/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Art share Anonymous 05/05/2022 (Thu) 01:54:13 No. 13710
You can share art that you have made here and art you have commissioned that hasn't been posted. Whether it is because you wanna be anonymous and share stuff or want advice any art is welcomed as long as you either paid for it or drew it. You can also post stories and audio if you want but make sure to use files for stories and to tag the work to warn people what will be featured E.G. a story about Sara and she eats Mike they are from Mike and Sara, f/m, digestion, oral vore and any other tags that people may want to know. If it's a commission then mention that and if you want advice then just ask for advice when posting. You can give constructive criticism, share ideas and have conversations if relevant but this isn't a request thread and no begging.
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Some somewhat recentish wips I hope to get done eventually once I get back in the mood to draw. One of which being a continuation of one of these pics from a while back. >>13824
WIP (:
>>27035 that queen one looks dope
Another. Trying to break art block
Did you guys learn to draw purely for fap material, or was there another reason?
>>27676 Both. I started out because of the lack of Tsareena art. The other was backgrounds. Painting can be fun but difficult. Atm focusing on all my flaws and trying to be consistent instead of not posting on weeks end.
>>27676 I did at first to use the motivation as a stepping stone, but it helped overall with learning how to draw anatomy and tweak it properly when vore is added into the mix. >>27678 Glad we both like Tsareena as a pred for the same reason since she had little art. Was sketching something with her a bit ago I tried being consistent with uploading stuff but felt my art sorta was lacking because of it. So I just sketch a basic idea that I may or may not come back to for thorough refinement.
>>27680 Nice to see another lover of this sassy fruit. And good progress. I’m hoping to get big enough to have people draw her more. It was Dongwongtang take on her that started it. If only he drew her again.
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Working on a D.Mon sequence and wanted to seek advice/critique! I've really neglected working with the swallowing/throat bulge aspect of Vore so I wanted to experiment. Also not too sure of the dialogue, placeholder for now. Let me know what you think! (Page 1/3)
>>29154 Looks incredible. I love the swallowing panels, especially pulling down the bodysuit to reveal her panties. Pred's undressing their prey mid swallow is really hot. The content pose at the end, the belly, and the burp are fantastic. Can't wait to see the finished version.
>>29154 I like your art, but I feel that your art can be a little samey at times. It's not a big thing, but I've seen some artists with good art get stuck in a cycle of doing very similar posing and character designs to the point where if you have seen one of their images, you have seen them all, so it's something I feel is always good to look out for. For your art, I would say the posing is the main reason it can feel a little samey. The sequences are unique, with fun characters and different sequences that fit them, but the posing and expression can feel like they could belong to any other character. So when a similar pose is used, they tend to blend together. Having their personality influence their pose is always nice and tells you who the character is. People may like them for their looks, but they also like them for their characteristics. I don't know much about the pred here, but d.va is typically depicted as either a Gremlin or a kind but arrogant gamer. I think having her start off being annoyed, looking away in a grumpy way and then having her more panicky when she realises what is happening. It has a similar pose, but the added character means it is different enough from any other time you use that pose. I also want to say that there are a lot of things that make your art stand out among most, like your great gut shots, your casual and cruel vibe and your satisfyingly smooth stomachs and gains. Your style is always refreshing to see being distinct, with the only negative being that some of your art can feel similar at times, but that may just be me nick picking.
>>29206 Appreciate the feedback! I'll definitely try to be a bit more creative with my posing. And definitely agree with the samey-thing, kinda put me in an art block. I feel like I'm lost in trying to figure out what my next step in developing my art should be.
