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Warhammer fantasy and 40k general Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 21:13:20 No. 318
In this thread we talk about warhammer. And then we paint figurines.
>>318 I'm informing an inquisitor about your lack of posts anons.
>>318 GW shut down the emperor's tts thing.
This quiet offends Slaanesh
I think space marines are really cool. They kill xenos and don't afraid of anything.
So what's the deal with like a primarch coming back and new space marines and shit?
>>386 The short version is GW wanted to siphon a whole bunch of money from neckbeards
>>391 Yeah, I mean I got that part. And I hear a lot of speculation that this is all gonna go age of sigmar pretty soon. But I guess what I am looking for are two things, an in universe lore explanation for what the hell is going on, and a list of books where this is occuring. Unless the only lore is coming from core rulebooks, in which case I don't really wanna read those. I guess with siege of Terra coming to close in a year or two, theres no more horus heresy to milk, and this will provide a backdrop for a new line of books somewhere in 2025. In which case cool I guess, and I hope guy haley and gav thorpe are fired by then.
>>392 So good news. Some of the books detailing all the new events are written. Uh actually the first came out in 2017. Bad news. Guy haley has been the writer of every single one so far.
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A reminder of what 40k is today.
>>402 GW can go fuck themselves, honestly.
Why didn't the Emperor outright kill Horus immediately? His hesitation was what led to his crippling, and being imprisoned upon the golden throne. Everything that occured up to that point was more or less according to his plan. When he finally decided to act he smote Horus from existence, utterly and completely, using nothing but his psyker powers. But in hesitating he was crippled. This one act undid all his plans and led to the Imperium we all know. I have a theory. In a short story Malcador admits that the ultimate goal was eternal life for all mankind. He tells a dying women to give herself to the Emperor, and he would catch her. Implying that the Emperor can sustain and protect souls in the Empyreon, or Warp as it is known, and then later says he lies to them. Until such a time as it can be true. Later in the dark empire books we see the Emperor ten thousand years later. And he is described as one soul among many, some of which are named. Malcador for instance is there. So clearly he can sustain some souls indefinitely, but not all, and possibly at some cost to himself. So here's my theory. When he came upon Horus he saw his favorite son Sanguinius dying. And loving him as he never did most of his children he saved his soul, this process took effort or distracted him, or was simply time consuming, such that Horus was able to cripple him while this was occurring. And so the ultimate error was done from love. With the siege of terra books almost wrapped up we shall see some answer to this question, or at least some more hints. But for myself this explanation finally grants some peace as concerns this error. And also redeems some of the Emperors character as it relates to the Primarchs. Thoughts?
Games Workshop is literally, in all sense, full of shit. https://archive.ph/1HBTb Also commies are trying to force GW to denounce their own chicken of the golden eggs because fascism.
>>405 Huh, they seem to worship Slaanesh these days, and yet it is papa Nurgle who chooses to bless them.
>>406 More like a curse. Not even the chaos gods can take GW's bullshit.
>>407 They really are nothing but trash these days. Fitting that a studio of shit is now literally filled with shit.
>>408 I only play AoS because I'm tired starting with so many alternative games jut to play with the same 4 guys. I even feel guilty liking the new orcs.
>>409 I never played or read any of the warhammer books. My knowledge is purely 40k. I am very curious why theres all the anger with AoS. What exactly changed? And as a related question why is it the cause of so much anger?
>>410 Because they killed Warhammer Fantasy in the most retarded stupid way, they made the first edition a meme full piece of shit and made all old miniatures "legends", which mean you can't use them in tournaments. The second edition was more or less good and the orcs had a chance, then came the third edition and in the new battletome they castrated all the orcs to sell more Kruleboys which were the broken army at the momment. Also there is no balance and people playing giants or lizardmen win tournaments with little efford thanks to broken rules and Gotrek.
>>411 Wow they can't stop shooting themselves in the foot. I have heard of Gotrek and felix from a raging lefty I used to know. For obvious reasons never bothered with the william king books. Funny that they made him OP in the tabletop game. So they ruined balance completely. Wow that's dumb. The tabletop game should be the flagship product, really short sighted to break it.
>>412 They also dumbed down the rules for an audience who would never spend hundreds of dollars in plastic toys. They also killed lots of fan animations to sell the shitty Warhammer+ app. Yeah, you could win in the court of law, but good luck trying to sue us without losing all your money thanks to our jew lawyers abusing legal loopholes.
>>413 Yeah I saw that video announcing no more Emperor text to speech. And all for what? A streaming service we all know is gonna die within a year. GW seems to hate it's fanbase only slightly more than they hate themselves. It's insanely disappointing.
>>414 They want to sell the Warhammer IPs like Marvel and Disney do, as livestyle brands. That's why the funko pops, the new shitty books and the action pictures. The CEO was from Hasbro, and they were the responsible in killing D&D. There is only you and me in the board, aren't we?
>>415 Oh shit that explains it. It's just a shame to see a company with great lore kill itself. Like watching a friend die from alcoholism, disgracing himself and pushing all his friends away. yeah, well I mean theres a MTG guy, but he just stays in his own thread
>>416 Well, there might be a lot more of shit that I don't know, but it will be fun to see GW kill themselves with retardness in the short term.
>>417 Yeah as badly as they have mishandled their own properties they deserve to perish, and there's always an outside chance that when they do go bankrupt someone responsible will buy them out. We can hope right? Of course restoring good will among the fans would be a Herculean effort.
So, there are rumours that the orruks are going to get a point cost increase out of nowhere, the same with Kragnos which is already useless.
>>429 Lol >gays workshop >gleefully fucking our own shit up for the greater glory of chaos
Based general. expected this board to be a new flavour of Democrat activism when I clicked on it first ngl.
That is brilliant because it is an exact synonym of what I said anyway.
>>438 >>439 It's a legacy board so I sometimes forget that the initials can mean something else. Lol And yeah the global word filters change that on every board to democratic activism, which is true. That's what it is. Based admins.
>>415 Is called three-dee printah.
