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EDF6 PC and PS4/5 western release Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 16:22:23 Id: a424fb No. 895955
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>>895955 Hopefully no system requirement changes from 5 because i can't afford a new CPU right now.
>>895955 About god damn time
This reminds me, did EDF5 weapon mods ever take off on PC? All I wanted was an NCSS Cannon Shot that was viable for Inferno.
>>895955 (checked) About damn time.
While it's nice to hear the pc version will come out at the same time as the others, Idk what to think about the voice actors. In that trailer they're the same as the random npc's from 5, but the trailer last month showed that sarge and his squad had shittier voice actors/lines.
>>896000 >but the trailer last month showed that sarge and his squad had shittier voice actors/lines Huh, wonder whats up with that?
>>895988 (czeched)
Is there proof it will come out on PC at the same time as the nogaems machines? For all we know, the Steam release could be 12/31/2024.
>>895968 WE'LL UNLEASH ALL OUR FORCES WE WON'T CUT THEM ANY SLACK >>896000 (checked) Yeah I don't know why they wouldn't use the voice cast they already had from the last 2 games, their delivery was perfect. Those new ones sound WAY too tongue-in-cheek and insincere
>>896019 They changed to a different localization publisher, the same that did World Brothers. I presume from the announcement that they won't add any additional random dialogue and keep the one from 5 but change the cast for 6 to make it cohesive with the rest of the plot.

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Spritefall lady better still be here. She is my oshi
>>896150 Regretfully I never got too far into playing Air Raider in the last 2 games as I mostly play singleplayer. I'm hoping that the changes they made to the class in 6 change that, the focus on drones as a main weapon seem promising. I'm also looking forward to seeing how the fencer plays in this one, I think they toned down the recoil on some of the rapid fire weapons to make them more viable for the early game so it'll be nice to have more variety early on.

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>>896000 >>896010 Here's a video comparison. I personally plan to play with the japanese voices regardless, like I did for EDF5 before, and there's the option of subtitles present in 6 too. I don't believe the english dub will be able to properly convey the top-tier acting of the Professor who is a recurring character throughout this game. >>896017 The fact the Steam page is already up with the ability to wishlist the game is already a sign that it could release alongside of the Playstation version. Maybe my memories are playing a trick, but I recall that the Steam page for EDF5 in 2019 came out a lot more abruptly and to immediately sell the game.
>>896224 That was the trailer for the asian release version which is done by some company named CLOUDED LEOPARD ENTERTAINMENT, although it's unlikely they made two english dubs maybe that CLP trailer was just demo or something like that. Because even the vibe of that trailer didn't feel EDF, while the D3 one is something you would expect from EDF.
>>896190 I play singleplayer and all I play is Air Raider I thought they nerfed him because you don't statt off with a vehicle and have to earn credits to keep the loop going, bu they just rape with the Gunship beacons. There is nothing more satisfying than jugging your timed request beacons and seeing entire waves of enemies being smitten by the will of God. They still suck ass in underground missions, EDF6 fixes that with the drones.
>>896019 The EDF deploys!
>>896236 >>896190 Solo AR is really fun, though a lot more strategy intensive and also needs good appropriate gear. >They still suck ass in underground missions Splendor anything, turrets and depth crawlers are plenty fun.
>>896345 The issue with Air Raider is that it's low range without vehicles or dedicated weapons for ramge like filling a weapon slot for a sniper limpet that's useless for anything but single targets. Splendor is only good for tight corridors and will be downright useless on the larger cave systems and with spawners. That range issue has locked me out of missions with one enemy remaining. Talking about my first playtrough on hard.
>>896382 Yeah early difficulties AR is kind of lacking especially if you don't grind a bit but once you have the better stuff it's much better, latter depth crawler in particular basically negate difficulty in anything underground so long as you can find a narrow corridor somewhere. Last enemy out of reach is a concern but you should have the laser / missiles / tank / mech to deal with that.
I've been playing solo long range Air Raider and I didn't know how fun that class could be until now. It's just a pure one man army dopamine pumping male power fantasy as long as you got the right setup. I did fuck up against the mother ship and my only weapon with enough rage to hit its weak spots was my sniper limpet but other than that its great.
>>896408 I'm glad you liked it anon, it takes some autism to get along with it, but once it clicks, it's so goddamn satisfying. >I did fuck up against the mother ship and my only weapon with enough rage to hit its weak spots was my sniper limpet You can literally get stuck on missions like those if you don't have a long range option.
>>896449 Eh it just took a while. I had to hide and run around in my slow ass mech to grab health packs and pop out for pop shots so I couldnt get deleted, it just took a while. I also got stuck on the moving fortresses leg when it was popping out of the ground for a bit, it was pretty cool. I didn't even know that could happen.
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>>896232 Could be, but i guess we won't know until the game is out. That said, I still think the english dub won't be able to match the quality of the original JP voice-acting, especially when EDF6 goes further on the despair and hopelessness. Embedded vids from EDF5 are a good example >English dub: Soldier merely inconvenienced by the Aranea's thread >Japanese VA: Soldier literally shits his pants after being caught by the thread and desperately calls for help
The next installment of the Endless mod for EDF5 has a mission type with optional objectives and 10 possible endings. Ranging from 15 minutes required for completion, to almost 3 hours. https://youtu.be/89i5Q5wIzIw?feature=shared
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If anyone is interested in playtesting the next version of the Endless mod, here's a mirror. All 111 missions are now available, with all-new finale (Eclipse Core) set in a virtual world, and an non-linear final chapter (Eclipse) with multiple endings. Mirror: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wood80rVEHuonbxmks1R3xHF8WVbLozO/view?usp=sharing
Is there anything left to ddo after killing space god?
>>899684 Grinding for more wepons
>>899684 >>899686 Is this the Terraria tread?
>>899684 There's 2 DLCs and higher difficulties.
>>895988 >209 new enemies what?
>>899990 It means CCIX new enemies Fucking queers using arabic numerals
>>899687 Believe it or not there's yet another update coming soon. Pls move on, Terraria 2, Terraria underworld, Terraria 3d, anything but more updates. >>899932 I owned the game for years and my dumbass forgot I could do the DLC. They were fun when I did some before somehow I hope they're still worth the money.
