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Blue Archive Thread Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 02:41:17 Id: 3bd2b7 No. 793596
Making a thread for the hit new(ish) game taking the mobile gaming world by storm! Would like to see if anyone else here plays this. >What is Blue Archive? A mobile game on iOS and Android, you play as a male teacher in a world where the only other humans are all female. Command your students as you take down enemies and learn about the world you've been thrust into. You're sure to find a favorite among the many students available to you. >It's P2W garbage! Can't get the student I want! Answering the first part, it is relatively P2W since it's a mobage, but F2P users are capable of winning as well, and in the late-game, the gap between F2P and P2W is very small indeed - perhaps even nonexistent. Many of the students in this game are available for free without even rolling once in the gacha system (Over time you have a chance at unlocking students by beating the hard mode levels) >Are the girls cute? Yes For the loli fan out there, sate your thirsts on this game with the most lolis per capita out of every mobage out there. For the hagfan or oppailoli fan, this game can cater to your needs as well. >Isn't this game censored? Since China doesn't like nudity in any fashion, the game was split so that the chinks have their own censored version. The NA and JP versions are unaffected and the lolis untouched. >How do I play? Here are some useful links https://bluearchive.nexon.com/home https://rentry.org/how2playba This game does have a "club" system so if there are enough fags here playing, we can all stick together in the same club just like those Granblue Fantasy guys
>>793596 Can I play it on PC? I don't have a spy-stick at the moment.
>>793603 It's definitely playable on any iOS or Android emulator of your choice. Don't ask me for opinions on emulators because I am inexperienced on them.
Best girl. I do not care she has no relevance in the story aside from the prologue (and her relationship story); Suzumi is the best girl. Kayoko too.
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>>793596 > hit new(ish) game No. >taking the mobile gaming world by storm No, and fuck off and die.
>>793650 As someone with unpopular tastes, what is it you see in Suzumi? I am a Misaki man, myself. I like the idea of giving a gloomy, suicidal girl like her a reason to live and be happy again through love and sex I actually like all the Arius girls, but Misaki especially
I can't play this game after the prologue, after i start the game on my phone it says there is a 4gb update and when i try to install it it says there is not enough space (even though i have 30gb of free space) Error 80103 and there is no solution for this.
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The amount of issues this game has is unbelievable, have fun dealing with errors with no solution.
>>793712 Okay so it works on BlueStacks more than my actual phone, and i was able to install the a update.
It's a shame that their boobs don't jiggle on the student screen only on their chibi battles.
>>793715 >have fun dealing with errors with no solution But I deal with my life every day.
>>793753 God doesn't make mistakes.
I love the cripple
>>793596 I'm all for lolis but gacha and mobile games are cancer
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>>793775 Then how come you're still alive, nigger?
>>793845 Mind explaining your reasoning or are you just repeating what you've been told?
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>>793872 Most mobile games are trash (95%+), this is a mobile game, ergo, this has a very high probability of being trash. I'm willing to give it a try but most anons don't want to waste their time.
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>>793872 They cater to the lowest common denominator, and thrive on retards willing to shill money for cosmetics and digital items which translates to big money for the company and that translates to pc and console developers inserting the same tactics for full priced games just to get a cut of retards like you. > B-BUT YOU CAN JUST GRIND FOR HOURS AND GET THE SAME
>>793848 Even the most low iq retard with no limbs has the potential to live a fulfilling life with Godly purpose.
>mobile gacha weebshit You deserve nothing in this life but being beat into submission daily. Vile fucking creature that you are.
>>793596 >mobage >gacha mobage >Korean gacha mobage Kill yourself immediately, OP. I heard the girls aren't even good either. Such as one of them is an actual, literal terrorist who tries to kill you by bombing a church, and you're forced to cuck out and save her instead of making her face justice. I want to fuck that nigger, Karin, though. The only good aspect to this trash's existence is porn.
>>793596 This game is bad You are bad You should feel bad I haven't even paid anything to anyone but the sheer fact of me reading this has taken time away from me. Faggot.
>>793875 >>793876 Sounds just like a bunch of generalizations to me, and keep in mind that the gameplay can be good and fun even if there are microtransactions. Would Quake 2 be any lesser of a game if it had microtransactions in it like giving your player character a hat? Would Deus Ex be any worse of a game if it let you buy DLC of a different pair of sunglasses for JC?
>>793596 >gachashit Neck yourself, subhuman faggot. >bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbut le cute girl- Only good for fapping. Die.
>>793943 Gachashit is BUILT AROUND MICROTRANSACTIONS, ape, restrictions included. They're all inherently broken and no amount of JPEGs I could whack off to elsewhere will ever fix that. Fuck them for contributing to the death of VNs as well, but that's an aside.
>kuso mobage Please have some standards. This isn't Cuckchan or Leddit.
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>>793694 Her design really picked my interest while playing the first time, the wing on her head and that mole under her eye are mad cute. Under her serious vigilante facade she's a really nice and caring person that took it upon herself to defend Trinity from thugs, and her story revolves around her making an effort to be more relaxed and close to Sensei on a personal level, while dealing with her duties as a vigilante, like when she asked Sensei out to patrol the amusement park just because she was nervous of being seen alone up in the ferris wheel. I like how she is self-conscious about how people may perceive her at first glance, that's something she shares with Kayoko (without the nervousness part obviously, Kayoko gives zero fucks) which is another character I like. I love her "flashbang girl" gimmick too. I haven't found much use for her in battle aside from Bounties (Stun EX against the Kaitenger's specials, paired with Ui I can spam flashbangs anytime) and filling a space in some missions with light-armor enemies, but I plan on maxing her out to see what she's capable of. I just like characters that do goofy dork shit but also have a cool side, like Ui (Deciphers old texts and wanted to be penpals with Sensei), Utaha (takes her job seriously, proud creator of the optical camo underwear, whatever that is) and Hibiki (another creator of bizarre gadgets, studies psychology in her free time to understand human emotions better) >Arius Haven't finished Chapter 3 yet so I don't know much about the Arius girls but their story seems really interesting; I'm salty that Suzumi hasn't appeared yet since the chapter takes place in Trinity. >>793943 >Quake 2 with microtransactions Ew no, leave Quake out of this. give me Quake V already goddamnit >>793947 >built around microtransactions Shame but true, it would be nice if I didn't have to grind the fuck out of the game just to progress further into the story. Not a big fan of VNs since I don't know much about that genre but Blue Archive suits my needs since it builds it's characters with side stories aside from the main campaign and also has a little gameplay involved.
>>794405 How did you get their chibi forms to dangle? or is that not ingame?
>>794561 Every BA character (except for the Special/backline ones) have a drag/dangle animation. Vid related shows them all (from a year ago) https://inv.odyssey346.dev/watch?v=K-pmXqqqT4E
>>794561 You can pick them up in the Unit Formation screen before starting a mission https://yewtu.be/watch?v=BXevMu0eY9A
How the fuck are you supposed to use Haruka? "Tank" my ass, bitch just runs right into battle and doesn't have any serious defense at all, she gets fried unless you baby her with heals/barriers.
>>794596 You are supposed to 5* and now probably UE40 her to make her usable. Her role as a tank, is that at she can withstand Iori's attacks at max rank in PVP. That and the fact that she can murder Iori when she uses her EX at max level, basically she is her counter and since everyone is using Iori you see her almost as often. That's why you see her in competitive PVP, though there are other options, like a 3* Marina to doge her attacks. Speaking of which, the thing that I find interesting with this gatcha is that even 1* characters have their use and are meta, as long as you farm to make them into 3* or 5*, such as Serina and Chinatsu for healing, Kotoma was for a long time a must pick for her attack buffs, Pinah at 5* is a good pick for Binah. Then there are the "welfare" students you get for some events RIP new players such as Fubuki for Hod, Shizuko for ShiruKuro Insane, S.Izumi for Kaiten Phase 1, though I have never seen her used, but I did see Michiru in ShiruKuro Insane. Anyway, the true pleasure from this pseudo-gambling game, are not the waifus, not the gameplay, not the story but in planning out your draws to maximize the amount of meta characters you get. Since the game is still a few months behind the Korean one, we know exactly what characters are going to be released and how good they are, so you can plan your draws, months in advance. Then when you do get a banner, you do a risk/reward calculation and know that at 40 draws (about the amount of draws you get during the banner, if you get Platinum in TotalAssault and rank top 100-200 in PVP, like I do) with a 3% draw chance, you have a 70% of getting a 3* character, but no guarantee to get the one from the banner. The question is how much are you willing to risk it, and do you have enough gatcha currency, that you didn't pay for, in reserve for two sparks in case of an emergency?
>>794625 If all that mattered was gacha planning then FGO is better because you get two years advance notice.
>>794631 Well I did play Granblue for about two and a half years and had to quit because of all the grind and how it became like a second job. I was in an A Tier crew so all those raids were dreadful for me. The only dreams I had about that game, were not about the waifus or the story, but of me sitting there, grinding the same boss over and over. BA, on the other hand really respects my time, and now I can't go back to that era of mobage, which I am sure FGO is also part of.
>>794636 Newer mobage aren't nearly as greedy about time as older mobage, so that's true. Anyway I'm only playing BA for whenever Kisaki becomes available.
I try to play this game, but my phone is garbage so it didnt work (overheating and low fps), now i just watch his porn and sometimes read the history (i dont understand it at all)
>>794647 >(i dont understand it at all) While the game tries to have it's DEEPEST LORE moments with all the Bible and Early Christian history(like Arius and the Ecumenical Councils), it's mostly a silly premise in which girls are bullet proof and and carry assault rifles, with hobbies such as eating ice-cream, buying clothes and going to the beach with the School's Tank or Helicopter. In the international version there isn't that much history and lore presented, so it's mostly Vaati tier speculations. It's not even clear if Kivotos is some sort of afterlife or purgatory or why (You) are the only adult in that world.
yeah, "video game" my ass this thread is a porn dump, nothing else
>>794653 <only 3 posts out of 39 have porn in them >porn dump
>>795071 The kabbalah is fucking awesome, it really helped me realize what was going on in my life and what I needed to do in order to engage with my hobbies. It's essentially esoteric jewish mindfulness, Mark would really benefit from it.
>>795074 Mind giving me a primer on it? How exactly does it improve one's life?
>>795074 Any good way to read it? Do you have a pdf or something anon?
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>>795092 >>795104 There's a ton of books on it I can recommend, but as a primer you can simply give a listen to this old jew talk about life experience, wisdom and the human consciousness. It's a very good channel, and it's very enlightening, if you keep an open mind you'll really get a lot from it. You can get similar things from buddhist channels if you are not into jews talking, though this man delivers his content in a very strong way. https://yewtu.be/AWSOwdY519c
>>795178 So it's similar to Buddhist philosophy? >You can get similar things from buddhist channels if you are not into jews talking If I cared about stupid shit like that I wouldn't ask for recommendations on how to get into Kabbalah.
>>795183 Similar on a surface level, but it's less vague in terms of spirituality and closer to being direct advice from man to man, but like buddhism it does teach you how to have more compassion for you just without the bullshit.
>>795186 How does it compare to Nietzchean thought?
>we can all stick together in the same club I've had this sitting on my phone for a while. If I get a bit further in, I'd be game to join something.
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>>795189 Less Nietzche, more Carl Jung, I assumed you gave him a listen already, he is very unpretentious and level headed compared to your hollywood jew.
>>795259 >Hollywood Jews I think you mean any person involved in Hollywood. They're all pretentious shitheads regardless of their religion/race/sexuality etc.
>>795213 The club's chat doesn't just censor words like fag or kike or ass(which means I can't even write Total Assault, an in-game term), but also random groups of two letters, so some student names are censored as well. It's barely usable, so you will be resigned to only post emoticons.
>>795277 >(which means I can't even write Total Assault, an in-game term So it went full Scunthorpe? That's disappointing. Reminds me of Dark Souls 2 with all the characters named Black_K***ht
>>795277 Luckily it doesn't censor Japanese words, so JPT anons can work around it.
Here is the projected banner list in case anyone needs a reason to start saving up
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I really hope everyone is just here for the lewds, and you aren't seriously playing and discussing gachashit.
>>799682 The porn is the icing on the cake that is the gacha's serviceable gameplay. Whats de ploblem?
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>>799626 I was using stokie's pic, but that one is much better. >>799682 I like the planning aspect of the metagame of calculating when to draw and how much gatcha currency you will have at that point, as well as establishing risk thresholds of how much you are willing to spend, for the banner if you don't plan on sparking. It's how I am in the top 100-200 in PVP and top 2000 in the raids as a F2P. The story is also nice, but the girls are just a side-dish.
>>799695 >Gachashit >Serviceable >Serviceable gameplay is a cake, and not a dinner gone cold You are what's wrong with the industry.
>>799764 You say that without irony despite many people here (possibly you as well) loving games like Lisa: The Painful and its sequel even though the gameplay is boilerplate at best, like all RPGmaker games are. Same for fans of Morrowind despite the outdated DnD mechanics, same for many other games, especially visual novels with video game components such as Rance Quest. Nobody expects the gameplay to be the impetus behind choosing a visual novel. If it's serviceable like most of the Rance games or excellent like Sengoku Rance then so much the better.
>>799771 The major difference is that the games you listed do not employ psychological tricks(FOMO, sunken cost, premium currency packs that are always just a bit more than you need, to either make you buy the next tier or have some to waste) to make you spend as much money as possible on the skinner box with an anime paint coat. Also that with those games you can play the entire story whenever you want, whereas here, unless you participate in the event exactly when it takes place, you will miss it out, and the only option is to watch it on jewtube.
>>799784 But do the psychological tricks, as you say, subtract from the game's experience? Correct me if I am wrong but the story and events are the same whether you have the latest gacha character or not. You have a point on the events being time limited but MMOs have the same shit, and in a mobage's defense, usually they make the events permanently accessible in some way for new and old players after the game has been out for a few years and the reruns have occurred. See: Granblue Fantasy, Fate/Grand Order
>>799829 >But do the psychological tricks, as you say, subtract from the game's experience? From the overall satisfaction and experience of the user, I would say yes, but I guess it depends on how you interact with the skinner box. If you think of it as a VN, and don't engage with the PVP and PVE, then you are missing out of content by not getting all the students, as they have between 3 to 6 stories with the main character. Even worse when characters are from a limited banner and there is no guarantee that they will ever have a rerun, the Miku banner will probably become such an example. Imagine a Free Visual Novel that has a main story with a large cast of characters, but if you wanted to play the side-story with your waifu, then you would need to pay 20 bucks for the DLC that adds 10 minutes of content. people would normally be enraged by this, but with a gatcha they are ok. The only difference is that with a gatcha you can "earn" the currency, and that 20 bucks isn't enough to guarantee your waifu, it's just to do a 10 draw in the game, so about 400 bucks for a guaranteed spark(more than the price of a new Switch console and a game bundled with it). >See: Granblue Fantasy GBF has plenty of events that are still not, and probably never will be available for the new players, such as the Detective Conan and Street Fighter IV crossovers(the SFIV giving you a unique skin for the MC) among other corssovers, some of the Auld Lang Syne events, Reflections for a White Clover(last "aired" in 2018) as well as events that will never be done again, because of how unpopular they were such as Defense Order which offered a unique skin that can not be received any other way. If you play it for the gameplay, then stop, there are better games out there and again you will be missing out if you don't pull as many characters as possible. The best way to experience it, is like I do, ignore waifus, become a meta slave, use knowledge of future banners as well how meta the characters will become, plan your gatcha currency gains weeks in advance, have at least two sparks of premium currency saved, do some risque reward calculations whenever there is a banner, basically min maxing a game in "Iron Mode"(if you waste 10 draws they are gone forever, no way to quickload or manipulate the RNG) doing baby's first spreadsheet simulator, and be in the top 2000 in raids and top 200 in PVP for optimal gatcha currency gain. However, even this has it's limits, as a new player it will be impossible for you to catch up to someone like me who started in the second month the game got released internationally, and even if you were to whale hard and throw thousands of dollars, I would still be at an advantage with limited characters such as S. Azusa that you will probably never get, or S. Hoshino which will be available again in a few months, months in which you will not be able to compete in the red raids for Platinum. >inb4 I like to fap to these girls Then don't touch this shit, just watch some vids on jewtube and look at the dozens of fan pics each one has.
>>799771 >Posting censored porn under a spoiler >>799829 >But do the psychological tricks, as you say, subtract from the game's experience? Yes. It's fucking no brainer the gacha mechanics ingrained into the game have a negative effect on gameplay. You'd have to be retarded to think otherwise. >MMOs have the same shit I hate MMOs, and in large part for similar reasons.
The stupid scribble that represents the player self-insert character hampers the porn. Other gacha end up looking dumb too, like Arknights' Doctor keeping his helmet on during sex, but even that's not as bad or distracting as a post-it note with a gang of niggersish scribble over the guy's face. >but anon, you're not supposed to look at the guy in porn The scribble draws attention to it.
>this thread reminds me blue archive exists and swimsuit hina is up for grabs so I pull for her a few times and get both the boosted characters one after the other along with another random 3 star dupe did you know theres a direct correlation between having shit luck and being butthurt at gacha games?
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>>800088 (checked)
>>794405 Kayokofags are eating good tonight
free stuff Also the fitness event begins on 4/25, earlier than predicted.
Censored mobile shit but by god I want to fuck the chocolate bunny girl.
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>>804291 >Censored mobile shit It is shit, but is no longer censored. The only censored scene that existed in the international version, namely Alice Aris' chest has been restored, at least in the R-18 version which was done to avoid future censorship, both from the West and from the feminist that still hold power in Worst Korea.
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>>804291 >censored ?
>Blue Archive Finally, a good thread here <Also What was the matter with the Shiroko Alter and all of that? The president of the student council has finally been revealed/appeared?
>>804329 That's in the Korean version, the international version will get that story in about 3-6 months.
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To dispel the notion that this thread is just a porn dump, I will post actual gameplay footage of my runs of the last and current Total ASSault raids barely distinguishable from what you find on jewtube, because the fate of all meta slaves is that they all act and do the same things. First webm is Hieronymus Insane with a borrowed S. Nonomi. It took me a few tries, and at fist I wasn't able to do Insane, but after changing Hot Springs Nodoka for Serina it became doable. At first I thought hat by having the ATK buff and area effect heal, that it would increase my student's survivability, but I guess with Serika, the fact that she double heals and has a lower cost of 2, made it much better, even a the cost of lower attack. With that I had 5 sources of healing, and it was mostly RNG on who would get hit by the boss' attacks. Second webm, is for the current TA, Kaiten Insane with a borrowed Aru. While I do have one, at UE30, she needs to be at least UE40 and at Affection 25 to be very effective in this raid, but in about 4 months I should have her up to UE40 as well(yes, 4 months, this game requires long term planning for proper min-maxing) so I won't need to borrow her anymore. On the flip-side, I had to spend most of my Gehena mats on Haruka in order for her to have enough HP to tank. As for the battle, I had a great phase 1, even though Mutsuki wasn't propelry placed so only one of her three mines hit the red ranger, but I made up for it with a lucky critical shot from Aru which ended the fight quickly, otherwise I would have had to spend 3 extra skill points on Haruka to finish the fight. I didn't do that well on Phase 2, the robot activated his shield, I panicked a bit when I lost Aru, but in the end still managed to wi the fight with only one team. Not my best run, but I don't need anything better to be in the top 2000(currently rank 666). Now, is the gameplay good? Fuck no, while there is some skill involved in using the right skill at the right time, and even if you have a so called "over-powered" student, victory is not guaranteed, the gameplay isn't all that complex, and you are better off playing something better that doesn't hide content behind a slot machine.
>>806280 Nice gameplay, I'm only at level 67 so Kaiten past Hardcore is impossible for me, even with a "meta" setup. I was able to beat Hieronymus' Extreme with a friend's Nonomi since I have some great Explosive students and the full Arius crew.
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>Mobileshit >Gachashit >Blatant shilling Spiderman thread it is.
>>806650 Spiderman is never late. WHO ARE YOU IMPOSTER?
>>806684 He was probably busy derailing wincest threads on another board.
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>>806650 Oh hell yeah.
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>>806650 This is now a wincest thread
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>Thread officially hijacked by Spiderman
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Anyone currently saving up for the Sportswear Yuuka or Mari? Their banners should launch on the last week of this month. Both limited. I fear I may get baited by Bunny Neru coming next week.
>>808229 Loli shun spooked me, but to be honest she isn't anywhere near my favorite student. That honor goes to Himari
>>808227 >>808229 Don't get baited by bunnies.... Sports Yuuka is really useful for future content. Sports Mari isn't that important so could be skipped, especially if you already have Kokona. And then there's the fact that not having a saved spark to guarantee Himari might as well be a death sentence because is used in every single stage the game has.
>>808371 >Don't get baited by bunnies.... B.Karin is decent for Perodzilla, especially if you have Ui and I have both. Thankfully I do have two spark funds for both S Mari and Himari, in case I get extremely unlucky? >Sports Mari isn't that important so could be skipped, especially if you already have Kokona. Is it that important, when I can do Hiero Insane with one team, without any of them? I am sure it will help when the Torment raids will roll out, but I am not masochistic enough of doing those as soon as they come.
>>808374 >B.Karin is decent for Perodzilla Yeah but you're not using your 3* Karin, you will be borrowing a UE50 one from a whale. Especially with the friend feature and all. >Insane Yeah, Kokona helps a LOT for both outdoors and Indoors. Sports mari also helps a lot but is sadly inferior to Kokona. Koharu comps and other stuff are suffering and objectively way inferior to anything a Kokona comp or Smari comp can do.
>>808378 >Yeah but you're not using your 3* Karin, you will be borrowing a UE50 one from a whale. Especially with the friend feature and all. Good point, now that we have a friend system. Back when the banner first appeared, I couldn't trust the other guild members to whale, so I kinda had to get her. I initially regretted having to skip S Nonomi and Kazusa, in order to build my two spark funds, but now that I think about it, it was a good decision, as it's easier and better to just borrow them from one of my whale "friends". Speaking of UE50, the decision of going over 5* infuriated me to no end when it got introduced.and I know there are two more levels for them to release in the future. I get that it's to make the power-gap between whales and F2Ps as high as possible, that doesn't mean it's not jewish. "Oh, but you can grind those mats", well first of all, not all students can be grinded especially the new ones, and second of all, for something like the Hard missions that's about 1 Eleph per day. So if the next rank will require 240 eleph, that's about 8 months before you get enough eleph for that student, unless the student has 2 seperate Hard misisoins, in which case it's only 4 moths. Thankfully it still hasn't been introduced in Korea, as far as I know, and hopefully there will be enough of a pushback, for Nexon to double think before introducing the next weapon level. >Koharu comps and other stuff are suffering and objectively way inferior to anything a Kokona comp or Smari comp can do. Well, at 4* she is doing fine for indoor Insane, coupled with Ako and Serina, enough for a one team clear.
>>808401 Sadly, new weapon levels at this point are a given. Why? Its sort of like what happened with that Final Fantasy MMO. Whales and super high level players are whining about more challenge which the normal casual players probably will not achieve. They added a torment difficulty to raids which is genuinely nearly impossible without 6 full fucking teams, all specifically chosen for that specific raid boss. As if Insane wasnt hard enough and doesnt already require maxed out meta students. Don't forget about the bond level 20 items for certain students, which will surely be a thing for every student eventually. The torment shit and PvP autism wouldnt worry me so much if they weren't going to lock me out of getting platinum and thus more pyroxenes, since I have shit luck and this game is boring as fuck when you're forced to save for specific meta students because rolling on "bait banners" is not viable for someone like me who records all his rolls in the game and is currently at roll #170 across multiple banners without getting the student on pickup, and only about 2 3* students within those 170 rolls (both of which were students I dont care about or are dupes)
>>808401 >Serina Nah. Serina is dead. Your support slots are basically locked to Ako/Himari now and forever after her release or NYFuuka/Himari. Maybe global will be casual enough to allow any ins clear to plat but Hiero was pretty competitive in JP because Insane is basically the new EX with how it's pretty easy to just sneeze on the boss and kill it. >>808406 So far torment seems mostly for the top tryhards. Maybe it'll be doable in a few months and the meta will shake again but it's an insane life for most of us until Torment becomes actually doable for the F2Plebs.
>>808406 I get that they are a given, considering how it's already part of the UI, that doesn't mean I won't dread the moment it gets introduced. >Don't forget about the bond level 20 items for certain students That one isn't a problem, the problem is the upgrade that requires a bond level of 25, which means at least UE30 and giving the student a ton of gifts and head pats to reach that level. The level 25 upgrade plus UE40 is what made Aru truly viable for Kaiten. >>808410 I am sure that global is more casual than the JP one, on the other hand platinum in global is top 2000 vs the top 10000 in JP. On the bright side, I heard they are going to increase platinum requirements from top 10k to top 15k, to make it easier for newcomers, so hopefully that means Global will go from top 2000 to top 3000 as well.