>>440 Brainlet
>>447 Yo momma
Astartes among loyalist forces are typically recruited young. For the majority of chapters these space marines are recruited before puberty or during it. Therefore we can say with some degree of accuracy that your typical Astartes is socially retarded around women, and furthermore is probably a virgin. Some stories touch on exactly these points, with sisters of battle lusting after some blood angel or ultramarine who just doesn't realize it, or a human female will flirt with an astartes only for it to be taken the wrong way. As part of the process of becoming Astartes involves one's testicals being blown up inside the body, and the production of testosterone being then produced by some other organ, we can theorize that a Space Marine has no libido. The sons of Russ, the space wolves however do things differently. They recruit solely from battle tested warriors, who are typically in the 20-30 year old range. These men have already lived a life of strong alcoholic drinks, and hundreds of loose women. And so they are the sole Legion to actually flirt with girls, that being said it is debatable whether they are even able to actually go through with the act even if an opportunity presented itself. As physically they may lack the ability to even get an erection. Certainly there has never been a recorded instance of an Astartes with a boner. So Astartes don't have sex ever, but its not a big deal because they never did to begin with. They have no idea what they are missing and so never feel it's loss. Contrast this with the Emperor's Children. A rebel legion which worships Slaanesh and are known to rape people to death. In fact so wild about rape are they that if there was ever anywhere in the galaxy that produced artificial cocks designed to attach to stc dreadnaught designs, and hook up artifical nerves to the inhabitant of said dreadnaught. Well it would be them. Did their apothecaries make Astartes Viagra? Is it simply a mutation? The only way to know for sure would be to conduct a thorough analysis of a captured EC legionary. But who would conduct such a test? And for what reason? And here's where the whole thing ties together. The Space Wolves. They alone miss fucking, and they alone are known to get drunk off a special homebrew they make. I posit that at some point during the ten thousand years from m31 to m41 a Space Wolf squad or possibly company got really drunk, told a bunch of stories of sexual exploits to each other, and then started bemoaning the last couple hundred year dry spell they had experienced since becoming Astartes. Then in a drunken stupor (and accompanied by a couple dreadnaughts looking for robo dicks) they embarked on a sort of panty raid of an EC vessel. Using a boarding torpedo assault they land simultaneously in the EC apothecary, and it's machine shops. After locating enough space viagra and robo dicks to last the next couple decades the two forces fight towards the hangers, commandeer a thunderhawk, and fuck off back to Fenris, where they then go on a month long drinking binge and brothel visit tour, which takes them all across Fenris. Logically it must have occured at least once, and is possibly a semi-regular thing. Maybe there is a special enmity between the two legions, a hatred from the EC over those goddamned furries who show up and steal all the party favors. Idk. Just some thoughts.
Sanguinius fell to the black rage, killed horus, and then the Emps showed up. So he gouged his eye out, ripped his arm out of its socket, and beat his leg off his body. So the Emps killed him. And that's the true story.
You ever read a book. Something from a long series with a buncha different writers. And it just sucks? Bad characterization, or just weird out of character dialogue? Well David Annandale was hired to write one of the Primarch books. These are pre heresy stories delving into what makes these characters tick. A deep dive into a personality. And this is the most important primarch what with being recently resurrected and all. You'd think theyd do a good job. Not... Churn out weird homo fantasies about Roboute banging his kids. But this is what we got. Excerpt follows. 'Of course my primarch.' Gage responded cautiously. Guilliman slowly raised the Hand of Domination, and turned towards Marius Gage. 'This will only sting a little Marius,' he said, with a small disarming smile. Marius Gage, with no small amount of trepidation, eyed the glowing Hand of Domination. 'Father,' he said quietly. ' Are you sure this will lead to a better understanding of your tactics?' Guilliman moved close to Marius and placed a sure hand upon his back, guiding him to bend over and face away. 'Of course my son,' he said confidently. 'Pain is a wonderful teacher, and nothing in our arsenal of awesomeness brings more pain than the Hand.' With sure movements Guilliman raised the Hand of Domination and slammed it into Gage's backside. Light erupted in a brilliant flash, and smoke gently drifted from Gage's cauterized rectum. 'My lord,' Marius gasped, as a single tear of painjoy rolled out from the corner of his eye. 'What do you call this mighty move?!' 'I call it powerfisting my son,' Guilliman said, laughter drifting quietly at the end of his response. 'It is..' Marius hesitated, his bowels rumbled with tension, his butt cheeks vibrated rapidly. 'Truly full of awesomeness!' Gage was a fraction of a second slow to begin to follow, as if his mind were somewhere back in the paths of their conversation. >armory of awesomeness >full of awesome >painjoy >cauterized rectum What in the fuck did we just read.
>16 months old OP Oh God how has it been that long... I just made this thread. Whatever. So I finally got a game going. First game was DnD 5th edition. we played a grand total of one session before a player quit. Then they made me game master, and I switched to vampire the masquerade because I know it better. campaign ran for idk 2 or 3 months. Will write up the story in the appropriate thread at some point. >anon why are you blogging in the 40k thread Just shut up and keep reading im getting to that anon. anyway so after vampire we started a rogue trader campaign. Second session was yesterday. So I'm gonna write up our game some. Mostly for myself as no one else has ever posted in my thread anyway. So for crew we have. Dramatis Personae The captain: Diesel Dethblood, former colonel commisar of the Valhallan 278th mobile infantry. Think big T Larrity. After an incredibly heroic career our boy capped it off with killing an ork warboss in hand to hand combat, and liberating a world thought lost. He should have been promoted to a major command post, and possibly given a crusade, but our boy picked up a shit load of bad habits and was a bit of an embarassment. So they gave him a writ of trade and told him have fun and please never come back to imperial space. The ship: Sigurds Wanderlust is an old mechanicum relic. The ship is considered a holy vessel of mars and doubles as a museum cum church of sorts. As the Captain was heading for planet fall with his boys for a showdown on Eris delta 5 (place where he did his hero shit) his dropship was under fire from an ork kroozer. Sigurds wanderlust intercepted the shells in a suicidal gesture to allow the guard to make planetfall. Colonel Dethblood then spent most of his savings from a lifetime in the guard to see the ship was repaired instead of scrapped after the battle. And now shes his home. Actually I cant remember everyones PC names... Shit. uh. The priest: Octis is our heresy finding flame happy fiery orator. So far hes gotten the XP bonus for Role playing every session. Great speeches. The Magos: some tech name idk. A cogboy from a mechanicum world. Very serious. Hates heresy and too much funposting. Knows the rules better than me. And has a tendancy to get creepy with toasters. The Lieutenant: An old army pal of the captains. A mercenary from the death world of Catachan. He kills shot good, and brews liquor better. Usually found in the captains quarters getting drunk with the old man. And thats the cast.
