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Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 06:10:55 No. 135
I love Enna so much bros It started with her Detroit Become Human playthrough. Her love of Connor RK900 was hilarious and refreshing to me to see a vtuber not just play the gay card and actually show some heterosexual attraction (I felt the same way when I watched through Pomu's MGS series). And then she went through the entire David Cage catalog and all those videos are super fun, I recommend them, and I don't know but at some point I just felt super connected to her. She's like the girl I always wanted to meet, but never did. I liked how real she felt. I even actually liked her collabs with Kyo. I found her chemistry with him to be endearing. although I'll never admit it in /NijiEN/ because Enna-schizo will pounce on it, I did feel a bit of a pin prick in my chest at some of her interactions with Kyo that made me realize I was jelous of him. I was becoming truly parasocial I had to distance myself a bit to get rid of the parasocial feelings, and I recently came back to watch her Bully playthrough, that was great. I think instead of lusting after Enna I'm going to embark on a much more healthy expedition of lusting after chinese western girls. I plan to move to Toronto in the future in hopes of finding someone like her, or at least go to an anime con there or something. Wish me luck!
>>135 Lowkey, some of his points are highkey true. Enna has a lot of flaws but I love her too regardless. I hope she had a good time with her dad over her break.
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>>135 I think you're better off sticking to Enna, Peep... There's nothing wrong with being parasocial anyway. Every vtuber fan is to an extent.
>>135 Are you one of those Aloucreeps who always posts .WEBMs of Chinese girls getting raped and shit?
>>135 Watch this to know a bit more about parasocial stuff fellow aloupeep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNwJmgCowN4
Enner waiting room up. https://youtu.be/t-xgssjBpcs
>>353 Her timezones are completely inverted from now on. At least for a month. NEETs aside, I expects some of her regulars will not catch up to her streams during that time period.
>>491 Oh to be a baby in enna's care and have her drop me on my head
>>492 Her younger brother had the honor to take a shit while he was being carried by her, lucky boy.
>>520 What's up, Peep?
>>521 Do you ever get the feeling of no one to talk to about something, that is basically me everyday. It's so bad... It's getting to me so much. And yes that something is Enna.
>>522 What do you want to talk about?
>>525 It took me a while to reply, but okay. Basically it's like this. Enna once said on stream that if she ever get her popularity get over her head, her fans are more than welcome to drop her. But with her recent behaviors, she kinda seems like doing that exact thing, playing with fire, trying to get "cancelled", just all in general dramafagging for cheap views, it's sad to see as an old fan of her honestly. I kinda get her resorting to this because she purged her gachikois from various instances but she chose to do that from the start. At this rate, she might went the same way as the 2nd terminated liver, which I will not mention for the sake of this discourse being only about the song bird. I don't know, I\m just concernfagging for her in general at this point.
>>540 I get you peep, i was a member for almost a year and i cancelled my membership, not for Kyo nor her being a bitch but because i felt like she gave tons more attention to antis to "own the haters" than her own fans. When a vtuber cares more for the haters than the fans is when i draw the line and it's a shame because i really think she's a good and entertaining vtuber but right now she's just full of hate and i don't need all that hate in my daily life
>>540 Heh I know exactly how you feel, lowkey have similar thoughts too and random stuff on my mind about her that I could ramble on. I remember that zatsu, it was one of my favourite zatsus ever from her, some nice talks imo. She does seem to be contradicting herself from what was said in that zatsu. Iirc even in her return stream (only halfway through the VOD, been kind of busy) she talks about how she's still keeping herself grounded and I'm like hmm... She always did like to test the boundaries but she does amp it up whenever she's around Mika and Kyo, don't really like their haha cancelled stuff. She also always talks about how she will be more careful, even after the chicken incident but looking at some of her recent actions, most recently during the Kyo Karaoke stream where they talked about planning a stream "that will definitely get them cancelled" I'm like thinking bitch really? During that collab she even mentioned how recently her dad told her to not not get into too much trouble and that he knows she's a good girl lmao, her dad lowkey knows. Personally the way I see it, the dramafagging seems to only happen in certain collab dynamics while her solo content still seems alright, still enjoying it a lot. I enjoyed her roleplaying in Plague Tale 2, ALTTL and Melatonin had fun singing shenanigans and it was really nice hearing her reuniting with her family and hanging out with Petra + Maria for example. Are you still enjoying her streams? My lowest point in my enjoyment of Enna was actually around the time she started playing Soma and Cult of the Lamb, so I'm not too affected by the recent noise surrounding her although it is damn fucking loud noise tbh. I think if things stay as they are now, where it's not really a mainstay in her solo content (which I don't think it is, maybe others beg to differ), things will be fine and she'll be alright although I lowkey don't really trust her to haha, I got trust issues ever since she fucking replied to obvious hate comments during the rice collab, self sabotaging herself and attracting so much fucking noise to what was at the end of the day a damn mediocre off collab. Gotta hope she's actually being careful I guess, can't do much but let it play out. Maybe it's better to focus on the positive things to look forward to instead of worrying about the future. Is there anything you are looking forward to from her? What she's shown of her mushroom songs seems pretty good so far. She seems to be contemplating on doing a karaoke during her Japan stay despite the bad mic and her being shy singing around the parents and is interested in bringing her dad on stream. Hopefully those happen.
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>>135 >spoiler Ah, you too eh? Haha, you're not alone....
>>615 Vox and Enna are such polar opposites but both are my favorites. Curious to see how a 1 on 1 collab would go despite it probably going to be not the best.
>>616 Well there's the NijiCancelled collabs. Those were funny.
>>617 The golf and trolley ones were great, didn't have time to watch the other ones but apparently they weren't as good. Vox's New Cydonia cover with her was a very nice surprise too and they interacted 1 on 1 in the afterparty totsu. Other streams I enjoyed with them were the Mario Party collab with Petra + Mysta and Vox's acting collab.
>>135 It'd makes more sense for you if you watch her mengens, especially her Perfect Blue watchalong.
>>619 What's the significance of that watchalong? Haven't watched it yet, only know she showed some audio of her brother.
It's been quite a while since I've been enjoying Enna's recent streams this much. It's such a nice feeling. I love her.
Sometimes I wonder what happened to the few disgruntled Peeps from the December/January period. I think they would have loved what Enna has been doing these past few months, a shame. Hopefully they all were able to move on without much resentment.
Things seem to have been really coming together for Enna these past few months, it feels really great compared to how she was earlier in the year. I'm so happy for her. Can't wait to see what's been in the works. Hopefully she doesn't do something stupid and piss more people off before then like last time lmao.
Enna brought up how much of a role model her dad was during her debut week Q&A and ever since she's always talked about him in the past 2 years of her time in Niji. Enna's behavior and actions on stream at times honestly doesn't really reflect well on her and has put viewers off before, even me at times. It has definitely derailed streams and collabs before. However, whenever she reminisces about her dad or just shares some random recent conversation or interaction they've had no matter how mundane, you can tell how much happier she sounds when retelling such things and that it seems to put her in a better mood. It's such a contrast to her usual negativity which can sometimes be off-putting, I've always found that side of her really cute and love it so much. It was nice that we got to see some direct interactions with the both of them in the recent watchdogs stream lmao.
>>616 >Vox acted out a scenario where he got ambushed and suffered an extremely traumatic transformation from the fight to abruptly explain why he won't be streaming for the next several days >Enna acted out a scenario where she got a puppy and will be busy with him to explain why she won't be streaming for the next several days. She also had to abruptly end the stream because her dad was coming home soon. Woah a similarity in something.
Take your time Enna, I know Kyo leaving is already burdening you and now there's this mess but I'll give you my patience like you asked for last membership stream. You deserve it from winning me back when you started the trio of Pokemon, Sleeping Dogs and Project Zomboid. I'll always appreciate the turnaround you showed to me personally since then.
