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We Are Pomu

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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 11/13/2023 (Mon) 01:19:02 No. 3586
Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/channels https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 LazuLight: https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu OBSYDIA: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid ILUNA: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/KyoKanek0 https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0 XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/HexHaywire https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime
[Expand Post]https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki Krisis: https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta https://twitter.com/YuQWilson TTT: https://twitter.com/KunaiNakasato https://twitter.com/VBrightshield https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/ks1mraas71v3fjf1c2 To watch streams at the same time: https://niji-mado.web.app/home Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous: https://rentry.org/92k76 Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers. Remember to spoiler any NSFW image you post Previous thread: >>10
Edited last time by Koikoi on 11/13/2023 (Mon) 15:39:49.
>>3586 >Lazulight to Xsoleil >back to Ethyria to TTT OP you went on a time loop in the twitter links
>>3587 Fixed, it seems to happen when OP is too long and it just repeats itself for some reason
>Thread number 2
>>3592 Wanna hear something funny? The other thread cannot be archived because it went way over the post limit so uh...it'll have to die on it's own eventually but i'll leave it there just in case
Finally, Krisis and TTT in the OP
>>3594 Is this cleavage or just a random line lmao
>>3595 I just stole the OP from main
>>3596 Knowing KT mama, Enna will forever be flat
Feesh schedule up!
>>3594 >>3596 That looks like the prototype for her 2.0 that got scrapped.
>>3598 and thank god for that
>>3601 Has anyone tried the beta for this before?
>>3603 As many things, i have it downloaded but haven't played it yet
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Reposting Vivi feet!
>>3605 Hmmmm....salty tasty sweaty fighting gamer feet
damn wilson is racist
>>3607 But he has a black friend
Wow, Wilson, what do you have against purple people?
>"BRO YOU'RE FRENCH YOU DON'T EXIST" France is an imaginary concept, i trust Vanta
>>3574 Not sure if it's too late, but on mobile I just click the "Last" link on the thread from the index, and it seems to only load in the most recent 100 posts, adding on new posts from there If you're familiar at all with Meguca and boards based on its framework, they also have a "last 100 posts" option that's basically a rolling thread with posts getting removed from your page as new ones come in
Claude told Vanta to drink advil and tylenol at the same time because their regen over time stack for max recovery minmaxing, as the expert healer he is
>>3611 I was testing it with some other devices (don't ask why i got many phones) and the majority of them kinda froze on the catalog for a while trying to load the custom CSS. My testing was done with a Samsung 7, Pixel 3 and Iphone X, the first two were kinda suffering (S7 a bunch more) and the Iphoen X did way better but still took some time to load. Having 1500 posts is more for archiving purposes than anything but the custom CSS was fucking up some devices
>Vanta lusting for Widowmaker Based he likes french hookers
>Vanta and Claude are going crazy about Power Rangers BASED
Holy shit i don't want to remember my age https://twitter.com/uhlillie/status/1569592085266984962
They fucking cockblocked Wilson from buying a Kiriko skin kek
Aster has costume made cards that's pretty cool >a card for his feet collab with Finana Based
>>3618 Cards like poker cards?
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>>3619 Yeah The art is pretty cute
>>3620 Ohhhh that's actually really cute
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Iluna boys
Ohhhhh Peto has the moving pentomo asset, it's so cute!
Selen schedule!
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>>3601 she looks great! >>3603 I played it when they first released it and it was full of glitches. I hope they get better artists. The writing was pretty cringe and ooc
>>3628 I still think the best writing so far was the VN that anon made, the livers were played up to be characters but they were very fitting characters (Enna being a kind of psycho, Finana as your little sister, Nina being a cool desperate adult woman who you knew sincey ou were young, etc). The writing was a little edgy in some places but it was pretty good altogether and that is my only complaint about it
>>3626 I hope Aster also gets a slut outfit like her
why did uki private his stream?
ROSEMI LIVE, BUTAS! SHE'S WATCHING EVO https://www.twitch.tv/rosemilovelock
>>3632 He was cooking his private
Man, I really love peto assorted noises. Man, if only she's willing to be fulfilled cunny vtuber.
>>3636 Millie said the era of the boobs ended to there's hope
I love this squeezing asset petra has
>>3640 It's kind of amusing that the pentomo will just get randomly uncomfortably squeezed.
Rose and peto on at the same time even gives me happiness
Poor peto only having nightmares,,,,
I like how Peto believes that girls should kiss girls and boys should kiss boys
Scarle playing MTG is kinda based
>>3653 me too vivi
aia's outfit looks so slutty
>>3654 Metal Tear Golid?
Petra tits fuck
Today was a good day. Though I missed most of the streams I caught Petras and it was cute. She makes me wanna squeeze her
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so whats the pros of using this site over the other
>>3661 Actual moderation, for starters.
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>>3661 You can post multiple images
is there like a playlist of what the livers typically use as bgm?
>>3664 Searching nijisanji en livers bgm on youtube brings up some pretty extensive looking fanmade playlists of the dova syndrome ones the livers use. Some livers use non-generic BGMs though so you probably have to find those yourself. Vox uses Runescape's OST and Enna uses renditions of her orisongs for example.
fuck i have autism how do i turn off my location
>>3666 Another Malaysian anon. \o/
>>3669 thanks anon
>>3667 sorry to disappoint but im a foreigner kek
>>3665 yeah thanks for the help. i've been trying to find this lofi version of tsunami(?) but it might be exclusive for use by livers? idk
>>3661 I can actually vent out shit without some schizoprenic faggot derailing the thread about it
>>3661 Aside from what the other anons said: >Max file size for each file is 32MB >You can post videos with sound >You have multiple writing styles >You can use emojis 😭😭😭 >Captcha doesn't come up as often as the other side >There's liveposting for people that don't get liveposted on main And maybe i'm forgetting some but that's about it. The most important thing is the active moderation, "you know who" showed up 3 times yesterday and he was shot down by mods on sight
>>3565 Sorry for a late reply if you're still there, bud, I went to bed before seeing your reply. I think Aia has already trying to do something like that, she said that she may use Vox's PC in one of her future campaigns someday.
>>3674 Unfortunately it seems like the youtube link is gone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LibgOE0g9xk
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uuuuuuuuuuu I miss Vivi
>>3678 I managed to find a random download link to it though https://rilds.com/song/1205250503-tsunami_%E6%B4%A5%E6%B3%A2_but_it_s_lofi/
>>3680 Kek wtf was that opening
>>3676 >captcha doesn't come
Kotoka handcams are always something
>>3676 >"you know who" showed up 3 times yesterday and he was shot down by mods on sight nta but what?
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>How do you cook steamed buns
>>3685 He's talking about Enna's biggest fan
>>3687 oh he got bonked /here/? fucking kek
Enter pork
Enter green onion. Actually looks good so far
>>3681 oh thanks anon! wonder why they privated it
She already dropped the meat on the floor...
>She's going to make bread on stream I have a bad feelign about this....
>>3691 I know it's Kotoka but it would take a lot to mess up on the green onion and store bought meat.
>>3694 This is gonna be a 2+ hour stream just for the bread making
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>Just meat, onion, flour, meat and baking powder I think she lacks like a couple of ingredients
That looks like an old, already used disposable spoon.
>>3697 Those are the ingredients to make a Kotoka, you even included the double meat for the tits
>Plastic spoon Is it safe to cook with those?
>do I need to heat this? kek
Kotoka, that's not a meat bun filling, that's an onion bun filling
>>3700 Is Kotoka a homunculus?
>>3704 Would it be a surprise if the answer was yes?
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>Sugar Ummmmmmmm
Very skillful pan handling
>>3706 I put a bit of sugar in my cooking too, before I discovered all in one seasonings
>>3708 I only put some sugar on my tomato sauce when i cook sauce for pasta, it takes off the acid taste, you can also get the same result with baking powder but that depends if you want it more savoury or more salty
Pot handling skills not as sleek though
Koto please, at least use your hand
>>3711 I guess she gave herself a handicap am I right?
>Adding seasoning to flour Isn't it too much, considering she already add to the meat?
>>3712 I wish she gave a handy to my capped fellow
Kek she used the dough like a towel to wipe the spilled parts
This woman does not know how to kneed a dough at all
I thing the dough looks too gooey
>>3713 Depends, but you usually add it to both of them unless you want to make it more healthy
Hi, i'm the sentient lifeform growing in Kotoka's tatami, how are you?
>Yakitate Japan mention Holy cow that is a blast from the past
I think that is a negi yeah
Vox schedule, he went full larp mode
>>3669 I didn't know this was a thing
>>3725 I feel like Vox become even more crazier after he started taking his meds
>>3726 bet you dont know sage either
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>>3725 >Metal Gear never
>>3728 opps wrong field
What is Finana going to do with this drone...? https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu/status/1723995856104280195
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Kotoka, what the fuck is that
>>3725 Maybe he actually made progress with that personal trainer he hired last year and really needs bigger clothes now. Or he slacked off and needs bigger clothes but for another reason.
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Are steamed buns just big dumplings?
>>3736 Yeah
>>3736 Nah, because the dough is different, also the cooking method
Second one looks better
>>3736 no wtf
Looks more like a Dragon Quest slime
>"Making STEAMED buns" >Should i fry them? Kotoka...please read the title of the stream
All 3 are ready
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>Are steaming and boiling 2 different things
>>3743 Tbf pan fried buns do exist.
>>3746 But then the title becomes clickbait!
Those dumplings are gonna drip down
Amazing KOTOKA, amazing!!
>She's steaming them like a kebab Tensai!
Actually a genius solution I must say.
>>3749 Those dumplings are probably stuck to the pan
Would you eat loli Koto valentine choco for you? Her favorite teacher!
>>3751 why is she acupuncturing the buns
>>3756 I'll use this one for the "wanted" sign
There is water dripping from the pan
>>3759 The evaporated water gotta go somewhere
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>The sauce is expired >The steam is dipping
>it actually drips down I FUCKING KNEW IT AHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>3762 looks like an old man's balls at the sauna. all 3 of them
Kotoka you poured water over the buns just now
Kotoka should've given me her steamy buns instead of her steamed buns...
>>3762 >>3763 No, the buns didn't cooked enough to maintain structure integrity
Accidently double posted, sorry
Kotoka's testicles are done!
They really do look like testicles...
They are oversized dumplings
Well look at the bright side, the holes made them not explode out of the pot because Kotoka forgot to make a hole for the steam to escape from with the buns originally
The buns actually look decently coocked, even thoug they're too moist
They are edible! Another Kotosuccess!
>>3779 I don't know how you make flour and meat inedible. It's basic human society.
>>3781 Kotoka is full of surprises
TENSAI. Combining dry meat filling with moist steam dough. TENSAI
I like these Kotoka noises from edible food
>>3784 For unedible food sounds check the curry stream
I think I can see Koto's skin, guess the VOD will be privated now...
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>>3785 >Check the curry stream Yeah, about that....
>>3786 Is it dark? If it light it should not be a problem
>>3786 We've already seen her skin in other streams though, i think they're still up and unedited, hell the one where Pomu shows her sking is over there still unedited
>>3787 Oh yeah, she killed that one
>>3789 Are you sure? I remember Enna had to private a bunch of VODs where she showed her arms. But to be fair, she showed way too much skin in those VODs
I use picrel as my wallpaper, so pretty~
>>3786 >>3791 It depends on how much the liver cares. Enna actually didn't edit her skin out of her recent pizza stream and joked a bit about it later in the same stream too.
Koto harmonica
>>3791 Maybe rules got a little lax at some point and then they got tight again? I remember a kotomelo cooking stream where she showed her skin yet the stream was there unedited, also the Pomu one was unedited and she even used the full VOD for her 24/7 relay during a break
Koto spends a lot of time in the studio... I wonder what she's cooking
Ohhhhhh Koto has something special in the near future! This year she said!
>>3792 I use the one from her Ethyria remix she uploaded for members. It's so tall and wide that you can use it nicely as both a desktop and mobile wallpaper.
>>3796 >I wonder what she's cooking I hope nothing if you don't want some livers dead
>>3797 She said that she's working on some kind of project for Xsoleil's one year anniversary on her community post. I wonder what it is and if the other Xsoleil members will be a part of it
Kotoka will finally buy cooking equipment on black friday
>>3798 I kinda would've liked it if she was the only one on the wallpaper, I don't hate the other girls but I would've used it if she's the only one there
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>>3799 Well, she cooked cookies for Niji noon members... All of them are ok besides Maimoto....
>Koto eat alll helloween candy by herself Kotofat...
Petra got jumscared by shorts on Tik Tok
>>3804 Yeah, fat tits
>>3802 Understandable. You can still crop it to have it mostly be her which was what I did.
Kotoka's fashion streams are postponed untill the next year. Apperently she wanted to do them with Hoshikawa but she's really busy right now. Also, no morning stream this week since she'll be out of town
Koto wants to remake her scuffed cooking streams with better equipment next year
>>3729 Had he even finished DK64 yet?
>>3807 pretty but maybe I like the other one more because it has a refreshing feel to eat being 70% of the background being green lol
>>3808 Wasn't it with Pata-nee originally?
>>3811 to it* i hate being esl...
Kotoka might play the fashion game this week
Cute Peto!
>>3812 She said that it will be with a certain JP gyaru, so I assume it is Hoshikawa
>>3815 cute cardigan but why blue
>>3816 Well i might as well say it since i already told you, it's Pata-nee, she said it in a membership stream or at least she was the one she originally mentioned
>>3811 The one you use is also pretty. I remember thinking the same too when I saw that art in her tags.
>>3818 I watched that membership stream and yeah, she talked about doing it with Lain, so I don't know why she talked about gyaru. I don't know if she mistaken or something went up and she decided to do it with Hoshikawa instead
Bye bye Koto! It was nice liveposting here, thank you anons!
>Sonny died after looking at Kotoka's VOD No.........
>>3822 >Sonny died just like the old days
>His PC crashed My sides
Sonny said that the meat buns weren't that bad Koto should do a cooking collab with him, I actually like Sonny's cooking from his membership posts
Bye bye Koto, time to rest for the rest of the week, can't wait for the Xsoleil anniversary >>3821 Don't mention it. It's actually much more easier to screenpost in this thread due to posting speed and abillity to post multiple images at once
>Maria and Fuchan's collab stream got privated Does anybody now why?
It's probably a controversial opinion, but I wish we had more femanons here liveposting the boys stream to avoid dead hours. I know that they have /nenmen/ and it's decently moderated, but I still wish we had more good quality liveposters on this board.
>>3828 why would it be a controversial opinion, I would guess anons here aren't that mean to the guys, or at least indifferent
>>3829 I livepost them sometimes, i was here liveposting VantaYu drunk stream even
Time to go to jail, quilldren!
>>3829 Well, majority of anons on the other site don't like femanons that much
This thread actually looks usuable now that im not bombarded with porn
>>3832 really? I thought those are just shitposters
>>3832 Genderwars are normally the usual shitposters >>3833 Porn in threads that aren't supposed to be NSFW should go spoilered tbh, so you can at least look at the thread in a SFW enviroment
>>3832 Genderwars fall into shitposting and would be banned >>3835 >Porn in threads that aren't supposed to be NSFW should go spoilered tbh I can add that to the OP as a thread rule if you people want it
>>3832 I was watching Ike's kidnap stream earlier just didn't livepost it. It was fun
>>3836 >I can add that to the OP as a thread rule nta but I thought that was the rule from the start? lmao
>>3828 i'd like to livepost more here but i've realized i don't really have much to say since i typically only pay half-attention to streams while i'm working. that and fuuchan is on break so i mostly watch the girls rn anyway lol
I kinda miss zomboid streams even if I missed most of them
>>3838 There's technically not a rule that forbids you from doing it but people here have been mindful about it, the rule in the OP would be to justify a warning or something in the event of it happening
>>3840 The Zomboid arc seems to be done for now, it had a good run. The hardcore collab one was one of my favorite ever collabs I've watched. Enna still hasn't released the subsequent parts of the compilation of that collab I wonder if she forgot.
