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Anonymous 01/23/2018 (Tue) 00:46:29 No. 1113
I wish Infinite would come back.
>>4506 I really think there's a lot of potential to Infinite as a character, but man did Sonic Team do him wrong in Forces. I kinda hope he shows up in IDW mostly because I wonder how Ian would handle him.
>>4507 I'm betting Infinite will end up like Mephiles and SEGA won't allow him to be used.
>>4508 Good.
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>>4558 Shadow a bully.
We'll never see him again, will we?
>>4575 I hope we do, but only if he stays a baddie. We need more baddies that stay bad. Also I want some Infinite merch SEGA.
>>4576 But since he doesn't have the Phantom Ruby, he'd just be a regular w*eak mercenary, and without a squad to boot. How would they make him work?
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>>4562 Shadow a coolest.
>>4578 Maybe Eggman would give him some enhancements. Wouldn't be as powerful as he was with the ruby, but still formidable.
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>>4587 Just a regular mercenary like he was with some upgrades? I'd be cool with that.
>>4589 Like I said, we need some more villains that stay villains and not become good guys.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2plw_DoMJQo Sega Scourge's theory video about Infinite made me so excited and the real Infinite was so disappointing. I actually feel kind of bad for Infinite, it's like almost no one gave him a chance. Sonic wasn't a pacifist this time like in Adventure, Custom just fought him anyway, Shadow started all of it, and Amy wasn't there to try to get through to Infinite. Everything about and around Infinite is so disappointing and sad that it just makes me want to headcanon stuff and ignore the actual story of the game just so he can get something. He had so much potential as a character and for a backstory and it was like almost no real thought was put into him. >reflecting on his life as meaningless >knows the world is a game and alters it to his will This was what I really wanted for Infinite and I'm sad that I basically saw that from an anime girl instead. Kind of seems a bit insulting towards Infinite, actually. >>4576 >merch Me too. I want an Infinite plush. Polite sage for blogposting.
>>4853 >Sonic wasn't a pacifist this time like in Adventure I always thought this was strange too. In SA1, even after Sonic learns about Chaos killing most of the echidnas in the past and then completely destroys Station Square, he doesn't just trap him in the Master Emerald again or whatever Tikal originally suggested. He fights Chaos and then gets Tikal to reason with him so he can die in peace or whatever he does after they float into the sky. Sonic doesn't even bother trying to see what Infinite's deal is. He caused more damage and potentially more deaths but I was really expecting for Sonic to give him a chance for redemption just like Chaos. Or at the very least not immediately start attacking him, cracking jokes, calling him a loser, etc. It all felt so out of character for him.
>>4853 >I want an Infinite plush. Same. Hope they have someone make one next year.
>>4963 Didn't GE get back the Sonic license for next year? They'll probably make one, they've made a lot of plushies of the less popular characters.
>>5004 I feel like I heard they were getting it back, but I don't remember if I saw a solid source for it. I hope they do, they did fans a real service by giving plushes to characters who didn't get much.
I'm going to try and make an Infinite banner, anybody have any ideas of what I should use for specific art and logo?
>>5053 Don't really have any suggestions, but I support your cause.
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>>5053 I thought I was going to be able to find the infinity symbol on the old banners thread but no luck. Maybe I'll be able to find it on the official 8chan boards later, but I don't know. Regarding art… I unfortunately don't have any suggestions. Maybe ask on (our) /sthg/ for better visibility, and don't forget to make sure the final image complies with the requirement for board banners (>>2548). Looking forward to the result!
>>4853 To be fair, Sonic had a general idea of who/what Chaos was, Chaos hadn't killed anyone in the present, and Tikal even said his heart was filled with sadness. Meanwhile, none of the resistance save Shadow knew who Infinite was; he likely killed tons, including the Avatar's team; and he had no sadness or regret at what happened or was happening. His only "sad moment" was when he was reeling over being called weak by Shadow, but it's not like that forced him to fuse with the Phantom Ruby and help Eggman beat the shit out of Sonic and take over the world. Also, sauce on the anime?
>>5086 >none of the resistance save Shadow knew who Infinite was Apparently Shadow forgot or didn't recognize him with the mask. Not like it mattered anyway since they wrote him out of the story for 6 months.
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>>5086 Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club.
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>>5056 >final image complies with the requirement for board banners (>>2548). That link isn't working for me for some reason, it won't even show as a link at all. In any case, here's what I have so far. I know the first one can be improved so if that's what you want I can try and improve that one. None of the things used for these banners are mine, by the way, I just threw some things together.
>>5242 Hey, not bad, even if it's not your stuff. I like the first one the best, more than the banners we currently have, even. As for the link, let's try again: >>2548 In case it still doesn't work, it's the first post in the meta thread.
>>5242 They look pretty cool.
>>5242 I like the first one a lot
>>5242 Good work, anon.
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>>5243 Finally done being lazy, here it is. Credit goes to: https://www.deviantart.com/einnharder/art/I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E-686762985 EinnhardeR for the background of Infinite https://www.deviantart.com/ernestboy/art/Sonic-Forces-Infinite-Flame-Logo-GIF-Looped-704144091 Ernestboy for the gif that I couldn't get to work as a gif over a gif https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/SingleDecimalLeopard This person for taking the gif from that one video.
I was bored of Infinite but his personality and design reminds me of an old OC I made so I can't help but to think he cute. Also he has potential in a series where the rogue gallery is low.
>>6553 Nice banner, m8
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>>6553 Hell yeah, just when I thought you had abandoned us you deliver! Banner is up now. Thank you so much!
>>6553 Well done!

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