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Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 06:10:55 No. 135
I love Enna so much bros It started with her Detroit Become Human playthrough. Her love of Connor RK900 was hilarious and refreshing to me to see a vtuber not just play the gay card and actually show some heterosexual attraction (I felt the same way when I watched through Pomu's MGS series). And then she went through the entire David Cage catalog and all those videos are super fun, I recommend them, and I don't know but at some point I just felt super connected to her. She's like the girl I always wanted to meet, but never did. I liked how real she felt. I even actually liked her collabs with Kyo. I found her chemistry with him to be endearing. although I'll never admit it in /NijiEN/ because Enna-schizo will pounce on it, I did feel a bit of a pin prick in my chest at some of her interactions with Kyo that made me realize I was jelous of him. I was becoming truly parasocial I had to distance myself a bit to get rid of the parasocial feelings, and I recently came back to watch her Bully playthrough, that was great. I think instead of lusting after Enna I'm going to embark on a much more healthy expedition of lusting after chinese western girls. I plan to move to Toronto in the future in hopes of finding someone like her, or at least go to an anime con there or something. Wish me luck!
I guess that's why the Zuttomo song is taking so long
Only other EN Enna clippers that I know of are Square Ch. and Shuriken of Spades.
I'm still not sure about being Enna's secondary therapist/listening ear lmao it does derail the stream and sometimes even ruins it if it ends on a really sour note as selfish as that sounds. Today ended nicely though.
>>36991 I like it, too bad I got jack shit time to watch her lately lmao
>>36994 At least chat and the comments are mostly very sweet to her whenever she's having one of those days.
Enna is going to play Elden ring confirmed but when is she gonna try factorio
>>37044 She always complains about how there's no chill games, that genre might appeal to her in a way lol.
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I really enjoyed the reason zatsu. It's still so surreal that she's talking so much about Elden Ring now I wonder how the second stream will go. Hope she'll better physically and mentally by the time she has to record the other 3D event she hinted at.
>>38196 Only thing I got from the zatsu is how much she liked itachi lmao
>>38212 I didn't know she liked him that much. I remember there was one superchat reading stream where she was partially drunk she talked a bit about her husbando history and didn't mention him I think.
>>38215 Honestly Enna never really talked about her interests too deeply on stream, unless it's about higurashi, I never heard of her interest in chinese bl and I only know of this because of fuuchan
I am grateful for all the hard work Enna has done to give us 3D content to watch. I am grateful to have seen Enna becoming interested in Elden Ring after being wary of Fromsoft games for so long. I am grateful to have seen Enna try her best to improve herself. This feels kind of cheesy lol I'll do it everyday but just keep it to myself especially if it's related to my personal life.
All the aloupeeps going full jack sparrow seves seas shanty just because they wanna watch this months movie lmao. kinda parasocial ngl but I would too already torrenting right now lmao
>>38933 Nothing wrong with some platonically parasocial feelings.
Whenever I check Enna's channel and see her latest community post about her lack of karaokes I feel a bit emotional ueueueh.
I just started watching the chihayafuru anime and I'm very confused it's very different from the live action even from the first scene
Sorry for the numberfagging post but Enna just lost 1k subs from what I think it's people not liking her playing too much elden ring lmao
>>41187 Ironically her Elden Ring streams are her most popular gaming streams nowadays. She's kind of been steadily losing 1k over the past several months though so I doubt Elden Ring had that much of an impact.
>>40123 Do you recommend the anime? Maybe I'll check it out after I'm done with the Elden Ring DLC.
>>41189 If you like the live action watchalong last week, go ahead. It's goes more detail into the story and it doesn't speedrun it like the live action. For me I simply recommend it because it's technically a sports anime and I'm all about that.
Man looking up on elden ring on youtube and holy shit it's more toxic than the average anti. Good thing those fags dont watch Enna's Elden ring streams she might just quit from being repulsed from their neckbeard attitude.
>>41479 I love the games but I don't really interact with the community outside of watching some of the lore youtubers.
She is so cute. Enna
I hope Enna doesnt bother with the DLC of Elden Ring I just reached the final boss and holy fuck this guy is the highest skill check ever as in you must no damage everything i throw at you it's like i'm suddently playing fucking touhou holy shit
>>41561 I doubt she'll play it anytime soon anyways but she can always summon mimic Anne for help. I beat him by having couple of damage negation talisman and maxing out my scadutree fragments which allowed me to tank through some of the bullshit attacks.
>>41602 I pretty much got his first phase figured out but that fucking grab fucks over my tanky spearshield build holy fdufck
Check the membership post, ask for feet pics
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i wonder if enna would like strategy games
>>41882 I think the last parts of Spore she played was the only time she played anything that resembles a strategy game on stream.
A lot has happened in a year for Enna and probably myself irl but I'm grateful that I can still enjoy fun streams and make good memories with my oshi, I know this will never last forever but I'm truly grateful she is there especially when shit hits rock bottom for me. I can truly take a step back and relax for a while and it's really nice. Guess this counts a an #Enngraful post but I'll post it here because fuck twitter and their bot posters and ad spams also spoiler because main page shows the latest posts in this site hazukashiii
>>42215 Well fuck, spoiler doesnt apply there what fuck mark/codex/hotwheels whoever owns this site now
>>41187 Some members are just losing subs for whatever reason. It's not even consistent, like the only ones that I've noticed are Aia and Enna.
>>42217 bots and deadsubs unsubbing, it's the simplest explanation for it without going full nerd emoji numberfag or talking about muh antis
>>42215 Congrats on the one year, did you start watching around the time you membered a year ago or were you already watching before?
>>42247 I was watching her before the 1 year member. Gotten random gifted memberships on and off and eventually just membered for real

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