Session 1: "Heresy? On my ship?" After recieving a rousing speech from the captain on the bridge our crew are tasked with actually exploring the damn thing, making sure shes ready for the depths of unknown space, and then heading to the drydock for some light shopping. The cogboy immediately headed for the engines. and yet arrived later than Octis. Who got insulted by the ships resident cogboys, but confirmed the engines, warp and realspace, are functioning fine (well 80% but whatevs) While here he hears that the laser battery has begun worshipping the main ships lance. And refuse to fire on anything it hasnt already shot at. They have been out of communication with the rest of the ship for months. Our priest isnt happy with this so goes to find the lieutenant and sort it out. Meanwhile the lieutenant is in the messhall grabbing as much fruit and old pans as he can get. Man has a mission. Make booze. After pulling rank on the chef and letting everyone know the captain doesnt give a fuck if theres fresh fruit with his meal he acquires his goods and heads for a quiet corner to start brewing. Mean while cogboy finally gets to the engines after getting lost several times. He has a better conversation and then manages to talk to the ships machine spirit. Soon the engines are at 100 percent. (having suffered numerous feedback shocks when the ship died the machine spirit was simply scared of giving them full power) and then he remembers that everyone has a combead. A personal vox system. So he calls the other guys and asks them whats up. Our priest is close by and arranges to have everyone meet up with him to deal with the cultists. So after about 16 hours of getting lost they find themselves on the bridge again. Cursing and pissed off they say fuck it and head to their quarters which are on this level. The next day over breakfast they bring the captain up to speed. The cap complains that theres no oranges even though he paid a fortune precisely so hed have oranges. The looie quickly calms him with promises of illicit booze. Then the captain asks them to get the laser battery online. They boys once again trek forth and eventually find the forward lance. After taking the overseer of first shift hostage they demand to know why they are worshipping the lance. The overseer rolls his eyes and tells them they have the wrong gunnery crew. Much embarassment. Very ackward. The boys apologize and let him go. Then ask how to get to the laser batteries. Overseer raises an eyebrow and suggests they use the ships directory located in every hallway. ackward silence. Then the boys leave before they somehow look more incompetent. 2 hours later... Success! they find the errant lance worshipping laser battery. They spend an hour calling for a security detachment to meet them there then storm the area. Within minutes of slaughter theybe subdued everyone who doesnt want to die. Then the lieutenant decides to conduct some interrogation. Resevoir dogs style. so he starts cutting ears off. He gets laughed at. so he kills his first victim and starts on the second. He also laughs at this torture. Apparently his life is pretty shit and this doesnt even rate as uncomfortable. The looey is thoroughly pissed and shoots him in the head. Deciding a new tack may be necessary they lead a new prisoner into there torture hallway. Strike three. So they lead him back into the laser battery and burn everyone else alive while he watches. Dude just shrugs. So feeling defeated they just flame him too. He calls them pussies as he burns. Our boys are seriously demoralized and learned nothing. So they search belongings and find a chaos pamphlet (Tzeench printing company!) But thats not a guarentee of heresy so our looie decides to read it to make sure. In front of the priest and tech priest. He immediately gains a corruption point and the suspiscion of his crewmates.
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>>506 >The cap complains that theres no oranges even though he paid a fortune precisely so he'd have oranges. Wait I just took all the apples to make cider with that. Have I been making Orange cider this entire time? I hate orange juice.
>>509 Good question.
I am going to repost my own story about what we did in RT this week. >start of session >we have exited the warp and found ourselves in the past >after landing on a ork infested planet we get almost immediately into battle. >I tell my boys to take positions while Octis the priest and our captain charges forward against the Ork menace. >Me, Axel the Sniper takes position and starts his overwatch, Declaring that I will be shooting at any Ork that comes into my sight. >Some orks starts charging us so I get to do a whooping 10 shots. >most of them miss because I have 0 luck >but suddenly on the 5th shot I get lucky. >I roll Righteous fury twice in a row and do about 42 damage >my longlas appears to not be working for a moment when suddenly it lights up with holy energy and shoots a great ray of light towards the ork boy, instantly vaporizing him completely leaving only a charred skeleton behind. >Managed to kill a second one as well and wound 2 more. >All in one round >we managed to dispatch the orks after that and link up with our past selves. >we have disguised ourselves, the techpriest has dressed up as a doctor, the Ministorum priest is clad head to toe in power armour and I am doing my best catachan cosplay. >funniest part is that my character is from catachan so its not even really a cosplay. >get to re experience some past tragedies, gets to fraternize with some past friends now lost. >Eventually the party meets up with some techpriests and they lead us to a giant volcano. >inside this volcano lies a STC >not just a stand ard template construct, but a constructor! >a way to mass produce thousands of men of Iron. >the techpriests with us wants to bring it to mars >Our Colonel decides instead to blam the techpriests and i get to see my past self decapitate a servant of mars. >our techpriest stops himself from changing the past and instead goes through the blammed techpriests skull to try and get the codes to get a dropship to pick us up. >when he does we step out of the caves and gets assaulted by a bunch of rocket boys. >our ministorum priest takes his flamer out and decides to try overwatching like I did. >he ends up burning half the rocket boys and at one point gets a righteous fury like me. >his flamer ends up lighting up with a divine heat and out of the flames comes an eagle enveloping the ork burning him instantly. >it was quite the humiliating display for the orks, when asked if the ork dies our DM helpfully answered <Hes got 6hp left man. >we all have a good laugh as the ork with 6hp took like 30 damage after damage calculations. >we get on the ship out of here and my character has to see for the second time half of our forces getting killed by a Volcano going hot. >thankfully it also killed most of the orks on the planet since they followed us to this place. >I roll not to cry like a bitch. >I fail by 6 degrees.
