Unleashed is a game that is actively playing to its strengths in the day time stages, so i'd be inclined to agree though the issue is that unleashed is a very bland game due to that technically.
Its not something that can exactly go anywhere, playing boost straight means you can do very little with your stages; theres an extra reason they bulked out their game with the werehog besides budget.
Gens boost is certainly not a well crafted experience mostly, kinda smashed together to actually get platforming in there.
However in the end both are basically just padding out boost, unleashed just has the class to leave its boost sections not have interruptions also directly in those sections.
Actually on a note on boost, while i haven't played the thing in ages i remember secret rings sticking out to me especially after having played it.
I think it actually made the other boost games stick out badly in their flaws, i feel like from a level design standpoint i actually prefer secret rings others even if the game is too clunky to actually feel better to play enjoyably.
I don't think boost is a good thing to continue as one of the main brands of sonic mind that, its still a pretty poor gameplay after awhile; there's a reason 06 toned down its mach speed sections.
even if they forgot to change it when they reverted engines