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>>16072 Whoops I meant *Watch Dogs And you better fucking keep your promise from last mengen, please. But if you aren't able to, I'll always be glad to have stuck by you for 2023.
>>16072 That's nice but where the hitman stream at
>>16113 She was thinking of just playing games (hitman was brought up) after coming back from her March work trip but who knows if any of that is going to happen now.
Oh Enna who knew that things would have turned out like this when I first gave you a chance through a cilp with you mocking loud mainlanders. I was just a clipwatcher of EN back then but I remember internally shitting about how Ethyria debuting was a mistake too just like the black hands in your puppet video. When I was feeling disgruntled since you came back from that vacation to Euroupe I even wished that you were less popular and that much fewer anons would talk about you, guess I got my wish haha. Who knows maybe you'll even get to finish that original song with Kyo sooner than you expected as well. Whatever happens, I trust that you are will keep loving yourself 123 and as long as you still are here, I'll keep loving you 456. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3dr3NR5zd0
>>17085 I feel like i'm intruding on something reading this but all the cheers to you aloupeep, happy 2 years
>>17097 Thank you, I'm just using this as some sort of split for Enna it's kind of fun.
>member post If that's the case then stream you bitch do a shaolin soccer watchalong
>>17520 I think she would rather complain about Euphonium again than watch Shaolin Soccer judging by the onigiri stream lol although I would prefer another Stephen Chow movie too. I didn't get past season 1 so I can't relate to the issues she had with Nozomi.
I celebrate valentines day once, worst decision of my lif imo kek
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>>17667 Did you go on a date or something lol. Last year I watched Enna's schizo gimmick stream if to "celebrate".
I doubt Nozomi is THAT baaad Enna.. she kinda hot though, unironically my type
This watchalong so far is just Enna ranting about Nozomi kek
Mizore kinda feels like bocchi before bocchi was even a thing
>>18028 Can't watch the stream now but she mentioned wanting to watch it again just to shit on her again.
I kinda understannd why she hates her now, just a bit >>18034 The whole thing is just that kek
>>18035 As expected lol. Now I can tune in and it's only after she finished the movie.
It really sucks that when Enna talked about seriously wanting to stop the I hate myself stuff during her fan letter reading stream she finds herself in this fucking mess. Can't even blame her for not sticking through it.
Huh I did not expect that theme, since last year May too.
I just hope the mixing will be better than last year's concert that really wasn't so good.
Enna you fucking dumbass I thought you were going to sleep or record shit kek.
>Diego is in Enna's karaoke waiting room He's probably there to moderate her chat in case fagoons come in
>>18421 Looking forward to whenever he does that Enna cosplay.
I'll write and send my own fan letter later in the year when I'll have more time. Who knows what will happen to the branch by then though.
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might be willing to post a small cover for enna whenever i have time, i'm starting to miss her a lot
>>19422 You should that would be a nice way to pass the time while she's away doing whatever. It's annoying that streams have been pretty inconsistent after she got her latest outfit but it's been mostly out of her control. Hopefully we get to see whatever everyone has been in Japan for before June along with her being able to release that Zuttomo song sometime soon.
I wonder if she'll even use the VR model again anytime soon I don't think there's much to do if you don't have VR equipment.
>>19422 Are you that singing voocaroo peep from kekchan? Surprised to see you here
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>>19497 i've been here since the start of the board, kek >>19425 maybe, yeah. i'm hoping that she finally joins/does a DAM karaoke.
>>19517 I still remember her mentioning that she feels uncomfortable doing a DAM karaoke by herself so unfortunately I doubt she'll ever host one. Maybe she'll join Claude's one like how she joined Petra's. I'm still not 100% sure if she's in Japan right now because I don't think she'll be this inactive on social media if she was but what do I know.
>>19526 Never mind lmao although I don't think she arrived together with Millie.
>>19541 Unlike Anne.
