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NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Forward Relentlessly Edition Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 02:48:20 Id: 3d9289 No. 908347
I was hoping to make it to the shareholders meeting before the old thread got bumped off but it looks like we'll miss it by a couple of weeks. >Latest News -Falcom's 2024 title is all but confirmed to be Kuro No Kiseki 3. We don't have a title or any details yet, though, and likely won't until the shareholder's meeting in December. -Ys X released on Playstation systems and Switch. As of now, no PC announcement has been made. CLE likely will make one going by their track record, but who's to say when. Durante and his team will eventually make one too, as the norm is now for them to release the Japanese PC version and patch in the localization later. Either way, we likely won't see fan translation efforts until a PC version materializes. Thankfully, the Switch version will at least mean easy access to the Japanese script, which was a major problem when trying to translate Kuro 2. Speaking of... -Kuro no Kiseki 2 has had it's main and sub scenarios translated. That is to say, main quest, side quests, events noted on the map and connect events. Most NPCs are still machine translated. This is following Kuro no Kiseki 1 which was completely translated down to the last NPC. This was all done before NISA even officially announced their Kuro localization. As long as they remain three years behind, this should stay the norm. >Fan-translations Kuro no Kiseki 1 Translation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nN-39bcBkES4Wg-3-rGlRqTARuQhGybB?usp=sharing Kuro no Kiseki 2 Translation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/120XMXZinIOWUvzyFZj4bZRYBSoZGMChO?usp=drive_link Hajimari no Kiseki Translation (NPCs incomplete. You might also have to use the CLE PC version and not Durante's. Not sure.): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WpcNwWXIAdrEitf7z0nIM6sZF7t3pQmw Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana English patch: https://files.catbox.moe/f9gv0g.zip >Undubs Mega of every undub: https://mega.nz/#F!k5ZjwTCD!A4Uyb67OpQQ_qCoB-zvx0g Merge the JP voices and Dummy files into one folder and dump that folder into the voice folder. >Falcom pastebin (download links for scans, Falcom Magazine volumes, soundtracks and more) pastebin.com/G2mswYCt >Previous Thread: https://archive.ph/k1XLz
Falcom best girl is pic related
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>>908347 Why doesn't Falcom give enough of a shit about getting their games into proper english?
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>>908591 Kondo honestly only gives a shit about the west insomuch as it might give him more money. He probably should care more as his Japanese audience is dwindling and chinks and gooks only give so much. But this is also the guy who insisted that Tokyo Xanadu get a western vita port because it was hit on the vita in Japan so obviously that would be true for the west too, even though the vita fucking tanked in the west. It took him like seven years to realize maybe making games for the Switch, the only console Japanese gamers were playing (you know, his preferred consumers since they always get the games way earlier), was a good idea. He's just out of touch. Luckily for him his games are so cheap to make it hasn't spelled disaster yet.
>>908614 >his Japanese audience is dwindling Yeah, from what little experience I had talking to Japanese people online, it seems like many of them see Falcom as just a manufacturer of low budget trash. Kind of like how Bethesda is seen on /v/.
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>>908626 Anon, I'm not denying it's trash, but Bathesda is most definitely not low budget. Kondo at least has an excuse because he's cheap and his games are cheap. Todd pays money out his ass and his games are still terrible.
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Here's your drink, anon.
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>>908700 Which flavor of Fie was best?
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>>908708 CSIII for sure. Kuro needs to bring the belly back.
>>908637 >Bathesda is most definitely not low budget Considering they only just now stopped using the Morrowind engine from 2001, I think it's fair to say they're at least cheaper than most AAA studios.
>>908721 Anon, Starfield is still using GameBryo underneath the Creation Engine marketing.
>>908721 >He doesn't know They're still using Gamebryo anon
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>>908721 Starfield is still Gamebryo
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>>908714 I want to start a family with Fie.
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>>908793 I want Altina to be my daughter.
>>908708 I prefer her shorts in CS2, but on the whole, I agree with this >>908714
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>>908829 Yeah I like how low they are on her hips. Good showcase of vagina bones on her CS2 outfit for sure.
