
Rules of /sci/

1 : /sci/ is for the discussion of science, mathematics, and related topics.
2 : Politics and religion are generally bannable offenses.
3 : Keep any NSFW material (nudity, gore, etc) spoilered. If you are browsing at work, assume spoilered images are not safe for work.
4 : Board meta discussion is allowed, but must be relegated to a dedicated thread, of which there may only be one at a time.
5 : Any use of avatars or signatures will result in a ban.
6 : /sci/ is not for the general discussion of college/university or your career path. Discussion of courses or jobs in the appropriate general is fine, but don't make a thread asking which major you should choose, for example.
7 : /sci/ is not for getting help on your homework..

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply