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Warhammer fantasy and 40k general Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 21:13:20 No. 318
In this thread we talk about warhammer. And then we paint figurines.
Instead of the usual we had a session of only war. It went in a..... interesting direction. >Be pedrov >Heavy gunner accompanied by two other dipshits. >Vostroyans on a shit world sitting in a trench >peak head out of trench >Get nice big hole in helmet because of a sniper >Get told we have been fucked by snipers for a while >Have idea >Lets use suppressive fire and have the other 2 charge the enemy >They dont want to charge enemy >Cyka blyat Vostroyans are actually Cossacks which were more closely related to Ukrainians than Russian. They had a completely different language to the Russians. Me trying to tell the game master this is why my character is named Pedrov >Suppress sniper anyway >Hicks takes shot (or was it the other guy? I cant remember his name) and hits the sniper >The enemy decides to charge us. >We managed to kill 4/5 targets while they are charging us. >Last one pulls out 2 grenades and tries to suicide bomb rush us >Thank fully other guy shoots leg. We are good. Suicide bomber dies from his own grenade. >Later armored truck comes by >Do an intelligence check to see what it is >Failed by 5 degrees, My guy thinks it's a leman russ >Run to commissar to tell him enemy has tank >Armored car has a grenade launcher on top and blasts into the trench hitting other guy >Almost kills friend >I realise complaining to commissar during battle is bad idea. Jump back into trench and shoot heavy bolter at car. >Hicks manages to hit the gunner. Driver gets out and tries to get on the turret >We kill him. >New vehicle for Mechanicus friend. Perhaps they will pay us in vodka. >After pulling vehicle back to the barracks we are eating finest vostroyan gruel made of half rotten barley and (possibly infected) water >Suddenly a suicide bomber is behind us! Get my face forced into gruel by shockwave. Fucking bitch wasted my gruel >2 more, I kill 1 with heavy bolter and other gets killed by other guy. >Hicks puts some of the dead suicide bomber in his pocket for eating later >I try and hit on his comrade <Hey gurl, r u austraylien? cuz i wanna m8 with yu >She is not impressed, tries to slap me but instead misses and twirls on the spot >other guy gets sent to become servitor >Hicks was let go, Decides to save other guy. >Walks up to the Mechanicus guy and punches his comrade >Exchanges Tanya for Other guy >They then decides to stay, Other guy is now Tanya. >Tanya and Hicks then suddenly has their base attacked by the deathguard >I get to play as my Black crusade character that I made Invading this base >I see them and tell them to join Nurgle >They disagree and flee, Jumping in that armoured car and drifting away while firing a grenade at me. >After everything I take 7 damage and a small voice whispers "Just as planned" behind me >I hate birds That was very fun. I love this random stream of bullshit that happened.
>>975 >be me. hudson, be italian for no good reason amon a buncha fockin ruskies. >that shit happens So the V'fancul commisar says me mates are traitors in cahoots with the damn rebs, and decides to pop the heavy gunner in the back of the head, and the decides to push a button on me last mate hicks. Ah to the devil with that noise. So take the twist I been banging with me and go see him. Some cogboy has a line of guys sedated ready to get their brains more scrambled than my mamas manicott. So knock out the twist, free hicks, shove her into his former place, and tell the cogboy "Hey stronzz the fockin counts still right innit? So whats the big deal? You dinna see nothin capisce?" and go for a stroll. The rest is as the narrator tells it pretty much.
Played another game last tuesday. Been a while since I had played a match and I decided to try something new. This time we played firefight at 300 points and I got to try out the traitor guard! Well I say traitor guard but they were using the rules for "human defence force". Which are just copyright free Imperial guard. It was a really fun game though, especially since my little heretics managed to defeat the black templars without a single casualty. 1 Ogryn was knocked out and another sniper took a plasma pistol shot but they both survived somehow. The other guy brought up a new rule that we hadn't been using apparently saying any unit that has 1 wound left and gets hit has to roll a D6. on a 6, he is dead. Any lower and he is just stunned. I think we fucked it up numerous times though, Going to have to do better next time we played.
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Yet another 2 games today of firefight. This time I lost the first round. Spread my boys out way too much, they couldn't do shit against the space marines. Thankfully on the second game I focused my forces (and got a lot of lucky shots) and managed to kill 3/4 of them. Victory for the chaos gods! I think I actually prefer firefight to normal grim dark future. Having each unit be its own thing feels a lot better. Veteran squad in my death guard army is already a pain to move around and having to move like 10 dudes a unit sounds like hell. Sounds expensive too.
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>Looking through grimdark future on 1d4chan. >Rebel guerrillas are supposed to be renegades and heretics. >Sounds good to me. >Look at their army list. >Simian and Simian champion >MFW I can make an army of monkeys.
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>>1022 I did it. I went and played against my friend. Unbeknownst to him though I wasn't going to play the forces of chaos this day. I was going to be playing the forces of MONKE
>>1032 Oh yeah forgot to say, I won both matches against the black templars.
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>Decided to look at GWs site again. >Notice the new combat patrol for space marines >160$ for 13 miniatures. Jesus fuck games workshop how greedy can you get? I mean I have seen people selling the space marine half of the leviathan set for less way less than that.
>>1034 >its also only a 13% discount compared to the individual prices >the 10th edition starter box is missing a terminator librarian but costs 33% less and comes with carapacy boys
The company heroes look cool, though. Might be my first space marines.
>>1037 Neat. What chapter are you going to paint them as? Also see if you cant find them second hand or something first. Most resellers have a slight discount on this stuff.
