>subjective taste
this is a cop-out for those who can't defend what they like.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying something that's flawed, but don't pretend like that thing is objectively anything that its not when its got plenty of problems.
Nah, cowboy bebop gets talked about because of events, then its on-topic.
Discussing the source material is hardly derailing.
tip-top kek
The show is post-modern, don't blame me for calling a spade a spade.
>shows that you didn't watch anything at all
You dumb nigger, episodic formats heavily undermine the idea of an overarching meaning behind the show by their very nature. There is no reinforcement of any core themes or messaging, and as a result one is forced to rely on what they do provide, the ending being a conclusion and a conclusive statement on what the anime is supposed to represent as a result.
You can bitch at me and call me a shill all you want, the fact is you have nothing in your post that refutes anything I've said.
Nothing I have said is unreasonable whatsoever, has no bearing on anything related to the netflix show, and more importantly, is just simple criticism of the show's flaws.
Tell me how I'm wrong, everything you've said is steeped in emotion and calling me names, whereas I've only argued based on the show.
Maybe that's why you hate it so much, you're forced to look at how lame the show is through my posts? Denial of reality is fitting for a fag like you.
Don't worry anon, the show will always be shit no matter how much you defend the plurality of retardation behind it.
You are desperately trying to stay on the offensive, but you have nothing of your own to use so this is your best shot. I feel sorry for you anon, you really don't have much at all going for you.
Nor does anyone arguing about whether I'm baiting or shilling, its just called criticism, get over it faggots.