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Stolen cards have surfaced fdf6c3 01/23/2023 (Mon) 08:15:19 No. 36 [Reply]
Supremacy cards that James Wilson told us about stolen by former Select employee Stevic have finally shown up for sale

hmm fdf6c3 09/22/2022 (Thu) 11:39:23 No. 35 [Reply]
Who is Viorica Varga and why taking payments for mojoking breaks?

ego fdf6c3 08/10/2022 (Wed) 09:08:16 No. 32 [Reply]
looks like unemployment hasn't deflated that delusional ego of his

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fdf6c3 07/28/2022 (Thu) 07:03:35 No. 31 [Reply]
Hello, here's a one time advertisement for a new search engine. Do not expect me to advertise this a second time, write down the website address if you want to find it again. The search engine is free to use but additionally you may purchase complete search results in .txt documents. There is additional features planned for this search engine. You may use this search engine currently to explore a very weird internet.

Trouble in paradise Andy 05/02/2022 (Mon) 10:35:06 No. 26 [Reply]
Something big went down and cracks starting to form
1 post and 1 image omitted.
the master of distractions and avoidance he reeks of desperation trying a last ditch effort to save his relevance in the hobby...let's just hope people aren't so gullible and believe him this time..
Example of gaslighting Mojoking uses this image for breaks to make himself look like he is good and others in the hobby are pure evil scum. I admit it used to work on me till he had a go at me and made me feel like I was disloyal by trying to do my own thing and got booted from his group. The truth is easy to see once you open your eyes to the gaslighting. Most people in the hobby are good and mojoking is the true evil. What Is Gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that often occurs in abusive relationships. It is a covert type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality. Ultimately, the victim of gaslighting starts to feel unsure about their perceptions of the world and even wonder if they are losing their sanity. Gaslighting primarily occurs in romantic relationships, but it's not uncommon for it to occur in controlling friendships or among family members as well. People who gaslight others may have mental health disorders. They use this type of emotional abuse to exert power over others in order to manipulate friends, family members, or even co-workers. How Gaslighting Works Gaslighting is a technique that undermines a person's perception of reality. When someone is gaslighting you, you may second-guess yourself, your memories, recent events, and your perceptions. After communicating with the person gaslighting you, you may be left feeling dazed and wondering if there is something wrong with you. You may be encouraged to think you are actually to blame for something or that you're just being too sensitive. Gaslighting can confuse you and cause you to question your judgment, memory, self-worth, and overall mental health. It may help to know more about the tactics a person who is gaslighting you might use. Lying to You People who engage in gaslighting are often habitual and pathological liars and frequently exhibit narcissistic tendencies. It is typical for them to blatantly lie and never back down or change their stories, even when you call them out or provide proof of their deception. They may say something like: "You're making things up," "That never happened," or "You're crazy." Lying and distortion are the cornerstones of gaslighting behavior. Even when you know they are not telling the truth, they can be very convincing. In the end, you start to second-guess yourself.

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>>26 Literally who? Who the fuck is "Mojiking" and why does he live rent-free in your head, so much so that you made a board to talk about him? Take your meds. Get a grip.

Dicktator 02/28/2022 (Mon) 01:55:10 No. 10 [Reply]
Democracy or Dictatorship You choose which is the right way
1 post and 1 image omitted.
the best one going around
another blast from the past that floated around when one bloke started an afl break page and got booted after he told stevic that he was now a breaker
you are what you look a like

bully bully bully bully bully bully 02/27/2022 (Sun) 10:27:48 No. 6 [Reply]
bully bully bully
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intimidation is how he controls people, even his mates
Stevic is nothing but a bully. Stevic had a go at Adam at the card fair on Sunday. Gotta feel sorry for the young lad to see that happen to his old man.
from what I was told the bully did not win this time

Chinese Whispers JamesWilson 03/17/2022 (Thu) 00:55:58 No. 22 [Reply]
gotta luv irony

A new low fdf6c3 03/10/2022 (Thu) 04:53:12 No. 19 [Reply]
How low can this fella get using the death of someone to pump up a BBQ

When you can't hide the sales in the salesman JamesWilson 03/04/2022 (Fri) 11:26:22 No. 17 [Reply]
which advice should we listen to?

Gangsta Gangsta 03/04/2022 (Fri) 11:04:38 No. 16 [Reply]
don't fuck with mojoking or you may get a headache

Lucas Jericho Fake Profile? Lucas 02/28/2022 (Mon) 13:16:29 No. 12 [Reply]
Mojo king exposed to having a fake profile?
People have said he has used that account to bully them He even talks to himself as you can see
also caught him out doing beyond blue auction as Lucas using without a doubt select stock to build up the fake profile to appear as a real account

not all heroes wear capes mat 02/28/2022 (Mon) 01:47:49 No. 9 [Reply]
there are times you have to stand up and say it how it is

grass is sometimes greener rgvlover 02/27/2022 (Sun) 05:50:56 No. 5 [Reply]
grass is sometimes greener

keyboard fake crap keyboard-warrior 02/27/2022 (Sun) 05:41:37 No. 4 [Reply]
keyboard fake crap

brothers in arms fdf6c3 02/15/2022 (Tue) 12:52:21 No. 3 [Reply]
brothers in arms

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