>>1038 Yeah I've used cmogames ($55 for these) and amazon for most buys, I'm not sure what to paint them as yet. I like the flavor of salamanders and the new detachment seems nice, but the heavy saturation in their green is something that I'll probably tone down. Slightly less saturated imperial fists like the image would look cool too, and their detachment is also something I could jive with. I'm still assembling votann to paint so it's something that'll be rent free in my head for a while.
>>1039 >Salamanders I was thinking of painting those. They got a nice colour scheme that is slightly more complicated than what i have already painted. It is either those or the Lamentors but those guys are going to be a pain to paint.
If those writs of trade have the emperors blood on them and the tyranids have eaten at least one rogue trader vessel. Does that mean that the Tyranids have the emperors DNA? I wonder what they are doing with that.
>>1049 I would probably think that rogue traders wouldn't stick around with their flagship long enough for them to be locked into a system by the warp disruption. And hive fleets travel by conventional space so it can kind of be predicted for the flagships to avoid. Dunno how they do space combat but i doubt the bugs bother to board ships because of the biomass not being easily recoverable.
>>1050 I mean they dont really board ships in the traditional manner. They swallow them and then fill them up with little parasites that eat anyone on board. Its pretty horiffic. I don't know if they digest the entire ship though or just poop out the non organic bits. If they just poop it out after eating the crew then they might not have eaten the writ of trade, Which is a massive relief for the imperium. God emperor only knows what kinda shit they can make if they ever got a sample of his DNA.
>>1051 Its odd, because one account of tyranid invasion I heard said that the biojuice also extracts minerals, but another rumor says that the leagues of votann allow tyranids to harvest a world so they can scoop up the leftover minerals. The organic semblance of most tyranids would lend credence that they have little use for scavenged metals, so yeah the writ might be untouched if they did ever get caught out in an invaded star system.
>85 points jump pack captain >85 points jump pack intercessors
>>1055 Huh? Was there a balance change recently or something?
>>1056 It was a hidden release predating the space marine launch, their army roster app also reflects the changes. It's exclusively for marines from what I see.
>>1057 Sometimes looking at the points values I cannot help but wonder how one is supposed to fill up an army without going bankrupt.
>>1060 It's probably some kind of trade law thing from brexit that the company is too lazy to fix. I ordered two brushes from jackson's art and saw a similar disproportionate price, $12 became $23 for the US portal. Windsor & Newton gouache is even worse, a pack of 6 went from $24 to $60 and they explicitly do not allow purchases at the UK prices of that brand in america, citing trade agreements.
>>1061 >12 to 23 >24 to 60 Jesus fucking Christ what a spike. I don't know what trade law would be doing that but it sounds like they should just get rid of it.
>>1067 >Imperial guard 2 tanks and 25 guardsmen would be a pretty good deal at like 150$. At 210$ it seems way too steep a price. >Votann 12 models, a troop transport and a buggy? for 210$? Way over prices. I am counting those floating robots as being part of the Odin dwarf. >Tyranids That is like 32 models with 2 of them being big centerpiece models. Seems like the best deal out of all of them. Still not sure if its worth 210$. >Space marines Well if you want assault marines this box would be fantastic. For anyone else this is hilariously overpriced. It should be like 140$ tops not 210$. >Orks Cool squig riders but only like 10 boys in it. I am not even sure this would be worth 100$. Even with the big chariot. >>1068 Angron is 170$ on the GW website for some reason so getting him and a bunch of berserkers for 210$ might seem good, If you are operating on GW logic. Personally I cant see it being worth it. Overall I would say most of this stuff is at least 50-60$ too much. I should mention I don't know the GW prices off the top of my head so if any of this is technically saving money I wouldn't know.
>>1069 Yeah, in terms of having fun painting, it's kind of shit. I can break down votann since I have a few. In GW Prices: >$115 big truck ($105 non-GW) >$65 small truck ($50 when I got one on amazon) >$60x2 for football men ($50x2, I got 1x on amazon) >$45 bath robes ($38ish) >$40 footballer with shield ($35ish, the GW day sculpt makes this redundant and is the character you want 2x the least) The price of the box is only rumors but if its true and slumps to $185 elsewhere then it's pretty okay for play, but if the GW price is $240 then no shot. If I'm not saving that much money I think I'm passing on it and getting a 3d printer, the elegoo mars 4 ultra is $285 and might go lower. Though if the box is sub-$200 elsewhere I can see players buying it 2x since the army has low unit variety and skew lists with most of these are common.
>>1071 >>$115 big truck ($105 non-GW) You ever feel like GW is just fucking with us?
>>1074 They would never :^) I just pretend they're a toy company with no clue on anything besides fixing prices in their favor.
>>1067 >>1069 GW prices got released, $230 £140 €180.
>>1085 >Look on site for my FLGS >They have all the christmas boxes for 1599kr (that is about 130$) >I still can't afford it >Even if i did I don't buy GW anymore. It does say the price is subject to change but oh well. The imperial guard box at 135$ is actually a pretty good price but I am broke as fuck right now.
>>1091 Its 100% sold out in hours here, the world eaters box in 3 minutes. Discounted prices are a hair under $200, but meh I guess I should get a black friday airbrush booth and extractor fan as prep for resin printer.
The admech combat patrol has the parts of the army I like, but it sucks knowing I don't like the rest of the army.
>>1097 I don't know how to feel about admech models. They are cool sure but they look like such a pain to paint.

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