
Rules of /vgp/

1 : This board is for fictional cartoon pornographic material of video game characters. Real people or pornstars are offtopic for this board and better suited elsewhere.
2 : Do not attempt to derail or shit up certain threads just because you may dislike the subject matter.
3 : Requests threads are completely discouraged. There will be a pinned Request Thread for all questions, any other threads made requesting for sources will be deleted.
4 : Threads deemed to be duplicates of another thread topic may be deleted. Always check the Catalog to make sure the thread you want to create doesn't already exist. This includes making threads about the meta of the board or 8chan.moe, as you will be redirected to post about it in the Pinned Meta Thread.
5 : Threads made should have a clearly defined proper subject matter and a decent amount of images dumped to get the thread going. Lacking these will consider the thread "low effort" and may be deleted.
6 : Posts and threads made to advertise other websites, imageboards or to shill stuff like Patreon are discouraged.
7 : Certain media spun-off or based on Video Games are fine to post here. For example, anime adaptions of a video game property is still on-topic (posting characters from the Pokemon Anime is a good example).
8 : Any suspected spam or bots will be removed immediately. This includes hyperlinks that I don't recognize.

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply