
Rules of /islam/

1 : Firstly, This board rules according to the Qur'an and Sunnah of our Rasulullah S.A.W and the Salaf-us-Saliheen.
2 : Treat this place like a mosque and act as if you are in a mosque.
3 : Do not slander, spread lies and falsehood.
4 : Have good etiquette/adab. This means no trolling/larping
5 : Be sure to back up any statements (regarding Islam) with credible evidence (i.e. from the Quran, Sunnah, and Salaf)
6 : If you find any offending thread or post that breaks the rules, "sage" and report it. Do not give it attention.
7 : Do not advertise without contacting B.O. (i.e. c64)
8 : Keep threads and posts relevant to their topic. No off-topic threads
9 : Keep minor questions to the QTDTOT, else you may make a thread pertaining to only that question.
10 : Keep advice threads to one thread, unless if giving advice. Again, the advice must obey R. 1,2,3,4,5,7
11 : Calls to raid other boards or other websites will not be tolerated.
12 : The Q cult is a disease that must be eradicated. Q posts will not be tolerated.

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply