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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
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>>984579 Is it a female? How big are her boobers?
>>984661 >How big are her boobers? Pretty small, if those glowing things are her nipples.
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>>984579 omg haiii missy!!!!!
>>984717 Who is this sexy wolf? What's this Missy from?
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>>984751 She's from a HMOFA human males on female anthros fic called "How about those spooky spindly shadowy sinister senoritas?" https://archiveofourown.org/works/28076361/chapters/68786811
>>984764 >57 chapters This person has made himself a world I am jealous of. Thanks anon, wouldn't have been able to find it myself.
>>984767 Be warned, it's still ongoing
>>983867 I like Prez
>>982683 No way dude. It's better to burn out than to fade away.
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>>984782 Is that a Highlander reference?
>>975893 Floyd overdosed on brown bricks.
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>>984782 My bitch of a sister already gave me a forced treatment of not having access to internet for almost 2 whole day. Fucking hell I absolutely cannot stand my sister at all, they constantly belitte me and are venting out their frustration on me. Just fuck my shit up.
>>984998 At least you didn't have zero internet for 2 weeks straight because of an ISP jerking you around while spending hours every day talking to pajeet subhumans only to have to change ISP's anyways to get functional internet.
>>985003 Not that anon but I may very well have to do that.
>>984998 Are you underage or something?
>>985093 My guess is he's either underage or severely autistic.
>>984998 You should steal one of her panties and jerk off with them
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Any of you niggers play Pokemon Unite? <tencent moba shit >just don't spend money on it Didn't know if it was worth its own thread. Anyone else looking forward to Ho-oh being added to the game? Honestly, this game mostly appeals to me simply because of the pokebranding and nostalgiabaiting, so the addition of the first legendary I ever caught actually has me excited. pls no bully
>>985354 If it worked offline I might have tried it, but I refuse to play any game requiring an internet connection
>>985354 I've wanted to try it also because Pokemon nostalgia, even though I've given up past gen 6 or 7... but MOBAs are just naturally cancerous. But if it's pokemon, it might be simple so kids can play it, so maybe I'll try it one day. I used to play a ton of Pokemon Masters, I appreciate that they kind of made an interesting combat system and had tons of gym leaders and other characters to recruit going all the way to Gen 1, and they added the Trainer Lodge mode so you could "date" your favorite trainer waifus. And also the art style was very good, not as weird as the newer gens but kind of a good medium and very faithful to, like, peak Pokemon style IMO. Unfortunately it gets ruined because nothing will un-fagify the more recent characters. And it's still a retarded gacha at the end of the day, so even though I never gave them any shekels, I was literally just sitting for hours grinding it and had to just get rid of it. If Game Freak were smart, they'd make a full single player game using something like that combat system, but oh well, guess we gotta be content with mainline games with the appeal of soggy cardboard...
>>985555 Jesus Christ be praised.
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>>985555 Impressive and oldfag pilled
>>985555 Well played Yugi.
>>985555 Oh yeah? Check my 0
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>>985555 (checked)
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>Become wageslave >No fucking patience to play vidya I fucking hate it, how the fuck do people play vidya with a wife and a kid on top of that?
>>985629 I'd wager most of us here have a wage or a family. I started gaming again when i could have 3 days off.
Just recently hear the UK is not giving out money in the UK. You okay UK bros? >>985629 Eventually I tried to go for it by force and realized I was always hung up on story and lore stuff when I had more fun ignoring it. So I just pick arcade-like games and have a good time.
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>>985629 >tfw tax money gets funneled directly into my wallet
>>985629 Never played when I was waging but since going on new parent leave I'm playing a lot when time allows. Gained a new appreciation for having a couple hours of free time.
>>985629 You have to hope and/or work toward a job that gives you enough time. If you have a kid, then play vidya with the kid.
>>983868 >>984202 Oh I get it now. One of the reasons they've replaced all the voice acting is to justify redesigning Larry Chiang, I can't even really blame them all that much this time, noway in hell anyone has the balls for such a blatantly racist stereotype nowadays.

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