It's ogre gents.
>Insiders reveal details of internal meeting on future of the xbox brand
>confirm all rumors of Sarah Bond pushing for Xbox being third party
>"Every screen is an Xbox" -Sarah Bond
>goes into detail how they want to be the largest third party gaming publisher
Xbox is about to be in for the rudest awaking in industry history. Yes Playstation is going day and day with PC, but they still have console exclusives.
Xbox will have nothing. No community defending their extended library. No community shilling their games and running defense for them. No community buying their games to support the brand. No reason to buy their hand held. No reason to buy their next console. Little reason to keep gamepass once you've migrated to Playstation for console games.They're going to see a sharp decline in console royalties.
Then when their mid as can be games release, they're going weak sales and reception. When Microsoft realizes what little money they got from the playstation platform isn't going to cover the loses in third party royalties, game pass subscriptions, and first party sales decline, they'll try to walk that back. No one is going to be stupid enough to take them back a third time.