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>Enna and Reimu's collab is in the middle of the night for me Well, fuck. Should I just go to bed early on and wake up for it?
>>3843 Might as well if you have nothing else to do.
I'm gonna punch a pneguin
>>3842 >I wonder if she forgot. she probably did or something happened, someone will surely sc it to her if they got curious
>Raids into Ver's stream What did he mean by this?
>>3851 sonny sexpest...
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>>3846 Well, fuck. And I wanted to watch both MGS and DS3..... Well, guess I'll go to bed earlier either way. I wanted to watch Kunai's Hollow Knight, but I didn't caught up with her previous VOD yet
>>3848 This is the most Petra reply of all time
>>3848 i dont get it
>>3858 Same but with Elira and Selen
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https://x.com/PomuRainpuff/status/1724060742461034724 If this delays her return I'm ngmi bros...
>>3859 I think he actually likes small uncirmucised penises more
>>3860 That's what happens when you drink 2 liters of sick dragon jizz every day
>>3860 isnt it the sick season or something after all? I got a cold on the first week of november
>>3836 that would be nice
>>3848 I... That's just a bona fide Petra moment.
>>3828 Agreed, I think they're fine, it's really the shitposters that drum up gender wars. >>3836 Personally think it should be just for newer people to adopt the culture. If I browse here at work or while out eating, I don't want randoms seeing anime titties or the like
Reimu got her phone back but I low-key miss gifmu
Oh Millie is allegedly gonna finish minish cap this week!
I will probably skip Suika lmao. I am a believer of off-stream scores counting and Enna has already proven herself, no need to watch anymore.
>>3873 I'm surprised she has that much left to do in watchdogs
>>3874 Well some of the missions take her at least 30 minutes to complete after all.
>>3873 Surprised she's playing fashion dreamer instead of that game with the 90s art style forgot what the name is, Petra played it recently iirc
>>3877 kunai nakadashi
Aia schedule!
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>>3882 Ohhhh nice, chill narrative game today at a good time (for me) and i can finally throw my monopoly money at Vivi
>>3883 Unfortunately plans might change since TTT are supposed to collab at that time
>>3884 >>3885 Fuck me, man, i can't use streamlabs...
Vivi and Rosemi Tekken collab, pleaseeeeeeeeeee https://twitter.com/VBrightshield/status/1724148115417239789
>>3884 Vivi...the TTT collab...please read your DMs...
>Kunai reminds her japanese viewers that is the middle of he night and asks them why they are awake She's so cute!
>"You chick fuck, you big fuck, you THICK BIG GORGEOUS FUCK" She was talking about me
This image is tempting me
>>3891 How the hell did i end up writing "chick" instead ot "thick" in a keyboard? I need to get a brain check, i might be becoming Rosemi
>>3892 Did you see the paizuli animation?
>>3894 no but I would like to
>>3896 damn very nice
Rosemi member stream in 3 hours! We're watching John Wick 2 and chatting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=851kZyJse0E
Mumu is ghosting Vanta because she doesn't want to tell him she hates Overwatch...
Feesh starting!
>>3898 I can't make it... Sometimes guerrillas aren't great...
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>Took a nap untill TTT collab >Wake up >The collab is cancelled Oh fuck... TIme to go to bed again, I guess
>>3876 Had Enna ever played RPG maker games on stream? I don't really think it's her type of game
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>>3873 Wait, so Dead Space 3 will be on Wednesday, not Tuesday? I'm so confused......
>>3904 Oh well, may as well watch it for a little bit since I woke up
Vivi slept through Aia's outfit reveal because she took some advil
Vivi outed herself as a 30+ year old dude that thinks he has the right opinions
>>3860 It's better if she stays, pomie. When I was a kid, I got a flu and my parents didn't want to cancel our plane flight. My eardrums almost popped out during it. Thankfully, it was a short 2 - 3 hours long flight, so I got through it.
Oh no, Vivi likes the rat cats
>>3912 I would eat Kotoka's sweaty testicles
Girl_DM in Vivi's chat!
Vivi says that Claude and her are in the spectrum
Raw Chicken Brightshield = Raw Cock Brightshield
God, Vivi make it a little bit less obvious that you're a lolicon
Vivi wanted to fuck Hitsugaya from Bleach...
>>3918 Every girl wanted to do that
>>3914 >Vivi ignored her Oof, that was awkward I know Vivi just porbably doesn't know her, but still
>>3920 She literally greeted her
Vivi is prepared today with her shortsword and her buckler!
Cute vivi french
>>3923 Huebro...you're supposed to know it was spanish, you have a similar language...
>>3921 Oh, she did? Sorry, I must've missed it....
GG, nice stream, Vivi!
Do all girls have a phase 2?
Vivi really loves the concept of lovers dying together
>>3903 She has. I remember enjoying this stream. https://youtu.be/0IDhuDBK9kg
Vivi SUCKS my dick
>>3905 Tuesday night in Reimu's timezone, Wednesday morning in Enna's timezone.
I'm Vivi's tulpa!
I love you anons!!!
I love her doodle assets
>>3935 love you too bbygirl
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z-zLGG_-SM Don't really watch selen but is she trying to play 3 fos games on stream
>>3935 i dont hmp
I would at least try to fuck the princesses if i knew they'd kill me every time
What games do you think kunai would enjoy?
>>3919 But why.....
Ah so Vivi is playing one of THESE types of games
>>3943 The guy was always top1 on popularity ranks bro's design is just good af
>>3943 Straight shota bait with Momo
>>3943 Very cool shota boy with big titty onee-san always at his side, the doujin writes itself
Ugh, another raid. I'll just stay here.
I like how Vivi keeps getting exposed
>>3950 She's a simple lady, she likes boba, romance manga and embracing the coldness of death
Oh hey, i'm in the game
YouTube failed to notify me that feesh was streaming....
I just finished watching Petra's members stream, Petra is going to see the woman who confessed to her three years ago today?
There is so much content in this zero escape game I'm honestly amazed
>>3955 I hope it's her sister
Vivi is gone, now what?
>>3955 Yep! It'll be interesting, especially because if those feelings still linger, Petra lately has been more open to the idea of possibly liking girls so maybe they'll have hot lesbian sex
Vivi drank an invisibility potion, her gear is not invisible though so she took off her clothes
>>3957 >>3960 How the heck can Petra eat with her one-on-one? If it were me, I'd be freaking out from the awkwardness...kek
I still wanna have sex with clover even if she'd probably stab me during sex
Vivi is menhera
>>3962 Maybe oyu misheard, she didn't say eat with her, she said eat her out
>>3963 I look like this
>>3964 Good to see there's more than one stream with stabby hot ladies
>>3965 All the hot girls always are
>>3965 Dark menhera or light menhera?
Finana thinks about the wet scene a lot
Feesh HATES libraries
>>3966 What's the difference? Sorry I'm ESL
>>3973 First one is eating something with someone, the other one is sex (eating her pussy, ass, etc)
>>3973 When you say you'll eat someone out it means you're gonna give them cunnilingus, like you'll be licking pussy
>>3973 Eat with her, lunch/dinner date. Eat her out, sex, pussy licking, pussy humping, etc.
>This is just like that Rick and Morty episode Vivi.....
>>3977 She was too good to be true..
>>3974 >>3975 >>3976 Oh...shit...thanks
I want kunai and Vivi to get monetized already....
I wanna poke feeshs tummy when she stretches
>don't do that to me! I'm a hopeless romantic kek
Did Vivi speedrun this game? I haven't watched other playthroughs, but it feels like it was an endgame
>>3980 They have streamlabs, don't worry
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>>3933 Oh, makes sense, I forgot that Enna is in Japan right now
>>3980 Claude... Clawmark...
>>3980 I saw Vivi getting super chats the other day? Didn't they already get monetization?
>>3985 Aloupeep...
>>3987 They do, Vivi will have a monetization stream later this week
>>3985 No Enna is under there
>>3990 under where ?
>>3966 nta but I cant tell if youre joking because I dont have her membership...
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>>3991 Yeah!!!!
Vivi has a kinda fucked up sense of humor that she hides just beneath the surface. I like it
>>3994 Yeah, it's great
>>3992 Petra has a friend who confessed to her Petra rejected her, and that was three or four years ago. The friend had a short layover in Japan and texted Petra to ask her to meet up. Petra accepted, but then she remembered that she had rejected her confession three or four years ago... And I think that's probably today
I wish I could stream jw2 for you guys but I'm currently stuck at work
>>3963 Wow what an edgelord!
>>3998 Fuck you made me spat my fucking drink
Oh shit, the ban hada's clipper in Vivi's chat. I haven't seen this guy in anyone's chat for over a year
>>3996 that sounds like a yuri manga plot fuckin kek
>>4000 He can escape but he will never be free from the sexy white haired asian ladies with sex voices
Vivi is so based
Vivi is so cute
Vivi and the princess bonding over common hatred of normies
I think Fuchan told the same reason why he doesn't type in other memeber's chats that much. Retards always reply to him, say hi and derail the chat, so he doesn't want to type anything for no reason
>>4006 I think Pomu does it the right way with having an alt to chat in other people's chat and then say something on main if she needs to say something as Pomu
Damn that princess has some nice tiddies
Voice of the Menhera... My oshi
She's perfect
Vivi is my cute menhera swordmaster!
>>4011 Hi! Have fun here
>>4012 >>4013 Goddangit why white hair prone to be menhera
>>4011 Hello
>>4014 >>4016 I’ve been lurking since this board first started but only now I built courage to say hi Yoroshiku
>>4017 Oh well, feel free to talk about your favorite livers, this might be a lot slower than what you're used to but it's nice
>>4017 You only need to come here when the thread is bad because there's been so much shit posting lately
>>4019 I wouldn't be against people coming here on the regular actually, retards over there shitpost NijiEN hard because they know nobody will stop them and because they want to see he actual fans being miserable like them
How long is this game? I thought it was just a funny short 30min VN but it's been over 2h now...
>>4018 >>4019 I might just post on both threads starting now. I’m starting to get used to here >>4020 Yeah he made himself seen with his multiple ips he used on phone or pc… well at least I know now it’s him
Vivi is a bit autistic...
>>4022 Oh, that's not too bad, I was fearing it was towards the 10h+ ones
Penguin siblings start
Still would
>>4027 What's cytube???
>>4029 Its a site used for streaming!
>>4029 We normally use the site to watch the movies the livers are doing watchalongs for, right now Rosemi is watching John Wick 2
>>4028 Ok Selen chill
>>4030 Ohh...I just googled it and saw what site it is Do you guys usually use this to watch along?
How long is bread and fred gameplay…?
>>4032 Still would
>>4035 I don't even know what to say, I'm just in worried
>>4034 For them? +24hrs
>>4033 yes the site is cytu.be/Ninisani
>I'm Shu Yamino from N He...he didn't know?
Oh, the flattie from Phase raided Vivi
>>4042 Nice
>>4043 She also made them act like orks in her chat so...
>>4042 Oh,Were they friendly with each other in PL?
>>4042 This girl looks pretty cute..
>>4044 Thats lowkey based
>>4045 I dunno, from TTT she was the one i knew the least from her PL
Damn, why do Shu and Petra moan so often?
>>4036 >>4039 I had my fears when watching them last b&f stream… pien Didn’t ike and selen play this as well? Did they completed it?
>>4051 no, not even close
>>4050 petra is just pent up lately shes horny
>>4051 I don't think there's anyone in NijiEN that could do it unless you get 2 extremely autistic and persisten people who are good at platforming so probably Ike and someone else
>>4053 All that peto curry made her have a hot cunny
>>4054 Ike wasnt very good at it either tbdesu
>>4055 exactly, she needs to have some lesbian seggs since the ojisans arent satisfying her
>>4054 I want to see Scarle and Petra play it
By the way, Petra is on vacation, right? She's back to her old stream time
>>4059 Shouldn't she still have college? I don't know japanese times but aren't finals around the corner?
Fuck you Petra pls care about me bitch
>"Yes please read into my mental illness" No Vivi...my menhera girl fetish...i don't wanna fall for you
Vivi saves in a different slot every time just like me!
>>4060 I'm not sure about the time zone of Japanese schools, but I think She seems to be on some sort of short vacation?
>>4062 shes got a lot of kinks that seem to be barely repressed kek
>>4058 I don’t think you can when petra already do this with shu… maybe scarle with someone from iluna?
selen and vivi collabing would destroy my dick
Do you guys know when uiha's graduation announcements are made? Is it today?
>>4065 Really? She still comes off as kind of prudish to me
>>4069 Ah yes let me ask Mr. Nijisanji! Just fucking wait for it, if it's real then it'll be on twitter, if it's not then whatever
I'm waiting for Vivi to say she's into guro or somethin gat this point
>>4071 It's real and will probably be announced at 3pm or 5pm JST Sacue : her members stream She said she'd tell us why she graduates, later today (JST) evening on STREAM
>>4074 Then you don't need to ask
>>4074 Keep us updated jp bro
>>4077 Perfect for blowjobs!
finana is so cute and dumb sometimes
Man, fuck Vivi i hope she starves to death, imagine wanting to eat dinner
>"You guys can't fix me, i'm beyond saving" I will save Vivi
>>4082 vivi needs correction
Vivi doesn't know her own schedule kek
I hope Vivi tests flamethrowers on stream in the future
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>Wilson raided into FInaan while she was on one of the endings Well that's awkward
>Someone in Vivi's stream kills herself >Get raided to Wlson and his stream kills himself >Get raided into Finana and a sex egyptian goddess kills herself I think NijiEN is trying to tell me something
>>4088 Who in the next raid will kill themselves?
>>4089 I hope we get raided to Selen and one of the shitty FPS ends up killing itself
Finana is asking the size of your anus
finana is contemplating attempting to put a stuffed plushy of a raccoon in her anus
>>4091 Before or after tax?
>>4069 >>4074 >Ars will be the last Blues member standing Man....
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Fianana is talking about cakes again
>>4095 Her ass?
>>4096 I wish
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>>4011 Hi Singaporean yaminion!
feesh being bratty, needs correction
I don't understand about keyboard autism
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>>4100 My keyboard with all its parts is about 600 usd i totally get Shu and Finana. I even have a set of keycaps with no letters too.
>>4102 >600 usd Holy fuck...
Feesh just gave me a WET KISS DAYUM
Awwww i was raided into cute little peto singing
Shu was really close to proposing playing Valo
So I'm confused does Aia want art of her getting wrecked by men or just girls?
>>4111 By anything at this point, her lewd tag is so fucking empty...
*Petra is low-key making fun of black people*
By the way, who the fuck is the guy who's colalbing with Zali tomorrow? I checked his channel and it's some kind of pngtuber who got 7k in suika
>>4114 His Suika senpai
>>4112 Well actually I might be able to do something. What kinda stuff do you wanna see
>>4117 Hmmm i would want to see Aia defeated in her new costume, that's like the only thing i can think now because of that pic in her new lore video where she was on the ground
Have you ever done the nen test, anons?
>>4117 Anaru!!!
Kek i didn't know you couldn't access Crunchyroll in Japan
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That was such a fun watchalong! Thanks for being the best oshi, Rosemi-sama!
>>4123 I love rosemi
Thank you, Petra i lost many braincells reading this elementary schooler quiz, screw you
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>>4124 Me too bud, me too! I hope you have an awesome night, bud!
Wilson, your HxH knowledge is pretty lacking
Okay I'm working on commissioning Aia anal post loss in her new outfit
>>4129 as long as it doesn't have mold, it should be fine right
>>4130 Thank you! Also that person that drew most of Aia's lewds will be happy that there's more lewds of her!
>>4130 Kansha!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_sZYaei86M Scarling come here. She's starting.
