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/v/ specific gamenight servers Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 10:44:29 Id: 6dca4e No. 858461
In light of the fun TF2 gamenight, I wish to start some sort of collaborative effort to maintain a list of active /v/ servers, so that our gamenights can be easier to organize. If you have any specific server you're hosting, or know that the people hosting are old 8chan anons or otherwise cool guys, let me know and I'll add them to the pile. REDCHANNIT OFFICIAL SITE: https://redchanit.xyz/ Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (Courtesy of zombie9143): Minecraft Mikecraft 1.20.1 (Courtesy of segamastersystem): Matchaland 1.20.1: Boba changed Matchaland Minceraft to 1.20.2 vanilla https://matchaland.net/minecraft and here's its dynmap: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 (zombie9143): /v/craft IP: mc.chimpout.club:25600 Open Fortress https://openfortress.fun/ >REDchanit: OF, Custom Maps, Custom Playermodels: Pre-Fortress 2 https://prefortress.com/ >REDchanit PF2, some custom maps: Quake III Arena QuakeWorld Sven Co-op REDchanit Half-Life Sven Co-op Has the following campaigns, plus all default maps: Half-Life Opposing Force Blue Shift Quake (Shareware) Ocarina of Time (Deku Tree) Half-Quake Crack-Life Bonus Levels: Deathmatch Classic Quake DM Maps (DM2, DM4, DM6) Ricochet Sneed Use these https://anonfiles.com/F5zbF059z9/SvenCoopAddins_7z
[Expand Post]SRB2K Sleepychan's server: >How to play: https://archive.fo/TPXTs Team Fortress Classic TFC (Goldsrc): TF2 Servers (All TF2 servers have a Custom Classes plugin which features the Civilian from TF2C and Merc from Open Fortress) >REDchanit Site for all servers if they ever change IPs: https://redchanit.xyz/servers.html Valve Maps + Custom Maps: VScript Custom Maps + MvM Upgrades Maps: "SoapDM" Team Deathmatch: >Matchaland Official Valve Maps Only: Custom Maps Only: Mann vs Machine: 100 Players: Freak Fortress / Vs Saxton Hale TF2Classic Servers https://tf2classic.com/ >REDchanit TF2C + Custom Weapons: (Features a few custom weapons, nothing too crazy, mostly weapons from previous builds of TF2C which got cut like the Sten Gun and Poacher's Pride. Also features custom player models of extended-universe TF2 characters within the TF2C community like Janitor, Driver etc. If that's too much for you I recommend playing Matchaland TF2C insttead since it's totally vanilla TF2C basically) >Matchaland: TF2C Official Maps Only: TF2C Custom Maps Only: Official Maps (TF2C) Custom Maps (TF2C) Xonotic Download and install version 0.8.6: Windows: https://dl.xonotic.org/xonotic-0.8.6.zip or any other mirrors at https://xonotic.org/download/ Other systems: it may be available as a package in your system. If not, use the same download as Windows. Official newbie guide: https://xonotic.org/guide Xonotic wiki: https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic/-/wikis/home How to join >Launch Xonotic >Complete the new player setup >Go to multiplayer >Enter the server IP in "Address" at the bottom and press Join If your server is not on the list, just let me know. Additionally, consider checking out https://rentry.org/abmfz for updates.
Edited last time by Zoom on 11/16/2023 (Thu) 10:23:32.
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Pretty nice.
>>858461 My friends and I host a shitton of things you're all welcome to play on, here's a list on my site: https://agitationskeleton.github.io/redchanitsrcds_site/servers.html Or I'll list them here for convenience: TF2 (All TF2 servers hosted by myself and Matchaland have a Custom Classes plugin which features the Civilian from TF2C and Merc from Open Fortress) >REDchanit Valve Maps + Custom Maps: VScript Custom Maps + MvM Upgrades Maps: "SoapDM" Team Deathmatch: >Matchaland Valve Maps Only: Custom Maps Only: TF2Classic https://tf2classic.com/ >REDchanit TF2C + Custom Weapons: (Features a few custom weapons, nothing too crazy, mostly weapons from previous builds of TF2C which got cut like the Sten Gun and Poacher's Pride. Also features custom player models of extended-universe TF2 characters within the TF2C community like Janitor, Driver etc. If that's too much for you I recommend playing Matchaland TF2C insttead since it's totally vanilla TF2C basically) >Matchaland: TF2C Official Maps Only: TF2C Custom Maps Only: Open Fortress https://openfortress.fun/ >REDchanit: OF, Custom Maps, Custom Playermodels: Pre-Fortress 2 https://prefortress.com/ >REDchanit PF2, some custom maps: Misc. TFC (Goldsrc): Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (Courtesy of zombie9143): QuakeWorld: Minecraft Mikecraft 1.20.1 (Courtesy of segamastersystem): Matchaland 1.20.1: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 (zombie9143): Fuckton of servers for you guys, some vanilla, some heavily modded. Hopefully there's something for everybody. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Enjoy! ♥
>>858748 Added Thanks
>>858750 thx bro, thanks for making this thread, always happy to provide a place for anons to play
>>858752 >>858751 No, thank you for providing a service like this. Hugs and wet kisses. I'll update with more as I find them.
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>>858754 You've got some duplicates in the OP, the July gamenight ones *are* the REDchanit and Matchaland servers (also the description of the custom class stuff is still written in first-person)
There is also a Joint Ops perma-server IIRC but I can't recall the IP address or if it is even still online
>>858756 Thanks for pointing that out, I rushed the thread a bit.
>>859083 also some more duplicated categories like TF2 when you click expand post
>>859282 I think it's a glitch with the way the thread is showing. Gotta see if the lynxchan devs will fix it.
>>858748 We've opened a new MvM server in TF2 as well, which also has custom classes. Matchaland MvM: Speaking of the custom classes, they got a huge update today: >merc can taunt >fists taunt is james bond taunt, kills >completely reworked viewmodels, uses vscript system now like Hale does, no more fake ones, works with FOV properly >no more blindness with demoknight weps as a result >added lightning gun, saw ballista, quad launcher, chainsaw, machine gun, hoarder's stash (backpack to store weapons and medkits in, etc) >support for allclass taunts with /taunt command >new civ weapons (will be disabled by default though for obvious reasons) but derringer and money pile etc >Merc uses his open fortress animations now instead of soldier, for as much as possible >civ and merc have face flexes now >tons of weapon reworks
>>859544 added
>>858461 >>858748 Matchaland's Minecraft 1.20.1 server has become a 1.19.4 Aether Mod server, which apart from Aether and a treecapitator mod is totally vanilla. Same IP ( ), just requires Forge 1.19.4 and Aether 1.19.4 now. Website and setup guide: https://matchaland.net/minecraft Dynmap:
>>860302 So should I just replace the IP that is now in the OP?
>>860377 Not the IP, just the info about it.
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>>860377 >>858461 >>858748 Never mind, some ISP bullshit happened and Matchaland's IP has changed and can't be changed back. Its IP has changed from to The ports are all the same.
>>860725 You're driving me nuts, anon, but I'll update it
>>860725 Done, please check with the OP and tell me if there's something wrong Again, duplicates are due to visual bugs
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>>860764 Sorry, OP, can't help the IP bullshit. Not trying to annoy you, I promise Looks good aside from the duplicates obviously, only detail is Matcha 1.20 is actually 1.19.4 on the Aether mod. Thanks again for keeping an eye on this thread, you're doing good work
8trans doesnt have gamenights
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>>861432 We have gay NiGHTS
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Can we have a Worms Armageddon gamenight? Sleepychan just won't make new ones.
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>>861660 I'd be up to host for that, just say when and if I'm able I could do it.
>>861805 >>861660 I'd be down for it, but on weekends only
>>861805 Holy shit I love that TCR map. If I wanted to add more stuff, I'd suggest: >Panda in the corner >woodchipper >Ghetto capitalist looking guy >Howard stern instead of alex jones
>>862118 Don't play on mikes, beds don't set your respawn point :)
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>>862128 That's weird, nothing there was is different about beds, how the hell did you die instantly in water? btw everyone's using matchaland aether lately so go there instead, it's much more active
>>862139 I am a little pissed I lost my home in the terracotta. I died to fall dmg even though I landed in water and had a bed as my respawn point. If you can find my base can you post the cords?
join me fags beta 1.7.3
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Any Heavy Or even just create modded servers?
>>862155 Here's the dynmap for mikecraft, you can try and find it here: I think I saw you earlier on this when I checked it and I think this is your base right?
>>862156 Mince Raft? >>862181 Imma add it later Do you guys have any other gamenight-oriented stuff I can put in the OP?
Nine people playing Versus Saxton Hale on REDchanit TF2 Standard right now
>>858461 Should probably remove the IPs from the OP of the TF2 thread and just put a link to this thread instead since it's more up to date and has more info
>>861805 How many would be down for this tonight? I'll host
>>864180 I never played TF. If you don't have a problem with that i'll download it
>>864185 I was referring to Worms Armageddon, but sure you can try TF2, nobody's gonna judge a first-timer in it
>>864186 Oh, shit, sorry. Can you play online with a pirate copy or do i have to buy it from steam?
>>864191 Not sure, I own it on Steam so I don't know how it authenticates with Wormnet for pirates. You could try it and report back I guess?
>>864192 I'm about to leave work. When i get home i'll check ,anon.
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I'll be hosting Worms tonight around 8PM PST, unless something comes up but I doubt anything should I'll post when the lobby's open
>>864214 Great, does sleepychan's setup work for it? I'll put it in the OP if it does.
>>864214 Installation 1. Download and install v3.8.1 from this link: https://mega.nz/file/4BtTAQhZ#mdrJuZpmoR3V3DFSMem0BILqE8sqGrNpLUBnP54wxsc 2. Extract this into the game installation folder: updated >wangblows: https://mega.nz/file/BNtQVJiY#6SR8ejtuwdULtfyrc8GTzJSrVEkZszGplAEGal7rdnw >loonix: https://mega.nz/file/FA0A0CRJ#OhFFNJlzMMLB68OVRTg0wDbYy8p6sKbwvqkpRpHzLVI 3. Launch game. Game works flawlessly for Windows as well as Linux under WINE (tested with WINE v6.0). Make sure first you've got Load WormKit modules enabled. To do so, refer to 2nd OP image Controls https://worms2d.info/In-game_controls https://worms2d.info/In-game_controls https://worms2d.info/In-game_controls Hosting WormNAT2 is included within step 2's MEGA link. As long as everyone's got WormNAT2 installed and WormKit is enabled, hosting should be as simple as plug and play. If not, you'll need to open up TCP port 17011 on your system. On Windows: >Windows key > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced settings >On Inbound port rules, create a new rule to add an exemption to either TCP port 17011 or W:A's executable On Linux: >On terminal type ss -na | grep :17011 >To make sure the port's open simply type in netstat -lntu Playing online From the main menu click the following: >Multiplayer >WormNET >#AnythingGoes Then click the name of the current gamenight room, and enter the password if required. These details should be posted beforehand by the current host. Custom map specs >both width and height must be a multiple of 8 >image must be indexed at a maximum of 256 colors (112 colors recommended) >the color black (#000000) is the empty space color (transparency) >default map size is 1920 x 696 More info here: https://worms2d.info/Colour_map How to make a W:A map in GIMP Here's a short tutorial for making your own map within the constraints of Worms: Armageddon. >both width and height must be a multiple of 8 >image must be indexed at a maximum of 64 colors (or 112 but discouraged) >pure black (#000000) is the empty space color signifying transparency >default map size is 1920 x 696 More details on this page: https://worms2d.info/Colour_map Step 1: Clearing the background
[Expand Post]1.1 Open your image in GIMP through File -> Open or drag'n'drop. 1.2 Click Layer -> Transparency -> Add alpha channel (if enabled). 1.3 Use the eraser / magic wand / whatever to remove the background. 1.4 Save this file as somefile.xcf and keep it as backup. Step 2: Reducing the number of colors 2.1 If needed, change the width/height of the image to be a multiple of 8, using Image -> Canvas size. 2.2 Click Layer -> Transparency -> Threshold Alpha then Ok (default value is fine). 2.3 Click Image -> Mode -> Indexed then... * Generate optimum palette: maximum 64 colors (or 112 but discouraged). * Dithering: Floyd-Steinberg (or None for artwork with solid colors). 2.4 Click Image -> Mode -> RGB. 2.5 If your image contains pure black (e.g. line art) then... * Click Colors -> Map -> Color Exchange. * From color #000000 to color #000001 (all thresholds zero) then click Ok. 2.6 Set the current background color as pure black (#000000) then Image -> Flatten Image. 2.7 Repeat step 2.3. 2.8 File -> Export As.. and export a PNG image.
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>>864242 Good info. Is this compatible with Steam? Here's my complete repository of custom Worms assets, accrued from myself, friends and former friends over the years of playing. You do not need all, or even any of this, to play. Just pick and choose what you want. Me personally, I'll be using the CDI and Meor speech banks most likely. If you don't download any custom voice banks you'll just hear the default language of whatever region you're playing from, eg. American English. I'll be streaming the game when we play and I have all of these on my client, so if you do customize your team of Worms with these voices I'll be able to hear it. Also, if you make a custom grave or flag, those auto-download so don't worry about us not seeing them. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1DxLov7FzZ3SmLz7TUlgs8mBtVmWSIR_M Note the file labelled "All in one download" is a bit out of date, missing the CDI speechbank specifically, everything else it should have, fingers crossed. So if you do want to take the shortcut to downloading it all, get that file and then the CDI speech bank for the complete set, then pick and choose what you want like a big ol' grab bag. Custom speech banks are found in user/speech You also do not have to worry about custom levels, those will be provided by the server. You can copy them from this drive folder though if you want them for yourself to host later though!
Anyone on?
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We're starting now! Join #anythinggoes, lobby is 8/v/ Game Night, password is vidya!
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that concludes our worms night, thank you very much to all who played, shit was super fun
Made a poll so we can figure out what we want to play most by next week, based on what we either have already or I'd be able+willing to host myself. Feel free to make suggestions. (Me personally, I'd like to play some Quake with you guys) https://poal.me/m21hlm
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Forgot to also mention I could host Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy so if you want those reply to this post
>>864578 Day of Defeat
>>864588 zombie has a DOD:S server he could swap the HL2DM one for if you like DOD:Source
>>864578 Mario Party
>>864578 Overwatch 2 or Diablo 4
>>865237 >Overwatch 2 That's a good one I'm setting up a Sven Coop server as we speak since that looks like it'll be the victor of the poll. Request any maps or player models here.
So far I've got the following custom campaigns: >Quake 1 Shareware >Ocarina of Time (Deku Tree) >Decay >Pizza Ya San I just ran through Quake 1's shareware myself and it worked perfect, looks like we're in for a good time. Also getting a plugin to restore the .357 zoom and a few fun player models, feel free to recommend some again.
>>865270 Somehow I almost forgot Crack-Life. Silly me.
>>865270 >>865385 Don't forget to give me updated servers so I can put them in the OP
>>865270 >>865385 Here is a playerpack and map pack from the last Sven gamenight, include these if you haven't already https://anonfiles.com/t1Zb945az8/Sven_Co_op_7z
updated op
>>865699 I don't see any player models in this, looks to be the default ones. Are you sure you uploaded the right thing? I looked in both svencoop and svencoop_addons
>>865913 https://anonfiles.com/F5zbF059z9/SvenCoopAddins_7z Sorry man, guess I shouldn't keep two subfolders of a similar name in the same folder
>>865392 New Sven Coop Server Technically been up for a few days but it's officially open now on its own port >REDchanit Half-Life Sven Co-op Has the following campaigns, plus all default maps: Half-Life Opposing Force Blue Shift Quake (Shareware) Ocarina of Time (Deku Tree) Half-Quake Crack-Life Bonus Levels: Deathmatch Classic Quake DM Maps (DM2, DM4, DM6) Ricochet Sneed Plus 76 player models so far.
>>866234 Forgot, I also have Decay as a campaign, and PvP Crossfire as a bonus map
>>866234 Updated the OP. By the way, I think I'll make this a cyclical thread once it hits like 300+ posts, make sure to save whatever info is not put in the OP if it matters to your gamenight.
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>>865270 That oot mod looks tasty got any good footage.
>>858748 REDchanit has a new domain: https://redchanit.xyz/ Also, Redchanit and Matchaland now support connecting to servers via play.redchanit.xyz and play.matchaland.net in place of the IP addresses, so they're easier to memorize or share or just look cleaner etc. >>866334 Vinesauce played it several years ago, which is how I heard of the map pack: https://youtu.be/zR9Kv2Or1ns I might be busy tonight so Idk if I can actively participate in Sven Coop but the server will definitely be up. You guys will be able to pick the campaign you want by nominating it in chat by filename and then typing rtv (which I think takes five minutes to activate on mapchange to prevent abuse, which even then you can vote to stay on the same map). To play on these campaigns, vote for these maps: dy_accident1 - Half-Life: Decay q1_start - Quake 1 (first episode only) Coop loz1_forest - Ocarina of Time pizza_ya_san1 - Pizza Ya San (weird Japanese map pizza-making coop) dmc_lobby - Deathmatch Classic (PvP arenas) cracklife_c00 - Crack-Life hl_c00 - Half-Life of0a0 - Opposing Force ba_tram1 - Blue Shift halfquake - Half-Quake
>>867493 We'll be reconvening tomorrow to start on this, I'll stream it too
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>>867493 >half-quake
>>862172 IIRC the guy that ran the 1.12 Direwolf20 server that image is from, runs a 1.18.2 Create server shared on Smug/vg/ with Chisel and Meidos Using a client like MultiMC or maybe something like UltiMC for sailors, you can easily install the instance and mods. <MultiMC pack from the thread https://mega.nz/file/toADmKSD#B7EATvMDGLtIPPiSJVK9WFufoRRRsVSy2wRsaWRteH0 Install by New Instance > import from zip or simply put these mods in image in your instance mods folder if you are using another launcher. Just sharing this here if you are interested.
>>867677 I want in on this, too.
>>867677 This'll start at 8:00 PST
>>867748 IP: smugtorio.dynu.net
>>867901 Gonna be a bit delayed, just got off work
We are live playing Sven Co-Op! IP: https://8chan.tv/view/dabdc13a-c303-489d-9793-76d395b262fd/
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New Matchaland 100 player server Does not feature custom classes, as the plugin is not compatible with 65+ players. Enforces a hatless whitelist, also disables festives and botkillers. Currently a limited mapcycle of 2fooort, turrrrbine, highertower, sellllllbyen and MARIO_KART. Subject to change.
>>868855 >only gag maps Fumbling at the finish line
>>868886 Actually now that you mention it the host wanted it to have all default maps as well, so I'll add them to it, also a 50v50 edit of Hydro from the workshop.
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>>868855 That's an accurate TF2 logo, I genuinely thought Team Fortress 2 itself never had any image to represent the game as a whole considering the pop-culture clusterfuck that managed to hog any internal drive more than 15gb.

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>>868971 I mean, it looks very similar to a fascist symbol, of course they won't tote it around. Actually, it makes things even funnier when you think about it.
>>868971 I was interested if Moon man would have guest singers in his new songs now that AI audio has advanced so much. Is there a master moon man repository somewhere?
>>868978 Argent Beacon has one
>>858461 Just so you know, the minecraft EULA got updated, >>869030
>>869042 Will this be a problem for any minecraft server not already running plugins to prevent player reporting and unverified chat?
>>869208 Hard to say, they might make it a clientside thing to check servers that paid users visit. I hardly play minecraft so I don't know.
>>869042 >>869208 >>869212 They made Minecraft go completely 1984. There's definitely youtube videos talking about it out there. Because of that shit Minecraft is ruined and I'm never playing it ever again.
>>869216 Honestly, I'm not worried at all. It's just a paper tiger. It's been like a couple years I think since they added the chat reporting system and not once has anyone I know been hit by it playing on our servers with plugins and shit to get around that, and even then it requires manual intervention to report and manual intervention to take action, and this is modern Mojang we're talking about - They're lazy as all hell. I doubt anything is actually gonna come of this.
>>869280 > this is modern Mojang we're talking about No, it's Microsoft's Xbox Game Studios, you dumb niggerfaggot.
>>869286 Rude. And nuances.
New Matchaland.net Half-Life: Deathmatch Classic server
we playan tf2 rn!!! https://8chan.tv/view/dabdc13a-c303-489d-9793-76d395b262fd/
PF2 server changes: >Added all-class crowbars. Yes, all ten. I might change this to just the six that had them in TF2C later but have fun with it for now. You can backstab someone with a fucking crowbar and drink out of a crowbar as Demoman. >Civilian can now speak, has all of his TF2C voicelines. >Fixed subtitle spam from voice commands
>>870010 Meant to say those that had them in TFC, it's nearly 2AM. Also: New Matchaland Versus Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress 2 server (TF2) It's the good old FF2 plugin you know and love, with Christian Brutal Sniper, Saxton Hale, Painis Cupcake, Vagineer and more. Feel free to recommend bosses btw.
Does anyone wanna make an Open Fortress server?
>>870013 I have one, it's in the OP. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
>>870016 oh. Thank you.
>>870017 No problem anon, have fun with it
>>870010 Fixed taunts and some voicemenu commands that broke as a result of porting Civ's stuff from TF2C, also had to sadly remove the crowbar due to it being latency-based and flickering a ton. Also replaced the default quakesounds announcer with my own sentence-mixes of VOX (the Half-Life/TFC announcer) so it sounds more official and appropriate. I also did this for the Deathmatch Classic and TFC servers, which makes them feel much nicer.
>>870010 I sort of expect the civilian to be the Jack of All Tardes class: >Being able pick up weapons from his dead teammates <Not being able to grab ammo boxes That is if it's possible to port the code of being able to carry weapons laying on the floor from live TF2.
>>873694 That's what the Mercenary does in our TF2 servers (except he gets a random Open Fortress weapon from ammo boxes). Civilian on the other hand is, in his original context, basically useless and is a melee-only shitty objective class meant to be escorted lest he be assassinated. In TF2Classic (and the TF2 servers with him in them) he can however provide minicrits to teammates and a morale defense boost to nearby allies, so he isn't quite useless, more of a miniature melee-only conch/buff banner dude. In the MvM and Freak Fortress server the plugin has an option enabled which gives him a derringer with knockback and a cash wad to supply temporary Mannpower runes to allies. There actually is one server in PF2 funnily enough that does that weapon pickup thing but I don't remember if it's Civilian-only or if all classes can do it.
>>873746 Oh also, Civilian in TF2C and TF2 via the plugin has a 5x cap rate on control points, making him essential for offense in A/D maps.
tf2 servers ded :(
>>874376 they're up, the ips are probably different from the op, read this thread or just look here: https://redchanit.xyz/servers.html
>minecraft requires that you buy it
>>877307 I remember during the alpha days being able to play creative mode for free
>>877307 I was going to ask, can you pirate it at all? I haven't played the game in years but I really don't want to give Microsoft my money, especially not with the recent EULA changes.
>>877392 Just search any launcher on any of your favorite search browsers. I just clicked and DL one however for me to connect to his server he gotta set it as offlinemod=true or something that allows regular users to connect also instead of mic ones
>>866234 Finally figured out how to enable permanent classic mode cuz survival mode is bullshit
Is there any way to set up a Dolphin party? Would be fun to play some Wii/Gamecube games for a change.