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YsX on PC when? Come on CLE.
>>909079 It's coming with the NISA mistranslation.
>>909079 Probably early 2024. They still want that China and Korea money and NISA doesn't deal with those. >>909082 Unlikely. Odds are durante would release a version with just the Japanese script before any localization is done. That's what happened with Nayuta and Kuro 1.
The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki – Farewell, O Zemuria, >“In the year 120X, everything comes to an end.” >C. Epstein, the father of the orbal revolution, prophesized the end of the Zemurian continent. >As “X Day” approaches, a massive orbal rocket is about to be launched from a large military base built in the Kunlun Range. >“Can man make it past the planet’s atmosphere?” >“What lies at the end of the continent?” >“Will mankind be able to uncover the true nature of the ‘world’?” >While the whole world watches to witness the largest undertaking since the dawn of history, somewhere in the singularity that is Ored, forces from all over the land were about to gather, including a young “Spriggan.” >Will the single trail toward the distant heavens ultimately shape the future of Zemuria, or… Looks like they changed the subtitle and Calvard's story will continue with a different name. Alsom look who's fucking back (probably it's still pretty blurry but I want to believe)
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>>918989 >look who's fucking back
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>>918989 onion sisters we are so back
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>>919471 >>919557 I'm hoping this means Ries is back as well.
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https://nintendoeverything.com/falcom-president-on-graphics-criticism-and-ys-x-nordics-sales/ Can't archive or screenshot because I'm phone posting while on holiday but I just saw this pop up in my news feed, thought it might be of interest to some of you.
>>921197 >The same investor briefing also gave us insight into the sales of Ys X: Nordics. Switch accounted for 30 percent of the game’s sales, which was ahead of PS4’s 20 percent but below PS5’s 50 percent. How the fuck? I guess its the fact that Falcom games have largely been on Sony platforms for a long time so that created expectations in the consumer base, but still, how the fuck.
>>921257 Assuming it isn't some number fudging in the vein of shipped copies counted as sold type shit, my wild guess would be some portion of normalniggers compromising on weebshit hate to get away from the usual agitprop.
>>921257 The insomniac leak actually gave us PS5 sale data. It's about 1:1 with what PS4 was in it's life cycle. As for why Switch didn't sell more units, well it wasn't the cleanest version for sure. It's definitely worse to play. Falcom is niche enough that in Japan the people who would play it probably own a PS5 and would simply choose that version. I also think Falcom waited too long to get into Switch development.
>>921391 He's not a translator, but he is a Nisa shill. Hatsuu came up with the Elaine title, and yeah it's fucking stupid. But it's not like you have to think about that anymore. Nisa will take three years to translate a game. You'll have a fan translation before then.
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>>921391 >translator
>>921393 And as much as people hate the awful English translations many Japanese games get, they're entirely the result of companies not wanting to pay for quality work. Those mentally ill weebs they hire from Discord will work for pennies compared to actual translation studios. This isn't just a problem with Japanese-to-English translations, either, this is an issue across the whole industry. Many of the Alan Wake II translations are downright terrible, the Korean one is especially bad and I've heard the Japanese dub's subtitles are literally Japanese phonetically written into Latin script. Blame stingy devs/publishers and apathetic casuals, ultimately.
>>921471 >>921396 No I meant he specifically did not work on Reverie or Kuro in any official capacity. He's just a reddit and discord shill. He doesn't actually work on the games. He is not a Nisa employee or a contractor, he's just a cheerleader. But, again, it doesn't really matter anymore. Nisa is irrelevant at this point since fans are already two games ahead of them and Nisa shows no signs of picking up the pace.
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Merry Christmas, Niggers.
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CLE's Ys X PC port will release March 13th. We shall see if a fan translation happens like with Trails. On the one hand, much less autistically zealous fanbase, on the other hand shorter script. I've seen some people playing with it and doing proof of concepts at least.
>>930635 Great news. I'm really hoping translators will see the appeal in getting ahead of NiSA on Ys as well as Kiseki.
>>930660 >>930635 Ys X translation progress (using the Switch script)
>>931575 huh, guess it's coming along smoothly.
