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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
>>9343 The only people that are actually aware 8chan's gimmick is that anyone can create a board here are only people that already actively used the site to begin with. 8chan is not known as the board where you can create any board to the wider public, even among cuckchan niggers, and it never has been. It's always just been known in mythos as the super duper racist version of 4chan. The only people making their boards here are doing it because they were aware of the happenings and kept up with the sphere of webring sites. No one is thinking to themselves that they want to create their own imageboard page and googling "8chan" then finding this site. That has never happened once. The entire reason this site is called 8chan is because Mark was sentimentally tied down to it. Anything else is just post hoc rationalization.
>>9341 It was a matter of principle. Half the world decided, led by journopigs and SJWs, to stamp out "8chan." They took everyone's home and tried to turn it into a curse just to rub all of our faces in it. They set out to hound it to the ends of the Earth and make an example out of it to flex on anons and anon culture. You don't reward people like that with success, so we carried on the name just to spite them. The name has caused us no small number of headaches over the years but I'm proud that we did it and stuck to our guns.
I need a feature where post delay variable is being visible to the end user, the reason is simple is because I am going to run a chatbot on my board and I don't want to trigger this post delay getting longer because of trying to post while the delay is in effect. So for the quick reply and on the regular posting box a text that is placed somewhere that says how many seconds are left before you can post again would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
>>9346 Pretty sure it's a fixed number, like 10 seconds? If you're writing a script it should be pretty easy to just figure it out and adjust accordingly. Why would you need that timer exposed on the front-end? Makes no sense. Like 5 minutes of testing would have this solved.
>>9347 It's not a fixed value, maybe the base value is 10 but there is another random factor to it whose maximum number I don't know. Still with having this new feature then I would be able to post without triggering the post delay when upon failed attempt it would increase the delay value by another unknown factor which is something I want to avoid so that I can have a comfortable chatting experience with the bot on my board. Of course I could just talk the bot directly with Sillytavern but I would like to use this new technology to have a public chatting experience even if its just me and the bot.
>>9348 You can clearly make multiple posts in less than 30 seconds and I'm not sure why a bot would need to post more often than that. The only time I've ever experienced throttling is when solving captcha's. I've never seen consecutive posts throttled even when I've spammed GG threads with shota's.
>>9349 The bot is using the same cookie as I am getting from this site, so that means each time the bot is posting my "allowance" to post gets reduced a bit, hence my request for this feature.
>>9350 I just tested it and it never gets throttled at 20 seconds between each post. It might be lower but I don't care enough to find the exact threshold. Acid and the hue tranny haven't pushed even the most basic of feature requests from years ago, I would not expect them to add something that niche.
Are the admins checking every single thread that gets deleted? There's been a lot of fedposting that gets deleted by the local mods first before the global mods also delete it.
>>9352 Define fedposting, and specify which board. And after you do feel free to kys for being a cuck who doesn't understand the american constitution nor the first amendment thereof.
>>9352 If it has any global reports on it we still see it in the trash bin. If its obviously a GR violation then we delete it from there to clear the report.
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I appear to have lost some sort of race condition. Maybe you just don't appreciate the language that I'm using to discuss the issue. Here's an issue that'll probably be too much of a pain in the ass for you to reproduce to ever actually fix. Cheers.
>>9355 Can you give a little more detail? I see a normal looking shot of one of the boards with a reply hover.
>>9354 We usually delete it within 3 minutes, I'd be surprised if anyone actually had time to report it.
>>9355 The reply being hovered is a reply to that thread that isn't showing up on the index. The reply should be between the two pictures. As I said: I appear to have lost a race condition that has made my reply not show up on the index page.
>>9356 Let me try again: Post 979084 is a post in thread 841008, as are posts 979083 and 979086. Post 979084 is between posts 979083 and 979086. What I am seeing: post 979084 is not present on the index. What I expect: post 979084 should be visible and highlighted. This only effects the index page. Severity: low. Likely unable to be reproduced.
>>9359 Got it. And reproduced it, in fact. What the hell. I'll pass this to Codexx so he can see what's going on there.
Hi staff!, I wanted to ask, Is there no way to use custom CSS anymore? Before I remember that it was with "yotsuba B" then that changed and it no longer worked, but I could choose "undefined" in the list of choices and it worked, now I see that they have removed the "undefined" option and I tried again with "Yotsuba B " and with all the others on the list, but none of them work.
>>9363 I mean are you sure it doesn't work? It should work.