>>879641 Does it involve dolphin pussy as well? We're in an exclusively Elephant Pussy family here
Edited last time by Zoom on 09/01/2023 (Fri) 21:00:12.
Dumb question, but are specific servers temporarily up for the weekend? Like do they alternate each weekend?
>>879889 Nope, in fact they're up 24/7.
>>879891 Oh, rad.
>>879889 We just pin the thread weekly so that people are reminded that they exist and can use them to organize gamenights. Ideally I'd like to do something more like what they do on sleepychan - cracked multiplayer games set up during the week that a good chunk of the anons plays together, but having official servers up all week is undeniably easier to work with.
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>>858461 Yo, is it alright to add this Minecraft server here? It's a permanent IP address /v/craft IP: mc.chimpout.club:25600
>>881334 Is it a 4chan server?
>>881453 Yes, but there isn't much faggotries and cuckoldry as other 4chan servers. >We're mostly chill and >we need more builders
>>881550 I somehow doubt that but may check out later. How many builders you have on average?
>>881577 Around 5 to 8 builders, and few of them AFK a lot on few farms. Just yesterday the spawn got wiped for rebuilds for digsite theme. There's autocrafting and other plugins that takes you to random land or spawn. Ironically, the mod of the server is named Mark
>>881617 Is he a fat jew who does stuff but does it in the most lazy retarded hamfisted way with no care or common sense put into it and says I did my job what else do you want me do how am I supposed to know that?
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>>881630 Bring some cakes and find out.
>>881550 As long as you don't ban people for wrongthink, it's fine
>>881635 >We had swastika build on spawn, but got replaced by Shrek, and then shortly after the whole spawn is wiped for new builds. There's even a Husk mod with George Floyd head at the farm in some places, so wrongthink is zero percent bannable.
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Please, someone check the OP and tell me if I'm missing any server or if there's any that are now dead.
>>883372 they're all dead and you're hosting shit old games that were played to death and are no longer fun
>>886679 new games don't let you make your own server
>>858461 We got any servers for cs source? Seems like it could be a good time with anons.
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which one of those brown bricks simulator have firearms and ore smelting autism?
>>894368 Vintage Story doesnt have any firearms but its indeed VERY autsitic. See for yourself in these 2 trailers for the game https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=zD_Ui1dq-FU https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=NJjifFq1NGY It's basically minecraft but not for retards. I played it with zzz a few years back and I nearly had no idea what I was doing it would take weeks of playing this game to figure everything out. I heard that it was comparable to the minecraft mod terrafirmacraft.
Some ziggers wanted to try a day of defeat gamenight. Thoughts? What if we beat them to the punch and host it ourselves?
>>894394 Go for it
>>894394 Day of defeat gun game is fun. But all trying to do a competing game night will do is end up with 8moe's being fucking dead after a few hours and cause unnecessary shit-posting. So you should kill yourself.
>>894447 >/v/ >Playing vídeogames instead of complaining about Boogeyman Lol, lmao Even >>894394 DIY, don't ask about 2nd thoughts or opinions, just do it, and fuck everyone who complains
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I am trying to connect through Matchaland Minecraft server and I am getting this error. Is it because I don't have the mods installed? How the fugg do I download mods from a server?
>>894377 (checked) Dude I want to play brown bricks simulator, not autism survival simulator.
>>894472 but you asked for ore smelting autism, I gave you what you asked for. autism isn't a word you should be taking lightly anon, its power can overwhelm the mind of any normalcattle if taken lightly. be careful of what you ask for next time
>>894484 My bad I guess there is some misunderstanding between us. I wanted to play one of those anons brown bricks serb and I was wondering if they had a mod that added firearms and a mod that makes ore smelting more complex (autistic) because I want to spend more time with mining and smelting ores because I love that shit. That retro miner mod for GMod Dark RP was fucking good because it had nicely detailed structure and animation for processing and smelting ores so I was wondering if one of those anon hosted brown bricks serb had something similar to that. I appreciate your suggestion for this game, but as I have said I want to play that game with anons and not alone. I hope I made my point more clear now. And besides. What fucking exact Java version do I need in order to run Minecraft 1.20.2? It doesn't work with OpenJDK 17-17.02 because of some stupid error related to invalid UUID string. Minecraft 1.20.1 works however fine under Lutris/Wine with OpenJDK 17 but for some stupid reason version 1.20.2 seems to requires some other version of Java which I have no idea where to get for wangblows.
Well this sucks. Looks like UltimMC 5 from Github doesn't support skins from Ely.by for some stupid reason and it seems to be abadonned too since I looked at their Github issue page and the developers doesn't respond or fix bugs related to their forked launcher. Great, now test dfiferent launcher version according to this plebbit post here https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/o1wlc3/best_minecraft_cracked_launcher/ and see which one is good that I can replace UltimMC with. Jesus Christ the absolute state of pirated brown bricks simulator.
how can i join
>>894563 Download Beta 1.7.3 via either microshit launcher legacy versions (not recommended), using multimc (recommended) or betacraft (not the best but simplest to install and figure out)
I tried joining with that version but it won't let me join.
>>894783 >>894563 It's back up, Zombie's server was down from a power outage. Try now (Here's its dynmap to see who's on and where) >>894466 Boba changed Matchaland Minceraft to 1.20.2 vanilla https://matchaland.net/minecraft It might be down right now but here's its dynmap:
>>879641 I'm kind of bummed this hasn't gotten a genuine response yet, I think this would be fun. It has my vote, I think a Mario Party night would be nice.
>>896395 How about Mario Retardy with modded in characters?
Can we get the new Halloween maps for TF2? The real game is unplayable due to bots.
>>898093 You can already play them on redchanit and matcha, just nominate them and rtv
>>894484 >>894377 Okay I played some few hours of vintage story now. After I installed several mods and doing other tweaks to make the more comfy instead of frustration simulator it's a pretty good game actually. I also found a mod which adds black powder based rifles, so that is good enough for me. Thanks for the sugg anon.
>>858461 >>866234 Sven Coop server has been replaced with a Quake III Arena server (Note: This can be reverted at any point and if we want a Sven gamenight just ask, all I have to do is turn the Q3 one off and run the Sven one, it's not gone for good) Runs Unlagged mod (lag-compensation except it's really good), runs smoothly, has 3 bots minimum which are replaced as players join. Mapcycle is: set d1 "map q3dm1 ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "map q3dm2 ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "map q3dm3 ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "map q3dm7 ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "map pro-q3dm6 ; set nextmap vstr d6" set d6 "map q3dm17 ; set nextmap vstr d7" set d7 "map pro-q3tourney7 ; set nextmap vstr d8" set d8 "map q3dm13 ; set nextmap vstr d9" set d9 "map q3dm9 ; set nextmap vstr d10" set d10 "map q3tourney2 ; set nextmap vstr d11" set d11 "map q3tourney3 ; set nextmap vstr d1"
>>907479 fuck me my tired ass forgot to post the IP and info https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
>>907480 https://send.cm/d/i9fa here's a link to quake 3 provided by inky
>>907479 >>894866 Changed and added. Should we sticky this?
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>>907581 Up to you. I won't be available tonight to host/stream it like I did last night, but the server is 24/7 so if you guys want to have a gamenight for it by all means go ahead. I'm gonna look into how downloads from the server work later so if you want playermodels and maps let me know, won't guarantee I'll add everything though cuz a lot of custom Quake stuff looks gaudy, but I'm gonna add some QL and Dreamcast map ports most likely God, last night was FUN.
>>907667 Wait, I'm dumb. I forgot today was Thursday and not Friday. I can host again tonight, just not Friday.
Was thinking of making a GMOD server for us all to fuck around in. Like Sandbox, Deathrun, and Prophunt But that would mean having a decent computer and alot of pain trying to get addons to work. A CS:S or CS 1.6 server could work but I bet no one here would play that
>>907670 >Was thinking of making a GMOD server for us all to fuck around in. Like Sandbox, Deathrun, and Prophunt DO IT >>907667 I mean, only if you're up for it. If you do let me konw so I can pin the thread.
>>907670 Did you forget that Garry added a bootleg Redshell spyware to the game years ago?
>>907676 That fucker added a what now?
>>869280 That lol makes no sense. There are no airplanes in Minecraft.
>>908018 Garry's Mod collects telemetry data whenever you run it, shit's in the EULA.
>>908067 Glad I haven't played it since 2013, then.
>>907667 fuck me i cannot figure out how to get custom map downloading to work for the life of me
On a side note, Half-Life turns 25 this weekend so Valve's rolling out a new update with new multiplayer maps, which I'll be adding to my TFC server to use as 4-team TDM maps for anyone interested (zero people :'( ) https://vxtwitter.com/valvesoftware/status/1725586211551719463?s=46
>>908154 Goddamn, those are some fucking nice sharp textures!
>>908067 from what i remember, telemetry is easy to disable, but ultimately it does not matter since you need >steam to play garry's mod >>908147 let me guess, i can no longer play hldm on older pirated versions anymore?
>>908838 >you need >steam to play garry's mod But that's false You retard
>>908838 Old servers work fine, new ones probably do too
>>908839 ok, sure, pirating gmod itself is probably very easy, but what about the core feature - addons? how many authors post their addons on 3rd party sites? how many reliable workshop scrappers are out there?
>>908903 Quite easily searchable though. I think there was one direct worshop scrapper that worked by the link. Another is smods. I mean what, paradox games and certain city builders have same problem. Its because of them scrappers exist (because some sell on gog while mods remain on steam).
