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Know Your Retard : A list of terms to define your kind of retard retard 03/13/2024 (Wed) 12:36:42 No. 1874
A Able-bodied, there is an implied value judgement comparing a person with a disability versus one without Abnormal Abortion failure Addict Afflicted Arab, generally a person screaming gibberish for no reason. Attention-seeking, commonly used to label someone who is suffering emotionally Autism or autistic, when used as an insult B Batty Birth defect Blind, especially when used metaphorically (e.g., "blind to criticism") or preceded by "the", although "the blind" is considered acceptable by many blind people and organizations such as the National Federation of the Blind. Bonkers Brain damaged C Challenged Crazy Cretin Cripple used to mean "a person with a physical or mobility impairment". Its shortened form, "crip" has been reclaimed by some people with disabilities as a positive identity. Cunt D Daft, consider nonsensical or feckless "Deaf and dumb" or "deaf-mute" or "deaf to" Defect, defective Deformed Delusional Demented, use "person with dementia", see Joe Biden. Deranged or mentally deranged Derp is considered by some sites to refer to those with intellectual disabilities. Derpy is considered by many to be adorable, except tranny SJWs which are beings filled with hate. Differently abled Dim or dim-witted "The Disabled" or "Disabled people" may be offensive to some, who may prefer "person with a disability" or "people with health conditions or impairments" instead. However, many people prefer "disabled person" or "disabled people", in part due to the social model of disability. Just call em retards already. Disorder Dotard Downie, a Dutch profanity sometimes appearing in English as "downy", used to refer to people with Down syndrome and generally considered derogatory Dumb, especially when preceded by "the" Dummy, in the context of calling a person stupid or ignorant
[Expand Post] Dwarf E Ekbom Enby Epileptic, especially when referring to an individual F Faggot, fag, homosexuality syndrome Feeble-minded, sometimes shortened in slang to "feeb" Fit to refer to an epileptic seizure Flid to refer to someone with phocomelia from birth mother's use of thalidomide Freak Fucko, fucked in the head. G Gimp or gimpy to describe a limp, riding a blimp H Handicapped, especially when preceded by "the" or "physically" Handicapable Hare lip Hearing-impaired HIV-positive, being full of AIDS. Homebound Hunchback, or "humpback" and "Quasimodo", especially when referring to people with scoliosis or kyphosis; generated controversy after the s release of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hyper Hyper-sensitive Hysterical, typically used in reference to women. I Imbecile Incapacitated Incompetent Inferior Idiot Inmate, when referring to a psychiatric admission Insane Inspirational or inspiring, when used about somebody doing a very ordinary activity, a phenomenon of spectacle known as "inspiration porn" that is based on pity; not to be confused with legitimate public activities of mass spectacle such as Special Olympics or Paralympics, which celebrate talent without pity or mockery. Invalid J Junkie L Lame, in reference to difficulty walking or moving. The term has since been adopted into urban slang to generally refer to something or someone as "meaningless" or "without worth", e.g. "He told us a lame excuse for why he had not done the work." Losing one's mind Losing / Lost one's marbles Lunatic or looney M Mad, madman Mad as a hatter or "mad hatter", derogatory term (referring to a mentally ill person or a person with brain damage and dementia caused by heavy metal poisoning) popularized especially due to the fictional character of the same name Malformed Maniac Mental or mentally deficient, mental case, defective, disabled, deranged, or ill Midget Mong, Mongol, Mongoloid, or Mongolism for Down syndrome. Moron, moronic Munchkin (see "Midget" above), a term derived from the s feature film The Wizard of Oz which had a cast of Little Persons; explicitly referring to a Little Person as a Munchkin is considered offensive Mute Mutant, referring to someone with an uncommon genetic mutation N Narc, narcissist this does not mean the same as abuser Nigger, a clumsy, not so intelligent race of humans Not the brightest bulb / Not the sharpest tool in the shed (mentally disabled derogatory term) Nut, nuts, or nutter, nuthouse, etc. O Out to lunch (slang term for "crazy" or mentally ill) P Patient Paraplegic Pica, if it sees, it eats. Psycho(tic) Psychopath, which is an old term that used to mean a person with a mental illness Q Quasimodo, which translates to "half-formed" or more commonly "deformed" (see Hunchback above) R Retard/Retarded S Scatterbrained Schizo especially as an adjective, meaning "erratic" or "unpredictable" or, for the former two, to refer to an individual. Schizophrenic, when referring to an individual Screw loose "(has a) screw loose", a British slang term that originally meant eccentric, neurotic or slightly mentally ill; generally considered offensive to mentally ill people Senile Slow Sluggish Socialist Sociopath Spastic/Spaz/Spakka, especially in the UK and Ireland. Previously referred to muscle spasticity or a person with cerebral palsy, which may involve muscle spasms. Also used to insult someone uncoordinated or making jerking movements. Special Special needs SPED, an acronym of "special ed" (short for "special education") Sperg, a shortened version of asperger Stone deaf Stricken Stupid, in some contexts Subnormal Subhuman Supercrip Sufferer T Tard, short for "retard"; see retard above. Thalidomide, a malformed being as the result of "Trust the science". Triso, short for "trisomic". Thick Tone deaf Tourettes, a person who can cite every single word in this list without repercussion. Tranny, short for "transsexual", "transgender" a form of profound retard where the subject believes he's another sex. Troon, a slightly higher and more insufferable form of tranny. U Unclean Unfortunate Unhinged V Vegetable Virgin W Wacko Welfare queen Window licker

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