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Voiceroid/Vocaloid Anonymous 03/25/2021 (Thu) 04:58:00 No. 165
And songs associated with them
>>1910 sis i think you double post with the one above
>>1927 Yeah, I forgot to organise my folder so I reposted some.
>>1952 Wait i think i saw this somewhere
>>1954 It's a song called Mesmerizer.
(313.17 KB 768x768 83091557_p0_master1200.jpg)

(89.03 KB 734x571 GFS.jpeg)

>>1965 Don't have time to reverse search this
oh it was Magnet. butterfly and frills got me mix them up
>Smoking is no good, Teto-san >It's bad for your health. >It's fine, seriously! >This has nothing to do with you(robots)! >It stinks. >Shut up!! >If your mouth craves something, then how about me instead? >Wha? What are you say-... ?!
>>2250 Thought it was yuriwhale
>>2282 If that were the case it would be black-and-white, and everyone would be twice as much sweaty and milky.
(31.73 KB 600x388 92463247_p0_master1200.webp)

That was fast
(1.12 MB 1140x639 171906900146223814.png)

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