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Welcome to /cons/ Glownigger 12/09/2023 (Sat) 22:06:43 No. 1 [Reply]
In this board, we will discuss conspiracy topics. Please try to avoid bringing up racial and political issues, as this space is meant for discussing conspiracies.
I think everything is quite straightforward - the rich and powerful rule everything, mainly by manipulating the minds of the masses but also by occasionally applying violence where it is needed. They want the basic wants of the rich and powerful, which is tighter control, control over more things, and a greater guarantee that they won't lose anything they already have control over. The only way to oppose them would be organized violence used against them, but the people are too conditioned out of the ability to muster this up to actually produce a rebellion that is in any way meaningful. Everything is fake and gay, this state of affairs is only increasing, it grows from within as the intolerance of offensiveness and need for control grow like cancers, the problem was always moralfags with ideas about what is right or wrong, wanting to force the former and purge the latter until the space dies and a new refuge has to be created. Everyone is an ally of freedom, the freedom for whatever they approve of, when they restrict your freedoms it's because they aren't really freedoms, they don't count. Both sides hate things like bigotry and pedophilia, but say that the opposite side is the one that is a covert fan of these things. Anonymous is not synonymous with moralfaggot "hacktivists" with a cause rather than the hate machine they used to be. No one seeks out lulz anymore, it has to be punishing evildoers and political enemies now. The world we once knew has lost the ability to make having fun the highest priority. No one is having any fun anymore. The ideas of old /b/ are dead. A place where everyone just said whatever they wanted, and a culture grew out of that chaos? That's a dead age, and it's probably never coming back unless we have that "happening" or "SHTF" situation we'd been prophesying since 2008. Remember that? When all we'd have to do is wait and prepare until the big economic collapse or race war broke out, and then we'd rise up and seize power for ourselves? Yeah, that dreams been looking quite unattainable of late. We did have a glimmer of hope in the 2010s, with the alt right actually getting people off the internet and into real life where they could back up their anti-establishment views with grouping in numbers. Shame that died out.

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>>4 lol what?

Glownigger 12/10/2023 (Sun) 00:52:24 No. 3 [Reply]
Is the mk ultra still there?

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