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This time I didn't bother with the Insane raid, as those raids require too much of an investment in the Blue students. Last couple of blue raids, I had a lot of problems, in that while I still got Platinum, I would end in rank 1900-1800 so I would do daily projection calculations to make sure I would still get in top 2000, to ease my nerves. Thankfully now I am in a good place, and will comfortably be in Platinum. As for the battle itself, there is not much to say, as it is just Extreme. Surprisingly Iroha is sometimes more viable than B.Karin, reason why I use Ako's Crit buff on her, rather than B.Karin on some occasions. While I am sure I could spend a lot of time to calculate and time everything right, honestly I don't need it. Maybe I could also do Insane, if I throw every single student at it, with 10 teams, but I think that is too tedious, I will wait for Himari, before attempting Insane Perorodzilla. I am curios to see what bullshit Goz will bring, thankfully I have 450 draws in reserve, so even with the worst of luck I am guaranteed to get both Himari and Tracksuit Yuuka. Oh yeah, and here is a shitty meme I made for this raid.
>Gachashit >No porn dump
>>812026 I dont have Natsu or Wakamo or Karin or NYMutsuki so I am basically useless in this raid. I have Alice and Iroha but I'm only level 70 so theres only so much I can do. Maybe one day I will actually get gacha luck and get non-dupe students and have a chance at having fun. I doubt I will ever get a PU student again though, I am already well over 200 rolls since the last time I did.
>mfw spent all pyro in cheerleader Utaha, but got nothing >mfw scavenging pyro to pull for any bunny, event ends in 3 days >mfw still no bunny neru, akane or karin >mfw there's another event around the corner and I won't have any pyro by then My patience has a limit. >>812026 I was wondering what would be the best team against peroro. Sadly, aside from Ui I don't have any of those characters yet so I had to improvise with this team haven't got past Very Hard though
>>812233 If you need a good blue, next event has some of the best, particularly Yuuka. I say you should cut your losses with the bunnies and try for her. Are you a part of any club, anon? If you borrow a high-level Iroha you could probably beat Very Hard and even Extreme, despite being level 50.
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>>812233 Shit nigga, the banner after the next one will be extremely meta, might as well delete your account if you can't get Himari, if you care about doing raids. Otherwise just have fun, and don't become a meta slave. >mfw spent all pyro in cheerleader Utaha, but got nothing It's best practice to draw when you already have one or two spark funds in reserve, in case you get bad luck.
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Gacha is the closest thing in the vidya world that exists to findom cuckoldry. If you play gacha games, you are functionally a cuckold. >OOOHH BUT FUCKIN HURRR DURRR MUH QT ANIME GURLS HURDY FUCKIN DURRR If thoroughly uninteresting anime drawings are enough to make you waste your time grinding dogshit gameplay you are unironically a sub-85 IQ idiot. You have fallen for the exact psychological trap the developers set for drooling retards then claim that trap is the only reason you play. That's not a "win" for you, that's you proudly shouting how you've been caught hook, line and sinker. You can look at anime art for free on Pixiv, Gelbooru or Twitter any day of the week. None of this post is a joke. I hate you with an actual passion. Get off of my board.
>>812240 >I say you should cut your losses with the bunnies I think so, it's a shame since apparently those characters are unique. >Are you a part of any club, anon? Yes, I'll check if any of those dudes have Iroha, thanks for the advice. >>812249 I'm not even trying to get the characters for meta or anything, but I'll try to gather points for Himari. >draw when you already have one or two spark funds in reserve Noted. When pulling for Utaha I got around 140 recruitment points iirc. This anon >>812312 made me think of something, what other genres do you think BA could fit in? I can imagine some sort of tactical shooter with mission planning beforehand, kinda like the old Rainbow Six games.
>>812312 <STOP LIKING THINGS I DON'T LIKE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Embarrasing, besides, the discussion is isolated only in this thread, it doesn't spill to the rest of /v/ nor the cyclic threads and gg. Live and let live, anon.
>>812233 >Spend a bunch trying to get loli Shun >Eventually give up, I'm no gambler >Bunny event >First pull: loli Shun Do we have a club yet?
>>812464 Lucky for you both Shuns are nonlimited and can spook you at any moment >Do we have a club yet No not yet. I'm in a random club because they have a good amount of members with good supports. I wouldn't recommend a club until we have at least 10 guys. Reply to this post if you are interested and I can create the club when I can see 10 unique anons.
>>813050 >Posting unspoilered pornography on a safe for work board. Man, you are gonna regret that.
Hey guys! I just got a promotion at work.
>>813050 How long does it take to draw + render a composition like this? It's beautiful, I'd love to artfag but I'm terrified of colors.
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>A single thread for some shitty jpg collector no one cares about Who let these niggers out of their containment? No one cares about your "waifu collector" that's secretly a chinese rootkit. Do the world a favor and jump off a cliff.
>>812599 Only level 57 but I'd join. >>812464 Same thing happened to me with Kazusa. I quit pulling for bunnies, have to save for Ako and Himari. >>812383 Tactical turn-based gameplay Project MX stands for "Moe X-Com"
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>>812240 None of those dumbasses had Iroha at their disposal so I ended up borrowing a maxed-out Haruna and cleared Very Hard with ease. Tried out Hardcore but only got all my units killed, I'll try again tomorrow. >>812464 It also happened to me with Kasuza. Hopefully in the next banner the game throws a bunny Akane to me in the first pull. >>812599 I'd join but I'm still level 52 so my units aren't that good. >>813056 Not a digital drawfag, but maybe you should start by studying color theory beforehand, there's plenty of useful tools for understanding and applying beautiful color palettes like in that illustration, especially in digital.
>>814047 The #1 thing you'll find holding you back from most raids is a viable tank, which requires student levels at least or sometimes just skill levels + mystic. I saw someone with a level 65 Yuuka tank apparently complete Hardcore with only two teams, I'm betting she was maxed out otherwise because I haven't been able to replicate it with a basic 5* Yuuka with her EX skill at level 3 and at student level 70.
>>812400 >Live and let live, anon No, one look at cuckchans /vg/ is telling.
>Bunny event >I dont have Karin so I farm the card shuffling as much as I possibly can >By the end of it I have 118 out of 120 to redeem her >Spent 1000 pyros getting more AP but I repeatedly failed to get a rainbow card I-I didn't want her anyways, haha...
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>>813201 Judging by all the (1)s it's obviously one or two guys samefagging with themselves, same shit as the other gacha threads. I don't get what their motive is here. This thread has 66 IDs, /v/ only has 160 users. I really doubt 44% of the board plays or even knows about this obscure anime-themed slot machine.
>>817164 Agreed. They should make a board for this and keep away from /v/ with their 2 UIP samefaggotry
>>817164 I'm not sure if youre new to this whole imageboard thing but VPNs exist and so does TOR, and I happen to use both. Sometimes simultaneously. Looking at UIDs is not an indicator of thread popularity. And for your information it seems there are 5 BA players on /v/
>>817164 You can't be this retarded, right? This thread is over a month and a half old, you're looking at current active IPs for the hour compared to posts made over the the course of weeks in a thread, obviously people's IDs switch as their VPN nodes and IP addresses refresh or change Doesn't make it samefagging t. Gacha hater
>>817164 Blue Archive is not "obscure" in any sense. It's massive. I agree that gachashit and mobile games period should be pushed to another board.
Guess who got his Sp. Yuuka today?
>>817395 Whether one likes it or not it still counts as a video game.
>>818185 >still counts as a video game That's very tenuous, its a half-notch above shit like cookie clicker You might as well start believing the statistics that women are 50% of gamers because they play farmville and shit or something
>>818203 We had Cookie Clicker discussions faggot.
>>818203 Pic related >>818207 He's probably too young to remember Shekel Clicker
>>818207 Yeah, and it was cancer. It is the antithesis of what gaming represents, and an insult to the medium and anyone with functioning brain cells. It is literally a dopamine button type shit and its fucking embarrassing, and adding gambling into the mix just takes advantage of retards like (You).
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>>818213 I don't fucking like cookie clicker retard. It is still a game so it still should be allowed to be discussed even if I don't like it.
>>818217 Look nigger, I just clicked "reply" and a visual post you can look at gets made, I guess I'm playing a game right now aren't I? Wow, I guess online discussion of video games is itself a video game!
>>818220 /v/ isn't a set of rules that you use for the purpose of entertainment. It's social media technically. The main purpose is communication, not entertainment. Entertaining ourselves is just something we do on this site. The rules exist to facilitate discussion not to create a game environment. Cookie clicker is a set of rules created to produce a game environment where it is shallow entertainment. This whole discussion is fucking stupid.
>>818225 >he can't look at all the options one has for posts m8, you don't even notice the high score next to your post, nor the possibility for the rare powerup of repeating digits, but you say /v/ itself isn't a video game? Check out all these options for a "post" to go through, I bet you can't open this treasure chest of a file, its a gamble whether you get something horrible, something great, or something stupid. >the main purpose is communication, not entertainment I dunno about you, but I'm having a blast here. I'm already "winning"
>>818217 Yes, yes, and VTubers are somehow /a/ content both here and on the webring. Kill yourself
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So Goz came out, and it's shit, I hate his stupid RNG gimmick in the second phase. "Oh but you can just look if he has red cards in that split second of animation to know it's the fake", problem is that it's not all that clear, especially on a phone, and in this fight, I just guessed and got lucky, even with the slow motion. Just look at the webm, at the one in the middle and tell me where the red card is. Last time I did Peroro and though I was safe with that Highscore, but ended up in rank 1945, still Platinum, but too close for comfort. I also noticed that only about 470 did Insane Peroro, and it seems that this will be the same with Goz as well, which is a bit interesting. I am sure there are more whales than that, but I guess they are not as competitive, it most people are tryhard in getting the best Extreme clear. It will be interesting how things will shift when Torment rolls out, if mroe poeple will fell compelled of doing Insane, out of some sort of fear of not making Platinum on Ex alone. I tried doing Insane, as I had the so called meta team, but it was borderline impossible. I could barely clear the first phase with the first team, but would get crushed in the second phase, and just throwing students at it with a 10 team setup doesn't work, so I had to settle for EX this time as well. Thankfully I now have a really good score, so no doubt I will get Platinum. As for strategy, not much to say, it's a simple, but effective combo of just using Ako on T Hasumi, start with Wakamo, then use T.hasumi and if you can still can, use S Izuna. For repositioning, on EX it's better to just use S Shizuko. It's interesting how this welfare student is so meta, as even in Insane she is used in the second phase for repositioning, and I have seen her used in Insane ShiroKuro, Hiero and even Hod. Speaking of meta, looking at what is coming ahead, I can just feel the power creep seeping through this image. If things go like this in a year or two every banner will be "Spark or Die" tier. My fund is about 2 and a half sparks, and will probably get an additional 1.5-2 spark funds when the NY banners will roll, so while I might be safe, if anyone is even thinking of starting out, just don't. Get away as soon as you can, fap to these png if you must, but don't engage with the skinner box. Some of you might be wondering why I am "shilling" so hard for this game. My intentions are not to shill it. In fact if you were to read my other posts(even with changed IDs, I am the only one making blogposts about the raids) I never once said a positive thing about this skinner box, at best I was neutral, and even tried to discourage people from engaging with it. My reasoning for posting these blogposts, is in part to vent, and that if this is a /v/ board it is better to discuss the actual gameplay of this skinner box, instead of just posting porn or other stuff. Like if we are already in deep shit, might as well make it video game related. >>812599 I am the captain of a club, if any fags actually think it's worthwhile, you can join. Club name Yakuza, Club ID 263, it's set on private, so just tell me your ID. No requirements, only to log in once a week. >>818380 Agreed, but I can't go back to that gatcha second job.
>>819759 I'm level 74, and I tried the Extreme raid but I simply can't deal enough damage to Goz - not even with a borrowed maxed out Wakamole. And I don't have enough students to justify going at it with multiple teams. What even is the strategy for Goz on Insane if not even you with max level students at UE30 can do it? Retrying over and over until you get good RNG? Anyways, I truly hope BA makes more middle-ground kind of content and challenges, as stated previously ITT I hate how the game is going in this direction of catering to the 1% of whales who are asking for harder and harder challenges, as if Insane wasn't bad enough. Also releasing these powercreeping meta students back-to-back, and there have been zero 1* or 2* students released unless you count welfares.
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>>819825 The image was only about the new banners, this is the list of banners on the jp servers. Keep in mind that on the international servers, everything is compressed so multiple banners will be combined, and if there is a banner with a rerun character it will be only one week, instead of two, even if it shares the banner with a new one. >What even is the strategy for Goz on Insane if not even you with max level students at UE30 can do it? Well Phase 1 I can barely do it, and Phase 2 uses almost the same team you see in the EX video, but wish S Hoshino instead of S Azuna. I don't have a maxed T Hasumi, because of a lack of Voynich Manuscripts, but even so it does require a bit of RNG with the positioning. Now maybe I could do it, but I almost wasted an entire hour in practice mode trying to do it and failing, so I am not wasting a ticket for the fight. >Anyways, I truly hope BA makes more middle-ground kind of content and challenges Agree, I think the Joint Firepower Exercise content was a good idea, as it gave even 1* non-meta characters time to shine, and you don't really need to compete against someone else. >1* or 2* students released unless you count welfares I doubt they will ever release a 1* student in the gatcha, and that they will only be welfare. At most you might get "lucky" with a new 2* student, but unless you can grind it's eleph in the Hard missions, or from one of the other shops, it will be useless.
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Where's the porn you addicted gambling fucking faggots?
>>819825 >I'm level 74, and I tried the Extreme raid but I simply can't deal enough damage to Goz Found this two team setup for Goz EX. Most students are 3* or 4*, and you might have all of them, keep in mind that you won't be reaching Platinum with this. I think you can replace S Azusa with Wakamo or regular Akane for Def Down if you don't have her. You could also try to replace NY Mutsuki with Chise, and borrow S. Izuna for the second team. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=zwfJX-tdr2k >Team 1: Haruna: 4* 5747 644 lvl 77 NY.Mutsuki: UE50 57MM ??? lvl 83 (this student was borrowed) T.Yuuka: 3* 3444 455 lvl 70 S.Azusa: 3* 3445 433 lvl 70 S.Ayane: UE30 5M77 lvl 78 Kotama: 3* M217 411 lvl 80 >Team 2: T.Hasumi: UE50 577M 534 lvl 70 S.Izuna: 3* 3777 443 lvl 70 S.Hoshino: UE30 577M 663 lvl 75 Izuna: 3* 5747 453 lvl 75 S.Shizuko: UE30 3444 215 lvl 60 Ako: 3* 5447 444 lvl 67
>>820190 >all blacked Go fuck yourself.
>>820249 Do whites think "eh, close enough" when they see a non-White and non-Black Latino looking guy fucking the woman in the porn?
>>820201 >no S. Izuna or normal izuna Welp
I can't wait, I need my wheelchair wife right away.
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It's Shiro Kuro time. I find it fascinating how a 2* support unit and a 1* welfare support unit are still the meta(and might always be) and that they are the same girl, Shizuko. I don't have Hot-Spring Chinatsu for the second team, nor am I crazy enough to waste the very limited Millennium Tech Notes on Asuna, so I had to improvise a bit on the second team, Now why is Chinatsu meta? Well if you put her in the first position of the team, she will sit in one of the very few spots where she will never be hit by Kuro, like at all, so you don't need to reposition her. Plus her kit is very good. There is a one-team formation to kill Shiro Kuro, but from a high-score point of view, it's inferior to the two team composition. I went with a two team composition, and almost had him. For the third team, I could have sent anyone to just sneeze at Kuro and finish the fight. >Phase 1 I went with the meta team for the first phase, and you have to be a complete masochist to use this thing. Sure it can finish Shiro very fast, but even at UE40, T7 equipment, Max HP, skill Haruna will get one-shot by Shiro, so if at any point she is on a red circle, then you need to restart the entire fight, oh and his attacks are completely random, so have fun restarting the battle over and over, until you get a lucky run. Wakamo isn't all that better as two hits will knock her out as well. Healing is also not an option, as all characters have a -90% healing debuff, meaning that if something were to heal for 1000HP, it will now heal only 100HP. For a comfy run you could use both Shizukos here, the normal one to play CBT with Shiro, and the second one to reposition the party, Haruna especially, but then you will have a hard time with Kuro, unless you have a maxed out Asuna to reposition and tank some hits or you can do it with one team. >Phase 2 If Phase 1 is complete RNG, this one is always the same, so if you were to memorize the patterns, you could put characters(like Asuna), beforehand in front of certain attacks, to save vulnerable students, or you could place them in spots where they will never be hit like Hot Spring Chinatsu or Izuna with her teleport ability. I didn't bother much with this, just moved them with Shizuko, and sometimes put Izuna to tank a few hits. Almost got this boss with two teams, I think I will try tomorrow with Tracksuit Hasumi instead of Chise, as Chise has Yellow armor so she goes down fast. I am not sure how relevant this is, but I am on the Global server, with the top 2000 in Platinum, whereas the US server has the top 5000 in Platinum. With the previous two raids, the best Extreme got you do around 500, but this one brings you at 1300. Maybe there is something about Shiro and Kuro that makes people go more at it, or they are more confident about it, but I think that even when Torment will roll out, there will still be a few raids where the best Extreme can still bring you Platinum, especially if they increase the bracket from top 2k to top 3k(in Japan it went from top 10k to top 15k). Anyway, the idea is that the Global server is more laid off, and I am not sure how different the US server is.
Did everynyan get their wheelchair wife? John Nexon is giving out basically two free ten-rolls today. I suspect most people sparked Himari if she wasn't naturally rolled.
Just barely beat Binah extreme with three ramshackle teams. How can I improve? Keep in mind I am limited by both students and leveling material.
>>832193 >How can I improve? Stop playing gachashit
>>832193 I assume you don't have S. Azusa, then replace T Yuuka and S Hoshino with Akane and Maki(you should have them from the TA Shop), for double def down, and see if you can use Kazusa twice with one buff from Ako and Himari(as in you buff her with both, and before the buff expires, use Kazusa's attack twice). If you have Ui, then you can just copy the meta team from Insane as it works just as well on Extreme, will be posting my Insane run later. Otherwise, just do what >>832223 is suggesting and play better games.
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It's time for Binah, the first boss from the game, and as such it has no gimmicks, it's just one large target that you just hit at it until it dies. For this I went with the meta team, as this raid has become surprisingly competitive. It's the first time I have seen Insane runs not guarantee platinum, and at the same time Extreme not getting platinum either. I think that for now there will still be a few more raids like Goz or Hod where Extreme can still pull it off, but it's also a sign of what is to come, even on a more laid back server like Global. So for the raid, this is one huge coreography, and you need to time everything right. You start with Ui, and if the enxt character is not Kazusa, you restart(and I did several times, I just edited the video to have the intro and my good run for convenience), then you wait until Maki throws her Def Down debuf, so at around 2:31, you then use Kazusa, Ako and Himari in this order and as fast as possible, you then immediately use Akane for double def down. Speedrunners will use macro commands for this, in order to use all 4 skills almost at the same time, but I am not cheating. Anyway, you then wait for Kazusa to buff herself again, so if you immediately use her again, then you need to restart, so at about 2:21 you use her skill again, meaning that it's inside the 13 second interval that is Himari's buff, as I have her at 3*. I then use Ui again on Kazusa, then buff her again with Ako and Himari and use Kazusa's skill and Akane. At this point the boss will go into it's second phase, so again I buff Kazusa and use her against the boss. At this part I kinda fucked up a bit, shouldn't have buffed Maki, and in the third phase I used Maki's skill thinking it will finish the fight faster, but that was a mistake(I think I also used Kazusa once without Himari's buff), thankfully I managed to save it in the end with one last Kazusa hit, just as the team was about to get wiped by Binah's sandstorm. Anyway, fuck this fight, fuck the trihards, and fuck me for competing. Hope none of you are going to attempt this shit. Just be comfy in Gold.
For Chessed I will present, not just one, but two different Insane runs, an old one, and a more meta one. Why <Old Strategy >first webm I used a Winter School Team, for tank(Marina), healing(Nodoka) and AoE damage(Cherino) for the added cost regen given by Cherino's sub-skill. Then I filled the team with what I had, in this case a 5* Hoshino, a UE50 Sumire, and Saya Casual, for the Crit subskill, and because I had nothing else better. The strategy is to survive using Nodoka, and use all the characters for their AoE damage. I don't do all that much damage, but I do manage to reach the boss and almost finish 3/4 of the enemy waves, before timer expires. >second webm I mostly use the cats to clear out the waves, and use my UE50 Iori buffed by Ako and Himari on the boss. It's good enough to finish it in two cycles. Nothing else to say about this strategy, just make sure to have Iori ready and buffed when Chessed has his defenses down, otherwise restart the mission. <Continued in the next post, because I exceeded size limit.
<Meta Strategy >first webm I move the cats to the first team, making clearing the waves much easier. S. Hoshino for added damage and added cost regen. I am still using Nodoka and Saya for the backline, because I have nothing better to choose from. This team is doing much better DPS wise, and I am doing better time wise. The important thing about this team, is that I need to finish the fight at the right moment, about where the first box of the boss is(pic related). If I do it later or earlier, I will mess up the startegy for the second team. >second webm For this I am using my UE50 Iori, a borrowed UE50 Kazusa, Ui and Tsubaki. This team can also handle two cycles, but if you get lucky enough and time it right you can finish Chessed in only one cycle, that's why I needed to finish the fight with the first team at that point. Here is the autistic rythm for this bullshit: >use Ui on Kazusa >use Ako on Kazusa, at this point she will alos have activated her Normal Skill that increases her attack by 43.8% >at this point in the fight Chessed will send his robots to suicide run into Tsubaki, but she can tank it >also you need to have the maxed out bar at this point <this is why you needed to finish the fight with the first team at that point, just ot reach this point optimally >you use Iori >you then use Kazusa >before Iori finishes her second shot, you buff her with Himari and Ako <this is why you needed a full bar <if Chessed isn't at least 24 HP bars, then restart the fight >you then use Iori again, who is still buffed by Ako and Himari >just in case you finish the fight with Kazusa <if you don't finish the fight, then you either restart and hope for better RNG crit, or do it in two cycles >I only needed to reastart the fight 3 times to get a good one cycle run One interesting thing about this is that the best Extreme has a rank of 1260, so unlike with Binah, there are still a lot of people who don't want to try the Insane version. I guess EX fags can still make it to Platinum, especially when the rankings for Platinum will go from top 2k to top 3k. I think I did almost all the bosses, Goz is the only one I didn't cover, I will do that when it comes, and then I will let the thread die like it should have had a long time, but I just needed a place to vent about this gatchashit. >but anon, nobody is reading your blogposts I don't care, this is just for me to vent. And sadly enough, me posting all these webms of the game, and actually discussing the gameplay, makes this thread about a korean gatchashit, more /v/ related then a lot of other threads on this board, and that shouldn't happen.
That was a hell of an end to the recent event. Regardless, it felt kind of anticlimactic and random.
>>867914 I'm just getting around to reading the final story part now, don't spoil me. Do you know if there are any plans to speed up the global server? I always feel like I'm missing out
Behold one of the new game tracks. It is, as the kids say these days, a banger
>>869939 >8chan doesn't allow audio-only .mp4's Alright, have this instead
>>868032 >Do you know if there are any plans to speed up the global server? That was the plan from the start, as the game was behind one year from JP, and now it's only six months, however they have been stuck at this six months gap for half a year, maybe even a year. They tried combining multiple banners and reducing the rerun banners to one week, but they started doing the same on the JP server, so now if they try to speed it up even more it could break the flow too much. Honestly I prefer it this way, gives me time to prepare and plan my gatcha currency spending for the inevitable waifu meta banners.
>>869940 Can you upload an example to somewhere (like catbox) for debugging? I think it's an issue with the thumbnailer and I'd like to investigate.
>>820249 Catch some sun and stop daydreaming about niggers you fucking gacha addict
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>>869996 It makes me so glad the Japs didn't make the same mistake that the Mexicans did by letting the europeans in, portugal would've turned that island into a complete shithole like brazil, cuba, ecuador, jamaica, etc. It's hard to see south americans getting anywhere near the level of advancement Japs have, since they fell off hundreds of years ago, culturally, scientifically and purposefully.
>>869995 Sorry I'm late, but here you go https://pomf2.lain.la/f/c1s6cvpm.mp4
>>869998 The world turned to shit once americunts decided to help gommunist win WW 2.
I got a moto g7 play and the game was always crashing when loading the game. The farthest I could get by luck was the tutorial when you select story mission and have the small hex board. Then a few days ago I learned that my phone didn't have security update since July 2021. So I flashed LineageOS, lo and behold! The game can run without problem! Currently reaching 2-3 so I can do event. But I will take a break since I have a few things to do before.
>>793872 I can't stand grind on the old JRPGs I used to play without cheating now, why would I embrace NEW GRIND, hell I quit Warframe how is this any better?
>>869998 >What is Macau? South Americans were tribals, Asians had an actual civilization so that would never happen brainiac.
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>>869996 >Catch some sun and stop daydreaming about niggers you fucking gacha addict That's what a cotton picker would say, now go back to robbing a bodega at gunpoint If not stop being a nigger lover
Post cafes, rate 'em
Please never let this thread die
>>880878 Yours I'd say 9/10, good use of space. Any tips for keeping it tidy and consistent? I like my left and right corners but the middle is a hot mess.
>>880964 I'd like your cafe setup if the left corner was reflected more everywhere else. The right side wall is actually pretty good, you may pick that as the "template" for the rest of the cafe. Your only issue may be that you hug the sides a little too much. Don't be afraid to make the middle space of your cafe mesh with the rest of it. If you wanted to keep the field day equipment there, you could but just put some partitions around it to make it blend a bit better.
Tried to separate it in different zones.
It's all over. It's finally all over.
mark can you just bumplock the fucking thread it's been getting necrobumped by (1)s for months
>>883358 Yeah, if OP is so hungry for (You)s he should just go and post the thread on cuckchan.
Shameless shill for this interesting youtube channel I stumbled across, @FlugKatze. The guy does firearm analysis for characters in Blue Archive with some nice little trivia added on top. They're nice bite-sized videos to watch every now and then. A fun mesh of /k/ and /v/
https://onkyodirect.jp/shop/pages/Blue_Archive.aspx >Blue Archive is getting wireless earphones featuring the voice of the mascot character Arona as the system voice with eleven different voice lines for all the senseis out there. >Pre-orders are now live and will be available to order until October 27th. The earphones cost 20,000 yen and are set to be released later in December 2023.
>>888791 Well, time to break some bank already, that modded X360 can wait
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>>888815 >modded X360 Why would you even get it when it can't do as much as the Wii or PS3?
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Normally I wouldn't do a second video on the same boss, sadly the Princess is so broken it changed things completely. Just look at it, you can skip Phase 2 of Binah, and if I was luckier I could have skipped Phase 3 as well, and just kill the boss in it's first phase. It has absolutely no chance against her, reason why so many people did the Insane run. For reference on Global I am around rank 800 with a score of 26,002,047, and the guy at rank 2001(so just below Platinum) has a score of 25,989,759, the fact that there numbers are so close indicates that for this fight the difference between Platinum and Gold is only a few seconds. Now while Insane is extremely easy, Torment is way too hard, as only 47 whales accomplished it, as such everyone else is just reloading the fight over and over just to finish the fight one second faster. The only "new" mechanic that I employed for this battle is the Auto button. A thing I recently learned is that if you press the auto battle during battle, it will always select the first skill and then maybe the second skill. As such I set it up so that I have Princess Ako/Himari and Maki, if not I restart the battle. I then use Ako/Himari and if I don't have Akane, I restart the battle. If I do have her, then it will be Princess Akane and Maki. I wait till the bar gets to 9 skill points, use the Princess and then press Auto, which will have it use Akane and Himari/Ako immediately, giving the Princess her second buff before she fires. This is much faster than if I were to use my mouse, and you need that speed for Platinum. As always fuck this game, and fuck me for playing it.
>>890020 The fact that Ako and Himari are basically necessaary to do anything in this game really fucks with me. If only I could get ONE of them.
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>>890020 >don't have Ui >don't have maxxed out Maki >Don't have maxxed out Akane Welp, guess I won't be doing any insane runs...again
This cute fucker just released on the JP version, can't wait to enroll her. Anyone else surprised on her voice? I was expecting something much higher-pitched, instead she sounds like an adult.
I had 15k pyrox from doing the main story, 2 10x tickets and 11 1x ticket and only got Miyako. I wanted ny Haruka goddamn it.
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>>892307 I rolled NY Mutsuki after 120 rolls, sparked NY Aru. Only other purple was my 7th duplicate Atsuko. But like you I wanted Haruka and Kayoko. I sparked Aru since I figured the two might at least spook me in the future, whereas Aru is limited. Welp.
>>892313 I used the other 10 ticket, rolled NY Serika and got enough to spark Aru since you're absolutely right about her being limited. Could have been worse, I guess
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It's time for the Goz Rematch as last time I wasn't able to do Insane, and looking at the leaderboard on Global it might be possible to get Platinum even with an Extreme clear, as opposed to the previous raid with Binah where the Platinum cutoff was at the 2000 mark, but 8000 players did Insane thanks Gorilla Princess. What I am trying to say is that, not a lot of people want to do Insane Goz, so how bad is it? Well for Phase 1, it's not that hard, especially with a UE30 NY Mutsuki with T8 equipment, I can clear the minions. The strategy is simple, use Mutsuki, to clear the enemies, buff Wakamo to hyper carry, and when the train comes, use Yuuka to move everyone away, while preparing Mutsuki for another attack, as enemies spawn immediately after the train. Kayoko will buff both Wakamo and Mutsuki. Keep on buffing Wakamo, keep on using her, dodge with Yuuka and clear with Mutsuki, repeat until you get to Phase 2. You can also use the Gorilla Princess in Phase 1 instead of Wakamo, but keep in mind that she is squishy against Goz's attacks, because of his attack type. For Phase 2, speedrunners stop using the team from Phase 1 to move to the second team, but I don't care for a high score and continue using the team until the timer runs out. I did not guess Goz's correct position, I should have used Mutsuki to make sure who the real one was, thankfully Yuuka can easily reposition everyone. Could have been better, but this is all just to make it easier for the second team to finish him off. For the second team, I borrow NY Kayoko, and for the anon who complained about needing both Ako and Himari in all raids, he can rejoice in knowing that you also need Fuuka and S Shizuko for this one. Anyway the secret for Phase 2, is to see if Goz is in the right position(see if he takes damage), otherwise just restart, no reason wasting time looking at the cards. Use Hoshino, Ako and kayoko to buff Hasumi to hyper carry, with Izuna getting the second Kayoko blessing and applying Crit Down resistance to Goz. Speedrunners will just restart the mission depending on if Hasumi did a crit attack or not, thankfully I don't need to worry about that. Whenever Goz dissapears, I slow down time, to look at the cards, I need to find the one without any red cards, it's usually the one on the left, if not I can just restart and try for better RNG. Anyway same thing, use Shizuko to reposition and shield, Kayoko, Hoshino and Ako to buff Hasumi who will hopefully do a crit attack on Goz and finish him off. This time it was much easier, but I don't know if it's because of kayoko, or the T8 equipment, and in conclusion while Phase 1 is completely predictable, Phase 2 is RNG fest with Goz reposition and you are better off guessing and restarting than looking at his cards.
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Experimenting with AI. Started with the poster girl of Blue Archive. Might do Arona next.
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>>893920 Speaking of roblox, when is the CEO getting arrested for collaborating with known pedophiles? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=jQQpjjHXO1M?si=KEmSJBvKfIJrIjU6
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>>893920 Drawings aren't real
Only got NY Kayoko, sparked NY Aru. Along the way I got Mimori, Tsukuyo, Sakurako, Marina, Sumire >>893513 With my ragtag team of lvl 55, Sakurako in team 2 managed to do nice damage. Using her EX skill make the whole team focus fire on the specified target, as well as additional damage.
>>893961 Who said they were?
>>893961 1.5 times sounds like the lead up to a joke. Imagine her being a mother and being autistically measuring nutrients to turn her children into genius athletes.
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>What? Don't you guys have Mika? This is getting ridiculous, I spent 45 minutes and this is the best I could do today. There is too much autism to go over the "strategy", you just have to do the coreography and pray for good RNG. The raid is divided into 7 parts, Gate 1, Gate 2, Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave 3, Wave 4 and Chessed. While I did have an excellent Gate 1(did not need to use Momoi), and as a result a good Gate 2, I was unlucky at Wave 1, ruining the entire choreography and as a result did the fight 10 seconds slower than I had hoped. God fucking dammit I feel like a dirty speedrunner now, but this what is necessary to get Platinum. Oh and the only "balancing" thing about Mika is that she has low accuracy, while Chessed, the big fat ball has high evasion, so imagine reaching the end of Wave 4, you are at a good pace, and Mika misses, so you have to restart. You will also restart when one of the characters die, like Cherino or even Mika, or restart at Gate 1, because Momoi and Iori could not clear the first wave, or restart at any other point, because your pace is shit.
>>898302 >First insane clear where I have all the required "meta" students <but I don't have them maxxed out with T7 equipment Welo, maybe next year I can get platinum. Fuck torment, only whales seem to have the capability for that shit.
>>898306 >T7 equipment Anon, this was done with T8 equipment.

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I've been playing Blue Archive for 2 weeks now and I'm surprised how much I ended up liking the characters despite the rather simple plot and the lore being a bit undercooked. >Abydos students just robbing a bank like it's Payday >The Game Development Team being the best daughterfus the world can ask for >The entire second part of Chapter 2 >The Make-Up Work group just being adorable weirdos The boss in Chapter 3 of the Story Mode where Sensei is forced to use the card to summon your own units is filtering me a bit unlike other chapters so far though. It seems rather friendly for a gacha (my first one admittedly) and doesn't waste my time much in grinding items thanks to the sweep feature once I scored 3 stars on each level (generally achieved on the first try). I'm hoping the franchise get future videogame adaptations on consoles/PC just like it's been the case for Granblue Fantasy and Umamusume.
>>911308 >I'm hoping the franchise get future videogame adaptations on consoles/PC just like it's been the case for Granblue Fantasy and Umamusume. I'm assuming it will, Blue Archive is absolutely DOMINATING Comiket and usually that's a good indication of how much money a series is getting, and thus how much more activity we'll see from them. I know they got greenlit for a Netflix animated series a few months ago, so that will only improve the game's reach. I am somewhat sure it's normalfag-safe due to the amount of loli in the game. https://archive.ph/vWLRo
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Ok, now that the big breasted Hinata is meta for Peroro and Goz, it's time to use her and finally do my first Insane run. >none of my "friends" have a UE50 Hinata <Fuck! I am not going to waste resources to UE50 her myself, so I have to keep refreshing the possible friends pages, until I find someone who has a maxed out UE50 Hinata, and is willing to take me as a friend, after countless refreshes I find 3 possible candidates(one is a hyper whale who got second place last Total Assault who I doubt will actually accept the friend invite). A day passes, and someone actually friended me, now I can finally do the battle. As for the battle there is nothing to write about, you just Hyper Carry Hinata with 4 buffs, while Natsu tanks Peroro. In theory I could time the shots right to hit the white Peroros for extra damage and finish this fight with one team, while also refreshing the battle every time she doesn't crit, but who cares? Everyone is shit at Perorodzilla, and all I care about is getting Platinum, not a high score. I just bring Peroro to as low HP as possible, and then finish him with a second team that focuses one AOE damage. Interesting enough, since I first posted my webm, up until now, every raid has been done twice, with the exception of Hod which I haven't done a webm of yet. Oh and there are 3 new bosses to look forward to, Wakamo Hovercraft, Gregorious for whom I am preparing with saving for the next few banners, and the anticipated Elastic Armored boss, Myouki KuroKage, which just dropped in Korea/Japan. Hope you are getting those purple students, anon :^)
>>911308 I understand you are in the honey moon phase anon, hope you haven't foolishly payed money. Honestly I don't think there is any point for you to continue "playing" this gatcha, if it's just the story then you can easily watch them on Jewtube since they are just VNs, with this you will also be able to enjoy Story Events that you missed, as well as Student Relationships with Students you don't have, it's honestly a much better experience. >but muh gameplay It's shallow, and the only thing worth doing is the meta game in which you anticipate the banners and save up on gatcha currency, to get Platinum for every fight, something I can do since I started from the beginning, and something you shouldn't do. Just uninstall it, watch the events on Jewtube and you will thank me for that, unless, of course you watched all the webms I posted and my commentary, and actually think "Yep, that looks like so much fun, I really want to restart the raid over and over to guarantee platinum." Sage for double post
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>and I just realized I posted the old one. Sage for triple post, this will be the last one I swear.
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It's time for Hod. It's interesting how ever since I have started this series of of posts, I have done every single boss at least twice(even if I didn't upload a new video since it was just the same fight), but never have done Hod, I guess he is not that popular. So for insane to get into Platinum, I have to get extremely lucky so that at the beginning of phase 2, he doesn't summon the towers, and ... fuck that shit, I am doing TORMENT. No I have not wasted hours of my life, in mock battles trying to do it, nor did I waste two tickets trying to do the battle and failing, nobody asked. For some reason I was only able to do this battle on the phone, so I had to record it from my device, which is why these videos have a different aspect ratio, plus it was originally in portrait, and had to crop to landscape. I don't know why it had to be on a phone, maybe I am faster moving the finger around, rather than the mouse on the Android emulator, anyway.... >Team 1 Probably the most flexible team of them all, Maki is for Def Down, Iori for damage the rest are for stunning the boss.Suzumi is also a great pick, if you have her at affection level 25 with Bond Gear level 2, but I did not have enough presents to raise her from bond level 20 to 25, so I could not use her, thankfully I had S Wakamo and I only needed her at 3*, same with Rabbit. NY Haruka is mostly for her Cost Regen bonus and Crit Resistance debuff. All the team needs to do is survive long enough to destroy the two towers, I sometimes need to reset a few time if Iori doesn't crit, but overall with this team in 1-5 tries I manage to defeat the towers, then I immediately end the fight, before I do damage to Hod. You might be asking why, and I will tell you in the next section. >Team 2 Sigh... I don't like this fight... Anyway, I quickly buff Mika to destroy the Two Towers, and you might think it's a simple dance of just attacking with Mika, and using Kayoko to cancel Hod's laser beam, but it's more than that. See, Hod has three parts where it will summon towers, at the beginning, at 1:25 in the webm, and at about 2:38 in the webm, but he didn't and here is why. At 1:25 he is about to, but I fill the groggy bar, cancelling his animation, this needs to be done with extreme precision and the damage inflicted upon him is calculated beforehand, it's why I couldn't use Team 1 on Hod, because otherwise he would have entered into groggy phase much earlier, and then he would have summoned the towers, he had to become groggy exactly when he was summoning them. At 2;38 if he is above 50% HP then he will summon the towers, otherwise he will enter in his third phase(indicated by the red ring) where he destroys all turrets and towers. I apologize for pausing the video in the middle, I had to double check the notes I had on a piece of paper, as I knew I was on a good pace, and had to do it exactly right, otherwise I would not have finished the fight with only 19 bars of HP. Oh I should also mention that when he enters in his third phase he resets his attack bar, so using Kayako is a waste, and I also need to bring him to Groggy phase a second time, in order to do enough damage with Mika. In theory you could finish the fight at 14 bars of HP, but 19 was enough. Oh and Fubuki is there, she is just stunning Hod in the background, it fits her character. >Team 3 I wish I had Suzuki, instead I settle for Tsubaki. S Izumi is also an option, but I needed a tank. I also upgraded my Mika from UE 40 to UE 50 to have a chance. This is the team is do or die, Hod has too much of a high defense to try and weather him down with 7 other teams. If Team 3 can't finish him off, then the raid is lost.Chihiro and Tsubaki are there to fill his groggy bar, Koharu to keep everyone alive, Chrerino for the Cost Recovery bonus, and Mika+Fuuka to kill Hod. All I need to do is survive long enough for him to become Groggy, then finish him off with Mika. It's not easy, but it's doable, as can be seen from this video. And with this I have done Torment, I have no life and I must scream. See you next time on Gregorious, unless this thread has the decency to die, so pelase don't post.
>anons can't decide whether to hate a gacha game or like it for it's brazen amount of lolis inside What can i say? This is the future.
>>920129 It's mobile cancer with cunny. Lolis are great, but i expected an average anon would know better than to ever touch Android games.
>>920129 Just go on the booru if you want to fap to lolis. >but if whales don't waste their money on this cancer, then there won't be any new lolis to have drawings of There are dozens of artists who make OC lolis every day, you don't have to be saddled with this shit. Wasting your time on gatcha for the pngs, is even more degenerate than the meta gaming I am doing.
>>920129 It's a cute game, and you dont NEED to spend money on it, plus whales will exist whether you or I wish them to. Might as well enjoy the game for its own merits which supplies you with cute characters and cute dialogue and a decent story. It can even be construed as a dating sim. Shallow compared to actual dating sims, one could argue, but you cannot say the devs dont know their crowd or what pleases them all too well.
>>893961 Sauce >>920129 Meh, i really like the girls after all and mostly the Bunny girls
>>920200 >Sauce You've been given 5 full pages, look it up yourself or commit suicide. I looked it up when it was posted, found it and jerked off to it a few times.
>>920203 To en fair, it was mostly an excuse to bump the thread up
>>920205 >Be Fuck me, i'm retarded and it's only afternoon
Rabbit summer event is now How long until we get to the 2.5 anniversary?
>>922291 I wonder if I should play this game, I don't put a lot of money into mobile games. Although this mobile game seems appealing
>>922296 If it's any consolation, BA is very generous with its resources so you don't need to spend a dime to have a great chance at getting whoever you want.
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Grand Assault is here. Overall it's more laid back than regular Total Assault, after the beta you will get a 10 draw ticket, regardless of rank, so even the Bronze one will get a 10 ticket, which is nice, so only try-hard retards like me will try to get Platinum. Our first GA is with poor old Binah, the first boss of the game, and I just love how every single team is just Maki, Akane, Ako and Himaro with the other two students determining what color the raid is. I mean Maki has been tormenting Binah ever since the first raid, and recently I have seen an uptick in artwork where Maki and Binah are friends, which I find surprisingly wholesome, even those in which Binah has a weird crush on Maki. >Red Binah aka Ako Team An Ako team, that only needs two critical EXs and normal skills, not too bad. I didn't have the cleanest run, but the secret is tthat unless you skip phase 2 and immediately kill Binah in Phase 3 you restart. >Yellow Binah aka MIKA Again very straight-forward with Mika and UE50 Kazusa. Keep in mind that Mika does only 80% of her damage, while Kazusa does 140% of her damage, yet Mika still did more damage. This is the power of always criting. You basically hyper-carry Mika, and if she doesn't bring Binah to about 4.7 Million HP you then resrtart the battle. Then you use Kazusa twice after hyper-carring her, and if she doesn't bring Binah to about 1.4 million HP to skip to Phase 3 you then resrart, then in Phase 3 you clean it up with Mika and Kazusa, though Kazusa still needs to crit, otherwise Binah showers everyone with sand, and you need a second team. A bit worse than the Ako team, but much better than... >Blue Binah aka Restart Battle Maid Aris... where do I even begin? For those who do not know she has the the same attack stat as Wakamo, but while Wakamo's EX doesn't crit, MAris can crit, but unlike Mika she doesn't have guarantee crits. So why is that a problem, sicne only Mika can guarantee a crit anyway? Well a fully buffed MAris with NY Kayoko, Himari and Ako, attacking Binah with about 50% def down does about 300k damage if she misses her crit and about 1.5-2 million damage is she crits, oh and she has a low chance of pulling off that crit, and you need to do it about three times to do a near perfect run on Binah. Doing it once has a low chance, doing it twice is extremely low, and doing it three times? Well after half an hour this was the best I could do, and I got lucky she crit a regular attack. So basically miss a crit? Restart. Ny Kayoko activated her sub skill that requires the team to crit 200 times and Binah left? Restart. Couldn't do enough damage to Binah on the second attack to stun him and he uses rockets to insta-kill your team? Restart? Missed the second crit attack with Maid Aris? Restart Did too much damage with the first crit and now he enters the second phase before NY Kayoko can activate her sub skill? Restart. Missed the third crit attack with Maid Aris? Restart. I FUCKING HATE MAID ARIS Just use Wakamo, it's what I did in the previous Shiro Kuro raid, since doing crits 7/8 times with Maid Aris is ridiculous. >>922291 >How long until we get to the 2.5 anniversary? Less than a month. >>922296 Look at the webms and rants I have been posting of every single boss of this game? Do you really think it's fun to keep on resetting the entire fight, just because you missed a crit, and have to keep doing the same fight over, and over, and over for almost an hour just so you get lucky with crits? "Oh, but I don't care about raids, I will just casually play it." The raids ARE the game, there is absolutely nothing else to do. You want to see the waifus? Go on a booru, search for waifu and fap to all the pictures of her. You want to enjoy the story? If you join now, there are plenty of events you do not have access to, and might never will so there is a lot of stories you will never see. A much better experience is to watch them all on jewtube at you own pase, I even heard some of them use AI to have them fully voiced, so in that regard it's a much better experience than in-game, plus you also have access to relationship events with characters you don't have, and not even I have all of them(some are limited so I will never get access to the story). The music? Just listen it on jewtube, or download it. The memes and culture? Honestly I have more respect for a secondary than a tryhard. In all regards, you are better off engaging with the content, outside of the game, so don't even bother installing it. The only thing unique to it are the raids, or "restarting simulator" if you want to get Platinum, and if you don't care about that, again you might as well not play the game. Oh but what if you spend thousands of dollars in the game, like an absolute retard? It will take you months to catch up to a free to play metagamer like me who started two years ago, and you might never reach my level, because I have limited students, who are extremely meta, that you might have to wait an entire year, before getting access to them, like NY Fuuka.
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It's time for the long awaited Gregorious boss fight, you know the one that was was a real pain in the ass when it first appeared on the JP server, and caused countless of people to recommend pulling all sorts of students just to beat this one boss. Well thankfully you don't need Summer SRT, Minori or Nagisa(though I do have them just in case), to beat it when you can just use the Aru team with a borrowed Mime, sure I will have to restart the fight a few times just because Aru missed a crit, but how bad can it get? Hey isn't Aru a bit far from S. Hoshine during the Extreme battle, and why can't I see the organ effects? Turns out they fixed a few glitches from the JP battle and introduced a few new ones like the missing effects from the organ, but that's ok, I will just write timestamps from a JP video and I won't have to watch the organ, but sadly the pathfinding is fucked, so now you need a UE40 Mime if you still want to do the Aru team, sadly none of my "friends" have a UE40 Mime, and only one has a UE30 Mime. FUCK! Well there is also the Akari team, apparently she replaces Aru and can be used with a UE30 Mime, but I have never invested in her, let's see what are her skills: >Normal Skill <Normal attacks have 10% chance to increase Attack by 38.7~73.6% for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 15 seconds) >Sub Skill <Normal attacks have 10% chance to increase Attack by 34.4~65.5% for 26 seconds. (Cooldown: 18 seconds) Plus I think she has to be at UE50(I have her at UE40) and I will probably have to reset the battle over and over just to crit FUCK THIS SHIT I am bringing the rabbits, shout out to the jewtuber RS Sandstorm(from whom I just copied the strategy) that proved you only need them at 3* in order to beat Insane, even Nagisa, but I have her at 4*, so let's see the artifact requirements. Both Nagisa and S. Saki require Wolfsegg Steel. Fuck that material, why do so many of these girls want wolf eggs, why don't they just take the totem pole? Why do they have to introduce new artifacts, like the atlantis coin or the soon to be released roman dodecahedron if only one or two students use it, whereas the wolf eggs and the Voynich Manuscript are required for like 70-80% of the meta students? Fuck this game, at least the battle is fine, too bad that from watching so many battles one jewtube in preparation for this, my brain inserts the Minori ASMR every time I hear the Greg song, not sure if that is an improvement, but enough rambling the battle... >Phase 1 Use summer SRT as soon as possible to stack up the debufs on greg in order to do 200% more damage to him. Whatever debuf he has, his minions will have as well, but not in reverse. use Minori to kill some mobs and reverse the organ, to stack up an additional debuf. Use Nagisa to either kill the mobs Minori couldn't do, or target the other ones, I think if she were 5* she could kill them, but this is more than enough. Wait for the upper two organs to activate(the red ones), then use Summer SRT again. >Phase 2 Use Minori at 7 cost, on the left choir, this will disable them. use Nagisa on the choir next to greg, then at about 2:28 rotate the organ with Koharu, while also healing Miyako. Use Saki at about 8-9 cost, then use Minori to finish off the mobs Nagisa couldn't. After they get debuffed by the rotated organ, use Nagisa on the left choir. >Phase 3 Use Summer SRT after the red organ activated, then with a 5 cost Minori finish the right choir. Use Nagisa to kill a minion newr Greg and then rotate the organ with Koharu. Then use Miyako to get Minori's EX next which will stun Greg, this is very important as it will sin cronyze the organ with Phase 4, also use S Saki at the very end, for a better rotation, some people would sacrifice Koharu here, but she will make it. >Phase 4 This is it, it's DO OR DIE! If I can't finish the battle here then I will need to restart, because there is no Team 2 that can kill of Greg, because of his bullshit mechanics you can't just throw students at him, this will either work or not. I have less than a minute to finish him off, because he will use an insta kill spell at the end of his song. If the organ isn't turning black, it means you messed up the timing when you stunned him in Phase 3 and might as well restart. If it does, then you most likely win, just spam Nagisa and 7 cost Minori on the mobs, and either heal Miyako with Koharu or use her on the mobs, but even if you panic a bit like I did, it's most likely fine. That the battle in a nutshell, again thanks to RS Sandstorm for providing the startegy fuck Nexon for ruining the Free to play frendly Aru team, and fuck me for still being here. See you at Wakamo: Hovercraft.
>>924487 Are you a whale? No really I want to know. Don't know how you could have that much excess pyroxene and still have new students all at max levels.
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>>920200 >Sauce You will never know!
>>924655 >Are you a whale? Believe it or not, I have never spent a single cent on this gatcha, as it's my one rule, that if I ever spend money on a gatcha, I will instantly delete the account, so as to not fall in the rabbit hole. I am also thinking of deleting my account if I ever get anything but Platinum in Total Assault, just to spice things up a bit. >Don't know how you could have that much excess pyroxene Well I have started playing engaging with this gatcha, one month after it's Global release, so I had a lot of time to accumulate pyroxene as well as build the students. I am also a min-maxer, have gotten Platinum in every raid starting with the seventh one, I am in top 100-200 PVP and these small increases in pyroxene accumulate in time, I get around 50 draws every two weeks, so a spark fund(200 draws) in 2 months. I have also been looking at charts for future students from the beginning, as the 6 month lag with JP helped me plan ahead for which student I should draw. It's also a calculated risk, as using 50 draws has about 70% chance of getting a purple student(not necessary the one from the banner), so if I want a student I have to ask myself if I am willing to spend 200 draws on it. I have sometimes gotten lucky, with getting a student at 30-50 draws, but I also had to use almost 2 spark funds for the first two Arius squad members, because I waifued them, I also lost a lot of draws on other two students without getting them, because I went for the waifu route, instead of the meta one. Ever since Greg appeared on the JP server, I have been looking at what students I need, and carefully planned my pyroxone budget. If you are just starting out, my account might seem like the one of a whale, but this is just the result of engaging with the gatcha for so long, buying materials from the shops, doing the Hard missions and so on. In fact if someone were to start today and whale like crazy, it will take him probably at least 2 months to catch up to me, and even then I have limited meta students that he can't have, because there is no banner for them. Also keep in mind, that while I might have 500 draws now, I might loose 200 draws to get Summer Shiroko, 200 draws for Summer Hanako, and 100 draws for Summer Ui(if I don't get her from the free 100 pulls), so in one month, I might not have anything left, and then I will have to worry about the new elastic students for the purple boss that will arrive in a few months. >at max levels. Leveling up he students is not a problem, the equipment is not a problem either, even the school training blu-rays are not that much of a problem, as I buy them with the Total Assault currency, the only problem are the artifacts, especially wolf eggs Wolfsegg Steel, and I didn't have enough of that for the new students, so I simply used the bare minimum, and I also traded some of the totem poles for more wolf eggs in the crafting chamber, as I use the Joint Firepower stones to buy purple tailor stones. >tl;dr I am not a free to play min-maxer that started the game almost since it launched
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Blue Archive is taking comiket by storm (sorry to the resident Granblue fags)
>>925418 >Azur lane that low >KanColle with those numbers Man, what a fall from grace, at least touhou still maintains quite some steam after all these years >Other gacha I'm mostly sure that those number are basically Nikke numbers, with some Granblue and Arknights ones, because genshin it's Mostly dead (doujinwise) thanks to the homobanners, and Star Rail is... Kinda there still
>>925418 😭 wins again
>>925418 >Granblue Granblue Fantasy is a very old gatcha at this point,it's expected to loose steam and interest in time. Two fighting games are also not as accessible as a simple VN unless you grind for the Guild War battles, *shudders* , and that JRPG will be released at the end of this month, but even then they only use a fraction of the characters from the gatcha, as that is where most of the new characters are introduced. >>925430 Do you think Nikke will surpass BA next year, with how in your face the fanservice is, or is it just like Tohou, in that it's more important for the characters to be cute and funny?
>>925512 Nikke has proven censorship and usually censorship issues just compound over time rather than get better. A slippery slope one might say. They are owned by Tencent who owns majority shares (24% last I checked) and the character designs scream Chinese pandering. I don't think Nikke has much of a life expectancy, or at best it'll be as popular as Arknights which is somewhat similar in style (i.e. not very popular at all)
>>925519 man that's gay
>>925519 >I don't think Nikke has much of a life expectancy They made a ton of money in 2023, so it will probably have a lot of staying power, sunk cost fallacy and all that. Unless by "popularity" you mean "how many pages of X character on booru exists" versus "how much money X character's banner earned the company". Also, according to a famitsu article, 40% of the NIKKE playerbase in South Korea are women, and about 30% in Japan, which simply blows my mind. I know there are hornly lesbians out there, and you could convince me that there is a large female playerbase(also around 30-40%) for Senran Kagura, because you can dress up the girls in all sorts of outfits, but why NIKKE? I wouldn't be shocked if BA only had 5 or 10% female playerbase, because of reasons I can not comprehend. Now I am curious the percentage of male players that play Otome and how many of them are not actually gay. The Famitsu article in question(it's in japanese) https://archive.ph/wip/4BXhT An English article talking about it https://archive.ph/wip/DVXRQ
>>925548 >30%-40% Impressive. Very nice. Let's see GBF's female player base percentages...
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>>925565 The closest thing I could find is this statistica which says that as of October 2020 it was 44% female, which I am not sure how they got those values, and a 2021 Famitsu poll, in which 59.1% of them were women, but these are just self-reported(there was also one from 2020 with about 80% female so it's not all that reliable), so it's hard to say exactly how many women there are. I would also like to say that I am not sure how NIKKE determines if a player is male or female, unless they look at the billing address of the credit card for a name. https://archive.ph/aw8Ko If someone has better data, please post.
<had some real shitty days this week <Read about the anni stream being today early <Watch some highlights >Ako got a dress skin >Hina got a dress skin MY GOD I'M REALLY FUCKING HAPPY, GOD IS REAL, PRAISE THE FUCKING SUN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA God, Ako is fucking beautiful in that skin, and Hina too, this anni is simply 20/10 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>928995 I'm more happy that Arius Summer is basically confirmed now. I want to see Misaki happy.
Not a fan of gacha but this figure is very nice.
Finally, Makoto.
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>>929043 And thank god for that >>929031 And that too, i'll eagerly wait for a Summer Saori and Hiyori Overall, the anni was basically an absolute success, the only ones who were kinda fucked were those who hoped for an official Rio Announce
>>929043 My #1 desire since I saw her as an NPC, followed only by Kasumi
@929055 Reminder acknowledged, you can go now
@929065 You're not getting a (You) no matter how much you bait
>929067 (((You))) don't belong here, go home.
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Any noteworthy fan games yet? I want to play Blue Archive without having to play the actual game. Hopefully that Comiket performance will spawn a couple. >>929045 Ooh, sexy diastema.
>>929211 There was that Getting Over It clone with the SRT girls

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>>929211 There is a Roblox fan game, other than that you have mods, such as 4 player co-op mod for Mario 64, but with the Game Development Club, or Sifu but with Miyu, which kinda works since she was part of an elite school so she should have been drilled with advanced hand to hand combat techniques, even though she is a sniper, plus her halo makes her bullet proof, so against regular people she is unbeatable.
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Oh and how could I forget Lethal Company X Blue Archive mod, just look at these high quality models. >inb4 I want an actual game not a reskin of other games Unless there is an official game from Nexon that will cost money, the way you have the Granblue Fantasy Fighting game, a copycat of a different game is the best you can get from a fan game, and the second best is to add the models in other games with varying results.
Comparatively, these gooks/nips put a lot of effort into these shorts. I don't see any similar kind of effort coming from other gacha social media accounts. I find them very cute but I wish they'd feature my studentwife at some point...maybe this upcoming summer they will
I really hoped that RABBIT would finally get a home and stay in Valkyrie due to the 4.5 PVs. Kaya was such a pushover, it felt like the entire ending of the arc was rushed.
>going in expecting lolishit >a lot of characters have big ol' japanese tiddies what the fuck /v/?
>>931657 The characters are just under age, whereas the protagonist is an adult. It's more than anything. >>931655 Joining Valkyrie would go against their creed, as they are the only SRT students(besides Fox squad) who did not join Valkyrie when their school got closed. Staying in the park is their way of proteating, until SRT is re-established. The only question is why doesn't Sensei just hire them under Schlae to be his bodyguards or special police, since Fox squad was under the Student Council President, so it will be the same thing, but now they have a place to stay at? In a world where evweyone has guns and he is not bullet proof, I doubt it will be hard to request a bodyguard budget. >Kaya was such a pushover Yeah, she was a bit of meme, but I enjoyed seeing her go crazy, because she didn't know how hard it is to actually manage Kivotos.
>>931681 I thought Valkyrie and SRT were associated, didn't SRT pick up the most elite students and train them up? There was a poster behind Miyako on the 4.5 PV during the flashback and I think it fucked with my memory now >why doesn't Sensei just hire them under Schlae to be his bodyguards or special police I think Schale is under some kind of neutral territory bullshit as part of being "hired" by the Student Council, which works well in letting Sensei meddle with the affairs of most associations. Anyway, what's the best soundtrack and why is it Library of Omen?
>>931969 i know this doesn't has anything with your post, but i just want to Say it Man, i love miyako so much >Anyway, what's the best soundtrack and why is it Library of Omen? Nothing ever beats the ol' "tu tu tu ru tutututu tu Tururu"
>>931969 >I thought Valkyrie and SRT were associated I guess they are as associated as regular police are to Green Berets. The SRT was formed by the former president to administer swift justice, but with her disappearance, the school got closed and most students got assimilated into Valkyrie with the exception of Rabbit and Fox, though they still use the Valkyrie DVDs, whereas Arius has their own DVDs instead of using Trinity when leveling up. >I think Schale is under some kind of neutral territory bullshit as part of being "hired" by the Student Council Yeah, Schlae has some special privileges, but somewhat part of the Student Council. It's also a bit weird how Sensei is the only Schlae member as I do not think the Angel 24 store is part of it. Imagine the CIA being just one guy but still retain the same amount of authority and power, that's how Schlae feels like. All Sensei gets for help is that once per day a random student comes to help him which can vary from a Yuuka to an Iroha. Also Schlae is a completely different building from the Student Council, so it's kinda weird how Sensei has an entire skyscraper all for himself. I guess one reason why Sensei can't use SRT is that they are under the Student Preaident's juristiction, not Schlae.
>>913695 The gameplay itself is alright and mainly meant to be played in short bursts (and most often when I have nothing but my phone with me) >hope you haven't foolishly payed money I'm spending money on Japanese fanworks from the comiket and else. I do wish they were more often available in digital format than physical though, as the latter requires using a proxy service and an available stock. But it does amuse me to see the Japanese folks easily shitting out lights novels of +200-pages out of the source material. Reminds me of Touhou a bit.
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Started not that long ago and unlocked clubs. Is there one here or should I join some random club?
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>See you at Wakamo: Hovercraft. <I forgot Goz has an outdoor version, <FUCK >But what about the Kaiten Grand Assault? Why didn't you cover that? It was way too boring, just use Ako, Mika and Mald Aris for each color. Speaking of boring, Goz Outdoor, you just hyper carry Hinata with 3 buffers, while trying to keep everyone alive because you have almost no healing. I actually did manage to do this with one team, but no recording so enjoy this two team recording. >Team 1 Use Yuuka to put everyone near Ui, if train is on the left side, restart, if Ui dies, restart. Use Ui and Kayako to buff Hinata, wait for 9 cost them unleash her with Ako + Himari, then use kayoko again to free up Hinata. If everything went well, then there is a very good chance that you will finish this raid, otherwise restart. You then move the team to the right, unleash Hinata, then move to the center and if you are lucky bring Goz to less than 18 mil HP. I didn't do this in this recording, so I move everyone to the right and do more damage to Goz. With Phase 2 I am much better at seeing the cards now, so I guess where Goz is, otherwise restart, just do as much damage as you can, since you won't do this with one team, oh and be careful not to be killed, T Yuuka is not just for reposition, but also shield enemies from bombs, and other dangers. If anyone dies, restart. Hopefully you can bring him to about 5 mil HP >Team 2 Using the other Goz slayer, Mika, she might be yellow, but her crit is still very efficient, however she is squishy against Goz and can be killed in 2 hits, shields are important. Since this the start of the battle, I don't bother looking at the cards all that much, if I don't guess I simply restart, best outcome is that it starts on the right. I use S. Shizuko to move everyone, use S Hoshino for buffing, then use Mika and Hasumi to kill Goz. Not much to comment on this, it's not as RNG heavy as Shiru Kuro with all the RNG from Phase 1 and Mald Aris, but it's still annoying. Again, I was able to do this with one team, but I have no recording of it, thankfully it wasn't needed to stay in Platinum. Sadly I could not find any meme pics of Hinata interacting with Goz, so have these instead. As for my gatcha currency, I was very lucky with some draws, got both exclusive summer units(even though S Hinata is useless), did 200 draws to get S Hanako plus one from spark so isntant 4*, and I still have a spark fund. By the time the new Purple units will come out I will be at two spark funds, so everything looks good. >>934199 If you are on Global, you could join my club, my only requirement is to log on in the game once per week. You might bring some life to the chink, gook and maybe one jap infested club that I happen to manage. Otherwise, just join a random club, make sure most players are high level so you can leech their students.
>>931681 >The characters are just under age, whereas the protagonist is an adult. It's more than anything. That still doesn't explain why everyone is posting 😭 and CUNNY in the game where there are big tiddie bitches everywhere.
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>>935283 Those are mostly for the more flat chested and child like looking characters like Hina, even though she is canonically 17. There is also Kokona who is 11. Then there is also the eternal debate if loli is a matter of age(this 1.7 meter tall, big breasted girl is a 10 year old) or physique(this is a 10000 year old vampire), as well as the pedo loli vs hebe one. At least I get an excuse to post this webm, I made back when the show was airing. For reference the little girl is a highschooler, and the one next to her, is her younger sister.
>>935292 Ah, I see. So the entire game isn't lolishit. Kinda disappointing but okay.
>>935313 It's just that almost all the students you get are below 18, mostly in the 15-17 age range, they consider themselves to be children that still need to learn a lot of things, whereas they see the main character as an adult. It doesn't help that the main character sometimes acts like a complete degenerate, mostly with the Gehena students, like when he wanted to to lick Iori's toes.
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>>935414 >reposting the same porn you posted at >>820190
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>>935421 My apologies
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>>935283 Because people in the English sphere are bandwagoning retards, regardless it is for irony or virtue-signal, and I'm growing more and more distant with English communities as of late due of this. The game itself has technically no romance (if some students do develop some form of crush towards Sensei) and is rated all-ages. Characters like Plutna, Kokona and Ibuki in particular make me feel like a doting parent too. >>935403 As far as I remember, Iori prompted Sensei to lick her feet as a requirement to obtain Gehenna's help (to save Hoshino from becoming the Black Market's live experiment).
>>937479 Felt like translating that first strip, hope it holds up well enough.
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>>937573 Looks good to me. Also new JP event has been announced. Problem Solver 68 enjoyers, rejoice.
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>>937479 >As far as I remember, Iori prompted Sensei to lick her feet as a requirement to obtain Gehenna's help (to save Hoshino from becoming the Black Market's live experiment). Yes, and he immediately started doing so. While you could argue that it was more desperation, rather than perversion, seeing some of the other Iori interactions, this sensei is a bit more of a prankster and degenerate. Even the other students at Gehena just assume that he is a degenerate, so much so that if there is a report of someone swimming naked in the pool, they immediately arrest Sensei. This is a problem he doesn't have at Trinity or Millenium, I wonder why?
>>937732 >>This is a problem he doesn't have at Trinity or Millenium, I wonder why? Likely due of Gehenna being a school full of demonic beings, and Sensei being somewhat influenced by their hijinks, even if there are a few "normal" individuals there (like Fuuka, Ibuki, Hina). >POV: the Valkyrie Police school heard all the rumors about Sensei's doings at Gehenna
>>937724 I love women in men's suits so I hope I can roll for Haruka wearing one. Otherwise I am disappointed that so many students are getting their second alts while some still lack a single alt. I wonder if they're adding another member to PS68?
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>>937740 >Sensei being somewhat influenced by their hijinks I never thought that the school could subtly influence Sensei's personality, I just assume they have different writters for different student interactions, with some of them being more degenerate than others. Now to be fair, with Trinity, Sensei doesn't have that many problems, because there is already a pervert running naked in her swimsuit during the night, so most bad things are automatically attributed to her. >>937743 >I wonder if they're adding another member to PS68? I doubt they will ever do that, as adding a new character to a previously established, closed knit group with a functional chemistry is extremely hard to pull it off. It's easier to make a new squad like Fox, than to add a new member to the Rabbit squad for instance. You would need something that doesn't have a closed knit group yet, like how Seminar was just Yuuka at first, so then they added Noa, Koyuki and the president. I think Abydoss could work with a newly introduced student, someone who wants to join their school in spite of their financial difficulties. The only one I think they somehow managed to pull off was Chihiro with Veritas, but vVeritas doesn't have that much chemistry to begin with, they are kinda there, doing their own thing, but barely interacting as a group, unlike the Game Development Club or C&C(Toki is still not fully accepted by the others, it's why she said Fuck It and helped the Game Development Club with their LARP). We also have an entire school that still hasn't been introduced, the Odyssey Maritime, which will probably be as Greek inspired as Abydoss is Egyptian inspired, meaning barely at all.
>>937758 They added Toki to the C&C club, and they were a tight knit unit
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>>937758 >>937804 Toki also takes part of Himari/Eimi's group, but I think it is essentially telling Toki is trying really hard to find a place where she belongs to after working alone under Rio's command. Doesn't help she's quite autistic to boot.
>>937804 Officially, but unofficially she was just a bench warmer, while the other C&C members were out on missions. Alice Aris had more interactions with C&C as she was dragged to the arcades by Neru to play, and as >>937810 pointed out she is drifting from one club to another. Though, now that I think about it, in spite of the many students Millenium has, they are quite united. During the Millenium Story Arc with Rio, you had The Game Development Club, C&C, Veritas, Engineering Club, Himari's "club" and Seminar all working together, even in the sports event when they constructed the tank, most of the clubs were still working together. Contrast that with Trinity where every major club was living in the shadows, until the Tea Party imploded and they had to step in, or Gehena where you have at least three terrorist organizations(Gourmet, Hot Spring and Problem Solver) as well as a constant dispute in leadership between the Prefect Team and Pandemonium Society. Millenium might glow in the dark, but the school is mostly united.
>>937834 There wouldnt be such difficulty adding new club members if the game's story wasn't trying to be so "status quo" all the time. Like you dont see story progression in any of the events, or even in the bond story. It's almost like outside of the story missions, everything goes back to point 1 as a sidequest, or a progression of one particular sidequest storyline. They should be able to add new members if not for these side stories talking like all of this new progression never happening.
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>>937837 >wasn't trying to be so "status quo" all the time. The problem is that they kinda have to, because of the high-school setting. The 'time passes but nobody ages" is a problem I have seen both here and in Granblue Fantasy(I assume it's in most gatchas), but whereas in Granblue they would have no problem aging their alts(considering how you can have both children and adults in the crew), here they have to keep them at high-school age, because there is nothing for them to do outside of highschool, as there is no "college". If they were to age the characters, then new students would come in, and previous juniors would become senior students, but that would also mean that you couldn't milk Hina with two alts, because after one year she would be gone, and there is no guarantee that the new students would be as popular as the old one. If they had said that nobody actually ages and they are perpetually high-schoolers it would be one thing, but canonically they did age, seeing as Hanako was 15 years old at some point and Aru was a dork when she was a child. The only "solution" would be to say that it takes 100 human years for them to age one year, but that would mean expanding too much on the lore and what the fuck is Kivotos actually. So no new members in the club(unless it's a one man club like the Athlete Club in Millenium) and nobody exits a club, because nobody ages. The only thing to do is add new clubs and new schools. To be clear, I am not trying to defend the setting, I think it's bullshit, and it's something they dug themselves into, it's just that I am sympathetic for their need to milk students for cash. >everything goes back to point 1 as a sidequest Well because of the low-stakes that the side missions have, it's believable that most of those stories don't have much of an impact on the world. SRT stopping a shrimp smuggling operation, won't have too many repercussions. Plus, because of how Academies are their own pseudo nations, what happens in say Red Winter Academy won't affect Abydos. The only world changing events are in the main story arcs, with the biggest change with long lasting consequences is that Trinity and Gehena formed an alliance. I actually don't have a problem with this, and I like the low-stakes that most stories have, it's kinda refreshing from Granblue where a lot of times there was this Primal Beast that would destroy an entire town or island.
>>937732 When you check sensei with other Gehenna girls, it's pretty much normal interactions. It's only because Iori is really uptight that he is acting like that. She was literally asking for it
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>>937876 I feel like they'll expand on the possibilities of the story soon, in fact as we speak, in the JP server They are introducing a main story 'flashback' into Hoshino's past, with Yume, Hoshino's dead senpai, taking the forefront. Yume has a lot of support/art so I really have to wonder if they'll make her recruitable at some point even though she is one of two characters that is canonically dead for real. I'd also love to have cute short-haired edgy Hoshino in my party even though she's not a junior anymore. Like Edgy Shiroko, I feel it's inevitable she'll become recruitable eventually
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Peroro Grand Assault Time! Good news, you can get Platinum, even if you do the other two battles on Extreme, instead of Insane. >Blue Peroro - No Vacation for Hinata The same video as >>913711 (still can't make it with one team) and commentary at >>913693 . Hey, if they are recycling bosses, I can recycle blogposts that nobody reads. >Yellow Peroro - Nonomi Roulette I thought this was going to be the hardest one, but it's not that bad. The idea is that the first team is there to reduce Peroro's health, so that the Nonomi team can finish the job. This is the only one where it's impossible to do it with just one team. God have mercy on us, when they introduce Greg Grand Assault. I can easily do 10-12 million damage with the Nonomi team(more with better crits), so the first team must do at least 10 million damage. First team, uses Summer Shiroko and maki to cast Def Down on the big Peroro, and for that the little ones must be cleared by Iori and Mika with her favorite Gehenner, Yuuka. Hoshimo is there to tank Peroro's lazers and can take about two dozes of it. After the first team, we go to the Nonomi Roulltete, where I hyper carry her and hopefully she gets enough crits to kill Peroro, thankfully I got lucky with this and finished on my second try. >Red Peroro - Summer Hina is meta again Sadly I did not have a friend with a UE 50 S. Hina, so I had to settle for a UE 40 one. Even worse, this raid is RNG ridden, as the characters sometimes don't enter in S. Hoshino's water, so you have to restart the battle, or sometimes S Hina's attack does not hit all 5 Peroros. After about 40 minutes, I finally got a good run, and had she been a UE 50, I could have done it with one team, otherwise just bring everyone else to finish the battle. interesting, the only fixture in all these teams has been Natsu, as her self-cleansing abilities as well as her Atk Up buff for all the other teams, made her useful against any version of Peroro.
>>939565 >only got about 7 purples, 4 were dupes, from nearly 400 rolls when the rates were doubled >so I still don't have NY Kayoko, still don't have Natsu, only barely got normal Ui (had to pay for her with the guaranteed ticket), still don't have S. Shiroko which everyone and their mother seems to have according to the tactical battle leaderboards Gold looks better anyways Also one thing I noticed about you is how you somehow have plenty of currency to throw around, over 35K pyros in reserve, all students apparently maxxed out with maxxed out gear, and you happen to have all the "meta" students. Whereas I barely have 5 million dollars saved up, barely have 6k pyros saved up, only have a handful of students I like maxxed, and I don't have many of the meta students like you do. Got anything to admit, whale-kun? Best to just fess up now, it'll save you embarrassment later.
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>>939706 See >>924695 as to how I end up with all these pyroxenes. >all students apparently maxxed out The only truly gatcha student(as in, I can not get their eleph from the Raid Shops or Hard Missions) I have at UE50 is Mika, and that was so that I could pull off Hod Torment. Some of the more meta students that are used a lot like Ako or Himari, I have them at UE30 or UE40. >over 35K pyros in reserve That may seem a lot, but it's just that I am planning my draws in advance. I have seen a jewtuber with over 100k pyroxenes in advance, now that is probably a whale. It takes about 2 months to stock up a spark fund, and since there are 160 until the Hina Dress banner will appear, that will mean that by then I will have about 4 spark funds, which is just enough to get 4 Elastic students, while also have enough for Hina and Ako. That means I have to skip over Yukari, Eimi Swimsuit, the Millenium Camp students, Meru, and the cross-over banner, for which I watched the first two anime seasons, to know what the fuck it is even about, and Tracksuit Haruna muh waifu, so even in this situation, I can't get everything I want, and I have to plan carefully. >Whereas I barely have 5 million dollars saved up You can get a lot of money from the rerun of this event. Plus money is not the true bottle-neck, that would be purple artifact, of which I always, almost barely have enough for two or even one student, like 2-4 million credits per day. Fuck all those students who need wolf's egg steel and voynich manuscripts >Got anything to admit Yes, after more than two years of interacting with this gatcha, I still have not figured out how to enter the cash shop. Every time I start the game, or enter the Home Page, I have to wait for the "Please log in to the store" window to appear, so that I can close it, otherwise I can not do anything from the Home Page. I think I get spammed with this window at least 10 times per day, and at this point I have become numb to it. I don't even know what the prices are on a guaranteed ticket to know how much money you just wasted on this gambling machine. One more thing, please stop spending money on this shit, it's not worth it. If it's about the waifus, just go to a booru and you have access to every single character for free. If it's about the story, then you can watch them on jewtube, that way you can even view events you missed. If it's about the gameplay, there are better games out there. My only joy from this, is meta-gaming, but I can only do that since I started a month after the game launched.
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>>939706 The game throws a lot of gems and other goodies at you like crazy. I've heard people claiming Blue Archive is a very friendly gacha for f2p players and I'm inclined to believe it as the truth (even if BA remains my first and sole gacha, Uma Musume has caught my attention but not enough to circumvent the region-block/lock). Just before the bluefes started, I gathered over 60k gems and 100 million of credits from the story mode (which I still haven't finished Volume Final lol), events, mission mode, momo-talks and raids. And that's counting the fact I did roll previous banners such as Swimsuit Shiroko, Swimsuit Ui/Hinata and the chingchong event. Bluefes left me rather dry after 440 rolls (getting all the anniversary students + a good dozen other new characters) but I should be able to reproduce a similar attempt for the 3rd anniversary in 6 months.
This is new Is this very hard for anyone else or am I just shit at rhythm games?
>>941415 Anything fast tempo in rhythm games (Taiko Tatsujin, Muse Dash, DJMax, etc) is impossible for me, and the last part of the video would lead me to a game over.
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Wakamo Hovercraft Time! Surprisingly not that hard of a raid, most of the meta students are the same in most raids, not just yellow. Wakamo has two phases, so we go with two teams, each team for each phase. >Phase 1 Wakamo This is probably the more difficult part, as you will need to stun her, thankfully Kayoko is up to the task, sadly Wakamo increases her attack every time she gets stunned, so you need to bring a healer. Kokona is the preferred choice, but I don't have her so Koharu will fill her slot. Now all we need is a tank, and thankfully I have Tsukuyo, who is just there to receive punishment, so no investment in her EX needed, and Mika to kill Wakamo. S Shiroko, is not just for PVP, as she offers Def Down on target. I start the battle using Kayoko, to first stun Wakamo, this will giver her a permanent Def Down as well as a permanent Ark Up (both stack up to three times), then use Fuuka, Mika and immediately S.Shiroko on Wakamo. Now all I need to do is to time Kayoko's stun to stun Wakamo, just as she is about to use her special attack, keep the party alive with Koharu, and hopefully kill Wakamo. I should also note, that after three stuns, Wakamo will no longer be stunned, so Kayoko will become dead weight. In theory it is possible to kill Wakamo, before the 2 minute mark(when she starts running), but I don't need to be that competitive, the bombs she drops are all for show, but as long as you can keep Mika alive she will eventually kill defeat Wakamo and move to Phase 2. >Phase 2 Hovercraft Uhmm.... this battle has mechanics, I guess, like how you need to heal the turrets, but that is automatically done by Ako, or how you need to stack up damage fast to set some sort of Def down, but I just use Neru and then Mika(borrowed). Seriously I don't even need to think about this, just use everything against Wakamo, and she will eventually die. The radar's health is tied to the hovercraft health, not that you care, since you have to destroy it anyway and after destroying it twice, Wakamo enters groggy, not that you care, since she is almost dead anyway. Seriously, just shoot everything until it gets destroyed, that's all you need to worry about. There are also other students you could use, like Miyu(don't have), the new student(don't need) or Utaha(requires wolfseggs!!! yuck) Honestly this was a surprisingly easy fight. Hopefully the new Elastic armor boss will be just as easy. >but anon, you are using all these meta students, how can anyone compare? These posts have always been from the perspective of someone who started gambling playing min-maxing almost as soon as the gatcha got released on Global. If I were to start now, the best I could hope for is Silver. If I ever get Gold I will probably just delete the account.
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>>943127 Another case of needing particular meta students for this one particular battle to win, and also needing good RNG meaning you'll be resetting the battle over and over until you get it done right, and also those students you use, even the non meta ones, will need to have maxxed out skills and equipment. I can confirm now that you simply aren't having fun with this game. You said it yourself that you started from the day it launched min-maxxing the meta students as told by former JP fags. I seriously doubt you have even an inkling of fun doing this. Imagine if you wanted to play Doom but the only way to win was following a "meta" path and only picking up "meta" weapons, and even then you'd need to restart because sometimes it takes 3 shotgun blasts to kill a cacodemon instead of two, just randomly. And to add insult to injury, the meta way of playing doom isn't just an optional thing for autists but you also get rewarded with materials for getting more/better guns or moving faster, which you need in order to complete even more levels the meta way. Meanwhile the average player who just wants to have fun can't even approach the next levels because he needs those materials which the meta autist, at this point, doesn't even need to proceed further because he only needs to worry about one or two weapons/characters. Ah but dont worry, certainly BA will fix their raid balancing in a futute update by adding more powercreep - Oops! the powercreep they added is also limited or 3* meaning you'll still need luck to get them, because besides Momiji (who isnt meta) and the welfare students (who are also rarely meta for more than one raid at a particular difficulty) they refuse to add more 1* or 2* students that you can get from the general pool, and lol fuckin forget about making any new 3* students farmable. That wouldn't be profitable! I constantly spend more than 900 energy on commissions during 2x or 3x events but I walk away with only 3 or 4 purple activity reports at best. I never get the right equipment blueprints when farming hard nodes. I never get the meta students except by sparking them. But apparenyly every nigger and their mother has S. Shiroko and maxxed her out instantly. What a fucking joke.
>>943131 >black and white japanese charcoal line scribbles >"porn"
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>>943571 >needing particular meta students This one isn't that bad, Mika and Maki are in most yellow raids with Ako, Himari, Ui, NY. Fuuka being universal. S. Shiroko was for PVP autists, Koharu, Kayoko and Neru are farmable, and Tsukuyo can be replaced by Eimi which is farmable. Gregorious is an example of a battle that needs particular meta students only for that battle, this not so much, as you recicle these students for Binah and Cheesed. >good RNG The only RNG is the 30% chance to stun from Kayoko, which she only needs to do a few times, I actually have a good chance of doing the raid on my first try. Maid Aris is an example of terrible RNG that constantly needs to be reset. Plus now that I can choose the order of the student skills means less restarts. > I seriously doubt you have even an inkling of fun doing this. I actually kind of enjoy doing it, looking at spreadsheets, planning Pyroxone income, calculating probabilities of drawing a students, doing cost analyses on how much I am willing to spend o a student, and everything done months ahead. Now why am I playing this, and not some other spreadsheet simulator like Aurora 4X? Well for one, I am too intimidated by something like Aurora 4X, and the fact that with this gatcha I am truly playing in IronMan mode, and there is no way to "Load a Game", means that once I spent that 10 draw ticket, and got nothing, there is no way of getting back that ticket. To some extent the story is entertaining, and have talked about lore and meta stuff throughout the thread, not just blogposting, it's also part of a joke of mine, that I refrain from saying that I "play" Blue Archive, but that I interact with it. >the powercreep they added is also limited or 3* meaning you'll still need luck to get them From my analysis, at this point it's better to wait until you have a full 200 draw reserve, and draw only for that student, and not hope that Ui or Ako will magically appear when you are trying to draw for some other student, and that you have to ask yourself if that student is worth 200 draws? >they refuse to add more 1* or 2* students that you can get from the general pool Just adding more 1* and 2* to the draw pool is a bad idea as they are useless, unless you can get them to at least 3*, let alone 5* or UE40, and that means having a way to farm for them. As it is now, Momiji still has no way to be farmed on the JP server, so she is almost completely useless even if she theoretically has the highest attack stat. >lol fuckin forget about making any new 3* students farmable You have some decent options to farm like Azusa and Maki from the Total Assault shop, Tsurugi from the firing drill shop, plus some good options from the Hard missions. They recently added Aris which can be used in Peroro, in theory they give you enough to get Gold, but not Platinum. There was also a channel on Jewtube that did Insane battles with only farmable students and a Gatcha Assist student, again good enough for Gold, but not Platinum. Though you are right, there is a power creep, and even I might have to reconsider my gatcha pulls, now that we have the new Problem Solver 68 students in Japan. >But apparenyly every nigger and their mother has S. Shiroko and maxxed her out instantly. Yeah, because they were told that everyone was going to use her in PVP and if you don't get her, you will not be able to compete. I was lucky to get her in 100 draws, but I was ready to drop 200 draws on her. I also did not max her out, still have her at 3* and not all skills are at level 10. >that DOOM analogy Funny I also made an analogy to a VN and if any VN had the same pricing scheme as BA, then there would be a massive outrage >>799846 >Imagine a Free Visual Novel that has a main story with a large cast of characters, but if you wanted to play the side-story with your waifu, then you would need to pay 20 bucks for the DLC that adds 10 minutes of content. people would normally be enraged by this, but with a gatcha they are ok. The only difference is that with a gatcha you can "earn" the currency, and that 20 bucks isn't enough to guarantee your waifu, it's just to do a 10 draw in the game, so about 400 bucks for a guaranteed spark(more than the price of a new Switch console and a game bundled with it). >inb4 Why are you whiteknighting this gatcha That is not my intention, and I have said that there is absolutely any reason for anyone to start engaging with this gatcha. You want the waifus? Go to a booru and look at dozens, maybe hundreds of pics(superior option). Care about the story? Just watch in on Jewtube, you can even view events you missed. The gameplay? seriously, you have seen what I have posted and think that is good.
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>>943579 You don't know how bad it used to be
>>943627 I got to rank 50 in PVP a few days ago simply with a setup consisting of Shun, Mika, Yuuka, Tsubaki, S. Mashiro, and Nagisa. It's still 100% luck based and im sure having S Shiroko makes you more likely to win but Ive beaten 5*UE30 shirokos with this same setup before.
>>943627 Let's not pretend that this raid doesn't require certain students max'd out (skills, equipment, level, etc) to complete. And if you aren't willing to restart over and over, you need even MORE students for additional teams, also max'd out with similar abilities. Call me when a BA raid comes out that allows you to use almost any combination of students new and old. Until then, the game is P2W no matter how much you claim you never spent a dime on it. The only way around its P2W-ness is if you willingly play according to some guide that lets you min-max to win raids and challenges and shit. Going back to my Doom analogy, it's like forcing yourself to beat all the levels using only the pistol. Totally do-able and doesn't require much skill, but is tedious and not fun at all. That's what you're doing.
>>943904 >sure having S Shiroko makes you more likely to win It doesn't really make you more likely to win, it's just that not having her makes you more likely to be attacked, because that's how people have been conditioned to think by the JP players. Basically she is a deterrent, but almost everyone else also uses her. I am not really a fan of PVP, but as a meta-slave I am compelled to use her. >>944751 I agree that the game is P2W, as in someone could start an account, drop thousands of dollars maybe even more and reach my level in a few days. >Call me when a BA raid comes out that allows you to use almost any combination of students new and old. Well you can do that, but at lower levels, as in bring almost any team you want at level 80 against the Normal difficulty raid. Now here is the question? If you could do Torment with almost any team you wanted, regardless of investment, then what would be the purpose of the fight? I don't think you would get any joy from finishing or anger from messing RNG, but just apathy. It would be no more than the story mission battles, that were designed to be beaten with almost any team you wanted. For me the joy is knowing that I need a particular student, that I save up my pyroxine to get that student, or grind at the Hard missions, knowing that in half an year I will get a student from 3* to 5* or by some of the other Shops. The planning is the fun, and it is P2W I admit, the battles are just proof that my planning paid fruition. All of these would be pointless, if I could beat Torment with a bunch of 1* students with T1 equipment. Now games like these need a form of PVP raids for players and whales to measure their e-dick, and the only other form of comparison is Granblue as I played that for almost two years. In that one you could actually do raids with plenty of team combinations(the game was surprisingly complex and I loved that aspect of it), and even if you couldn't do them at all, you could ask your guildmates to clear it for you(a valid strategy for low level players). The caveat was that you had to do the fight over and over and over, and the winner was the guild that did the raid the most amount of time. You might have to spends hours upon hours per day(basically a second job) doing the same two raids just to win a round. I much prefer the speedrun mentality of the BA raids, where at worst I will waster one hour per day getting a better time. Now is it just one or the other? Either having a second job or becoming a speedrunner? Probably not, and there are probably gatcha that have a friendlier system, but if it's too easy or requires too little effort on the part of the player, then what would be the point. Going for Doom analogies as you like them, it would be like asking to one-shot every enemy with the starter pistol. It might be a fun power-fantasy at first, but it will quickly become boring. >your Doom analogy I think a better one, would be to compare me to some sort of speedrunner, that uses a particular strategy to beat DOOM as fast as possible, who restarts the run over and over, to get better RNG, to finish the game one second faster, to be in the top 2000 to get Platinum.
>>793715 I havent encountered a single one of these on Mobile or LDPlayer
>>937876 So in volume F, you learn about how the nameless priests did their thing "thousands of years age" iirc. If that is true, the students have been students for thousands of years. I just assumed it was canon thst everybody is in eternal highschool purgatory.
The official sensei design has been revealed for the BA anime. I wonder how they'll write him. I feel he has to be a somewhat complex character in order for it to feel like the Sensei everyone makes him(you?) out to be in-game. He has to have his goofy moments but also understand every student on a deep level enough so that they all love or at least like him. It can't be a one-size-fits-all approach. Also apparently he(you) is a grand master of strategy because he guides students to victory during combat operations. I really wonder how they'll adapt that part in particular for this anime.
>>950804 I don't really like that design, the face seems a bit too baby like. I am not saying he should be some grizzled one eyed war veteran, but he could have looked a bit more mature. I think this Sensei design from the Problem Solver manga was a bit better. Though it is better than having the show from a "First Person View" like I had worried they would do. >I wonder how they'll write him. Calm, with a smiling face, always giving advice, but with some childish characteristics like his desire to buy overpriced gunplas. Hopefully he doesn't scream like a rom-com protagonist whenever a girl approaches. Sadly they will not properly convey the true atmosphere of Kivotos, as this is how the city sounds like 24/7.
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sage for double post Now it's time to discuss gameplay, Shiro Kuro Grand Assault, oh and good news, on the JP server they just announced Gregorious Grand Assault. Fun times are to come :^) >Blue Team - Wakamo is Unbreakable We have now advanced at the stage where we can easily do Shiro Kuro with just one team. Simply hyper-buff Wakamo and move her along with T. Yuuka. Thankfully Wakamo doesn't crit so there is no need to restart the battle to get better crits. What you see is what you get. S Izuna is there mostly to debuff the boss. >Red Team - Azusa has Yellow Armor She might be able to murder the boss, but she is extremely squishy, restart in the first phase if she is targeted by the red circles of death. Serika is mostly there for the added damage and low cost of skills to help with rotation. Other than that hyper carry the glass canon, and move her around with T Yuuka. Not the cleanest fight, but it worked in the end. The only limiting factor here, is the crit chance of Azusa, thankfully Grand Assault is not as competitive as Total Assault, seeing as how everyone gets the 10 draw ticket, though I wish it wouldn't have a 30 day limit, as it messes with my plans. >Yellow Team - What? Don't you guys have Mika? Restart in the first 10 seconds if Ui gets hit by Kuro, otherwise hyperbuff Mika, who always crits and move the team around with T Yuuka(I think you have noticed a pattern). Chrino is mostly for the CC regeneration and debuff. In theory I have the resources to attempt Torment for the Yellow battle, but that would mean investing in a very niche student like X Serina, which while I could, those are some very valuable artifacts I would loose, so I will have to settle for Insane. There were other team comps for torment, but none of them really worked for me. I also have to ask myself if it's actually worth it, and the answer is no. I will dedicate the rest of this post to the 100 kg Seminar cheerleader. She has successfully replaced Shizuko and her Momoyodou franchise, all as calculated. >124 pages on booru just for T Yuuka Holy shit!
>>950825 T. Yuuka 2.jpg looks like AI but upon closer inspection, it isn't. I hate that I have to ask myself if good pieces of art are AI nowadays
>>950965 I simply picked 2 random, non-pornographic images from the 124 booru pages that looked kinda nice. It could have been AI generated, but received touch-ups by a human artist to fix common AI mistakes, like hands and other stuff.
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>>950804 I've seen better visual designs of Sensei from fanworks honestly, maybe the guy will be fun to watch in motion but I'm not holding my breath.
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Just learned the fourth official anthology volume came out too
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>>951067 Not sure about the white hair, but otherwise that's a very good design for Sensei. Has a bit of a Yoshigake Kira vibe to him, but without the murderous intent. He looks like the type of guy that might seem aloof when speaking to him, but he is actually playing 4D chess against you and is already 3 moves in advance.
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>>951083 I call him "Char Aznable - sensei" personally. Artist's name is Takashima Shoa and one of the rare R-18 doujins of Blue Archive I have because the plot is nice. I kinda hate how certain all-ages doujin works are available in physical format (assuming they're not out of stock) and I seem to only find them online chinese-translated.
>>951094 >>951083 Seems too mature imo. Sensei to me is someone who is in his late 20's or early 30's at the eldest, has an innocent but tired look to him. Always felt that this >>950821 was a good look for him, maybe take out the glasses and make him a bit burlier.
I recently started playing. When I logged in today I got a popup telling me I'd get 1200 pyroxene if I voted in some youtube poll, and tapping the link just opened their youtube channel, not even the poll itself. How do I actually get those gems, and do I need to connect a Jewgle account so it knows I voted in the poll or something?
>>951083 >>951094 This is supposed to be the same sensei that maxes out his card for figures and gets berated by Yuuka? Fuck outta here.
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>>952775 Maybe it will be like Ryo Saeba
>>952739 Those were already distributed, you don't actually have to vote to get them. >>952777 Reminds me of Ataru
I'm level 27 at the moment, and I've started to slow down on the Stage 5 missions. I can clear them, but my DPS just isn't there to 3-star them because I take too long, especially on the boss fights. What red DPS character should I consider building up? My current formation for those stages has been T.Yuuka, Kayoko, Mutsuki, and T.Hasumi, with Karin and Serina as support. Kayoko's AOE+CC made her useful in previous stages but her damage is really lagging behind Mutsuki and Hasumi (about half theirs, going by the ending chart). She's cute but I think I need to try someone else. The other reds in my roster I could try are Yuuka, Haruka, Suzumi, Serika, and Kirino. Any suggestions? I guess I should also check Event Recap and see about the free characters from those. I tried Hare instead of Karin as support, for red AOE over yellow single-target despite the worse stats, but it didn't seem to make a consistent difference, and anyway that's only patching over the issue of Kayoko. It sucks that Nonomi is weak against red enemies, because she absolutely tears through yellow and blue enemies. >>952805 So I joined too late, even though I'm getting the popup? My mailbox history does show 1000 pyroxene in event-related gifts, aside from the joining bonuses, but seemingly not the 1200 that popup said.
Tried playing this on my new phone, but the game just load up to the login screen and then crash over and over. the tutorial ran fine somehow, seemed like a fun timewaster tho
>>953271 What phone do you have? >>953187 >What red DPS character should I consider building up? You should be using the free reds, like Serika, Kotama, Mutsuki, Kayoko, just to name a few, and assuming you don't have any new gacha 3* students. Those free reds I mentioned have a lot of meta use later on, so it's a good investment. Your shielder/tank doesn't need to be red, so most people go with Tsubaki or Yuuka. Suzumi and Hare are also both useful, though the latter has more universal use later. Also would help to have at least one healer, so Serina is a good universal choice with vast meta appeal. Since you have T. Yuuka, you could keep her as your main tank since she's pretty universal as well and has HUGE meta appeal as well. More often than not, using a lower-leveled color that the enemy is actually weak to is more effective than using a higher-leveled color that the enemy resists. You should farm the hard mode stages for free Shiroko and Yuuka eleph, they'll come in handy for strengthening later. >So I joined too late, even though I'm getting the popup? IIRC they handed those rewards out periodically over the course of when that 'event' started. Definitely a bit sloppily done.
>>953304 I actually ended up solving the problem. I grabbed S.Izumi from the event recap list, and she seems to be significantly out-DPSing what Kayoko was giving me.
>>953304 >What phone do you have? I just got a Samsung J810M it runs Honkai Impact 3rd nice, and it did run the tutorial stages and story without any hitch, but the moment i got into the main menu (after doing the first 10pull) it just doesn't work anymore.
>>953401 >I just got a Samsung J810M <3 gigs of RAM and 32 gigs of space <Snapdragon series 4 Holy shit nigga that phone is old as hell, most games won't work well with 3 gigs of RAM, and struggle with 4. Nowadays the standard for phone gaming is at least 6 gigs of RAM, more than 64 of space, and at least a Snapdragon Series 6 or a Mediatek Dimensity" Please note that whatever Mediatek who is NOT a Dimensity, is absolutely garbage. For Blue archive you really need at least 4 or 6 gigs of RAM, and 64 of space minimum, because the game takes 6-8 gigs of space IIRC, i don't really have much time to play it nowadays, but i've played it some time ago last year
>>953414 it does have 4gig of ram and 64gb of space tho and yeah it is old, but that's what i can have right now. and it did run the tutorial story and missions without a hitch, only crashed after i confirmed my first 10 pull. Anyway it's just a gacha timewaster, i have other shit to play.
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>>953401 >Samsung J810M Pic related. >>953434 >Anyway it's just a gacha timewaster, i have other shit to play. Glad to hear that, though I do hope that those other games aren't also gatcha. >>953187 Mostly what >>953304 said is true. You should also know that the next banner will be an Ako rerun, and here is where you have to make a choice. If you care in any way shape or form, about "meta" or getting gold in raids, then you have to get her at any cost, otherwise just play for fun, though I am not sure what fun you can have from it, as the gameplay is nothing to write home about and the story can be enjoyed on Youtube, while a booru will have even more pngs than the game offers. I forgot today was April Fool's so every spreadsheet was replaced with a joke one.
>>953721 >f you care in any way shape or form, about "meta" or getting gold in raids, then you have to get her at any cost I've only built up enough pyroxene for 14 pulls, including today's free ticket. That only gives me a 60% chance of getting her, and a 40% chance of wasting the pyroxene since I won't have enough to spark.
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Where are the fucking lewds?
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>nobody seems to do PvP at my level (31) so everyone I get offered is in the 60s or above >the few times I do see someone in the 30s, the entire team is 5*, which at this level surely means the guy's a huge whale On the bright side, beating obvious whales as F2P is satisfying.
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I hope you enjoy chink mahjong, because this will be the next collab event for BA, after Railgun. I guess it's time for me to finally learn Mahjong.
oh my fucking god. I've gone through 3 fucking purples and none of them were Ichika. I'm going to have to fall back on my momotalks at this rate.
>>953434 I bought a cheap Motorola G7 play and it was crashing a lot with the stock OS and only managed to finish tutorial by luck. Then I realized that the OS wasn't getting updated since a year (probably why it was cheap) and decided to slap Lineage OS on it. Game is running nicely now with occasional stutter just after the stage is loaded There is no official Lineage OS for your phone though.
The event theme is great, but it's already stuck in my head and we're only a couple days in. How am I going to survive the rest of the two weeks?
>>954163 >only truly want Kasumi >160 rolls in, ran out of pyros >one purple, it was a dupe shun I'VE FUCKING HAD IT WITH THIS GAME
>>954622 >he didn't roll for Ichika Pleb
I decided to use bluestacks to play and now my question is how many levels above my own should i be S ranking? i've been consistently S ranking mission 20~25 levels above mine, but when i get to 30 levels above i've been having trouble getting S, but i still don't know if that's because i suck at it/don't have the right units or if i'm not really supposed to go that far and should be grinding exp on lower levels.
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I think this is probably my favorite event, at the very least it's the fumiest one out of all of the events they have released on global so far, it has dethroned Summer Sky's Wishlist for me, and I guess Alabaster Calling Card is a strong contender for third. I really like the interactions between the Trinity and Gehena students, and I hope they do more of these cross-academy type events, besides the Olympics one. While not new characters, as Ichika has appeared from time to time and Kasumi was an antagonist in, I think, the Momoyodou summer event, as well as in "Final" Volume, this event fleshed them out nicely. >>954622 >mp4 related >>954946 I think you are doing great if you can 3* missions 20 levels above you. Just grind for equipment, credits and eleph, and you will eventually be at a high enough level to do more of the same missions. In the end it's not just character level but also skill and equipment level.
>>954946 Sounds like you're already faster than I am; I sped through Area 9 to unlock cafe upgrades, but I stopped getting 3 stars around Area 7 because I was too slow against the bosses. At the time I was around level 30, so about 10-15 levels below recommended for A7. Note that going too fast can apparently be bad; I read that unlocking PvP below level 30 can actually see you end up in a tougher bracket, which seems to have happened to me. But the level rating for different activities varies wildly in its accuracies. For example I found the Scrimmage mode to be much tougher for a given level rating than the Missions, and the Level 50 rating for Challenge 1 of the current event is probably fairly accurate. >or if i'm not really supposed to go that far and should be grinding exp on lower levels. 1AP = 1EXP, regardless of where you spend it. You only need to stick to lower-level missions if you're actually failing higher-level ones, or if you want to grind the items they drop. Otherwise progressing higher will just unlock more to choose from. However, you might be better off grinding event stages than missions. The only downside is that all the items it drops have left me running out of enhancement stones.
>can't even make Silver rank Raids are harder than I thought.
>>957519 I managed to beat Insane for Binah at last but that wasn't enough, fuckin game says I'm rank 9000 still.
>>957519 >>957582 Binah is probably the most competitive boss fight, since he is very simple, from a mechanics point of view, and there are plenty of meta students some farmable that can melt him.
I got Ako all the way to 4 stars, but i think that's how much Nexon will let me upgrade her, they probably have a algorithm to (((shut down))) players that are trying to farm students people use a lot.
>>957603 In theory they are not allowed to lie about the draw rates. I think it was because of a lawsuit against Granblue Fantasy that we even have displayed draw rates, but I might be wrong on that. Korean gatcha addicts are ruthless so I kinda doubt they would lie about those stats even if there is no official audit to investigate them. Even so the chances of getting Ako on her banner is about 0.7% with one draw or about 50.4% in 100 draws (the formula is 1 - (the probability of not getting it)^number_of_draws) in this case 1 - 0.993^100) or 75% in 200 draws(1 - 0.993^200). Note that 75% doesn't grantee that you get her at least once in 200 draws, though you do have the pity system. To increase a student like that you either whale and spark her more than once or use the Eleph shop to buy her uncap material. Do note that Ako is good at 3*, UE40 is more to make her a competent healer, though that might not be as necessary nowadays, unless you do Torment or are not at max level. >tl;dr even without tampering the formula you have low chances of getting her twice in 200 draws without pity system
>>957582 I barely managed Very Hard for the first time today, which still only leaves me in Bronze. First team timed out, second had 12 seconds left, two students already dead to the third phase's sand waves and the remaining two seconds away from the same fate. I'm underperforming badly; even just on Hard, I couldn't kill him before the first team timed out not long into Phase 3, despite being 15 levels above recommended. And I'm 5 levels above recommended for Very Hard, despite only just scraping through by the skin of my teeth after multiple failures.
>>957616 I'd only calculated the odds of getting a banner character before, but I just decided to check the odds of getting any 3★, and it surprised me how high they are, and how weak the banners are. Fewer than a quarter of 3★s will be the banner character, on average. I'd seen the 3% number tossed around for off-banner pulls, but I thought that was 3% per 10-pull, and only now when I check the rate tables do I realize it's 3% per single pull. That's a whole 26% per 10-pull. The odds of getting any 3★ in two 10-pulls match the odds of getting specifically the banner character in nine 10-pulls. I ended up with two of the four 3★s I've pulled in the brief time I've played being banner characters, so I didn't realize that those results were unusual. I knew I beat the odds in getting them as quickly as I did (I got T.Yuuka on the sixth 10-pull and Ako on the free ticket from April 1), but I thought I'd gotten lucky in getting any 3★s that fast, rather than having beaten the odds in who I got. In fact, when I was pulling for T.Yuuka, I was much worse than average, since there was only a 22% chance of not getting a 3★ in any of the prior five 10-pulls. That unusual combination of probabilities really skewed my perception of the overall odds. I guess that's small-number statistics for you; 7 trials just isn't enough for any meaningful picture.
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>>957761 I got inspired by your table, so I decided to do even more calculations. I have computed the chances of getting a 3* character(3%), any 3* character that is not part of the banner(2.3%), getting the banner character(0.7%), getting a specific character, say you hope that Haruna will magically appear in your draws, and I have compared the draw rates that we have now, with the one from this article in https://archive.ph/wip/n3hgN (though the draw rate for a 3% might have still been 2.5% back then and not 3% back then) to see how the amount of 3* that keep getting added to the game impacts the chances of a character you hope for, to suddenly appear. A more meaningful example would be to hope that Himari will appear during your regular draws, because you couldn't get her during her banner and you need her to unbrick your account do better in raids. Looking at the results, sure you have much higher chances of getting a 3* character, than the banner one, but it's still much better than getting a particular character that is not in the banner, which is at about 5% in 200 draws(almost like getting a 3* character in one draw during Fest), but it gets worse, as more and more characters get introduced, the chances of getting a particular character when it's not in a banner will be almost 0, compare that to when the game was still somewhat new and you had a much better chance of 14% to get a particular character off banner. > trials just isn't enough for any meaningful picture. It isn't, I had a banner character appear in 10 draws, I also had one appear in 370 draws(I wanted both banner characters, so I sparked only after getting one of the two banners), it's simple luck. Speaking of which there are many things that can skew are perception and I will list 3 of them, the first is one you probably already heard of <Gambler's falacy So looking at the table, let's say you did 180 draws and you didn't get any 3* characters(low chances but possible). You might think that the next 10 draws are guaranteed to give you a 3*, since there is a 99.69% chance of getting one in 190 draws, but that's false, you only get a 26% chance of getting it in the next 10 draws. Probability doesn't care what you did in the past, only what you do now, so every time you do a 10 draw, you have a 26% chance of getting a 3* character. Another example would be flipping a coin, the coin itself doesn't care or know what results it gave in the past, it will still give you 50/50 even if it's heads 5 times in a row. <How we perceive coin tosses Here is a simple experiment you can do at home, you only need a pen, paper(or you can use Notepad) and a coin. First, in your head, flip a coin 20 times and write the results on the paper/Notepad with H for heads and T for tails. After that you actually flip a coin in real life, write down the results and compare your predictions with reality. I will spoiler the results of the experiment in case you want to try this at home. Basically humans think that because it's 50/50 the coin will go something like this HTHTT HTTHT HHHTH THHTT in that it will rarely be heads or tails 3 times in a row and mostly it will be heads then tails or heads two times in a row but then it goes tails or vice versa. Here are my results after flipping an actual coin HTTTT THHTT HHHTT HHTTT I got 12 tails, 8 heads and even got tails 5 times in a row at the start. You might think that the coin is bugged, that you can't have that many tails in a row and that it should be 10 tails and 10 heads, not 12/8, but that can happen. You are right, it is 50/50 and if I were to throw it 20 million times it will be close to 10 million heads and 10 million tails with streaks 20 of tails and streaks 20 of heads from time to time, but with small numbers you could even get 16 heads and 4 tails. <Big numbers Let's say that there are one million losers who are doing 200 draws in this banner. The chances of not getting any 3* character in 200 draws is 0.23% but because there are one million people pulling, it means that 2300 people won't get a single 3* in their 200 pulls. That's thousands of people thinking they got cheated, complaining on Reddit or Nexon's forums that the game is rigged and it's "impossible" for them to not get anything in 200 draws. Sure the chances of you being one of them is extremely low, but there is someone out there who will get shit luck. The same way someone will die falling from bed, or slipping in the shower, extremely low chances, it most likely won't be you, but someone will get the short end of the stick and that could be you.
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>>957846 Small correction to the graph, the X axis was wrong it went from Draws to 190, when it should be from 1 to 200.
Those Okiku dolls and Roman dodecahedrons you can buy with the event whistles, how many characters are they actually used to upgrade? Bluearchive.wiki doesn't seem to have a unified table of which ooparts go to which characters and if the Fandom wiki has one I don't care because fuck Fandom, and nobody I've got needs them. But I've already bought out the firing pins and tech notes, so it's either those ooparts or credits. A million or two credits is negligible if there's any notable characters that use those ooparts, but there aren't many that seem to need them. I wish they weren't the end of the conversion chain.
>>958053 Here you go anon https://schale.gg/?item=232 https://schale.gg/?item=262 Now even if you don't have a student that uses the artifacts, you might have one in the future, and even if you don't, it's still good to have them in case you need to convert them to a different artifact at the cost of 2:1, so two roman dices for one wolf's egg. The true bottle-neck of this game are not credits or blue-rays, but artifacts as you get them only in tiny drops each day, and you need a lot of them to completely upgrade your student, plus you can't buy them from the Raid Shop, like you can with blue-rays. Even the Eligma II shop only sells them up to yellow, but not purple rarity.
>>958115 Thanks, that site looks useful. Right now my biggest bottleneck actually seems to be in beginner tech notes. I've got disproportionately many normal-tier ones that I can't use because I've got none of the lowest tier. I guess I shouldn't have spent my raid currency on elephs. Though it doesn't help that all that ever drops in bounties is notes for schools I don't actually have or use anyone from. Overpass only ever seems to give Valkyrie and Shanhaijing rather than Gehenna.
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>>958435 yeah, my gehenna waif... units are lagging behind on skills because i simply do not have the books to use on them, even though i keep using my tickets on their bounties.
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>forgot Tsubaki had Blue armour and thought it was Yellow to match her attack >repeatedly set up my PVP teams under this assumption >ended up still beating two teams that significantly out-levelled me (low 50s versus my 43), and making it to my highest rank yet (2300) This mode really is a complete dice roll.
>>958952 >[gacha game] is a dice roll Play stupid games, get stupid rolls
>>959020 I wouldn't bother arguing with them, they already have brain damage.
should i care about momoi if i don't have midori nor have any plans to go after her?
>>959066 >they/them pronouns Fuck outta this thread, gacha hating SJW cunt
>>960484 There are situations where Momoi is good enough on her own if properly build. The current Mika team setup for Chesed only uses Momoi, see >>898302 . You get both of their Eleph from the Raid shop so there is no excuse not building them both up to UE50. <<960485 >this is bait
Is this true?
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>>961666 I think the 2hu community has a stronger tenure even if they produce less doujins than BA does. That said, there are more cunny characters in BA than any other communities thriving at the moment, so maybe it is indeed true.
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>>961667 Thanks for the info.
>>960484 She's my "Nonomi is on Team 1, but I want someone similar on Team 2" character.
>>939760 >akane bunny on june welp, i wanted Mine, but that will make do. gonna hold pyro all the way to june to burn it all on that baby factory.
>>961754 You are better off waiting one more week and going for Hare Camp as she will be the new meta.
>>961755 I don't care about meta, i just want to have some fun while doing other things.
>>961755 Yeah but the wheelchair slut she's supposed to replace is cuter.
>>961794 It's not just that she replaces her, but that she frees up a Support slot since Hare Camp is a Striker. So now instead of it almost always being Ako + Himari or NY Fuuka + Himari, you can actually put someone else instead of Himari.
>>961799 What do high-level team compositions look like with or without her? Something like these? With Himari: >Striker: [Tank], [DPS], [DPS 2? Support?], Ui >Special: Ako, Himari With C.Hare: >Striker: [Tank], [DPS], [DPS 2? Support?], C.Hare >Special: NY.Fuuka, [Healer?]
>>961804 For some reason I can't find any recent raids that used her, but I have found Dress Hina and holy shit is she broken UE40 can one team Torment Gregorious and 2 Team Kaiten, Kika can't even compete with that. Now I imagine that with C Hare you would use Ako as healer, and then someone else for the Attack subbuff buff and maybe a good EX. For red teams, this will also free up space for either Minori or Nagisa. Not every team needs Ui/NY Fuuka, some can do just fine like the Dress Hina Greg team comp I saw.
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Where are the lewds? Post the lewds or stop posting.
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>>961811 The current pseudo-event is giving me trouble because Aoi is too erotic and I get distracted by the urge to fap when I should be deciding what to spend the event currency on.
>>962016 Good man!
Is normal Tsurugi as adorkable as swimsuit tsurugi? Or she is full berserk mode all the time?
>>962213 Regular Tsurugi is less dorky in her chibi version but has the best momotalks
>(((mobile))) ""videogame"" remove all posts without porn and throw this thread into /h/
If I could press a magic button that executed everyone who posted in a thread of my choosing, it'd be this thread.
The afterschool sweets club event with its members becoming musicians of a rock band (to win the prize) is pretty cute
The JP event also includes a simple stat raising sim minigame, unlocked once the story event is completed. Item rewards and elephs for Airi Band are given away upon each playthrough (and getting the two endings).
>>963498 A JP server player? Now that, is a rare sight in these parts.
>Literally 600 away from getting platinum for the Kaiten GA Would have been my first plat as well.
Wow, three maintenance pyroxene bonuses in one day, what a deal.
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So this is the power of the Level 5 Railgun.
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Oh, and Happy Birthday Fuuka!!
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Has anyone got this to run on Linux? From reading online it seems like an absolute bitch
>>964394 I am also searching for something like that since I have moved from W10 to PopOs. There is this blog from last year of someone who tried all sorts of things and finally managed to make it work on Bliss OS using QEMU/KVM https://wenkdth.org/posts/blue-archive-linux-emulation/ I have also heard you could use LDPlayer in VMWare but I don't know yet, how that would even work. According to some guy on Reddit waydroid does not work for Blue Archive.
>>964523 I tried to run it but it crashes after start. Bit the bullet and went to use WSA on wangblows.
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>>964696 They always come back!
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>>964728 FUCK YOU
Hope you remembered to wish Mika a happy birthday.
>>966829 I don't wish for Mika to be happy whether it's her birthday or not.
>>966829 Gehenna Supremacy Day Have a happy birthday, cunt.
>>966853 >>966857 Hearing a lot of shit around these parts, be nice or I'll kick your ass.
>>966857 Be happy Mikafags, more Eden Treaty chapters on the way plus Arius summer coming up.
For some weird reason, melonbooks recently gives me a 404 error if I try to connect with my country's IP so I have to trick it with a VPN in order to even put books in the buyee cart. I don't even order R-18 items anyway, mainly just cute and romance stuff. Both straight and yuri (which I would warn for the latter if I were to share anything). Have a few light novels from me btw, for the rare eventual anons here who can read moonrunes. >Sensei's strange disease can only be cured if you put the secret medicine on (a student's) nipples and let him suck them!? (314 pages) >Rain, Cohabitation and University Student Ako (100 pages) >The assassination plan of Sorasaki Hina (130 pages) >>963526 I started in Global but it turned out that creating a Japanese Google Play account was much easier than I previously believed. Didn't even require a VPN either.
>>967512 Mika is a retarded bitch who didn't deserve the forgiveness she got, and her popularity in the community is proof that the average person has garbage taste.
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Two nights ago I had a nightmare that this thread had been moved to an /h/ type board, all posts, besides the nsfw ones, had been deleted, and had to go to the meta thread and argue against such a decision. Thankfully I woke up, sadly I had to do the raid. I really tried to do Torment, I really tried, and while, in theory, I should be able to do it in 2 teams, it's just too frustrating. The luckiest run I got was in Practice mode when I dropped the boss to only 6 bars of health. Maybe I could have done that in 4 teams, but it was too much. If I had Kokona I could have tried a safer strategy, but this is the fate of a Kokonaless looser like me. After wasting a few hours I had to settle for Insane and if I don't get Platinum I am quitting. Anyway, onto Torment Insane, for Platinum we are really going for a speedrun here, I am talking about Cherino's Cost Recovery, Himari's Cost Recovery as well as Hoshino's EX Cost Recovery to spam as many low cost abilities as possible, meaning NY+Fuuka with Cherino and Swimsuit Hanako, yes we are using a Sonic attacker on yellow armor, she is that busted, is there a problem? Oh and Mika is there to give the finishing blow, don't forget she can easily miss Ches and would need to restart the battle. >Gate 1 So we start the battle and use Hanako with Himari to clear off the first wave, wait more than one soldier is still standing? might as well restart since you have just lost precious seconds, even this run had a bad start since one of them is still alive. So after this disaster we use Fuuka and Cherino to clear out the second wave of Gate 1 and clean it up with Hanako. While going to Gate 2 activate Hoshino for extra damage and Cost Recovery. >Gate 2 Himari on Hanako(this will give her an extra shot) and you clear the first wave of Gate 2 with her only, wait this isn't what happens in the video, I used Hoshino, I fucked up and used her way too early, so I had to use Cherino, this run is already ruined but I had restarted so many times I didn't even care at that point. At this point it's not even worth talking about the rest, since this is such a shit run, just spam Hanako and Cherino to clear out all the waves, don't forget to prepare Mika beforehand with Fuuka(usually at Wave 2 during Ches, and you use hanako for those waves, then Fuuka again on Cherino) and hope to God she doesn't miss and you get Platinum. Holy shit was this fucking horrible, either you waste hours hoping to clear Torment, or you waste hours speedrunning Insane, pick you poison Western Man. Speaking of poison, I dedicate the rest of this post to communism, mainly the student council president of Red Winter Academy, head of beautification, secretary general, head of physical education AND the catering department, and this month's top pudding taster, Cherino, who I had to upgrade to UE50 in order to have a chance at Torment, but at least it made Insane easier as well. >>960484 I can now confirm that she is meta in Ches Torment as well, whereas her sister is not, so the answer is yes, it is worth building her up to UE50.
>>968274 Is that video sped up or does that team actually recover cost that ridiculously fast?
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>>968296 The video is not sped up, as I said, I use Himari, Cherino and Hoshino for fast Cost Recovery. For reference, by default I think, all students have a Cost Recovery of 700, so having Hoshino EX and Cherino gives an extra 1195 Cost Recovery, add the 20% increase from Himari and you get 1434(so almost like having 2 extra students in your party), plus an extra 20% Cost Recovery from Mika, Fuuka and S Hanako. As such this party has a faster Cost Recovery than a random 8 party squad.
>>963513 >making this bocchi the rock clone >not releasing anything from the NPC jail I mean, it was a Princess Cunny clone to begin with, but this is getting downright ridiculous.
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>>968449 >>not releasing anything from the NPC jail >he doesn't know
>>968480 I personally prefer the short haired gyaru
Here's a rare drill that requires you to be a whale with specific students maxxed out in order to win. There is no shame in doing stage 3 instead of 4 due to the whale bullshit.
>>968944 >Let's give this enemy robot a ton of DEF >And also such high EVA that even the highest-accuracy students in the game can still miss >But something's missing... >Let's give it a massive self-heal! Joy. I've been doing 3/2/2, with the 3 being my borrow. Fortunately the level-2 runs don't need to worry about CC duration, since any CC works as an interrupt, unlike at 3 or 4 where it needs to be at least ~3 seconds or something. At least Tsubaki can do it in one shot.
>>968944 >you to be a whale Or be unlucky enough to have started the gatcha one month after release, and have most of those students anyway. >maxxed out in order to win Again, why is that a problem when this is the hardest stage? Also for something like Mine, you only need her EX and normal skill maxed out, otherwise you can keep her at 3*, level 40, T1 equipment. With that said, I do agree that this Drill is much harder than the other ones.
>>961666 >check that user profile >furry porn just a few scrolls away No, he's just a groomer
>furry porn *furry ROBLOX porn
i like this character
>>968944 guess what, I did it
>>970034 How much time did it cost you?
lol that's good
>match begins >enemy Shun lets Iori cast her EX almost instantly >first hit one-shots my Yuuka >second hit one-shots my Tsubaki >third hit one-shots my Junko, bypassing her invincibility period >the fourth girl quickly gets killed by the concentrated auto attacks >defeat, match length 0:20 Wow I love PVP.
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>>970478 But anon, this PVP season is the most versatile and flexible of them all, with not just every student, but every team having a counter. Just joking, people in PVP top 100 are too retarded to be that flexible, and they just use their one team and hope for good Iori RNG.
This GA is even more miserable than the JFD was.
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Not sure if it's a good idea to ask here, but is there any good secondary content to indulge? I'm not saying something as wild as 2hu, but Kancolle had some interesting doujin content (that wasn't just porn)
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>>970779 Don't worry anon, in 5 months or so we will have Gregorious GA which will be even worse. The good thing about this event is that you can do it on the last day and sweep the other days, the bad news is that plenty of whales and tryhards do the same thing, so your rank can suddenly plummet. >>970796 There is a huge Japanese doujin scene, some of the books were posted here >>967571 . Then there is all the fanart, meme videos on Jewtube, or just parodies/mods of other games https://outlaw-kivotos.bluearchive.jp/ If you want manga, then we have a few official ones like the Problem Solver and Game Development Club ones https://mangadex.org/search?q=blue+archive Is there something in particular you wish for?
>>970808 Fortunately rank doesn't really matter since everyone gets the ticket anyway. The difference between Bronze and Platinum is 35 elephs, or three purple BDs and an orange one. I got my Hardcore clears, which should get me Silver, and I'll sweep the rest as the tickets come so I don't forget.
>>970808 >Is there something in particular you wish for? I don't know how much of a sin is it to say this but I kinda liked Marisa and Alice's cookie kiss and Reimu and Marisa's chocolate heart. No I wouldn't watch it again, but I didn't think it was as horrible as it's said to be. Also I liked Touhou Grotesque Land Story but mostly because of the juxtaposition of the characters in a screwed up setting. Do tell me if I'm asking for a lot, I know this game isn't that huge compared to other previous works released prior to it and thus it might not be that smart to ask that, but still, I kinda wanna indulge in content related to the game.
>>970808 >in 5 months or so we will have Gregorious GA which will be even worse It feels like each raid I do is less fun than the last. It doesn't help that everywhere I look for advice is useless. >I can't kill the towers fast enough <lmao use more CC >I keep getting killed by the blue attack <lmao use more CC >I can't get Hod to enter groggy state <lmao use more CC Niggers I'm using as much as CC I can. I see fucking useless recommendations like "use both Tsubaki and Kayoko instead of just Tsubaki" even though it makes no difference because those two combined don't fill the Extreme CC gauge, so I'd need a second cast, which would have filled the CC gauge even if I just used Tsubaki twice without wasting six goddamn cost for Kayoko to not actually do anything.
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>>971007 >it makes no difference because those two combined don't fill the Extreme CC gauge According to schale.gg for Extreme you need to fill up 10 seconds of stun. With Tsubaki and Kayoko at Ex3 that will be 9.9 seconds, so you need one of them at EX5. That or you go for RNG since every 20 seconds Kayoko has a 30% chance to fill 3.6 seconds of CC meaning you could use Kayoko and Tsubaki at EX1 (3.9 seconds + 4.7 seconds respectively). Fubuki is another good option for passive CC gain but you need to max out her Basic and Enhanced skill. >I just used Tsubaki twice At EX3 using Tsubaki twice should work.
>>971007 Lmao git gud nigga >>970796 There's plethora of works for BA rn, if it continues like that, i think it can reach the level of KanColle some day, but nowadays, you have pretty much everything you want besides a solo game with some of the girls... For now
>>971018 >so you need one of them at EX5. Right. Which is not an option given that I don't have a couple thousand raid coins sitting around to buy BDs. >Fubuki is another good option for passive CC gain but you need to max out her Basic and Enhanced skill. Isn't she event-limited? I don't have her. >At EX3 using Tsubaki twice should work. Right, and that's what I'm doing. It's all I can do. But two rotations every gauge is too slow to ever have a chance.
>>971027 >Isn't she event-limited? I don't have her. Yes the event has been held twice, she will be released later like the other welfare students. Other choices would be <pray for good RNG from Kayoko Suzumi EX3 gives 3.6 seconds S. Izumi EX1 gives 2.4s and EX3 gives 2.8s (you get her if you do the summer event recollection or whatever it is called) Hare Ex3 gives 3.1s <Borrow: S. Chise EX5 gives 5.3s S. Wakamo EX5 gives 9.6s Miyako EX5 gives 5.5s Saki EX5 gives 5.1s Ui to use on Kayoko <Mika at UE50 and you might be able to just avoid the mechanic entirely Avoid Chihiro as she can only stun yellow armor >I don't have a couple thousand raid coins sitting around to buy BDs Skill issue.
>>971022 >There's plethora of works for BA rn, if it continues like that, i think it can reach the level of KanColle some day, but nowadays, you have pretty much everything you want Any works in particular you'd recommend?
>From Area 11 on, every zone that has a red boss (14, 17, 20, and 23) has indoor environment, which basically every easily-accessible red damager hates >Area 21, which I'm currently working on, has urban red, which they all like or are neutral to, and I blow through the Area 21 fights 50% faster than Area 20's >But the Area 21 bosses are blue instead This is bullying. At least my good blues are fine with urban too.
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Hod Grand Assault >Red Team - Aru is unbeatable As always we start with Hoshino for extra CC and Red attack damage. We hyper-buff Aru with Ako and Himari, and if her Basic Skill doesn't crit, restart. Then use her EX on the tower, and if it doesn't crit restart. If it crit, then the tower falls without worrying about CC. On the bridge we use Ui on S. Chise, and as soon as possible use S. Chise on the tower. On Insance difficulty we need 15 seconds of accumulated CC effects, which is easy with S. Chise. Then use Ako on Aru, this part confused me a bit when I was watching runs, but apparently Aru's Basic Skill is enough to destroy the tower, if not restart. After the tower is destroyed reset Hoshino's effect, and Ui on Aru, we are now ready for Hod RNG. As soon as we see Hod, we use S. Chise on it, and here is where the RNG happens. Hod doesn't always start with summoning towers, he sometimes does other attacks like you can see in this video. It is highly possible that by summoning the towers or hitting with it's arms, that Aru with be separated from Hoshino and will not be at full potential, if that happens restart. If not, hyper-buff Aru and if she doesn't crit, you guessed it, reset, oh and don't forget to first let her finish her Basic attack which should also crit, then one more EX and if it also crits you get one of the best times. This was a very good run, and was lucky to get it. >Yellow Team - Mika likes ice coffee Wait didn't you previously do Torment? Well yes, but that was a different terrain. Right now it's only possible to do it with a 4 team setup, which is too much of a headache. I will wait for T9 equipment to do the 3 team run. As of now an Insane run should suffice. Ui on S. Chise then S. Chise on tower. Unbuffed Mika on tower will destroy it. On the Bridge Himari on Mika, and then Ui on Mika. S. Chise on tower and Mika on tower, we do not need Ako buff. We now go to Hod. Mika is a bit tired, so Ui gives her some ice coffee to drink. Then the other Ui reads a bed-time story to Chise. Chise on towers/Hod (doesn't matter the attack i distributed). If Mika can't reach Hod then restart. At 9 cost, use Mika, immediately followed by Ako and Himari. Then Ui on Mika, then Mika again. I think I have seen some runs where this was enough to kill Hod, this isn't one of those runs, so I had to use her a third time on Hod. > Blue Team - Wakamo Malding But anon, I thought Wakamo doesn't crit, why use Ako on her? Her Basic Attack can and must crit, and part of her EX skill does also crit, it's just the accumulation part that doesn't, but we need her Basic Attack to crit. There is also a strat involving Mald Aris, but I would have needed both her and S. Chise. I am also not sure if it's possible to do this with only one team, so for now a two team setup has to suffice. Kayoko on Wakamo. At about 5 cost use Wakamo on tower, and then hyper-buff her. If she doesn't use her Basic Attack while the Accumulation effect is still on, then reset. If she doesn't immediately destroy the tower then reset. On the bridge, Kayoko again on Wakamo, S. Chise on tower. Hyper Buff Wakamo, and if her Basic Attack doesn't destroy the tower by itself, the nreset. Also reset if S. Chise or Kayoko get killed. Kayoko on Wakamo, before facing Hod. As soon as we see Hod, S. Chise on him, and then it's all about using Wakamo on it. Thankfully she has long range so she won't have problems reaching with the EX, unlike Mika, but unlike Mika, she doesn't crit always. Here I fucked up my round, Hod killed my entire team, way too early, but I was also 40 minutes in the run. Ideally, I would have left Hod at about 600k health, no 2M health. Onto the second team. This is self explanatory, Izuna and Haruna deal most of the damage, Fuuka on Kayoko to stun Hod, this run is kinda of a mess, did much better in the Mock battle, but it worked. If I feel I won't reach platinum, then I will simply redo this fight. >>971048 Small correction to what I previously said. Summer Chise does 5.3 seconds of stun per attack. She does three attacks, but I thought it only worked when there were three enemies, but apparently if there is only one tower or just Hod she will do a total of 15.9 seconds of stun. If it's Hod and two towers, then all of them will get 5.3 seconds of stun, so yeah borrow Chise. Speaking of Chise, I will dedicate the rest of this post to the idol of the Yin Yang Club, Chise. Please note her delicacy when kicking the beach ball, it doesn't matter that there is a crab on it, she still kicks the ball with the elegance of a true lady. How zen and peaceful she is, even in the face of Hod, not even the crab in her hair is disturbed by the fight, for if Chise is clam, the crab is also calm. If you pick her up she instantly puts on her diving equipment, where she stores that diving equipment? Well, that's a lady's secret. I guess I should also mention that crab in japanese is カニ(pronounced Kani)
>>819759 >I am the captain of a club, if any fags actually think it's worthwhile, you can join. What's the average Lv. in it?
>>971969 Out of the 30 members 27 are max level and 2 are below 30. With that said, I don't have any level requirements or student requirements, the first rando who joins, joins My only requirement for players below level 78 is to log in once a week, and for those at max level once every two weeks. My justification is that if someone doesn't log in for that long it means they finally got rid of their addiction and as such there is no need for them in the club anymore. Of course, if you announce in the chat beforehand, then there is no problem. Right now there is a fag that has been absent for 10 days, I will kick him out in 4 days if he doesn't log in, will then set it to private, so if you are still interested, just tell me then your name/id and I will accept. Remember, the club is global only, so if you are in the American server, then there will be a completely different club with that ID..
>>972110 Surely something from this must be useful BFTPZENH 7875784 Ghzihzrjv
>>972110 >My only requirement for players below level 78 is to log in once a week, and for those at max level once every two weeks. My justification is that if someone doesn't log in for that long it means they finally got rid of their addiction and as such there is no need for them in the club anymore A week's not long. Vacations, family emergencies, business trips, college responsibilities, or just playing a different game can all take longer.
>>819759 When I tried to join using the ID I got "Club disbanded" It's because I'm in NA? How do I join then?
>>972278 Users and clubs are region locked. For instance in the Global Region there is no user with the friend code BFTPZENH. You also can't hop in from region to region, as that would create huge problems with the JP players who have students that have not yet been released in Global and NA, dominating the rankings. >How do I join then? You would need to create a different account on Global and basically restart all your progress. Please don't do this, just join a random NA club. >>972145 If someone where to say "Have some IRL problems can't login for a month." then sure, I would even wait 2 months, but nobody ever says anything like that in chat. They suddenly just stop logging in for two weeks. If I were to never kick inactive players from the club, then by now I woild have had about 20 inactive players hoarding club spots. Also people barely speak in chat, since it's so shit, they mostly post random in-game stickers, so it's not like there is some kind of strong kintted community, that I am destroying by kicking players out.
Anything worth changing in my pull plans? >Himari >B.Karin not for meta, but out of jungle fever for the character who introduced me to the game, before she's left in limbo as a limited character with an event that will no longer re-run >C.Hare, and if reasonably close to a spark (<=5 or so left), C.Kotama >NY.Kayoko, and unless I needed to spark her, also Nutsuki >D.Ako, and unless I needed to spark her, also Iroha (or Makoto?) >Both D.Hina and S.Hoshino at all costs >NY.Fuuka >my predictions say ~32k pyro left by this point, on average >beyond that, wait and see what JP does Of course, it'll be adjusted as I go, so for example I might cut B.Karin if I have to spark Himari.
>>971692 Another total assault where you need some very specific characters (all maxxed, of course) in order to have a chance at even getting platinum. Not to mention that there is an arbitrary chance for your hits on the enemy not to hit, in addition to the restarting you will inevitably be doing in order to do enough damage with your crits which are purely chance-based unless you're using someone like Mika who has guaranteed crits with her EX. Funnily enough on Global I did two extremes and one insane for this garbage assault and still got in the low 6000's, which tells me people are rightfully as tired of the rigmarole as I am. Still holding out hope that down the line, the addition of more characters will give more opportunity to flexibly complete the total assaults without needing to adhere to a single meta lineup like this fag does. Ironic that the challenge node/quest mechanisms in a gacha like FGO are better-designed than what Blue Archive has.
>>972569 >I did two extremes and one insane for this garbage assault and still got in the low 6000's, which tells me people are rightfully as tired of the rigmarole as I am. On the NA server I'm currently at 16k-ish. There's five hours left, and dropping 9k spots in that time seems unlikely, so it's looking like I actually might get Gold. I did blue and red Hardcore and yellow Extreme. That really does not feel like a Gold-tier result.
Who is the fattest Archive?
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>>972644 >that hair >that angle >those thighs Jesus Christ, are you trying to kill me?
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>>972644 I was disappointed it was wasn't Moe under her sweater when we got her swimsuit alt.
>>972650 drawings can't kill you, they're just a bunch of lines in a screen >>972668 >I was disappointed it was wasn't Moe under her sweater when we got her swimsuit alt. Yeah I also want to believe the opposite, as far as I know Hasumi is the one that is being joked about being the fat woman, but I don't feel it
>>972430 Sounds like a good lineup from a meta-perspective. With D.Hina it will be possible to do one team Torment runs, so whatever setup you currently have Insane will become much easier, after you get all those characters. >>972569 >very specific characters Depends, with the Red team, it's mostly characters that are used in a lot of teams(Himari, Ako, Ui), Hoshino who is necessary for all red teams, Ako which is farmable, and a borrowed Chise. Yellow is a bit worse as you also need S Ui as well, and Blue can't be done with a one team anyway. Also would you rather have the raids be like Gregorious, where you actually need a totally seperate team that is only ever used there and nowhere else? Would that be better than having Ako, Himari, NY Fuuka and Ui in most teams regardless of attack type? >all maxxed, of course You never actually explained why that's a bad thing, though? Also see my post here >>944841 what would be the point if, for instance, you could beat Torment with 1* students at level one? >gacha like FGO I haven't played FGO, but I did play Granblue, and while you could do the raids with a ton of different teams, and even if you couldn't do them ,you could ask your team mates to do them for you(a respectable and useful strategy mind you), it became a part time job doing those raids, as you had to spend hours upon hours doing the same boss over and over just to get an overall higher score. I would rather take the speedrun approach to BA raids, than the second job nature of GBF and I assume FGO as well. >on Global Wanna join my club :^) Looking at the ranking, it is possible to get Gold with just Hardcore runs, so right now eve doing an Extreme run will guarantee Gold. I think this is more indicative of the laid back attitude of Grand Assault, as everyone gets a 10 draw ticket, and that Hod is a piece of shit. It will probably be even worse with Gregorious Grand Assault. >>972644 vid related
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>>972675 >drawings can't kill you They can if they move all my blood into my dick.
>>972678 >than the second job nature of GBF and I assume FGO as well. The only social interaction in average FGO is that you can set 8 servants to be usable by other people. If other people use you, you get currency for the cheap gacha. That's it. No second job, just having strong units and using other people's strong units.
>>972701 So how do whales measure their E-dick in that gatcha?
>>972701 >>972704 You are technically able to set 48 servants total across 6 team "lineups" in FGO. This is also the only real way to show off your e-peen, by putting your best servants in the support teams.
>spend a ticket on Kikyou's banner >spooked by Chihiro instead Gee, it might have been nice to have her two days ago when we were fighting the raid she's specifically built for.
>>972885 Chihiro only applies stun to yellow armor, so she isn't that useful. Nowadays she is delegated to the third or fourth Torment team. I would also suggest waiting a few more hours to get the ticket from this Grand Assault, as these tickets have an expiration date of one month. Better use it for this banner, considering you want to draw, than risk loosing it.
>>972894 I'm not systematically pulling for Kikyou. I just gave it one shot. And I'll be pulling for Himari this month so the GA ticket will definitely be used.
Kikiyou in 3rd pull. Now I definitely have enough for S.Hoshino
>>970796 >>971006 Most fan-stuff is essentially Japanese-only, so you're sadly out of luck if the language barrier does filter you. >Novel of several short stories themed around mystery (featuring Ogata Kanna, Problem Solver 68 and Abydos) >Miyako x Sensei, on summer and love >Shunn x Sensei. As the day of the marriage ceremony between Shunn and Sensei draws near, Shunn has a strange dream where she gets murdered by her younger self.
Out of the three common and easily-accessible AoE healers (Hanako, Fuuka, and Ayane) who if any should I invest in for next week's Kurokage, to deal with the intimidation mechanic? Planning to try Extreme. Or would I be better off running Kokona+Serina as double single-target heals? Kokona has the self-heal and Serina has the auto-heal, mitigating the lack of AoE. And since they both have 2-cost EX skills compared to 4-5 for the AoE options, they'd be more efficient at filling a borrowed S.Hanako's water gauge, who'll be the bulk of my damage. >>972678 >whatever setup you currently have Insane I have no Insane setup yet. I'm only in the mid 60s, and two months into the game. The Hod GA was the first time I got Extreme, and only in Yellow where a borrowed Mika could do most of the work. That list of banners to pull on is the result of me having stocked up on most of the one-time early-game pyro.
>>973644 For Extreme, you might be able to just use a borrowed UE50 S. Hanako and replace Himari with Kotoma. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=tCi2fSf8u_0 Now on a more serious answer, I assume you don't have Atsuko, nor will you be able to borrow her, as you need to borrow some other student. Koharu is also farmable, but you need those purple raid coins, and it's hard to say if it's better to invest in her than Azusa. Fuuka is not used all that much, since she has too high of a healing cost. I am not all that sure about Ayane, but Hanako can be used in the upcoming(as in 5 months from now) Tower mode. Looking at her kit, if you have Hanako at affection 20, to upgrade her basic skill, she will passively heal 2 students. As for her EX ability, it offers around 250% of her healing ability in 8 seconds, as opposed to Ayane 224% or Fuuka 204% (these are the values at EX 5). Plus you can farm her from the Raid shop, unlike Ayane which needs Hard mission grind for Eleph. >Kokona+Serina That might also work, sadly this is a new raid so I don't know all that much about it only what meta team I need. Again, if an UE 50 Hanako can solo the EX battle with Himari I am sure if you borrow her, use your best two Blue students(or if you have a Purple one, even better), then use Kokona + Serina and Kotoma for an Atack up buff, you will defeat it.
I'm hearing rumblings that the localization with this is getting fucky again and they're toning down romantic coded dialogue in NA because "muh students"
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>>974250 For Blue Archvie it's not as clear as with other Japanese scripts. The game is made by a Korean company, so it's safe to assume that the script is originally written in Korean, then it's translated into Japanese, English an so on. It is possible that the Japanese translation team make the scenes a bit lewder to cater to the Japanese market, whereas the English translation team, simply translate the Korean script, but because the Japanese script is ahead of both the Korean and English one by 6 months, it appears as if the original version is the Japanese script, and not the Korean one. To prove that the script is getting toned down for the western market, one would need to compare the Korean script with the English one. With that said, there have been cases where the dialogue in Korea and Japan were the same, but changed for Global such as pic 2 (though apparently it has been fixed) and Kanna used the term "sexual harassment" in Japan and Korea but not in Global. There is also a more recent example with Kikyou. Hopefully this one will also get fixed. https://nitter.poast.org/meteor_zetsu/status/1796562432653181000
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I apologize for double posting, I looked a bit into the Kanna dialogue )not sure where the princess line would be for Mika) and yes, it has been restored. The first pic is the before one, which I took as a screenshot from a jewtube video from when she was introduced, and the second pic is the one I just took from my phone as I do have her. So yeah, Nexon does listen to customer complaints, I will now write a complaint about the Kikyou line as well, and I suggest everyone do the same even if you don:t have her https://cs-page.nexon.com/cc/report/guest/write?client_id=MjcwOA . Sadly you will need to enter an email adress, and I am not sure how impactful it will be if it's a burner email. Yes, in an ideal world we would not have to do this, at the very least they do listen, which is more than can be said for other translations. The text, if anyone wnats to copy and paste+ 1) Suggestion: The difference between the Korean language lobby lines for Kikyou and what they translated to in English are VERY different. Please maintain the integrity and impact of the original lines. They feel too impersonal, when she is supposed to feel much closer to the player than what the English lines suggest. For instance, instead of "Come and sit, Sensei" a more appropriate translation would be "Welcome, Sensei. Now, come, sit next to me". Instead of "I'd be...irritated if you left my life with no warning. I request you stay close by my side. Where I can't loose sight of you. ... That is all" a more appropriate translation would be "...Please don't disappear without a word. Please always be right where my eyes can see you... Where I can always feel your warmth... That's all I desire".
>>974303 >>974280 Thank you, this is important to me. The last thing I want is something so good to go down a dark path due to lolcowlizers.
>>974280 >>974303 As another example of them fixing a censored translation, Mutsuki's Christmas line has her say that she is your present. The English translation originally omitted the part where she invites you to "unwrap" her, but after complaints it was eventually changed back in.
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>>974495 Thanks for the info, I have submitted the complaint. For those who want to copy-paste: 1) Suggestion: Her Login Screen text differs from the Korean and Japanese one, see attachments. Instead of wondering if in a few years she will look more like a lover instead of a little sister(Korean and Japanese script) she just says that she will look more grown up(English translation). This translation misses the original intention and needs to be fixed. The attachments are the three pictures of Yoshimi. There is also a wiki page that has started cataloging all the inconsistencies. https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Category:Character_audio_with_translation_problems_in_EN >>974382 >>974471 Hope you anons are also doing your part, not taking action against censorship is just as bad as censoring content.
>>974505 I sent mine in as a gameplay problem as well as a suggestion for visibility.
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Speaking of censorship, the Chinese version got hit hard, hopefully it does not impact future releases, to make them more in line with the CCP guidelines. Honestly I am surprised it got censored this hard, I thought the chinks were fine with lewd, or is it only allowed when it's their game, like with Genshin? >they even censored Tsurugi's halo I have no words and I must scream.
>>974813 China is always censored. Azur Lane usually has two versions of each character. They at least understand sex sells and know to keep a version for the global market as well. Also Hoyoverse designs tend to fall into safe horny categories and thus are okay for China. We've even seen Hoyo designs get nerfed. Their new game, Zenless Zone Zero, had it happen. Topaz from Star Rail had more skin showing in beta. Chinese puritanism hits Hoyo plenty.
>>974813 >or is it only allowed when it's their game, like with Genshin? Actually, Genshin got hit really hard, and so much so that nowadays the new characters are testing waters to see how much they can get again to their old designs, without the CCP fucking them hard in the ass
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This blue retard has an incredible ability to die the absolute nanosecond an enemy appears on the map. She runs ahead of the tank more often than not, drawing all the aggro. If she doesn't, enemies love attacking her so much that they will outright ignore my tank, and run past her in order to attack Chise instead. Her defensive stats are trash and she dissolves once even the weakest enemy looks in her direction. Despite ostensibly being a middle-ranker, she has the behaviour of a front-ranker, and defensive stats that are worse than most of my back-rankers. I would never use her again were it not for the fact that the only other blues in my roster are Asuna and S.Tsurugi who are both useless dead weight. At least Chise can sometimes do damage when I manage to get her to not fucking die. On an unrelated note I want to fuck Niya so hard her intact handlebar snaps off the match the other.
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>>974280 According to a tweet of a screencap of a Discord post, Kikyou may be getting fixed.
>>975083 I am not sure how you are messing up with Chise, she is a solid AOE damage dealer, and probably mandatory for a F2P Kurokage raid team. Have you tried repositioning her in your team? A character's position during battle can be influenced if she is the first, second, third or fourth in your team. Alternatively you can use Serina to reposition Tsubaki so that she is to the far right of the screen, drawing most of the agro, especially if she also uses her EX. Another option would be to use 2 tanks, though I am not sure if you are complaining about Chise dying in Normal/Hard missions, or during Kurokage raid? >On an unrelated note I want to fuck Niya so hard her intact handlebar snaps off the match the other. Understandable. >>975274 Hopefully they do fix the dialogue, thankfully there is some precedence of them doing so, like with Kanna.
>>975378 >I am not sure if you are complaining about Chise dying in Normal/Hard missions, or during Kurokage raid? Missions, specifically Area 21. I've already cleared Normal to the end of what's released, but 21-3 to 21-5 are the only Normals I haven't 3*'d, and I couldn't even clear 21-3H regardless of stars. >she is a solid AOE damage dealer, and probably mandatory for a F2P Kurokage raid team I won't deny she can put out some very solid damage, as long as the enemies are tough enough to survive more than a couple ticks of the DoT (though this is not always the case for missions). My problem is purely survivability. Like I said, her defensive stats are garbage. My Mutsuki has the same HP and Eva, and way more Def, despite being a Back unit instead of Middle. Momoi and Junko, as fellow Middle-rank AoEs, both have four times Chise's Evasion for the same Def and HP. Even Ui is only marginally more squishy than Chise. That aside, she's not on my Kurokage team as currently planned, but I'm only aiming for S.Hanako to carry me to a 1-team Extreme clear. No Insane yet. Even if I need a second team for Extreme, Chise's not a high priority. >A character's position during battle can be influenced if she is the first, second, third or fourth in your team Sure, but a single mission might have as many as five fights by one team, with each fight being several waves, and each one of those waves having different layouts of cover for Chise to run towards. A layout that works for one fight might, on the next fight, run into a layout that channels Chise right to the front. That's really the core of the problem; a lot of later missions have some pretty wonky cover layouts that really mess with formations. 24 was actually even worse for that, but I wasn't having to use Chise then, and the Justina front-liners were much less tanky, so it was easier to deal with. >you can use Serina to reposition Tsubaki so that she is to the far right of the screen, drawing most of the agro Like I said, many of the enemies have actually been ignoring my tank and running past her to attack Chise. Particularly the shield automatons, which would already be annoying enough with their shield buff and their AoE machine gun spray. I'm using T.Yuuka rather than Tsubaki, since without a shield Chise will die, even if everything else goes right; Barbara's AoE generally one-shots her and is big enough to almost always hit. Tsubaki would be able to draw aggro, but not constantly, or even every wave.
>>975404 The Hard missions are, well harder than the Normal ones, so just keep at it, and someday you will finish them. Like many JRPGs level + equipment >> actual skill. Sadly, all I can give are general tips, as even if I knew all your students, I would have to be next to you IRL and try out your team compositions. >Barbara's AoE generally one-shots her and is big enough to almost always hit. That is why you use Tsubaki's EX to cancel her attack, as well as to draw their agro. Also putting Tsubaki in the far right part of the field will usually draw most of the aggro, and it is a tactic that was used in Kaiten and certain Challenge missions during events. Here is a vid I took from jewtube(sorry for no audio, that is just how the video originally was), notice how he uses Serina to move Tsubaki, at 0:40 and 1:18, in a way so that all attacks, including AOE don't hit the rest of the party. You could try using something like that. Another thing you could try, especially if your yellow team is better equipped, is to simply replace Chise with a Yellow AOE, maybe you have Iori, or if not, use the Millenium Twin Cats, or just Nonomi with Ui since you mentioned having her. >A layout that works for one fight might, on the next fight, run into a layout that channels Chise right to the front. In that case you could reposition her with Serina or some other student like T.Yuuka, who is not just for the shield but also the reposition. You can also put her in the front(as in she jumps, but no other character goes for her shield) so she draws most of the aggro. I used this tactic in one of those Joint Firing Drills.
