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Pictures you love and why moegoggles 03/20/2016 (Sun) 02:08:32 No. 53470
Try and go for more than it's pretty and such. Elaborate on the composition, what she's doing and what just makes you adore it. Don't focus on doing several here, just do one every once in a while.
>>53770 I have a high res version for you and I also find this to be her most beautiful depiction, you have great taste my friend
>>62915 this one is a close second for me
Yangbro found this pic for me and I really really like it. The drawing is excellent, and her body proportions are - for once - just perfect. This is how I imangine her to be, I love it. And I'd love to train with Meiling like this. Thank you again man. >>62915 >>62916 I have to say that these two pics are amazing. A true beauty, thumbs up.
A new favorite of mine. All around gorgeous picture. I love the movement, theme, and finger pistols are always really cute to me. It's so great to get nice images of him during the Zero period smiling and having a bit of fun. The image itself is just solid while still flowing and is colored and drawn great.
>>62915 >high res version No worries, I'm not lacking in high-res artwork; I only use samples/small images because they take less time to upload. Thanks for the sentiment though! >>62916 No kidding, it's based on the previous image after all. Some artists tend to draw Yukari with this adaptation of her costume. Just goes to show the impact of this image.
Meiling on lunchbreak, eating 'steamed buns, chili sauce, and presumably chilly-vinegar potato slices' thanks Danbooru - classical chinese food. I really like this picture because it's so damn full of details it's astounding to me. Plus this is the most 'chinese' in behaviour Meiling ever probably. Most of what you see is an everyday happeining in China. Eating while squatting like that is typical from northern China for example. That giant thermos is traditional too - damn if it' huge though! I like it so much. Well done, shows a slice of Meiling's daily life, full of details. 10/10, this artist is amazing. Not the best one from him though, the Alice's lab one is just fantastic!
There's something about this one that I really love. I really like the way she's dressed. The comfy coat, the flowing scarf. It's all very pretty. Her flowing hair is captured perfectly, and her black ribbon is as cute as ever. She's ready to throw a snowball. Given that she's blind, this is quite interesting. I like to imagine she's about to throw it at me while I'm unaware. It's a fun gesture, and it's nice that she can enjoy something as simple as throwing a snowball, despite her condition. She's not letting herself be held back by it. I love the winter, and in her route she says she enjoys it too. It'd be nice to walk through the snow with her, and cuddle up inside afterwards, by the fireplace, sharing some hot chocolate.
I love this pic because it makes me imagine a perfect, without worries life with her. I can imagine imagine us arriving to our new home near the sea, a bright smile on her face and shine in her eyes. plus she is wearing a simple dress I love seeing her in dresses. I just want to lift her up and kiss her
This picture is super comfy. The colours make it look warm and cozy, it makes me want to snuggle up next to her and just lie there for hours feeling the warmth and softness of her body against mine. I also like the soft detailing of her hand, almost as if I could reach out and hold it, she has quite small hands so I feel like I could wrap one of mine completely around it which would be especially nice on a winter night if she had cold hands. I'd then draw her in closer and embrace her fully so I could feel the beat of her heart against me and her breath on my skin, maybe lightly kiss her on the forehead and listen to some comfy music or watch a film together while cuddling on what I presume is some kind of bean bag in the picture. Autumn is the most comfy season to me and the yellow and maroon of her hoodie matches up pretty well with that, so it's perfect for this time of year too!
She's feral, but willing to be tamed.
I'm not sure how the artist did it, but she actually has blue and red eyes in this picture and not just heterochromia or giving her humanized phantom half the other eye color but actually both at the same time. Surprisingly it even works somehow. I also always appreciate pictures of her at the stairs of Hakugyokurou. After all it's where we first met.
I think this one is on of my recent favorites. Slight smile, kind look in her eyes.
One of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen. I couldn't stop staring at it all day when I saw it. Gorgeous.
>>53501 Ah,another Motokofag of great culture! Ok,so the first pic I posted I love so much,because in it she`s not only wearing one of the outfits she looks the prettiest in,but also because it portrays the sleek sublimeness and grace of that particular outfit so well. This second one is so great,because it portrays her lovely facial features in such explicit colours. Third one I like so much because of the way the photorealistic style highlights the fact that she in fact has very full lips. Also,the colours in it are neat. Your choices are all pretty neat. I even don't have the first one (and as so will acquisition it)/
I love this picture because it's so personal and domestic, it feels like he got out of the shower sat on my bed with me so we can talk before going to sleep. Also I don't know that the moonspeak on it means, I just hope it's not something wierd that could ruin the pic for me.
First pic is perfect, i fell in love with it the first time i saw it. Is also a bit special since is the first picture i printed. The second is one of the best fanart of Reimu i've ever seen. Just looking at her eyes makes my heart melt a bit. I recently printed it too. Third one has a nice sequence, she'd definitely do something like that to me. Fourth pic; no words, that smile says it all. Last one is pretty gloomy and even painful, i like it though. It highly portrays the nature of our relationship and waifuism in general.
>>67402 Sheeeit the colors of first pic are fucked up, sorry about that. I had to change the colors so it looks better once printed. Can't believe i still have the edited version of that picture though, it's been a while.
This has got to be one of my favourite pictures of Kobayashi. It's really, really interesting to see her in a Serafuku. Then again, it doesn't really matter what she wears. She's beautiful, absolutely positively stunning, regardless of her choice of clothing.
This may be my favorite picture of her. It's not perfect, but I can sense some sort of tender gentle love coming from it, the way she looks in my direction with a slight smile and a blush makes me feel like she loves me, and I love her too. It's a bit embarrasing to share, but I really like looking at it.
This is a newer one, and I'm absolutely in love with it. Just the way she looks with glasses, her cute lil smile, it's so good! ^_^
Here's an old favorite of mine. I love the atmosphere of this picture - how captivating, enchanting, and mysterious it is. I love the dress she's wearing and the small glow given off by the lantern reflecting upon it, the juxtaposition of the forest's dusk bleeding into the bone white framing of the artwork surrounding it. I've never found anything else quite like it.
this is one of my all-time favorites. when she gives me this look my heart just melts. i can see it in her eyes: she loves me. and i love her.
I am not sure what exactly it is but this image has some soothing and wholesome effect on me.
A relatively recent favourite. I love the overall comfiness here. That casual, relaxed pose. The little smile on her face. The muted and soothing colours. Her outfit is simple, yet effective. Even the picture being 'messy' helps give it that nonchalant feel.
It's certainly hard to pick a favourite but there is one special image that comes to mind. This one has a fond place in my heart, I remember looking at it a lot when I was figuring out and understanding my feelings and every time I saw it I would be overwhelmed with knowing I just had to be with him. I don't know why it was this image in particular. Maybe it was just the way I felt him looking at me, or the fact that the picture felt very real and candid.
I love it because it's casual and comfy and she looks like she's in some sick 70's spy thriller or something. She is silk hiding steel.
>reviving thread Ever since I first saw this image it has been one of my favorites. The way the sky is painted and her rabbit hoodie should be enough to me.
Luv this pic because I've always seen the character of Mordred even prior to Fate/Apoc coming out as a victim of fate and manipulation by others, rather than actually evil, a son punished for their mother's sins. This pic just gives me that sort of vibe.
I love pictures like this that make her look semi-angelic and holy. It's very fitting given she's literally been granted sainthood, and to me heightens her purity and beauty.
I love this Picture of Whitney because it looks like she's holding my hand, wich is the cutest fucking thing ever.
I love simple artstyle images like these, shame most of this artist's other stuff sucks
From the recent episode of RWBY, this captures how much she's happy again. The rush of being happy, and experiencing the thrill made me smile.
I love this picture of her, because she looks like she feels the same way i do most of the time…
Some of my favourite recent art
These pictures give off this really confident vibe to it. Like he'd either ask me out or sell me a used car.

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