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>Playing as a salamander librarian named Xavier, I along with my 2 battle brothers set out to rescue a spy from some genestealers >as we land on the planet we tunnel straight through the city and into the underhive >after asking ourselves why we went though the entire city we ventured forth into the dark tunnels and shoot what we think are probably genestealer agents. >venturing in deeper we get attacked by a sole genestealer sniper. >I say genestealer but its actually just a dude with a lasgun >we kill him quite easily. >as we delve further in we get to an elevator which takes us down even further. >as we go even further in we get to a room with a single door >I open the door GENTLY >have to roll an awareness test >I fail >Without me noticing 2 grenades fall to the ground and detonate damaging us all pretty badly. >Some fucking how the grenades even managed to trigger righteous fury >I survive with like 8 wounds left. >Just as were done with damage calculation one of our players notices that apparently if you get hit by a grenade all of the grenades you carry detonate. >were carrying 3 frag grenades and 3 krak grenades >were fucking dead >We all burn a fate point so as to not die but we are all left unconscious in the middle of genestealer territory. >some protestors who I forgot to mention decides to storm into the mines and drags us back to safety. >I wake up 6 days later and then use medicae on both of my battle brothers to try and get them to wake up. >I succeed! >they are all pissed once i explain that my carelessness got them all nearly killed >We also find out that the genestealers are in full rebellion and are wrecking shit left and right. >also all of our combat gear is broken >I try and fix the bolt pistols but I fail miserably wasting 4 fate points in the process. >we end up just modifying some of the civilians scavenged weapons and use those. >after we get out we try and lead the civilians to safety but get noticed by two genestealers and their renegade militia. >I finally try and use my psyker powers and use fury of the salamanders >only managed to incinerate 1 of the militia >the others just dodged it and then on their turns they completely gore me. >because I couldn't last two turns the civilians also get butchered >the other two are just running away, they had no intention of actually helping the civilians. >they eventually get away and get to the drop pod and contact the ship. >they were just about to leave the system but they're coming back for them in about 6 days >they decide to sneak into the city into the upper spire where they find a whole bunch of dead arbites >they naturally take their shotguns And that is where they ended the session because our GM needed food. All in all I was a complete fuck up the entire session and I couldn't even last long enough to save the civilians.
>>546 An update to our adventures. >after getting their shotguns they roam about the mansion a bit and find the governor scared shitless in his room >they allow him to tag along >roam some more and find some militia banging on a door >they naturally open fire and dispose of them all quite easily. >inside the room they find more survivors and the controls to the orbital weapons. >at this point I decide to take the GMs offer of just playing as the Wolf. >I wake up in a cave where the explosion happened. >after succeeding on 3 different stealth checks. I make it to the party just as they are finished killing militias. >we decide to hide in the room with the orbital weapons. >were told that there might be a ship on the roof but since no one here is a pilot we decide to just wait for help to arrive. >after waiting about a week with some close calls we make it to the roof and leave 1 man behind to man the orbital weapons >on the room we notice a bunch of genestealers crawling up the walls. >the 2 decide to tilt over an arvus lighter (?) on top of the genestealers >It works! they fall to the ground and get crushed by the plane. >after that though some militia break through the barricade they set up. >once again combat is pretty easy >once the militia is disposed A fucking hive Tyrant appears! >but its immediately shot by our rescue craft >we all board the ship and fly off this planet. And so ends the one shot that turned into a 2-shot.
We also had another session of rogue trader >After rescuing the wife and son of the governor we decide to go down to the ice planet and rescue the governor himself. >We find him alive but unconscious >After rooting around the palace for a while we also find the stash of gems that we already found in the future and the same plasma pistol except not rusted over. >My character tried to look around on the ice planet but managed to get snowblinded, Thankfully my men are keeping watch for me. >After carrying all this shit to the planes the icy ground suddenly starts cracking apart >Everyone rushes on to the ships and we fly off. >We try to help some people fight of the orks but its futile >Back on the ship the family is reunited and we start preparing for take off. >On the way back to the future our navigator massively fucks up and makes the trip take way longer than it should >During the first jump a daemon comes aboard our ship and starts possessing people and killing them. >Once were out of the warp we hunt down and kill this thing. >I was afraid of it possessing us but thankfully our priest Octis has an ability that lets him spend fate points to make us all immune to that shit. >The daemon was surprisingly easy to kill. only lost 1 guy to him. >I also found out that my character is pretty good at killing them, especially since at point blank range I literally cannot miss and have a pretty good chance of doing 3d10+3 damage. >We do a second warp jump and it doesn't go much better. >Yet another daemon gets aboard the ship and once were out we go and investigate 2 workers who haven't been showing up to prayers. >one of them was just sitting in her room reading yaoi doujins or some shit. >we open up the room to the other guy and he is just standing there jaw agape with a bunch of daemonic shit all around him. >I tell my men to open fire on the daemon and just like before we only lose 1 man before it goes down. >Once the daemon is dealt with we go to the bridge to see if we landed in the correct time and place and we are politely informed we are in the Sol system THE SOL SYSTEM And that is where the session ends. pretty eventful. How in the god emperors name the navigator managed to miss a nearby planet and instead sent us all the way from the koronus expanse to the Sol system I haven't the faintest clue.
>the campaigns over 3 months long now Oh shit time flies. Yeah we need to start working on ending this soon. Actually Terra presents several opportunities for a season finale. Downside: I have to pick another game soon. Shit.
Latest 40k rogue trader story >After a session that was just 1 hour of roleplay and 4 hours of shopping we decide to take a vacation on Terra while some techpriest snoops around our warpdrive >Soon enough all three of us are on Terra and we hear about how the newly resurrected primarch Roboute Guilliman is about to arrive >we decide to go see this since being able to see an actual son of the emperor is pretty much a once in a lifetime event. >Our magos tries to look through his records to see if anything else happened this day but he cant find anything. >So naturally we head down to the landing bay and after waiting a few hours we see his drop ship >A host of ultramarines march out and right after them is the primarch himself >Me and the priest are awestruck >Magos isn't that impressed. >Naturally we follow and watch as he is about to take the first step up into the imperial palace. >When suddenly >Things immediately take a turn for the worst. >On the horizon we can see a dark haze approaching us. >Magos uses an auspex and notices that yep thats a daemon invasion. >Naturally we fall back to the first defensive post on the steps however we are swiftly called up to the second post where we all get sick new plasma guns. >from the second post we can see Guilliman fighting the daemons along with his primaris >The first post falls and we get ready to defend the second post >as guilliman is retreating up the stairs our priest helpfully tells him to look out for the mines that the magos put down. He skillfully jumps over them. >At some point he also manages to get a clear communication line and Guilliman pats him on the shoulder and says <I am not a god but I need your combead >Naturally he does what the primarch says and gives it to him. >During all of this my character is focused on shooting as many demons as he can. >Once the second post was starting to be overrun we started moving to the third post >on the way there me and the priest moves but the magos forgot to walk up the stairs. >thankfully for him most of the demons are currently on fire so only one of them comes up to attack him >The demon swings and the magos skillfully ducks underneath the blade only for the priest to pull out his flame thrower and burn the Daemon to a crisp. >Firing right over the magos >As we get to the third post we set up only to find out some of the demons are climbing up the walls. >This is a funny way of saying that were fighting 3 groups of demons instead of two. >To explain how combat works right now the "groups" just have the stats of one bloodletter, so 2 blood letters is two groups and every wound is just one of them killed. >After fighting off 2 groups the third one reaches us and we end up retreating. >We are rotated out and put onto station 17 which is a temporary rest area where we can get some frag grenades and ammo. And thats where the session ended. I dont know if our DM is going to make us fight all the way up to the 999th station. I am going to tally up how much damage I did next session though because I am a petty faggot like that.
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>Still in the rest camp >We go down into the ramparts to face the next few waves of demons >while doing so our priest Octis manages to accidentally summon the entire legion of the damned >After he does so even more bloodthirsters come alongside a tall and bald man. >Naturally I want to shoot him but before I do Guilliman comes out and fights him >He then starts talking about how the emperor is cheating and this is all bullshit >He waves his hand and our vision goes dark >We are suddenly in an ice cave >A very familiar Ice cave. >Its the fucking ice cave where we killed that one slaaneshi marine >What the fuck >After a while we managed to get in contact with our ship, the Sigurds wanderlust. >We also get in contact with some more of those little dudes in a work camp >They send a shuttle to us but something is off. >The way they talk is unnatural >Our Magos decides to just start blasting, I do so as well hesitantly >After we kill most of the crew we threaten the pilot to just stay where he is. >After a while we get a better connection to the sigurds wanderlust and find out Corporal bundy is now Captain Bundy. >He tells us to wait and then fly to a specific point and then out of the planet >So we make the captain do that only to find the sigurds wanderlust completely fucked. >We step aboard only to be accosted by that fucking asshole Ellipsis (who we now call Delta because we keep confusing Ellipsis with epsilon (Epsilon being our Magos)) >We also found out that its been 23 years somehow, the old captain is dead and the shortstack leader has now become a canoness in the sisters of battle. >After running away for a while they teleport necrons aboard and we immediately go to fight them >During this battle I tallied my damage and thanks to Overwatch I managed to do 70 damage in total. >Our Magos also got some det packs on servoskulls to mop up the rest of the necrons. >After dispatching With the necrons we immediately head to the engineering room where the other group was and find out the shortstack sisters already took care of the necrons. >We then realize we totally fucked up and forgot to check the halo barge filled with nukes >Apparently Delta had reactivated the nukes and blew up a large chunk of our ship in the process only to teleport in to try and monologue >Magos shoots him starting combat, this pisses him off since he keeps interrupting his speeches. >Next turn I get really fucking lucky and roll 2 10. >Only the damage dice count for righteous fury but in total I managed to score 38. -4 tougness I deal a total of 34 damage. >The boss of this campaign is almost immediately dead on the spot. >Things aren't all well though as we are currently caught in the gravitational pull of the planet. >Thankfully our magos manages to hack the engine and gets us fullthrust out >After that we think about what to do next as we are going to have to eventually go and liberate charadon 7. Again. >But for now we head into a dry dock around the planet that our men had colonized while we were gone in the warp for 23 years and Just wait for our ship to be repaired. All in all it was a bittersweet ending. We got back and survived but that asshole Ellipsis is still alive and were going to have to go deal with him. I did 104 damage in total this last session.
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According to the first Eisenhorn book, gun-cutters weigh 450 tonnes and are 80 meters (~262,5 feet) long. That is not the impression I get of gun-cutters from reading rogue trader, but then Eisenhorn also uses a strange pattern of naval guns that don't exist in the RT or OW trpg books. Gun-cutters are multi purpose vehicles that can accomodate quarters for up to six people, and can carry 30 passengers or equivalent cargo. Very useful ship, solidly built, with powerful weapons. Not to be confused with the Fury Interceptor. Naval guns tend to fire flechette ammo, excellent against unarmored targets and voidsuits, while leaving most machinery virtually unharmed. 6 shots max, 0 penetration, around 1d10+3/4 damage, 30 meter range, can accept special ammunition. Eisenhorn's gun has 10 shots, fires "solid manstopper slugs" (hollowpoint?) and possess decent range. I wonder what the penetration is.
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>>661 >>664 >>665 Low--tier grills, post real cuties like helmeted Battle Sisters in 400 pounds of armor
>>671 Yeah sure here you go bro.
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>>685 Sisters of battle, not sisters of plague, you heretical board owner. Learn to read, because you STILL failed to upload pictures of sisters IN ARMOR. Not even a chest plate, much less 400 pounds. >>671 Fear not, Battlebrother, I've got you covered! Sisters of Battle in power armor, bolters locked and loaded!
>>707 Nice! Thanks anon!
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>>708 What's that, you want MORE Sisters? Sure, I'll hit you up. WITH ARTILLERY
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>>707 >>709 This is some good stuff anon.
>>707 First girl is best, look at those flowers on her skull helmet. Cute!
Can we talk about vydia in here? Technically it is a VR game. I was never considering buying VR but this game "Battle Sister" made me seriously think about it. I saw a video and you can even look down and see your characters boobs and tight long legs, and the bolter sounds great too. Im not gay, I am just horny and love warhammer. What would you guys do in my position? I already played the shit out of darktide for that bolter itch, but dropping over 500 euro on a stupid virtual reality thing for one coomer game, fuck why did they make them so hot
>>714 That game just makes me mad. Like we could have had a sisters first person shooter but instead its VR shit. Dont buy it anon.
>>714 Those are undignified breastplates, Sister This is meant for tabletop stuff but if you're going to talk about vidya, how is Hired Gun? I know casuals hate it but they have no taste.
>>716 >Hired Gun I have heard bad things, the guns feeling weak and generally underwhelming, lacking a strong punch, as do the enemies. Same old story as Space Hulk: Deathwing. Ive only seen some gameplay and talked with a friend but knowing 40k thats enough. If youre after a good or even great gameplay 40k fans are shit out of luck - except darktide, that was despite everything worth waiting for, full-auto dumping 30 bolter rounds into 200+ dudes or just slicing them all with a power/chain sword is the best 40k experience on the market, fuck, anywhere, and Ive been into melee focused games since 2005 mount and blade - everything else is fucking dogshit though, they only have a few talented gameplay devs and the rest are low iq subhumans (and getting into lobbies outside of EU is annoying, most melee focused games only have an active euro playerbase), The game is generally played with 3 monkeys but at this point they know what they are doing and you are able to kill everything by yourself anyway, saving the menials and feeling good about yourself in the process. It is only worth playing on the hardest difficulty as that increases the number of enemies which increases the fun and so on. I know you did not ask but it is my duty to share the joy and happiness that excrement of a game brings me, glory to the plaguefather.
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>>731 How many toasters do you think the average Tech-Priest has violated?
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>>732 At least 20.
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HE'S BACK GW is finally done cockteasing us and just revealed the Lion himself.
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>>734 Gorgeous model. I guess someone at GW still got it.
>>734 >>735 Its weird that he looks so old but hey, that old knight aesthetic looks really good, reminds me of christopher lee. That said, hes kinda stealing Dorn's schtick of being grey haired.
>>735 I think the hooded helmet variant looks the best.
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>>738 It really does, hooded space marines always look great, even if its the tactical camo variant.
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So i just had 2 games of grimdark future. Its a simplified version of normal 40k that only has about 10 rules to keep in mind instead of the usual 50. The factions were my death guard+traitor guard army versus the black templars. we played with 750 points each and I managed to win bot matches. I wanted to take pics of each army and the terrain we used but sadly I forgot my phone at home. I had played grimdark future: firefight previously against the same guy but he was using a krieg army then. back then I won 1 and lost 1. This means that currently my win ratio is 75%. I should mention though that grimdark future and grimdark future:firefight are 2 different games so its more accurate to say I got 100% in GF and 50% in GF:F.
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>>757 The boys that I used as well as the rules and army list. Probably should have posted this earlier but whatever.
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>>760 Had 2 more games today. This time his army was far better suited to fighting mine. Despite this I still got away with 2 more victories! Well the second one was technically not concluded since he had to leave for his taxi. First game also went on for twice as long as it was supposed to since we kept geting ties.
>>763 Had 2 more games today. This time I actually lost 1 match but I won the second one. No more pictures today. I actually gave him advice on how to beat my army and I really want to make a new one. As much as I love deathguard I dont want to play the same army every week. I could paint my sisters or maybe just paint the rest of the traitor guard models that I have but I dont think I will have it done intime for next week. we will see what happens though.
Look at him. >That green rusted armour. >That giant plague scythe. >Cute little nurgling. >Tubes for thousands of flies to pour out of. >Somehow cheaper than buying the new plastic model despite being made out of metal. I want him but I cant have him.
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Kastelan robots are cool.
I know I am probably preaching to the choir here but I want to talk about GW prices. I was looking around for alternatives to GW and I found wargames atlantic who makes these Einherjar units. https://wargamesatlantic.com/products/einherjar And you get 24 of these guys for 25£. thats almost 1 model a pound. Now for comparisons sake I also looked at how the leagues of votann were priced. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/lov-hearthkyn-warriors-2022 >10 models for 35£ That means you can buy 2 of these fucking boxes for 70£ and still not get as many models. They dont even have a discount for buying multiple boxes at once. Now I will admit that I haven't seen either of the models IRL so maybe the quality on the votann are just so fucking good but I doubt it.
>>817 There is 1 problem with wargames atlantic though. lack of variety. I mean they have a lot of lines but a lot of them have very little in them. Death fields have a lot of stuff but there is like 1 or 2 different units for each faction. I hope they add power fists or something to the einherjar.
>>792 Can you not buy a bootleg? >>817 GW being greedy isn't a surprise or new, you can find plenty of others selling models much cheaper than them. If you ever go to a con you might find somebody selling unpainted 3D prints for next to nothing, just out of pure spite.
>>846 >bootleg Its not the same dammit. As for cons, I dont really know any miniature convention in my area. I thought about going to one in linköping but I didn't really have the money for it.
>>853 If you're really hard up, you can pay a 3D print shop to make some models for you if you can find the CAD files. Depending on the store it might actually be more expensive, though.
