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OC/Drawfag Thread & Requests FC 08/03/2023 (Thu) 06:08:36 Id: 470fed No. 83
This thread is for anyone who has OC/edits/captions...literally anything so long as its made by you. Also for any requests i guess.
(1.55 MB 2040x2000 QoSIlulu.png)

Lazy edit, we need more of blacked Ilulu.
>>1642 this is very hot and i like the expansion/long reaching natural concequene angle it has and how it seems o realistic/like its based on an actual news story. >>1588 some more ive done, sorry its taken awhile got a lot going on IRL. heres some stuff i decided to clear from my backctalog of 'to finish' file, which is super old as you can tell by the degree of abilty in some of the peices.
>>1770 ...and here's some more modern stuff, by comparison.
(199.76 KB 1159x1500 GLUhICFX0AAbBRS.jpg)

(397.38 KB 2060x1214 GLUhmczWIAA4Nk4.jpg)

giant argentine milkers
>>1788 Dicks don't have hair all the way to the top
>>1789 They also aren't 2 ft long
>>1791 >>1789 stop body shaming me
(21.50 KB 400x308 ondina-valla-03.jpg)

>>1435 funny how I saw a thing about Italy's female first gold medal winner at the 1936 Olympics
(3.25 MB 3840x2160 FUBUKI.png)

(3.98 MB 3840x2160 hololiveblacked.png)

Made two quick wallpaper edits inspired by someone else's edit I found on blackedbooru. I don't really follow vtubers but they're prime bbc bait.
>>1794 yeah Italy doesnt get enough love in both the Facist or Blacked spheres for my liking, even though, historically speaking, they have a lot of experience in both! Ethoipia and Libya expiditions any one?~ >>1788 this is great! If you drew it, its very good quality. Oh, heres some new stuff for you all btw. feel free to spam the /pol/ one on the /pol/ board i guess lol
Here's some more Polly Stuff for the fan's of it btw.
Oh yeah, and here was a new character/idea I had, so let me know what you think of it!
^(color Ver plus some extra bits)
(3.63 MB 3924x2828 alb2.png)

>>1801 Nice, any ideas you want to do next for a theme/country?
(384.90 KB 455x417 DAK.png)

>>1803 Victorian era is pretty neat, if your open to ideas a parody of these two Afrika Korps girls getting knocked up
>>1802 Damn Polly is six ft
>>1788 Is this the actual artist or random poster, I got some US politicians I'd love to see drawn in your style
>>1821 >US politicians they are all like 90 years old aren't they
>>1816 Not sure, was going to do an IRA related character/pic, after that maybe a french nobelwoman or something. hot pic that btw, if your doing them, keep it up, its really insperational stuff! >>1819 saved them and will put it on the 'to do; list, their very cute. >>1820 yeah i made her a big girl because i figured its hot that even a big tough girl like her gets weak for black dick and likes to be dominated. She really is a softy in a lot of ways.
>>1819 The Tunisian girl design is A+ looks very innocent
>>1822 You aren't wrong but I want a young Hillary Clinton sucking off niggers and saying that even if bbc is closer due to segregation laws being changed she still hates being this close to niggers, also something with Sarah Palin because she's the only politician I'd fuck outside Nancy Pelosi's tits and only Nancy's tits
(1.67 MB 2000x2500 GLZBGnVWsAAYv8S.jpg)

(3.78 MB 5000x4000 Cold War gone BBC.png)

parody of a little cartoon I saw.
>>1823 Did you ever have a twitter? Swear I thought I saw you or an artists like you with similar interest on twitter before.
>>1834 yeah i did have one but it got fucked with (someone other than me tried to login) so i shut it just to be on the safe side. I uploaded only blacked edits on their though because i assumed it might be too offensive to share my OC's/original content. Anyway i mostly wanted to use twitter to network/meet other creators but i chickened out and did'nt have enough time to mess around on their. I prefer motherless/here anyway since no one seems to get uppity about my pics and like them. Its a niche but i prefer it that way.
(9.88 MB 3840x2160 Dva Final Final.png)

>>1835 It's good to see that you never stopped drawing and are still going after all this time. You could probably still post on twitter, just blur/censor the slurs and then use catbox to link the uncensored version. Here's a render I did for /trash/ like a year and a half ago when I was getting comfortable with blender.
>>1835 >Polly's brain I can fix her!
>>1837 yeah, its a hobby of mine, so ill probably keep doing it for the foreseeable future. I guess i could censor some stuff yeah, as it would get my work more 'out there' (not to mention maybe promote my patreon...tags just 'failedcartoonist' fyi for any fans willing to out there lol!) Your render is excellent btw, do you know how to do sfm then? something ive always wanted to try doing myself but need a laptop/computer powerful enough to run it i guess. I'd love to make one of my OC's in it. Hell, if your interested and could do it, id hire you for the privilege. email me maybe? >>1838 depends what race you are. If your white, she might 'date' you :) (note: this probably means you won't get to fuck her usually, maybe for your birthday and special days only-with a condom, obviously. She'd let you do 'freaky shit' as she'd call it though, so cuckold acts would be A-ok, like footjobs and handjobs whilst watching interracial together would be fun for her as well for example. I think she'd be extremely loyal to one boyfriend though. In the romantic sense at least. Sexually she'd want you to allow her to engage in 'jungle fever' acts occasionally though, even if she loved you. Depends how willing to be a cuck you are though.
>>1841 i hate how every artist are censoring their lately its annoying. i understand if your in japan sure cause of laws. i still dont like it but some of them are in western countries and their doing it
>>1842 yeah i don't like it either. I'm not a zipperhead so why do you have to cater to their laws? fuck globohomo internet. I hate most other artists anyway as they are overly sensitive assholes who an't think critically and ironically lack daring or imagination so they bend over backwards to this shit. Art is suppose to Be raw and from your mind and I can be considerate to people but i draw/write how i want and i hate the type who get offended on others behalf's and try to get you banned just because you have the word 'nigger' in your work. Ridiculous.
>>1841 Im not like the other whitebois..
>>1846 Oh? Does that mean your not a sissy boy? I'm sure she'd find a use for you then.You'll find she can be quite kind, even to 'men' with your affliction if you became one of her 'boys' that is, in her gang. She rewards loyalty and...discretion.
Does someone know where lvl99 went? His account on baraag and twitter are dead now... He had some hot 3d animations and pics with blacked lolis. I was really invested in his works with Sarah and Gwen cucking Ben.
>>1853 You'll see. Im not just some punk, Polly!
(150.71 KB 848x1200 GGF_1udWgAABBAY.jpeg)

>>291 Hope your still out there anon, wish we had more voxchan smut
Requesting a dark skin color change of the guy please.
(8.32 MB 3200x2210 Super Wedding Cucking.png)

>>1885 here you go, sorry you had to wait awhile.

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