
Rules of /zoo/

1 : No real depictions of zoosadism, or animal crushing.
2 : No glorifying animal abuse.
3 : Posting personally identifiable information is ill-advised (but not forbidden).
4 : Namefags will be banned, and all their posts deleted
5 : No pedoshit
6 : Any thread about poop needs to have all it's pics spoilered. There was a vote. No unspoilered poop. Or I'll yell at you.
7 : No herdniggers, /cow/ards, /intl/fags, no Silvia, No Joel, no BRK, no chijo, no john handcock.
8 : If you piss me off personally, or one of my staff, I will probably ban you

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply