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Seattle, Portland, and beyond! Free Cascadia!

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We are a post for all things Pacific Northwest -- share photos and events, talk about local politics and history ...and try to be nice!

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Hello world! Anonymous 02/07/2021 (Sun) 08:19:34 Id: 22d48b No. 4 [Reply]
Hello from the 8chan house in Seattle Washington! Feel free to use this thread for introductions or to make suggestions :-)

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Free Cascadia Anonymous 02/08/2021 (Mon) 07:25:26 Id: 394aef No. 6 [Reply]
What do you guys think of the free cascadia movement? I think it's pretty based, like all native PNW'ers I fucking hate the feds man. Thomas Jefferson described the founding of Fort Austoria as >the germ of a great, free, and independent empire on that side of our continent, and that liberty and self-government spreading from that as well as from this side, will insure their complete establishment over the whole. However not wanting to miss the opportunity the Feds never allowed this. For a lot of its history the PNW was just a satellite of the federal government, and maybe still is in some regards as federal land and military bases are prevalent and federal economic interests such as the timber industry dominate. As well as all the tech in Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, etc. What are your thoughts on the size of an independent Cascadia? I like the idea of including North California, the panhandle of Idaho, parts of Utah and Nevada, etc. as in my personal travels these seem to be of a similar spirit. My goal of an independent Cascadia would be to see small representative government return to the land along with the libertarian values our forefathers settled this land with. Never forget, the settlers who stopped before the Rockies were failures. The true heroes pressed on!
>>6 Back in the start of the previous decade, I thought a Free Cascadia was a really cool idea. That a local populace could propose a demand to separate and either form a provisional state of Southern Oregon/Northern California retirees to make 'Jefferson', or the dream of Eastern Washington and Oregon merging with Idaho is cute. What happened the decade since was watching this same movement occur with the newer Free State Project, a similar idea of making New Hampshire (or Vermont?) a more independent state open to Libertarian stuff. It is now 2021, and the NH Libertarian Party is still a mere fraction of the size compared to the two big Rep/Dem factions. State independence and own identity without an economic plan to bootstrap with now feels like putting the cart before the horse. In retrospect, the sound of Cascadia has the same dim light as the citizens of Hong Kong and Taiwan protesting for independence from the mainland. Not every country can be like Monaco or the other European/Caribbean microstates. Noticing the consumption that requires a nation as large as the US or China makes one require a reality check.

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