>>975415 >replace Chise with a Yellow AOE, maybe you have Iori, or if not, use the Millenium Twin Cats, or just Nonomi with Ui The trouble with 21-3H is that it takes two blue teams, so I'm already using my yellows to fill the gaps. I think I'll just have to wait until I grow my roster. Iori and Haruna are both close enough that I should be able to recruit them during this week's double rewards. No sense bashing my head against the wall now when they'll open a lot more options.
Kurokage with a borrowed nopan Hanako is actually hilarious. I'll wait until later tonight to try Extreme, since my own lvl 66 girls are still low-level and low-development enough that it might be tough to keep them alive (even with Mika I barely managed Extreme on Yellow Hod last GA). But I blew through this Hardcore in 1:00.400, and the only reason it took that long is because he went groggy so fast that it took me a second to realize it had already triggered. Without that hesitation it would've been easily under a minute.
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I will post my Insane run at a later date, for now I would like to focus a bit on the Extreme run, especially for the anons who want to do it, but don't have that many students. This won't be a "use this team if you don't have any gatcha students", and more of a "how much can S. Hanako carry the battle by herself?" In the first video, I used my UE 40 S.Hanako and UE40 Himari (UE40 for extended buff duration), plus Serina for healing. Not much to say about this, only that it's possible. If you only have a 3* Himari or a 3* S.Hanako, then you will probably need other students, even if it's a 2* Chise or Momiji. Conclusion: If you just want to do extreme and have both of these 2 gatcha students at UE40, then you don't need team composition. In the second video I replaced Himari with Kotama, and decided to borrow a UE50 S.Hanako. The game forces me to bring a student of my own as well, so I decided to use Hoshino, who will barely do any damage and will be able to tank it(plus it's farmable), as such it will still be S. Hanako who does 99% of the damage. Having a second student, messes up the skill order, I can't spam S.Hanako as much, and sadly it's not enough to finish Kurokage, but it is enough to do 90% of it's health. Conclusion: If you don't have Himari and S.Hanako, and need to borrow one of them, then you need extra students. Probably Chise, but I have my Chise maxxed out, so it's not a fair comparison. I have also tried replacing Hoshino with Momiji at 2* EX at level 3, skills at level 5 and T4 equipment, and it worked just as good as the Hoshino run, with the team taking 90% of KuroKage's health. Hope this information is helpful to some. >>973644 >Out of the three common and easily-accessible AoE healers Looking now at the Insnae setups, it's just Kokona and Ako as healers, so yeah Kokona + Serina should be more than enough.
>>975460 >I'll wait until later tonight to try Extreme, since my own lvl 66 girls are still low-level and low-development enough that it might be tough to keep them alive Understatement of the damn thread. Extreme absolutely kicked my ass. I'm sticking to Hardcore this raid. This boss is a complete piece of shit. Confusion is an awful mechanic designed to make you tear your hair out over the RNG. Unless you have a specific roster, you're fucked. I can't even blame it entirely on the devs trying to push people to whale, since Koharu is farmable and her cheap AoE heal would help... but she's farmable from purple TA coins, which are exactly the resource I'm trying to get. I spent hours bashing against Extreme mock battles, and came out with one single victory, with less than one second to spare, out of more than two dozen attempts (not including the ones I quit before phase 2). >>975652 Both those runs you recorded rely on a highly-invested Serina. Note for example that around the time Kurokage goes groggy in trial 2, Hoshino gets Confused, but Serina's Basic alone is enough to cleanse it. Maybe that works with Serina at UE40 M77x or whatever, but for someone trying Extreme around the level rec, with Serina at perhaps 2* 344x, it's basically impossible to cleanse Confusion once it's applied. Even hitting a confused character with Serina and Kokona one after the other isn't enough, given that it needs 5x overhealing. That moment is the most obvious example, but it would add up over time too, since your Serina will be way better at sustaining in general. >it's not enough to finish Kurokage, but it is enough to do 90% of it's health Which without borrowed S.Hanako may as well be infinite. My bodythrowing tests found that I could expect my roster like Chise and Momiji to do about 5%, and the rest could only come from borrowed S.Hanako. And that was trying against Phase 1/3, but your demonstration left the team stuck in the Shadow Realm, which would doom any team relying on leftover healers like non-nopan Hanako. >yeah Kokona + Serina should be more than enough. Nope. It's not even close. They can't keep up at all.
>>975652 >>975657 Actually, it turns out the S.Hanako solo carry is a completely irrelevant strat anyway, since the game doesn't even let you make a formation where the only striker is borrowed. And if you have UE40 maxed students of your own you're going to be worried about Insane or Torment, not Extreme.
>>975657 >Maybe that works with Serina at UE40 M77x or whatever, but for someone trying Extreme around the level rec, with Serina at perhaps 2* 344x, I apologize, I did not take into account that my Serina is highly invested, in my defense she is farmabale and still very useful, so it makes sense to invest in her. I also just tried another strategy, but this requires a gatcha student, mainly Cherino, so her, S. Hanako(borrowed), Serina and Kotama. Cherino is never actually used, but is extremely useful in providing extra Cost Recovery so I can use S. Hanako more often(a problem I had with the Hoshino team), and it actually worked, I had to restart a few times, but it did work, of course this requires investment in Serina and Kotama, while Cherino only needs her Sub-Skill maxed, but again, I also had 2 slots free, so it's not meant to be an optimized team, just a, let's see how little I need to have S.Hanako clear it mostly by herself. >Nope. It's not even close. They can't keep up at all. Considering Insane only uses Kokona and Ako's Basic Skill for healing, it should be enough, if you have properly invested in these students, though I do sympathize with your plight as even now there are times when I can't invest in a student that I really need, because I don't have enough Blu-rays or Artifacts. >>975665 >since the game doesn't even let you make a formation where the only striker is borrowed Yes, I had already mentioned that, it's why I used Hoshino(also farmable) as a student that barely does any damage to the boss. It wasn't meant to be a strat, but more of a how much can she carry by herself. In theory if you have other students, it should be easier, especially with the increased Cost Recovery, though I can not test this myself. You could also try to sacrifice one of your students during mid-battle, to free up the skill pool so you can use S. Hanako more often. Maybe you will discover some way of doing Extreme, I wish you the best. Maybe you can use really low cost students like Neru and Shiroko, in order to build S. Hanako's stacks, as well as going through the skill cards to reach her again, plus having them alive will increase your Cost Recovery, which is why I couldn't do the Hoshino "strat". Also if healing is a problem, you could take a gamble and invest in normal Hanako to heal your entire party.
>>975718 >in my defense she is farmabale and still very useful, so it makes sense to invest in her True, but Serina only becomes farmable quite late (at most two weeks ago that I unlocked her first node, and still haven't reached the second). I actually spent elephs to 2* her way back when I first started. I'm still only at 35/80 for 3*. >it should be enough, if you have properly invested in these students They're at a roughly average level in investment compared to my other students. EXes at 3, other skills at 4, some critical ones at 7 and useless ones at 1. Everything purple is scarce, especially since I can't quite sweep the highest tier bounties either, and at all four tiers I'm desperately short of Voynich manuscripts, which both of these healers use. >Yes, I had already mentioned that, it's why I used Hoshino(also farmable) as a student that barely does any damage to the boss. >It wasn't meant to be a strat, but more of a how much can she carry by herself. Yeah, I overlooked where you mentioned that for the second trial. I have seen people actually suggesting that as a strategy, but you correctly did not. >Maybe you can use really low cost students like Neru and Shiroko, in order to build S. Hanako's stacks, as well as going through the skill cards to reach her again, plus having them alive will increase your Cost Recovery I have tried a few different combinations, and numbers of empty slots (e.g. sticking Akane in to cheaply exist like that). I don't have any cost regen boosts, so it is hard to find a balance between enough girls to regenerate cost and so many that they clog up the rotation and need healing.
>>975723 >Everything purple is scarce, especially since I can't quite sweep the highest tier bounties either, and at all four tiers I'm desperately short of Voynich manuscripts, I can tell you as someone who has started about a month after global got released, that I am constantly in short supply of purple artifacts, it's something I have ranted in previous posts. At most I will have enough for 2 students to max out(those being the ones you buy from the Joint Firing Drills shop), but other times, I don't even have enough for one student. It also doesn't help that a lot of meta students use Wolf Eggs and those Manuscripts you mentioned, so those are in constant short supply. The purple artifacts are the true bottleneck of the game. >I don't have any cost regen boosts There aren't all that many students that give cost regen, besides Cherino, I doubt you have S. Hoshino, Himari or NY Haruka. Hope you get Gold from Very Hard.
>>975725 >It also doesn't help that a lot of meta students use Wolf Eggs and those Manuscripts you mentioned, so those are in constant short supply. It got worse in the minutes since I posted that, since I just unlocked Iori from hard nodes, and discovered that she ALSO uses them. >Very Hard I did get Hardcore, at least. I doubt anything below Extreme would get Gold. But at the same time, I'm at 17k right now, and unlike GAs where tickets accumulate, the standings in that range shouldn't swing too much after the first three days, right?
>spent 2 hours doing Insane kurokage over and over and over with Atsuko as my healer instead of kokunny >had to do two teams in the end after leaving the boss at x29 >Kasumi and Ichika sweep up >I am rewarded with platinum rank 2003 Did I finally do it, lads? Will I actually stay in platinum and get my first plat raid ever?
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I would like to start with a poem made by a Jewtuber, ahem... >I LOVE MALDING >WOOOOOO >MALDING >WOOOOOO >RAID DESIGN >WOOOOOO >DONT CRIT TOO MUCH >CRIT OR RESTART >AHAHAHHAHAHAH >WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Now, onto Kurokage, surprisingly there are a few choices on which healer to bring. If you really love malding then the Kokona strat is the best. If you don't have Kokona but still want to mald like crazy for highscore, then you can bring Koharu. Now, if for some insane reason, you don't love malding, then you bring Atsuko, which is generally a very niche student you will probably need to bring to UE30 for extra healing, and you will still be malding like crazy. Have fun :^) >Phase 1 : The cat Since I don't really need a highscore, for now, I brought Atsuko, so we start the raid and immediately use S.Hoshino, then at 10 cost use Kazusa for her Def Down buff, apparently if you use her too early then it will delay her Basic Skill that increases Sonic effectiveness. If S.Hanako isn't on the skill list, then restart, but wait why don't put her there from the beginning? You will see, anyway if she is there, then wait until 10 cost when the cat summons it's ghosts, then use S.Hanako Ako and Himari (Kazusa should also activate her Basic Skill at this point). Then using the Auto Button, I quickly use Atsuko's healing skill and it will put S. Hanako in the first position, so using the auto button, I quickly spam her attacks. This is why Atsuko was in the first position, to then bring S.hanako in the first position as well, and you really do need that Auto Button, to quickly use theri skills, because the buffs from Ako and Himari, quickly expire, and you need that damage. If I don't bring the boss at 130 bars of HP, then I restart, over and over, until I get to Phase 2. I LOVE MALDING! >Phase 2 : Suzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi At 6.5 cost use Hoshino to refresh her water supply. At about 10 cost, again use Kazusa, then Atsuko for healing. Wait until 10 cost, just when the cat summons it's kittens, then, and this is very important use Ako and Himari first, then wait until S.Hanako throws her dildo, before spraying the cat. After you spray it twice, you need to check how well you have done with crits, if it's HP bar is really close to the last digit, then spray all of the kitten souls, otherwise spray only a few, but you could also end up critting too much, even if you don't wash all of them which means you NEED TO RESTART. I LOVE MALDING! If you are lucky, like I was in this run, then at about 8 cost S.Hoshino and Atsuko for healing, then at 10 cost Kazusa, and hopefully the cat explodes. At about 6 cost, Ako and Himari then S.Hanako. In theory you should be able to crit enough after 3 shots to force it into Phase 3. I have never had this luck, and I don't really need it, so we remain in the Shadow Realm a bit more, S. Hoshino, Atsuko(hopefully your students haven't started killing each other by now), at 10 cost Kazusa, then S. Hanako as the kittens roll in, Ako and Himari. >Phase 3 : The vet has neutered the cat I don't even know what this phase even does, all I know is that I just need to spray it with S.Hanako as much as possible until it dies. I will dedicate the rest of this post to Atsuko, the princess of the Arius school. I know they aren't all that popular, I just have a soft spot for villains becoming good guys, even if they shot me when they were evil. I am actually looking forward to the Arius Beach Event, and will probably get them. >>975727 Looking at North America it seems the bracket for Gold is top 25k, so unless you drop by more than 1000 positions per day, you will be fine. I just wish Global would increase the Platinum requirement from top 2k to top 3k. >>975828 >spent 2 hours doing Insane One of us! One of us! One of us! :^) Post your speedrun clear :^)
>>975913 >Kazusa Wrong cat
>>975917 That was the joke.
>>975913 >so unless you drop by more than 1000 positions per day, you will be fine. There was more movement than I would have thought. I'm already down to the mid 20s. As I originally expected, Silver is looking more likely.
>>975727 >>975913 >>976169 I did end up getting Extreme and securing Gold, which is fortunate, since my best Hardcore score just dropped below the threshold. It'll drop a bit more in the remaining 4 hours, but by the current standings I would have been 8 frames too slow for Gold if I had stuck with that difficulty.
>Final rank: 5007
>>974280 (Me) Regarding the translation, we did get a new one for Kikyou that is much closer to the original version. So yeah, complaining does work and I thank everyone who reported the problem to them. I guess I should also check Yoshimi's login message, and.... maintenance again, great more Pyroxene.
This Decagrammaton event is harder than one might think. Those little guys really pack a punch if you try to do stages above your level; I couldn't even finish the second wave of Stage 7. Which is a real pain because I'd have been content to stop at that stage; purple Voynich manuscripts are the thing I need most from the event.
>>979352 That's natural. It's like commissions but slightly easier except with a resource much harder to get. The last decagrammaton, I only got to stage 7, but I was able to beat the rest of 'em today. Levels and student variety makes a difference.
>>979194 I wish it worked for console games as well, alas here we are.
I like the way that, judging from the preview of next month's JFD, its core challenge concept is "don't use Mika".
>>979400 Elden Ring DLC just got released and I wand to play it, so let's get this over with >Goz Blue - Hinata Malding Same as my clear at >>935281 . I didn't try for a one team high score clear, I mean it's fine, why waste time trying to get three or four crits for every five bombs Hinata throws? It's fine, you don't need it, a two team clear is all I need. >Goz Red - Maldtsuki Imagine wasting time, malding for an hour, trying to get Mutstuki to crit all three of her bombs almost every EX. Hahaha, not me, I just did a good enough run, and cleaned it up with Ako. I mean there isn't much to say about the run, Toki is there just to cycle through the skills, and apply Crit Resistance Down on Goz(because you really need it). Yuuka is essential for Goz to move everyone around, S. Hoshino, for everything she brings to the table, and just have fun. I could have also done Extreme and it would still have been fine, as I would still get Platinum, because we have... GOZ TORMENT - THE MIKA SLAYER Wait? The Mika Slayer? I thought Mika was the Goz Slayer, what happened? Oh... she has red armor and Goz does red attacks, one bomb will most likely kill her sometimes even with shield, positioning is a bitch, and there is a lot of RNG, but she is still the only option. I LOVE MALDING! >Team 1 - Atsuko is the key to everything I tried a different team that used S. Hoshino instead of Atsuko, and it was way worse, her Evasion skill is top notch, and since I had already invested her from the KuroKage battle, this was a no-brainer. The only other student I had to invest in, was Sumire, thankfully she was already UE50 from the shop, all I had to do was invest in some of her skills, but not all. The gist of the fight is to use S. Shizuko to move everyone around the map, to avoid the train, though at least Sumire can somewhat tank the train at least once. Iori and Sumire are there to clean out the trash mobs, and Mika after getting her lunch with a fucking Gehener as her delivery gal, she shoots Goz to kill it. Most of the times a student will die, either because I can't move them properly out of the train's way, their path-finding AI will make them go into the train, or that Goz's bomb will kill someone like Mika, at which point you restart. When you reach Phase 2 of Goz with this team, it should be noted that now the hats have 2 traps instead of one, most likely you won't have time to do much, so you either move everyone to the safe lane, or just shoot Goz before he kills you. I simply shot at him, and got extremely lucky in that I was already on the safe lane. Sadly I did not have time to do my second Mika attack fully on him, but still a very good result. >Team 2 - Mika the Goz Slayer This is it, Phase 2, a borrowed Mika versus Goz Torment. I should remind everyone that one bomb from the real Goz has a chance to kill either Mika or Ui and once one of them is down, you have to restart. So first of all we start by seeing if Goz is on the left side(they nerfed his cards as they now sparkle so it's much easier to know which is the real one, honestly I am not a big fan of this nerf, even if I complained about the cards the first time I thought him), otherwise restart. Then S.Hoshino for Atk Up and Cost Regen Up, and move everyone with T.Yuuka. Ui on Mika and at 9 cost, Mika + Ako + Himari. Move everyone with Yuuka and hope you don't get killed by the trap, then Mika again. Ui on Mika, then as the circle explodes Hoshino again, hopefully Mika and/or Ui don't die at this phase. Goz will now spawn somewhere else, you move everyone around with Yuuka and repeat the whole process. Pray and hope you don't get killed, by the traps, bombs or some other bullshit, oh and if you are on the left side, you might not be able to do much, because the UI is in front of Mika so you can't buff her with Ako and Himari, nice User Experience Nexon, thank you. I mean that is the whole fight in a nutshell, move around and hope you don't die, repeat until you win or leave Goz at around 1 million HP which is what I did after about 20-25 minutes of repeated attempts. >Team 3 - The Cleanup Crew This is just to kill Goz, in theory I could have done this with just 2 teams, but it's not necessary. Shun and S. Shiroko are to reduce skill cost, Maki, Karin and Momoi to kill him, and Kotori in case I really need to reposition them. And... I can't put all the webms in the same post, without having them all looking like absolute shit. So I will put the Red clear here, and the Torment clear in the next post. For the rest of this post, I will dedicate it to Shizuko was been a meta student for Goz and Shiro Kuro in spite of being a 1* welfare student.
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>>982333 >Sample
>>982408 >>982447 >using fake vikings
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>>982447 Why is your smaller version 12kb larger? >>982458 Much better. Good job.
Is there something about this game that makes it more tolerated than other gachas?
>>982774 people like the story. and characters.. I think.
>>982774 1. The fact it has zero men besides (You) 2. The fact it has lolis and hags alike 3. The fact it has proven to be very fan-centric and has resisted or fixed censorship 4. what >>982776 said in addition to the music 5. The content is very frequent and also varied, which is in stark opposition to the somewhat repetitive gameplay found in other gacha.
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>>974280 I remember the Gehenna-Hyakkiyako tour event was badly localized/translated in Japanese, making very difficult to read the story even for the nippon natives, and that was due of the parent company trying a different approach in localization iirc. It was later patched with a proper TL alongside of a large sum of apology gems. >>982774 >Strongly emulate as a japanese media fiction even if it was made by South Koreans >The characters aren't over-designed and they prove themselves to be quite endearing >3D chibi animations are great >Soundtrack is also pretty good >The setting looks like a typical wacky school slice-of-life but there are fantasy & mystery elements to it >The mobile game itself doesn't take too much of your personal time if you do the dailies thanks to the sweep button >Doesn't focus on being competitive, just chill and relax >Its microtransactions are nowhere as aggressive as I've seen elsewhere such as Uma Musume Pretty Derby (the other popular mobile game in Japan), which expects the player to pay a Premium Pass in order to get double the rewards or the Premium Carrot Currency (that is separate from the Carrot Currency) to pull a 3* character or support card right away. Each banner in Uma Musume have a separate pity spark counter whereas in Blue Archive the counter is shared amongst banners during the specific period. I still won't recommend the Blue Archive mobile game out of principle that I don't want someone to fall into the FOMO behavior and thus start spending money regularly to obtain the characters each time a new banner is up. I've been quite lucky with my pulls in both Global and Japanese versions, which I rather focus on the latter since I've discovered setting up a Japanese Google Play account wasn't as hard as I first believed. I don't like consuming my nippon media in English.
>>982913 You say this when many people describe their favourite music genre as ‘video game ost’
>>983030 That doesn't make much sense, while I personally love video game music, there are many different types. Vidya music on its own isn't really a "genre" (unless you mean shit like chiptune and whatnot)
Summer event recently got announced on JP server, even if she won't be meta, I think I will go for summer Kanna. >>982774 Tryhard who keeps posting his clears here. The game does respect your time a lot more than other gatchas like Granblue or Arknights. For instance, after you clear a mission and get 3 stars, you are allowed to skip the mission, as in you use the same amount of "energy" and get the same rewards as if you had done it manually, as such in five seconds you can do a mission 50 times. Raids are the same, you can do it only 3 times per day, but if you do it once, you can skip the other two fights in that day and get the same rewards. I know it's weird to praise a game for allowing you to skip gameplay, it's just that I appreciate it, after coming from something like Granblue which demanded you to treat it like a second job. The gameplay is serviceable, but there are other, non-gatcha games with much better gameplay. Overall I think you are better off engaging with the material, by not "playing" the gatcha, so watch the events on Jewtube, fap to all the pngs on a booru, listen to the OST, read the manga and so on. If most try-hard Tohou players hate secondaries, I personally have more respect for a Blue Archive secondary, and I do think it's a better experience. One more thing, we are very close to reaching 500 replies, honestly I am against making a second thread, as there is no real substance to these threads anyway, and it's better off to let it die and move on, maybe making a general gatcha thread and quarantine the one or two Granblue fags that are still active. I mean do you really want me to post the Hieronymus Torment clear once D. Hina gets release? I hope not.
>>983063 Oh no, I'm drowning and I desperately need lifeguard Kanna to give me intense mouth to mouth or I will die.
>>983063 I'm a bit bummed that Arius wasn't the summer pick this time, but I'm glad Kanna is getting the attention she deserves.
The moment I started to seek BA content outside of the game is the moment I realized these things separated were more interesting than the game itself.
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Why do all of these characters have bizarro halos above their heads?
>>983063 >>983112 I dunno who this is but I like fluffy ears & a fluffy tail. The body helps. >>983690 YOUR MOM. How? YOUR MOM!
>>983304 As I said, being a secondary in Blue Archive's case is a much better experience, especially if you are thinking of starting now. Why bother grinding missions and Total Assault, when you can already view all the student bond events on Jewtube, including for the students that haven't been released yet? >>983112 We always had two summer events per year, first it was Trinity and Gehena, next year it was Hyakkiyako and Abydoss where we got S.Hoshino, last year we had SRT and Trinity(again) where we got S. Hanako. So if we now have Valkyrie and they teased Arius, that will probably be the next event. I now wonder if this means we will get an Arius premium unit, Azusa, already had a summer version, so maybe S. Saori will be the premium one. >>983594 I don't get it >>983712 >I dunno who this is Her name is Kanna and she is the Director of the Valkyrie police, so basically a high ranked cop. She mostly appears in the SRT story line(Volume 4), first as a small antagonist to the rabbits, but later becomes an ally to them. You can watch the storyline in full on jewtube. And we have reached the bump limit, again, I hope nobody makes a second thread.
>>983690 Because Christianity is considered a taboo, so halos are like the cherry on the top when it comes to surrealism. Not sure if they're based on the angels with jewish names.
>>983741 I think my biggest gripe is that once I found a character that I really liked, there is no more story with her afterwards. Personally that sucks, but I imagine doing more and more student bond events would just be time consuming
>>983690 In theory the Halo's are supposed to be a manifestation of their personality and hobbies if you squint your eyes enough. Truthfully, it's just to distinguish them from the other gatcha characters and more importantly from NPCs. Now lore-wise there is a question on what it means for robots like Chessed, Binah and Hod to have a halo, as I assume that is the result of them getting in contact with Decagrammaton, like do they have a soul now? Have they attained some gnostic/hermetic insight and now have Jesus conscious? There is also Alice Arisu Aris who is a robot an also has a halo. >>983794 >no more story with her afterwards On one hand that is true for almost any game, movie or book in that at some point the story will end, but maybe you want even more story with the character, on the other hand those examples have a beginning and end point for the character's story, his hero's journey if you wish, whereas with gatcha, the story has to be kept open and almost never solved in order to keep them going. Like Toki still hasn't been able to integrate with the rest of C&C and is so bored she pressed the emergency button at Himari's base just to call Sensei. They way things are going even in 5 years she will probably still not be able to integrate in any club, and just drift from C&C, Himari, the Game Club and maybe Rio once she comes back.
>>983741 Camping version of characters camping in a camping spot.
>>984014 Hare's gun even has an aimbot built in.
>>984014 I see now, thank for spoonfeeding me. I barely played any Counter Strike in my life.
>>984477 No, let it die as there is nothing substantial worth discussing in a second thread.
>>984790 If you want an image dump, just go to a booru.

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