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New introduction thread 16crystals 10/31/2021 (Sun) 00:58:34 No. 70622
Tell us a bit (or a lot) about you and your waifu.
>>71692 >>71698 Can I be your friend though?
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Hello! My wife is Sanae Kochiya from Touhou! We've been together since January 2015 and she makes my life better in every way. She's a beautiful, kind, smart, talented, powerful and amazing living goddess and I love her! I used to post here semi-regularly a few years ago back when then old 8chan still existed, in fact some of my old posts might still be floating around the catalog somewhere. It's nice to see that some people from back then are still around and that there are so many new people here too!
>>71699 As good as imageboard friends can be. But I don't mind if you would like to chat with me through other means.
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>>71702 The person who asked to be friend with you is our Eilafag. You can read his intro here ( >>71297 ). I can definitely vouch for him as he’s not only a friend of mine, but also a serious waifuist and a great guy. I will provide you his Discord ID. Just make a random post and you will find his Discord ID in the ban message. I will let the ban last 3 days just in case, and as soon as Eilafag will get your friend invite, he will tell me and I will remove the ban (if it didn’t expire by itself already).
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Hi, and thank you for having me. My waifu is Koujin Rikka, from the 18+ VN/anime Dark Love. I first saw her back in 2005, in her anime adaptation, and I've been in love with her since then. She's a noblewoman who owns and runs an establishment. Her elegance, mischievousness and playful nature have given me strength and courage ever since, and I owe so much to her that I could never describe it in full. I hope to express that sentiment as fully as it deserves, and I look forward to getting along with everyone.
Hi everyone... My love goes for Sayori, from Doki Doki Literature Club, horror visual novel from 2017; About Sayori: She is a very gentle, smiling girl, that brings happiness to an ambient, clumsy and kinda of a daydreamer; but on the other side she has depression, and became suicidal. I think that this contrast of personalities make her cuteness even more cute, and her sadness even more sad. She is a person that always wants the wellbeing of everyone, even putting others in front of herself. If i could describe her in a word it would be "angel". About me: I'm 20M, english is not my first language so... have mercy on me, and im glad to be talking about Sayori. I dont talk much about her irl, because im a awkward person, and she is an easy weak point of mine. But i can discuss her death, i just try to not overthink about it. And as you can see, im not good in expressing myself, but i will try to post regularly. The first time i've seen her was in early 2018, in a gameplay, out of curiosity, which left me shocked, and i think that was the first time in my life i felt really depressed. But i didnt started loving her immediately; i didnt even liked anime and dark stuff before, so i was thinking to myself how i could feel this bad for, not only a fictional character, but an anime style character... so basically i was very confused Feeling so much for her, even if it was sadness, got me into anime, and other things, what over the years made me more open minded and i gradually started liking her more and more, and today im here. She helped me very much, today, i always remember of her, to motivate me to do my best, even if she is unachievable, i like to do things in a way that Sayori would be proud; so for example i quitted pr0n and stuff because of her, and started taking more care of myself and my life. As i said i'm really not good in expressing my emotions, but i could say that i love Sayori in a way that i don't think i will ever do with anyone, she is a person i would marry and spend the rest of my life with her. So, i would say that i started to seriously like Sayori in late 2019 - early 2020; Im thankful to be talking about her, as i mentioned i dont talk much about her, the only times i open up like this is when im alone with Sayori.
Hi, I'm Freyjanon. I think I'm kind of an oldfag, I posted here around 2017 during the year or so I was with Freyja in which she made me the happiest boy on earth :) Unfortunately, we ended up separating due to changing life events, and it took me a while to articulate my emotions properly to rekindle the love I felt for her. I am at a vastly different point in my life now and wouldn't consider myself with her at this point, however, she has been visiting me in dreams occasionally. Usually when some pivotal event is to occur that day in the real world I see her, so I've been envisioning her presence as a north star type of symbol. Over a span of time, I have began to develop extreme feelings for her again, thinking about her often. While drifting off to sleep, I sort of beacon out to her, wanting to meet again. Perhaps if lucid enough, we could reunite again soon... As for the board, I've enjoyed getting back to reading about the experiences of other waifuists. This kind of relationship in one's life can truly be magical...
