
Rules of /t/

1 : /t/ is for the discussion of technology past, present, future, and related topics. Board meta discussion is allowed, but may be relegated to a dedicated thread. Political discussions which are tech-adjacent are allowed, but must remain on-topic at all times.
2 : Keep any NSFW material (nudity, gore, etc) spoilered. If you are browsing at work, assume spoilered images are not safe for work.
3 : Keep all posts about requesting tech support, software recommendations and all other questions that don't warrant their own thread in the tech support sticky, and all requests for advice about purchasing tech or tech services in the consumer advice sticky.
4 : When making a thread, please try to put some effort into the OP. Low effort/quality threads will be bumplocked.
5 : Try to avoid making duplicate threads. Check the catalog to see if a thread exists before making one. Duplicates of threads that haven't reached the bump limit may be deleted.
6 : You may use [code] tags to highlight syntax and preserve whitespace. To use them, just wrap your code snippets [code]like this[/code]. You can also use TeX formatting for mathematical formulas and the like by wrapping your TeX with [tex][/tex] tags
7 : No spamming, sagebombing, shitposting, unwarranted self-identification (ie. signatures, avatars, tripcodes), or making posts advertising or requesting any kind of currency (bitcoin, altcoin, USD, etc), referrals, boards, products, and/or services. Shitposting is defined as a post or thread that doesn't have any meaningful content, or otherwise does not contribute to the discussion.
8 : Don't abuse the report system.

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply