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test 12/23/2022 (Fri) 07:19:53 No. 16898
Hey ameribros, how's the weather ? I heard it will be really cold out there. Take care of you.
>>16898 >how's the weather ? Are you familiar with the concept of Fimbulvinter?
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>>16899 >Fimbulvinter So Ragnarök soon ?
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20F at work. Drive home to the north, uphill even (eh; less than 500' elevation but office is 35. LOL coworker calculated it once years ago) and it's warmed up to 28. I think that's "-3" in your systems. Then it started raining. Today more cold air is moving in, temps down to low-twenties, and snow to cover up the ice. Sunday it'll be 40F and pouring rain, to wash away all the winter. So much for a white christmas.
>>16898 A little cold but its not illegal to use a heater here... Yet.
Here it's incredibly hot for the season. We've got some really cold days but suddely temperatures warmed up. Not a snowy chrristmas for us.
>>16905 Globohomos had to steal the cold from somewhere to ship it to those miscreants in Texas.
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Leaf, here. For the most part, it goes <October: Fall. Colder, possible snow <November: -5°C to -20°C, definite snow <December through January: -12°C to -28° with windchill <January through February: hellishly cold for at least three weeks in there, somewhere <March until June: what we laughingly call "spring" <July through mid-August: ball-boiling summer <September: decent but the wind has a distinct bite to it <October: this is where we came in Instead of the normal levels of weather-rape, we've hit 9°C (note the lack of "-") in November, including the fabled November Rain from the GnR classic. Which immediately froze, again, rendering the roads into a worse version of the Mariokart ice levels. December brought -40°C with the windchill. Not unheard of, but very rare in Alberta for this time of year. We're in January, and things are almost normal, again, but that shitfuck deepfreeze that normally happens in the January-February window is still to come, and I'm not going to lie, gang, I'm scared as fuck. When December dropped to "frostbite in under a minute" temps, it makes me wonder what is on the horizon.
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>>16941 >'berta Yeah I figured you'd be all set for these sorts of frostbite fuggery temps. You and prairies get some horrifically low temps. Wasn't much better where I am. Lots of downed trees and even roofs getting swept clean off. Hope you at least didn't get stuck without power for 4-ish days like I did while howling banshee winds clawed at the windows. Most brutal storm I've been through inna while. >Onna horizon Seems like things are going to get above freezing for a while round these parts, but who's to say what the deeper depths of winter hold? Hope you stay warm and continue gently uncucking the Cancuckistani West coast from a comfy spot by a fireplace or gas stove.
>>16945 That pic will haunt my nightmares. > Hope you at least didn't get stuck without power for 4-ish days like I did while howling banshee winds clawed at the windows. Not on my grid, but parts of the city went down for a couple of days during the bad stuff and holy shit, that was spooky. >Hope you stay warm and continue gently uncucking the Cancuckistani West coast from a comfy spot by a fireplace or gas stove. You too, fren

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