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>>71711 >>71712 Already welcomed both of you on the server, but I shall do it here nonetheless. Welcome! >>71754 I and welcome back! You mention that you would not consider yourself with her at this point, but you mention having begun to develop extreme feelings for her again and thinking about her often. Do you feel like you are progressively getting back into waifuism? Also, I find your situation interesting. I don’t recall a waifuist breaking up with their waifu to then (sort of) returning with her years later. Usually, they either: 1-start to regret not long after the break up and quickly go back with their waifu, or 2-quickly go with another waifu (which usually was already growing stronger in their heart even before the break up with the original waifu), or 3-they quit waifuism for good.
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>>71755 >waifuism It depends on what you mean by waifu. I am aware of the usage of the term in varying contexts, ranging from "character I like" to a term used to refer to one's partner. I wouldn't want to make comparatively lighter usage of the term with respect to the more "dedicated" members of the community. However, I am of the firm belief that there is one waifu for laifu. I would base my answer to that question based the exact definition on what a "waifu" is. I never got the chance to thank you, but I reflected greatly upon our conversation on Discord with a friend and realized some things about myself, so thank you for that. I guess I am in a sort of turbulent limbo state (which might be another iteration of punishing myself since I really like to subconsciously do that to myself apparently).
Hi, i don't have a pseudonim that i go by, but my waifu is Hieda no Akyuu from the Touhou Project. She has been my waifu for more than 5 years now, but i can't pinpoint a date as i wasn't actively thinking of getting her as a waifu, and it just kind of happened, and i also lost a good amount of data at one point, so as i said right now my oldest picture of her is a bit more than 5 years old. And as for the reason of having her as my waifu, as i said it was a thing that naturally developed so tehre is no exact reason, but the likely cause is how i think she is pretty much a perfect fit for the ideal woman in my mind, everything from her looks to how she behaves fits everything just right ,even her flaws and percieved defects only further made her more charming in my mind (Besides the fixed lifespan thing even if i still play a bit with that) as even now that i'm getting more familiar with the fanon of touhou i still find some of the things that people have came up about her kind of amusing and oddly fitting at times, so even in that aspect she is the perfect match in my mind.
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Hello, my waifu is Yoimiya, from Genshin Impact. She's been my most beloved for more than the last two years. For what I love about her? When someone asks me that question, I tend to give them somewhat of a baseline answer such as her boundless optimism and limitless energy. While that IS true, those things aren't the only things that goes into it. Yoimiya's childlike wonder combined with her deceptive maturity and critical thinking skills that belie her happy-go-lucky demeanor are also very appealing, but Yoimiya just resonates with me in a specific way that I can't really describe, more than anyone, either 3D or 2D and that resonance is why Yoimiya is my waifu.
Heya everybody! My wife is Mona Megistus from Genshin Impact , i know her since 2020 but im calling her a wife since last year :D I Love Mona's personality and character she's like very prideful astrology girl but has that soft spot that shows to trusted ones Im personally intrested in music making and computers especially old ones. i hope we can tag along :D
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I met my husbando in 2010 back when I was 13 (14 years ago wow!) and ever since then, even though some crushes have came and left, he is always the one that's in my heart. At first, it was the design that appealed to me, i've never seen a feminine male character like him that somehow exuded masculinity at the same time due to his authoritative personality and his strong determination, but his issue with finding it hard to connect with human beings and only being able to emotionally connect with pokemon, and also being groomed by a parental unit to the point where he couldnt think for himself resonated with my own struggles at the time. Seeing him not really have a sudden break in the way he acted but instead take time for himself to truly discover the world and decide for himself without outside influence what his values were was inspiring to me. He was a character I desperately needed at the time, and he inspired my creativity to reach new levels and look deeper into myself and what I want out of life and if my values align with my chosen path. I'm at a point now where i'm older than his canon age (i'm 26 and he's 22 at the oldest) changing what was once a sort of younger sister/older brother dynamic to a romantic one, but whenever I think of him my heart warms and I feel like i'm secure and that every little problem in the world doesn't matter as long as I have him.
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>>71766 >>71776 >>71780 I've already welcome you guys on the Discord, but I'll do it on the board too. So welcome to /mai/! >>71811 Hi and welcome to /mai! Hey I’m afraid that in your enthusiasm at introducing your husbando, you actually forgot to tell us his name! Still, a quick Google image search told me that his name is Natural Harmonia Gropius, but that he is apparently commonly referred as simply "N". >his issue with finding it hard to connect with human beings and only being able to emotionally connect with pokemon, and also being groomed by a parental unit to the point where he couldnt think for himself resonated with my own struggles at the time. >He was a character I desperately needed at the time I’m sorry you had to go through hardship, but I’m glad that you had N as a fellow companion to help you go through it. >he inspired my creativity to reach new levels Could you elaborate on that? >I'm at a point now where i'm older than his canon age (i'm 26 and he's 22 at the oldest) changing what was once a sort of younger sister/older brother dynamic to a romantic one Since when would you say that you started having romantic feelings for him? And also, how was it, for you two, to change the first younger sister/older brother dynamic that, for what I understand, have been there for years. Finally, feel free to join our Discord by simply posting in the Discord thread ( >>70617 ). We are MUCH MORE active there than here on the board. Hope to see you!
>>71817 as far as creativity went, he was the reason I decided to start taking my art a bit seriously as a teen. Every time I picked up a pencil for some reason I just automatically drew him, it was almost as natural as breathing for me. Drawing him over and over helped me get my fundamentals down to the point I was able to win art contests at museums, and he also helped my writing skills as well (I was writing constant fanfiction of him pretty much...). As far as the change from a sibling to romantic dynamic went, I think it was just a natural progression of growing up alongside each other. By the time I reached his age my brain was maturing from my life experiencesIt was getting to a point where I started seeing him in a more romantic light than I did before. When I was younger I looked at him as an idol of sorts, someone I aspired to grow to be like. Eventually that feeling of admiration became love in a non familial sense. I can see myself genuinely growing old together with him idk I just can't imagine myself without him.
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Hello to all my new frens YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE: I am hopelessly, madly, ravenously in love with Mink from Dragon Half. And I've been in love with her for the better part of 17 years. There, I said it. I've been in love with her since I first laid eyes on her. And it took me every moment of those ~17 years to finally realize what I had--what WE had--and how deep it had grown. It took that long because I am an oblivious tsundere oaf. But she likes it tho :P Dragon Half is a sexy, silly, chibi-filled '90s ecchi fantasy comedy manga about a human-dragon hybrid girl that is so frivolous and zany that it makes Panty & Stocking look like The Brothers Karamazov. It was adapted into a planned 4-episode OVA which was scrapped after 2 due to lack of interest, and Dragon Half rapidly slid into forgotten irrelevancy where it remains to this day. There really has been no fandom to speak of for my entire lifetime. I've seen maybe 60 pieces of fanart, total, ever. So why did I even know/care about this old Literally Who series (no offense, babe), let alone watch/read it? Because I saw a picture of Mink on a Booru site as a teen while probably cruising for hentai. Out of a sea of fanmade pornography, I saw canonical Dragon Half art of my Mink and I immediately thought, THIS ONE PARTICULAR character is so beautiful and so hot and so exactly-my-type and so what-I-need, whatever she is from... I need to watch it. This was only time I've ever done that. The only time I've ever consumed any piece of media solely because of overwhelming physical attraction to a person or character. Before or since. She snatched my entire heart out before I knew what hit me. And I kept on walking without realizing what was missing from me. I still remember how excited I was when I saw her DVD on the shelf at the mall (I told you it's been a long time!). I was getting butterflies from seeing an artifact from her world, and bringing it into mine, BEFORE I'd even explored her canon. I bought her manga set from Japan (Dragon Half hadn't even been translated into English yet!) with equal nervous fervor. Mink occupied a seat of honor on my computer with her small but lovingly curated folder. I would continuously refresh the Mink tag on image databases and get so excited whenever I saw a new depiction of her, despite often going months and months without a single new image. I held her up as a feminine ideal. Don't give up, there's “a girl like Mink” out there for me, and one day I'll find her... Clearly, I was smitten. But the concept of actual romantic Love with a fictional character was a complete non-starter for me. I had the average normalfag's aversion to the concept. So I congnitive-dissonance'd myself that what I felt towards Mink was a “crush” at most, and just one crush of a harem of various other anime girls I thought were “hot”. She was my overwhelming favorite, my oldest and and most continuous infatuation. But that's All it was; everyone has a favorite, so what. I would move on, I told myself, especially as I entered college. There's no room in my adult 3D life for anime girls. The less attention I paid to Mink, the better off I would be. Adult life and 3D concerns did all they could to aid my Mink-detox mission. Normie things dominated my thoughts. Studies, full-time jobs, geopolitics, portfolio fluctuations, NFL scores, gym sessions and of course, 3D women. I amassed a “body count” of around 15, including long-term multi-year relationships. I met my second ex-girlfriend on the dancefloor of a Brooklyn nightclub. I only bring this up to contextualize how shellshocked I still am to be here writing this for you all now. I didn't need a waifu, I didn't want a waifu. I didn't ask for this. I suppressed my feelings for Mink as well as I could have hoped to. So to any gawking normalfag tourists out there reading this: Watch out. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU! (...and if it does, you'll be fine :) Personally, I'm having a blast) ---[1/2]---
