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k3i / Kei Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 00:53:21 No. 68
Weirdly enough, looks like kei just deleted EVERYTHING they've ever made. The warpmymind uploads, the keismindwarp shopify site, the "Sound Adventures" youtube channel, patreon, etc. Kei was super influencial in the sphere, known for using text-to-speech in advanced ways, and making lots of the files free. Kei basically laid the groundwork for the success of the B@mbi Sleep series. Kei had already been a lot less active in recent years, but was occasionally releasing a new file. tl;dr kei just wiped everything they made out of existence, so let's get to sharing
>>103 wtf did i just read That would be one of the reasons Project "Wolfgirl" has advanced so slowly - I've been worried about possibly "opening doors" for people that shouldn't be opened, and Kei was one of my shining "don't do this" examples. $&#*! That's a whole rabbit hole I thought I could skip and I now have to dig up the whole thing.
Because of my studid Jehovah's Witnesses upbringing I still get an intense "oh shit!" reaction to that kind of vivid demon stuff. I have to remind myself that there's only the human psyche that evolution brought about and the tricks it may play on you. It's a bad idea to be full-on torturing to your own psyche and to hand yourself over to forces that really are nothing else but brain electrity, but that you yourself still picture as evil forces. Nothing good will come of that. It can get quite delusional and unhealthy. > I'm starting fresh. I want to be a completely new person centered on love. I wouldn't trust someone that was once on such a path and claims to suddenly have changed forever.
I wish a negative entity would sexually abuse me and make me feel sexual pleasure all day long. Sheeeeeeet. Dude sounded like he was living the dream and couldnt handle it.
>>112 I haven't yet found any solid evidence to rule out either option. Whether demons are some outside evil force or just brain malfunctions... both of those are bad for you. >>121 You. Fool.
On that note.... Who's got the mega link for kei files? Dont "retroshare" me because i spent 4 fucking hours adding certs and 0 people online. That shit is fucking useless
>>101 > based retard lay off the DMT for a couple days holy fuck
I've never uploaded before, but I have 3 KEI files, (Hentai girl, Bubble girl, and some other fem girl one) I also downloaded the latest 3 vids from Sound Adventures, but I had no idea they were related to KEI, but I had noticed the similarities. I'll look into how to upload them soon, and I would also appreciate any other similar files to the ones I'll be sharing
I'd been collecting her stuff for years. I was incredibly saddened to hear she was not only no longer uploading her amazing files, but deleting everything off the internet scorched-earth style. So here you go. About 100 files + images. It's a bit unorganized and not technically complete - no puppy stuff, sorry - but it's fairly sizeable. B64 1x aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9JcEJ3VGFTQiNUY2hiRzBrQ3J2Y0VBWDY1N3lQMjRR
>>279 do you have the descriptions of the files or do you know where i can find them?
What kind of link is that? Is it retroshare? Can't get this app to work. Care to share your certificate? And add me? Or give me any other way to get to the files? Please! Thanks ABC6bx0Nbii7pwCY9OL2HTT5AxRJDNqTfIyw6Fmw8h3hoqbq93naTgEHdGFyYW5pc5BEAAAAAiaWZHEydmszbXR6bG9tanp6dDNi NjVueGp6NGFqazc3eG53NXhybXloNXBjYzVyM2E1M29tdDY3YWQub25pb26TBgEAAH8e/gQDlqQQ
Care to add me? ABC6bx0Nbii7pwCY9OL2HTT5AxRJDNqTfIyw6Fmw8h3hoqbq93naTgEHdGFyYW5pc5BEAAAAAiaWZHEydmszbXR6bG9tanp6dDNi NjVueGp6NGFqazc3eG53NXhybXloNXBjYzVyM2E1M29tdDY3YWQub25pb26TBgEAAH8e/gQDlqQQ
(heres my TOR cert) ABCV+etq85wIbeEiJB3L5n+RAxQQsCo5BtIP6+nRiBbGYH+fjUMf6gEIZGFya3JvemWQRAAAAAImljR0aWRjMnBjenhzaG16NnVk dnh4dzU2ZmJqcnBvbGJnYzc3NXA1eWNud3N3dnl5azJtcWdkdGlkLm9uaW9ukwYBAAB/Hv4EA2x+pg==
>>588 Holy shit I just went to this thread and Kei is going insane. Kei wants to take down the thread and is experiencing extreme paranoia and delusions. Something about the energy from the files feeding the demon and they need to disappear everything.
>>595 All the reason for people to dump the files into mega.
>>599 The files do not work anyway 🤣
Here is a link to the Sound Adventures deleted files, who I strongly believe to be KEI https://hypno-fetish.com/music/16626/kei-sound-adventures-deleted-sissy-files
Leave her alone and stop listening to these files please, anyone who has listened a fuck ton is attached and it's been fucking with me and I don't even believe this shit. Just stop please
>>605 Hi kei. No one believes you
The K31 "Sound Adventures" files on H-F are m4a V2a files. Whoever cut them also truncated the ends off so none of them are the complete version which kind of sucks. But they are very mellow. They're more like samples of the complete version which should probably be in mp3 format. But I think they sound pretty nice. None of the demon growling dog BS like in some of her other stuff.
>>606 with her this is a fair thing to say, but im not her. i was in the thread on that forum this shits freaky but you do you I guess
>>604 private page
Whos got that sweet sweet mega drop?
So where is the mega ?
What? Kei isn't even hypno. Just jerk fantasy. They're fun jerk files, i give you that. But not hypno. If someone did some early tts in advanced ways and hypnotic it was samantha. And no, i'm not advertising. Those files have a real morality problem. Almost all contain hidden suggestions, and almost all try to make you limp. Also - did anybody notice that all those crazy file makers end up in the loony bin? Yet it's what people want in their minds. I wonder if those shitfiles are the mental equivalent of self harm. People seem to enjoy some scars in their mind.
>>840 > They're fun jerk files What? They are boring noisy screechy whines....
>>840 >If someone did some early tts in advanced ways and hypnotic it was samantha. Yes, early (<2014) files are much more interesting and some of them are even working. The new ones is garbage.
>>840 kei's stuff can drop me deep reliably they often give me a feeling kind of like I've just awoken from a deep sleep,
to the person who shared kei's explanation as to why they deleted their files, was there a link to Kei's new Patreon? Google isn't any help. Thanks in advance. Reach me here or on Twitter (where I'm more likely to see it) with a reply. I'm @cameldrags.
anyone have any K5SHA SH5KT1 files to share? Particularly interested in her chastity files, but anything goes
(46.68 KB 852x480 Hypno-Rings.webp)

>>101 >aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9JcEJ3VGFTQiNUY2hiRzBrQ3J2Y0VBWDY1N3lQMjRR These are Kei's actual words she wrote up on LikeRa.com back in 2022, which I think since then she may have actually deleted all her postings off of there. I want back looking for them again but couldn't find what she posted, so it's good this part got saved here. It's strange that she would have wanted to delete her messages about how she felt and was thinking but it seems her intentions were to try to sever her connection with it all by deleting as much as she could to try and remove herself from the situation as much as possibly, energetically. If anyone can find all the comments she originally posted on hte subject of her retirement, reasonings, and warnings to her listener, please repost them here. They may still be on the archive.org of Likera.
somebody uploaded these on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@SuccubineYogini/videos
Has anyone got the following? Mind Virus Dumb Bimbo Doll Slut Trap Horny Bimbo Fuck Hole.mp3
Telegram. me/vtuberJP
anyone has any of the regression/ABDL K31 files?

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