>>4039 >>4036 APOLOGIZE NOW
>>4136 I knell
>penguin siblings off collab Imagine
WTF Millie is angel beat hater. My kami possey.. T_T
>>4139 i remember liking it when i watched it as a kid, though even then i was kinda ehh at some parts. i wonder how much i'd like it now
>>4141 I liked the school parts but the premise was pretty bad, just key in general I want to just have fun without any dumb drama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyyXq3GDJq0
She's gone
Ahh the other site is gone
>>4145 i thought it was just me....
>>4145 Are we finally free?
>>4145 Keep watch of any of the usual shitters then they might come here due to boredome
/vt/ is kill...
I miss Vivi... Vivi would have been streaming right now...
>>4145 huh? what happened? i haven't been there since finding this site
Why is Luca attempting a naked Malenia run
The last time /vt/ was down for a while months ago I liveposted a bit of Millie and Enna's Zomboid while another anon liveposted a bit about Sonny.
>>4153 Light roll, fast stam regen
>>4153 Its not like armor matters in elden ring anyway
What's this fashion dreamer game that seems to be gaining traction as a fotm? Looks like just dressing up characters like in the character creator for Sims from what I've seen.
>>4157 Another sequel installment from the best fashion games; Style Savvy.
>>4145 Nice
>>4152 dont know its just not loading anymore
>>4163 4chan as a whole seems like it's down lmao, i can't access other boards either
>>4153 Honestly against Malenia it doesn't really make a difference. Her normal moves are easy to learn. It's literally just learning to beat waterfowl which will kill you no matter your set up. Tower Shield would just heal her to full. >>4156 It only matters for PvP tbhdesu, and only to hit the poise breakpoints, and because you can do some trades with some weapons thanks to the damage reduction, and if you use some spells like beastial vitality it ends up stacking the hp regen in your favor. Stacking reduction and HP can make some bosses easier but never enough that it matters. Dodging and parrying will always be king. >>4164 Not the first time it's happened but a part of me always wishes it's the last time and it's gone for good.
Wait till he finds out about how you have to parry her 3 times to get her to stagger
is everyone migrating here
>>4170 >1 post per minute sure...
>>4170 Hopefully not. I like how this thread is active mostly when there's actual streams happening instead of being 99% offtopic and shitposting like on 4chan.
How do you actually dodge waterfowl I just cut my losses and tank with a greatshield. Yet again I never got to finishing off her second phase lmao but could do the first one kind of reliably.
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>>4174 You have to not panic roll, and dodge forward, backwards and forwards, with the camera unlocked. If you can dodge parts 1 & 2, it doesn't matter if you get hit or tank the 3rd with a tower shield. Also his chat is dumb, bleed is one of two ways you can cheese her waterfowl, the other is frost.
>>4175 What about the move in the second phase where she sends apparitions of herself that always kills me too
Aia sex
>>4176 That one is just learning to time the rolls. Worst case you get hit by one rot angel, and you can survive that. Ideally if you do get hit, it's on the last one, then you can probably panic roll her charging at you and reset and get a heal in as long as you stay collected and respect her combos.
>>4178 Oh I should note that it's best you dodge back first 3 angels, then dodge forward for the rest, including her charging at you if there is space behind you. Also locked off I forgot to mention Also Scarlet Aeonia is your best opening, just go in right as the rot radiation dissipates, then running heavy or jump attack for big damage and poise damage.
4chan died just 30 mins after the announcement was put up. In that case, I wish it will stay dead for another 9 10 hours to get past the usual shitpost time.
>>4180 Or stay dead forever. Cursed existence ended and normalfags will be too scared to come here. Even if the old 8ch was fucked, 8/tg/ was good if slow and 8/v/ was actually a place you could discuss video games and not /vt/'s retarded older brother
I will go to sleep, I don't think I can stay up to watch him dying over and over again when he hasn't hit phase 2 even once. He might take 8 hours or more before he hits phase 2 by my estimations
>>4184 Goodnighty Lucub, I don't know why he's doing this fight almost naked, he'd probably be doing a bit better if he had some more coverage. Sleep well.
He wanted $120 for it so I gave him $20 to start off with. Dude drew the Petra stuff and his latest stuff seems pretty good so
Well those SFM videos were my gateway to TF2 after all.
>>4188 I meant gmod not sfm whoops
Seems like Luca just wasted a bunch of time to get an underwhelming ash of war lmao
Damn he would have had it if he didn't choke dodging the second waterfowl.
Feesh is gonna shit herself when she plays lethal company
Goodnight anons!
maririn japanese zatsu starting! it's tough being a dekinai... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVjYunuauFQ
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>>4194 Goodnight!
i dont want to be racist but the flags are making me question some stuffs will u get mad at me anon?
Mel (Ayamy's daughter) offered to do a cooking off collab with Kotoka https://twitter.com/yozoramel/status/1724337255890993468 Would be cute and maybe even sex if Mel could convince Koto to also do ASMR together
i kinda miss seeing scarle peeking in when i read this board
>>4199 I detest this idea not because I anti-holo-niji collab but Mel is also terrible cook
>>4198 Shoot the question anon
>>4199 That would be pretty kino. I'm not sure if Kotoka's cooking is just that infamous or if Mel's an active watcher of Koto's in general, but it's nice to know they're on good enough terms for her to offer that. I know there'd be some tribalistic fucks who hate the very idea of it happening, but I'm just excited at the prospect of the two girls getting along and having fun together.
>>4202 i was going to ask the east asian anon how do they know english cause i thought the education system for english isnt so great
>>4204 Ah that. Well you can ask them directly when they show up
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>>4204 Some people study abroad, some people majored English in university etc. I don't think there are that many east asians here anyway, they all have their own dedicated sites to discuss vtubers. t. east asian who has lived in an english speaking country for years
>>4206 Poor girl... First Bon hasn't been doing so hot, now Derem's sending messages from the emergency room... I hope she recovers okay. She's so sweet, I've watched a couple of her streams before.
>>4206 poor girl....
Ngl I can probably fap to that outfit
>>4211 i wonder if that first art was drawn by oyomama he looks extremely cute in it
>>4211(me) it says "special message+voice pack+special movement" idk what the last thing is, maybe skin for bilibili?
>>4211 aruban kawaii... such nice art of him...! wonder if uki and sonny will get the same type of merch, since i think fulgur had a similar merch sale going on a couple weeks ago.
>>4211 the art looks really good
maririn...my jp reps...
Maria wants to move to Japan She's not kidding, she's serious.
>>4217 At least she knows enough Japanese that she'd be able to navigate it comfortably, but I hope it'd be okay on her expenses.
>>4213 Alban as shota sex video
I just realized vt is dead again kek
>>4220 I'm pretty sure the site as a whole hasn't been working for some hours now.
>>4221 good
>>4221 Hiroyuki forgot to pay the bills
Enner about to start but I kinda want to watch swedish man play detroit too
>>4223 Anon, you have to let your imaginary friend go...
>>4224 Flip a coin. Or let the voices consume you (listen to both streams at the same time).
>>4219 CN sisters are so lucky....
>>4199 They might actually make a homunculus.. If they convince haachama too they will make alchemy real...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4OqQTGb4qo Mika's new outfit is debuting in an hour. Since she's not EN, it's kind of offtopic to livepost her here. Should I revive the ID thread and livepost her there instead or is it ok to post the outfit reveal here as an exception?
>>4226 starting, I havent seen this game so I'm fairly excited
>>4230 I think the ID general could use some love. If people are curious, they can go check it out there. I also know Mika is a pretty divisive person, or at least that's the impression I get when anons talk about her. Ultimately, however, it's up to your discretion. I don't really mind either way.
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>two of my friends came >when I came home
I woke up to the other site being dead, today is a good day! I'll go watch birb now
>>4199 Nah, Koto never did ASMR before and I don't even think that she has an ASMR mike to do it. I know they're friends IRL and I don't mind them collabing, but HoloJP x NijiEN offcolalb will inevitably attracts all kinds of bad actors and shitposters from the other site. I know that such concernfaging is stupid and I shouldn't police her collab partners, but I just don't want her to get more attention from schizos
Whenever i hear Enna rants about daily things like this i get reminded of the MMD where she gets pegged by roomie-chan
Thank you for spending 10 minutes to tell us that you have a runny nose and feeling sleepy Enna.
Your eyes are half open because you're hella asian lmao
>eyes is half open is it because your chinese or half asleep
>>4235 Don't worry about it because nobody watches Mel
I think directly calling type A a girl would make a few people annoyed.
Enna confirmed: she's still a woman
NO ENNA PICK THE NIGGER ONE, obviously yes pick a similar hair style as yours
>>4240 /vt/ doesn't watch JP in general, that still doesn't stop them from larping as JPfags and chimp out every time Niji and Holo are colalbing
>>4240 Rude >>4236 Link?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J_1Ibk_rYo Ike is streaming Cage's cringe kino
"Hero hajimemashite my dear friend, i want to put my ochinchin in your manko" Tell your friend to do it that way, Enna
>>4235 NTA but I understand where you're coming from, nobody wants their oshi to become schizos' center of attention. But I think Kotoka seems mature enough to know if hate is genuine or just somebody hating for the sake of it. And at the end of the day, the influence of the board isn't on as big of a scale as anons make it out to be. The number of average fans who just wanna support Kotoka and see her happy will always outweigh those who just wanna see her fail.
>>4236 Ngl I always wondered why Enna's zatsus sometimes annoy me and I think this is the reason lmao.
>>4250 its tmi? I usually leave it on the background so I dont really pay attention to the thinks that she says kek
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alban is streaming the final part of little goody two shoes if any anons are interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE7yMdx9_r8
>>4251 I mean she spent like 15 minutes complaining about being sleepy and cold I mean c'mon there's nothing interesting lmao.
>type 3 body type UUUOOOOHHHH ToT
She tried 3 times each time
Am I the only one who hates Vox's new look? The old look was better
This is Enna first time realizing she is cunny vtuber
enna refuses to be a cunny
>>4257 youre not the only one but I dont hate it as I dont really watch him
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Feesh was there to see Enna's messed up makeup.
>>4260 Maria is the only one that embraces it...
granny enna no...
>>4259 >>4260 >>4262 And she's the same size as Millie...
>>4256 Is her official height still undisclosed? I'm curious on how 3D will make her look.
>>4257 I think LAM's just not good at drawing males
>>4268 I would say the same but i like how RPR looks
anne etteuola my beloved
>>4269 Hmm I don't like RPR's model as well even though his rigging was top tier. I remember thinking that RPR looks better in hoeru's style and that's saying a lot...
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uuuuuuuu I miss Vivi
>>4270 She's back
>>4268 >>4269 >>4271 How about Older Aruran from Holostar?
I think that's the first time I heard her call that part of the hood her neckbeard.
>>4248 The reason why I am concerning so much is because that's already happened, one of the other thread's resident schizos raided her comment section together with his noomber friends, astroturfinghis VTA reject garbage. Thankfully, Koto gave reasonable response of "don't watch me if you don't like me" and never adressed it again, but I'm still worried about her. Koto is really stable and doesn't really goes crazy over antis, but she's egosearching herself alot and is sensitive to annoying comments, like how she put Subnatica finale behind membership because retards couldn't stop backseating her playthroughs. Believe me, I wouldn't worried about her if there weren't any precedents for it
freckles are fckin ugly
>>4268 hes better at drawing feminine or twink characters maybe bishonen or ikemen ok but i usually dont see him drawing too buff
>>4277 That's fair, sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to invalidate your concerns. It's only a hypothetical for now, so I'd say to not stress about it too much and cross that bridge when we get there.
>>4278 Freckles are cute, fight me.
Well i think we need men drawn by RAITA
dont expose the magic of make up enna
>>4283 *punches you*
>>4284 RAITA makes godlike women designs too
I think it's not fully open for another reason
>>4271 Say what you will about hoeru, their style is one of the more unique ones and they have the best faces
>>4284 When we will get a dandy ojisan...
>>4279 true, or illustrations in general I still very much enjoy his arts
>>4277 This makes me hypothesize one thing, if the entirety of real nijien fans move here and nobody was left to bake threads there.Would the schizos bake the thread instead and argue against themselves ?
>>4286 Owie...
Good Smile survey for future nendos, fill the survey and ask for your favorite livers, you can put more than 1 character in the survey so be greedy https://twitter.com/GoodSmile_US/status/1723958882693701748
>>4290 *when will we Can't type this morning apparently.
>>4292 I always had the theory that if we died they would just change targets and have a new black sheep
Cute blind moment lmao
>>4292 we'll be a dead boogeyman
>#Kanye West ENNA NO
>>4292 that specific schizo will keep baking thread and bumping them himself for months
>>4300 he gave up with /yeah/ but we have many anons in the general so I doubt they'd stop creating threads
She has to move her head slightly every time because it's blocking the subtitles.
I think Maririn is getting a new chibi model done... WE'RE SO BARACK
enna piss hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>>4303 Yeaaaaaaaaaah i hope so, chibi maririn is cute and all but she's cute like a decorated cookie and i want cute like an anime girl
>>4303 did she say which artist?
I did not know of this word too
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>>4303 What a hardworking doll!
enna read the goddamn tutorial, i can't believe you have to get backseated even in a fashion game lmao
Ike is liking Detroit kino so far
>>4303 Nice, I hope it has a new face that is more expressive
>>4310 Did he mentioned he played it before like Heavy Rain?
>Enna pissing herself insead of using my mouth Man, what a fucking waste
>I have questions about the world, do androids have rights? Oh Ike, you aren't ready for this game
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Bit of a random thought, but I wish Enna put her hoodie up more often. She looks so cute with it up.
>>4303 nice! she really needs a more detailed model for her dances
>>4312 No, he's playing it for the first time
>>4310 ironically or unironically?
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>>4315 I wish she would show her feet more instead
>>4315 She only puts it on for the sweaty kind of gaming streams like zomboid and watch dogs
>>4306 No.. Just that it still wont have movable fingers
>>4316 I really liked her dance videos but the current chibi doesn't showcase her moves that well, i want so see her move her hips like she does but in a more loli like model...
>Oh wait, is this actor from Heroes? >Chat saying he's from Grey's Anatomy, Ike is clueless about it My sides
>>4319 Here you go, you fucking degen
>>4323 Good, Ike is not my aunt confirmed
>>4318 So far unironically, but he mostly praises the visuals and how models and acting looks actually good in comparison to HR
>>4324 I meant feet on her model.....
Kek she had to move her model out of the way to view the menu controls
Why doesn't she just watch the actual reveal on stream it only takes minutes after the prediction stuff
Ike is disapointed that none of his viewers are from Detroit
>>4330 I think she forgot about how outfit reveals have filler.
>>4331 They don't have devices to watch his stream because they got robbed
>Ike is already cringing from the lack of subtlety of this game It will be a wild ride
>these look like the slippers my mom used to wear and beat me with HOLY KEK
Meloco's schedule! Looking forward to Sunday
>>4292 Milgurschizo baked the thread himself and even pretended to be ritualposters to astroturf it on multipal occasions, so yes
>>4335 The allegories are so hamfisted it's comical. David Cage's writing is as subtle as a brick through a window.
Willy schedule! (i'm just going through twitter and posting the ones i see btw)
her most popular clip is probably that sapa one from amongus where she keeps cursing at elira kek
>>4337 that va line up would sound interesting
>>4336 I can relate to that lol
>>4344 I will try to livepost Mika's new outfit there to not flood this thread up, feel free to join if you want
Cute Ennaur
>>4345 Honestly, I don't know why livers who have graduated are making new outfits anyway. Especially Mika, since her next move is so obvious
men's fashion looks easy, just put on the clothes that are near you kek
Alban's neurons fire off whenever he sees a MILF. He's just like me frfr...
I would wear that, indoors though.
>>4347 might as well use up your outfit tokens
>>4347 Because it was a promise from her donothon if i remember correctly and because they probably had their outfits for a while and since they're in the way out they'd rather just show it to not go to complete waste
no I wont say thank you thank you
Green tones but there are only 2 pieces of clothing that are green
Is this actually just the game just dressing up chracters based on their vague wishlist
>>4363 Yeah it's basically PC building simulator but for girls
>>4369 KEK
>"Fuck your moms, fuck your dads!" I didn't know Enna was this much into incest
>>4367 what happened
>>4372 >dad's girl yjk
I heard a dog uh?
Oh I didn't realize that nrnmarie person still donates to Enna.
>>4378 oh it was just something squeaky lol
>>4381 They're not a regular though
>>4373 >>4355 this stream, There's Uiha
>>4381 Isn't that one of the artists NijiEN commissions a lot?
>>4386 Yes and she drew Enna's bedroom asset for free along with other commissions. I only remember her because anons keep screenshotting her tweets.
>>4369 KT mama knows what's important.
Mika's new outfit is not as sex as her second one...
Enna your other streams tell me otherwise
I remember Enna explaining dissonance in an older stream before for one of her music.
Uiha is leaving Nijisanji because she wants to take the next step for her future, and she wants us to let her go with a smile because she is graduating in a good way.
What a name bird-watcher bertha
>>4400 i hope we see her on a stage one day, as a real idol
>>4404 Yeah, I think she's graduating to become a real idol. like...ohsi no ko
>>4400 Well i mean, even though many people say Nijisanji is becoming more like an idol company, they actually are a platform to do kind of what you want to do, some go for more musical stuff, others have a focus on voice acting, etc but i think that Uiha made the right decision because for her to actually grow up more she needs to be somewhere focused on idol activities, i hope she finds a nice idol group (she'll probably be in an IRL idol group in the future) and i think she could become top girl of many groups because she's a UR idol
>>4400 You know I'm starting to think that lovechan shutting down is intentional, to prevent the monkeys from monkeying about her graduation too hard
>>4406 i can't believe they made oshi no ko real
>>4407 Yeah, she seems like a steal, really nice and talented girl. Anybody who picks her up next will be super lucky.
>>4408 >There is filter for cuack Is it global or board only? Either way I meant /vt/
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>>4337 >massages your ears in swimsuits Imagine if she commissions another fanart of herself I want to see her massive melocos in a school swimsuit
>>4413 paizuli with meroco
Enna starts to delulu again
>>4411 Board thing
>>4421 Fair enough, I've been calling 4chan that for so long even during the OG 8ch days, old habits die hard I guess.
>>4427 Oh nice, he's jamming with his guitar
>>4407 i read earlier scrolling through my twitter after the announcement about how niji staff told livers back then that nijisanji is supposed to be a stepping stone for them to get the skills they need to do what they want in the future, whether that's to stay as a liver or do something else. dunno how true that is now, but it makes sense. i mean, a "graduation" is supposed to refer to a positive thing, if you think about it.
>>4424 It's mostly because shitposters love that word, it has been filtered (as well as many other words) for more a few days now, i think you're the first one to get it kek
>>4387 please commission me instead of someone like her..i’ll draw everything for 1dollar
>>4427 some guitar before bed
>>4427 Yeah, he's been live for a little while now. Currently he's playing songs on his guitar. Nice to see him live at this time of day for me.
>>4427 enna keeps lagging for me, so i guess i'll just listen to ren jamming
>>4434 I had to use a VPN to change my region to the US to make it stop lagging
Mika's new outfit looks like Vshojo's new vtuber Model
Enna is having a bit too much fun in this
Yeah Enna I remember that clip from 2021 of you and Millie talking about taking a picture of yourselves dabbing.
>>4438 Enna really good role playing this kind of character.
i thought this was my own cursor lmao >>4438 did she figure out that she should read what the people actually want for their outfit?
>>4442 She found out about the vague wishlist thing pretty early on I think
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>Oh my god we're both pregnant! All me.
JP Enna is acting like my kamioshi right now I feel weird
Enna's supposed standard pose when taking pictures.
>>4445 Imagine what the offspring of Enna and Reimu would be like
>>4446 Oh hey, thank you for reminding me how much i hate Sony
>>4447 Heh. Peace sign. Yjk
thread is still pretty slow despite the other site being down..i thought everyone would come on vacation here
>>4452 Eh it's going at a decent pace for me. Plus it's still early morning in NA.
>>4452 try reading this thread >>309
Btw Enna that cover is about 8 months old now and that was your last solo cover the fuck is going on where is the next one lol
>>4452 It's actually really fast for the usual speed, also many people from the other site either don't know about this board or are afraid to come here
Enna my fashion is just uniqlo bermudas with a uniqlo t-shirt.
>>4455 i mean her recent PR music video is technically a cover
Enna is designing a standard "How Japanese sees foreign US people"
>>4455 Well she had the mushroom song 2 months ago and probably has something planned for zuttomo, also she seems to be in something like a mental break right now trying to spend time with her dad and chibisuke
>>4458 >>4460 It's just a bit weird that she hasn't teased anything at all this year other than that edgy song during the zatsu before she went to Japan. Last year by now she showed teasers for birds of time, Yoidore Shirazu, Mushroom and Ethyria. Also there was that presumably scrapped Melissa orisong.
>>4462 Zali is going full Hayama
>>4462 he'll never beat ohayama....just give up....
>>4380 Looks great!
This kinda reminds me of her pulling for maple story outfits, speaking of which I wonder if she remembers she's supposed to make a guild for members
>>4469 She probably lost interest in Maple soon after that resurgence tbh lol
>>4463 Well she said she was working in quite a few secret things during the Ethyria anniversary, also Millie and Reimu teased that Enna had a "very big thing"
>>4472 yeah her cock
>>4472 I remember sometime around July or August she mentioned having plans to host something with another liver and that she an idea that will be her biggest project ever. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
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>>4448 Mapon posted a newer version of that recently, this is an older one.
>>4473 Sorry but Pudding draws her with a small uncut and cute PP and that is the canon for me
>>4337 VA with Mika, Sonny, Hex, Marai Sounds like kino
>>4475 And she would have a big ass and be a whiny brat made for correction, also she would be really small
It's so fucking ridiculous that killing the old man's son and not taking the gun as Kara in Detroit are actually considered to be the good outcomes. David Cage's game sometimes are so fucking counter intuitive
>>4479 I've got used to fake links in the other thread so much that I've expected to see porn with some asian woman again
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>>4478 Imagine petting this girl.
>>4482 she's so cute I want to rape her UUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH TToTT
>>4480 The only good ending is FULL ROBOT DOMINANCE, that's why i liked Pomu's playthrough
>>4482 I want to hold her in my arms 😭😭😭
Ike missed the 28 stab wounds meme......
Larry looks like Sonny
>>4486 NOOOOOOOOOOO literally the best part of the game...
what instrument is ren playing rn?
It's so funny that Ike's been predicting most of the story beats in this game. Not that it's particularly hard to do, but he's gonna get such a big head between this and Danganronpa.
>>4479 Remember how great the NijiExpress surprise collab was on New Years Eve 2021? Sure would be nice to get something similar again...
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>>4481 I'm the one who makes most of them to bait dramafags
>>4489 a kalimba i think
>>4491 i miss vrchat...
>>4492 Based paladin
the in game enna looks kinda fine
>>4496 Naizuri with Enna and in-game Enna!
This sounds like that one voice pack where she roleplayed a witch.
Ike is stealing clothes....
>>4499 Yeah, mine
LMAO she doing an impromptu JP debut
Ike is robbing a conbini....
Enna you dumbass you forgot to lower back the volume
Enna is ending it here to watch Mika's outfit, supa reading time
I missed Ennas fashion stream shame
I can tell that Ike is resisting the urge to uohhh to Alice right now
Nah Enna you let anons from the site being dissatisfied with birds of time bother you lmao.
Kek enna
Ennas so real for that
Ike has become gay
>>4508 >anons All of that is just one fat guy
>let's say this empty McDonald's bag is my puppy >It still smells like fries.... Enna please
I love how Ike singing in Japanese for like 5 seconds has turned chat japanese
>>4512 Birds of time predates that thing
i actually really liked this part of detroit become human, the sound design is amazing
>>4512 No that was many months before he came about. Everyone was posting about how very underwhelmed they were with the song back then. That was because anons actually cared about Enna's content back then unlike now kek.
>>4512 Nah I'll be real I didn't care much for birds of time either. I do think patterns has a very set style and I think it works well for people who don't have a lot of singing chops but for someone like enna who has a lot of experience singing and a lot of range, his style ends up producing stuff that feels kinda disappointing
Lowkey I have not been paying attention to what Enna has been saying for the past 15 minutes.
>>4519 Basically that she wants an independent puppy but someone who is around for her when she needs them.
>>4519 For me it's highkey because too busy doing my dailies
>>4520 I'm not sure why it changed puppy to puppy
>>4520 Sometimes she gets very long winded and I just lose concentration until she changes the topic lmao
>>4518 yeah, patterns isn't bad imo. for me personally, i just don't like his combi with enna a lot of the time. mushroom is probably my favorite of enna's originals
>>4523 Yeah I'll be honest she's been on this topic for a while and hasn't been really saying anything of note she's just kinda been looping and loosing the point
>>4522 >I'm not sure why it changed puppy to puppy
>>4524 Yeah like I think a good example is his song with Mori. Mori isn't exactly much of a singer she's been getting better but she's got nothing for range, which is fine and works well with his slow lower range style but but compared to something like mushroom or even Ennas first original Birds of Time still feels underwhelming to me
>>4526 Shush, I thought it was autocorrect I'm on mobile.
>>4528 its a filtered word...
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>Proliferyte? Prolifrty? How to pronounce it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN8RI3ILVk8
>>4525 Yeah it's kind of a consistent issue with her zatsu. And the funny thing is that her biggest fan will still attentively listen and livepost it while I miss out on a lot of things. Also in relation to her current topic I kind of want to see how Enna would handle her father's death during her time in Niji out of morbid curiosity.
>>4531 >want to see how Enna would handle her father's death during her time in Niji she'd have her own dj privated stream
>>4531 not very well probaly. i doubt many of our livers would be able to handle something like that well if they're close with their parents
Ennas funny
I didn't get a chance to get the buds shame
damn didn't know Ren can beatbox
I guess I'm too aggressive and negative with my posting of Enna I've been reported a couple times and now I got warned lmao whoops.
>Ike shows compassion >The guy immidiatly kills himself afterwards That android was a quildren....
>are you enna Alouette >Not right now Well points for honesty
Ren says you should listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBPPneIlhDA
The livers still take photos of their pape like that, like that one picture Vox posted of his Pape sitting in the first class of British Airways.
>Is this a dating sim? Ike is trying to seduce an ojisan....
Enna this is why your dad keeps putting a wad of cash underneath your keyboard.
babu mention... i miss millie so much
>>4542 Honestly when I was the most disgruntled with her back around January I sort of agreed with nearly everything he said.
I can't find the tweet now but I remember Enna asking in a poll about wanting to do a fashion competition
>>4546 lmao tbh I just stopped watching at that time plus I was busy irl so maybe I saved myself there
Ike likes girls with blond hair, they look very scandinavian
>>4547 I feel like some of you have the sharpest memories, I cant remember half the shit she says on stream
>Most of the chat prefers black hair You are all from SEA and it shows.webm
Everytime Enna talks about her nasally voice Voitan also orgasms in the chat about how it's the cutest thing ever too which I do agree with. >>4550 I even remember the stream I first heard it from https://youtu.be/Dvesafy1N40?t=18996
>>4545 I thought she's already back in Canada?
>>4553 yeah and she's gonna be back to streaming officially tomorrow, but still it feels weird to not have her streaming every day sometimes
>>4553 She is but she also wanted to take a break until her outfit reveal because she had a family emergency right when she left Japan and had to go through a lot
>>4520 Dogs aren't much like cats, unfortunately for her. They will never be independent, they are too loving for that and will try to be at the center of your attention always. They can be trained well to do things on their own but if they see you their first instinct is to grab your attention, which is admittedly great when you are feeling down
i really like how the aloupeeps look tbh
>>4554 Cute Elipom moments, i'm really excited to see what hey were cooking
>>4557 Oh, I actually thought it was about a puppy until I scrolled down, tehe pero~
Enna the reception of the design you showed was so positive don't be such a downer lol.
>>4561 are all those circles eyes or are some of them freckles or something?
>>4560 Kek i actually love the filter
>>4562 4 eyes and freckles
>>4563 whats the filtered word...
>>4565 From that context? Probably a male romantic companion
Yes Enna you did
Enna really liked that joke it was so bad too kek she's funny
Guess the second zomboid compilation is coming out soon
>Coming out soon
>>4456 >or are afraid to come
I guess it's time to watch Zali's training arc then... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6anxTiATdE
>>4561 I like how peeps tails hide their buttholes like a loincloth
Gn Enna I won't be there for dead space but I'll make it for watch dogs. Hopefully you progress just as smoothly as last stream this week.
>>4572 When was the last time she played? I can't even remember at this point
>>4577 A month ago, which is not that much when you think about it since she was gone for 2 weeks
>>4557 >>4563 I can already see the newfag shitposters going "OH NO NO NO HERE COMES LUCA X, Y, AND Z'S PUPPY OH NO BROS I THOUGHT I THOUGHT ETC"
Being around here has actually made me watch more streams and enjoy them more
>>4580 Sounds like what having any form of moderation feels like.
>>4581 There's not even that hard of a moderation, i've only seen ennaschizo being banned and that one peep that got a little too heated get a warning, i think it's the knowledge that moderation exists that makes people here just behave better
Hank and Connor are Ike's favourite characters so far
>>4580 what active moderation does to someone
>>4583 They're eveyone's favorite characters normally because they were the ones trying to act of David Cage's retarded direction, also the ones who got the most shit from him for acting out of script
>>4579 The best part is we won't see them for long, kek
>>4586 Well the only one who tried was "you know who" and he got perma'd from here, never showed up again
Ike wants Mr. Krabs to get into his boy hole
Reimu's neighbours are acting too loud today, so MGS stream is postponned till tomorrow
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>>4589 Are you feeling it, Mr. Krabs?
>Ike says in Mika's chat that his name is generic Ike is a rare name, I don't know why he's thinking that it's generic
>Mika doesn't know what Fire Emblem is I hate her sometimes
The fact that Zali is collabing with some pngtuber just because he's very good at Suika and he wanted a coach is really funny to me
Is Mika a common name in asia? I don't know why she's saying that it isn't rare
Well i'll be in the lewd thread until auntie starts her stream...
>>4595 Mika can be kinda common in the Philippines. Usually short for Mikaela
>>4597 Just like Ike's Ike is short for IKEA in sweden!
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She only wears pink crop tops? cute...
Alban is cooming to Mika's new outfit on stream right now
>>4623 I hope she wears yoga pants too
>What are you guys watching on YouTube >The one half says only vtubers, the other half says video essays Me too..... Why do these two demographic collide so much?
>The YouTube keeps buffering AGAIN Holy shit, it keeps happening almost every day now at the same time. At this point I'm convinced that there's something fundumentally wrong with EU servers
>>4627 Are you using adblock? that might be it
>>4628 I've turned off adblock on YouTube + the stream quality is ok for most of the day. The buffering starts in the span from 6 PM till 8 PM GMT. The buffering gets better after I turn on VPN, so I'm sure that there's some kind of issue with the servers
>Kunai says that she has more women than men in her audience That's actually weird. Even her manager was surprised by that
Kunai's gonna turn the men in her audience into femboys...
>>4630 poor girl
I am a girlie now
So I guess Kunai's making it a habit to make little videos like Kunai News when she takes days off. That's cute.
>>4630 it could even out as time goes, but i can see why tbh
>>4630 It's a nijiEN phenomenon, almost all of the girls from Iluna onwards have 50/50 fanbases or 50+% female Scarle and zaion were the exceptions
Millie schedule! She said her come back stream is actually at 10 PM
>>4635 TTT in general has a high female audience, even Vivi had said that her male/female ratio is close to 50%
>>4631 Auntie making me use a cute a short maid dress and panties that can't hide my raging boner like in the kindred x rosebud doujin edit...