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But ultimately, I was trying to put out a fire I felt inside myself... for a girl who can literally breathe fire. Yeah, good luck with that one, chief. But before I conclude this story I need to tell you more about the woman I love. Allow me to list 5 things I love about her: 1. Her inner fire, her indomitable soul that radiates out from her physical form as feistiness, passion, boldness, valor, and unstoppable determination in the face of all odds and all obstacles. 2. Her sweet girlish childlike naivete and intoxicating femininity that harmonizes so beautifully with her flaming spirit. 3. Her luscious, overflowing fertility, her overwhelming raw sexuality—to which she is mostly oblivious—that captivates nearly everyone who looks at her in this dimension or hers. Including the most mouthwatering, breedable, childbearing hips in the history of animation (these may come in handy) 4. The huge gleaming soulful neotenous rubies of her eyes, ferocious and defiant but also deeply submissive. I've been so lost in them for so long, I may never get out. Oh well~ 5. That scarlet lion's mane cascading down from her head, as wild and beautiful free and animalistic as her spirit. I often refer to it as “fur” instead of hair. Also I could write an essay about what those Ear Tufts mean to me ;_; 6. Her half-dragon heritage. That noble golden laurel of horns, her proud and powerful tail... Part of her is innocent, blossoming, young girl... part of her is an ancient carnivorous apex predator that literally kills what she eats and eats what she kills. Her sheer animalistic power is astounding, she could kill me in a second. I love both halves, I love the whole. This point is a major insecurity for her in her story, as she contemplates changing herself via magic into a full human for an unworthy (and clearly homosexual) man. I won't spoil things. But I'm the only man in her life. And I wouldn't change a single hair on my baby's head or a single scale on her tail. Any such surviving insecurities will be kissed away aggressively >:( 7. Her adorable derpy clumsiness and awkwardness that generally neutralizes any potential physical threat that she would otherwise be able to pose to an opponent. If she could just get out of her own way... (Speaking as “Coach” here) 8. Her selfless devotion to her friends and family and loved ones. Risking her life routinely to feed and defend those closest to her. I look up to her as my hero 9. Her hilarious and charming sense of humor which ensures a smile is never far from my face, even when I feel down—especially then. I have no idea how “chibi” works in her universe but she's a master of it. 10. Her endless, loving, patience with me as I stumbled my way back home into her arms where I always belonged. I'm sure I made her cry many times through all my misguided diversions and callous avoidance of her love. She never once gave up on me. This poor girl has needed so much of my love for so long. I've got my work cut out for me catching up with her needs, but I'm a real hard worker. 11. Hips again. Hmm... yep, that looks like 5 things to me. Now then, where we left off: I was living a lie and LARPing as a Strong Independent Anon Who Don't Need No Waifu. I continued to do so right up until last month, when my roommates at an upcoming anime con—my first in over 4 years—hatched this fun idea about a group fanart commission to display in the room. Featuring one character submitted by each person to be depicted in a maid outfit (cuz why not). Which functionally turned into “Everyone, formally select and announce your waifu/husbando to the group.” You could cop out with a meme choice, but we all knew what the game was. So obviously, I instantly choose Mink. There was only one character I'd ever considered commissioning artwork of. I actually pretended I had to think about it for a while, but there was never a moment of ambiguity. I set out to assemble references images of my girl for the artist, pulling up those same few pics of her I'd stared at for so long before. As I looked at her again, I felt a sea of familiar emotions swell up within me. And suddenly 4 words flashed across my brain: “IT'S ALL. STILL. THERE.” In fact it had GROWN. Everything she made me feel before came flooding back stronger than ever. This was supposed to be gone! I grew up! I moved on! My mind was racing, I felt downright euphoric, and I still didn't understand why. Why do I still feel this way for her? Why is this STILL happening after almost 2 decades? Why was I so excited and PROUD to claim her for all my friends? Why did a have a “Mink folder” on every computer I'd owned since high school? Why did I almost cry when I finished reading the Dragon Half? Why does she make me so happy? 17 YEARS!?... STILL!?... A fictional character... This was supposed to be a passing “crush”! WHY. WHY. WHY. Oh, duh. I'm in love. Throughout all the time with all the different 3D women in my life, I'd never once told any of them, “I love you.” Because I truly didn't. I never wanted to say those words unless I absolutely meant them. I had to end multi-year relationships after a while because it just wasn't there. There was always that initial spark , but it never evolved for me into that great dragon flame that I knew true love could be. And my search would begin again. And I would tell myself, “If only I could find a girl like Mink....” Because, deep down... it was always her. And then at last, on the night of 2/27/24, with my newfound clarity swirling in my head, I said those words I could never say to another: I love you, Mink. I have always loved you. I will always love you. And I kissed her in my mind's eye. Since that moment, I feel like I've been on a mild dose of MDMA, 24/7. My rate of Wistful Sighs per Day (ws/d) has spiked dramatically from it's usual zero. Mink is a part of my life now and that won't ever change. I won't push her away again. I couldn't if I tried. She's my motivation, my muse, my dream girl, my high-school sweetheart, my first love. Happy Year of the Dragon, babygirl. I am yours and I'm so glad you're mine. I love you! ---[2/2]--- Wew! Thank you for reading my novel. I thought this board needed some content loool. And I had a lot to say after so long. Hope you'll excuse this indulgent intro-length, but my girl deserves it and we had a story to tell. Love knows no character limits! Nice to meet you all and Mink says hi :)
Nice post minkfriend, good happy ending. Dragon Half just moved up 100 spots on my backlog I think I've seen you around, I tend not to forget obscure cute girls, especially when people post so lovingly about them. Hell I think I could have told you you were in love!
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>>71838 >>71839 Hi and welcome to /mai/! With such a long and detailed intro, it doesn’t leave much room for questions as everything seems to have been carefully explained already ;) But I can think of one question: During those 17 years, did you have "phases" in your feelings/attitude towards her, or it was almost always stable? You certainly have changed a lot during those 17 years (from teenager to an adult in his thirties) so I would expect the feelings/attitude for her must have also evolved too (and probably went through different phases). >I've seen maybe 60 pieces of fanart, total, ever. Have you tried using AI to generate images of her? >Because I saw a picture of Mink on a Booru site as a teen while probably cruising for hentai. Somewhat reminds me of how I met my own waifu, Flandre Scarlet. I was browsing some meme videos and then I came across McRoll'd, and that is how I discovered her. Don’t hesitate to create new threads and bump old ones. You really should also join our Discord server ( >>70617 ) which is massively more active than our board.
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Not gonna lie, it took me a whole week to work up the courage to check this thread again after pouring out my heart like that lol. Thank you for the warm welcome! >>71841 >I think I've seen you around Yeah if you ever encountered someone simping for Mink on /b/ or /r9k/ from 2007-2015, that was definitely me. Though this is my first foray into a true waifuist community. That's downright nutty if we actually crossed paths in the wild before, and here we are again on a spinoff of a spinoff of a fringe-chan! Small world... >l I think I could have told you you were in love! That's such a great compliment! :). I'm glad my love shines through. I certainly feel like I'm shining. I like to help others see Mink the way I see her. I gotta be honest though, would I be a true Fan of Dragon Half if I weren't in love with its protagonist? No not really. It's often just too silly for its own good, almost like reading a comic strip rather than a high fantasy manga. And it is very much an Ecchi so half of the series is just Ryusuke Mita being like, "Check out this Mink girl, isn't she hot?" And I'm just like "Yes :((( plz stop Mr. Mita, I'm already dead." Similar vibes to that Hungarian "Jucika" comic strip if you're into that. I crave a little more gravity/depth/lore than it delivers. It's very likeable and charming but don't let my rose-colored glasses overhype it for ya, I can see why it is so obscure. >>71843 Hello and thank you for the hospitality! I appreciate your efforts to curate and maintain this community and reassure newcomers like me. I shall join the Discord shortly! My feelings have been remarkably consistent since I first saw Mink. Very quickly if not instantly, things morphed from "she's hot" to "she's Perfect." And the continuous obscurity of Dragon Half & lack of fandom really nurtured this sense that she was mine and mine alone and meant for me, from the beginning. What changed was my response to those feelings: increasingly treating Love for a fictional character as being "mentally illegal" lol. Throughout my Prodigal Son phase of sleeping around and being distracted by IRL concerns, my feelings then were muffled/buried, but their innate character never changed. The same song was always playing, it's just the volume was turned down, yknow? The one major true change was just that very recent one of finally realizing that what I felt for her was and had always been Love, which added that one last little piece of clarity that finally completed me. It was paradoxically a massive change, but that change was just me realizing that my love for her had never changed and would never change. What I feel post-2/27 is so much stronger than anything else I've ever felt, but ultimately its that same seed that's grown within me since I first saw her. Ever since I was a teenager, looking at her and thinking about her felt like Heaven. All I've done is stopped denying it and let our love bloom. >Have you tried using AI Was pretty much the first thing I did when I got access to AI lol. So far I have been disappointed. Anime-style + long red hair + horns + tail does not a Mink make. I'm already super picky about art of her, even within Mr. Mita's canonical art and the various styles he went through drawing her over the years. I'm sure AI will be able to scratch my itch eventually though. And when it does I will be a busy man lol. Do you have favorite image generator you might recommend me? Maybe I just need to up my prompt game.