Reading William King's space wolf series. Its good but goddamn is William fucking awful with the lore. This is the best writer for the fantasy side supposedly. He wrote and created that gotrek and felix fantasy fans like. But if his 40k lore is this atrocious I cant imagine those books are any better. Another reason not to bother with them then. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has a bolt pistol. space wolves, which is accurate for a commander but not line troopers, eldar, who have never used bolt tech, humans, who also sport space marine armor and space marine service studs in their foreheads cuz william king doesnt know what makes a space marine different from a regular man. Orks even use them in his books. Chaos traitor guardsmen? Yep bolt pistols. Several times he has space marines taking off their armor and just mixing with humans succesfully with no one suspecting the 12 foot tall superhuman of being in any way noticable. So black carapaces are unknown to willy. Fuck I could go on sadly. Shits bad.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 06/07/2023 (Wed) 06:25:39.
>>865 Christ almighty I have told you so many times. Just read Gotrek and Felix. Just do it! Its so fucking good!
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Sure isnt a whole lot of night haunting going on in this thread.
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Dwarf bump.
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>>733 seeing that pic reminds me Ive been seeing fanart of the FEMPEROR a bunch recently, half of it AI generated, but still, activated the almonds
>>933 Could be because there is a lot more artists making warhammer art nowadays + the AI shit. I am sure there are people making it for political reasons but I doubt they're the main reason for it.
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This is how Abaddon can still take Terra!
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Instead of the usual we had a session of only war. It went in a..... interesting direction. >Be pedrov >Heavy gunner accompanied by two other dipshits. >Vostroyans on a shit world sitting in a trench >peak head out of trench >Get nice big hole in helmet because of a sniper >Get told we have been fucked by snipers for a while >Have idea >Lets use suppressive fire and have the other 2 charge the enemy >They dont want to charge enemy >Cyka blyat Vostroyans are actually Cossacks which were more closely related to Ukrainians than Russian. They had a completely different language to the Russians. Me trying to tell the game master this is why my character is named Pedrov >Suppress sniper anyway >Hicks takes shot (or was it the other guy? I cant remember his name) and hits the sniper >The enemy decides to charge us. >We managed to kill 4/5 targets while they are charging us. >Last one pulls out 2 grenades and tries to suicide bomb rush us >Thank fully other guy shoots leg. We are good. Suicide bomber dies from his own grenade. >Later armored truck comes by >Do an intelligence check to see what it is >Failed by 5 degrees, My guy thinks it's a leman russ >Run to commissar to tell him enemy has tank >Armored car has a grenade launcher on top and blasts into the trench hitting other guy >Almost kills friend >I realise complaining to commissar during battle is bad idea. Jump back into trench and shoot heavy bolter at car. >Hicks manages to hit the gunner. Driver gets out and tries to get on the turret >We kill him. >New vehicle for Mechanicus friend. Perhaps they will pay us in vodka. >After pulling vehicle back to the barracks we are eating finest vostroyan gruel made of half rotten barley and (possibly infected) water >Suddenly a suicide bomber is behind us! Get my face forced into gruel by shockwave. Fucking bitch wasted my gruel >2 more, I kill 1 with heavy bolter and other gets killed by other guy. >Hicks puts some of the dead suicide bomber in his pocket for eating later >I try and hit on his comrade <Hey gurl, r u austraylien? cuz i wanna m8 with yu >She is not impressed, tries to slap me but instead misses and twirls on the spot >other guy gets sent to become servitor >Hicks was let go, Decides to save other guy. >Walks up to the Mechanicus guy and punches his comrade >Exchanges Tanya for Other guy >They then decides to stay, Other guy is now Tanya. >Tanya and Hicks then suddenly has their base attacked by the deathguard >I get to play as my Black crusade character that I made Invading this base >I see them and tell them to join Nurgle >They disagree and flee, Jumping in that armoured car and drifting away while firing a grenade at me. >After everything I take 7 damage and a small voice whispers "Just as planned" behind me >I hate birds That was very fun. I love this random stream of bullshit that happened.
>>975 >be me. hudson, be italian for no good reason amon a buncha fockin ruskies. >that shit happens So the V'fancul commisar says me mates are traitors in cahoots with the damn rebs, and decides to pop the heavy gunner in the back of the head, and the decides to push a button on me last mate hicks. Ah to the devil with that noise. So take the twist I been banging with me and go see him. Some cogboy has a line of guys sedated ready to get their brains more scrambled than my mamas manicott. So knock out the twist, free hicks, shove her into his former place, and tell the cogboy "Hey stronzz the fockin counts still right innit? So whats the big deal? You dinna see nothin capisce?" and go for a stroll. The rest is as the narrator tells it pretty much.
Played another game last tuesday. Been a while since I had played a match and I decided to try something new. This time we played firefight at 300 points and I got to try out the traitor guard! Well I say traitor guard but they were using the rules for "human defence force". Which are just copyright free Imperial guard. It was a really fun game though, especially since my little heretics managed to defeat the black templars without a single casualty. 1 Ogryn was knocked out and another sniper took a plasma pistol shot but they both survived somehow. The other guy brought up a new rule that we hadn't been using apparently saying any unit that has 1 wound left and gets hit has to roll a D6. on a 6, he is dead. Any lower and he is just stunned. I think we fucked it up numerous times though, Going to have to do better next time we played.
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Yet another 2 games today of firefight. This time I lost the first round. Spread my boys out way too much, they couldn't do shit against the space marines. Thankfully on the second game I focused my forces (and got a lot of lucky shots) and managed to kill 3/4 of them. Victory for the chaos gods! I think I actually prefer firefight to normal grim dark future. Having each unit be its own thing feels a lot better. Veteran squad in my death guard army is already a pain to move around and having to move like 10 dudes a unit sounds like hell. Sounds expensive too.
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>Looking through grimdark future on 1d4chan. >Rebel guerrillas are supposed to be renegades and heretics. >Sounds good to me. >Look at their army list. >Simian and Simian champion >MFW I can make an army of monkeys.
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>>1022 I did it. I went and played against my friend. Unbeknownst to him though I wasn't going to play the forces of chaos this day. I was going to be playing the forces of MONKE
>>1032 Oh yeah forgot to say, I won both matches against the black templars.
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>Decided to look at GWs site again. >Notice the new combat patrol for space marines >160$ for 13 miniatures. Jesus fuck games workshop how greedy can you get? I mean I have seen people selling the space marine half of the leviathan set for less way less than that.
>>1034 >its also only a 13% discount compared to the individual prices >the 10th edition starter box is missing a terminator librarian but costs 33% less and comes with carapacy boys
The company heroes look cool, though. Might be my first space marines.
>>1037 Neat. What chapter are you going to paint them as? Also see if you cant find them second hand or something first. Most resellers have a slight discount on this stuff.
>>1038 Yeah I've used cmogames ($55 for these) and amazon for most buys, I'm not sure what to paint them as yet. I like the flavor of salamanders and the new detachment seems nice, but the heavy saturation in their green is something that I'll probably tone down. Slightly less saturated imperial fists like the image would look cool too, and their detachment is also something I could jive with. I'm still assembling votann to paint so it's something that'll be rent free in my head for a while.
>>1039 >Salamanders I was thinking of painting those. They got a nice colour scheme that is slightly more complicated than what i have already painted. It is either those or the Lamentors but those guys are going to be a pain to paint.
If those writs of trade have the emperors blood on them and the tyranids have eaten at least one rogue trader vessel. Does that mean that the Tyranids have the emperors DNA? I wonder what they are doing with that.
>>1049 I would probably think that rogue traders wouldn't stick around with their flagship long enough for them to be locked into a system by the warp disruption. And hive fleets travel by conventional space so it can kind of be predicted for the flagships to avoid. Dunno how they do space combat but i doubt the bugs bother to board ships because of the biomass not being easily recoverable.
>>1050 I mean they dont really board ships in the traditional manner. They swallow them and then fill them up with little parasites that eat anyone on board. Its pretty horiffic. I don't know if they digest the entire ship though or just poop out the non organic bits. If they just poop it out after eating the crew then they might not have eaten the writ of trade, Which is a massive relief for the imperium. God emperor only knows what kinda shit they can make if they ever got a sample of his DNA.
>>1051 Its odd, because one account of tyranid invasion I heard said that the biojuice also extracts minerals, but another rumor says that the leagues of votann allow tyranids to harvest a world so they can scoop up the leftover minerals. The organic semblance of most tyranids would lend credence that they have little use for scavenged metals, so yeah the writ might be untouched if they did ever get caught out in an invaded star system.
>85 points jump pack captain >85 points jump pack intercessors
>>1055 Huh? Was there a balance change recently or something?
>>1056 It was a hidden release predating the space marine launch, their army roster app also reflects the changes. It's exclusively for marines from what I see.
>>1057 Sometimes looking at the points values I cannot help but wonder how one is supposed to fill up an army without going bankrupt.
>>1060 It's probably some kind of trade law thing from brexit that the company is too lazy to fix. I ordered two brushes from jackson's art and saw a similar disproportionate price, $12 became $23 for the US portal. Windsor & Newton gouache is even worse, a pack of 6 went from $24 to $60 and they explicitly do not allow purchases at the UK prices of that brand in america, citing trade agreements.
>>1061 >12 to 23 >24 to 60 Jesus fucking Christ what a spike. I don't know what trade law would be doing that but it sounds like they should just get rid of it.
>>1067 >Imperial guard 2 tanks and 25 guardsmen would be a pretty good deal at like 150$. At 210$ it seems way too steep a price. >Votann 12 models, a troop transport and a buggy? for 210$? Way over prices. I am counting those floating robots as being part of the Odin dwarf. >Tyranids That is like 32 models with 2 of them being big centerpiece models. Seems like the best deal out of all of them. Still not sure if its worth 210$. >Space marines Well if you want assault marines this box would be fantastic. For anyone else this is hilariously overpriced. It should be like 140$ tops not 210$. >Orks Cool squig riders but only like 10 boys in it. I am not even sure this would be worth 100$. Even with the big chariot. >>1068 Angron is 170$ on the GW website for some reason so getting him and a bunch of berserkers for 210$ might seem good, If you are operating on GW logic. Personally I cant see it being worth it. Overall I would say most of this stuff is at least 50-60$ too much. I should mention I don't know the GW prices off the top of my head so if any of this is technically saving money I wouldn't know.
>>1069 Yeah, in terms of having fun painting, it's kind of shit. I can break down votann since I have a few. In GW Prices: >$115 big truck ($105 non-GW) >$65 small truck ($50 when I got one on amazon) >$60x2 for football men ($50x2, I got 1x on amazon) >$45 bath robes ($38ish) >$40 footballer with shield ($35ish, the GW day sculpt makes this redundant and is the character you want 2x the least) The price of the box is only rumors but if its true and slumps to $185 elsewhere then it's pretty okay for play, but if the GW price is $240 then no shot. If I'm not saving that much money I think I'm passing on it and getting a 3d printer, the elegoo mars 4 ultra is $285 and might go lower. Though if the box is sub-$200 elsewhere I can see players buying it 2x since the army has low unit variety and skew lists with most of these are common.
>>1071 >>$115 big truck ($105 non-GW) You ever feel like GW is just fucking with us?
>>1074 They would never :^) I just pretend they're a toy company with no clue on anything besides fixing prices in their favor.
>>1067 >>1069 GW prices got released, $230 £140 €180.
>>1085 >Look on site for my FLGS >They have all the christmas boxes for 1599kr (that is about 130$) >I still can't afford it >Even if i did I don't buy GW anymore. It does say the price is subject to change but oh well. The imperial guard box at 135$ is actually a pretty good price but I am broke as fuck right now.
>>1091 Its 100% sold out in hours here, the world eaters box in 3 minutes. Discounted prices are a hair under $200, but meh I guess I should get a black friday airbrush booth and extractor fan as prep for resin printer.
The admech combat patrol has the parts of the army I like, but it sucks knowing I don't like the rest of the army.
>>1097 I don't know how to feel about admech models. They are cool sure but they look like such a pain to paint.

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