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>LV >40 C >The asphalt melted and shoes got covered in tar Holy shit, how do burgers even live there?
>>4641 Everything has AC, they use cars with AC and don't leave their houses which also have AC
>>4641 By not being a bitch. >>4642 Oooo look at mr richy rich with his air conditioner. Must be nice being mr fancypants.
It's cute that Reimu links to her own karaoke clips. I know some livers don't like their karaoke clipped
>>4644 You mean unarchived ones? I don't think the management approves it, Reimu just doesn't care
>>4643 I don't even live there but when i was there for vacations everything had ACs, for me it's a huge waste of energy but over there every shop had AC and most households i saw had AC, it was in Miami tbf so it must be hot as hell on peak days
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>I'm so glad that you have COME.
Kunai shits on people who unironically participate in NNN
>>4646 Thats all for tourists. True Floridians just endure the heat.
>Nobody drinks White Claws to enjoy them, they just drink them to get drunk Nina.......
>>4647 go back
Kunai says that she accepts any nakarat design. Use any kind you like
>>4648 Good, it's bad for men to hold their nut, the challenge is retarded and you would unironically be better just nutting every day of the month
Finana I know what you are.jpg
>>4653 I hold for 3 days and nut and that makes if feel good and helps me train not shooting too quickly
>>4648 Kunai wants you to fap to her she's made it very very clear
>Kunai has an actual kotatsu Is she asian or just a weeb?
>>4658 From what she said she's from finnish and italian descent so she's white as fuck and just a huuuuuuuuuge weeb
Kunai is just like me. I prefer my house to be cold and then wear a fluffy nightgown and a bunch of blankets at night.
>New Shantae game got announced Will Pomu play it?
Gas stoves are not my favorite honestly
>>4662 Depending on where you live it could be a lot cheaper than having an electric one
>>4662 Gas stoves are the saver when you live in an area with frequent blackouts, but overall, I prefer electric stoves since they're easier to use
>>4662 I like them because heat control is a lot easier on gas, for dishes that require different levels of heating at different stages of cooking the dishes. Induction is great for general cooking though.
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I have some steam games that I bought during sales like a decade ago and I haven't played them yet
Please stop recommending the same fucking games god fucking please chat
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>>4666 Me too, Quil
>Horse girl >Faming slut Is Kunai...you know...
Kunai is a farming slut
>I got carried away with the farm so much that I ended up not dating anyone Holy autism
Maria has a fellow farmer! >got so caught up in the farming aspect she didn't even date anybody Kunai...
>>4669 Country girl? Yeah
>Do you think management will be ok for me to stream on Tik Tok? Kunai....
I can't believe taht Pomu is fucking dead
>>4671 I...did the same...
>>4675 We'll just pop another one from the lab, this is the 5th Pomu btw
Imagine getting a brutal beatdown from your big sister Kunai
Do you think Kunai milked cows when she was with her cousins? Do you think she milked horses too...
>Kunai is making fun of redditors Millie......
>Kunai gets her news from Cr1tikal Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Kunai please get better taste
>>4681 I get my news from SomeOrdinaryGamer...
>Vtuber community is so cliqie AIIIIEEE KUNAI YOU CAN'T SAY THAT
>>4684 Maybe the community was the clique all along...
Kunai is really good, I am turning into a fan.
LTG love yourself.jpg
>>4686 She's such a delight, so pleasant to listen to. Her chat and zatsu is so comfy I've considered typing in her chat myself, which I rarely do.
>>4688 It's a very positive vibe, its refreshing
Kunai is a boomer mentally
>>4690 She's an older zoomer like me. We aren't as retarded as younger zoomers and not as soypilled as millenials, basically the best from both
Kunai loves bees
Figs are polinated by bee jizz......
>>4693 Waaaaayyyyyy worse. Figs literally absorb wasps
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>Part of you has been alive in your mother's womb since she was born >Figs are made out of wasp jizz and corpses Thanks for the mindfuckery, Kunai
Kunai and nakarats forced Claude to start earlier, lmao
Claude's obsession with mccrib is fascinating, this is some JoJo character tier autism
According to Claude, TTT couldn't decide which game to play for the collab, so they decided to reschedule it for the next week
When did Claude talk about Kagurabachi? I tried looking for a timestamp and didn't find anything. Love that manga.
>>4699 I think he talked about it in his post-game zatsudan during Neon White stream
>>4698 actually vivi posted her schedule before they discussed if they should choose another game or reschedule lol
>>4701 What a fucking brat, they should let me slap her ass because of this
Anime impulse doing something >>4703
Claude spent a lot of money on Hibari merch...
Claude says: "everybody is a pickme"
>>4708 Wtf
Classic Rosemi-sama...
Feesh almost cried
>>4702 I swear she's autistic
>>4713 As someone who was wearing a purple shirt yesterday i feel attacked
Finana is in love with zero it's joever....
>in my head all rich people have British accents Petra wants corrected by a brit
I still have no clue how this game works
Its jover... Rosemi-sama stream keeps buffering again...
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>>4718 Bud
💢💢💢 Gyatt damn. Spiritbird is late agen. Need correction. 💢💢💢
I've already forgot that Enna had a crush on Connor
>>4723 Well Connor had a crush between gravity and the floor in Ike's stream today
I can’t believe I’m late for the collab…. Also gm anons!
>>4725 Soth African yaminion??? Hello??
>>4725 Hi anon! I hope you like the collab, some of they are acting like schizos because they have skins and only the one with the skin can see it so the bedroom is also the kitchen and the director's room
>>4726 whoops I forgot to turn off vpn
The Urple guy? Me.
>>4723 Speaking of crushes I wonder if she will ever play Resident Evil again do the games still have that weird Japanese perm purchase issue? https://youtu.be/H3uCltXyaCo
>>4730 Selen.....
>>4731 I think yes, Reimu had to play the Z version was it? Any ways she had to get a specific japanese version
>>4731 Probably not resident evil requires you to play the Japanese versions which are only available on console
>>4727 The collab looks fun! I think I may gonna watch the vod after the stream is done
>>4736 She's the only blue left and she's always been a bit emotional. I wondered how it'd feel. I can't say I didn't see the graduation coming though...
>>4734 Can't they just change the steam version to JP?
I really wanna marry Millie
>>4738 I'm not sure it works like that. They could potentially buy the JP version but they'd have to go through a lot of hoops to do so. You'd have to create a JP steam account and then load it using prepaid cards
>>4739 Hey, buddy. Stop that. It should be me.
>>4741 It's over for you, bro he has the greencard power...
Not gonna lie I have 0 idea what the pluck is going on in this game
>>4743 Clue or dead space?
>>4744 Clue, everything that happens or they say goes in one ear and straight out the other and it's making me sleepy
Is this selen's board?
>>4746 Oh wow, no wonder everyone is confused this is so different kek
>>4746 >>4745 >>4747 I only have it on in the background but it looks like a regular board to me!
Have anons never played clue before?
>Oh I had caps lock on Enna.....
Enna HATES her wife!!
>They can't backtrack LMAO I've expected that
I don't know which one is worse chilla or suika
I'm pretty sure feesh has been stuck on this puzzle for over 20 minutes
Chilla because he has the potential to be good but instead makes really shitty games. Suika is mildly entertaining
>The've lost an hour of progress due to Enna having a shitty build I guess they'll have to do 3 more streams to beat this game now
>>4757 I didn't even know there were builds for this game
Finana did it!
>>4757 How does her having a bad build make them lose progress? I remember watching one of the first dead space streams and she was completely stumped by the menus lmao.
>>4758 She had force rifle and shotgun, which no mobillity and speed whatsoever, and that fucked her up. I'm genuinly surprised that it didn't happen like 2 streams ago
>>4760 Enna got softlocked so they decided to reload and change her gun set up
i wanna watch feesh but i wanted to watch her nonary games series from the beginning
>javelin sounds like a name from my 5th grade band class What kinda class did they have....?
Guess they have given up on doing side quests now. Can't blame them since the previous ones were carried by Reimu and Enna just keeps getting stucked
Isn't Enna's game audio way too loud was it really like that the entire stream lol
reimu is doing what lesbians do best and beating up her spouse
I wanna squish reimus tummy
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LMAO, Reimu is secretly dragging Enna into doing side quest again
>>4769 I wish she wouldnt I dont think theyll ever finish the game at this rate lmao
The Japanese brand Royce has chocolate has really nice chocolate I wonder if they had that.
I think finana is almost ready
Reimu ate all her snacks.....
>>4770 No, she should keep doing it, Enna's suffering is extremly entertaining
>>4774 thats true
wonder if this ending is gonna make feesh cry
>>4776 Wonder? Feesh would cry with any moderately sad or happy scene
Why are Elira cosplayers always so pretty?
Reimu's flamethrower build is unironically pretty good, the stasis upgrade makes it OP
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I wouldn't mind a new part to clip Enna
>>4781 they communicate in english, right?
>>4781 genuinely one of enna's most wholesome moments
>>4782 Both Chinese and English.
>>4781 Cuuuute, it's like a teenage girl getting embarrased by her dad when she's with her friends
Feesh did it !
>>4778 makeup and post-processing and general good looks
>believe in me enna >your partner has died kek
enna and reimu collabs are always really funny
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>Enna was shooting the wrorng thing all this time Holy fucking shit, this was so fucking stupid
>>4791 thats what makes it good
Carver being imaginary would be extremly retarded, this is one thing that EA actually did right.
I love feesh
This game is hella confusing
Finana......you perv
Feesh is mindbroke
Vivi late because she didn't have any more stale sandwiches in her fridge so now she made some udon
>>4798 shame
Did Reimu really had to really ask Enna that question about talking to schizos lol Enna has definitely told her.
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That was a fun stream, hope they'll finish the game soon
Aia's new outfit is so fucking good
Reimu wants Enna to become a barptuber
I can't really hear it from Enna's POV the main menu music is way too fucking loud
>>4803 based
Hope we get to see whatever they need to record for within the next few months
Vivi wants to filter the unfunny people in chat
I remember Vox having to eat those umbilical cords during his playthrough to get an ending
Enna just leech off your dad like what he wanted to do in the first place dumbass.
Shu sched incase if there’s yaminions /here/
So Reimu has some sort of MV personal project that will be done soonish? And Enna mentioned a large majority of the work they have done this year is mostly prep work for upcoming stuff.
Vivi is in the lower scale of the menhera spectrum!
finally, our rose x doll collab!! tho it's PR https://twitter.com/nijisanji_app/status/1724638419882770754
>>4816 >¥14,850 クッソ高い
Is Vivi farming for anything specific or just to level up
>>4818 Blood vials
Vivi sucks so bad at explaining anything, she's so cute!
Iirc the 2 times Enna had to go afk to vomit on stream was mother simulator and valorant
Have fun with Suika by yourself Enna I won't be watching lmao.
Kek she read this which was what I was secretly thinking but still wants to play it on stream
Wow they actually suspended the sales of the cards. It's because of the semiconductor shortage.
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>Not all alliens, Ren should tweet that
>>4816 >Joe is Rosemi's counterpart
>>4823 what game is that
I rather you use the free cash than stress out and complain about it on stream >>4827 Suika
>>4821 Apex not val iirc
>>4817 >>¥14,850 98 dollars......
Reimu is saying that she's having some kind of collab tomorrow evening
>>4830 Actually I think it's both Apex and Valo too. I'll find timestamps later.
>>4833 Vomit fetish aloupeep....
Why does Vanta hate bald people?
i remember ike's playthrough of this it was mindnumbing
Enna all the Chinese aunties I see bring a trolley along to the supermarket to bring groceries home no need to feel stubborn about that.
Vivi says she likes pathetic women! Just like me!
Enna was putting on her pants yesterday and felt it was tight. She's getting a bit thicker.
Vivi won't wish you a happy birthday unless you show your ID
Enna it also slightly annoys me when you say sad stuff can you stop too lmao.
I'm sorry Enna but it's no longer funny after hearing the same thing for like 2 years kek
>>4813 Thanks also I wont bring this up too many times but I’m laughing at the local schizo throwing tantrums that he got called out and poorly attempt to larp funposting as certain fanbases
i should stop watching playthroughs of this game, i just keep getting irritated
>>4845 He's genuinly mentally ill, just ignore that guy
>>4845 I make fun of shu's schedule too, grow some thick skin.
Regardless I've always found it enjoyable listening to Enna talk about her family. Even before I started regularly watching her streams I remember enjoying clips of that back in 2021
>>4848 Nah I give anyone else a pass because I know shu doesn’t have the most stellar sched I’m just laughing at the most obvious attempts to gain (You)s
Yooooooooo nice Wosemi week!
>>4850 yeah give him the attention like the thing he wants
>>4851 >hots I wonder if I should download and try joining but it's gonna be hard to get in and I'll get steamrolled..
>>4852 I think you’re accusing the wrong person…
>>4853 I haven't played in ages, you can probably still pick Zeratul and ruin people's days without much effort with the void prisons
I hope the day I move on from Enna would be a natural and positive one.
>Vivi tries dodging and seeing what Vicar Amelia does >Fails horribly every single time just hitting her a few times >Vivi decides to just run at her and keeps hitting her even without stamina like a total retard >Vicar Amelia's health drops to 30% She's something special i tell you that
Yes a Chinese movie would be good to watch with you Enna
>>4861 I like Infernal Affairs
I managed to actually fine some time to watch the zatsu after the collab and had fun listening to Enna talk even if parts of it was just her complaining as usual lmao but it was still overall enjoyable and she even read a few of my chat messages too!
>>4864 I usually dont chat on her stream as its too fast but she read my chats today so thats cute ig
She defeated Vicar Amelia! She actually did a lot better than i expected!
>>4866 I can usually get her to read something from me at least once a week feels nice hehehe
Vivi making fun of soulsfags that go crazy for the lore is great
>>4867 >>4868 I wonder if someone can draw jogress evolution between this 2 vtubers.
>>4870 It would be too chinese for this world, it would probably also have dangerous low levels of self worth
>>4870 >>4871 chinese menhera angewomon...
Little Vivi girl scout trying to sell cookies 😭😭😭
>>4871 Soo a viet >>4872 Aren't angewomon already menhera?
>>4873 >She was 5 when she was a girl scout Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh little cute Vivi, so cute
>>4874 ngl i don't really remember much about digimon
>>4876 no one does
Vivi playes SMT: Devil Survivor in her NDS!
>>4880 Cute elira and funny ike
>>4880 it would be so based if they got to meet due to this
>>4883 Imagine Elira freaking the fuck out, i want to see that
HAHAHAHA. Vanta your fool
has anyone in EN played 12 minutes on-stream and actually had fun with it? i only watched ike's and now vanta, and they were both suffering through it
>>4886 I watched Enna play it. I don't really remember but I don't think it was that torturous for her and she enjoyed it mainly because she got really lucky and finished the whole game in around 2.5 hours.
>>4889 I remember watching that clips. Rosemi has unique comedy timing.
I'm just going to skip forward the VOD for Vanta's reaction to the plot later I'm too impatient.
vanta is okay with incest but he draws the line at murder
>>4892 Incest doesn't kill but murder does tbf. Sure the baby produced might be disabled for life but at least it's alive.
Fuck, thread on fire again. It seems too coincidence. Weird industry.
>>4897 this is so fuckin crazy I dont know how to feel kek
>>4898 It feels weird. Like I know something that I shouldn't now.
>>4897 what happened
>>4897 anyone willing to spoonfeed? i don't really wanna check myself...
>>4902 we have a NijiID thread here, might want to check and ask it there
>>4813 >the only stream he's not sure about is the solo one
I'm really slow I just realized double eleven fair is referencing the 11/11 sales event.
Vanta finally reach the ending after 12 hours
>>4909 more like 8 hours, but yeah
Maririn is explaining to her bilibili viewers that she just found out the origins of PogChamp and how it came from the game Pogs.
She's now talking about her recording experience of recording the Roki Chinese cover. She was biting her tongue during the recordings and asked the VR girl to sing more parts since she struggled singing them in Chinese lmao.
The Bilibili viewers also thought it was a new outfit and not a new cover...
>>4913 didnt she released it during/after aia/scarle's reveal? Maybe thats why people connected it for being an outfit reveal lol
>>4914 The teaser of the cover was also a teaser of the clothes she was wearing in the MV which made it more confusing
I didn't capture the pog emote in time nyooo
Shanghainese sounds like Korean to me
>>4923 maria pout cute 😭
Earlier she said she didn't really like the pog emote she drew which is probably why she isn't showing it again but I thought it was cute.
Since i had to remind the ID thread about this i will do a little reminder here too: This board is for us to talk about Nijisanji, not anything outside of it, also please stop acting like battered wives with the other thread, i get it, you're angry and all at the other thread but talking about it here is not gonna do anything
Edited last time by Koikoi on 11/15/2023 (Wed) 16:17:45.
When we get confirmation that Maririn stays flat in her new outfit. And she just got requested by a uni student to give a kiss to all studying students n her chat.
>>4929 Man...why did i have to graduate last year...
>>4929 >Maririn stays flat in her new outfit management please just this once
>>4931 I hope she doesn't, i hope she gets even flatter
>>4932 >maria's chest becomes so flat it turns concave
I think Maria just told a story where she once sleepwalked to the kitchen, took out a butcher's knife and just hit it against the kitchen counter.
And now in another sleepwalking incident she just sleepwalked to the living room and screamed for about 5 minutes.
>>4935 What the hell is happening to this cute doll...
I woke up to a lot of cute Peto art!
Maririn is feeling hungry. Earlier she mentioned when she went out with Enna and the others in Japan Enna mentioned that it's okay if they can't finish eating Maririn will just eat everything.
One of her future bilibili streams might be her playing fall guys with viewers
>>4938 Hoboririn...
3 onaholes...
>>4938 she really has the poorfag mentality.....
is there archive for this site
>>4945 Yeah but we haven't had a thread archive yet and the one with 3k posts cannot be archived anymore
Zali, please stop...Mane-san get this man some therapy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcN8CM6MZjk
>>4943 I'm taking the pentomo
>>4949 The Alien does look a little like a dragoon when you think about it
i don't think we should shill this board too much over there
>>4950 Wait a second... HOLY CRAP you're right its like a dragon head skin with urple coloring they even have the same mouth
>>4951 The retards would get banned if they try to shitpost anyway
>>4953 They probably already were
Zali would be doing much better with the sexy music
>>4947 No, don't stop zali become the suika
will zali stream suika as much as hayama did? will he not give up until he gets double suika?
>>4951 It's either some retard shilling or shitposters just trying to start shit. Ignore them, they can think what they want. There's lots of streams going on right now, we should enjoy them and not worry.
>>4958 I think he'll get double suika faster than Hayama did, since he even was talking with a 'pro' suika player
>>4958 Suika now flows through his vains. I don't think he'll stream it as much as her, but I do think he'll have at least a couple suikage streams a month to get those double melons.
>>4961 Meant to type veins, dammit.
>cottontail oh someone they're collabing with that i actually tangentially know
>>4964 That fugi is hypnotizing...
>>4963 >that hair Is this meant to be Kotoka? KEK
It's been forever since I watched meroco shes cute
>>4967 Yeah, i originally made the edit when she was number 1 of EN and she had a BGM that sounded like Emiya's theme
>>4966 yeah my eyes keep gravitating to it
>>4963 I am the seed of my fruit shell is my body and juice is my blood I have created over a thousand suikas Unknown to death nor known to life Have withstood pain to create many combos Yet my score will never reach 3k So, as I pray Unlimited Suika Works!
>>4968 i like her cooking streams for cute factor and her ASMR streams for SEX factor
Meloco those are planets not moons.....
>>4969 Based, you did a pretty good job with it, too. It really did feel like a top 10 anime moment when she got that first suika.
Who is this girl in the valorant collab she sounds cute?
>>4974 i remember watching one of her suika streams and hearing dramatic bgm. did she actually play emiya?
>>4975 An R18+ VA if you think she's also sex and interested in that
>>4976 Not the actual song but something that sounded like it
I kinda hate games like these there's like nothing happening
shu usually puts himself on the left and covering chat so i was wondering what the drawing is for lmao. i wonder why the change
>>4978 God she would be perfect withouth that...style of 3D in her model...
This game does a better job of emulating the Blair witch project than the actual game. It's just a bunch of spooky forest noises.
>>4981 It's the game word guardian
>>4983 The only scare in Blair Witch was actually losing the dog
>>4981 Ain’t it to cover up his gamechat? It’s more common to block those instead of the map in valo these days
>>4985 The movie sucked worse than the game
>>4985 thank god the dog is fine or else I’m ngmi… I understand selen’s distress completely
>jp livers also doing scrims today i kinda wanna watch kuzuha and rore instead... >>4986 yeah i know, i was just wondering why he placed himself on the right today
Cottontail kinda sounds like Kunai sometimes...
Meloco is immune to jump scares
Claude...please include the people you're collabing with in your description
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>>4981 >on the left Your ask what I’ve been wondering as well… ah well he likes to mess around his stream setups is cute
I hope Mumu can stream today but her neighbour... https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1724801376658825300
>>4996 Appreciated
nice >>4995 construction hate
>>5000 well i expected it... hopefully she can find a better time for it this week
>>5000 Reimu need to get those sound proof things
Cotton don't ask Claude for money, he said he literally spent it all in Hibari merch
>>5002 Or kill the neighbours
>>5004 If Ike can do it, so can she.
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>>5003 Niji Hibari, or KHR Hibari? He's based either way.
>>5007 Niji Hibari since he said to be all hush hush and not tell him
has ike ever said what he thought of pmd explorers or if he was planning on playing it too?
>>5008 Aww, so Hiba's one of his Niji oshis? That's cute. I hope to see an interaction with those two someday.
>>5010 He's one of his favorite singers!
shumino bullying his kouhai...
>>5011 Nice! I saw Hibari put out a cover a few days ago and he does have a nice voice, very bright and youthful. Good taste, Claude.
Meloco don't be fooled theyre not gonna make any improvements between now and "full release" it's just a streamer bait game
kek ver
All they're gonna do is add more jumpscares
casket has been stuck in my head since ren's guitar stream
I actually was interested in this game before Meloco played it but this has been worse than a chilla game
>>5019 The only game i'm hyped for is the one Pomu played with the dude going to the rural town and his chickens dying, i want a good japanese indie game to put effort and succeed so that people don't just default to lazy shit like this game and Chilla's shart
>ver getting chamber because he has a yugioh card >shu: oh he's the french guy kek
Oh god, I went to check Vox osrs and forgot he glowed up.. It feels so surreal to hear a buff guy speaking british
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>>4883 >See a bunch of posts got deleted >Got curious >Check the other site Yeaaah, I'm not coming back there. And Reimu's stream is cancelled too, fuck. Well, I'll probably watch Zali's suika and utill I'll fell asleep Also, sorry that I'm mentioning that place too much, this was the last straw, I won't do that again
>>5020 Yeah that one seemed genuinely neat I'll give it a chance once it's finished but man for a game called "Don't Scream" I was picturing something more than a walking simulator with the equivalent of a 2000s screamer gif constantly appearing
>>5019 The gimmick is cool but the game itself is pure garbage. Instead of trying to scare the player in some unique way, the game purely consist out of cheap jumpscares and "spooky" loud sounds. As soon as you realise that nothing in the game can actually kill you, all jumpscares are recycling and all locations in the game are empty, there's nothing else to do besides walking silently for 20 minutes like a complete retard. That's a shame since the idea is cool and UE5 visuals are actually really pretty. I hope that the devs will take all criticism and actually makes the game more interesting in the future, but I doubt it. The game, at its core, is just pure streamerbait, and making it actually terryfing will just loose all its appeal as a commercial product.
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So no Kunai today?
>>5027 Nope, no auntie...if you're lucky enough then Zali will stream until Pio starts though
>>5028 Damn... I've been enjoying Valorant with the boys, but I really like having Kunai to watch during my afternoons. I hope she enjoys her day off, though.
>>5029 I was gonna say "well at least she'sstreamin x tomorrow" but then i realized she hasn't done her schedule yet...
>>5030 My procrastinator big sis... I'd scold her, but I'm no better. Plus, I have other oshis who can be just as bad with their schedules. Hopefully she'll be able to churn one out later today.
>>5031 >>5032 (me) Or she could flirt with Vivi on Twitter, that's fine. I don't blame her.
I wonder if Rosemi-sama will play the new love live game coming out on steam
>>5034 Isn't it JP only like the Idolmaster games?
>>5026 I wish I had any sort of optimism that the devs will actually make it story based and add death mechanics instead of just cycling through a bunch of different loud noises and jump scares but I expect them to just add more jumpscares and call it a day. It's already made them thousands in sure
>>4978 >>4996 >>4997 I have a video of her getting fucked in the ass but I'm not sure if I should post it since it's kind of offtopic
>>5037 Should've just posted it lmao
>>5035 Steam releases says it's english but with jp VA
Man it sucks that ennas stream is so late in the day today....
>>5039 Oh wait, do you mean yohane the parhelion? I thought an actual Love Live game is coming from steam, sorry for misunderstanding
>>5041 Yep, the mobile game on steam would be pretty funny though
>>5037 She's being fucked in the ass in valorant, so it's on topic
>>5043 >>5041 >Check the devs >It's the guys who did Gunvolt Fuck, it reminded me that I still haven't beaten Gunvolt 2 and 3. The original one was pure kino even though it sold like shit. Glad that they're still around and got to make a big franchise game now
>>5037 >>5044 Ok, hope the admin won't mind this one https://gofile.io/d/NszRtJ
>>5037 As long as they're collabing then it's fair game, it's also good manners to shill the other people in the collab since it's one of the things collabs are for also
Awww Cotton left a little heart in everyone's chat
>>5045 Oh they did dragon marked for death too, I played it with an anon and it's pretty fun
>>5049 still can't believe this slutty-ass outfit is real
>Claude also watches monotone long haired guy says something is the most x of y Vivi is the only hope...
>>5052 Vivi will say that she watches SomeOrdinaryGamer instead
Well collab is over, TIME FOR SUIKA, HONEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcN8CM6MZjk
Millie would like us to take this quiz https://www.wikihow.com/What-Human-Emotion-Am-I-Quiz She posted it on Twitter
>>5055 I'm just like Mumu...
>>5057 Rip mgs
>>5055 didn't expect this
>>5055 ITS OVER... and I quoted the wrong post...
>>5060 >>5061 Small dick anons...
>>5055 i definitely feel this when millie's not streaming
>>5064 Kek i love how much she shits on souls lorefags
Petra made a plugin for OBS that scans her heart rate and makes her change expressions into more horny ones when she has her buttplug active and you tip her! https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin/status/1724861228299030933
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Posting an oldie but goldie
>>5068 Millie is so flat 😭😭😭😭
>>5068 Reimu...
>>5069 I think i can still name most of the characters they were based on (some were just doujins i found)
More info on the Anime Impulse event! >"Meet & Greets, special panels, concerts--you DEFINITELY don't want to miss this! 🥳✨" https://twitter.com/animeimpulse/status/1724879949218378009
A picture of Vivi and me!
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>>5078 Isekai Wosemi will probably get all the girls too
How am i supposed to pay attention to collabs where i can see Aia's model now?
>>5080 Her new model is incredible
>>5085 The guy has a separate folder with a PNG full of different pubes styles if you want to add them yourself https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1f4maVJoeBDGrfqZkVBXgX5TztPP2WxhG
>>5084 Good but with Pomie! >>5085 here. A warrior should have a forest!
>>5086 This guy is a saint and genius
>>5084 nice
>>5085 Here, saved you the trouble
>>5091 That's the good shit
>>5091 You're a good'un, anon!
>>5091 now its perfect
>>5091 Nice
Feesh.....she's passed out.....
Wake up feesh.....
>>5055 It's funny. At times I feel like I'm just a cocky asshole on the internet, then in reality I don't feel like bothering anything and letting it be.
yu q wilson...
Kek, everyone freaked out by the monster and then Reimu not understanding what was happening to then be killed was gold
Apparently Enna woke up with her pants on but the puzzling thing was her underwear wasn't there and it was on her bed instead.
>>5103 Sexo
>>5104 Enna got roofie'd, LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!
Sounds like Enna will play hitman after Watch Dogs. I remember a deadbeat went into /yeah/ to ask a bit about Enna around the time she played Bully on stream and they mentioned maybe catching her again when she plays Hitman lmao that was a nice small exchange.
>>5107 Nice, i really liked her Hitman streams
>>5108 I didn't watch her hitman streams but for some reason I remember the liveposting to when she told chat she had no idea what a GPU is in one of the streams.
I just opened Enna's stream and she's talking about spanking lmao stay classy girl
>>5110 And then she went back to one of her first "orisongs" she made in her heavy rain stream https://youtu.be/rEvmWnaxw-4
the heck is selen playing lmao
>>5112 A flash game classic
Selen is getting her bass handed out to her... Not gonna lie the game looks harder than I remember, maybe it's the added 60fps since I remember the game being slower but still hard
>>5114 The behemoth are so underrated honestly
jesus christ finally enna
>>5115 They have a lot of svol, sir hattington lives rent free in my head the ending made me tear up a little too
Enna's exploiting the game mechanic like a speedrunner lmao
>>5119 I think there is an easier path down than this lmao
Wow the pursuit actually worked she clutched it a few times
That escort was pretty straightforward in the end
>what are you gonna do grab me? >OH SHIT I GOT GRABBED kek selen
Im glad that finana woke up I missed her cute whimpers
Killer frequency was a really good game I just wish it had a little bit more replayability. Rose is using her toggles and shes so cute
selen you cant just imply that the birds are doing drugs!!!
serves you right for being so late feesh!!
i'm gonna miss these moments with enna's dad when she goes back to canada...
>>5128 They've been really nice. It's like a bit of payoff after hearing her talk about him for the past 2 years.
Selen is cute today I wanna fuck her
I think reimu died....
>what the fuck is wrong with this girl kek
I want selen to play ark now kek
>>5133 Get out of the site, Kotoka
>Its a new grounds game I should have assumed violence was the answer well, youre not wrong. I remember the blow up osama bin laden games back then lmao
>>5134 Ark will only pick up if Millie does overnight guerilla streams of it.
Old bored and rich, basically every Bond Villain
millie starting! i missed her so much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaFt_-EJ4EI
>>5140 Same but god is there a lot of overlap tonight.....
Mane-san watching Millie so she doesn't say "nigger"!
Finana deserves to be betrayed
Enna has 2 more missions left. Don't think she knows yet though.
I WILL date Mane-san
I hope millie peed in the bath....
Ohhhh sexy TCG tit demon raided Wosemi
Hana is streaming if anyone interested
Wosemi is gonna get killed while peeing!
>>5150 Im aware, Im surprised honestly. She hasnt said shit all day
>>5150 >7 day subscriber only chat kek >>5152 Honest question, what did you expect her to say? It's supposed to be another online persona so she doesn't need to say anything or she'll make it worse.
I hope you guys are just talking about Nijisanji members, right?
>>5154 I'm just watching Enna fumbling at this stage, the usual
>>5155 That was a pretty touch section I think the final mission will be like that too. Wonder if she will power through it or save it for next week.
>>5153 Oh I know I was just expecting her not to stream. She already is pretty flakey and frequently misses streams even when theyre scheduled.
Oh I think Enna might be on the last mission now already from the walkthrough I skimmed through. About half an hour of normal gameplay left
feesh is still sleepy
Yeah I don't think she gonna beat this game tthis stream
i wanna hear mane-san say ping-pong
>>5162 Millies manesan sounds very cute
Selen raided rosemi and I really hope that we're gonna see more obsydia collabs soon
>>5159 Man, I want to have charcuterie too. That shit expensive here.
is it possible for an asian to have yellow fever
>>5166 South asian maybe?
Finana is a child who needs a leash when she goes to the mall
>>5161 Nevermind, chat decided otherwise
Millie youve literally posted your favorite bra on stream before lmao
>>5169 Tbf it would be a bit weird to only do 1 stream for 1 mission
That highkey sounds like one of Enna's impromptu songs lmao
i'm kinda glad my chest is so small i don't have to worry much about stuff like this
>my chest is clearly double Z >chat: double zero kek
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>>5173 hehehehe
I would bathe millie with my tongue
it must be so weird to go to a place like that as a vtuber lmao, i wonder if jp livers have just grown used to it
elira sounds like such a nice friend
millie and reimu went on a date
>millie can't do level 1 cocoichi she's just like me fr fr
hangyodon reminds me so much of a ryuguard lol
I hope Enna can finish this before night time JST
this is so cute
I literally went to touch grass for half an hour and Enna is still doing the same mission when I get back lmao
>>5185 It's much harder than the others lol. Can't outrun the cops, can't outkill all the enemies and she doesn't realize the best strat is to just ignore all the cops.
>millie was pooping every time she went to the bathroom during the off-collab
elimom MVP
Finally just 2 more hours and Enna should be done
that sounds like tinnitus, yikes
>millie mixed the pudding "like a taho" kek
Not really Enna I felt prouder when you were the only one that stayed alive for the hardcore zomboid collab and when you clutched a few levels of cuphead.
Wosemi's friendship quiz!
Millie said they asked Mane-san for starbucks because they "couldn't go out for a certain reason"
Enna is so close to the end
>>5194 probably because they were wearing motion capture stuff and it would be too annoying to take off and set up all over again
I love how enna is laughing at the asian representation and yelling fuck you in between shouting in chinese
Wonder if she's gonna try out Watchdogs 2
>>5198 she was interested but she might play hitman first
Ennas model is so cute that I cant help but imagine it nude
>>5200 Gotta ask the dude that makes the vtuber nude edits like the one he made for Vivi (you can search it a few posts back)
petra handles so much stuff offline
>>5200 Sorry for linking to other site other board, but I think this might interest you https://boards.4chan.org/gif/thread/26206990
>>5199 I don't mind that, it's a similar kind of game anyway.
vivi and millie were talking about their ff14 faves? millie's is g'raha and vivi's is emet
millie met chibisuke!
>Vivi says she doesn't play FF XIV anymore for the 50th time >Retard in chat: "OH WOW YOU SHOULD INVITE HER TO PLAY FF XIV" I fucking hate FF XIVtards so much
I think Enna has a soft spot for Damien for some reason kek
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I have a bit of a soft spot for Enna's watch dogs playthrough and zomboid arc. Once she started those games I stopped being constantly disgruntled about her, everything just started clicking with her streams again. Watch dogs was just hilarious throughout and her enthusiasm to get better in Zomboid was very endearing. It also helps that her mental state has been better nowadays compared to earlier in the year. I feel so happy watching her again now. I remember she was considering to play watch dogs instead of Lucius 2 and Plague Tale last year, guess it all worked out for me. Some games she's considering next is hitman, la noire, mirror's edge, walking dead and deathloop.
>>5210 Finally...stuck in the ass
>>5203 Not bad but I like 2d more
>>5208 I think Vivi really wants to filter those people from her fanbase Last stream she was talking about 'unfunny people' and that she was glad that a good amount of them left
Maria is live!!
>>5212 Man, I want to watch her la noire commentary and deathloop is interesting game but I don't know if it suit enna
>>5212 I hope she have fun in hitman, mirrors edge would unironically make her puke though.
>>5215 Yeah, better that way, filtering at the start is good so that shit doesn't get out of hand later on
>>5217 >>5218 Yeah Mirror's edge and Deathloop are unusual. The other games would be more fitting. She talked about LA Noire and Hitman last year so I would presume she's more interested in those two.
lowkey Id like to see her play yakuza
>>5215 >>5219 It's a smart move by her. FFXIV is fun but MMOs generally aren't great streamer content unless you're a player of the MMO or if you're responsible for event stuff like some big baldtubers are. The only way it gets fun is if you can get your fans into a guild but then you're stuck playing that game for a lot of your streaming schedule instead of having fun trying different things.
>>5221 enna playing yakuza would be so good, i hope she does someday
>>5221 It'll be like her Bully playthrough but Japanese instead lmao
>>5221 This but shenmue
>>5225 Shenmue didn't age well and the last one is just plain shit
>>5226 I just want to see her reaction to it, and her always joking about knowing wushu can work well with the game
No fucking way theyd ever get perms for Sleeping Dogs
>>5228 It's because the publisher is square enix right. A damn shame
has she said anything bad? don't be so paranoid millie
>>5230 Did Millie fuck up and reveal something sensitive for mane-san to be breathing down her neck?
>>5231 i don't think so, she's literally just being paranoid
Millie dead
>>5229 on top of that, its entirely based in china and china HATES anything that makes it look less than ideal. I get the feeling management wouldnt even try even if it was someone else who published it
Someone confessed to Millie in a SL...
>>5234 I don't think the mainlanders, which are the problematic ones will care that much since it's based in Hong Kong. And Hong Kongers love sleeping dogs. I see it as management not allowing them to play Yakuza because the VAs speak atrocious mandarin lmao.
>>5236 fuuchan and feesh both played yakuza tho
stop leaking your own memberships millie
>>5237 Yeah that's why I think management won't really care that it's based in Hong Kong which is very distinct from Mainland China.
>using hair dryer to take off the hat from the milliepape how tf are they not scared of ruining it
whatever happened to not using your sexy voice too much because you don't wanna hurt your throat, millie?
>>5210 oh this is what fuuchan was talking about in one of his zatsus
millie showing off her armpits because she saw a bunch of pomu and elira fanart focused on their armpits
millie ended and raided maririn (she's trying to do the sexy voice lmao) i missed millie so much, i'm glad she's really back
Anyone have problem with Vanta stream?
>>5246 Is Enna cute enough for you to orgasm to her? https://youtu.be/bf6-bLPTnw8
>>5247 Sorry. I'm nape enjoyer
listening to both maririn and sonny's voices is lulling me to sleep...

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Pieberry grew up... it's over...
>>5253 It's so weird to me that women have cramps so bad that they can't even walk. My mother never had cramps as far as I remember, mild headache is the worst condition she ever had and I don't even think that even was period related. Do cramps intensity depend on genetics?
>>5227 might as well hope for sleeping dogs while you're at it
>>5254 I woke up to the cute brown loli being a teen...man, fuck this...
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>>5253 I keep forgetting that women have periods. Every time someone brings it up, I have a reaction of "ohhh right, they have those"
>>5259 She's still cute but yeah....
>>5261 Yes but...the bumps on her chest...
>>5253 >hori sheed KEK
>>5255 genetics, diet, health conditions, lots of things
>>5253 >All these meloves saying that they're in sync under the tweet I love how many girl fans Melo and Koto have
Ohhhh auntie uploaded a clip of the TTT collab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyEY8t2Lh00
i kinda wanna play this game maririn is playing now, looks interesting. i thought it was a gacha game...
>>5268 Not every sponsor is a gacha game...
>>5265 I've checked their accounts and I'm scared for Melo now
>>5270 That's just the average nijipape experience
>>5269 the name sounds like one lol i mistook it for picrel
This bratty ex-loli teasing a chained up guy...
>"Little girl wants to learn offensive magic" >Pieberry: "Ok, charge and then say YOU FUCKING NI-" PIEBERRY NO
I have been watching Sonny for like an hour and I got a question: why does he wear a diving mask?
>>5276 It would be extremely painful if he took it off
>>5278 Sonny is japanese...
Shin Godzilla is Sonny's favourite Godzilla film
>>5276 Space diving, duh
>>5280 Sonny being the /a/ man again...
>"Fighting for fun" Maririn that's called bullying...
David is just like me
W-Why is Sonny playing aliens wit ha snorkel..?
>>5287 it's his (space)diving equipment
>>5290 wonder if she'll get 3k this time, though i think she's only streaming for 3 hours
she's lagging so much for me...
reimu making a sakura lamp (with lego?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iaz0ysMQv-w
Millie wants to play Zomboid again
>did sonny actually get 3k? or did he just give up
>Did Sonny reach 3k? AIIEEEE MILLIE NO
>cane grame she's more out of it than usual lol
Millie won't play Reverse 1999 on stream since she's afraid of backseating
Maririn don't betray millie...
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2314820/Hira_Hira_Hihiru/ Will Fuchan play it? I feel like it's something that he'll like
>millie thought 24 months is 1 year go to bed millie kek
>>5303 you could recommend it to him when he comes back. that looks interesting though, thanks for sharing it
I think millie has yellow fever
>>5306 well en is full of weebs so
You could probably buy people at Don Quixote
japan strengthened millie's gay thoughts
>>5308 Speaking of Enna replying to Pudding, there is a possible timeline where Pudding didn't get clarification from Enna about her 100k stream and he could have just dropped drawing NSFW EN art. I didn't watch Enna's 100k stream but I remember seeing liveposts about her going on a tangent about nsfw shit or something and there were some disagreements about what she said.
why does elira get all the girls?
>>5308 Why
>>5311 I'm happy he's been getting more and more comfortable with his /d/ brainrot, he went from "i'm not sure if i want to draw 2 ladies sexing" to "well maybe i should make futa preggo frotting"
>>5311 Enna's profile pic is peak SOVL
>>5315 On her bio if says Mika drew it apparently
>millie willing to be a love for elira
>>5318 oh it got censored lol
>>5318 Well isn't that cute kek
>contrary to me laughing at "come" >laughs as she says it never change millie
>millie already has travel plans ugghh more breaks like i want her to take more breaks that isn't just work, but at the same time i wanna watch her streams aaaahhh
Millie is going to become a cat lady...
wai what I don't remember famillies having bunny ears
ngl idk if i like this mascot better or the older one
>>5325 The old one was my favorite out of all nijien...
millie, stop pushing the identical fruits away from each other...
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>Meloco and Doppio's Echo is 600k already >Meloco's show is 400k LET'S GOOOO Also, I have been thinking about this guys, but how about making a thread dedicated to Nijisanji covers and original songs? There're a lot of talented singers in Niji globally and plenty of their covers are underrated. You may shill karaoke streams and favourite singers there too
>>5328 Sure, go ahead
>>5327 3 int...
Kunai missed breastfeeding me T_T
>>5328 sounds like a great idea
Kunai is always sleepy trully a grandma
Well the thing, Kunai, is that there is no good or bad weapon in Hades, all of them were made for different playstyles so people just find some harder than others
millie #1 leaker
getting sandwiched between kunai's bread and millie's wall
otsumillie!! she raided kunai imma go sleep too lol
Holy shit, Kunai beat Megaera on the first try
Kunai...just change to the bow
Kunai realizes the power of the badly draw thumbnail
Kunai's girly screams are cute
I can barely hear the hammers Reimu Also >Just slide it in Reimu Hot
Kunai is so cute when she speaks in Japanese😳
Kunai has already reached Elysium, holy shit she's actually pretty good at the game
just joined Kunai's stream. Does she play well?
Why did kunai just add some rando as mod?
Screw it, i'll block the dude so that it doesn't fill my flters with trash
>"Big numbers make brain happy" Kunai no...
I just tuned in Reimu's stream and the first thing I see is her breaking something
>>5352 She's been doing that dumb lamp FOR OVER HALF A YEAR, IT'S FOR 10 YEAR OLDS
>Underaged nakarats 😭😭😭
>>5354 RATUSSY
>>5349 It's probably her friend, she just didn't have a chance to mod him before that
>>5356 You think so? It's a rando i've seen before in other people's chat, seems like she just needed a mod and modded them
>People who play fightingg games don't know how to go easy Vivi......
>>5358 Yeah, on my dick
Kunai is a size queen
>>5360 Well, she wants it to go all the way to the other side during paizuri, it's understandable
Claude uses :3c alot and Kunai had no idea wtf is this
>"Come wretches" Hell Kunai, i would do it even if you didn't berate me, now i wanna do it more
Kunai thinks that Vash is a better Gojo
>"Do you guys have a favorite anime studio?" >Chat spams Trigger God, i fucking hate them
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>>5365 I like Trigger....
>>5366 >Underdog fights the pre-established system >Aliens It's all the same
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>>5367 Alliens are cool
Kunai is peeing in my mouth
>>5369 Based
Reimu DID IT
Kunai beat Theseus, let's fucking go!
Kunai wants to play zomboid on stream!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o52jfGbyN4o Zali's birthday karaoke is starting
>Mephisto Let's fucking gooooo
No zali fans here eh?
Zali says that it's actually pretty difficult to sing with autotune since a wrong melody or tone can easely fuck it over completely
>>5379 To be fair, he isn't popular in the other thread either. I don't think any of his streams get liveposted there
Zali's setlist so far: Mephisto Idol Happy Synthesizer Lemon Kataomi
Oh, I think Petra covered this song before, it was pretty good
>Naruto opening in ojisan voice Kino
>How do you pronounce silhouette Zali, you're french.....
Damn, Zali's rapping is actually pretty good. I want to hear him rap in french now
Zali's full setlist: Mephisto Idol Happy Synthesizer Lemon Kataomoi Dakara Boku wa Ongaku wo Yameta Silhouette Shooting Star
Zali will do baking handcam and zatsudan on his Birthday stream. He didn't say if he will do totsu or not
Zali's The Bride of Necro cover will be releasing right before his birthday stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZA8QIM7cdk
Thoughts on vivi? Shes not for me
>>5391 He's doing short zatsudan, he'll be wrapping up soon
>>5392 No......... Happy late bday zali....
>Nobody understand représente. It's actually means represent. Just like in English. Wait, I guess you still understand it, nevermind I love ESL livers so much
I had this dream that massive like 3d game with actual voice acting was announced by anycolor and it included JP en and KR members. It was like an open world GTA style thing with several cities. It was incredible I also dreamt there was a CO OP shooter featuring Selen and Finana with voice acting from the two of them I'm a bit sad that it was a dream
That perspective change was good
I like how disorienting it gets
I guess it's still in development for a reason
When feesh said she got a code to the game I didn't think it was just a single stage ....
Feesh you're so autistic
Is aia in the game yet? Ready to switch over to her
>>5401 Yeah she started a while ago
Suika feesh
I'm glad I could only stand watching her play the same stage so many times >>5403
Tentapod, my oshi!
Of course Pomu came back and the first thing she did was get into Minecraft
>>5409 She's gonna use the funny echo also ASMR stands for >Armed >Stylish >Medicated >Rose
Kek the fucking panda cartwheeling into the Nether is gonna be the end of Wilson
>>5412 Nevermind, panda died kek
>>5413 That sounds hilarious kek. Is he collecting all mobs?
>>5414 More or less, Wilson wants the rare variants of mobs and he wanted to be an autist and get the panda himself instead of breeding the pandas they already have
Vivi has a headache
>>5416 poor vivi, wonder if its that time of month
God I hate this game millie, I love you millie but pleeeeeeeeassssssssseeeeeeeee
I honestly think this game is worse than parasocial
>>5419 Chilla's shart has only been getting worse and worse with each new game
>>5420 I actually sorta liked the toilet ghost one that reimu played, it was shit but I at least could feel like there was some passion put into it. This one feels like its the worst so far
>>5419 Ngl I enjoyed the couple of playthroughs I watched of Night Security.
Vivi started at last
HIIIIIII VIVI DESU! Vivi is having a headache so she'll do a short stream today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXBLSzBKmOU
Vanta apologizing to Zali on his birthday for denying that the french exist...
>>5424 it's over
>>5427 She's my owner
cute wolololo
>>5426 From thumbnail, Vivi looks like Reine from HoloID
Let's get to cooking!
Vivi wanted to play this game because she saw the bubble tea at the front of the game...
>>5432 ABG vivi...
Vivi and the cute and funny nakarat!
>Cow girl has a milk tea place >Serves FRESH milk tea Uhmmm...
Oh i wish Vivi played Recettear on stream
This game reminds me of Spiral Knights
>"Why can't we all have anonymous support?" Vivi i'm here...
Why does everyone in this game has HUGE bazongas
>>5439 Not the rat girl, that's why i like her the most
Scarle is making a burger apparently
>>5440 She reminds me of League's Veigar with that big ass gauntlet
Souljaboy still makes consoles, I took a look and apparently he 'released' two more
>>5443 I remembered cursed game consoles and got reminded of the Ouya too...
Rosemi is doing loli asmr
I do not trust vivis cooking
Vivi laugh is so good She sounds like she's fucking dying
>>5448 She also sounds like a seal
>>5445 Dont care, not nijisanji, dont share phone numbers here please
Millie please....I just wanna watch you play minish cap.....
Vivi will beat you up if you dine and dash!
Vivi is thinking about 69, she doesn't want to game, SHE JUST WANTS SEX
>>5450 >replying to deleted posts anon... just report and hide
Vivi doesn't even bring their food, she cooks and runs to the exit to force them to give her a tip
I wish I could enjoy asmr it just makes me feel uncomfortable
>vivi played 3 games of Dota because she finds the courier cute kek
>>5457 Donkeys are cute, probably why she likes Arknights too >Inb4: she's a bunny No she isn't
looks yummy
>>5457 Guess she likes the Ass is ASSFAGGOTs am I right?
>>5459 it actually looks like a cut up burrito
>>5459 that makes me hungry
>>5460 wut?
>Fresh milk tea H-how fresh?
>>5422 I actually didnt mind Night Security it was genuinely creepy. Something about an apartment complex at night in a dimly lit area and as youre doing your job something makes you feel like something just isnt right its a hell of a good premise and with a bit bigger of a budget it could have been even spookier but it was decent. Unfortunately its the most frustrating part of chillashart, you can tell with a few examples that passion is put into them and then others are just shameless cashgrabs
vivi is funny as fuck
Vivi always cringes at herself after trying to be cute kek
Lost to a fucking BOAR
fatass on screen yeah, me
>>5465 I watched Enna and Vox play it and only through Vox's playthrough did I realize that Enna missed quite a number of the jump scares and didn't react at all lmao. I somehow didn't see them too while watching Enna play it.
The character in this game makes mechaffyna's sounds when she gets hurt
Asian parents....
Vivi opening her membership tomorrow
mane-san vetoing vivi emotes
I cant wait for tomorrow its gonna be great!
>>5476 what's happening tomorrow?
>>5477 Zuttomo
>>5478 Is it gonna be a relay?
>>5479 I don't know
>>5479 Petra today, Reimu tomorrow, Enna and Millie next week.
>>5477 zuttomo and vivi membership!
Maririn defeated the BBC!
>>5483 QRD on this game plot so far? i just got home.
>>5484 Not sure myself I just opened her stream and found her beating a big black chicken
>>5485 >Beating black chicken Oh my, Maririn is pretty hardcore.
Maria wants to get stoned
just remembered that this board existed and seems pretty chill here...feels like the other board really got overran by shitposters and i might just move here permanently
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZA8QIM7cdk Zali's cover is debuting in 4 minutes
>>5488 It’s all the same 1 schizo guy He is the biggest attention saint that even beats /soc/posters as wrll
>The bride in the MV is blond Is this Wilson?
Despite the accent, the singing was pretty good. I like his covers
>>5488 Welcome, anon, i found myself enjoying streams a lot more after i started using this thread so i hope it's the same for you
>>5491 >Zali makes Wilson dress like a woman and he calls him by his sister name, they also have sex Based
>Maririn writes incest stories dear god
>>5491 kek not even a fujo and that's my first thought as well
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>maria tries to write a story about siblings >it gets "weird" you just know
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>>5497 I've made the music thread as I've promised yesterday. Feel free to post JP karaoke and covers there too
Nagao posted a clip of him participating in different Selen collabs, he also said >"Selen's english is pretty easy to understand" >"It's fun to talk to someone that is laughing a lot" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1fGsel-qls
>>5501 Thank you anon!
some people in Maria's chat really hate redo of healer kek
>>5506 Well it has rape. So, it's understandable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqcal95yV_4 Zali will be doing macaron baking hadcam and then some zatsudan for his birthday. No totsumachi as far as I've understand
>>5506 I don't hate it but it lacks substance, i just fap to the uncensored rape scenes and call it a day
>>5509 No...Wilson was gonna be up early just in case Zali had a totsu...
>>5508 >it has rape that's a plus in my book. in fact, it should have even MORE
>>5513 Well not everyone can stomach rape like not everyone can stomach ntr
>5 minutes into the cooking >The milk already overboiled and run off Zali.....
Is it okay that the main reason I watch zali is because of his funny accent ?
>>5518 People do that for many vtubers
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>>5518 Meloco's accent is a big charm point for me
Zali has opened totsu, Wilson is in!
>>5506 Unbased
>>5521 HE MADE IT!
>>5518 I watch my oshi because of her funny voice so yeah
>>5518 Not everyone likes it but I like shu’s very asian american accent so you’re cool
NEW PETO OUTFIT COME TO THE STREAM, WAKE UP KAN KAN KAN KAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9Wm1v-AIoo
Look at this dumb feesh
>>5529 We know, Maririn, you just raided her
>>5530 kek
>>5518 I'm too but Zali is in general really funny, so his accent is just a cherry on top
Gacha Petra
>>5531 Is this live?
Peto...rate up is a lie... >>5536 She probably had the opening screen phrase scripted, this is live
Why was peto's mouse on her womb when she showed up the screen?
Peto is not Big Bird...no...
Tempura queen Peto...
>>5528 Cute!
Petora )forma le tempura)
>>5536 No this is petora
Cuuuuuuuute also cleavage
I just realize Petra is in brat form, so that mean the outfit has no bread?
>Flat Peto GOOD
Wilson, Vanta and Maria are on Zali's stream right now
Exit maririn
>>5549 Krisis + someone's little sister their mother told "well take care of her while hanging out with your friends, i have to go to auntie's house because she's drinking again after being dumped by her new bf for the 3rd time this year"
All of the predictions have something in common: JUICY THIGHS
The socks 😭😭😭
Ewiwa in Peto's chat!
Petra is already taking off her clothes, what a slut
>Gameplay? What gameplay? Petra should never design a videogame
>>5556 She should design a game for Chilla's with that philosophy
Maririn is back on Zali's stream!
Exit maririn again
You said pull down, not pull out so i won't!
Peto feet
>Short socks PLEASE BE FLAT ToT
Cute Peto knees
>Petra can't stall, everything feels like 30 minutes long Petra is one of that girls that can reach an orgasm in just 5 minutes
>>5568 I want to lick Peto's legs!
>Petra has pee pose now Finally... A pisstuber in NijiEN
Do you think Peto asked for the long sleeves for stealth handjobs?
>I had to "fight" a lot of rich people to get this back She bought it with the ojisan money....
she looks sooo fluffy
Petra is going to die.....
She is stacked holy cow
>Visible cleavege She's getting more and more sluttier with each outfit......
I love how Petra consistently presents all of her outfits as gacha pulls
>>5587 >>5588 Her retarded baby face looks so goofy in every outfit besides the original one
>>5587 >>5588 Her head looks weird... It's too big and too round, similar to the problem with Elira's latest outfit.
>>5589 Her mama has sameface syndrome...
Jacket off
>My hands were so tired Yeah, from all the handjobs she kept giving
>>5594 Filling Peto's flipper sleeves with cum...
No bag and no hat
This is so cursed....
>"Please, please cum" *sobs* Ok Peto
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>>5601 Don't do that retarded spy thing here, it's basis for shitposting and also off-topic as fuck
Meolo says that she liked Petra's outfit, it looks really cute
>>5604 Sorry I just wanted to funpost a little bit....
>>5605 kek
Petra is kissing my cock, goodbye losers
Petra is trying to flash her underwear...
Meloco wants to drink Undyne's pussy juices
What is the difference between the gold and pink eyes again? How hungry milord is? Also seems like he's actually trying to exercise.
>Does weenie means pp guys? Melo has cocks on her mind
Vox is doing 100 push ups with no issues I'm so fucking unfit
Mumu has some cute outfit guesses, also I HOPE SHE HAS HER TASTY LATINA FEETSIES FREEEEEEEE
>>5616 Hayai
>>5618 This ones is pretty sex
Yeah just like Vox said this stream so far is like a remake of that counting stream he did but with additional moans and groans from working out. I don't know if I'll watch for long tbh lmao.
>>5622 Well kindred wanted more streams to thirst for him so i'm happy for them at least
>>5620 I fucking love military designs Please more military designs in NijiEN
>>5626 Maririn loli officer with a horse whip...
>>5626 I don't necessarily mean it in a bad way but it gives me Officer Jenny feelings ngl
I should take note of Vox's routine for myself but divide the reps down by like at least 10 times.
>Melo is losing her spaghetty at an imaginay date Cute
>>5630 Just don't say "pog" and it should go fine
It reminded me Enna lmao
Vox is now doing some roleplaying, I think. He tried to do some jumpjacks, injured himself due to his enlarged body size and even did some vomiting. Caught me very off guard lmao.
>>5635 Then why does Meloco not act as a predator with shota boys?
>>5636 Vox has fully embraced his new RP, it's gonna be funny to hear him in collabs acting like a whiny boy in Amogus again after this
>>5638 There was a sound effect of his audio equipment bugging out when eh did the jumping jacks and it jumpscared me. https://youtu.be/cqfzXA76Jko?t=3266
>>5639 KEK, that's funny as fuck
>>5634 Fitting but thank god she doesn't say it nearly as often nowadays along with the parasocial stuff in general.
Melo keeps seeing dicks everyhere....
>>5641 It was always funny to me how Reimu adopted the "platonically" shit from Enna and then she's the most parasocial with her chat but the retard thinks the word means something else
>"WAO IT'S SO WHITE!" Meroco saw my cock...
>It's a dick Melo.....
>>5646 hat sex
>"Six..right?...we just have to get six right?..." >Meloco saying "six" like "sex" Meroco not right here
Ohhh the Tazumi curtain is a gift from Anycolor kek
>>5643 I didn't watch much of Enna around the time she started adopting that shtick so I don't know how it started but before that she's talked about the topic in imho an extremely sensible manner so I thought it was a bit jarring lol
Where's Mumu?
>>5653 Ahhh... Oh well gn then.
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>>5648 I don't want to ruin this, but she's on her period right now
>>5655 Still would
Melo is laughing at Asgore gettign loveed
>She refers to BL Knight as "gay friend" Kek
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>Asriel Dreemurr is an anagram for Israel Murderer What did Toby Fox mean by that?
Meloco is too retarded to know that Dream gives you healing items
Meloco...i've never seen someoen struggle this much against Asriel, hory shit
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>>5663 I doubt she'll be able to do the genocide route at this point, there's no way she'll ever beat Sans
>>5664 She said she wanted to try it? She's gonna get a record for slowest Sans clear if that's the case
Meloco is having an identity crisis right now
Melo HATES people
Melo is peeing cutely
>I don't mind if you leash me and walk me outside Melo....?
>>5670 She's kinky
Oh fuck, I forgot about the Mad Mew Mew fight on Switch, guess she's missed it
I like kunai but I always kinda hate when mods are constantly spamming in chat
>>5670 Melos said some pretty sus stuff on stream before it's always funny to me. It's unfortunate because since she's post lazulight NOBODY FUCKING DRAWS PORN OF HER
>Kunai has over 80% women viewers what the fuck
>>5675 Damn, she prob is the girl with the most % of female audience
Melo has fish and chips flavoured chips
Melo liked the OST so much that she wants to buy it now
I'm proud of my autistic feesh wife
Ya know I looked into this cuisineer game and everyone outside of NijiEn said it wasn't very good but everyone I've seen play it really liked it
I've had a difficult time live posting since I'm at work but I really did enjoy kunai
Vivi is holding me! She's also thinking about the funny thing she wants to do tonight https://twitter.com/VBrightshield/status/1725604601452429445
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It was a great Undertale playthrough, thanks for playing, Melo. Glad that someone besides Petra has beat the game for the first time in Niji. Melo wants to play Genocide route next week too, but she's still not sure if she wants to play it or not.
Why does Zali have Swiss flags on his birthday baloons?
>I've never played COD before, but I really love COD The biggest COD fan is really excited to play it for the first time
Selen really ended the stream lmao
Boy I love this time of day where we suddenly get half the branch live because starting earlier would be for chumps.... I love en but please girls. Stream throughout the day......
>>5692 It's only gonna keep getting worse.. At least there's vods
>>5691 You know the weird thing is they have perms for actual good games, they had a whole ass collab for blops 2 so idk why she decided to go with the 130 GB shit one
Damn there's only 45 minutes for m&g this time around
>>5697 Yeah, looks good AF
>>5697 looks really nice
Oh god, Pomu sounds really sick
Pomu and Elira shared a room!
Pomu had to record the Snowbreak song days before going on her trip...
Pomu spent all her money on making her own pachinko parlor in her house...
Pomu doxxed herself, she's actually a mechanical keyboard
Oh no...Pomu caught the Yippie virus...
Pomu...you deserve people unorganizing your chests
Yeah, mine
Pomu you've been laughing at you being tricked to say "penis" for the last 2 minutes
What is the big thing abut NYC? It's the first time i hear about it, is it like AX but east coast?
DMC5 story is perfect for Rosemi
Pomu's brained rotted by Nijisanji calling vtubers "livers"
>>5711 She's more like nero than she realizes
Awww Pomu woke up early to see how rapeable Peto was!
>"I'm not dead...yet" >Starts to cough Pomu...
Im not huge on petras new outfit honestly
>>5716 Same but because i don't like casual outfits that much
>>5713 Don't tell her that or she's getting depressed
>>5718 She's a baby rager just like Nero!
>"Where's the next season?" At the decline of that Re:Zero merch revenue graph where it starts going down
>>5704 based
At what point Anime Impulse could just be called a NijiEN event?
>>5722 at this point it feels like "we have nijifes at home" honestly
>>5723 It would be awesome if they had virtual tickets for the concerts though...
>>5717 I like casual but the dress feels too short and like its missing something, maybe tights unironically
>Elira's last words in her death bed were "Clawmino" and "Akechi" A fujo until the end...
Maybe Santa struck a deal with Titania for slave elves
Pomu's voice changer failed
Pomu talks about Priconne like her ex that left her and never came back but she still can't get over her
>>5726 unrelated but im hoping this artist does some nsfw stuff soon
>>5729 all that cunny was completely lost
>>5730 Ruru has been edging us more with each consecutive piece
Pomu made a penis "on accident"
>>5732 i knowwwwww
>>5733 Not the first time or last time, she uoohhhs at lolis a lot, its great
>>5736 I also have this one of Maririn talking about how she finds a lolicon song very cute and Reimu and ike just want to change topics https://streamable.com/5if0av
>>5717 Casual is fine for me I don't mind something generic and cute to look at but it sucks a bit that I need to wait longer for my oshi to have an outfit design with more individuality.
>>5739 I just wish Eri didn't take care of all outfits because, although i like her art, her clothes designs are all kinda samey
>>5738 She's too based for this world
>>5738 And then there is the other angle with Enna showing that pic of a child she took from her daycare to Ethyria and them freaking out.
Pomu hates Chris Pratt and wants him to die
>Pomu likes them ugly I'M SO FUCKING IN
Merry feetmas, Pomu!
Millie never gets dad jokes, I will marry her and tell her dad jokes
If you were hazed by Pomu in the MC server, what do you think would be a good comeback?
RoseV kino
>>5750 I'd put 500 signs under her monument full of "I'm Pomu" just to lag the fuck out of her
>>5750 I'd get one of the command blocks in the church and make a "Pomu kill button"
Pomu is gonna roofy herself!

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