>>29154 Just off of my own first glance is that it seems like the one leg you can see on the other girl in the final page seems like it's a little off in positioning, where the leg would either be hugging the gut more, or facing towards the viewer a little more
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posting some of my more recent stuff, as well as my latest actually rendered piece, but any thoughts/critique on my stuff as a whole? I haven't really had a lot of time to do the more rendered out stuff I'd like to like the last pic, but I really do want to do more stuff like that in general, I've just been trying to find the time, and I don't have so much a raw, general opinion on what about my art could improve
>>29223 you have really good shit overall, if you wanna improve id suggest learning line weights, its a really quick thing to get the hang of but it makes your stuff look way better and honestly while the rendered stuff is cool even your more basic stuff like the mini one is still really good, so if rendering and shit takes too much time imo you dont even need to do it
>>29236 thanks, I have been trying to make more use of line weight & pressure, I guess it just doesn't show up very well, or I'm using my pen too hard
Any advice for cleaner and neater sketches or overall cleaner line art? Been trying to get back at art but getting increasingly frustrated.
>>29338 the way I would tackle it is to both work on your line confidence, I see a lot of jagged, scratchy lines being drawn over each other. That, and focusing on the 'structure' of your sketches more, so that there's coherent shapes behind what you're drawing.
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Anyone want to help me pick out a character I should use for this drawing I’m doing? (18+ character btw)
>>29565 How about Leona Heidern from King of Fighters?
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>>29565 Looks like a short character, so how about Futaba Igarashi from my senpai is annoying.
Warm up I liked. Tried going for an impressionist style
>>29216 I'd say try looking into comic books and manga to get a feel for more dynamic panels. A good start point would be using some Dutch angles. I think some more perspective shots that force you to integrate depth into your characters will help too. Depth is obviously harder due having to factor in anatomy still looking correct, but if you want a challenge it could pay off and give you something to work towards. All will make your comics more dramatic and you an improved Artist.
Could I recommend some creators, who's stories I like?
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anyone have some opinions on this face? I keep redrawing it and it still looks crappy when I flip canvas, I can't figure it out.
>>30616 looks totally fine to me, maybe youve been looking at it for too long, i know that can happen when drawing id say stick with it and finish the piece
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>>30616 As >>30726 said, it could be you need to take some time away from the art because you are too aware of the tiny details and minor flaws. Have you also tried changing the style in some ways? For example, you could change her hairstyle or eyes. These test styles don't need to be similar to what you want but should be styles that you know look good when you draw them. If the piece suddenly looks better, then you'll know why. If you still feel it looks wired, that could mean those areas weren't the culprit. You can also try making copies and separating the pieces to see which ones stand out. Either have one piece at a time to see which ones look odd when on their own, or remove one piece and keep the rest to see if it suddenly changes in your eyes. The images in this post are examples of what I mean.
>>30726 >>30728 Thanks for the advice anons, I might just be psyching myself out here. A little while ago I went back and canvas flipped some of my previous works and found a couple faces I REALLY didn't like, and got a bit paranoid about it. I feel like it's so easy to get acclimated to the point where you can't be impartial... but might just need to do more face drills though so I'm speeding through these with less second-guessing. I'll try that partial-replacement/erasing idea, sounds interesting.
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anyway, more theoretical question. Anyone have hot takes/examples they like on making a mass-vore image look properly three dimensional? My goal is to imply a sphere, presumably mostly through lighting, that's almost as wide or wider than it is tall, but it's tricky to do with all the impressed shapes. Attached still looks a bit flat to me.
>>30748 I think what is selling it to be 'flat' is that the stomach is flowing with the length of the tail. My advice would to be to bow out the stomach width-wise
>>30748 I'm not sure how help full this is but here is a link to a tool someone made for 3D bellies which may help with your work. I would try and give you more advice and some examples to use but right now I'm pretty busy. I may try and post some advice in the future when I get the time to be more critical. link https://aryion.com/g4/view/868042
>>30747 oh shit i didnt even recognize its you, im used to your simpler faces, so if it makes you feel better the thing you posted certainly has a more different feeling than your usual style
Funny little silly milf drawings :)))))
>>31035 that first one is really good, belly looks very nice
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drew this quickly to scratch an itch
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A sketch from not to long ago

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