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Welcome to /whogen/

Anonymous 09/10/2022 (Sat) 15:13:20 No. 4 [Reply]
Welcome to /whogen/, a place dedicated to the British franchise Doctor Who. Please check the rules before posting: https://8chan.moe/whogen/rules.html Some posting tips: - Supported file types are JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF, MP4 & WEBM - Audio is supported. - Max file size is 3MB - Bump limit is set to 310. - Formatting tags can be found here: https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html Don't be shy, post something!
And don't forget to edit the wiki! https://whogen.miraheze.org/

Tales of the TARDIS Anonymous 11/02/2023 (Thu) 18:35:56 Id: 36ecb0 No. 42 [Reply]
>new "series" >acktually it's okino lovery a few cold opens for classic episodes Why are they like this?
>>42 >it's okino lovery That's not what I typed. I said "it's only a few"

/who/ Doctor Who General Anonymous 09/11/2022 (Sun) 11:49:51 No. 11 [Reply]
Anything Goes Edition Previously: HELL
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Newfag here. Who the fuck is the schizo?
>stealing Jodie's socks after a day of filming in those boots
>>39 Probably a janny suffering from severe retardation. tbh I'm pretty sure there's two of them.

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Further clarity on board-specific rules? Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 11:17:09 Id: bfe9ca No. 30 [Reply]
I get the board is here to be a better alternative to /who/, but where is the line drawn? Some examples: >is irony and sarcasm taken as bannable shitposting? >is waifufagging allowed? (it might be a good idea to make a waifufag general containment thread if so) >is tripfag discussion/drama allowed? >is getting into thread-derailing debates allowed so long as it's relevant to Who? >are social threads allowed? (e.g sharing contacts, arranging meetups, arranging livestreams, arranging to play videogames together, showing our faces, etc)? >is marthabong-like (ironic/joke) "lore"posting allowed? >is shitting on/trolling particular subgroups like moffspergs, tennantfags etc allowed? >is consoomer posting allowed (e.g buyfag generals, battlestation sharing, etc)? Not saying I want to do all those things or start drama, just think it's important to know. Some of the current rules are pretty vague like "Low-quality posts will result in a ban".
>>30 I'll answer as best as I can, but keep in mind it's only my opinion and is subject to change if /who/res disagree. I'm trying to please everyone here. >is irony and sarcasm taken as bannable shitposting? Nah. It wouldn't really be /who/ without those, would it? >is waifufagging allowed? (it might be a good idea to make a waifufag general containment thread if so) At long as it doesn't shit up other threads. So yeah, if people want to create a Clala General be my guest. >is getting into thread-derailing debates allowed so long as it's relevant to Who? I don't see why not. >are social threads allowed? Sure. >is marthabong-like (ironic/joke) "lore"posting allowed? Yes. It's more canon than ChibWho anyway. >is shitting on/trolling particular subgroups like moffspergs, tennantfags etc allowed? It's just bantz, mate. Of course it's allowed. >is consoomer posting allowed (e.g buyfag generals, battlestation sharing, etc)? Yeah sure, as long as you're not advertising your Etsy here.

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>>31 Seems fair, thanks for clarifying.
>>32 No problem anon. I updated rules 7 and 8: https://8chan.moe/whogen/rules.html 8 is now "Don't be an obnoxious cunt or get banned", which is still vague, but it is what it is. I guess it's on par with 4chan's "This post is extremely low quality."

Anonymous 09/12/2022 (Mon) 15:49:35 Id: 327ed9 No. 22 [Reply]
/who/ is nothing without the original tripfags. Go to the forum
>>22 >Go to the forum Password?
>>22 I know, it's just not the same without Asher and Zacko

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Best Doctor thread Anonymous 09/10/2022 (Sat) 15:37:04 No. 5 [Reply]
The lack of scarves on this board is seriously disappointing. What kinda wanker even watches the new series? Garbage. Anyway thread for the best doctor.
1 post and 1 image omitted.
no theme? Best theme then. https://youtu.be/DKFueZz5Cy4.
>>5 I'm partial to my nigga 12, personally. He's old and angry. Just like me!
>>8 But he's oogleh!

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