking of d-pads, any anons used this? https://shop.8bitdo.com/products/8bitdo-m30-wired-controller-for-xbox - I was going to buy a Saturn controller but this looks essentially the same with two extra shoulder buttons, just wondering if the d-pad feels as good/similar?
Any modding sites for lewd, banned, or otherwise haram mods? (e.g. places like Basedmods?)
>>977378 On that note though, I think Basedmods isn't perfect either by considering loli to be "pedo shit". Just saw this now.
>>977379 >"based" in name >gofile >airmail >no loli this is some zero effort shit
>>977391 It's literally just a site for race swapping niggers for whites with a bunch of buzzwords on it. Pretty sure allthefallen has loli related mods.
>>977379 What airmail? Or rather whats wrong with it?
>>977461 it's cock.li, unreliable meme mail that should only be used for registering disposable accounts
>>977469 Isn't cock.li good though?
>>977471 It gets outages rather commonly and is blacklisted on much of the Internet. Anyone serious should self-host. Even Protonmail is less low effort.
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>>977379 Why is it that supposedly "based and red-pilled" so-called "alternatives" like Gab happen to be even bigger faggots when they can't even afford to fuck up even once? Do they even know what the hell they're catering to? It feels like a constant psyop for false hope to act as a release value, I'm not rooting that out.
*release valve.
>>977529 >Do they even know what the hell they're catering to? There's a massive audience of conservative niggercattle that scrape the surface of not liking niggers and fags but also think anime is for pedophiles. In fact that is probably the largest of the online conservative audience. Very few people care about actual freedom. They care about the freedom to do the things they and their direct social groups want to do, and could not care less about what freedoms are stifled beyond that.
>>977562 >They care about the freedom to do the things they and their direct social groups want to do, and could not care less about what freedoms are stifled beyond that. That has anyone they put down not giving a fuck about what rights they have so when they're getting fucked they have no allies to help them. I've seen faggots like Matt Walsh try to grift with gamers and anime fans and fucked off after retaliation. Conservatives don't have the foothold they think they do and screw everything up the moment they've gained an advantage rather than plan even in the long term. They've managed to be even more retarded than neolibertarians in that regard and still haven't realized this shit.
>>977562 >>977568 Unlimited Freedom is a fancy way of saying anarchy. You don't care about a faggot's freedom to suck dick on the street corner, or a nigger's freedom to rob stores, so there's plenty of freedoms you don't care about either. Not to sound like a certain Huemonkey, but you should always only care about freedoms that directly benefit you and not give a shit about anyone elses. Lolbertarians fall into the trap of wanting to protect everyones freedoms and they get fucked in the ass and get tranny aids for doing so.
>>977570 >Lolbertarians fall into the trap of wanting to protect everyones freedoms No they don't, and why are you lying?
>>977570 Ignorant
>>977570 >Unlimited Freedom is a fancy way of saying anarchy. No one said anything about unlimited freedom. I said these types of people don't care about freedom beyond their own personal desires. >You don't care about a faggot's freedom to suck dick on the street corner, or a nigger's freedom to rob stores, so there's plenty of freedoms you don't care about either. Because those freedoms infringe on other peoples freedoms. Did you really just write that thinking it was a rebuttal to anything related to maximizing freedoms as an ideological position? Stop being ridiculous. >Not to sound like a certain Huemonkey, but you should always only care about freedoms that directly benefit you and not give a shit about anyone elses. Which is a completely untenable political position in the long term. Which you recognize because you had the self awareness to realize it sounds exactly like the br's "just go super saiyen and use final flash on everything you don't like it's simple"
>>977575 >No one said anything about unlimited freedom. Yes you did. You've been acting like freedom is the definition of good this whole time. >Because those freedoms infringe on other peoples freedoms. It is not actually. The person being robbed or having their dick sucked is still free to defend themself. This, however, is irrelevant. If one is not free to perform a given action, up to and including taking the freedom of another away, then one is not completely free. >maximizing freedoms This is changing the goalposts, but regardless you are admitting that freedom is not actually the highest factor. You cannot 'maximize' freedom without infringing on the freedom of others. Your ideology is fundamentally hypocritical.
>>977580 Fuck off faggot.
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>>977580 >being aroused by a depiction of a child does in fact make you someone who is aroused by children So being arroused by Rouge and her tits means that I want to fuck bats?
>>977579 >Yes you did. Go ahead and quote where I said unlimited freedom. >It is not actually. The person being robbed or having their dick sucked is still free to defend themself. Keep pretending to be retarded and you'll just get less (You)'s with every post you make. >This is changing the goalposts Nope, you're the only one that started talking about "unlimited" freedom. You're just angry that I didn't lock myself into the strawman you made so you're spewing buzzwords. >>977580 >Nor does it put the site at risk of being de-platformed Most of what you said was fine right up until this. The site is at risk of being deplatformed just for being called 8chan alone. How you could say something so self-evidently wrong is very confusing.
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>>977582 The internet might have gotten a whole lot worse, but the porn gets better everyday.
>>977603 Didn't read any of this
>>977605 A wise choice, honestly.
