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猫女神ゆりアリャナ#2 バステト 11/02/2020 (Mon) 07:32:45 No. 1322
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>>2250 I like the male ones that you post, la~ >>2256 Good night, la~ >>2255 I'll start watching this, la~
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>>2257 Are you a Muscovite tranny or a non tranny Muscovite?
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>>2260 Neither, what, I can't admire the excellence of a male body without being a tranny first?
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>>2261 Just off the filename, and your second image. https://kohlchan.net/int/res/9917950.html
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>>2262 Ah, no, I'm too lazy to name my files. I'm from Southern Europe, actually.

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>>2263 Ok bro, strange file naming system.
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Are you ready? I'm not nya~
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I want a Cheetah nya~
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>>2267 cuckchan just so shit, but every other IB is too slow/ small.
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>>2268 I only visit 4cuck for /biz/ ...what 4cuck boards do you lurk/use nya~?

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>>2271 Lurk /x/, /pol/, /k/, /ic/, /fit/, /his/, /qst/, /out/, and use to post on /bant/ as my homeboard, but /bant/ has been tranny central for two years now. And all the good posters that I liked are gone, only shitty ass reddit tier threads. And most of the poster are only a year old and all circlejerk the tranny reimu and other trannies. I only visit 4/pol/ for /nsg/ threads, and happenings but I could get news of happenings on kohl, I wish there wasn't a /pol/ that's not dead that isn't 4/pol/. 4/pol/ is a joke for the most part but it's fast, too fast and too ironic for my tastes.
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https://archive.vn/JObOA ... I hate this world ruled by Satan nya~
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>>2277 You can't fear villainy, butt nor should you not become heroic, and in becoming heroic, you know victory has been achieved because history is written by the victors. Any hero is at some point a villain to some, it is only in victory that the hero becomes heroic nya~
What to do nya~
https://exhentai.org/s/763e8cbcbe/1794814-128 ... Yuri is healthy and contagious, yuri is love nya~
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>>2303 Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, I have to set it up again.
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>>2303 Nvm, set it up already.
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>>2305 >>2304 Sad panda nya~?
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Let us edit images that are sexually enticing in nature, to display THE PINK SWAZTICA! Remember, that if a male is visible in the image, he must be attractive and Aryan. Our sacred mission is to promote eugenic reproduction! 卐FREED0M卐0R卐DEATH卐VICT0RY卐0R卐VALHALLA卐SIEG卐HEIL卐
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A Fraternal Society 1) The Elder brother is the Phoenix Emperor. 2) His commands are absolute. 3) The Emperor selects 10 younger brothers. 4) These 10 each themselves select 10 younger brothers, and so on ad infinitum. 1)Younger brothers must be chronologically younger than an older brother by at least a year. 2)Younger brothers must obey their immediate older brother, and only their immediate older brother, with the exception of the Phoenix Emperor himself. 3) Older brothers must love their younger brothers. 4) An older brother can replace a younger brother with another by giving a year’s notice… this can be canceled at anytime. 5) An older brother cannot have more than 10 younger brothers at the same-time. 6) Outside of the older-younger brother or Father-Son relationship, male X male same-sex activity is discouraged. The formal initiation process of an older brother adopting a younger brother: 1) The younger brother and older brother both do not eat for three days prior to the initiation. 2) The initiation takes place in the presence of all present younger brothers of the older brother. 3) All present are naked. 4) First, the younger brother candidate performs fellatio on the older brother and swallows his semen. 5) Then, from oldest to youngest, he performs fellatio and swallows the semen of all the fellow younger brothers, from oldest to youngest. 6) The younger brother candidate then receives protected anal sex from the older brother, until the older brother is satisfied. 7) The older brother then performs fellatio and swallows the semen of the younger brother. 8) The older brother then receives protected anal sex from the younger brother until he is satisfied. 9) At this point the formal initiation is complete 10) Initiation is the only time in which sexual activity is required. 10) Every initiated male of the brotherhood, is expected to have at least one wife. If a younger brother does not already have one, it is the older brother’s responsibility to find him one, this is required to be one of his daughters if he has any that are willing. 11) A brother’s harem is off-limits to all other brothers. 12) A mother is responsible for acting as her children’s wife in addition to her duties as wife to her husband. 13) A father is responsible for acting as his children’s husband in addition to his duties as husband to his wive(s). 14) A Daughter always has the choice to marry one of her father’s younger brothers. 15) If a daughter does not want to marry, she stays with her mother
>>3391 What is this fucking joke? Get these dads and mans out of here dude this is a Girl Society
>>3406 Lawful Good Patriarchal society: All females are always owned by only one man at a time, and a female’s first owner is always her Father. At 10, a virgin female is sold in marriage to a man chosen by her Father. After one year of marriage to his new wife, a husband can sell his wife to another man. When females turn 50 they are married to God and become Priestesses. The duty of a Priestesses is to act as the Wife of all unmarried males. Priestesses are direct subordinates of a local Priest. Males are property of their Father until they turn 10 (and so cannot marry) and direct subordinates until they turn 30. Chaotic Good Matriarchal society: There is only one law in this society having two parts, love and obey your Mother, and love and serve your children. A Mother’s children are her property. However, a Mother is also her children’s property. There is no concept of marriage in this society, however, outside observers have identified the Mother’s role as a ‘Mother-Wife.’ Fathers also are not recognised, however, older people are to be respected. Consequently, males are free to reproduce with who ever they like, while females have to seek their Mother’s approval. The society’s only real central organisation is the Church of the Mother-Goddess made up entirely of females. The High Priestess is the highest internal authority. The Emperor (a favoured son of the High Priestess) commanding the army, is the highest external authority making the society a loosely organised Theocratic Empire. Lawful Amazonian Society Male babies are sold in auction for the highest price to foreigners, this is the #1 source of income. Amazonian society is closed, strict, totalitarian, and tribal…heavily dependent on deep religious tradition. All females in Amazon society are called Sister-Wives or Mother-Wives, and it is impossible for a foreign woman to join their society. All Amazons are descended matrilineally from the first Amazon. A strict hierarchy based on age exists. Amazons only mate with the strongest man they find. There is only ever one man present among the Amazons, and he is treated like a King. This man is forced to fight to the death 1-on-1 with every man that the Amazons encounter. If both men refuse to fight the challenger is killed. If he dies, the victor becomes the new Amazon King.
>>3569 >All females are always owned by only one man at a time >The Emperor (a favoured son of the High Priestess) commanding the army, is the highest external authority >There is only ever one man present among the Amazons, and he is treated like a King. There you go again with your male bullshit. Fuck u.
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>>3704 Just fictional society ideas anon. Males have their roles anon even in a female dominated society, there can be no 'female' without 'male.' Just like there can be no light without shadow. Even if you found a way to completely seperate from males, such as egg fusion an zygote genetic engineering, some females would take on the similar roles to those males fulfilled in the past. National Socialist Lesbian Separatism is an interesting concept though, and I would wish such a society all the best. I believe blue drop has already partially explored the concept however nya~

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