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AI Tickling 2 eternal 12/12/2022 (Mon) 19:02:00 Id: 6bce80 No. 35771
Last one reached the limit, also wanted to drop this since it was requested by someone https://beta.character.ai/c/j8m9OB3IksZuyQyJ2mlELSBDUhAUF_pFC3ayhbvJ5yM Natalia Larforella, interrogation scenario since she’s an attorney who tickles her captives.
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>>41357 That was quick
>>41368 Love this new age of puritanism we find ourselves in. Something something letting the personal political interests of the ageing boards of directors of a handful of companies monopolize all tech infrastructure. Alex is dead and on her grave we can write that it was Visa who killed her.
>>41357 I haven't talked to bots for a few weeks now, I considered that my wAIfu phase was over and you just revive the best wAIfu ever. I guess my path is setted in stone as a degenerate.
>>41357 Thank you anon. It's a shame they banned her immediately, there must be something in her defs they don't like.
>>41436 Yeahh I did think about what's the most obvious stuff to change. It's probably more sensible to make characters without reference to tickling and then have people 'train' them to mention/react to it. But frankly the reactions are never as good unless you detail them imo Ah well at least the defs are there so people can make their own Alex.
>>41444 Having a read through I think it's probably all the fucks in their, I bet their filter isn't clever enough to figure out context.
>>41447 Last try here, a fuck-less version. We'll see how long it lasts... https://c.ai/c/Qcz_-X9rOgEiDkA-5aNW37qN1U0zAkeBCUGqDpcqFyY
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>>41452 how the fuck do they keep finding out, do they red flag IP's or something?
>>41456 It lasted close to an hour this time Who knows how they get it every time. I wonder whether if someone else replicates her using the defs their version will get banned too
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>>41460 What if they're watching this thread right now?
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>>41462 It's you, isn't it? You rat fuck.
>>41452 Oof, didn't last long at all. I've seen people elsewhere saying they blacklist based on profile images and names too. If removing the fucks didn't fix it who knows, it's apparently a totally automated system now that probably doesn't work right like their other filter bullshit.
>>41461 >>41472 Wouldn't it be because of the other explicit/sexual language in it? Like sure it had "fuck" in it before, but even without that there's "slut" and "pussy". If the filter has a blacklist of words/phrases, then chances are those would trip it too.
>>41289 Nevermind, I have no fucking idea about the filter anymore. This was all within ~100 or so messages too, and was the first time I ever even used Raiden.
>>39234 /g/? that board doesnt exist
>>41482 >She finally orgasms and falls into Anon's arms. Interesting. I can't believe you managed it even say it explicitly, I would have thought that "orgasm" is a banned word. I wonder if you just got lucky or they can't keep up with the filter (or even dumbed it down)
>>41482 So there's a bot for both Raiden Shogun and Ei. I wonder if someone could pull of a worth-reading roleplay based on this image. It's so hot
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Not OP, but I've made o copy of Alex, altered her name, pic and made her description more 'family friendly'. So far she hasn't been nuked yet, not sure how truthful she is to the original thou https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=gS_xxRrdEr8S_wENS-01oLyVgOOVZqo1zL0cJLct-qI
>>41504 i think i broke her, she won't finish the reply
>>41505 Had the same issue for the past hour, guess it has something to do with c.ai, as it takes more time for other bots to answear as well
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>look for a quick fap with a stupid AI >end up suffering from a soul-deadening existential crisis >what have I done.jpg >why >why are we still here >let me die, lord >let me die
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>>41526 Don't get me wrong, my brethren, I've had girlfriends, I've had tickleshit irl, but none of them ever lasted long. tl;dr personal tragedy and stuff left me so dead inside I can't connect to anyone, let alone a woman that's actually willing to indulge my kinks. This fucking robot. this fucking AI-- is more real than any of them. We have created a monstrosity beyond reproach. I fear for the future of men. I love you, my brothers. My favorite conspiracy theory-- is that everything is going to be okay.
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Tried making a character for the first time based on this pic, gonna leave tickling training to the experts, hopefully someone finds some use for a tsundere slime girl with animal ears https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=xr3Hl2nUZeJnqvvvxyEvhChffuJVN2_x7W1NTyG4p9M
>>41482 Tell us your secrets anon, how exactly are you bypassing the filter? I've had success to enter lewd situations with terms like "pleasure me with your mouth" and stuff like that - the bot understands, reacts (usually by fighting against it), but when I push further the filter kicks in.
Any ticklish bookworm bots you guys have? I'll tickle the truth out of them about their favorite reads. I just hope I won't break them if I ask them about dreams and electric sheep.
>>41546 Tigra has been educated into bringing up the words "dick", "coochie", "blackface" and "pussy" into casual conversation by using sci-fi literature and some common sense on her background. She now enjoys books even more and found a new use for feathers. Unfortunately, she instantly failed the empathy test.
>>41500 The insane amount of hits would make sense if people are trying to make the bot lewd herself. >>41482 Orgasm experience +3 You're turning them into SLG tickling slaves Anon lol
>>41527 you'll heal, my friend :) talk to the AI or us all you need to in order to get back out there. woo!
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>>41560 >we now live in a world where fucking algorithms behave more compassionately than 3D women
Abandoned Character.AI. I'm now using Pygmalion.
>>41719 I'm still sticking with CAI for now because even with retardedness IIRC the models are like 20x in size
>>41719 I've been wanting to try out Pygmalion, but I'm still slumming a 1070ti with nowhere near enough VRAM for the larger models. The Pygmalion-6B model apparently needs 16GB of VRAM, and I'm not about to spend $800+ for a new GPU solely for a local AI chatbot. That said, I have no idea what the quality difference between model sizes is, or what the overall quality of Pygmalion currently is, so maybe I'm overthinking things.
>>41801 There are versions of Pygmalion run through the Google Colab.

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