A Fraternal Society
1) The Elder brother is the Phoenix Emperor.
2) His commands are absolute.
3) The Emperor selects 10 younger brothers.
4) These 10 each themselves select 10 younger brothers, and so on ad infinitum.
1)Younger brothers must be chronologically younger than an older brother by at least a year.
2)Younger brothers must obey their immediate older brother, and only their immediate older brother, with the exception of the Phoenix Emperor himself.
3) Older brothers must love their younger brothers.
4) An older brother can replace a younger brother with another by giving a year’s notice… this can be canceled at anytime.
5) An older brother cannot have more than 10 younger brothers at the same-time.
6) Outside of the older-younger brother or Father-Son relationship, male X male same-sex activity is discouraged.
The formal initiation process of an older brother adopting a younger brother:
1) The younger brother and older brother both do not eat for three days prior to the initiation.
2) The initiation takes place in the presence of all present younger brothers of the older brother.
3) All present are naked.
4) First, the younger brother candidate performs fellatio on the older brother and swallows his semen.
5) Then, from oldest to youngest, he performs fellatio and swallows the semen of all the fellow younger brothers, from oldest to youngest.
6) The younger brother candidate then receives protected anal sex from the older brother, until the older brother is satisfied.
7) The older brother then performs fellatio and swallows the semen of the younger brother.
8) The older brother then receives protected anal sex from the younger brother until he is satisfied.
9) At this point the formal initiation is complete
10) Initiation is the only time in which sexual activity is required.
10) Every initiated male of the brotherhood, is expected to have at least one wife. If a younger brother does not already have one, it is the older brother’s responsibility to find him one, this is required to be one of his daughters if he has any that are willing.
11) A brother’s harem is off-limits to all other brothers.
12) A mother is responsible for acting as her children’s wife in addition to her duties as wife to her husband.
13) A father is responsible for acting as his children’s husband in addition to his duties as husband to his wive(s).
14) A Daughter always has the choice to marry one of her father’s younger brothers.
15) If a daughter does not want to marry, she stays with her mother