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Archeotect 01/21/2024 (Sun) 06:27:59 No. 2 [Reply]
Welcome to /ArcheoTech/ – a board dedicated to exploring Archeofuturism and Alternative Technologies. Here, we blend ancient wisdom with future innovations. RULES: 0. No fed posting. 1. No Degeneracy: Keep it appropriate in all discussions. 2. Argue in Good Faith: No shilling. Engage with integrity and sincerity. 3. No Spam or Low-Quality Posts: Contribute thoughtfully. We value intelligent, meaningful discussion. 4. Stay On-Topic: Keep discussions focused. No derailing threads or off-topic tangents. FOCUS AREAS: >Archeofuturist Philosophy: Explore the ideological aspects of merging past and future. >Traditional and Alternative Tech: Discuss everything from ancient methods to modern sustainable solutions. >Projects and DIYs: Share your experiences and seek advice on your practical projects. This is a place for serious, informed discussion about how traditional knowledge and alternative technology can inform our future. We’re here to learn, share, and contribute to a community that values depth and relevance in conversations. Let’s keep /ArcheoTech/ a haven for high-quality, on-topic discussions!

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Edited last time by rostfrei on 01/23/2024 (Tue) 04:06:54.
WARFARE READINGS: >The Art of War by Sun Tzu https://library.frenschan.org/book/7350 https://youtu.be/fDAnmujWlsM >4th Generation Warfare Handbook by William S. Lind https://library.frenschan.org/book/7364
Edited last time by rostfrei on 01/23/2024 (Tue) 04:13:46.

Tech Control Archeotect 01/23/2024 (Tue) 01:09:56 No. 4 [Reply]
A thread to discuss the methods by which technology is controlled and used to control the public. Keep it real, unrealistic schizo-tier conspiracy theories or demoralization attempts will result in a deletion or ban (rules 2 and 3). If you shill for the existence of military space lasers, be prepared to explain how it would be powered and how it wouldn't melt during operation. I'll start with a relatively insignificant conspiracy, but one which came to mind regarding the push towards electrification. I suspect that one of the many reasons for the push is to make it harder to obtain the materials for obtaining explosives. >How is that? Car batteries use sulfuric acid, which is used to make nitrocellulose (a constituent of smokeless gunpowder) and nitroglycerin, and probably other explosives too. However, their low energy density makes them bad for electric vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries suck less and AFAIK cannot be used to make explosives (perhaps incendiary devices). This is perhaps one of the many reasons we are seeing a move away from gasoline (used to make napalm).
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