>>931575 Does Ys X keep the character swap mechanic from VIII? Also, any evidence this game was poisoned at the root by the DEI ESG crowd?
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>>931575 I love these guys.
>>931585 >Does Ys X keep the character swap mechanic from VIII? There are two characters and you switch between them. There are no others. >any evidence this game was poisoned at the root by the DEI ESG crowd? Not that I can tell. Falcom is very small and the games take such a long time to localize I doubt there's ANY contact between Falcom and localizers before release. Unless it's the CLE guys, but they also serve SEA.
>>931592 They only serve SEA I mean to say. No English localizers touch the game or have any contact before the game's Japanese release it would seem.
>>909079 >YsX on PC when? Ys X looks good, but when the fuck are they going to release a remake/remaster of Lost Kefin?
>Tokyo Xanadu eX+ "enhanced port" announced to be heading west for the Switch <my instinctive first thought is that it's going to be pozzed for ESG/"stakeholder metric" points >having forgotten that Nihei Falcom is only public on TYO and the board was delighted about the port on PC back in 2017 turning out well and making Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari red with anger God help me, my brain is boiled.
>>932801 TX has one of the worst localizations in modern Falcom (yes, even more than Nishit) so I find it hard to believe they could make it worse. In another news Kuro 2 is finally fully translated. For some reason the people running the google drive link are being really fucking slow, so here's a link to the new stuff: https://files.catbox.moe/emb71s.zip
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>>939764 It would be my pleasure.
New Tokyo Xanadu next year, which holds to the pattern of Falcom making Xanadu games in years ending in "5." Seems to be a completely new cast with only Rem being a recurring element.
>>944366 >with only Rem being a recurring element What about a Towa? I'll laugh if they put her in again. I do really wish Falcom were trying for a more interesting setting with Xanadu instead of the modern day double swords we'll be getting. Why can't they figure out why games like Elden Ring are popular?
>>945139 >What about a Towa I guess I could see her showing up. We probably won't see much about this game this year since Kai will be out first. >I do really wish Falcom were trying for a more interesting setting with Xanadu instead of the modern day double swords we'll be getting. Why can't they figure out why games like Elden Ring are popular? TX was one of the Falcom's most successful games in Japan to the point it broke Kondo's brain. He simply did not understand the simple fact of otakubait selling well on the Vita being a phenomenon that existed precisely at that time in Japan and could not be replicated elsewhere.
Gurumin Followup: Whoever thought to make (360 motion) + Attack as an input AND implemented it needs to get fucking punched in the gut. It is a fucking 3d platformer, and running around very naturally procs the 360 input needed to get absolutely fucked in the ass by a dumb spinning drill attack or spinning drill dive when you just wanted a divekick or a quick regular attack out of life. Other than that, mostly enjoyed the experience. Very charming game. Think I'll do a Heart - Containerless run and avoid the mistake of purchasing fucking stupid idiot fucking retard designed moves
Did gooks really fuck up so hard that they had to remove their port of Ys X to save face?
>>957577 Sadly yes. It was awful. While I never considered CLE's PC ports of Trails great by any means, they were at least passable. But Ys 10 was a massive fuckup. Terrible performance, glitches, just about everything wrong. It might have been more of a technical mess than NISA's first draft of Ys 8, which was very bad. Hopefully they fix it before too long and maybe we'll hear from the fan translators again. It was at least partially done at one point, but the massive shitshow seems to have stalled it for now. NISA has set a date for the end of the year for their version (this actually marks the first time they've ever released a Falcom game out of release order) and they don't seem to be releasing a Japanese one early this time. The Ys side of the fanbase has always been less autistic than the Trails side, but I'm hoping the fan translators weren't discouraged from finishing.
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>>957586 >might have been more of a technical mess than NISA's first draft of Ys 8 What a horrifying thing to say. Very sad to hear and to consider that waiting for NiSA may be the best option on PC. I just really need to play X to see for myself if it's any good.
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I did really want for Van to change his style, but not like this.