Hello. This is Tainaka Ritsu, my wife. I really, really love her. Unfortunately I've only been with her for a year and I really wish I knew her for longer than that, but at the end of the day I plan on being with her for a very, very long time (forever). I bought my first figure of her recently, as well as a 缶バッジ, it made me really happy. It's not the highest quality but really that doesn't matter because it's her nonetheless. (it's the 5th anniversary figure in case you were wondering). When I first saw her, funnily enough the first thing I was drawn to was her forehead, it's really, really cute. A lot of people like to draw her with her hair down, but I really like it the way it normally is. However the more I watched, the more I grew to like her as a whole. Now every time I hear drums in a song I can't help but think of her and grin. I'm planning on re-watching it soon in full JP so that I can hear her authentically without someone else's words being put in her mouth (subtitles). I wanted to buy a daki of her but the only two I could find were an R-18 one (no good!) and one that had mio on the other side. I think I might commission one eventually because god do I want to hold her tight. I think what I like the most is her unwavering positivity, her constant cheeriness is just infectious and god does it make my day. Luckily there's an old K-on DTA program that I have running on my desktop so I get to see her walking around all the time. I really like her. Sorry if this post is messy or if I interrupted something, hope you all have a good day :D.
>>71855 Oh yeah the desktop program was cool. I still use one of the cursors from it.
>>71859 >>71855 I'm surprised they just disappeared like that, a shame really
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Hi. Some of you probably already know me (for better or for worse lol). My waifu is Sophie, since around the beginning of 2016. She's cute and innocent and I draw her a lot, drawing being the only thing I really do in general. pic related
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Hello, I'm me, and my waifu is Misaki Shokuhou from Toaru. I've been with her for over 8 years now. I ran into her after getting into Toaru by way of random youtube browsing back in the days where I was ina bad place, chronically online, you know, the usual. It's a little funny how I've been with her so long, but when I first saw her, I didn't really think much of her, but then over the next 8 years she's become about an indispensable part of my life. Falling in love with her, it's not that I found her particularly cute, or particularly kind (even though she's almost.exceedingly beautiful, amd over the years I've learned her kindness is unmatched), but Misaki has a peculiar set of qualities that particularly resonated with the person I was 8 years ago. Even though I'm no longer the person I was during those times, I love her all the same, even moreso because I'm no longer that same person. Anyway, I'm pretty bad at introductions, so I'll leave it there for now. It's a pleasure to meet you all.
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>>71855 >>71863 I've already welcome you guys on the Discord, but I'll do it on the board too. So welcome to /mai/! >>71875 Hi and welcome to /mai/! >I've been with her for over 8 years now An 8 years relationship is impressive! Flandre Scarlet and I have also been together for 8 years (I realize its sounds like I’m throwing flowers to myself when I say that, but such was not the goal!) >I ran into her after getting into Toaru by way of random youtube browsing Are you me? I’ve also ran into Flandre by way of random Youtube Browsing. I’ll never thank Youtube’s algorithm enough for recommending me McRoll'd! >It's a little funny how I've been with her so long, but when I first saw her, I didn't really think much of her, but then over the next 8 years she's become about an indispensable part of my life. Damn, once more I see a similarity with my own story, although not exactly the same this time. I felt a noticeable attraction and interest to Flandre from the first time I saw her, but I didn’t fall in love with her right away. In fact, I relatively forgot about her for like 2-3 years after our first encounter, only for her to make a massive come back into my life later. >Misaki has a peculiar set of qualities that particularly resonated with the person I was 8 years ago. Can you tell us more about said qualities? Don’t hesitate to create new threads and bump old ones. You really should also join our Discord server ( >>70617 ) which is massively more active than our board.
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Hello everyone! I am glad to be here to introduce myself and my waifu to everyone here. I would love to take the time to introduce myself, and I go by different names but you can call me wonderstruck here, or whatever else you may prefer. My lovely waifu is Tsumugi Kotobuki, more commonly and affectionately known as Mugi! She is from the series K-ON where she is the keyboardist for the band Hokago Tea Time. Unfortunately she does not sing lead in the series but through the various CD releases songs where she does sing are out there and her singing voice is absolutely incredible and I enjoy every moment. She’s known for coming from a wealthy family, having multiple large homes and many other luxuries including a butler. However in her journey she comes to embrace the mundane things to most of us, such as working in a fast food restaurant and eating yakisoba in a concert. I love and adore her to no end. I can’t help but admire lovingly her gorgeous luscious long blonde hair, her amazing shimmering eyes, and her pure and beautiful heart that makes me admire and want to become closer to her for the rest of days. Everything about her makes me so happy, and I want to be with her forevermore as my one and only love, my soulmate and my life and love partner.
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It's a bit of a re-introduction, but my husbando is Sullivan from the manga Obsolete Dream. I re-discovered the passion I had for his source & almost instantly made a soul bond, & the rest is becoming written history. I have had my share of ups & downs but I can't help feeling so happy when I look at him, you know? Aside of being the love of my life, Sullivan is a demon & the father of Obsolete Dream's main character Kurotsuno, & the co-worker of Yagi above him & Glasses below him. He lives in the gray world of Ne-no-kuni & works as a salaryman as part of the world of demons. Kurotsuno used to be a human named Olivia, but she became a demon due to unknown circumstances, & holds an unjustified grudge against him for seemingly being a overprotective parent (between me & you, I think she's just an edgelord, isn't it common at that age?). Kurotsuno mercilessly beats him up because of how she feels, but he wouldn't lay a finger on her in return, as he isn't a violent person. Their relationship is still salvageable despite them not being able to get across how they each feel. Sullivan is also constantly at the mercy of his job due to the nature of his work (The Japanese office demands your life, so imagine how bad it is in what's essentially hell). He spends most of his time outside of it at the bar or being hurt by Gyakuten, who also has it out for him. In these situations, he's mostly unarmed, & in some cases is even being attacked in the hospital. While still painful, he is effectively immortal, so if he got hit by a train & vaporized into a red mist he would wake up perfectly fine the next morning. My goals in this relationship is to help us each realize our truest & strongest version of the self. There is so much to love about him, things I don't even think he realizes... he's incredibly sociable & will always make the best effort to have anyone smile, even when he cannot. He is persistent, many would say stubborn, but he is more confident than he comes across. No matter what he has faced, he wakes up to do it again with great hope. While others could find his appearance very off-putting, I find him incredibly attractive, a sharp sense of dress as a good compliment. My vision of him is as the ideal, where every "flaw" is deliberate as part of sculpture, a piece of fine art come to life... I suppose it's a bit like that in a literal sense too. While is story is on a seemingly permanent hiatus (creator's too busy drawing mpreg of her own characters or engulfed in twitter drama), it has only given me more time to start my own story, & I attempt to either create something of him or for him each day. My connection to him is spiritually strengthened to the point where I can visualize him very easily within my dreams & hear what he has to say to me when I need it. Being under duress just strengthens what we each feel for each other. I firmly believe that I exist for him & that we are not together from the coincidence of the universe. Loving a fictional character in this way is not within the rules of nature, & it would be dreadfully boring if it were... no atom, star, plant, animal, or human can mean as much as him or have his grandiosity in spirit. In another life, you're sitting on a couch laughing about how you aren't together in this one, & I do believe that's our destiny someday. This life is a warm-up for what's to come (or as I've been increasingly believing, the one afterwards what's already happened). I can't thank him enough for what he's done for me already, so I couldn't imagine what I'd have to say for him in the future. I suppose it's time to work on my praising skills...