Woman stop vagueposting on twitter already
>>19683 I wonder if she'll stream at all this week lol.
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been wondering where bird is... i know she's fine but she's been silent recently
>>19935 She's probably not in Japan with the other yet, no way she doesn't join the karaoke if she's actually in Japan now. She'll probably be in Japan soon though and it seems like it's going to be a long while till she can stream regularly again. https://youtu.be/KUj2Cm-egto?t=1874
>>19942 Wherever she is she still has Nozomi live rent free and premium in her head kek
>>19956 And she was in France this whole time and looking at Diego's twitter she was probably there for the Nier concert. I hope she enjoyed her time there instead of just thinking about Nozomi lol.
>>20049 With this stream time I guess she's back in Canada.
I always keep thinking back to this but Enna has mentioned a few times before that some personal stuff from 2022 heavily affected her and whatever it was probably happened around the time of that privated crying stream. https://youtu.be/PWVLyodOv1Y?t=13657 I think whatever she was going through did affect her streams and it was probably part of why I wasn't enjoying them as much back then along with feeling very disgruntled about some aspects of her behavior. Then around the second half of 2023 she seemed to have gotten over it and since then I've been enjoying her streams so much more. Her behavior also seemed to have gotten much better since, well to me at least. So I just forgave her for all the things she did which disgruntled me back then and blamed it on her bad headspace at the time. I really hope she can continue to keep this up for but there will always be down periods, kind of like how the past several weeks have been and during those times I'll be more patient with her to allow her the time to let things pass.
>>20214 Well she changed her youtube pic so that's nice
>>20270 She usually changes her profile pic whenever KT Mama makes a new drawing of her. I wonder if she'll have the time to do anything for KT Mama's birthday this year, that 5 song karaoke was nice.
Hoping I'll be able to get the tickets.
Grenna is probably breaking her hips and back from moving around in mocap suits lmao
>>20885 I hope there will be a segment where we get to see her and everyone else's poor stamina.
>>20918 Exactly what I want. Hopefully her current sickness doesn't affect her working too much.
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>Enna skipped out of the collab because she's sick Hope she feels better soon and do her 3D work without problems.
I guess this was the plushie she was talking about here. I wonder if she still does what she said lol. https://streamable.com/ftxp8t
Enna... doko...
You know... I wonder if Enna will still have an online presence if she is outside of NijiEN or will the antis haunt her forever... I hope she still does I think it's a waste for her to stop singing....... Yes I'm concernfagging hard right now
>>21530 Given how she still loves to complain about it I think her hatred for her time in retail and the fear of having to go back to that job is stronger. Why the concern anyways sure her reputation feels kind of unrecoverable lmao but she's still getting opportunities like that Singapore event and her mental still seems fine. https://youtu.be/IVUCONVRvwE
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>>21599 I want twitter to be nuked from the ground up its getting too tiresome that we need to endure this shit I just want to watch streams
>>21624 It's annoying that that things have been pretty stop-start since she got her Zuttomo outfit. Not much we can do but give her extra the patience needed to finish whatever she's doing in Japan now and after that she'll go back to consistently streaming games again like she said last zatsu. Looking forward to her wanting to play LA Noire in April. Honestly my twitter feed is completely fine, I think it's because I follow a lot of other accounts besides vtuber related stuff. Also hey the good thing about offkai being gone is that she'll have more time to stream kek. Although I recently found a timestamp where she talked about being excited for offkai and it sucked hearing it but at least there's still that Singapore vent to look forward to and she just had that Taiwan event where she was the featured guest.
What about us Peeps Enna we want to spend a lovely day with just the us together too ueueueh.
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>>22856 she's really edging us
>>22920 What's the point in always talking about wanting to buy a laptop and missing streaming. Might as well save the money it will probably be a waste like that ASMR mic of hers lmao.
I'm so easy.
Enna the fuck why are you suddenly being sentimental. Do a solo stream then, hmph.