>>964428 It's not much of a change, true, but at least it's something. Agnes and Risette's new designs are pure sex, though. Also looks like pantsu is still in the game, which is good.
>>964458 As if there wouldn't be pantsu. I'm really looking forward to seeing Bergard again.
>>964459 >As if there wouldn't be pantsu. I never doubted (if for no other reason than Falcom is lazy and they're likely gonna import at least half the outfits from previous stuff), but some people blackpilled about how they'd all be replaced by modesty shorts. >I'm really looking forward to seeing Bergard again. A shame he didn't get a new design too but I guess they figured since he was only at the end of Kuro 1 and completely sat out Kuro 2 they didn't need to.
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>>964474 Yeah he seems a bit out of place in his old gear. It's interesting that they've updated craft animations since I would have thought Falcom were too busy working on KEVIN!
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>>964479 Honestly I'm glad they updated the animations. Every game Falcom seems to actually get better at 3D. And damn I hope Kevin really does show up and his playable. I still believe that green and white blur is him. I still believe it.
Damn Feri's new outfit is awakening primal urges in me I haven't felt since Fie's CS2 outfit.
>>970974 >since Fie's CS2 outfit Jaeger girls just can't stop showing midriffs.
>>964483 For a second I thought that was Nero.
>>971026 Kevin's been confused with Vash the Stampede before but I've never heard Nero.
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Trailer dropped. This is actually an unlisted version that has no audio but it's longer than the one on their public youtube and it just has music. GUESS WHO'S BACK BITCHES (A lot of people actually)
>>971293 Lapis looking like pure sex too.
>>971295 LAPIS? LAPIS! I miss Kevin and Altina so much Aidios fucking Christ. I never ever expected to have both show up in the one game like this after the criminally Kevinless state of Hajimari and as there have been merely two games since that which are bereft of Altina’s grace.
>>971293 Now it really feels like a final game.
>>971384 I mean this won't be the final game. Hell there might be more than one Kai game for all we know. Kondo says the series is heading towards the finale, but this isn't the last game. There's probably at least one more arc after this.
>>971439 I meant for these characters. Shit usually goes down, even more so with Kevin, when it's the final game of an arc.
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>>971781 It's probably the final game of the arc. I wouldn't put it past Kondo to pull a "stay tuned for Kai no Kiseki 2: The Final."
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Man the NPCs weren't fully done when I played Kuro. Didn't know they had a guy actually complaining about Race-swapping in it. Shame you're probably supposed to disagree with him even though his point is completely valid.
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The wait for Kai is impossible.
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The only new character shown is Crow. Though confirmed Fie will be around again after taking most of Kuro 2 off. Still hoping we get confirmation on Ries soon. Game looks cool though. Falcom seems to be improving their animations a lot.
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>>983444 >My face when Kevin goes to space and Overdosing Heavenly Bliss kicks in.
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How are the Kuro games compared to the Rean quintology? I'm playing through Reverie right now and it's such a slog. It's just more of Cold Steel with even worse pacing and less tension. I've accepted that the golden age of Liberl and Crossbell are gone, but are the Kuro games at least something different, in terms of the style of its writing and gameplay? By "gameplay" I don't just mean combat, I mean everything that's not watching cutscenes.
>>984768 >By "gameplay" I don't just mean combat, I mean everything that's not watching cutscenes. I mean it's structured like your average Trails game. I'd say the tone is at least different from some of the earlier ones at least in superficial ways. You could always pirate it, plug in the fan translation and see what you think.
>>984772 I should also say the gameplay is also somewhat different as there's a pseudo action battle system in addition to turn based. It's not that a deep and is mostly just used to kill weak enemies and get an advantage in turn based battles but it does change up the flow. It's much less about turn order manipulation.
>>984768 >I'm playing through Reverie right now and it's such a slog. It's just more of Cold Steel with even worse pacing and less tension. Trails of Cold Steel honestly killed the franchise for me. Wasn't particularly invested in the franchise anyhow, having only played Trails in the Sky on PSP - which I enjoyed - but Cold Steel was such a poor showing that I never went back to finish the Liberl arc.

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