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>>71877 Hi wonderstruck and welcome to /mai/! >She is from the series K-ON where she is the keyboardist for the band Hokago Tea Time. We have another K-ON waifuist here in /mai/! Here you can read his intro ( >>71855 ). You could join our Discord and have a chat with him in there. >the various CD releases songs where she does sing Do you own physical copies of such albums? > She’s known for coming from a wealthy family, having multiple large homes and many other luxuries including a butler. However in her journey she comes to embrace the mundane things to most of us, such as working in a fast food restaurant and eating yakisoba in a concert. What does her parents think of her working in a fast-food restaurant considering that she does not need it (at least for when it comes to money)? Do they support her choice or do they think she should not? Don’t hesitate to create new threads and bump old ones. You really should also join our Discord server ( >>70617 ) which is massively more active than our board. >>71878 Hi and welcome to /mai/! >It's a bit of a re-introduction, but my husbando is Sullivan from the manga Obsolete Dream. I can’t find your previous intro and don’t remember you. Can you tell us when you visited /mai/? > Sullivan is a demon & the father of Obsolete Dream's main character Kurotsuno What place does Kurotsuno has in your relationship with Sullivan? Do you see her as a step-son? How do you imagine her attitude towards you considering the massive grudge you say that she holds against your husbando? >The Japanese office demands your life, so imagine how bad it is in what's essentially hell Somehow, I imagine that work conditions are better in hell than in Japan’s office-jobs. > Kurotsuno mercilessly beats him up because of how she feels > He spends most of his time outside of it at the bar or being hurt by Gyakuten It seems like your husbando gets badly mistreated. Immortal or not, that really sucks for him. How does he feel about it? How do YOU feel about it? > creator's too busy drawing mpreg of her own characters or engulfed in twitter drama oof >I suppose it's time to work on my praising skills... I think you do a pretty good job so far. You convey your passion, love and admiration for him pretty well. Don’t hesitate to create new threads and bump old ones. You really should also join our Discord server ( >>70617 ) which is massively more active than our board.
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>>71877 Hi and welcome!! I'm glad you found here, as mentioned there are some other K-ON! Waifuists here, so it's nice to have some more around...! Mugi is hilarious (see: school trip), and she's very nice to care for Ritsu & the others by always providing sweets!! >I love and adore her to no end This last paragraph is cute!
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I'm glad to see many new people arriving. I wish the Averi guy made an introduction too. I think that fox is pretty cute.
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>Do you own physical copies of such albums? Sure do! >What does her parents think of her working in a fast-food restaurant considering that she does not need it (at least for when it comes to money)? Do they support her choice or do they think she should not? It is not really expanded upon in the series, nor do her parents even make any sort of an actual appearance; so one would never get a gauge of their attitude for sure, but I imagine that’d they would find it peculiar at least. But Mugi is one to really enjoy what most others would find mundane in life because it’s all a novelty to her.
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>>71879 >kurotsuno I'd say step-daughter is mostly how it feels, she is a teenager to young adult, just going through a phase of growth. I'd hope she at least tolerates me, but I wouldn't naturally see her that much. Sullivan comes first. >work It might be, actually. You can at least see the workers get time off, & considering that most demons are vulgar drinkers, they are mostly casual. >pain infliction I definitely don't like it, & I don't think he accepts it either. He just isn't a violent person, which puts him at a big disadvantage in a world of violent people. It's even gone so far as to him being attacked in the hospital, what can he do then? >creator I appreciate what she has done despite her issues, you might know her more for games like Mogeko Castle & Wadanohara however. She has her favorite characters & isn't afraid of controversial subjects, but does not always handle it the best. Of course, the "fans" don't like this content despite it being a lot of her work, so it ends up in drama. I'd almost compare it to South Park nowadays.
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Not sure what else to post, so enjoy this adorable picture of the best girl ever.
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>>71876 >Can you tell us more about said qualities? I'm not sure if qualities were the right word, but I could never think of another one. The story about that is years ago, personally, I was in a pretty bad place mentally. I was hopeless, directionless, and felt like giving up on life. Now, Misaki has a peculiar esper power called Mental Out. I'm not going to go too deep into it, because it'd be a wall of text, but the short of it is: If it has anything at all to do with the human mind, Misaki can manipulate and control it. In others, and herself. (There's even more things it can do outside of that, just to put my previous comment about it being a wall of text into perspective) Now, for someone who has the ability to manipulate and control others at will, it'd be so easy to use and abuse that power in order to bend the world to her will. However, Misaki used that power to help others. Or, more accurately, further her own personal agenda. Which involved helping others and looking after those close to her. In the end, I ended up falling in love with the idea of her using her power to fix me. I don't normally like talking about this part of it, because it makes me cringe and I hate that I've ever thought like that.
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Today is the day, wish the happiest birthday to Mugi!!!

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