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(686.47 KB 1051x1080 Drawthread_E.png)

Drawthread E Speedy05 02/03/2021 (Wed) 18:05:08 Id: 452aeb No. 10517
FOR REQUESTERS - Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - Leave reference image (for the characters involved. Pose is optional but can be forgiven if there's description. Any request without a reference image will be deleted) and clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - 6 is the max number of request per user a thread. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post) - Every 5 threads you can link to your old unfulfilled requests from previous threads, however you can’t just use all 6 of your request posts to repost the old undelivered stuff. - Past Requests are not allowed. They must be new, (which can be crossed out every 5 threads) - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. (not applied in this thread) - No bumping your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - All requests centering on the same fetish (such as oppai loli or futa) must be request chains - Be unique with your ideas, and don't spam things with "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties" every couple of days. (one or two requests may be forgivable, but 7 posts with the same trope is too much) - Only 3 requests (from one person/isp per thread) can use the same character. Have some variety. - Ban list: toilet/poop related requests, Harvey Beaks, multiple requests where "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties", anything Fernado related (the red loli fox, Sparkle from Craig of the Creek transforming, etc) - Don't ban evade/use different IDs when posting offending requests. We'll know your posting styles and the filenames. - Once we hit the 550 mark, ALL BETS ARE OFF! No new requests can be made until the next Drawthread. FOR ARTISTS - Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title. - Remember to reply to the Requester via >> - Don't ask for requests. This causes flooding. - You're free to deliver for request from past threads. - You may go rogue on a request's description if you're only looking for inspiration. FAQ "Why won't anyone deliver my request?" It means artists aren't interested in your request. "Can I make a request about ___?" Anything is request-able so long as it doesn't violate any rules. "What happened to my request?" If your request is missing, usually it means you bumped a request. "I posted a request in the end of the last thread. Can I still bump that?" If it's a last minute request and most users moved on, then Yes. Have patience, give artist time, don't be rude and have fun. speedy05/SuperiorDragon will usually be here to help if you need him. Previous thread: >>7881
Edited last time by speedy05 on 04/11/2021 (Sun) 23:28:59.
>>13204 Thank you again Tquitoc for another master piece!
>>13205 >>13208 Thanks comrades, it's nice to see my work is filling the expectatives...
(1.01 MB 1313x943 Noodle on a Noodle.png)

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Requesting Phase Two noodle riding the viewer's dick while DARE plays in the background. Phase-1 Noodle is fine, too.
Requesting Karen from Frosty the Snowman unwillingly turning into a snow loli while in a spell circle
>>12527 >My idea is that she very horny because she hasn't fucked in 6 years. In the comic she was 30 years old and her backstory was being a high school THOT who fucked some gypsy against the express wishes of his mother while on a school trip, and said mother put a curse on her. She couldn't go to her prom because she looked like 14 by that time. So assuming the last time she had sex when she was around 16, that would mean she hasn't fucked in over 8 years according to the show, but as much as 14 according to the comic. Either way I find the idea hilarious that a girl of her build to scream "I haven't been fucked this good in eight years!!" during sex.
Requesting Coco-chan from Chiisana Obake Acchi, Kocchi, Socchi like in the reference
>>13218 time for horror
>>13233 Um.. Wow. I'm not the OR, but this is amazingly scary.
>>13242 You forgot to add +REQUEST pal, you need to add +REQUEST, that the rule.
I want to see Stan the man rub his hands on this precious thing, giving her a tummy massage, causing her to relieve some gas, which blows her skirt. For reference, Stan's taking care of her because she's a doll he took from the CIA and won't give her up
>>13233 Thanks Kaze
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Requesting Meg from Rule of Rose touching herself while still wearing her panties
>>13233 Why did you waste your time doing this?
Requesting a nude and restrained Holly DeCarlo from Frosty Returns having her soul taken by means of a scarab amulet, while saying in a robotic monotone, "I am your rape toy"
Just 50 posts from the end; all bets are off.
>>13255 I wanted to draw something to scratch my horror itch anon
Okay everyone, thread's done, when's the next one?
>>13259 it´s no supose is a new Thread each 550 post? Then only is a another post >>13233 well, i´m not into these things, but the effect is cool
>>13270 The thread limit is 600, but there’s no new requests in the last 50 posts; they’d just end up getting bumped to the new thread anyway.
>>13267 When we hit 600 posts. It'll give artists a chance to make some last minute deliveries too. So use the remaining 46 posts wisely.
>>11733 Did Maid marion
>>13292 nice work
>>13292 Came out great! Thank you
>>13292 aaaah! You beat me to it! She looks extra cute though
>>13292 This is nicely done
This isn’t a request (yet), but I just wanted to bring this up. After seeing Arlo the Alligator Boy on Netflix (really cute movie, btw, good music, fun characters), I seriously can’t believe that nobody’s acknowledging Alia, the adorable tiger hoodie girl. Just felt it worth mentioning.
>>13329 Looks like Drawn Together and TAWoG had a love child. Might give it a watch.
>>13329 She is super cute, and one of my favorite characters from that movie, even if she didn't do much in it. She said in the movie she has her learners permit, so that means she is at least 16, kinda old to be called cake. Not to try and be stickler on small cute cat girls, but that may be why some people haven't brought her up yet, at least in this thread.
Alright, guys. I may think about creating Drawthread F in the next hour or two. Would you say now is the right time?
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>>13393 It don't matter. None of this matters.
>>13347 She could technically be 15, but I think the rules say it still counts if she’s under 18.
Come on you guys, lets get Drawthread F happening soon. there are only three posts left to go, if there's anything you guys want to say, say it now.
>>13396 I come here every day even though it doesn't get many posts, because I love loli art. I'm learning how to draw so I can make work but I have to overcome my fear of some autist identifying my line style and then getting outed.
>>13398 Interesting. Hopefully you'll put your skills into good use in the next drawthread. I plan on posting it in the next hour or two in case anyone's interested.
Edited last time by speedy05 on 05/01/2021 (Sat) 22:08:36.
Something I've been wondering. Riley from Inside Out is a loli, clearly. But, does that mean her emotions, like Joy and sadness count as Loli''s too?

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