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Endless Eclipse on nexusmods and moddb: https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce5/mods/62 https://www.moddb.com/mods/endless-mode We're days away from the final release of Endless Eclipse. I didn't anticipate to fix and change so much, but anyway we're finally done. All 111 missions are complete and playable in solo and local\online. They're all on the lenghty side and particularly those in the final chapter. which can last up to 3 hours if you wish to complete all side objectives. >Fighting alongside a faction of enemies against the others >Optional encounters >Capturing kaijus >Fighting EDF mechs >Achievements >Alternate endings based on difficulty and progression. >Tens of bosses in hours of mission There won't be something else like this anytime soon. I made this because I wanted to see more large scale battles between equal armies, in the likes of missions like Plains of Conflict, and the previous mods' mentality was just to spawn lots of enemies and mow them down with a super weapon. But the tools are only in assembly and it's frankly atrocious. Final mission: https://youtu.be/FJdDUV1FPK8
>>900222 The download link from >>898661 is up to date with the latest build.
>>900222 (checked) >>900223 Bless you anon I couldn't believe they made 2025 back then, and seeing it on PC, with mods to boot, is still unreal to me. The industry has changed so fast.
>>900222 >>900223 Downloadan now. Boy as long as this is more EDF I just know it will be fun as fuck. Thank you dude I really appreciate this.
>>895988 Is this in english or no?
>>900332 If you have any suggestions, drop them and I'll see what I can do. I've spent the last week fixing spawn points and adding small features.
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The autocollect mod now works online: at the end of an online mission, a chopper will spawn to airlift you and your crates. Offline is just like before: when the mission completes, all crates are picked up. Home https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce5/mods/53 Mirror https://drive.google.com/file/d/1quFbU8-1fo7wEzIAmCBfczGdgGK236b4/view?usp=sharing This feature will have to be imported into the Endless mod...
>>902676 Installing now for my Inferno playtrough.
>>902704 I played with some dudes with HP in the tens of thousands. How much did you fuckers have to grind for HP that high or did you dudes use mods?
>>902968 People literally put an elastic band on controllers, add in autofire for good measure and leave the game to cook for a whole night. Those using trainers to pick up all crates at the end for ten missions are the normal ones, by comparison. Just remember that when you get to the big numbers it's over, there won't be anymore reason to play. Enjoy completing the game on all the top difficulties and be done with it.
>>903019 >when you get the big numbers it's over To the hardcore Japanese EDF fans, that's when the fun just starts because they just set their armor to minimum and do inferno runs with a whopping 150-200 health max.
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>>903804 Also available for 4.1.
How's EDF World Brothers? It's on sale and I'm considering getting it.
EDF is on sale! (Steam)
>>908030 It's not the greatest but fun nonetheless, don't go in expecting the mainline series
Didn't the devs cuck out and make the female classes less sexy looking and put everyone in generic fatigues?
>>908492 That's just the past parts
is theren an autoloot for 4.1? I know there are some scripts for cheatengine but I'm retarded
>>908492 Not really. You might have seen pictures of EDF6's wing diver in long pants. This is from the "bad ends" of the game where society collapsed and people are desperate to survive in small groups of a few hundred people with maybe 10 or so EDF members, half of which are conscripts that never touched a gun before that day. Nobody's going to waste the resources or manpower to make sexy wing diver skirts when they're surviving on canned beans. In contrast, the "good end" wing diver's outfit is sexy as fuck, and there's plenty of missions where she has her EDF5 outfit, too.
As someone who has never played this series before is it worth picking up 4.1 since it's on sale? Online looks like it's probably pretty dead and will likely be playing it solo for the most part. Is it still worth playing by yourself? Or should I skip it and just get 5 instead?
>>909627 If you want to get you're feet wet first you could emulate Monster Attack/EDF 1 and it's still the same exact gameplay when it comes to playing as the Ranger class. Each EDF game is just building on top of what the last one did, so EDF5 is simply gonna have more features then EDF4.1, essentially the break down of the main series is this. EDF1 is the standard Ranger Gameplay. EDF2 adds the Wingdiver class EDF3 was a remake of EDF1, it only has the Ranger. EDF4 has the Wingdiver again, and it adds the Air Raider and the Fencer classes. EDF5 adds equipment to further customize the classes, and collecting the same weapon more then once now has that Weapon level up it's stats a little.
>>909627 If playing solo 4.1 has the advantage of less mission with a lot of downtime but it also has missions that will be extremely hard once you try your hand at the higher difficulties.
>>909627 4 is a good place to start because it's the first game in the series that got an actual budget, and you might find it hard to get into 4 after getting used to the quality of life refinements added in 5 and 6.
It's kind of impressive that after so many years and so many games, Sandlot is still making vehicles that handle like complete dogshit. You'd think that they'd get better at it just from doing it so many times, but they just defy conventional wisdom.
>>909632 >>909659 >>909664 Ok, I think I will get 4.1 and see how it goes. Seems like a grindy game and might be hard to go back to 4.1 after playing 5. Thanks anons.
>>909627 Online is not dead, but there's no matchmaking.
>>898661 How did you create this mod anon?
>>910218 There's unpackers for the game's models and textures. But most importantly, missions can be converted into an assembly script, which is where most of my work went into. Try opening this file in notepad: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qC0IY5w9AR3czSmmNkHX4tDo6l0woc7D/view?usp=sharing If you want to try some stuff, there's an EDF modding discord where they can point out all the details. But make no mistake, until someone releases a real editor, it's all pain no gain.
I'm afraid we still can't have an autocollect mod for 4.1, as neither of the two methods working for EDF5 can be implemented backwards. Anyway, here's a few little mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce5/mods/74
>>909671 They have weight and take some skill to use, if every vehicle handled the same it would be boring.
>>914031 Not too much of an issue really, the autocollect script for CE is almost perfect, minus the fact that it tends to crash if used over long periods of time especially if collecting every crate and not just armor + weapons.
>>909671 Your options with helicopters are: - Keep circle strafing and only aim up and down, it's very good when it actually works - Move very little: lift off, hover, shoot all your ammo and abandon the vehicle. Like a glorified turret
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https://www.nexusmods.com/earthdefenseforce5/mods/75 Bargas replaced by Balams from 4.1.