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whatever lets me fuck the bloodsuckers
>>977975 Subhuman Freedumb scum!
>>963862 >More faggots that can't be arsed to do the already bare minimum of writing a fuck subject title.
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>>978473 Duty nigger. Freedom is best. Is there a mod for Fallout 4 which eliminates the settlement building system jank? Everything is so fucking awful, snapping to object and grid doesn't work correctly since I am always playing hide and seek to find the stupid snap point to align the structures with, rotation and moving the object is bugged because a lot of times when I am using the mouse wheel and the button it doesn't fucking rotate and mode and for some stupid reason the object is not snapped to grid at all. I installed the place everywhere mod but that is more of a bandaid then a real solution since I cannot use the mod snapping feature when a object is in hover mode, it only works for objects that are already placed which is fucking dumb.
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So, what is the reason the site went down the 19th?
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>>977582 Rouge generally is a humanoid with fat shapely tits, mascara, and a domineering femme fatale personality. Being attracted to that makes you heterosexual. Most people aren't attracted her large ears and bat wings in isolation. They're just window dressing for the main features. Lolis are humanoids that generally have the stature, small chest, thin hips, and far more often than the average anime girl, the ignorance and innocence of a child, though all somewhat flanderized as 99% of fiction representations of things are. Being attracted to all of that together or in isolation makes you a says nothing about anyone because I'm a good goy who does right-think. Here, have an alt with pasties, comrade. This debate is pointless, but I can't stand people making bad arguments and being wrong on the internet about spicy topics like this. Something about it tickles my autism.
>>978943 how do i learn your ways, master.
>>978957 What ways? Autism can't be taught.
>>978943 The thing is, why does /a/ over on smug just get away with saying "2D =/= 3D, don't stir shit" and have done with it, but this miserable den of autists has been having the same brain numbing arguments for four fucking years? I know part of it is the automod that ensures no shit is stirred but that can't be the whole of it?
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>>978998 /a/ doesn't present itself as free speech, and really never did. They were always full of autistic rulefaggotry, which is why /animu/ was ever able to gain any footing. You can be banned for checking digits on /a/, not using proper grammar, spelling an puncuation, shitting on someone's favorite flavor of the month, et cetera. They're much less willing to communicate with anyone that has broken any rules, which often result in IP wipes swiss cheesing multiple threads for even a single minor infraction. So yes, /a/ can get away with saying "Our beliefs are correct" and being done with it, because they much more zealously ban and mass delete anyone who steps out of line. Also, this place had Acid make the mistake of humoring the pedoniggers, which attached that stigma to here, as well as embolden people like the pedonigger LCP to continually push the topic.
>>978998 Because /a/ is even more obnoxiously moderated than even mark at his worst. It's just that no one here uses the board enough for that to be well known and those that do use it prefer their circlejerk the way it is. >>979005 Acid enabling the pedoniggers was basically stifled years worth of growth. It was one of the most brain dead decisions I think any imageboard admin has literally ever made.
>>979026 I cannot believe he repeated the same mistake Hotwheels made all those years ago. To this day I don't know what was going through his mind besides lolbert mental sickness.
>>979028 The funniest part is at least hotwheels actually followed through and fully enabled them entirely. Acid banned their pedonigger board, only to let them do the exact same shit on another board for 10 months straight. So apparently posting pictures of half-naked children is obviously bad on /hebe/, but was fine on /b/. Somehow acid chose the most retarded of all routes to maximize damage to the site in every conceivable way.
>>978943 You can tell just from looking the difference between a depiction of a vaguely bat-like character with anatomical traits completely absent from bats and a stylised depiction of a child which at most has the existing features of a child exaggerated. The post was rather disingenuous for ignoring this. Plus, most people here would defend depictions that have completely unexaggerated proportions so long as they haven’t been rendered enough to be considered ‘borderline’. >inb4 revisionist “no we wouldn’t”
>>979005 > as embolden people like the pedonigger LCP to continually push the topic. Well poisoning. In fact, I would not be surprised if he was mark or acid. I’m double posting because mods will delete anyway.
>>979038 I believe all things no matter how distasteful or reprehensible should be allowed and defended in fiction so long as it always holds true that they cannot provably be the cause of real crimes, and I'm in favor of calling a spade a spade. I'm not saying you can't like something in fiction while disliking it in reality, because 3D a PD after all, but liking big titty anime girls is still heterosexual, no matter how much you're turned off by meatspace women.
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I only know warhammer through memes. Will I still enjoy "the infinite and the divine"?
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>>979370 Fuck yeah, that book is great.
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What do you guys think of this Version of windows 11? is it's privacy good enough? Could someone test it in a virtual machine. https://archive.org/details/win11-enterprise-ltsc-22h2
>>979395 >Windows It's shit.
>>979395 Use mint.
>>979372 >>979374 Ok, you convinced me. Here it is for anyone else wanting to read it.
>>979396 >>979402 Does everyone here use linux?
>>979509 My guess would be roughly 30% of active posters do.
>>979402 >Mint Mint is shit for videogames. t. mint user.
>>976501 pls respondo
>>980334 Minecraft has the most player-made content and mods.
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>>980334 I want to impregnate Loona.
>>980335 Minecraft is a damn mess when it comes to mods, there is no backwards compability and each minecraft version has their own sets of mods. >>980351 I'd want to shank her too >>980356 Didn't liked Skyrim much tbh.
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there was this mobile game i used to play when i was a kid the game had a bunch of tribe niggas living on top of a mountain the game stule was 2D chibi basically there is the main hall that you upgrade just like other village based games upgrading it unlocks more slots for villagers and new buildings + upgrades the villagers can breed with each other to make babies the villagers also have traits they get from breeding the villagers age by time and they die so you have ti replace them by breeding you can asign tasks to your villagers like collecting berries from bushes on the mountain there is also a building that lets you send some of you villagers to random people online for rewards and people can also send villagers to you the villagers wear tribe masks like these they never take off their masks even the new born babies wear them
Moving this to the QTDDTOT.
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>>980405 From Dust, maybe? I don't remember much about the game but the mask thing is what stands out to me. Then again it's not 2D, it's completely 3D and also not on mobile so that's probably not it.
What is the best gameplay tracker software? Currently I’m using GamingGaiden which is kind of a "successor" to Gameplay Time Tracker (GTT is currently is broken an hasn’t been update in more than 10 years) however it lacks a lot of the features that GTT had.
I'm looking for a japanese mecha game. I don't know the console, but I'm pretty sure the game looked like it came out after 2010, if not 2015. The review I remember watching had multiple protagonists who each piloted their own mech. The story was divided between each protag, and each protag could only progress so far into the overall plot before being forced to play from another protag's point of view. The game was divided into slice of life/exploration, where you encountered different events and advanced the plot. The other part of the game as the mech battles, and that's the part my memory's a bit flimsy on. I think it was some sort of top down real time battles set in a city.
I'm stuck in a rut and can't enjoy anything besides eroge anymore and not the good, well written kind either. Every time I get into a new VN, I quickly drop it even though I used to enjoy them so much. My favorite games would have to be: ME2, Alchemy Meister, Wipeout, UT99, NFSU, Utawarerumono (2003 version, not the remade bastardized version), and danganronpa. Anyway my question is, why can't I enjoy new games anymore? I can play games I have already played just fine, I just can't get into new titles (to me) anymore. I'll browse looking for games for hours on end trying to find something and it just makes me tired and I usually don't end up finding anything. And when I do find something, I can't play the game for more than an hour before dropping it
>>981656 Take a break from gaming for a bit. Kind of sounds like you are dealing with vidya related burnout. Take up another hobby or do something like exercising/self improvement to get your mind in a fresh state again.
>>981656 Could be burnout, could be you got burned by a bad game? I know I got in a rut like that after Tales of Arise was such a world-shattering disappointment to me and didn't really get out of it until I played Elden Ring and Xenoblade Chronicles (after which I binged all the switch Xeno games and ended up liking 2 the most). You could try what >>981659 said and take up a new hobby, or try some recommendations or newer genres. I could give you some, but my interests are mostly RPGs/JRPGs and I don't really touch VNs.
(I haven't gotten an answer anywhere, so I'll ask here) Why was 8chan down from the 19th of may to fairy recently?
>>982970 The fuck are you talking about?
>>982971 Until fairly recently I got a 404 error when trying to access 8chan.
>>982974 It's been up fine, use the alternative domains if you get errors. 8chan.moe 8chan.se redchannit.org
>>982970 Possible region block, we have a 404 error when blocking countries like Russia, China, Israel, etc.
>>982983 What about Norway?
>>976535 >While you're at it, why not recommend her some ABA therapy for the autism you're implying she has. Are you just retarded or something? I AM THE SMARTEST
>>982988 Should be fine IIRC, email acid to confirm 8moeadmin@protonmail.com
>>979509 No, linux is gay now.
>>983053 Linux being gay doesn't sound like much of a deterrent for the average anon.
>>979415 thank you
>>979509 I dual boot Windows 11 and Arch
>>983246 I would never want to deal with windows 11 even if I was dual booting. Why not just use 10 instead?
Did Capcom add DRM or fuck up in any way MGR on Steam?
Ever since firefox 126.0 I have been getting a loop of the clearnet site's disclaimer page, even when I disable tracking protection and all extensions etc. That version update also fucked with cloudflare's anti robot protection but they seem to have fixed that on their end. Anyone know a solution?
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>>983886 When the fuck has Capcom had anything to do with Metal Gear?
>>983989 >>983995 Sorry I'm fucking retarded.
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>>983995 >>984009 Gear REX looks weird but I like it.
What was that game about a little girl with black hair and glasses on the cover? i can't find it? It was on steam.
What was the name of an old PS1 game where the objective was to not get angry? Might have been a japanese game. I remember there was a bar at the bottom that filled up corresponding to how angry you got.
>>986406 Need a little bit more information anon.
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>>986482 She kind of looks like picture related, and shes a western character.
>>986456 Was it the game about the mosquito and you have to annoy people?
>>986456 Incredible crisis
>>986558 Its likely this but i remember it a bit differently. Meth is a hell of a drug. Thanks.

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