>>907479 >>907480 >>907667 I changed my mind, Sven Server is back. I couldn't figure out how to distribute custom stuff from the Q3 server and also I'm just in more of a Half-Life mood lately what with the anniversary and all. Makes more sense for the Q3 server to be the impromptu one since it's vanilla and basically any other, populated, vanilla server could work too.
>>909681 Added Killbox to TFC server Added the following maps to Sven Coop server: omg secretcity secretcity2 secretcity3 secretcity4beta secretcity5beta secretcity6b6 secretcitykeen_beta secretcityx wtf_v2
Added Roll The Dice to the Vscript TF2 server, but ONLY available on the Trashupgrades maps (Highertower and 2Foooooort) by request
>>909748 moar TFC maps lifted from my buddy's half-life server: e1m1n Kakariko mario_breeze mario_castle_kart mario_land minecraft_castle mk64bfrt oilrig q3dm6 simpsons_xmas_rats
>>864578 Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
Gotta multitap for next gamenight
>>858461 The IP for REDchanit has changed from to
>>914272 Alternatively, you could use play.redchanit.xyz:port as the address since that works too and is more "static" so to speak
>>914286 >>914272 By pure and annoying as hell coincidence the same shit happened to Matchaland matchaland's IP has changed from to (or alternatively play.matchaland.net which would be better since like the redchanit one it's more static)
What happened to the game nights?
>>929506 the servers are all still here though https://redchanit.xyz/servers.html
What should our next gamenight be about?
Reposting from the TF2 thread REDchanit.xyz | Vanilla TF2 https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ REDchanit.xyz | TF2 Vanilla But Sniper Is Banned https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ REDchanit.xyz | OF Zombie Infection + Arsenal https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ REDchanit.xyz | OF All-Class DM https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
>>943520 I also just made two new QuakeWorld servers, dunno if we'll ever play them but they exist: REDchanit.xyz | QuakeWorld https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ REDchanit.xyz | QuakeWorld Team Fortress https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
>>943789 Reminder the shambler is SKIN, not fur. I wish Quake 2 were good*
>>944966 >Indev Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time...
>>944966 FLAOT?
>>945131 Indeed, flaot.
Quake 3 and Quake Live Quake 3: play.redchanit.xyz:27963 https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Quake Live: play.redchanit.xyz:27964 https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Chocolate Doom, if we ever needed it. play.redchanit.xyz:2342 Cannot be queried except here: https://master.chocolate-doom.org/ Note: To specify deathmatch, you need to provide launch parameters before connecting if you are the first player in the server. In Chocolate Doom, the first player to join has total control over settings and what map and wad get played. For more info see here: https://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Multiplayer Also compatible with other Chocolate Doom forks such as Crispy Doom, 'Woof' (dunno what that is), I think Doom Retro etc
REDchanit HLDM, DMC and Sven Coop are back! HLDM: play.redchanit.xyz:27970 DMC: play.redchanit.xyz:27971 Sven: play.redchanit.xyz:27972 https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Jedi Academy play.redchanit.xyz:27973 Guns enabled, no force powers except for jumping, saber throw, and saber defense. Defaults to JK2 maps, so you will need this mod: https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Map%20Packs/117400/ I still have no idea how fastdl works in quake 3 engine games so you'll have to manually acquire the map pack. Also, no time limit. So if you want to change the map, you have to start a vote in the pause menu.
>>944966 Server replaced with Better Than Adventure, since Indev+ has a lot of bugs like not saving the world properly when the server closes (even after autosaving) and it kept resetting the world
>>947670 Converted to JK2 since JKA's master server doesn't work very well. Also JK2MV has built-in file downloading which no JKA server software has yet.
It's not my server nor specifically a /v/ server but if we want to play Halo Custom Edition (OG halo 1) one of my friends made a server for it: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ If you need a client to play it with, here's one: https://files.catbox.moe/69lyr1.7z
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Which one of those minecraft servers is heavily modded? I don't want to play on vanilla minecraft, that sounds boring as hell.
>>961662 Does Better Than Adventure count?
>>961678 I can give it a try.
Yo the Tf2 classic servers still up?
>>961662 You probably want to play on alpha minecraft. You know, when it had less features.
>>982735 At least those features weren’t shit.
For anyone here who's a mega purist about TF2 I made a server for the OG TF2 in the off-chance anybody ever plays it. I put RCbot on it so that you can have bots to play with since almost no one, if anyone, plays this version. You can download it here: https://github.com/NicknineTheEagle/TF2-Base/releases/tag/v1.03 https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ If you want a server without bots and actually hosting the other default maps there's one other server in this whole mod that's 100% vanilla, mine only runs 2fort and 2fort classic because these bots crash on capture point maps, which is all seven of the other maps which come with this lol

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