Here's a trick for you people If you remove the voicebanks from the folders (just the banks, not the other ones, they're the 1 GB files) You automagically skip all in mission dialog at lightning speed which makes a lot of missions with tons of dialogs you 've already hear a thousand times go by way faster, dunno how it behaves in multi however.
>>915013 Speaking of audio mods, the current situation is still the same as years ago: audio archives, which are all pretty big files, can be edited; but you will have to include the whole thing every time, even if you change a single file. As for the rest, I appreciated that the EDF5 audio archive still contain the music files from 4.1 and 2017, so there's lots of that in the Endless mod.
>>914657 So much better I hated that Barga is barely modified as a construction vehicle post it's first appearance unlike Balam which is exactly that, a heavily modified construction vehicle.
>>915063 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usoGDsm8N08 Barga heard you were talking shit.
>>915168 I cannot fucking wait for EDF6 on PC Except the part where I'll likely need an upgrade
I've been working on a hybrid class, giving Air Raider toys to the Ranger. At the moment I'm fixing the handling of helicopters, will be done in a couple days tops.
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I'm playtesting that new hybrid class. Storm Rider, a modified Ranger with elements of Air Raider. You can check it out here: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/94kfw8.7z
>>921901 bless you anon
>>921901 I'd replace snipers with the missiles tree, otherwise you get some seriously broken combos that involve Turrets + Nix + Sniper
>>921913 >>921901 Also >Storm rider >Rider >no bikes
>>921913 Snipers and ranger weapons have double reload time, if that's any help. I wish I could give a malus to mechs, like less power and higher costs*. At the moment, I can only have less models of Nyx: like 10 instead of 20, or only the bad ones. *In the beginning they actually had maluses, but it turns out that playing with a vanilla player might cause both to disconnect. That's a big risk, having people running around wrecking servers, so I'm playing it safe.
>>921916 Basically the issue here is you can walk in most maps with a balanced sniper for alpha strikes to get vehicle points, a set of turret to stall and a Nix to actually do damage and once you have one out (especially the Nix Assault) it's GG for most missions. Maybe higher point costs? or lower starting points You still might wanna have missiles or remove the radar equipment though, I don't think they work with vehicles and you don't have any the upper tier Naegling anyways so outside of lower difficulty you're not gonna be using that.
>>921917 I can do that, but it's unsafe territory when brought online to vanilla servers. Like those people who make the server lobby crash, because they're playing modded missions beyond mission 111. So I think we're left with having less Nyx models available to this class: or less snipers, less turrets etc. I kinda wanted to have no explosive weapons on the Ranger side of things, especially with lock on. To push the mortars, airstrikes and the grenades on the vehicle button.
>>921918 Yeah but then you might also be removing too much viable option for Inferno, because looking at it once you remove the Nix and Turrets above ground has like a couple builds I'd say are truly good Snipers I don't think are an issue by themselves especially if nerfed but they do have an impact on your ability to get a vehicle out on the field because the places where AR had to rely on satellites / Spritefall / Missiles / Limpets snipers call-ins you can just pop the thing and not have to think bout it more than that and those thins tend to be big targets worth a bunch of points. Turrets as well alone are mostly fine, maybe the ZE Blaster is a bit over the curve but nothing too dramatic Nixes, should be fine besides the Assault, the Assault is just busted good and if you have that anything not involving flyers or underground is cake. Looking at it more it might also be very strong underground (though not WD strong so maybe it's perfectly fine)
>>921922 Would moving the Nyx mechs to weapon slot 1 or 2 solve anything? Not that I like the idea particularly, I'm just searching for alternatives.
>>921926 How about turrets on slot 3?
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>>921922 >Yeah but then you might also be removing too much viable option for Inferno Pic related, this is a possible scenario (red ones are gone). Is it better? >>921929 They don't work correctly in the vehicle slot, they can be placed but not activated later. Here's 2 somewhat ugly solutions. >solution 1 I double the points required for the Nyx, then I make it impossible for modded players and vanilla to play together, so they can't meet and crash. >solution 2 I edit the points, you can still play on vanila servers, but it also affects your Air Raider (and anyone else who has the mod). I'm trying to circumvent this, but it seems impossible.
>>921936 >Pic related, this is a possible scenario (red ones are gone). Is it better? Almost no specialized ones sounds okay, I would keep Saber just for how unpractical it is to actually use (no turn speed so can't make use of the penetration and can only target big things from afar reliably, sorta like a mech Epsilon Railgun). Also the C3 should be fine to stay if the ZC and C2 are in. >They don't work correctly in the vehicle slot, they can be placed but not activated later. Here's 2 somewhat ugly solutions. Yeah removing a few Nix might be better.
>>921917 >you don't have any the upper tier Naegling All naeglings are in "ground vehicles", they go up to level 88. They're part of the theme that this class has few and weird lock-on weapons (like robot bombs and the new blast rifle).
>>921949 The image only showed up to level 65.
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>>921952 All right, gonna fix Nyx selection and image.
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Updated the Storm Rider with fewer Nyx. I left out Saber to further differentiate from Air Raider, I just hope it doesn't kneecap people attempting DLC2, else it would be necessary to get back Assault. Download: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/dfr0ofrm.7z
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>>921967 > I just hope it doesn't kneecap people attempting DLC2 I don't really see any point that would really stick badly, you do have M10 Slade + Phobos Z Plan 4 + ZE Blaster for when you're out of creativity
These are just afterthoughts made during tests: >Heavy Ranger 3 weapons, no support slot https://pomf2.lain.la/f/duonj34t.7z >Heavy Raider 4 weapons, no support slot https://pomf2.lain.la/f/azf4w16l.7z
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I'm looking into giving Wing Diver a few weapons from the other classes. But it will be less good than the Storm Rider, because others would still see you use WD weapons most of the time. But what would the concept be, behind a WD subclass? A flying ranger as much as possible? I've seen very different things that look cool in the air: satellite shots, flamethrowers, flying stag beetle bombs.
>>922332 Stampede and missiles spam also would sound really cool The ability to erase swarms from the air without running out of energy ever is quite an interesting prospect.