>>9364 but with which of the options should it work? I have tried with my phone, also on my pc, and nothing. I even just downloaded Edge to try (I did this before deleting the coockies and cache of my main browser) and nothing either, still doesn't work :s
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Some minor dev announcements: The GeoIP block has been reduced on the .moe domain. I've removed all the little Euronigger networks from it and also unblocked Germany there after verifying that absolutely none of our upstream stuff runs through their territory. Our hosts routinely tell Germany to suck deez nuts over GDPR demands, so they're not afraid of eurocucks so we'll see how it goes. For the moment Germanons are welcome back. I think Chrome users are hitting the "Slow Down Asshole" throttle error a lot more than other users because of Chrome's obnoxiously aggressive pre-fetching routine. Basically every time you request one thing on the site, Chrome also fires off requests for every single thing nearby, or linked in, the thing you requested. Did you open a thread that had some post in it with a >>> crosslink? Well it requested that thread too, in the background, and also all of both threads thumbnails and js, etc. Firefox does this too but has its own rate limiter so as not to be rude about it, and this means it won't trip the throttle unless you're the one clicking all over. Chrome just fucking #yolo shotguns a million requests everywhere, which is pretty much the same thing as a DoS attack which is why the throttle trips. Mobile Chrome is even worse about this. There is no solution. Welcome to Die. Actually if you see a lot of 429 errors just look up how to turn off pre-fetching in your browser.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 06/18/2024 (Tue) 02:20:13.
activation emails don't seem to arrive?
>>9367 Email codexx at cock.li with your username and email. He can do it manually.
Damn I've been getting a lot of connection failed warnings recently and it seems to be damn near impossible for me to upload anything more than a few MBs.
>>9369 Because of Tor's limited, shared bandwidth when accessing the site, uploads there are capped at 8MB. This was a recent tweak made when the onion was brought online.
>>9370 Silvia just killed Kohlchan. I suggest you tell the globals to keep an extra eye just in case.
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>Kohlchan is dead Good. one less pedo infested shithole
>>9370 Dang. Is that per file or per post? At least it's good to know a file size number I guess. >This was a recent tweak made when the onion was brought online. Is it suppose to be caped if you're using a clearnet address through tor as well?
>>9373 Per post. And yes, its capped for both. For Tor we set the limit to match old 8chan's upload limit: Up to 5 files, 8MB total. I know it seems shitty, but the traffic from Tor gets really weird when you have a handful of users pushing larger uploads. Tor's average bandwidth is something like 300kb, and there's a bottleneck where the exit node connects to the site, no matter if its to the onion or the frontend. Capping the upload size means the site can support many more Tor users simultaneously, and for Tor an 8MB upload is actually pretty good sized. Its basically "good dialup / shitty DSL speed."
>>9374 It's surprisingly prohibitive. I can't even post the Squilliam compilations anymore.
>>9372 Guess you lack the concept for containment.
suggestion: i2p portal
Why does a lot of the recent cheeze posting seem targeted at >>>/vore1/ ?
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>>9380 Based on its behavior, the entity that we've taken to calling "The CP link bot" seems to target boards that are A: in the topbar, and B: ones where their very first post received a slow or sluggish reaction time from mods. They used to hit /v/ too, but its too active these days and users too quick to report so it eventually gave up there. Now we see it mostly on /vore1/, the top two hispa boards, and /tkr/. Its been an active subject of discussion and globals are making an effort to be faster about actively sweeping the boards and not *primarily* waiting for reports like was once the SOP. In response the bot's operator has been hitting the site much more often lately, in what we think is a desperate scramble to try and keep his posts visible on the site towards whatever payday these niggers expect to earn from it. Our reaction to them is pic related. Edit: For those who don't know, there's a site that actually tracks these bots around the Internet. Here's the tracking page for the one that hits us all the time: https://xj9k.neocities.org/posts/cp2/ As you can see, he's a busy little fucker.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 06/30/2024 (Sun) 05:18:40.
If I open a thread then hit stop while the thread not finished loading all of thread’s thumbnail, the thread show “Could not reload capctha” and don’t let me post. I can see the bottom of the thread so it is not like the thread itself that didn’t load. Expected behaviour: I should be able to post, as the board is without captcha. It shouldn’t be required to load all thread pics.
So I went to /sm/ 4 days after April Fools' Day and I remember seeing a new post that said: "You have been visited by the moot of Dead Boards If you are reading this message brave board traveler, then heed the following instruction; Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you repost this thread to 1 or more other dead board(s)" Also, after 2 months and 1 week someone posted an image of 4 doors, each with blood on the bottom and showing website urls respectively saying 8ch.net, 7chan.org, julay.world, and 8chan.moe, with a grim reaper with an axe knocking on this site's door. What's it mean?

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