I have no idea what is this Enna leg arc at all I've been busy irl
>>23813 It was planned by her discord I think. A few artist scheduled tweets of their art in her meme tag at the same time and it caught on.
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this only proves that the aloufeet agenda has taken place
>>23994 Speaking of feet I wonder if Enna's 3D will have all her toggles or none which will leave her barefoot without the boots and stockings.
>>24010 One can only wish...
When is she coming back I want to hear her talk about AR live and whatever work she did ueueueh.
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>>24171 wait and hope
>>24736 Yesterday she mentioned how she was really nervous in front of the cameras which caused her body language to be really closed off. Also due to her being anxious it caused her to have an awkward smile and she was disappointed at how well Niji's 3D captured it lmao man I can't wait to see her in 3D.
>>24022 Looks like no bare feet lol
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>>25616 There's actually so much happening this month is hasn't fully sunk in yet. I'm also going to be speaking to her in the Singapore meet and greet
>>25683 Have fun!
>>25807 Thanks anon. What I aim to do is wish her well on her goal to improve her mental wellbeing and reinforce it by mentioning how I really love seeing her just being happy and enjoying herself while mentioning some stream examples. Then if there's time other than self introductions I'll talk about tea or mention Mark Wiens's videos on Singapore food since she talked about enjoying his vlogs before.
>>25829 Sounds like a good idea, i'd advise you to write down what exactly you want to say, say it in the mirror and time yourself on how much time you spend talking before going to see her, just writing it down helps a lot. Also remember to ask if the picture with her is included in the timeframe or if it's an extra
>>25831 Yeah I already written points I want to say, haven't had time to practice yet though. Got to plan opportunities for her to respond too instead of me just doing all the talking.
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I've waited and hoped. The faithful shall be rewarded, my brothers and sisters in arms.
>>25911 I hope our continued belief in her has helped her heal a bit too.
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Every hour that we get closer to the AR Live, I start feeling like crying from happiness.
Onwards to the 3D debut
>>27333 The heart pupils kinda caught me off guard lmao
>>27340 Their entire Ifuudoudou performance caught me off guard. Also Enna you are very late with that Zuttomo orisong, maybe she's saving it for the 3D debut.
>>27341 Oh yeah that song, If she had diego working on it it might be aldready be done but who knows maybe she's commissioned another guy to do it. Also, Petra being taller than Enna kek
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This moment lives rent free in my head
>>28400 I wonder if we'll get more dumb handwaving in the 3D debut lol.
>>28402 She's gonna try to do the middle finger, thanks Kenmochi for nerfing that for her
I skimmed through small portions of the superchat reading and it's really nice to hear she's finding the therapist useful. Hope it lasts longer than the short-lived Hello Fresh investment.
>>28504 >short-lived Hello Fresh investment. The what
>>28505 She took up a HelloFresh meal plan to try and motivate herself to cook more at home at the start of the year but she dropped it within 2 months.
>>28508 She's just like me with my gym membership frfr
These 24 hours are gonna make me go nuts pass the time faster onegai
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Talking to Enna was great she sounded so much cuter than usual ueeeh I only managed to get my key points across without going too much in depth but hearing her responses back was a really nice experience.
>>29131 Bro you sound like you lost your spagetti lmao
>>29133 I did stutter quite a bit tbh but at least I got my key points out. She also recognized my username and was going like that's crazzzy uehhh she can keep overusing that's crazy for all I care. Meanwhile the guy in front of me mentioned he didn't write anything down beforehand and his chat was kind of awkward I think he spilled more spaghetti than me lol.
>>29134 Kek, good thing that if the floor already has spaghetti, a little more won't do much
>Watch Dogs >Bully >L.A Noire >The Resident Evil series >Red dead redemption 2 >Plague tale innocence/ Requiem You know, there are one major thing is in common about these games, One is that Enna plays them, the other is that they're Playstation games ported/remastered to PC. You know what this means? It all goes back to the PS2 tangent LMAOt
>>29155 What I've always found hilarious about the PlayStation tangent was that Maria was very active in chat beforehand and right as Enna started the PlayStation tangent she bailed.
