Tl;dr diet and exercise. Choose any physical activity and do it regularly; the best workout or activity is the one you will actually do. If it is a low level exercise like going for a walk or yoga, great, do that every day or every other day and you will notice results within a month easily. If you want to push yourself and lift heavy, even better. The best way to lose weight is to not focus on numbers but to change your lifestyle slowly over time, eventually your body will become kind of addicted to it and you will enjoy it, at that point fat will fly off your body like crazy. The key is to stay consistent. A human can get used to trench warfare, you can get used to some form of physical activity and add to it over time.
Diet. Cut out every form of liquid except water and protein powder, milk in coffee is fine but no sugar. No soda, alcohol, or sugary bullshit. As for food, stick to good meat like steak, BBQ, chicken, and fresh fish. Eat plenty of fruit with it, especially bananas. Do not ever eat junk food like pizza.
I already said this but avoid alcohol. Also avoid marijuana and drugs in general, they will throw you off track. You need to have a strong, sober, serious mind if you want to make real change. Good luck friend.