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Timmy 07/26/2021 (Mon) 22:03:48 No. 3323
check in thread ITT check in
Haven't posted in a little over 2 weeks. Was sick with the flu for 10 days which impeded progress on anything. Since I've recovered I got back to work and should have something to show for it this weekend. I've decided not to draw the /monarchy/ request because he wanted to change it to something that didn't interest me. More time for Velmouse I suppose. I hope all of you are doing well, and I'm hoping Penguin-Sensei endures his latest tribulation with the mental and physical strength that we've come to enjoy reading about.
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>>16533 wb, you didnt miss much. i've been distracted with anime binges, new kittens and the weather. it snowed last night(melted by noon today) and we are suppose to get around 2 feet by sunday. not motivated enough to see if the snow blower is working. very cold in new york, very gray. das seasonal depression is on the horizon!
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I finally got to have sex with a 55yo yesterday. So, I guess that's something.
>>16531 Bulgarian flag ius cute. Also what is the Zzz thing next to some flags ?
>>16542 Answer to myself, I guess it's tne new name? Right?
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aaaaaargh im checking in!!!
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>>16754 I'm going to need help with this one.
>>16759 Some retarded video reference.
>>16754 >soytoss not even once
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>>16763 So...twice?
Checking in... this thread for a video i swear i saw here somewhere.
>>16803 Describe it, and autism shall do the rest.
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>>16709 this is real?
>>16814 Nevermind, i found it. Wasnt even on this site, damn my memory sucks anymore.
>Argentina CSS cute
>>16854 As a side note : when selecting text, no highlighting.
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It's not like I'm going to miss this shithole or anything.
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>>16864 >It's not like I'm going to miss this shithole or anything. I read that in Asuka's voice.
Just checking in.
Please come back /404/. It's just not the same without you.
>>17255 it's not. Wasn't there a regular that would post french electro? Have some rap in French set to Suicide Squad's fight with Starro-the-Conquerer!.
Just checking in. My week has been terrible. Yours?
> when you cant find the clip you wanted to post https://youtu.be/gAW4dB7PnG0
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Still thinking about you guys. Hope everything is allright wherever you are. Take care
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Found again that doodle. Damn the memories hits hard.
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2024 en route. What time zone are you in? Why are you expecting a post here? Well, you get one anyway. Don't get sick on eggnog; there's a wild ride coming up soon.
>>17295 The establishment fears this.

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