>>29156 Didnt even realized that during the zatsu lmao
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still waiting for enna to strangle me to sleep
>>29616 Not sure if her weak hands as seen in her handcams are capable.
Enna schedule doko
>>29625 She said the schedule will be out soon yesterday and you know how long she can take with those sometimes.
I think Enna has silent mods now she's been having her streams without subs only for a while
>>29692 I noticed early on last stream a chatter was spamming about the Vrhap event being bad and soon stopped. Could be just Diego lurking also.
>>29699 Aint no way diego would no life in her chat at these hours especially since he's EU
>>29701 You're right but I noticed him showing up more often than usual even if it's just for a short period of time.
Have fun with the Avatar movie, peeps, i hope you recover
>>29909 Hate you too babygirl
>Watching the Bunny girl Game >Enna onee san Enna it's been 3+ years and I still think you're too bratty to be an onee san
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Enna is so self conscious about her dad watching her streams that have lewd stuff, even though he wont mind.
Man looking back at how negative I was around this time last year it still feels a bit surreal with how much happier I am with Enna recently.
>>30333 She needs to get a room mate so she can do more handcams again, she keep having problems with handcams because there's no way to clean it after stream and eating the stuff she makes. But with how she's living as a NijiEN liver maybe that's not such a great idea.
>>30350 I miss the handcams and cooking streams but I've been really enjoying her game choices recently so I don't miss them as much.
>>30387 Bunny Garden is okay but I kinda never watch Hitman 3, L.A Noire is peak kino though She should play Pokemon Legends of Arceus soon imo.
>>30621 I liked supermarket simulator and bug fables more than I expected. She has so many games she wants to finish though there's dave the diver, little goody two shoes, bug fables, la noire, necrodancer, maybe bunny garden too I don't think she'll be picking up a new game anytime soon.
>>30633 >She has so many games Yeah like cult of the lamb and red dead redemption 2 I'm sure she's gonna put more stuff on the eternal backlog kek
>This is not common knowledge to her already Enna...
I know she'll be fine in the end when time passes but I can't help but feel a bit sad listening to the post game zatsu today. Well the past several months has been full of highs so it's only natural that there will be a small bump in the road by now.
Meloco has released HD wallpapers of the Adiction cover on her membership
I was playing Elden ring and I remembered when Enna considered trying it out as a meme stream, the odds are next to zero now but wouldn't it be nice for her to do it up to margit
>>31272 I also remember her saying she wants to play Sekiro one day because she found Sekiro hot. I also wouldn't mind a stream where one of the boys familiar with Fromsoft games guide her like what Vanta is doing for Ike in their recent Dark Souls collabs since she'll need all the help she can get.
>>31280 How good is vanta in soulslike, better than aster?
>>31283 Idk about Aster but I feel like Vanta is better than Vox from watching parts of their DS3 race collab stream, Vox and Vanta are the most vocal in the branch about loving Fromsoftware's games I think. Vanta also did 3 streams where he finished Elden Ring at level 1. Vox did a 12 hour broken sword challenge run stream in DS3 but he stopped at Soul of Cinder and Gael, didn't go back to it.
Waiting room for Avatar movie watchalong is up. >forgot my password Enna...
>>31590 Not the first time as well lol.
Huh didn't expect THAT in the watchalong, Wonder if she's gonna use it soon
I see now why Enna wants to watch this, it's cringekino, at least for her. For me it's just cringe, her laughing her ass off makes up for it immensely though
>>31784 >>31790 Had to leave midway through the movie but yeah it was a nice surprise, I guess she needed a lot of lure to get more peeps watching the movie with her. I was also surprised at how hard she laughed too, like really lol.
>>31791 She laughed so hard she almost got an asthma attack
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJuKTqkSCHo TTS stream + home3D incoming? Not coping btw
Sounds kind of basic but I find that she felt the need to tweet this kind of cute lol.
>Twitter send me a recommendation notification to some post >Checked the acc >I realise it's Enna's secret account Cool way to find out about it, I guess. Hope Enna is doing fine. It really sucks that so many livers are dealing with mental problems right now.
>>33786 I think she's feeling better than before the 2 week break that overnight Necrodancer stream from then was not the best lol nice that she finally beat the main zones after coming back.
I find it funny that she calls her tangents "yapping these days. Also waiting room https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6zknkm-vW0
>>33824 I doubt the upcoming Diego zatsu will have any mitigating factors to minimize the yapping.
>>33792 She was apologising on her secret account for ghosting people since she feels overstressed and not in a mood to answer DMs. Hope she will get better in general soon
>>33884 I know I've been following that account since the month she made it but on stream at least it feels like she's been better than before.
>>135 I feel so powerless and hurt hearing her talk about struggling to do any singing related content I'm just gonna be to assume we aren't getting anything for the rest of the year.
>>34074 (me) Funnily enough the Diego zatsu made me feel a lot better. I know she just needs the extra time and I can see she's trying to work on herself, just need to stop letting these things bother me so much.
>>34074 >>34248 Anon moodswings harder than a pendulum. I'm joking of course
>>34683 It was worse many many months ago last year sometimes I experience multiple mood swings in one stream lmao.
My mood swing is back kek
>>34946 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miBJkxNXwVI (You) on the left Me the one driving LMAO
>>35011 I was very happy hearing her wanting to give elden ring a try too but I was also very sad hearing her talk about not feeling comfortable playing LA Noire anymore lol. Just hope she manages to enjoy the game.
>>35063 Honestly she would not dropping it if there is a way to censor the gory scene reliably, but I think she doesn't want to stream a depressing game about murders to her audience. who might not be comfortable with it. Well it is what is is
>>35108 Not wanting to stream something because the audience might be uncomfortable with it feels like such a shit excuse because they can just not watch the stream. I myself skip her streams and collabs that I know I won't enjoy as much. But in the end whatever the actual reasons are she shouldn't force herself and who knows I may like whatever she picks up in the future just as much. I didn't expect to enjoy plague tale, watch dogs and zomboid so much and also she wants to do more cooking handcams again which is always welcomed.
>>35177 I never watched chihayafuru so I might not know a thing she'd said in the zatsu
>>35063 Not an aloupeep here who usually lurks itt. I just wanted to say that you should stop caring about streamers finishing the games on stream. I have an oshi who forced herself to finish a game on stream and it really, really wasn't fun. Doing one-two off streams is perfectly ok, and streamers should only finish games when they're comfortable doing so. I don't give a shit how good the game is, if the streamer looks genuinely exhausted and frustrated by the end of it, it wasn't worth it.
>>35200 You're absolutely right it just caught me off guard and the game seemed to fit her very well.
While waiting for Enna's Elden Ring stream I decided to watch a bunch of DSP playing (and sucking hard) at Elden ring, it's funny how bad he is, then it occured to me, Enna can't possibly be worse than this jerks on camera neckbeard in games, right?
>>35327 I should check some of that out too while watching some episodes of Chihayafuru
I guess that's why the Zuttomo song is taking so long
Only other EN Enna clippers that I know of are Square Ch. and Shuriken of Spades.
I'm still not sure about being Enna's secondary therapist/listening ear lmao it does derail the stream and sometimes even ruins it if it ends on a really sour note as selfish as that sounds. Today ended nicely though.
>>36991 I like it, too bad I got jack shit time to watch her lately lmao
>>36994 At least chat and the comments are mostly very sweet to her whenever she's having one of those days.
Enna is going to play Elden ring confirmed but when is she gonna try factorio
>>37044 She always complains about how there's no chill games, that genre might appeal to her in a way lol.