>>922450 Possible scenarios for Wing Diver, considering the hardcoded limitations that stab me in the back every fucking time. We're talking about giving most Ranger weapons (and a few Air Raider's) to Wing Diver, >scenario 1 3 weapon slots, default flight, weapons do not consume energy. I think this is too easy, because the default flight can last a very long time if you're not reloading energy weapons. You'd be out of enemy reach 99% of the time. >scenario 2 3 weapon slots, default flight, weapons consume energy. This would be probably the most normal outcome, but it's doing nothing new or special. >scenario 3 2 weapon slots, way less flight duration, weapons do not consume energy. It would play the closest to a flying Ranger, but having to fly ess does affect part of the enjoyment. >scenario 4 >the mercenary wing diver 3 weapon slots, slot 1 has only a few weapons that do not consume energy (shotguns, flamethrowers, mines, c4). Slot 2 has the rest of the weapons... but they cost air raider points to reload. Not many, just a few kills, but it would make necessary to juggle between the free weapons and the paid ones. This kind of micromanagement can replace the handling of wing energy adequately, but also take away the "going all out" fun of shooting a hundred misslies from the air.
>>922554 Assuming it's possible, how about scenario 3 but instead of limiting flight times you restrict to energy core that have some quirks in regards to flight? Shit like mighty core would be entirely too much as boosting would get you nearly unlimited flight but other cores have much less desirable flight characteristics / flight time / boost behaviors
>>922617 >>922554 Also just to be sure, would ranger weapon be reloading in the inactive slots or not?
>>922617 I'm actually taking the code for 'lowered flight time' from those cores, in practice what's happening is that flying costs +50% energy. Not sure if it will be the right choice, we'll see. >>922618 >Also just to be sure, would ranger weapon be reloading in the inactive slots or not? Not at the moment, scenario 3 is pretty much only a Ranger with a jetpack. It can be added, however.
>>922667 >Not at the moment, scenario 3 is pretty much only a Ranger with a jetpack. It can be added, however. On one hand it would be cool on the other it definitely has OPness potential, like say having a stampede / goliath / fang on perma reload is definitely very strong in some scenarios Option 4 sounds better but might have an even stronger OPness potential depending on what you can charge with points and whether ammo magically pops up already loaded or you have to both earn the points and reload (again looking at the stampede / goliath / fang) If you're going option 4 I'd hope you'd consider missiles on the non reload slot, their primary strength is being able to have a buffer of damage in the air while you're doing something else, if you don't have that they're kind of meh especially if they have to compete with the Ghost Chaser. Also are Ranger weapons affected by that WD quirk that when you're in the air and falling some of your projectiles weapons shoot below where you're aiming as well?
>>922670 Apparently, melee that reloads with points was already done in Zangeki no Reginlev. The OP potential of the points idea comes from the fact that weapons may just reload instantly, after shooting the last rocket or because of your teammates. Anyway it will be the last thing I try. Ranger weapon don't spawn downward when you fly, however lock on missiles always had the bad habit of exploding on the ground if you jumped while shooting. And you can see that inertia happening during flight, hopefully they can't hit you.
This is a Wing Diver with Ranger weapons: - 2 weapons slots, 1 core - Weapons do not require energy - Flying requires double energy Honestly I'm not feeling it, but it's a necessary stepping stone to produce something more. If you try it, tell me what you think about balancing no energy weapons with double energy flight. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZC015FSLfJ4l6Paca2oOy_55p8D4nzjc/view?usp=sharing
>>922773 >hopefully they can't hit you. They can't >If you try it, tell me what you think about balancing no energy weapons with double energy flight The flying balance should be mostly fine, it's already constraining enough with just 2x usage, but looking at how it plays i can see why devs went with the way WD weapons behave, having no energy usage on weapon or even weapons that only use energy on reloads is just gonna be strong if you also have boosting. Also smaller issue is weapon levels are fucked up and some weapons can't seem to max out not a big in some cases but a much worse one in others (higher end missiles are just nerfed to shit with that).
>>923077 >weapon levels are fucked up I didn't notice, that's a whole new can of worms. Long story short, it can't be fixed unless I also modify Ranger. If I don't, we'll just pretend it's a nerf to balance the class (together with the reduced flight time). More technically, what's happening is that I cloned some weapons from Ranger to Wing Diver. And they're taking their levels from the original Wing Diver ones, there's no helping it. But I know a sneaky way to fix this. The issue is that it can only work in the current state of things: not if I were to add energy or points usage to the weapons (like in the other scenarios). Unless... I actually meant to edit Ranger as well as Wing Diver together. It may be fun to have a Ranger using wing weapons (no energy tho) and a Wing Diver using ranger weapons. Tentative name: Foehammer and Valkyrie, a two class coop mod.
>>923156 >The issue is that it can only work in the current state of things: not if I were to add energy or points usage to the weapons (like in the other scenarios) I assume mixing up the two isn't possible either (aka some weapons have fixed levelling but no energy usage others have energy usage but borked levels) Honestly looking at it a bit more the real strong thing this class has is VM Jet Core + anything, you basically have Fencer fastbuild (Jump boost anything + twinspear M5 + G cells) speed on demand at all times with no practical limit and if you add the Blazer to that it just becomes ludicrously good as you can just go to a corner and aggro everything and just run to another corner with no issue once things get remotely close, other cores even flight speed and boost ones do go fast but nowhere near fast enough to turn this into something practical.
>>923192 Modding this is a snakepit, I will just consider the weapon levels glitch\nerf a necessary evil and keep going. I'll be porting WD weapons to Ranger.
A Ranger using the WD's energy weapons lacks the self-replenishing energy of the latter, it's something hardcoded. You can either remove the energy requirements altogether, or use the third weapon slot to give the Ranger a plasma changer: the device that's thrown on the ground and refills energy. I think it would be interesting to have both possibilities. All weapon types get subtypes that are energy, and not energy::like in medium range kinetic weapons, the mag blasters series has it and the phalanx series doesn't. In the third slot, you can then opt to have either a passive speed boost as usual with the Ranger, or a plasma charger if you plan on carrying energy weapons, or a vehicle.
>>924511 I think both would be best as well, some weapons are just not good enough with a Ranger mobility to be worth nerfing, but you can't just have something like the Raijin Limit be free to fire. Only issue with Ranger using WD stuff is a good chunk is just hazardous to fire from the ground.
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>>924554 Just a slight change, let's have 3 weapon slots and you can decide whichever holds a regular weapon, an energy weapon or a plasma charger. So you can have 3 plasma chargers, pic related. To keep in line with the vanilla game, regular weapons get longer reload times (nothing extraordinary) while energy weapons get shorter reloads and larger magazines (to justify all the ballbusting with the chargers).
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>>924554 As for the next matter, the plan is to bundle the Wing Diver with ranger weapons with a few modifications (Valkyrie class) and the Ranger with energy weapons (Sorcerer class). As for the modifications, see if you like the idea: >3 weapon slots >100% flight duration instead of the current nerfed 50% This is unavoidable, if 3 weapons are used. However, it does allow for different possibilities. >weapon slot 1 has a limited selection consisting of: shotguns, flamethrowers, hand grenades, mines, c4 As a mixture of weapons that require you to move (fly) around. >weapon slot 2 and 3 are rebranded "wing 1" and "wing 2" weapons If a fencer is a man sized mech, this wing diver is a bomber plane. >slot 2 and 3 hold pretty much all other ranger weapons >but they have 3X ammo and they cost credits The concept is that when you have enough credits, you're a living airstrike and are about to float for a minute: gunning or bombing the shit out of everything.
>>924580 >>but they have 3X ammo and they cost credits 3x ammo is cool but, is there any way you can have an explosion radius modifier?
>>924582 Should be possible.
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The beta for the 2 new classes is ready. The tl;dr is that Ranger and Wing Diver swapped their weapons, and I selected what proved fun and original. I made 2 classes at once so that COOP mates could both have some fun, trying something new. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q6CAPmDjY3uegGo-m8ZgsoC1uxNB_TQh/view?usp=drive_link The STRIDER is a special unit of Rangers using energy weapons, whose core mechanic is that energy is not recovered automatically (aka in the jetpack) but is fully manual. - 2 Weapons, 1 Generator (summoned with the Summon Vehicle button) - Generators will recharge your energy for a time, then enter a short cooldown phase - There's two main types of generators: Plasma Chargers (best performance) and Plasma Batteries (best duration, can be attached to players) - The best part is that Generators can be stacked, so you can play around with energy output at the price of entering the cooldown phase sooner Both classes use a mix of imported, repurposed or completely new weapons: particularly, one type to be used in COOP with the other class. The Strider's COOP weapon is the Positron Rifle, which requires laser guide beacons to lock onto targets (either from an Air Raider or a Valkyrie). The VALKYRIE is a squadron of Wing Divers using standard weapons with an emphasis on explosives, intended to be flying vehicles just like a Fencer is its own man-shaped vehicle. - 3 Weapons, each with its own loadout (like customizing your plane) >Arms Loadout Shotguns, Sniper, Flamethrowers (total of 11), Explosives (grenades, c4, mines) >Wing Loadout Flamethrowers, Explosives, Chainguns (assault rifles with more ammo, less performance), Railguns (semiauto blazers, COOP weapon), Rockets, Missiles, Grenade Launchers, Limpet Splendors (total of 12), Laser Guide Beacons >Gear Loadout Rockets, Missiles, Grenade Launchers, Limpet Splendors, Laser Guide Beacons, Reversers (all spray, working on self too), Request Air Support (mortars called with a gun, uses credits), Request Missiles (same as Air Raider's, some use credits) What's different about these, is that some weapons are very different in the air: i.e. grenades have never been more fun, now that you can simply tap and release them as you hover above the enemies. Overall, I tried to move away from the Ranger weapons' all generic purpose, and pushed specific roles for each loadout. As already mentioned, the Valkyrie's COOP weapon is a fast shooting railgun that consumes way too much energy to fly with, unless you have a Strider to play with.
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>>928941 More pics:
>>928941 >>928942 cheers anon, good shit
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>>929114 That's almost a dlc level content you've added
>>929166 Working on these, I picked up a few tricks to fix the issue with the Storm Rider having weapons with wrong stars. I'll go back and work on it.
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I updated\buffed the Strider class, aka the Ranger using the Wing Diver's energy weapons. Since online tests made it abundantly clear that fighting on foot makes her weapon's gimmicks snowball into giant issues (i.e. weapon stats going down as the magazine empties). I've also added some oomph in general, with plasma grenades (a variant of the Gleipnir), two series of satellites strikes (one is the Rule of God), as well as re-implementing the Laser Chainsaws from 4.1 and more cosmetic changes. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q6CAPmDjY3uegGo-m8ZgsoC1uxNB_TQh/view?usp=sharing
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>>931570 I've kept tuning up the Strider, particularly adding new weapons to fill the gaps with the roles he struggled most with (short range and mobility). Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q6CAPmDjY3uegGo-m8ZgsoC1uxNB_TQh/view?usp=sharing Changelog: >New generator type: the Plasma Streamer Easy to use and with little micromanagement, but also low in output. >New weapon type: the Laser Wire This weapon shoots thin laser threads that damage enemies. >New weapon type: the Lightning Glaive This weapon shoots projectiles just like the Fencer's Dynamo Blades. >New weapon type: the Ion Mirror This energy shield repels enemy projectiles back to the sender. >New weapon type: the Nova Grenades An area denial weapon on a short cooldown, perfect for emergencies. >New weapon type: the Laser Chainsaw This vertical rapier is best used against flying enemies and giant humanoids. >New weapon type: the Jormungandr Coil and the Jormungandr Rim Respectively a satellite shot and an airstrike. >Doubled the number of Grit Guns, Stardust Cannons, Ghost Chasers and Psiblades available. >Redesigned the Positron Blaster series It's a much more agile gun now. Have someone shoot a laser guide beacon in an area with enemies, then face that general direction and aim at the enemies.
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>delayed until summer 2 BOMBS WEREN'T ENOUGH
>>935609 Well not like I've 100% 5 or 4.1 for that matter
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>>935609 >I'll be playing EDF6 religiously after coming out of the beach Post beach day gayman sessions are always comfy.
>>935627 >>921915 Speaking of bikes, I may still add bikes to the strider class: I'm just researching what to do with them, i.e. various degrees of enviroment destructibility for either the vehicle or the laser, and whether to recharge it with the plasma generators. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbNAufdgC-w&feature=youtu.be
>>935609 Want an insult with that injury?
>>938902 >Helldivers-like The fucking bastards. The absolute heretics.
>>938910 skyrim with guns
>>938902 I don't have to wait in line to play EDF though? Ironic consindering this satirizes anti communism sentiment.
>>938902 > Dragon's Dogma – The Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs
>>938925 No lie - I've had someone look over my shoulder while playing Dragons Dogma and ask if I was playing Dark Souls.
I'm so sad prowler will probably never be in a EDF game again, i loved the gameplay, even without the riding mechanics.
>>940273 Controlling the Ayys will always be gay, makes them feel less of a threat with superior technology.
>>940273 It'll be in WB2, the World Brother version of the Prowler feels really fucking good to play as. >>940279 It's literally the most useless part of the class, zooming around with a grappling hook is what it's all about, it's like Spiderman without the training wheels.
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I added everything I could add to my Strider & Valkyrie classes, now I'll just wait to see if any bugs surface, and release it for good. >>935377 On top of what was added last time (that energy shield is fun to use), the new features are: >strider energy bikes The Strider gets 8 bikes: they're summoned with energy, their weapons are reloaded with energy. They occupy one of your 2 weapon slots, not the accessory slot (where the generator is) so they require a certain commitment to actually use them. Overall, they are supposed to give more mobility to a very defensive class. Most importantly, their handling is vastly improved from vanilla. >strider ice weapons The Strider gets 13 ice based weapons, split into two categories. The first is a homing mirage that sends shards of ice everywhere, which don't deal huge damage but can penetrate and stun large hordes of enemies to give you some breathing room. The second is a freezing ray that applies a DOT, which keeps dealing damage to a single target for several minutes. It's intended to be used against deirois or pylons, so you can focus on secondary threats while the main targets goes slowly down. >strider ghost chasers 6 of them, because why not. >valkyrie roombas While not strictly necessary, I spent some time adding some fun weapons to the class. She's already strong plenty, this way you can use some oddly specialized weapons and enjoy when they wreck their specific niche. In particular, there's a particular new kind of roomba that creates aftershocks on the ground, and drills into enemies like Turok 2's cerebral bore. >valkyrie handguns More importantly, the valkyrie gets 15 new handguns split in 2 categories: semiautos and semiautos with delayed explosion. They look cool, even if they don't deal top damage, and are nothing but a shrunk version of certain ARs. >valkyrie acid guns Again 15 acid guns, of various types: spitters, shotguns, gas clouds, acid walls etc. Pretty strong if you manage to hit the enemy, so probably better used at point blank range. Another weapon that looks cool during flight. Other than this, lots and lots of finetuning and bugfixes. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YFctDW_EGrLWa5dLmwQmDS-5zWKzw_lA/view?usp=drive_link
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>>940591 But they're not just bikes: it's an ancient doomsday weapon escaped from containment.
>>940845 I really gotta get around to playing World Brothers.
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>>940591 And here's the updated cards for the 2 classes.
>>941071 >He even made a fucking logo for each new class Pure fucking autism, God bless you anon, I'll be sure to stomp some Giant Insects in your name with your mod.
>>941081 Those are squadrons emblems from Ace Combat, see this post 3 months ago when the project started: >>924580
>>941096 Yeah, but they are heavily edited.
>>941071 12 minutes of Valkyrie class, showcasing her weapons. I particularly like the dogfights against the ufos, bees and tadpoles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdNFtHaur80&ab_channel=xdiesp
EDF 4.1 is 1 bux on the humble bundle.
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>still no edf6 news
>>949192 It got delayed to summer anon
EDF5 sale on Steam again. I've been playing EDF6 Asían Version on piss4 because fuck it I could not wait anymore and.... I had >fun killing the new enemies. But now I wish someone release an autoloot on day-1 for the PC version because fuck lot of loot not being caught triggers my autism.
We've got the release date July 25th Seems like they intended to drop a trailer tomorrow, and announce the release date with it, but the date has been updated ahead of the trailer dropping.
>>964046 So is this post apocalyptic only? I don't like running around in cities that are already destroyed. I wanna destroy them myself while saving humanity.
>>964052 Wasn't there time travel involved or some shit?
This series looks like absolute dog shit. You faggots actually think this game is fun?
>>964046 God, can't wait to play an Air Raider that doesn't suck shit underground. >>964052 >>964054 Yes >>964060 Newfag fuck go climb a wall of dicks
>>964060 Try actually playing it anon.
>>964060 You haven't lurked enough Newfag
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>>964046 New Trailer, to go with the release date.
>vtuber DLC ONORE!? PIECE OF KUSOGE SANDROTU, KISAMA. Seriously you goddamn shit nipples, why the fuck couldn't we just have cute idols again
>>964240 >TWO YEARS late to the party >have the gall to ask for more money on top of the base game for the DLC missions when it's all but industry standard to add all DLC for free when the PC port is so fucking late >go the extra mile to make Hololive DLC paid content when it was a first print bonus in Japan >use Walmart, EN Hololive girls who probably never heard of EDF before voicing the lines for it instead of the JP ones that have repeatedly streamed EDF in the past and are already in the game data It amazes me how localizers always find a way to fuck up every little detail of a launch.
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>>964299 Oh they are different from the asian-english version.
>>964060 >looks like Play it and then judge it. It may look like shit, but all the possible action that happens later more than makes up for it. >>964240 I can't stand vtubers.
>>964299 And they don't even have swimsuits like in >>964496
>>964514 To be fair, they >>964496 have regular clothes too. The swimsuits appear after waiting for a while.
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>>964060 >You faggots actually think this game is fun? Yes. Iron Rain is the sole one I couldn't enjoy because of severe issues (bulletsponges enemies, easily able to be stunlock due of no invincibility frames, useless NPCs and the massive gem grind) but the dev team behind it learned its mistakes with World Brothers which was fairly decent. Speaking of that, World Brothers 2 is coming out in Japan this May 25th, on Switch and PS5.
>>964699 Worst Korea-head
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>playan EDF5 again >first mission to destroy teleport ships >look at the kid's playground for the first time >plastered with stylized decals of Deeroys, Notzilla and other monsters huh, never noticed that
>>966334 It's the little details!
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>save the Earth from all alien attacks >be denied your space elf waifu with a funny hat
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The joke here is likely to fall flat for the anons who haven't played EDF6 yet (with the JP voices obviously)
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also (not-)Uma Musume Sister a cute
>>966364 July 25th
>>971695 I can't speak Nihongo, is this the first or second game.
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Earth Defense Force 6 is currently up for pre-orders on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2291060/EARTH_DEFENSE_FORCE_6/ Worth to point out that the vtuber decoys bonus differs between the Asian packaging (Shirakami Fubuki, Ookami Mio and Nakiri Ayame) and the Western one (Takanashi Kiara, Gawr Gura and IRyS). https://steamdb.info/sub/1081552/apps/ https://steamdb.info/sub/1081551/apps/ >Including the DLC packs, the number of missions levels is the highest seen so far in the franchise, which is over 200 >EDF6 has the largest gallery of enemies in the serie, excluding the color variations, which is designed to keep the player from getting bored. >Officially suports 4K resolution >Subtitles are available (can be disabled) >Crates now glow >Damage numbers are added but can be altered (next to the weapon UI, around the hit zone or target enemy, and for each shot or the total inflicted damage). They can be disabled anytime in the settings >Four different camera positions >All classes can climb up ledges and over obstacles, but with different amount of frames for each class (45 frames for Ranger and Air Raider, 67 frames for Wing Diver, 87 for Fencer). Wing Diver uses 5% of the energy bar when climbing (she still can climb even with zero EN left) >NPCs can also climb which make them less likely to get stuck and not follow you >Shots from weapons that generate explosive blasts now pass through NPCs, reducing the likehood of unexpected self-destructions >Decoys and barriers can be attached to NPCs >Grenade-type weapons (Mortars, Grenade launchers, Grenades) show an aiming laser and their blast radius >Enemy projectiles such as the retarius/arachena's web no longer go through obstacles and terrains >Weapons are highlighted red if they're made unavailable for a mission (such as a cave level) or yellow if their level/strength is presumably too high for the current difficulty or mission level >Certain vehicles, like helicopters and tanks, can be called immediately upon the start of a mission >Helicopters can fly immediately upon riding them >While side-rolling as Ranger or Air Raider, you are no longer affected by a speed reduction when hit >Cosmonauts equipped with laser snipers no longer blind your entire screen >UI gets hidden whenever the camera zooms at certain events >Character models have facial expressions and their mouth can now moves Ranger: >Ranger can dash mid-air when falling >A slot equipment called "backpack" is dedicated for grenades, turrets (that he stole from Air Raider) and stationary remote explosives (like CA and Impulse). They auto-reload after their ammo is depleted. >Ranger deploys sentries faster than Air Raider did previously in 5, and they start to fire automatically. Obviously, Ranger can only carry one type of sentries. >Sentries have a much reloading time window (29.4 sec -> 44.1 sec), FZ-GUN (flamethrower) ammunition has been halved, the rotation speed and power have both been increased significantly for ZE Blaster (laser sentry) but its reload time suffers in result (29.4 sec -> 88.1 sec) >The DNG grenade throwing animation can be cancelled with dash or switching weapons. >Shotguns can retain the remaining ammo when reloading, which proportionally decreases the initial reload time >Blazer-type weapons (with reloading) are available in the base game, both in assault rifle and shotgun formats. Have an extra effect on enemy shields (x1.5 damage) >MXR Sirius assault rifles all have double the power with slightly better accuracy >All Orchid rifles can now penetrate targets, with a better piercing distance the higher level rank is. >Minion Buster weapons have generally better bullet speed, range and damage in exchange of accuracy down. Explosive bullets no longer attach to NPCs (same for the Buster Shot shotgun). >Slightly decreased accuracy for G&M rifles, A25 and above models have better range and bullet speed >Slaughter and Moonsoon shotguns have higher bullet speed, Breacher shotguns have increased bullet speed and range. >Slugshot shotguns have significantly increased range but the bullets now fall due to air resistance. >All sniper rifles deal extra damage to enemy shields. >Range is greatly increased for KFF sniper rifles, increased damage for KFF70. >Lyzander weapons have double the range and a higher damage. >Range doubled for Ptarmigan weapons >Hornet rocket cannons have damage and the blast radius increased but with a longer reloading time >Significant damage and blast range increase for Leopard Guided Rocket weapons >Increased range for Penetrator weapons, Penetrator F also has increased damage
[Expand Post]>Damage of Air Tortoise weapons doubled. Not effective against enemy shields (x0.2 damage) >FORK missile launchers have decreased damage but their lock-on distance is doubled and a shorter reload time >Grenade Launcher UM weapons generally were granted a higher rate of fire but a lower accuracy and blast radius >Blast radius decreased for Stampede weapons >Volatile Napalm weapons were granted more ammo, a higher ROF, damage and bullet speed in exchange of a lower accuracy >Flame Geyser weapons have their accuracy lowered but the reload time has been massively reduced >Increased damage and extended flame duration for flamethrower weapons at the cost of lower ammo. Burner is no longer a joke weapon with its now larger range >Ranger's bike no longer takes damage, or automatically explodes if you attached explosives on it, when colliding with an obstacle. >Ranger gets access to three new vehicle type: Kevlar (Anti-Aircraft tank), Heron (Extremely mobile and strong helicopter but high request cost and rather low on fuel), Varias (Tank with high velocity shells). Wing Diver: >Boost Dash takes up x1.5 more energy (it gets worse with a Big Core-type where the increase goes up to x4.5) >Like Ranger, any non-charging energy weapon can retain the remaining ammo when reloading, thus requiring less energy in return >A third slot similar to Ranger is dedicated for swords, plasma shields, grenades and other special weapons such as Heaven's Gate. They don't use the plasma energy reserve whatsoever (meaning they don't benefit of any plasma core bonus), they auto-reload and can be used without interrupting a (rapier, etc) weapon charge. >Rapier weapons have increased damage but double the EN consumption >Increased damage for Phalanx M4 and above, higher EN consumption for Phalanx W2 and below. >All middle-range weapons have a [mid-fill] category and special effects towards shields (x2.0 damage). Pulse Weapons have Shield effect x1.5. Long-range laser weapons have Shield Effect x2.0. >Higher damage for Spine Blaster, Lighting Bow and Bolt Shooter weapons >Bullet Speed and range doubled, with slightly decreased accuracy, for Raijin weapons >The accuracy of Plasma cannon weapons has been slightly decreased >Mirage homing weapons have their damage and EN consumption doubled >Geist homing weapons dramatically use a lot more energy than they should be (Geist G consumes 5 times more for instance)
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>>984943 (cont.) Air Raider: >Air Raider has a faster default speed than Ranger (Air Raider can walk a distance of 1 km within 137.5 seconds, Ranger does it in 165 seconds) >The class is significantly different as he gets to equip drones who either acts like turrets or airstrikes (while not as destructive as the actual airtstrikes, these drones can be used in underground missions which used to be the bane of AR). They attack when placing a marker on an enemy. >There are two types of drones: one that begins reloading when all the ammunition is used up, and another that can be used again as soon as the drone returns to the player. >Air Raider also has a new utility slot for all support equipment such as poles (attack, defense, health, plasma), roombas, shield screens, decoys and automatic drones. Therefore, you cannot carry more than one support device. >Long button press to reload any installed support equipment on the field. However, decoys can no longer be reloaded at will and the AR's animation when placing decoys has been legnthened. >Assist guns (Life, Plasma, Attack, Defense) are removed from the AR's inventory >The reloading time for all Gunship calls from 5 has been doubled >Increased the request cost for all Bombing calls - Vesta x1.33 / Gun & Bombers x2 / and finally the requirement for the (in)famous Phobos Z Plan 4 has been tripled. Only the cost for Vesta E Plan 2 and KM6 Plan 18 remains unchanged. >The laser range for all missile and laser weapons (Lionic, Bulge Laser, Spritefall, etc.) has been increased >Damage of the Bulger Laser increased by x1.5 but reload time is doubled however >For all Limpet Guns except the "Shot" type, the accuracy has been decreased >For all Limpet Guns except the "Sniper" type, the bullet speed has been increased >Depth Crawler appears immediately upon call even when not underground, and no longer self-destructs when going underwater. The mounted gatling gun immediately fire but takes the aformentioned time to reach ROF. >Tank vehicles (except Titan) at lvl 50+ can have a 100% request gauge at the start of a mission >Rate of fire for Blacker-type tanks has been increased except the low-level ones >Titan tanks have their armor increased by x1.8, and the strength of the main and secondary weapons have been doubled. However, the Titan's ability to traverse difficult terrain has been literally nullified (unintended bug?). >The initial request gauge for Combat Frames at a start of a mission has been lowered >Barga request cost is doubled. Barga can destroy Teleportation Anchors by punching them, and now collides with large-sized enemies. Fencer: >Two jump boosts and two thrust dashes are enabled by default, but the distance given by the jump thrust propulsion has been lowered >A new type of exoskeleton equipment has been added, by exchanging the thrust dashes into a certain amount of jump boosts and vice-versa >The shield durability increase from the Protection Armor bonus has been reduced >The recoil reduction rate from the Muzzler Stabilizer bonus was decreased on low-level models >The walking speed bonus from the Leg Exoskeleton has been increased. It is possible, for some reason, to combine the walking speed bonuses of certain exoskeleton upgrades, up to +600%. >The weight effect and recoil is now completely nullified on the Bombardment Exoskeleton >Vibro Roller weapons have higher damage alongside of an increased reload time >Dynamo Blade weapons have their damage increased by x1.5 with an additional effect on shields >You can no longer perform continuous automatic attacks when holding down the button for the Blast Twin Spear weapons >Electric katanas are new melee weapons with piercing effects and extra effectiveness on shields >Fencer's gatling guns immediately fire but will take the aforementioned time in the stats to fully reach ROF >FG and UT Gatlings have better accuracy and bullet speed. Base damage is reduced for FG9/UT2 and above models however their ammunition and rate of fire (as well as the DPS) are all increased. >The accuracy of Flame Revolver weapons went from B to B+ >More ammo for Disruptor weapons >Accuracy down for Canister guns >Gallic Heavy Cannons can now destroy buildings and their bullet speed is higher >FH Mortars have lower accuracy but increased rate of fire, explosion range and bullet speed. Damage down on FH22 model and lower. >FH Heavy Mortars also have their accuracy decreased but the explosion range has been expanded >Arcane 6-missiles have a longer locking distance and a shorter locking time >>971701 It's the sequel, World Brothers 2
>>984943 >>984944 Is Air Raider still the most OP class bar none?
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>>984946 Air Raider has a slower growth rate at the start considering the first few levels in the devastated world timeline prevents you from using airstrikes, which also were all inflicted higher costs and reloading time windows to prevent the spam back in 5. He remains largely playable solo (far from the support-class he was in 4.1) and has been given tools to handle cave levels a lot more easily too. It's Ranger who became an absolute killing machine on the other hand, between the backpack (that allows grenades and sentries in addition of the two main weapons) and all the arsenal buffs he was granted. An important point I forgot to mention is that both the Offline and Online modes share the campaign progress (and the completion rate as well), as there are no longer exclusive mission levels tied to either mode like it was the case in 4.1 and 5. A few missions in 6 can add additional enemy waves in Online though.
>>984949 Sounds like the game will be even better on PC then.
>>984944 >>The accuracy of Flame Revolver weapons went from B to B+
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>>985041 What my Japanese source didn't mention, unlike on the wiki, is that the Flame Revolvers were granted a buff in minimum damage. Also the new rule for gatling guns (immediately fire but takes time to reach full ROF) applies to the Fencer's flamethrowers too.
>>984943 >All those energy use nerfs to WD Seriously what the fuck. I hope at least all WD weapons start out fully stocked rather than needing to be charged everytime you want to fire cause my fingers hurt playing her

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