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What did the nips do after the great CP ban of the 21st century? Anonymous 07/20/2021 (Tue) 05:28:58 No. 7197
How did all of the oyajis and otakus of Japan cope with the fact that they could never fap legally again, due to hindrance from American normalfags? I know some of the more computer educated otakus got their fix by illegal trading with other people on bulletin boards, but what about everyone else? Shit seems so cruel desu
>>7240 Banned
Why is this board so dead?
>>7243 What would you like to talk about?
>>7244 He wants to complain more about how the board is dead
>>7243 It serves no purpose. Pedos and pedo discussions are more welcome on /b/ than here.
>>7222 The rest of the world isn't snowflake like american. Your freedom is your inability to do stuffs yourself. >hive It seems to be a classic Americana perspective after watching dystopian films, or you just want to break law and get away by shouting freedom. >>7197 >How do criminals cope that they are criminal By complaining about it in imageboard, see >>7222
>>7247 son of a bitch american I'm a japanese you want hamburger you want pizza george walker bush is a murderer
>>7251 I have waited years for this. Anon I will defend the name of dubya. G dubs did nothing wrong.
>>7252 fool me once shame on you
>>7254 Fool me twice.... Cant get fooled again.
>Most of our imports are from other countries -G W B jr
OH NO,ME NO RONGER CAN ROOK AT CHIRRD PORNOGRAPHY。I HAVE DISHONORED MY FAMIRRY。I MUST KIRR MYSERRF WITH MY NINJA CHOPSTICK KATANA。SUSHI ROLL ATTACK。 死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死 * dies in japanese * ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※
>>7197 >computer educated otakus got their fix by illegal trading with other people on bulletin boards Otakus in the 90s also had exclusive shoujou gravure magazines and underground BBS advertised in said mags, that were home to discussions on how to grope lolis on the trains and at parks.
>>7208 I think it's some japanese children show
>>7259 >Japs are so autistic they need a guide on how to grope things
>>7256 Has nothing on >I think we can both agree, the past is over.
I dream of a world where man and fish can live peacefully
>>7695 keep dreaming faggot
>>7706 Go suck fornite cock you zoomer spic
>>7714 tend to your bleeding ass, small gay boy
>>7222 >missing the trash can when you throw out your coke Ever considered that other people don't want their cities to be littered with trash? Nips might go to far with enforcing shit like this, but ultimately that leads to a culture, which doesn't cover their urban areas with filth like degenerate mutts.
>>8437 And at no point during this rant did it occur to you that they should just walk over to the can, pick up the bottle on the floor, and place it in the trash can properly after they miss their toss?
>>7252 The Bush Administration literally started this hive mind surveilance state bullshit.
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>>8555 I have no love for the Bush family, and while it's true that the Patriot Act made it all "on paper", if you will: don't pretend like FDR didn't start with the National Recovery Act.
>>8756 Let's be honest, the moment woodrow wilson took office the united states ceased to be what the founding fathers had created and instead became an empire (that is now crumbling).
>>8757 Definitely. Fucking sucks.
>>8758 Everything ends eventually. Popular governments have never been stable long term, and the only one that found success was a limited republic that still just turned into a military dictatorship. Then you throw jewish meddling, deficit spending, fluid society, and multiculturalism into the mix and you just accelerate straight into the ground. Just look at what happened to the value of labor once women were allowed into the workplace, not to mention the birth rate. Think about what happened to the value of a vote when they let niggers and women join, and look how drastically it changed the political landscape. The moment we stopped being mostly isolationist, we were doomed.
>>8759 >complaining about the value of labor going down and the birthrate going down in the same sentence the irony Not every country is America. Decline is inevitable because growth physically cannot be infinite. Every country has the same "problem" because there is no "solution" to material reality.
>>8761 >the irony you seem very confused. When you double the population of people who can work all at once, the value of labor does down by half. Reducing the rate at which children are born only raises the value of labor if the population does not grow as fast as the demand for labor. When you import millions of shitskins to do unskilled labor and then outsource the majority of your skilled labor to a global market, your birthrate no longer has a significant impact on the value of labor because you are growing your labor pools in other ways. Very simple math, anon. >Not every country is america Good thing I was only talking about a single country, america. >Decline is inevitable But when it starts, what it looks like, and how long it takes is variable. I see you have missed the point entirely. >Growth cannot be infinite Only a retard deals in absolutes. Only a double retard picks and chooses which parts of math to apply to the philosophy they got from a supervillain in a movie. >Every country has the same problem Nearly every eastern european country, russia, most asian countries, most middle eastern countries, and arguably even india do not have the problems I have described. I was talking specifically about the united states, but what I am saying can be adjusted to be more broad and apply generally to "the western world". >There is no "solution" to material reality and there won't have to be for well past billions of years. All life on earth will die out far before that problem is anything beyond a thought exercise, you bafoon. So to summarize: You are stupid retard You have missed the entire point of everything being said Even if the above were not true, you would still be wrong Nothing you have said is original or intelligent in any way, nor is it insightful. It would have been more intelligent of you to point out the sky was blue You are a nigger also
>>7197 Probably just sold lolicon in a parallel economy. Maybe the desperate upped their art skills in order to better capture the child form?
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>>8761 >complaining about the value of labor going down and the birthrate going down in the same sentence >the irony I mean, in Malthus's case, at least he admitted he was wrong. The stupidly naive assumption that declining birthrates will increase the value of labour is . . . oh, right, I just said that. I mean, this shit is really basic arithmetic: there's always some percentage of people who can't/won't/oughtn't work, but who still need various goods and services. The number of upcoming labourers (via natural birth in the population) is never enough to fill all of the demand. Hence the need to import labour. But when the supply of labour exceeds the demand (dwindling native population with a largely imported workforce) you get retards who (((mistakenly))) try to conflate the decrease in real wages with the population demands. Shock news, I'm sure.
>>8775 I'm >>8759 and you seem to think that I said that declining birth rates somehow lower the value of labor. Here is the sentence being referenced again: >Just look at what happened to the value of labor once women allowed into the workplace, not to mention the birth rate. This sentence does not, in any way, mean that the birth rate is having any affect on the value of labor. This sentence does mean that women entering the workplace has had an impact on both the value of labor and the birth rate. Do you see how drastically different that is? Now read the whole post again. I am not talking about labor value, I am talking about what is causing the rapid decline in the United States. I cite jewish meddling, deficit spending, fluid society and multiculturalism as core reasons. I then move on to talk about women entering the workplace and how it has negatively affected two major things. The next sentence is the same idea, except concerned with the value of voting. I conclude the post with a comment referencing an earlier post on how woodrow wilson becoming president was the start. Reading comprehension is important, not looking cool by calling (((jew))) at a post you havent even read. Why you retards insist on trying to derail and destroy every single conversation you see is entirely beyond me. What have you gained by acting like a retard?
In a just world the answer to OP's question would be "immediately rise up and overthrow their feminist American puppet government and subsequently nuke the United States".
>>8828 It's not in a bug's nature to question authority

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