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I really enjoyed the reason zatsu. It's still so surreal that she's talking so much about Elden Ring now I wonder how the second stream will go. Hope she'll better physically and mentally by the time she has to record the other 3D event she hinted at.
>>38196 Only thing I got from the zatsu is how much she liked itachi lmao
>>38212 I didn't know she liked him that much. I remember there was one superchat reading stream where she was partially drunk she talked a bit about her husbando history and didn't mention him I think.
>>38215 Honestly Enna never really talked about her interests too deeply on stream, unless it's about higurashi, I never heard of her interest in chinese bl and I only know of this because of fuuchan
I am grateful for all the hard work Enna has done to give us 3D content to watch. I am grateful to have seen Enna becoming interested in Elden Ring after being wary of Fromsoft games for so long. I am grateful to have seen Enna try her best to improve herself. This feels kind of cheesy lol I'll do it everyday but just keep it to myself especially if it's related to my personal life.
All the aloupeeps going full jack sparrow seves seas shanty just because they wanna watch this months movie lmao. kinda parasocial ngl but I would too already torrenting right now lmao
>>38933 Nothing wrong with some platonically parasocial feelings.
Whenever I check Enna's channel and see her latest community post about her lack of karaokes I feel a bit emotional ueueueh.
I just started watching the chihayafuru anime and I'm very confused it's very different from the live action even from the first scene
Sorry for the numberfagging post but Enna just lost 1k subs from what I think it's people not liking her playing too much elden ring lmao
>>41187 Ironically her Elden Ring streams are her most popular gaming streams nowadays. She's kind of been steadily losing 1k over the past several months though so I doubt Elden Ring had that much of an impact.
>>40123 Do you recommend the anime? Maybe I'll check it out after I'm done with the Elden Ring DLC.
>>41189 If you like the live action watchalong last week, go ahead. It's goes more detail into the story and it doesn't speedrun it like the live action. For me I simply recommend it because it's technically a sports anime and I'm all about that.
Man looking up on elden ring on youtube and holy shit it's more toxic than the average anti. Good thing those fags dont watch Enna's Elden ring streams she might just quit from being repulsed from their neckbeard attitude.
>>41479 I love the games but I don't really interact with the community outside of watching some of the lore youtubers.
She is so cute. Enna
I hope Enna doesnt bother with the DLC of Elden Ring I just reached the final boss and holy fuck this guy is the highest skill check ever as in you must no damage everything i throw at you it's like i'm suddently playing fucking touhou holy shit
>>41561 I doubt she'll play it anytime soon anyways but she can always summon mimic Anne for help. I beat him by having couple of damage negation talisman and maxing out my scadutree fragments which allowed me to tank through some of the bullshit attacks.
>>41602 I pretty much got his first phase figured out but that fucking grab fucks over my tanky spearshield build holy fdufck
Check the membership post, ask for feet pics
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i wonder if enna would like strategy games
>>41882 I think the last parts of Spore she played was the only time she played anything that resembles a strategy game on stream.
A lot has happened in a year for Enna and probably myself irl but I'm grateful that I can still enjoy fun streams and make good memories with my oshi, I know this will never last forever but I'm truly grateful she is there especially when shit hits rock bottom for me. I can truly take a step back and relax for a while and it's really nice. Guess this counts a an #Enngraful post but I'll post it here because fuck twitter and their bot posters and ad spams also spoiler because main page shows the latest posts in this site hazukashiii
>>42215 Well fuck, spoiler doesnt apply there what fuck mark/codex/hotwheels whoever owns this site now
>>41187 Some members are just losing subs for whatever reason. It's not even consistent, like the only ones that I've noticed are Aia and Enna.
>>42217 bots and deadsubs unsubbing, it's the simplest explanation for it without going full nerd emoji numberfag or talking about muh antis
>>42215 Congrats on the one year, did you start watching around the time you membered a year ago or were you already watching before?
>>42247 I was watching her before the 1 year member. Gotten random gifted memberships on and off and eventually just membered for real

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