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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED https://8chan.moe/v/rules.html Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
>>982772 The fact your underdeveloped brain still perceive shit like this as a win or a lose says everything. Ah yes, the 523rd time I've sperged out over mark deleting my posts and giving in to restoring them or leaving them up because I point out his hypocrisy. A win is you actually having some character development and learning how to moderate your board. I will literally never win.
>>982777 I'm too tired to argue about this shit. Just post the personal attacks somewhere else since I don't want the GG thread or any thread other than the meta thread to continue to bitch about MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK? WHY DID YOU DELETE MY POST ABOUT ACID BEING INTO BLACKED LOLICON CUCKOLDING MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK YOU FAT SON OF A BITCH etc etc.
>>982782 Acid is literally the one who brought up his interracial fetish shit in the thread. Ban and delete his posts if you have a problem with it. Acid doesn't get immunity from criticism. If he's going to say shit I disagree with in the GG thread then I'm going to engage with it, by any means necessary. Ban and delete his shit along with mine and I don't care. Only ban and delete one side of the argument, then I sperg. Simple as.
>>982786 You're right, which is why I lifted your ban and restored your posts. Although I would ask that if Acid or Codexx AREN'T involved that you refrain from turning the GG thread into a meta shithole.
>>982788 If I reported every instance of "meta" conversation in the GG thread 90% of the reports would be dismissed and ignored. I don't know why you're pretending like there is some clear well established concept of what is considered off-topic for the GG thread. Meta posts are posts you think are annoying, you don't delete actually meta or off-topic posts the overwhelming majority of the time.
>>982782 Making fun of Acid’s blacked fetish is board culture.
>>982791 I don't know why you're still pretending like you can reason with the unreasonable and don't become just as unreasonable by ignoring all their bullshit selectively enforced rules and doing whatever you want. whining about your posts being deleted just shows that you care about the persistence of your posts and that they have power over you because they can control that. as long as you care you'll always be mark's bitch begging for mercy.
>>982801 I'm fucking reasoning with him now. The fuck are you on about?
>>982803 yeah I'm sure you've totally solved this problem and it will never happen again. keep up the good work champ.
>>982804 The problem is solved, and it will only happen again when he's sperging out over meta in the GG thread without precedent. That's all there is to it.
>>982801 >they can control that. At no point has Mark ever prevented a post I wanted to stay up from staying up in the last 9 years. Too bad you can't say the same pedonigger.
>>982806 there was precedent this time and there will be next time and you'll delete his posts anyway just like you'll delete mine after this conversation.
You make me feel sorry secondhand for everyone who has to deal with your existence you lowercase-IQ dumbass.
To be fair, it is a pretty bad look for mods to delete posts making fun of them.
>>982819 I would rather be the perpetrator of suffering onto worthless jannies that think they're better than the rest of us than make a name for myself by groveling at their feet in the hopes that they show mercy. or worse be so unremarkable as to have my presence make so little difference to a dead board consisting of a dozen users that nobody would even notice if I were gone.
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Since we're on the topic, what did fdda24 in GG do differently to have his entire history wiped that the other anon here didn't?
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>>982777 (checked) its almost like he's some kind of jew
At some point we just need to rename this thread from Meta Thread to Autism Thread.
>>982889 That’s what the A in meta stands for
So when do globals plan on checking their accounts and removing the cheeze pizza that exists on other boards?!
>>983133 Wait, what?
How do larger websites deal with cheese pizza anyway? It can’t just be Jannies manually deleting it all.
>>983145 They use bots to remove it, I think
>>983145 >It can’t just be Jannies manually deleting it all. It is. Facebook hires people to literally do nothing but delete cp, gore, and all kinds of degenerate shit from the site. To the point where they openly talk about being traumatized from the job. These days they attempt to offload the work to AI, but the AI is so shit it probably only catches a fraction of it.
>>983144 Check the catalog on >>>/vore1/ and there are THREE cheeze pizza threads
>>983154 >>983133 >having to check in on /vore1/ oh my fucking god why. I just checked now and I dont see any Democrat activism there.
>>983154 I feel like if there was an ACTUAL overboard, one that showed posts from ALL the listed boards instead of just the ones marked SFW, users could go down that to see if there was any recent unwanted activity. Also, you know, where's the owner or vols on the vore board to delete this shit outright?
>>983180 >>983180 >I feel like if there was an ACTUAL overboard, one that showed posts from ALL the listed boards instead of just the ones marked SFW What do you mean anon? There is. https://8chan.moe/overboard/
>>983172 I've seen posts pop up before on the overboard or on the home page from /vore1/ and /tkr/ complaining about the Democrats and then I've gone to report them and there's nothing to report. I'm not sure if the globals are just really on the ball, or if it's trolling, or is it's just anons on those boards complaining about loli and calling Democrat activismography.
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>>983195 To be honest I have been really lazy with my janny duties but then again on the janny channel I am on nobody called for me to intervene so I never bothered to check in. I have to manually log in to see if there is any CSAM or other GR violations being made but since there is shit tons of threads and boards out there it is for me impossible to patrol on each and everyone of them so I rely on anons like you who use the global report function so that I and other jannies can check in, ban the offending posters and delete the GR violating material. With that being said I do apologize if I haven't been more active lately despite I am lurking 8chan all the time in my NEET hours.
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>>983193 well shit
>>984331 Testicles
>>985096 Testicular Torsion

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